First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Moni-True true..he doesn't have to do squat. hee hee. I'm wondering if I have to bring him to the transfer!

Jen-you bring up a good point because I am VERY good to our foster dogs. if it were up to me, I'd always be fostering. However, I know that he's not that into it, so I try to space them out and I always ask if he's ok with me getting one. Those dogs just need some love. And at least they wag their tail when they see me. Its' a true give and take.

BabyW- It's hard being a woman/mom. I guess it's just another day in the life.

Amy-Thanks. It's not that I'm NOT being positive, but it's just really super frustrating that I am always the one holding the bag. For once, I'd just like to drop it and let someone else carry it for a while, and that's not going to happen. Thanks for looking up the moon schedule. Maybe once Saturday gets here everything will be better. I hope so. I have another shot tonight and ultrasound/bloodwork tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

Thanks everyone! You guys made me feel much better.
Is everybody snoozing this morning? Wake up!!! It's Friday!

For some reason I am really happy today. I mean, I woke up and I was happy. Not sure what's going on, but something's up. hee hee. I saw my girlfriend that is starting IUI at the clinic (she triggers tonight), and we hugged each other. The phlebotomist was standing there, and I gave her a hug! Then the other two ladies who draw blood were there, and I gave them hugs too! hee hee. My blood wasn't flowing that great, so it took a while, but my lining is a little over 8mm, and that is where it needs to be, so I will continue with my estradiol twice a day, and I will start my PIO tonight. My nurse said to put a warm compress over the area. Any suggestions for what I should get? I don't have anything like that at home. And btw, I'm more of a high five girl..hugs are not the norm for me AT.ALL.

The Cowboys won the game last night so I guess hubs was happy. I watched my murder show after halftime and went to sleep. Titan and I walked down to the animal hospital early this morning too, so he got a good walk in (and then he jumped on the couch and pretended to be asleep-ugh) hee hee. When I got to work hubs sent an email asking when my next appointment was. I told him I wasn't sure.

Anyway, that's the latest. Looking for updates from everyone before the weekend!
Is everybody snoozing this morning? Wake up!!! It's Friday!

For some reason I am really happy today. I mean, I woke up and I was happy. Not sure what's going on, but something's up. hee hee. I saw my girlfriend that is starting IUI at the clinic (she triggers tonight), and we hugged each other. The phlebotomist was standing there, and I gave her a hug! Then the other two ladies who draw blood were there, and I gave them hugs too! hee hee. My blood wasn't flowing that great, so it took a while, but my lining is a little over 8mm, and that is where it needs to be, so I will continue with my estradiol twice a day, and I will start my PIO tonight. My nurse said to put a warm compress over the area. Any suggestions for what I should get? I don't have anything like that at home. And btw, I'm more of a high five girl..hugs are not the norm for me AT.ALL.

The Cowboys won the game last night so I guess hubs was happy. I watched my murder show after halftime and went to sleep. Titan and I walked down to the animal hospital early this morning too, so he got a good walk in (and then he jumped on the couch and pretended to be asleep-ugh) hee hee. When I got to work hubs sent an email asking when my next appointment was. I told him I wasn't sure.

Anyway, that's the latest. Looking for updates from everyone before the weekend!

What positive energy you exude! Attitude is everything. I did acupuncture last night to adjust mine...for nausea, headaches and fatigue...after she placed the needles I had such an emotional release I cried and it felt wonderful to let whatever that was, go. You are in such a great mindset and the lining is great! As far as warm compress I used a 1 liter bottle and filled it with hot water and placed a thin towel around it...worked like a charm...or you can microwave a wet washcloth which I've done too. I'm excited for you!

Happy Friday ladies!
Terri - that is awesome! By the way...did I even mention to you to try POM juice o thicken the lining? Also when they tell me mylining looks good they point atthe monitor & I am just like what are you showing me? :) I am glad husband seems in better mood as well.

So quick update because I just got in to work & have a ton to do...

Scan today & bloodwork. They just called & told me my blood work was fine & to stay on the same dose & I go back Monday. So here it is guys...are you ready??? I have roughly 26 eggs!!! Nothing over 10 but they are seem to be good. We will know more on Monday. I hope things keep going in a good direction. I am so excited...can't wait for Monday!
Awesome news beaglemom!! That is a lot of eggs. Shew! Keep doing what you're doing! Once you start getting more scans, you'll be able to see your lining. hee hee. At least, I can see it, and I see where they have the measurement on the screen, so I can look for myself.

I don't know if you girls know this about me, but I don't shop. I grocery shop maybe once every two weeks, unless hubs wants to go. If I do go to the store, it's for a special purpose or reason, but I honestly hate it and choose not to go. I had heard things about pomegranate juice, raspberry tea thickening the lining, but since I had the estradiol pills at home, and that is what the nurse said to do, I just used those and it worked. Apparently I have to stay on them 2x daily for a while, but it's fine. I'm used to the blue/green discharge by now. HA!!HA!!

BabyW-Thanks for the tip on the warm washcloth. That, I can definitely do. My nurse warned me that my backside was going to start getting very sore because of the progesterone, but the warm compress will minimize it. I hope she's right. Oh, and also, I didn't have any bleeding last night after my shot. I definitely think I was aiming too low. I'm pretty sure I know where to stab myself from here on out. fxfx.
Terri - I forgot to add about the compress...I have some icy hot packs at home...don't think they were too expensive. You can freeze them for cold or sit them in boiling water for heat. I like them because when it is frozen it is still loose...not like a block of ice. And when heated, they are easily conformed to your body. But since you hate shopping, maybe stick with the warm cloth :) I shop a lot but it is mainly out of I am trying to get back in to reading at work on my lunch...the time is coming for us to start tightening our financial belt to pay for all this. But I do want to make one good trip to the mall with my best friend. But she lives in the same area as my it is hard for me to drive there for appts & then make another trip to see her...but we have been cancelling on each other over & over the past few weeks. So when I am on vacation, I will make a trip. By then most of my appointments will be over except maybe the transfer.
Happy Friday Everyone!!

Terri - I'm SO glad to hear you're feeling so much better today!! What a difference a day makes :) Great news on your lining. What about a heating pad (on low)?

Beaglemom - YAY for 26 eggs!! Great number!!

AFM - I didn't spot at all yesterday or today. So (knock on wood) I hope that's it for this spotting and scaring me to death business lol.
Hi ladies!

I am getting a late start today. Yesterday pretty much took everything out of me.

Terri - I am so glad to see that you are having a much better day today than yesterday. I am not a hugger either, so I know what a big deal it is when you say you were hugging people. :hugs: I'm glad that your lining has caught up! My nurse told me that about 20 minutes after taking the PIO shots, I should put a heating pad on the area for about 20 minutes. So, if you already have a heating pad at home then you could try that. I really hope they aren't that bad!

Beagle - Whoa! Congrats on that great egg count. That certainly sounds promising.

babywhisperer - Glad the acupuncture was helpful yesterday.

LadySosa - Sorry you and DH got in your fight. That is always the worst. It sounds like you guys worked through it though, so that's good. I think the upcoming full moon must be affecting us all, I swear!

knitgirl - Good to hear from you. Sounds like your transfer is moving right along. I hopeful this is the one for you! Also, I know sometimes we feel pressured by our REs to do a certain thing, so if you really only want to transfer one, then I think that's fine. Just something to think about it. If you are really opposed to twins, then I wouldn't transfer 2 because there is always a chance that both can implant. If you don't really care about twins, then go with 2! :thumbup:

Hello to kfs, Amy, brighteyez, JCM, Erin, Jkb, moni, and Leens! (Leens, update us when you can!)

My hysteroscopy went well yesterday although it was a little rougher than I anticipated. We had to arrive at 9:00 for an 11:30 surgery. I thought that sounded ridiculous beforehand but they used every minute of our time! I was all ready to go and just waiting for my doctor to show up when he finally popped into the room looking like he had just walked in off the street (which he had). He said "Hi" and then just started drawing a diagram of my uterus and what he was going to do. He is so awkward. :dohh: Anyway, afterwards, he told DH that everything went well and that he thinks this should do the trick. I guess I was only like the 5th patient he has ever had to do this exact procedure. Recovery was pretty rough. I was cramping a lot and very nauseated. They gave me some pain meds and something for the nausea. Then they took me to a different recovery room where DH was able to come wait with me until I was ready to go home. I slept almost the entire 4-hr drive home. I was starving by the time we got home since I hadn't eaten since the night before. I feel fine today. The worst part of all of this is that I have a nice little balloon catheter in my uterus right now to keep it from healing together. That has to stay in about a week. Not awkward at all........:sick: I guess I have to do to my regular doctor to get it taken out in about a week. I am already counting the days.
Booger...glad the surgery went well. I had a feeling yours would be a little more invasive than mine was. But it sounds like you are doing well today.
Terri - Love that you're feeling good today, as you should be!

Beagle - 26! Wow. That's so great.

Booger - I'm happy that the surgery was a success. You poor thing having to have the catheter in for the next week. I hope it's not too uncomfortable. Are you going back to work or taking some time off.

Amy - Yay for no spotting. :)

Nothing to report here. Working from home today and I have the fire going so I'm nice and cozy. Heading to a friend's house for dinner tonight. We were supposed to go out to dinner but she's actually 7 months pregnant and starting having contractions last night. She was in the hospital and it turned out to just be low iron, thank god. She's had a tough pregnancy though. She's been on modified bed rest for most of it because she had some hemorrhaging early on. Anyway, she's fine but doesn't really want to leave the house. So take-out it is. Other than that, I want to get my tree this weekend and we're celebrating my MILs bday on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Booger76 - I'm so glad that everything went well and that you're doing better today. The catheter does sound awkward though lol.
booger-Glad you're doing ok, considering. I can't imagine what it feels like having a balloon catheter in my uterus. sick feeling is right. Hopefully the week will pass quickly. I agree with you- this moon phase is crazy! My husband invited me to dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. I chose lunch tomorrow. Now I'm excited because food is my weakness. :haha:

Amy-I'm also really happy that you haven't had any more spotting. Phew!

kfs1-Have fun with your friend and getting your tree. You always have fun weekend plans. It's supposed to rain starting tonight and lasting until Sunday so I'm going to try to get my school reading done tonight and then I can read my book most of the weekend. I'm also going to make cookies either tonight or tomorrow morning, but those are my only plans.
booger-Glad you're doing ok, considering. I can't imagine what it feels like having a balloon catheter in my uterus. sick feeling is right. Hopefully the week will pass quickly. I agree with you- this moon phase is crazy! My husband invited me to dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. I chose lunch tomorrow. Now I'm excited because food is my weakness. :haha:

Amy-I'm also really happy that you haven't had any more spotting. Phew!

kfs1-Have fun with your friend and getting your tree. You always have fun weekend plans. It's supposed to rain starting tonight and lasting until Sunday so I'm going to try to get my school reading done tonight and then I can read my book most of the weekend. I'm also going to make cookies either tonight or tomorrow morning, but those are my only plans.

No one could have ever guessed food was your weakness ;)
Terri - yay for mving forward!

Beagle - Wow girl!!!

Booger - take it easy this week - hopefully the time flies by!

Everyone have a great weekend. I'll be seeing the new Hunger Games movie on sat with some friends. Going to hit the gym to walk for an hour tonight. (I have ob appointment next Tues - so need to be able to say that I've been exercising!)
Maybe you can walk 4 miles this time, moni. Have fun!

beagle-HA!!HA!! I know, right? I'm so easy.

I'm outta here in a few. Enjoy your weekend!
Beagle - Aren't you supposed to have found out about your grant some time this week?? Maybe you did and I missed it?
Beagle - Aren't you supposed to have found out about your grant some time this week?? Maybe you did and I missed it?

Yes. I am trying not to think about how annoyed I am...:growlmad:
They had a board meeting on Tues & were supposed to annouce the decision later this week...well it is Friday...
Hi ladies!

I am getting a late start today. Yesterday pretty much took everything out of me.

Terri - I am so glad to see that you are having a much better day today than yesterday. I am not a hugger either, so I know what a big deal it is when you say you were hugging people. :hugs: I'm glad that your lining has caught up! My nurse told me that about 20 minutes after taking the PIO shots, I should put a heating pad on the area for about 20 minutes. So, if you already have a heating pad at home then you could try that. I really hope they aren't that bad!

Beagle - Whoa! Congrats on that great egg count. That certainly sounds promising.

babywhisperer - Glad the acupuncture was helpful yesterday.

LadySosa - Sorry you and DH got in your fight. That is always the worst. It sounds like you guys worked through it though, so that's good. I think the upcoming full moon must be affecting us all, I swear!

knitgirl - Good to hear from you. Sounds like your transfer is moving right along. I hopeful this is the one for you! Also, I know sometimes we feel pressured by our REs to do a certain thing, so if you really only want to transfer one, then I think that's fine. Just something to think about it. If you are really opposed to twins, then I wouldn't transfer 2 because there is always a chance that both can implant. If you don't really care about twins, then go with 2! :thumbup:

Hello to kfs, Amy, brighteyez, JCM, Erin, Jkb, moni, and Leens! (Leens, update us when you can!)

My hysteroscopy went well yesterday although it was a little rougher than I anticipated. We had to arrive at 9:00 for an 11:30 surgery. I thought that sounded ridiculous beforehand but they used every minute of our time! I was all ready to go and just waiting for my doctor to show up when he finally popped into the room looking like he had just walked in off the street (which he had). He said "Hi" and then just started drawing a diagram of my uterus and what he was going to do. He is so awkward. :dohh: Anyway, afterwards, he told DH that everything went well and that he thinks this should do the trick. I guess I was only like the 5th patient he has ever had to do this exact procedure. Recovery was pretty rough. I was cramping a lot and very nauseated. They gave me some pain meds and something for the nausea. Then they took me to a different recovery room where DH was able to come wait with me until I was ready to go home. I slept almost the entire 4-hr drive home. I was starving by the time we got home since I hadn't eaten since the night before. I feel fine today. The worst part of all of this is that I have a nice little balloon catheter in my uterus right now to keep it from healing together. That has to stay in about a week. Not awkward at all........:sick: I guess I have to do to my regular doctor to get it taken out in about a week. I am already counting the days.

I think the surgery did the trick. So sorry for the pain and nausea. I get sick from anesthesia too. Awful feeling. Rest and hydrate. You hVe cleared a major hurdle. Your transfer will be here before you know it. I hope you heal fast.

Hello ladies can't write much as the nausea is pretty bad, feel like I'm on a boat of how I feel after being in a car with someone who drives like gas, stop, gas, stop, gas, stop. Blah. Boobs are very sore so I sleep with a bra on. How is everyone doing, and pregger ladies feeling?
That warm washcloth works like a dream! I didn't have any bleeding yesterday and today only a small drop, so I'm feeling great. Plus, I had the nurse redraw the circle for my injection site, and now I know exactly where to stick the needle. I used the washcloth afterwards, and it's so nice. I heat it in the microwave for a minute, and then let it cool a smidge and apply/masssage. I was a little sore today, but nothing unbearable. Knowing I have a warm washcloth is my saving grace.

Sorry you're feeling so bad, BabyW. Go get some more sour lemon candies.
I am feeling extremely full. I couldn't really sleep on my stomach last night which is not so great for me. Really excited for my appointment tomorrow morning...not excited about waking up early.

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