First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

JCM - I love that you are feeling better. And not just on the pregnancy front - I mean on letting things go. It's refreshing to hear someone say that and talk about about how they'be been successful at it. I am trying to work on that myself. I feel as if I am becoming such a negative, miserable person. I keep telling myself that I just need not care - about what other people do, don't do, or think. It's hard. Anyway, I love that you are feeling great! :thumbup:

LadySosa - Your story about your husband had me laughing! Sorry! I know it's not good he is angry at you but it still made me grin. We just started watching a show called The League and your story made me think about how funny that show is. Do you watch it at all?? If not, you should! We watch it on Netflix but I think it's normally on FX. You'll probably find it funnier than I do since you are actually in a league (with your husband, no less). I don't even like the NFL but it's making me want to do Fantasy Football.

Terri - Yeah, I'm interested to see if/when I can start telling a difference from going gluten free. I know a lot of times people say they feel better but it's a placebo effect kind of thing. But if I end up having an intolerance, like your friend, then maybe I will start feeling different. That's the funny thing - it's not like I feel bad. I do tend to suffer from fatigue in the afternoon but I just always figured that was work! :dohh:

Amy - Oh, I know there is gluten free beer but it just sounds terrible. :winkwink: Good thing I also love wine. :wine: My husband brews his own beer and it's just amazing. The thought of not being able to indulge in it is heartbreaking. That sounds horrible, I know, but sometimes there is just nothing better than coming home to a nice, cold homebrew. But it is what it is, I suppose.

Babywhisperer - The nausea must be annoying but it's a good sign, right??? Mmmmm, now I'm craving a sour lemon candy!

My procedure tomorrow is a surgical hysteroscopy. Pretty similar to what Beagle had done last week. My RE is going to go in and get rid of that pesky bump between my cervix and uterus that is causing all the trouble during my mock transfers. The hospital called to check me in and asked a bunch of questions. The nurse was like "What exactly are you having done?" To which I had to awkwardly answer. She was like "Oh, you're trying to get pregnant?" Yep. That's the goal!
What's your procedure tomorrow, booger? I guess I missed that story. Sorry. And good for you for going gluten free, if only for a month. My second bestie recently got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and one of the best ways to combat joint swelling was to go gluten free. It's been a few months and she says it is getting much easier, but at first it was really difficult. She ate chinese food from a different restaurant and in the course of an hour she realized that they way they make their chicken has a flour coating, whereas her normal place just puts chicken and veggies in the wok. So random.. Nonetheless, hope it all works out for you.

BabyW-Yikes..I hope you don't bleed like that again. Do you take your PIO every day? Until when?

Yes, I do the PIO every night. If all goes well he said another 2 weeks.

Ladysosa, is he more upset you beat him or that he got beat out my his family? He better be able to look back at it and his behavior and laugh soon! Men are such sore losers. I placed my 1st bet on a horse one Summer while visiting friends of dh in Saratoga. I won and he was so annoyed he placed bets on every race after that and still never won!! Silly boys.

I guess the nausea is a good sign, I just think it's from such a high level of hcg which I hope means nothing bad.
JCM - I'm glad you've been feeling better. I also love the name Charli. It was the name of the lead female in Top Gun LOL.

LadySosa - Soooo funny about your husband. How long before he forgives you HAHA. I also see the spanish ads... but then again I also have a Hispanic last name. So I don't know if everyone sees them or not haha.

Booger76 - Maybe your hubby can google how to brew a nice GF beer just for you :). I have no idea what the entails though, so that could be so much harder than it sounds lol.
KFS - love the rising beta and that the ultrasound went well!

terri - so sorry about the delay, but excited for you that your transfer is right around the corner.

Amy - great beta! sometimes the spotting can also be from a deep implantation.

Leens - congrats on your BFP! I'm so sorry your family is being so awful to you - that stress is the last thing you need.

Erin - excited that your transfer is right around the corner!

Babywhisperer - I am going to have to do the PIO injections for this FET, and am not looking forward to any kind of bleeding! Also, ginger chewy candy helped me with the nausea when i was prego the first time.

Booger - i'll be thinking of you tomorrow - good luck!

JCM - glad you are feeling better since reaching the second trimester!

Hello everyone else!! I can't remember the third transfer we have next week ...

AFM - day 21 will be next wednesday, so will go in for blood work and most likely starting Lupron then. I was originally not going to do the Lupron this time, since it made me SO crazy last time, but we decided we didn't want to take the chance of me ovulating early. With this FET (vs fresh) I am going to have the oral estrogen instead of the patch, and will have the PIO. My DH works two different shifts, and when he is working his 3-11 I'm going to have to go to work to have him give me the injection! That should be interesting ... I don't think I could give it to myself, and not sure that there is anyone else close enough that I would want giving it to me. I have 8 frosties - my RE said that for my age, that is really rare. It gives me some encouragement, though. We can't do the PGS like I thought we could, because they don't want to refreeze the frosties. So, we will be transferring two this time. My new transfer date will be the beginning of January.

I know I keep saying this, but I need to get on here on a more regular basis, otherwise sooooo much happens and I get behind with all of your news!
Just jumping in quickly to say 'play fantasy next year!!' I love it. My hubs and I kind of talk about players we want but I sucked this year anyway so it didn't matter. I almost came in last place but luckily I beat hubs and my bestie beat the guy ahead of me so he ended up losing. Phew! Oh yeah about the procedure. Now I remember.

The ads are all in Spanish today. You're not alone.

Knitgirl-good luck with the Lupron this time around. You should try to do the shot on your own. It's really not that bad.

Jen-I like the name Charli. Cute! Glad you're feeling better too.
The League is an awesome show...& I actually hate football & still enjoy it. You actually don't need to have any football knowledge at all.

Booger - good luck tomorrow. I hope you recover swiftly. Not sure if yours is more invasive than mine was. They asked me over & over to say in my own words what they were doing. I said removing a polyp via hysteroscopy. They made me nervous, so I avoided referencing fertility. Thought they were screw me on my insurance if I did. But when we were leaving the nurse asked & we said yes we were trying.

Knitgirl - glad next cycle is coming soon for you. Did you transfer 1 or 2 last time?

Also on letting things go...def hard to do. But for me I was realizing I was letting off steam & stress at home & my husband is too good a man & doesn't deserve it. So that's when it hit me. So now I never really blow up at him like I have before. We will see how it goes while back on meds.

Now I don't think I am losing meds. I have a massive headache which I have not had since last on meds. And also feeling twinges near my ovaries. So I feel a bit better. We will see how tonight goes.
Just jumping in quickly to say 'play fantasy next year!!' I love it. My hubs and I kind of talk about players we want but I sucked this year anyway so it didn't matter. I almost came in last place but luckily I beat hubs and my bestie beat the guy ahead of me so he ended up losing. Phew! Oh yeah about the procedure. Now I remember.

The ads are all in Spanish today. You're not alone.

Knitgirl-good luck with the Lupron this time around. You should try to do the shot on your own. It's really not that bad.

Jen-I like the name Charli. Cute! Glad you're feeling better too.

Do you mean the PIO shot?? I can't imagine doing it myself ... That needle!!
The League is an awesome show...& I actually hate football & still enjoy it. You actually don't need to have any football knowledge at all.

Booger - good luck tomorrow. I hope you recover swiftly. Not sure if yours is more invasive than mine was. They asked me over & over to say in my own words what they were doing. I said removing a polyp via hysteroscopy. They made me nervous, so I avoided referencing fertility. Thought they were screw me on my insurance if I did. But when we were leaving the nurse asked & we said yes we were trying.

Knitgirl - glad next cycle is coming soon for you. Did you transfer 1 or 2 last time?

Also on letting things go...def hard to do. But for me I was realizing I was letting off steam & stress at home & my husband is too good a man & doesn't deserve it. So that's when it hit me. So now I never really blow up at him like I have before. We will see how it goes while back on meds.

Now I don't think I am losing meds. I have a massive headache which I have not had since last on meds. And also feeling twinges near my ovaries. So I feel a bit better. We will see how tonight goes.

We only transferred one last time. Our RE recommended two, but we decided to start with one. This time will be two.
Knitgirl - I think you will def have a great shot with transferring 2 this time. Good luck.

Last night was much better with the meds. I added some of the sodium chloride & never took my eye off my syringe. My husband released the air bubbles the last 2 nights & I don't think he screwed it up, I just think I need to see it so I feel better about it. My headache got so much worse last night. We had the lights off but even the Christmas tree made it worse. I went to sleep as soon as I was in bed. I couldn't bare to look at the tv. I feel much better today, but even thinking about it starts to make my head hurt a little. I don't know if I can take ibprofen & tylenol sucks, so I am taking nothing right now. I will ask about it tomorrow morning. I thought of getting a mt dew because it always helps, but don't want to put that stuff in my body right now. Trying to be healthy these next few weeks...rather, not so unhealthy.

Hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe my scan is tomorrow...time if flying by!
knitgirl-Yeah..that's the one. Do what you are comfortable with. No pressure from me.

beaglemom-Sorry to hear about your headaches. I had a headache the first couple times taking this del estrogen. I know Moni had headaches, and I think kfs1 had a few too, so you're not alone. Don't drink a Mountain Dew. It's not worth it. Hopefully you can dim your lights at work a little so it's not so bad. And I never said it before, but glad you're not catering to your banker as much. They don't realize how good they have it, so they need to chill out with being all in your business. I would maintain the status quo and just do your job.

My long update- I will be going back tomorrow for another scan and am PRAYING that my lining is where it needs to be. If my transfer is delayed one more day, my TWW ends on Christmas/day after Christmas, and I wouldn't be able to get home for bloodwork until the 28th at the earliest. I don't know if I can wait that long to know. hee hee. Oh, and I'm so angry with my husband. Several days before I went out day drinking (11/22), I told him that he would have to give me my shot because I didn't want to do it if my hands weren't steady. I continually reminded him the day of, the day before, etc..Well, that night his football team lost and he chose to get completely obliterated. Like, so drunk he didn't even realize that I made it home that evening. I gave myself my shot and haven't said a word about it to him since then. He doesn't even know when I take them. The only thing he knows is that my transfer was delayed by one day. I have a feeling this time won't work because "we" are not in a good place, which makes me sad and mad. Same story...I do everything, am responsible, go to appointments, take pills, blah blah, and all he has to do is be supportive, and I can't even get one caring question asked. *sigh* And on top of all this, we're going to my looney MILs house for Christmas for a few days. FML.
Terri - sorry you and your hubs are not in a good place. We all go through stuff like that at some point. Hang in there. Have you sat him down and told him exactly how you feel? Sometimes it takes a blow-up before you start mending things and moving forward.
My hubby and I had a big fight last night (maybe something's in the air??). I got home last night from Spanish class and he was STILL giving me the cold shoulder. I said, "look, I know you can't still be mad about the fantasy football thing, so what's going on?" Then he said he thinks I only care about myself. Ouch. Then he gave me examples and reasons of why he thinks I'm selfish. Double ouch. I got REALLY upset and mad at him, we yelled and screamed and (I) cried, then we were able to calm down and talk it out. He apologized for calling me selfish, it was just a lot of things going on in his world that he took out on me. I'm still a little upset this morning, but stuff like this makes us grow closer. I know I say hurtful things too, in the moment, that I regret, so I'll try not to hold it against him.

Anyways, Terri, we're here for ya! We all go thru stuff like that! Tell that hubs of yours to be more supportive!! =)
I had headaches anytime on fertility meds...the clomid did it & the follistim does it. The headache is back now...ugh. Sadly, my office is not really abled to be dimmed. It is a shared space & god forbid I change anything. I will be okay.

Terri - I am sorry about your husband. I know how much that sucks. I had a few throw downs with mine & I think I finally got through to him. Me being less stressed at home really helps as well. Maybe you need a break down with him. I can't believe he is being so childish & irresponsible. I basically told my husband I was overwhelmed...I was taking care of my bankers, taking care of him, taking care of all the fertility stuff, staying on top of him reminding him of things for his dad. I hate his dad. I really just hate that whole situation. My husband is the only one taking care of him & visiting him. I started to worry who will be taking care of this child we are trying so hard to create. I felt alone & at a breaking point. Something had to give. So I let go of some things at work...stopped caring what they husband became more aware of my feelings. The other thing about work is I started feeling whenever I talked no one cared...but if they wanted to talk about their dumb kids or golf, I was expected to be attentive. I think my banker feels like I am shutting him out & GOOD! I also don't think I am telling him right away when I am pregnant.

I really hope he changes his tune. He may wish later he was more involved in your child's creation besides what he had to do in that little room.
Thanks LadySosa. I have told him in the past that a caring question here and there would be nice, and he said 'When i come home and say hey what's up? that's what I'm asking.' Seriously? So..I'm not going to tell him again that it would be nice if he cares. That is something that is inherent to a person with feelings.

He also doesn't care about our little foster dog. He comes home, the dog happily runs upstairs to greet him, he ignores him, the dog comes back downstairs with me, and we sit and wait for him to acknowledge us when he comes down. He says 'hey what's up to me', doesn't even look at the dog, and then he goes back upstairs to do whatever. I told him that all the dog wants is a pat on the head and some acknowledgement and he seemed like that was so bizarre. So the dog and I just go on about our day. I feed him and take him out and eventually we go to bed. Is this foreshadowing? When I went to the theater the other night, Titan cried a little when I came home. I know he missed me because I'm his #1, but why was he crying? Was he ignored for two hours while I was gone? I hope not, but I just don't know. Maybe.

Anyway..enough about that. We'll figure it out. Thanks for your support and sorry your husband was in a bad mood as well. The moon must be doing weird things to men. hee hee.
Knitgirl - I think you will def have a great shot with transferring 2 this time. Good luck.

Last night was much better with the meds. I added some of the sodium chloride & never took my eye off my syringe. My husband released the air bubbles the last 2 nights & I don't think he screwed it up, I just think I need to see it so I feel better about it. My headache got so much worse last night. We had the lights off but even the Christmas tree made it worse. I went to sleep as soon as I was in bed. I couldn't bare to look at the tv. I feel much better today, but even thinking about it starts to make my head hurt a little. I don't know if I can take ibprofen & tylenol sucks, so I am taking nothing right now. I will ask about it tomorrow morning. I thought of getting a mt dew because it always helps, but don't want to put that stuff in my body right now. Trying to be healthy these next few weeks...rather, not so unhealthy.

Hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe my scan is tomorrow...time if flying by!

Sorry about the headache. Better than Mt Dew would be acupressure. Squeeze the fleshy part b/t your thumb and forefinger and hold it for a while. If that doesn't work and it's not right before bed, take 2 tea bags with caffeine and let them seep in shot of boiling water then drink it. I get borderline migraines in early pregnancy and this helps.
Oh man I had a HUGE fight with DH the day before my trigger. I was 10 different kinds of pissed. I got the whole "you are so selfish" and I lost my shit. I was yelling so loud that it was like I was outside my body hovering around it listening. Lol I remember saying "this is EXACTLY why your ex wife divorced you and why you have no family." Yes, I was THAT mean. I think he said something like "if this is the monster you are, I don't want to have kids with you so do us both a favor and don't take your trigger shot tomorrow." We were both so angry and exhausted of this whole thing. I said to myself there's no way I'll get a positive pregnancy test if we aren't ok so maybe I shouldn't do the rest of the cycle. Like it was a sign. We both took the rest of the day to cool off and ended up talking it out. Funny you mention the dog Terri because my two dogs are my best friends. They love me so much and are always sitting next to me or cuddling with me. They always run to greet DH and love him too (just me a bit more) and he used to just give them a quick pat and that was it. Turns out he was so jealous of the attention I give the dogs!!! I didn't even realize! I'm home all day with them so it's just the norm for me. So now he's so cute with the dogs when he comes home and I make sure I love on him as much as the dogs.

I know it seems like the women have to do all of the drama of ivf. Like we have to be on the drugs, we get the shots, we have the follicle checks and the lining problems and everything else that happens every other minute of the cycle. Not to mention the leaky progesterone and the bcp for giant cysts that I can't control!!! All they have to do it throw it in a cup in a little room! But really, my husband mixed my shots, gave me my shots morning and night, went to every appt for follicle checks, held my hand during retrieval, took care of me anytime I was sick, dealt with me not having a sex drive, tried to make things better whenever he could all while I was a total nightmare! I didn't realize it at the time but he may have been just as stressed as I was. Mostly because he was worried about how I was feeling day to day. Sometimes men are giant babies and want some attention. It's frustrating when you specifically ask for their help with something like the PIO shot and they just blow it off like its nothing. That's just rude. After everything was over DH said most times he felt like all I cared about was my ivf cycle. I was like duh, that was my whole life!!! Like he was left out or something. Or he wasn't as important. Certainly wasn't my intention to only care about my cycle but give me a break! It was a 15k dollar decision that rested entirely on my stupid body that wouldn't cooperate!
Did your husbands and my banker all get their period or something? My banker is being a total tool. So I left for lunch. Hoping the office is empty when I get back. Ha ha...just saw him leave. Just one more to go.
Terri and Ladysosa, I'm sorry there is some tension b/t you and the hubs. It seems very common for this to add stress to relationships and given the time of year it's a lot to have on the plate. I know my dh sometimes does not handle stress well and he can be grumpy and take things out on me. I tend to not take things out on him unless I am exhausted and he's keeping me awake. I think women handle stress better for the most part and since it is us that is going thru this and all the side effects it truly is in the front of our minds all day long. It's hard to convey how we feel and what we are thinking about all of this unless they see it firsthand. I find that dh was much more compassionate when he came to appts, saw injections, and when I didn't try and put on a brave face. He sees the fatigue, the nausea and he gets it. But it is not on his mind all the time so he plans things socially w/o thinking that I may be too tired or feeling queasy. It's like we wish they would get it and use kid gloves, and they wish we were able to compartmentalize and attend to their feelings and whats going on w/ them. It's a hard juggling act and as working moms in the making, we have a ton of pressure and expectations, but they can forget that sometimes. They do too, but I feel like there is a higher level of expectation for women in the working world.
Hey all - during my 2ww hubby and I got in some of the worst arguments we have had in years. I think it is the extra hormones and meds and stress. I even told him, IF I was pregnant we prob just killed the baby with all these arguments - luckily that wasn't the case!!

Hope all calms down and Terri - at least he has already done his part....:thumbup:
Oh and thanks for the link. She is a bit pricey for now, but maybe after the holidays!
Terri - OH NO!!! I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. You're always the cheerleader and the positive one of the group, I almost don't know what to say :(. Pretty much everyone has covered it already, men are just tools sometimes. Ok a lot of the times haha. And this whole IVF process can take it's toll on even the best marriages.

LadySosa - I'm sorry you and your hubby are going through it too. I checked full moon is on Saturday lol.

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