First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - Your party sounds amazing. That is quite the spread and not surprisingly, you sound like such a gracious host! It is always better to have too much food rather than not enough.

It's too bad all us BnB ladies can't get together for a yummy party. Im willing to host! Who is up for a trip to MT in January?? :haha:
Sounds enticing booger...keep us posted!

Congrats Amy and kfs on great numbers. Looking forward to Monday results!

I also started Xmas shopping this last week...trying to get done before Christmas eve this year!

Afm, I walked 6 miles today (on a treadmill, not black Friday shopping) andI'm beat. My back is achy, I might have over done it...

Cramping is normal unfortunately...fxed for another 9 months of it!
Hello ladies. I am recovering from our thanksgiving yesterday & a visit from my mom. 2 nights with her dogs makes my dogs & cats exhausted. I also slept wrong last night, so I am on the couch today. Shopping on amazon...browsing really. We do an ornament every year, so I am looking for the perfect one. I ran across this & thought of our thread.
Hi ladies - So much to catch up on but I just wanted to say hi! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and long weekend. I was super-busy - had friends over and then went to a wedding on Saturday. Yesterday, I was pooped and planted my butt on the couch. I have an appt later today - will report back later.
Good morning, ladies! :xmas12:

I hope everyone had a nice holiday!

kfs - Good luck today! I am so hoping that your ultrasound goes well today!! :thumbup:

Beagle - That ornament was funny. So, you FINALLY get to start stimming today, correct?? :happydance::happydance: I know you are ready so I hope it's all smooth sailing from here.

Terri - How was your party??

Babywhisperer - I think you have an ultrasound today as well?? Good luck!!

Amy - I think you have another beta today or tomorrow?? Let us know how it goes! DH and I got our outside Christmas lights up yesterday. We'll go get our tree this coming weekend. It's exciting to see the neighborhood light up at night. :xmas9:

Leens - How are you doing?? I think your beta or test date is coming up here soon? I have my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you are doing. :flower:

Moni - I hope you are feeling better today and aren't too sore from your walk!

Hello to everyone else!! I think we are about to get busy around here again. ERose and Terri have transfers coming up next week and Beagle has started stimming, I believe. How is everyone else coming along??

This weekend was exhausting. We finished cleaning up the tree that fell into our neighbor's yard, fixed the fence (which including buying some new boards and painting them), started disposing of all the brush from the tree, cut one last load of firewood, and hung up our outside Christmas lights. Phew. No wonder I was ready for bed last night at 7:00 pm. I was complaining to DH about how our weekends are always consumed with work and that we never get to go have any fun. Well, hopefully now we can!
Thanks for explaining..that is sooo great that your husband did all that for his family. It would be nice if he could enjoy chillin' with his new babe and watch him or her grow up from start to finish. fxfx this is your chance...Oh come you are doing another fresh cycle now when you have frosties? I know my doctor was saying to keep the embryos from my "youth" and go with another fresh, but my youth is only going to be a few months away from my "not youth" and that's why I'm using my frosties.

beaglemom-Glad you're ok after your procedure. We told you you'd feel fine. Sucky about having to go back tomorrow. Ugh..So irritating. They had trouble finding my vein the first time too, and the anesthesiologist hit a nerve in my hand when she tried. The next time I just asked to have it put in my elbow crease (hmmm..not sure what that part of your arm is called) and all was gravy. Now I'm getting excited for you to get started. Woohoo!!

When it came time to do the freezing there was only 1 embryo that survived. So my RE wants me to do a fresh cycle instead of using the only frozen one I have.
Brighteyez73 - I'm so happy for you. So glad you decided to do it again. What made you decide to do another fresh round vs using your frosties?

Beaglemom - So glad you're home and doing good. They always have trouble finding my veins too. When they did my IV they put it in my hand and then I had a huge bruise there for like a week after :/

AFM - My beta came back today at 204. They seemed pretty pleased with that. They aren't having me go back for another beta for A WHOLE WEEK!! Omg I can't believe I have to wait a whole week. Hopefully Thanksgiving and Christmas decorating this weekend will make time pass by quickly!!

When it came time to do the freezing there was only 1 embryo that survived. So my RE wants me to do a fresh cycle instead of using the only frozen one I have.
booger-Thanks for asking. The get together was great. Much better than I planned. So my final menu was lemon meringue pie, spinach salad (boiled eggs, avocado, bacon) with a hot bacon grease dressing, goat cheese truffles, carmelized onion sour cream dip with triscuits and carrots, crockpot cheeseburgers, fresh cranberry sauce (a dash of cinnamon makes a world of difference), lemon water and I think that was it. Everything was quite tasty. Oh, and Friday morning I used my leftover candied yams, and made sweet potato pancakes. I made about 15, so we're still eating them, but they are awesome! I just want to eat and eat.

You sound like you had a super busy're right, you should take one day to rest, although soon it'll be too cold to be outside, save for skiing, so might as well get all that stuff done now.

Leens-Your beta was Saturday so please check in. We're worried about you.

kfs1-Yeah for another appointment. Hope your doc is smiling again today.

Amy-Is your beta today? Can't wait to hear the results.

beaglemom-DECEMBER 01 is finally here! Get ready to feel like a junkie. Yeah!!

ERose-what's the latest, chica?

Moni-How are you feeling today? Six miles is really a lot. Is that allowed? hee hee. How was Thanksgiving?

brighteyez-Oh ok. For some reason I thought you had more frosties.

AFM-bloodwork/ultrasound tomorrow morning to make sure I'm on track. Another butt shot tonight and then progesterone shots start on Thursday if all goes well tomorrow. We're getting down to the wire.
Yes meds start TONIGHT! I can hardly wait to get home. I set my alarm last night so I will be ready...otherwise I will forget to do them when I am supposed to. My clinic says between 6 & 8...So I usually do it around 7:30. But my husband has to work tonight, so he will not be there. Not too big of a deal. I have taken follistim before, so I should be okay with mixing & all that.

So now I get to start counting the days until follicle checks & triggering & retrieval. Along with that is counting down the days until my VACATION! It will be such a relief!

Usually my husband does all the Christmas stuff. But he has been working so hard lately. He is off the next 2 days, so maybe he can find time to do the outside. Yesterday would have been perfect. Maybe I will drag down our inside stuff & work on it for him.

Brighteyez - that makes sense...good luck on your next cycle. I hope the holidays keep you busy so time will fly by.
Good morning ladies!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Booger - what a cutie! She looks so content at your work. I wish I could bring my little guy in to work. =)

Beagle - good luck with starting the stimming!

Kfs - good luck today! Looking forward to hearing your report.

Terri - sounds like such a fun party! Those recipes all sound very gourmet and like a lot of work. Your friends are lucky to have such a creative hostess!

Afm - Thanksgiving was a nice break. We didn't do a whole lot, went to a movie (Horrible Bosses 2), did a little shopping later in the day Friday, spent time with the family. We bought a new washer/dryer as Xmas gifts to each other! It arrives this week - I cannot wait. The new models are so high tech, its going to take me a while to learn it. But they are supposed to be faster and more efficient (and not to mention our comforter will actually fit).

It was so nice to have 4 days off. Really hard to come back to work today!! My hubby and I were so grumpy this morning because neither of us wanted to go into work.

I started bcp (NuvaRing again) on Friday - this is it! I got all the consent forms and updated calendar from my nurse! It feels real now! So much to do tho - I have to schedule the injection class, all the appointments, fill out paperwork. I SWEAR - the clinic has asked me if I'm allergic to latex like 100 times, and now another time with the most recent email. Anyone else have the same experience? Haha.
Terri - I did the day of transfer, I had (5) than they contacted me and informed me I only had 1 that made it to freeze.
LadySosa - on the day of my hysteroscopy I had like 3 people ask me the same questions over & over as a double check system.

So someone at work called me about something. I told him who to call...didn't offer to call for him. It felt so good. The best thing I ever did was stop babying these men. It makes me so much happier at home & wanting to do things for my husband instead of feeling drained all the time. So now all my stresses are at work & stay here...I don't bring them home. They all probably think I am being bitchy but whatever...I still get my job done. But a little less likely to do other peope's work & make their stuff my problem.
Good morning ladies!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Booger - what a cutie! She looks so content at your work. I wish I could bring my little guy in to work. =)

Beagle - good luck with starting the stimming!

Kfs - good luck today! Looking forward to hearing your report.

Terri - sounds like such a fun party! Those recipes all sound very gourmet and like a lot of work. Your friends are lucky to have such a creative hostess!

Afm - Thanksgiving was a nice break. We didn't do a whole lot, went to a movie (Horrible Bosses 2), did a little shopping later in the day Friday, spent time with the family. We bought a new washer/dryer as Xmas gifts to each other! It arrives this week - I cannot wait. The new models are so high tech, its going to take me a while to learn it. But they are supposed to be faster and more efficient (and not to mention our comforter will actually fit).

It was so nice to have 4 days off. Really hard to come back to work today!! My hubby and I were so grumpy this morning because neither of us wanted to go into work.

I started bcp (NuvaRing again) on Friday - this is it! I got all the consent forms and updated calendar from my nurse! It feels real now! So much to do tho - I have to schedule the injection class, all the appointments, fill out paperwork. I SWEAR - the clinic has asked me if I'm allergic to latex like 100 times, and now another time with the most recent email. Anyone else have the same experience? Haha.

How was Horrible Bosses? I think those actors are hilarious. Btw Nuvaring is the only bc I would ever take, no side effects for me which is rare, hope it's that way for you. I think my RE has to ask every time they see me if I'm allergic to latex.

Terri that party sounds amazing. You could have a catering business!

Beagle, yeah for being done with decorating! I don't know how we going to keep Jack away from the tree, might have to put a gate around it.

Beagle yeah for starting the ball rolling on stims! So excited for you.

Brighteyez, I think my RE would have encouraged us to do a fresh cycle too since we only have 1 6day blast left.

Kfs I'm thinking of you girl!! I hope the u/s turns your Negative Nancy Dr into a believer!!

Moni thats a long walk, don't overdo it!

Afm good weekend, rested a lot, got out during the day for fun excursions with Jack despite his cold. I am heading to my appt in 15min and crossing fingers all is as it should be. Dh is coming with me too which I am happy about, I'm too nervous to go alone.
Good morning ladies!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Booger - what a cutie! She looks so content at your work. I wish I could bring my little guy in to work. =)

Beagle - good luck with starting the stimming!

Kfs - good luck today! Looking forward to hearing your report.

Terri - sounds like such a fun party! Those recipes all sound very gourmet and like a lot of work. Your friends are lucky to have such a creative hostess!

Afm - Thanksgiving was a nice break. We didn't do a whole lot, went to a movie (Horrible Bosses 2), did a little shopping later in the day Friday, spent time with the family. We bought a new washer/dryer as Xmas gifts to each other! It arrives this week - I cannot wait. The new models are so high tech, its going to take me a while to learn it. But they are supposed to be faster and more efficient (and not to mention our comforter will actually fit).

It was so nice to have 4 days off. Really hard to come back to work today!! My hubby and I were so grumpy this morning because neither of us wanted to go into work.

I started bcp (NuvaRing again) on Friday - this is it! I got all the consent forms and updated calendar from my nurse! It feels real now! So much to do tho - I have to schedule the injection class, all the appointments, fill out paperwork. I SWEAR - the clinic has asked me if I'm allergic to latex like 100 times, and now another time with the most recent email. Anyone else have the same experience? Haha.

How was Horrible Bosses? I think those actors are hilarious. Btw Nuvaring is the only bc I would ever take, no side effects for me which is rare, hope it's that way for you. I think my RE has to ask every time they see me if I'm allergic to latex.

Terri that party sounds amazing. You could have a catering business!

Beagle, yeah for being done with decorating! I don't know how we going to keep Jack away from the tree, might have to put a gate around it.

Beagle yeah for starting the ball rolling on stims! So excited for you.

Brighteyez, I think my RE would have encouraged us to do a fresh cycle too since we only have 1 6day blast left.

Kfs I'm thinking of you girl!! I hope the u/s turns your Negative Nancy Dr into a believer!!

Moni thats a long walk, don't overdo it!

Afm good weekend, rested a lot, got out during the day for fun excursions with Jack despite his cold. I am heading to my appt in 15min and crossing fingers all is as it should be. Dh is coming with me too which I am happy about, I'm too nervous to go alone.

Yeah he felt like it would be a waste. Made sense to me, so I went for it.
Ladysosa, I'm laughing so hard about the latex. Every single time I went in I was asked twice. Even when nobody even touched me! Lol I finally just started saying "IM OK WITH LATEX!!!" as I scooted my butt down for another ultrasound. My OB didn't ask me but I told her when I switched over from my RE. Good luck with the ring! I absoloutley LOVED that birth control. Easiest thing ever and I felt normal. Can't wait to get it back next year. : )

Good luck with the ultrasounds today!! I think that's my favorite part about being pregnant. I love watching what's going on. I have my 14 week appt tomorrow so hopefully she's doing some cool stuff in there. I have to say I miss alcohol. I miss it a lot. I don't even really like beer but something about really cold beer sounds amazing. And a margarita. Ok I'm over it.

I went shopping all weekend and I'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping for my stepkids. Plus, I picked 3 Christmas angels to shop for. They are all boys. Ages 6,6 and 8. It was really fun and it made me really happy. Plus, DH and I spent money on ourselves. We don't usually buy gifts for each other so we just drink margaritas (this year I drank water) and go shopping together on Black Friday. Not really for any deals but we like to walk around and watch the crazy people. Today is his birthday so we will go out for Mexican food with my family. I just have to make sure I don't eat too much! I already feel zero sexy lately and I have a feeling I'm gonna have to dust off some Victoria's Secret outfit for later. Lol
Hi everyone!!

Terri - You're dinner party sounds so delicious. I'm jealous of your culinary skills :) And only 9 more days YAY!!!

booger76 - you're dog is so cute!! I work from home so I love being here with my dog all day. Although when the UPS guy shows up at the exact moment I get a phone call and she starts barking like crazy, I get so embarrassed lol. I swear she hears their truck from a mile away and know they're coming here lol.

kfs1 & babywhisperer - Good luck today!! I can't wait to hear the news!!

Beaglemom - YAY for starting your meds today!! Are you super excited?

JCM - Happy Birthday to your husband :)

I hope Leens08 is doing OK. The last time we heard from her, I told her there was a possibility that she could have an infection going on. I hope I didn't offend her :( I was just relaying information I was told.

My beta is tomorrow. I can't wait. I don't know how I made it a full week lol. The Holiday definitely helped. I'm excited yet scared at the same time. My boobs are still tender, I'm definitely tired all the time and just recently I've started to get light headed / dizzy a lot.
Ladysosa, I'm laughing so hard about the latex. Every single time I went in I was asked twice. Even when nobody even touched me! Lol I finally just started saying "IM OK WITH LATEX!!!" as I scooted my butt down for another ultrasound. My OB didn't ask me but I told her when I switched over from my RE. Good luck with the ring! I absoloutley LOVED that birth control. Easiest thing ever and I felt normal. Can't wait to get it back next year. : )

Good luck with the ultrasounds today!! I think that's my favorite part about being pregnant. I love watching what's going on. I have my 14 week appt tomorrow so hopefully she's doing some cool stuff in there. I have to say I miss alcohol. I miss it a lot. I don't even really like beer but something about really cold beer sounds amazing. And a margarita. Ok I'm over it.

I went shopping all weekend and I'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping for my stepkids. Plus, I picked 3 Christmas angels to shop for. They are all boys. Ages 6,6 and 8. It was really fun and it made me really happy. Plus, DH and I spent money on ourselves. We don't usually buy gifts for each other so we just drink margaritas (this year I drank water) and go shopping together on Black Friday. Not really for any deals but we like to walk around and watch the crazy people. Today is his birthday so we will go out for Mexican food with my family. I just have to make sure I don't eat too much! I already feel zero sexy lately and I have a feeling I'm gonna have to dust off some Victoria's Secret outfit for later. Lol

I love margarita's too, I make mine with grand mariner not triple sec and I use fresh squeezed lime and blood orange the idea from a restaurant in NYC. I take a sip of dh's beer but stop at a sip, I need to stay hydrated and feels like it's impossible these days, I'm always thirsty. People watching this time of year here is really brings out all the crazies.
Hi everyone!!

Terri - You're dinner party sounds so delicious. I'm jealous of your culinary skills :) And only 9 more days YAY!!!

booger76 - you're dog is so cute!! I work from home so I love being here with my dog all day. Although when the UPS guy shows up at the exact moment I get a phone call and she starts barking like crazy, I get so embarrassed lol. I swear she hears their truck from a mile away and know they're coming here lol.

kfs1 & babywhisperer - Good luck today!! I can't wait to hear the news!!

Beaglemom - YAY for starting your meds today!! Are you super excited?

JCM - Happy Birthday to your husband :)

I hope Leens08 is doing OK. The last time we heard from her, I told her there was a possibility that she could have an infection going on. I hope I didn't offend her :( I was just relaying information I was told.

My beta is tomorrow. I can't wait. I don't know how I made it a full week lol. The Holiday definitely helped. I'm excited yet scared at the same time. My boobs are still tender, I'm definitely tired all the time and just recently I've started to get light headed / dizzy a lot.

I'm in the same boat, tender chest, and some slight motion sickness. I find bananas help. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, I'm sure the beta is great.

The ultrasound went well not much to see just the sac...but dh feels good knowing it's not 2 in there. I go back next week and hope to see the embryo and maybe a fhb. I'm tired and can't make it past 9 most nights, I long for my bed.

Kfs can't wait to hear from you!!!
Good news BabyW!! FXed for tomorrow Amy! :happydance:

Jen - I was craving a margarita so much one day that I made my friend go to a Mexican restaurant so I could order a virgin one. Not quite the same but definitely helped. Plus I love Mexican!! Enjoy yours tonight.

Terri and Erin - getting exciting!!!

Beagle - yay for starting the meds!! Your first scan is Friday?

AFM - I felt fine after the walk - it was just a walk - took almost 2 hours (with a potty break in the middle) so definitely taking my time. Even though I haven't finished the book - I saw Gone Girl over the weekend.

Wel back to the grind...:dohh:

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