First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Yay KFS!!

Babyw - I'm feeling ok. Not sleeping well the last couple of nights - definitely expanding and so cramping a lot. Plus everything is achy right now. Hoping for a better night tonight.
Yay KFS!!

Babyw - I'm feeling ok. Not sleeping well the last couple of nights - definitely expanding and so cramping a lot. Plus everything is achy right now. Hoping for a better night tonight.

Acupuncture can help with pregnancy aches and pains. It also helps fatigue. I tried to get an appt for tonight bc I had a skull crushing headache but she's booked solid. I plan on seeing her this week though. Pre natal massage is great. My friend Janet is a masseuse in NYC. If you want her info or another referral let me know.
:wohoo: kfs1- it's really getting real now. So happy still! Hee hee.

BabyW-thanks for the tips on the nail stuff. I hear you about your grandmother telling everyone. I didn't realize she would tell everyone. Good call then.

Moni-sorry you're not sleeping well. It'll be worth it in a few months.

I got a message from my nurse and she said my transfer will only be delayed by a day if I start my estrogen immediately. Well, I obviously didn't get the message until this afternoon but I put that pill where it belongs as soon as I got home. Hee hee. I'll take another tonight before bed and then I'll be on a 2 a day schedule. I'll go back Friday with high hopes. Then if all goes well I'll start PIO on Friday night.
Thank you for all the positivity everyone! I appreciate it SO much.

So I e-mailed my nurse this morning and told her about the spotting. She told me not to get too worried just yet and to take it easy today (which I did). She called this evening and my beta today was 2298. She said that's exactly where it should be from last weeks beta (doubling appropriately). She also said my estrogen and progesterone were perfect. She told me those numbers too but I was too focused on the 2298 to let other numbers in my brain lol. We talked about the spotting and she didn't seem too worried since my numbers looked so good. She said my cervix is sensitive and taking the progesterone 3 times a day can easily be irritating it. She said not to be alarmed unless I start having a period like flow and cramping. So I will TRY to stop worrying like crazy. But how can I focus on anything else lol? I now have an appointment for an u/s next Wednesday. So again, a whole week of waiting. Ugh!
Kfs1 - I'm so glad your u/s went well and that your beta looks great :) This pregnancy business is too stressful lol.
So I am really not liking the syringe. It makes me feel like I am getting no meds. So now I'm paranoid. Plan to add the sodium chloride tomorrow even though I don't have to just so there is more liquid. Or do 2 shots.
Hi girls
I'm at work so I wanted to write you a quick message, I promise I'll get a chance to read what's been going on with every one soon.
I've been very quiet lately, I'll explain why...
As some of you know my mother passed away in April this year, she left behind some money and a will which my sister is executor, in her will states that it will go to help with my ivf (south Africa does not assist with ivf funding), once I have a baby then it will be split. Simple.

My sister rallied all my siblings together (there are 6 of us) 2 weeks ago while I was going through my IVF treatment, they decided they wanted a financial-free burden Christmas, they all decided that I was cut off, no more IVF, at this time I had already had 2 negative pregnancy tests in my tww.

I begged everyone to reconsider, they were so cold and harsh, they sold me out for not a lot of money if you split it 6 ways, they are all well off, they all have their own houses, they all have jobs, their wives have jobs, they drive very decent cars but it seems I meant nothing. I found out after that my sister had been plotting this all along, lying to my mother on her death-bed, she never validated my mother's will after promising her that she would. I am disgusted by her actions, I can never forgive her or my siblings for going along with it, dishonouring my mother's last wishes. I have cut them all out of my life, this includes my 6 siblings and their wives/husband. I have not decided what to do about my nieces and nephews, it's all still such a shock.

As I said I had two negative pregnancy tests, went for my 1st beta on Saturday, it was 35, cue me in shock!!! RE said it's positive for pregnancy but we should check the next beta as it's low, next beta Monday am, 56, still low but growing!!! 3rd beta is on Thursday morning. It's very surreal, I've never been pregnant before so it feels weird, I expected to feel very different. I think I expected to feel happier but with low beta's I'm so worried that something will go wrong that I'm more worried than happy. Thought I would start planning straight away (I'm obsessed with lists) but none of that.

Still haven't had symptoms, I suppose a little tired but you can expect the not sleeping seen what I'm going through, had night sweats and bloating yesterday but not last night. Bbs not sore at all, maybe a little swollen but I could be imagining that also. I did have brown spotting yesterday but I read that it's normal, it was gone this morning.

Ya, so that's my whole long crazy story.
Can't wait to catch up with everyone, my brother-in-law arrives from London today so I'll catch up on the week-end :)
Miss you all xoxo
Oh Leens! I'm so sorry your family has been so mean to you for a little bit of money. That is so cruel and unfair. I don't know what I would do if I were in your situation, but the good news is that you are married and have a new family with your husband and your little appleseed of a baby! Congrats!! Knowing me, I would keep my distance as well. I don't like doing and talking to people that I don't want to talk to and that don't make me happy. Meaning, if I am not enjoying talking to them, it's a waste of my time.

As far as the baby goes, I would try to take it easy and wait for Thursday to see if your number doubles appropriately. So happy for a positive beta. There is a silver lining to all this, and as you can see from the others, spotting can be normal. Big hugs and thanks for checking in. I knew something was up.

Amy-Woohoo!! Great beta.

AFM-Went to the theater last night to watch Newsies. I tried to play it cool and get a Starbucks coffee with my friend Philip. Well....that coffee is SO strong, and I have been doing pretty well on my no caffeine kick that I had to leave my seat to go #2. HA!!HA!! So gross. Then I had to wait outside for four songs until intermission. Oops. Philip thought I was sick, and I just said 'I should have gone to the bathroom before we went to our seats.' Of course, I didn't have to go then. HA!!HA!! It's always something with me.
Leens - Wow. I'm so sorry for everything that's been going on. Really unbelievable. You need to do what makes you happy and it sounds like you need a much-needed break from your family for sure. Like Terri said, try to focus on the positive in your life right now. :hugs: Oh, and congrats on the positive beta!

Terri - Great news that your transfer will only be delayed by a day! I'm just happy that you're almost done with those awful shots you poor thing.

Booger - I haven't done any shopping yet, either! Ugh. I just have NO idea what to get anyone this year. :dohh:

Babyw - Really no symptoms here except that I've been falling asleep on the couch all week - like at 8:00. It's ridiculous. No sore boobs - really nothin'. Oh, and don't feel bad about your grandma. I'm with you - I'm holding off on spreading the word even throughout my immediate family until I feel more secure. Some of my family knows but not all.

LadySosa - Your weekends sounds fun! And good for you for getting into shape before the holidays.

eRose - I'm happy that you're understanding things a bit better. Woohoo - I can't believe your transfer is next week! :happydance:

Moni - I'm sorry that you're not sleeping too well and that you're achy.

Amy - That's a great beta! Perfect. I know the spotting must be stressful but listen to your nurse. P can absolutely irritate your cervix. I know - the week-long waits are brutal, right?
Leens - what a ridiculous way for your family to act. Sadly death & money can make people crazy. When my grandmother died, my mom (who was a single parent & not making a lot of money) took care of all the expenses. And she tried to sell the house, but her siblings refused...made them too sad. The house was a tiny 2 bedroom not even worth much. So the house sat empty & rotting. My mom paid all the bills & all my uncle & aunt did was try to get my grandmother's stuff...& she really didn't have anything. She lived on social security.

So I agree, stay away. I learned long ago to just cut the people from your life that only bring negativity. If they decide to reach out to you, by all means give them a shot. But your body is delicate right now. Focus on the man who loves you & the little one you are growing. And I hope the little stays strong!
kfs1-You should call a coworker that you haven't talked to in forever and tell him that you're expecting. Bwaahahhaahhh! hee hee. Tired is symptom enough. My sister is on her 4th kid, and she has always had easy pregnancies (at least that's what I think from 2000 miles away). She still does everything she did before, so hopefully tired is the only thing that ails you from here on out. We can hope so, right? Of course, this is probably reason #153 as to why she has four kids since she hasn't had any issues. Oh, and I'm not close to being done with the shots. once I start PIO, I'll be taking that every day until 8 or 12 weeks pregnant.

beaglemom-sorry the syringe makes you feel paranoid.
Amy what a great beta!!! Focus on that, spotting is normal and if there was an issue your levels would indicate it. Rest, relax, and be happy!! Everything is as it should be. And yes, this is a very stressful roller coaster, but so worth it!

Leens I am very sorry you have to deal with this. We were in a similar sitch with dh's aunt who was trustee. She agreed to allow us to access the trust for ivf before I had Jack, but it wasn't needed. This time she said no and had a million excuses for why but it's not her role, the trust is written based on HEMS, health, education, maintenance and support. IVF falls under health so we looked at the trust document and realized we could fire the trustee for no cause. We did, and I've been names trustee for dh's trust. I know it's not ideal but you can fight this...maybe when you are further along. Meanwhile enjoy the fact you're prego!! I've seen lower betas go on to be healthy babies. Congrats and ignore your family for now, it will get resolved at a later date.

Terri, I bled like I got shot last night after dh did the PIO injection. The washcloth ended up looking like the flag of Japan. He drew the syringe back and there was no blood, I wonder what he hit. And yes, Starbucks is like liquid ex-lax! Caffeine is good and bad like that!
Hi ladies!!

So much going on around here. Busy, busy!

Leens - I'm so sorry to hear about your family ordeal. That's terrible. In a time when you need less stress, you're getting more. :hugs: Well, we're here for you! I hope your beta numbers keep on rising, girlie!! That's exciting. :thumbup:

kfs - :happydance: on that beta number climbing higher! I'm glad I'm not the only one with no shopping done. :winkwink: Luckily, I can do almost all of mine online since we live so far away from all of our family and I end up needing to ship everything anyway. However, I do try to do some local shopping for smaller gifts. Guess I need to get moving on that!

Amy - You get a dancy guy too for your wonderful beta number :happydance:!! It's so nice to see everyone is moving along quite nicely. I truly hope that I am the last lady on here to become pregnant because that will mean everyone else has been successful!!!!

Beagle - If it doesn't bother you to do multiple shots, then maybe that's the best way to make you feel more confident. I did 4 shots a day most days. 2 in the morning and 2 at night. It really wasn't that bad.

Terri - Newsies must be all the rage right now. My sister and her family just went to see it and now my niece wants a bunch of Newsies stuff for Christmas. Sorry you missed 4 songs! Wahoo on only being delayed a day or so. That's great!!! I can't believe transfer is only a week away now!

LasySosa - I'm jealous that of your ability to do Barre. It sounds tough. I am no where near coordinated or flexible enough. I'm not graceful at all so I'm pretty sure I would just be a wrecking ball in a class like that. It sounds like fun and a good workout though!

Babywhisperer - I'm ready for bed by 7 most nights and I'm not even pregnant (nor do I have any kids)!! I hope your energy comes back soon!!

Erin - Ah, I guess that makes sense that they would have to expand again after thaw. I haven't seen any pictures of my embryos yet! Of course, I haven't made it to a transfer yet either. I'll have to ask if they have any pictures in my file. I'm so excited for you!!

Moni - I hope you got a better nights rest!

Hello to JCM, brighteyez, knitgirl and jkb!!

We are having a potluck at work today for my boss. It's his last day here. :happydance: It's going to be a tough one for me because I have decided to go gluten-free for the month of December. I don't know if any of you remember but I was having some issues a couple of months ago because my liver enzymes were testing high. Well, I went to see a specialist and he thinks I might have Celiac disease. Ugh. He ran some more tests (which I am still waiting to hear back about - guess I should ring that office today) and one of them was to see if that was the case. Anyway, I figured one of the ways to keep me from overindulging around the holidays would be to cut gluten out. This is a big deal for a couple of reasons: 1. I am a bread/pasta lover. 2. I am not a fad dieter and I don't see the point in eliminating certain foods unless there is a true, medical need 3. I <3 beer :drunk:. Anyway, we'll see how long this lasts! Hopefully, I'll hear back that I'm not gluten intolerant and it will only be for a month.

DH and I head over tonight for my procedure tomorrow. It's supposed to be crappy weather, of course. Thank goodness we have our (stereotypical) Subaru!
Leens08 - First of all, congratulations on the positive test. That is great news. Secondly, I can't believe your family is being such assholes. If this condition is stipulated in the will/trust, can't you fight it? Maybe you should consult a lawyer. What they're doing is so selfish and wrong.

Booger76 - You know they make gluten free beer :winkwink:. Good luck with your procedure tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you.

So things are starting to pick up again. Can't wait for next week when the real action starts hee hee!!
Babyw - that referral would be great. Thanks! I had a pedicure yesterday and slept better last a massage might be good.

Leens - Congrats on the beta - FXed for you. sorry about the family drama.

Hi to all!! Enjoy the shots and looking forward to next weeks transfers!!
Babyw - that referral would be great. Thanks! I had a pedicure yesterday and slept better last a massage might be good.

Leens - Congrats on the beta - FXed for you. sorry about the family drama.

Hi to all!! Enjoy the shots and looking forward to next weeks transfers!! My friend Janet...tell her Sue M ref you.

Booger I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope all goes well! As for the GF, it's the best and hardest thing to do. Gluten can wreak havoc in everything including thyroid like me. There are so many GF options and places to order from like Julians Bakery online.

Afm more nausea, went across the street to get a card (I forgot my anniversary like a jerk) and I bought some sour candy balls....the super sour lemon candy works like a charm on nausea. Thank God!!!
What's your procedure tomorrow, booger? I guess I missed that story. Sorry. And good for you for going gluten free, if only for a month. My second bestie recently got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and one of the best ways to combat joint swelling was to go gluten free. It's been a few months and she says it is getting much easier, but at first it was really difficult. She ate chinese food from a different restaurant and in the course of an hour she realized that they way they make their chicken has a flour coating, whereas her normal place just puts chicken and veggies in the wok. So random.. Nonetheless, hope it all works out for you.

BabyW-Yikes..I hope you don't bleed like that again. Do you take your PIO every day? Until when?
Amy, Leens and Kfs - congrats on the betas! You must be thrilled!

Leens - sorry about the family drama. I can't imagine. You must be feeling a little ganged up on by all your siblings. I'm sorry! Just focus on that little bean in your belly! Grow!

Booger - ugh! Sorry about the GF diet! I would DIE if I had to go GF. I LOVE bread, pasta, all things carbs. And beer. But I have a friend who is gluten intolerant, and she's always finding cool GF foods - cakes, bread, pasta, beer, etc. But, I hope for your sake you are NOT gluten intolerant! Good luck on your procedure tomorrow! We'll be thinking of you!

Terri - Teehee on the coffee laxative! When you gotta go, you gotta go!

Afm - I swear my hubby is "manstruating". He's so mad at me (and has been for about a week) for stealing a fantasy football player he wanted and drafting him to my team. Seriously. Not a joke. He says because I stole his player, he didn't make the playoffs and lost to his brothers and cousins. I thought he was joking at first, then I realized he was really butt-hurt! You better believe next year I am finding my OWN league.

BTW - anyone else have Spanish advertisements on this page? Haha. Or is it just me because of my name? We get so much junk mail in Spanish because of our name, they just assume!
Ladysosa, your hubby story makes me laugh. He sounds like my husband! So funny.

Leens sooooo happy to hear about the positive!!! And major boooooo on your family. Terri is right. Steer clear from them. One thing I've learned during my inlaw drama is to stay away from negative, toxic people. Especially in a pregnancy situation. I spent over a year stressing about why people are the way they are and the truth is, you can't control what other people think or feel. Move right along and be the best Leens you can be! Lean on your hubby's family for sure. My parents and siblings LOVE my husband and affirm him in every way. I hope you get lots of support from the other side! Plus of course you'll get it from US! Enjoy the excitement before the nausea comes. LOL

GREAT news about the betas and ultrasounds! Sorry about the sickness BabyW! It sounds like you're in control though! You know what you're doing. ; )

Excited to get the next string of cycles going! So busy!

AFM: I am having a string of good luck and my attitude has been so positive. I really think it's because I let go of the family drama! It feels so good to just not stress or worry anymore. I'm pretty sure DH has been telling me to do this for over a year, lol but I think I needed to do it on my own time. Plus, I've entered the 2nd trimester and wow, is there light at the end of the tunnel! I'm starting to feel "normal" again. I get a little sick at night but I feel more like me now. I had my 14 week appt yesterday and that heartbeat is loud, fast and strong! It's nice to know I got this far and she's doing just fine in there. Still waiting on DHs cystic fibrosis test but I'm not worried. I think we are set on Charli for our little girls name. It's been on the top of our list since before we were married so I'm happy about it! Plus, nobody threw a fit about it when we mentioned it. They know not to mess with the pregnant lady now!
JCM - I have done the same thing at work...drop the nonsense. My banker is annoyed because I do not baby him anymore. And I think maybe I am a little stand off ish. But I feel so much better when I am at home. So it is worth it.

I love the girl name. I am a fan of boy names for girls. Plus I love Charlie Brown.

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