First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Beaglemom-Hello! It's common to feel that bloated disgustingness. hee hee. You'll get through it. Continue drinking fluids/water and you'll be ok. :hugs: Tomorrow is a follicle/bloodwork check? You should be coming near the end..a few more days now.

I took Titan back to the shelter yesterday. Hopefully he was able to get adopted. There was a parade in that area of the city, so not sure how many people could actually get to the SPCA, but if there were visitors, I'm pretty sure he got adopted. He tried to hang himself on the car ride back to the shelter. I even stopped once to adjust his leash and I thought sure he was going to try to jump out of the car. He loves car rides, but he's not a good passenger at.all. Oh well. I was sad returning home when I had to put away all his toys/blankets/crate. Hopefully I can get another dog after Christmas. Oh, I went to a cookie party on saturday and my oatmeal lace cookies were a success. One lady put the remaining 5 or 6 in her goody bag. She said she couldn't stop eating them. hee hee. Saved me from taking them home, although they were really good.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend.
Beaglemom-Hello! It's common to feel that bloated disgustingness. hee hee. You'll get through it. Continue drinking fluids/water and you'll be ok. :hugs: Tomorrow is a follicle/bloodwork check? You should be coming near the end..a few more days now.

I took Titan back to the shelter yesterday. Hopefully he was able to get adopted. There was a parade in that area of the city, so not sure how many people could actually get to the SPCA, but if there were visitors, I'm pretty sure he got adopted. He tried to hang himself on the car ride back to the shelter. I even stopped once to adjust his leash and I thought sure he was going to try to jump out of the car. He loves car rides, but he's not a good passenger at.all. Oh well. I was sad returning home when I had to put away all his toys/blankets/crate. Hopefully I can get another dog after Christmas. Oh, I went to a cookie party on saturday and my oatmeal lace cookies were a success. One lady put the remaining 5 or 6 in her goody bag. She said she couldn't stop eating them. hee hee. Saved me from taking them home, although they were really good.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

You could have a catering or baking business!!! My friend left finance and started a baking business and does cakes, cake pops, cupcakes, cookies all for her friends kids parties and gifts...she does very well. I'm glad the warm washcloth works!! The last 2 nights I haven't bled either and I am not as sore. The nausea comes and goes, but when it comes I get the chills as well. Boobs were so painful but not the last day or so. I go for my u/s at 11:30. Amy or Kfs you go today as well right?

How are you feeling Booger? Beagle how many more nights of stimming do you have? Feeling full is a great sign, those 26 eggies will be ready to go!

How was everyone's weekend?
He ladies...I think my discomfort is not even the tip of the iceberg. Not a lot of growth since Friday. My largest went from 9 to 14...which is good, but not great. He said I am on a conservative dose of follistim (225). So he switched me to 2 viles of menopur a night & adding in the ganirelix. Which sucks because that means 2 shots I think...and I think I can mix the G with my M which means no sodium chloride. When people say M burns, it is actually the SC...because I get no burn when I just use the F & M together. So he thinks a weekend retrieval...I go back Wed. My husband is nervous about work I think. But I am happy about a weekend retrieval because it gives me a few more hours of PTO so I can take a half day before the end of year. However, any delay after Wed is one more day after Christmas that I have to wait. But oh well. I had to order more M. Hopefully I have enough insurance to cover it...still a $160 copay.

Anyways...the u/s took a while because of so many eggs. He did not give me a total count, but I am pretty sure he measured at least 5 on each side. I can't tell what they are doing in idea how they keep it all straight. But overall he seemed pleased. After my bloodwork he may increase the follistim as well.

Oh & I forgot...I got the hot dr! There are 3...the woman who is older & technically my dr, an older man, & this guy who seems mid to late 30s & he is Asian...I don't think Asian people show their true age, so he could be older. I am usually not attracted to other guys...except movie stars...but I am in love with this guy for some reason.
He ladies...I think my discomfort is not even the tip of the iceberg. Not a lot of growth since Friday. My largest went from 9 to 14...which is good, but not great. He said I am on a conservative dose of follistim (225). So he switched me to 2 viles of menopur a night & adding in the ganirelix. Which sucks because that means 2 shots I think...and I think I can mix the G with my M which means no sodium chloride. When people say M burns, it is actually the SC...because I get no burn when I just use the F & M together. So he thinks a weekend retrieval...I go back Wed. My husband is nervous about work I think. But I am happy about a weekend retrieval because it gives me a few more hours of PTO so I can take a half day before the end of year. However, any delay after Wed is one more day after Christmas that I have to wait. But oh well. I had to order more M. Hopefully I have enough insurance to cover it...still a $160 copay.

Anyways...the u/s took a while because of so many eggs. He did not give me a total count, but I am pretty sure he measured at least 5 on each side. I can't tell what they are doing in idea how they keep it all straight. But overall he seemed pleased. After my bloodwork he may increase the follistim as well.

Oh & I forgot...I got the hot dr! There are 3...the woman who is older & technically my dr, an older man, & this guy who seems mid to late 30s & he is Asian...I don't think Asian people show their true age, so he could be older. I am usually not attracted to other guys...except movie stars...but I am in love with this guy for some reason.

9 to 14 from Fri is excellent for the dose you're on. Be patient...some maybe just at 10 or below but they will catch up. If you mix the menopur and let it sit the sodium chloride doesn't sting as much. I used to mix it and inject that last. Hang in there you're almost there.
I am def fine with the way things are going. I think being on this dose of F has stopped me from overstimulating so far. We will see how the bloodwork looks. But for the most part, I haven't felt too bad. And I think my body is getting used to all this because my headaches have gone away too. Just because no bloodwork before Christmas doesn't mean a test won't show positive before then. Besides, if my sister comes down, I wouldn't see her until the following week anyways. But if I get a positive test by Christmas, I am def telling my mom!
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Beagle - I'm glad your monitoring appointment went well this morning! It does get more uncomfortable towards the end of stimming, for sure. My ultrasounds also got more uncomfortable, to the point where I was dreading them as much as looking forward to them. I guess that's a good sign of all your eggies growing. Oooh, a hot doctor would be nice. Mine is just weird and awkward. A nice guy but definitely not Mr. Personality.

Terri - I'm sure that was hard dropping Titan off. Although I would think he would have to get adopted pretty quickly seeing how cute and sweet he is and all. Your cookies sound delicious! So, when do you go for monitoring again? Transfer is just a few days away now. I hope those PIO shots aren't too bad.

babywhisperer - I hope your ultrasound goes well today! Good luck!

Hello to everyone else! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. :flower: I know we have Terri and Erin scheduled for transfer this week. :xmas8:

My weekend was pretty good. Friday, I worked from home part of the day. I was pretty useless as my brain was still foggy. I had a conference call and I think I ended up confusing everyone on it as well. :dohh: Saturday I tried to work on my pillowcases some more but ended up helping DH pressure can some starter wort (it helps grow the yeast for his beer making). I think it made him appreciate and realize how time consuming all that canning I did this summer was. Yesterday, we went and got our Christmas tree in the morning then cleaned house in the afternoon. I scrubbed the kitchen cabinets while DH dusted and vacuumed the house. Then I mopped the floors. We have hardwood and tile throughout the downstairs. While I love it most of the time, boy do I hate mopping. It does feel pretty nice underfoot when done, though. After we were done cleaning, the tree went up and got decorated. :xmas9: I attached some pictures of our tree and me trying to relax afterwards. It was good day but I think I overdid a little bit as I am cramping a bit today. Good thing I'm on my butt all day at work. I am also still super bloated, which sucks because I feel like a big ol' blob. I have to wear super baggy pants to hide my little tagalong and since I can't exercise right now, I just feel gross all the way around. :grr:

In other news, I got my tentative calendar for transfer in February!! Right now, it's scheduled for Feb. 23. While it stills seems like a lifetime away, it won't be too long now. Just hoping that my mock transfer next month goes well! :happydance:


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Good morning all!
Booger - what a lovely tree. I love your mantle too - the fire looks so nice and cozy. Sounds like you had a busy weekend - be careful! You should be resting. So exciting to get your calendar! The time will fly by and it'll be here before you know it! And yes, you're done with the big hurdle.

Terri - sorry you had to give back Titan. That must've been tough. But I'm sure he will get adopted FAST!

Beagle - sorry you are feeling uncomfortable. :(

Afm - got home last night from Whistler. We had such a fun weekend. It was just fun to hang out with our friends, go out to dinner, stay out late drinking/dancing, Christmas shop, just do whatever we want. I did NOT enjoy the actual snowboarding, in fact, it was pure misery! I couldn't remember anything from my lessons and I spent the entire time falling down the mountain. And crying. I was really pathetic. I got to the bottom after one run and then went back to the hotel to sit in the hot tub. Haha. Needless to say I am REALLY sore today - my neck, my arms, my hips, my ankle. Ugh! Anyways, back to the grind this morning...

Hope you guys all had a great weekend!
That is awesome Booger.

My nurse called & estrogen is at same meds as the dr said earlier...225 F, 2 viles M, & 1 G. She said I can put the F in one M & G in the other then suck them both up in one syringe for one shot. Yikes! But glad it can all be combined.
Hi girls, I sure got behind again, didn't I? I have been ridiculously busy, and also didnt feel great over the weekend... mostly just a tension headache all weekend, which had me not wanting to do anything.

beagle, sounds like things are progressing great, so that's wonderful news. I was excited to see your initial egg count, that's awesome.:thumbup: I can't believe how fast time has flown by! Do I need to change your dates on the front page, or do I have you pretty close?

terri, sorry you had to say goodbye to your pup. But I'm sure he did get adopted. He sounded like a sweet little guy. :) Is your transfer on Wed? Sorry if I missed a post, but I have in my head that you were only going to be delayed by a day. I need to change you on the front page. Glad the IM injections have been more bearable with the washcloth and the new circles!

LadySosa, sounds like a great time in Whistler! Although sorry about the snow boarding fiasco, hehe. I wonder if I'd be the same way... I've never been snowboarding before, but have always imagined myself making it down once like you, and then hitting the hottub, LOL.

Leens, I think I saw a BFP, right??? YAY, congrats! :happydance: Let me know how many days past transfer you were when you got the pos beta, and I'll add you to our successes on the front page. Oh, and I read your story about your siblings, and my heart broke for you. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that from them, that's terrible. My heart went out to you. I'm super close to my siblings, and I could only imagine how much that would hurt me if they pulled something like that. So sorry. But we're here for ya whenever you need to vent!:flower:

Hi to everyone else!! Hope all our prego gals are doing great!!!

AFM, I haven't heard anything from my clinic yet today, so I'm only assuming that my embryos are re-expanding at a normal pace and will be ready for PGS biopsy by noon. Surely they'd know by now, thirty minutes before, right? I feel like they'd have a general idea by looking at their progress by now. So I'm just telling myself that no news is good news. Transfer is scheduled for 2pm tomorrow, unless they get the results sooner... in which case, they'll call me to come in earlier. PRAYING that I have at LEAST 1-2 viable embies in there! And of course, 3 or all would be welcome news too, but not likely. On an unrelated note, I'm going after work to get my hair trimmed and freshen up my highlights and get a brow wax. I'm overdue, so it will feel really good to get that done, and not have to worry about it between now and Xmas when my mind will be on other things.
You can leave my dates the same. I should know something more exact on Wed I hope. Transfer should still be next week sometime.

I know I would hate snow boarding & skiing. I hate being in the snow.
Well, I just got an update from my clinic. Only three of the four made the full progress by noon. The fourth one just wasn't re-expanding at the same pace. So only three will be biopsied, and i'll know tomorrow whether that fourth one was even strong enough to finish re-expanding at all. I guess if it survives, we just re-freeze it without a biopsy. So... down to three already! I honestly wasn't expecting that, so it's a little bit of a downer. I knew it was a possibility, so i'm not in shock... just a little disappointed.
Sorry Erin...but I am sure out of the 3 you will have one good one for sure. Maybe your odds are you got all the bad ones out of the way first & only good ones left :)

So I had to pay full price for my Menopur...ran out of insurance :( Oh well...I only got 1 box which is what he should get me through Thur night which I would think would be PLENTY of time to get my eggs at the right size.
Well, I just got an update from my clinic. Only three of the four made the full progress by noon. The fourth one just wasn't re-expanding at the same pace. So only three will be biopsied, and i'll know tomorrow whether that fourth one was even strong enough to finish re-expanding at all. I guess if it survives, we just re-freeze it without a biopsy. So... down to three already! I honestly wasn't expecting that, so it's a little bit of a downer. I knew it was a possibility, so i'm not in shock... just a little disappointed.

Don't lose hope, it may just take that one a little longer. 3 is more than I had to work with by day 5...I had 1 to transfer and 1 to freeze. It only takes one! Sorry you weren't feeling well this weekend...I hope you're better!

Just got back from the Dr and we saw & heard the heartbeat! Teeny tiny flicker measuring 150bpm. He said I'm measuring 6w3d and no need for blood tests anymore, no more betas! I think I have 1 more week on PIO which will be amazing. I feel a lot more at ease and will continue to as I get closer to my 2nd tri which is a ways away.

Amy and Kfs did you have u/s today?
Beagle - I felt so bloated and gross, too. Completely normal. Sounds like things are moving along! :)

Terri - Aww. I'm sorry that you had to bring your puppy back but like you said, hopefully he'll get adopted right away. Everything still on schedule for Wednesday?

Booger - Love the pics. Your tree looks great. Yay for a schedule! It'll be here before you know it.

LadySosa - Your weekend sounds lovely. Your description of snowboarding sounds very familiar to me. I only went once and I literally fell about 100 times down the mountain. I remember being SOOO sore the next day, too!

Erin - Don't lose hope yet. Remember, they're looking for the strongest embies so you know you'll have a better chance overall. You still have 3 which is great! Can't wait for tomorrow!

Babyw - Congrats on the great scan! :happydance:

I had my scan today, too, and also saw the heartbeat and the fetal pole. Absolutely amazing! Heartbeat was 115 RPM and things were measuring on schedule. One more appt with my RE and then she's releasing me already. Also, looks like on more week of patches and gross crinone and then I'll hopefully be free of that.
BabyW-Great news!! No more bloodwork, and only one more week of PIO. Woop woop! Do you remember how many vials you got? I got three, and I hope that's enough. I only got one vial of del-estrogen, and I also hope that's enough until the end of the month. The label is big so I can't really tell how much del estrogen is in there. Luckily it's pretty cheap if I do have to order more. Oh, and nope on the baking/cooking business. My kitchen is really super small, and I like being an amateur experimenter. hee hee. I don't think I would like cooking full time.

ERose-This is what you know whether your embies were ok, so you found out that one wasn't REALLY ok, but you still have three great ones left, and tomorrow morning you'll find out that you have three beauties and the doctor will just have to decide which two to transfer, and one, maybe two will go back for next time. You're still ok and you totally still have a chance. Don't feel bad/sad at all.

LadySosa-I have never been snowboarding, but it's because people say it's hard. PLUS, with my cold hands syndrome, I just can't hang in the snow like I used to, and if I was going to hang, it would be skiing, because I know (knew) how to ski and I'd have a lesser chance of falling down all the time. Good for you for doing it, but you knew your limits so you were the first back to the hot tub! I don't blame you. Glad you had a fun time.

booger-You are such a little artsy pants. I love the tree and the mantle. I want to come to Montana and stay inside at your house! Looks very inviting. I don't even know if I'll put up our tree..although there is still plenty of time. We have a Charlie Brown fake tree with like three ornaments and some lights, so it's not like it's difficult to do. I'm just not really in the spirit.

I think that's everyone...amy and kfs1-stop by when you can. We're eager to hear from you!
Hello ladies,

Hope all is well. I am just waiting until the 2nd to start the injections again. Other than that not much going on.

How are you ladies doing?
Beagle - I felt so bloated and gross, too. Completely normal. Sounds like things are moving along! :)

Terri - Aww. I'm sorry that you had to bring your puppy back but like you said, hopefully he'll get adopted right away. Everything still on schedule for Wednesday?

Booger - Love the pics. Your tree looks great. Yay for a schedule! It'll be here before you know it.

LadySosa - Your weekend sounds lovely. Your description of snowboarding sounds very familiar to me. I only went once and I literally fell about 100 times down the mountain. I remember being SOOO sore the next day, too!

Erin - Don't lose hope yet. Remember, they're looking for the strongest embies so you know you'll have a better chance overall. You still have 3 which is great! Can't wait for tomorrow!

Babyw - Congrats on the great scan! :happydance:

I had my scan today, too, and also saw the heartbeat and the fetal pole. Absolutely amazing! Heartbeat was 115 RPM and things were measuring on schedule. One more appt with my RE and then she's releasing me already. Also, looks like on more week of patches and gross crinone and then I'll hopefully be free of that.

Woohoo great news!! Has your Dr become more upbeat now? You must feel so happy!
BabyW-Great news!! No more bloodwork, and only one more week of PIO. Woop woop! Do you remember how many vials you got? I got three, and I hope that's enough. I only got one vial of del-estrogen, and I also hope that's enough until the end of the month. The label is big so I can't really tell how much del estrogen is in there. Luckily it's pretty cheap if I do have to order more. Oh, and nope on the baking/cooking business. My kitchen is really super small, and I like being an amateur experimenter. hee hee. I don't think I would like cooking full time.

ERose-This is what you know whether your embies were ok, so you found out that one wasn't REALLY ok, but you still have three great ones left, and tomorrow morning you'll find out that you have three beauties and the doctor will just have to decide which two to transfer, and one, maybe two will go back for next time. You're still ok and you totally still have a chance. Don't feel bad/sad at all.

LadySosa-I have never been snowboarding, but it's because people say it's hard. PLUS, with my cold hands syndrome, I just can't hang in the snow like I used to, and if I was going to hang, it would be skiing, because I know (knew) how to ski and I'd have a lesser chance of falling down all the time. Good for you for doing it, but you knew your limits so you were the first back to the hot tub! I don't blame you. Glad you had a fun time.

booger-You are such a little artsy pants. I love the tree and the mantle. I want to come to Montana and stay inside at your house! Looks very inviting. I don't even know if I'll put up our tree..although there is still plenty of time. We have a Charlie Brown fake tree with like three ornaments and some lights, so it's not like it's difficult to do. I'm just not really in the spirit.

I think that's everyone...amy and kfs1-stop by when you can. We're eager to hear from you!

Terri I am on my 4th bottle of PIO and will use it all.
Hi ladies!

Erin - I know you're bummed but you do have the 3 that were well enough to be biopsied. All of this is so hard. Ugh. I'm sorry. What if the one that wasn't expanded enough to biopsy survives the day - could you pick one of your 3 that was biopsied and normal to transfer with the one that wasn't biopsied instead of refreezing?? I'm still so excited for you tomorrow. Please check-in when you can and let us know how it goes. We are all cheering for you and your little embies!!!!

LadySosa - Snowboarding is tough!!! I always felt like I had been beat up after going. The hot tub sounds way more inviting!! I am more than a little jealous you went to the ski hill. Our little local hill opened last weekend but I haven't gone yet. They don't have quite enough snow for my taste. I'm hoping for a bunch more snow soon - I imagine we'll try to go on Christmas since we don't have any family around. It's fun to go up because there aren't a ton of people and we can drink beer and ski all day. :yipee:

Terri - Your Charlie Brown tree sounds great, actually. Sometimes I wonder why I go to all the trouble. I mainly just wanted to get out of the house yesterday and we already had the permit to cut our tree. Now we have to keep the dogs from knocking it over! Our big dog STILL has his cone on so he isn't allowed too close. :haha:

babywhisperer - I'm glad your ultrasound went well and that you heard that little heartbeat ticking away. :thumbup:

kfs - Oh my goodness! How exciting that you heard the heartbeat!! :happydance: I'm so happy for you and DH!!!

brighteyez - Good to hear from you! You're less than a month away from going again. Wahoo!

Beagle - Glad you can combine all those shots into one. I think my E2 was right around where yours was at this time. You're doing great. You don't want them growing too fast so that you can ensure most of them will have time to be mature. I'm excited for you!

This is going to be one busy week at work. I hope that makes it go by quicker!
Thanks girls, I'm not super down or anything... I'm doing fine, and still remaining positive. I was just a tad disappointed to be losing one biopsy because a) I felt like with 4, I had a tiny bit more chance of having at least 2 viable, and b) The cost doesn't change from 4 to 3, so kinda just wanted them all done. But I'm good. None of this is in my control, and it all happens for a reason. Thanks for all your encouraging words. :)

BabyW and kfs, thats SOO great that you girls had good ultrasounds, wuhu!! Love that you heard that heartbeats!! So exciting. I'm so thrilled for you both!!

Oh, booger, I meant to say, your house decorations looked really pretty.:thumbup: Thanks for sharing!

terri, I've got you down for the 10th. So excited that you're the day after mine. I bet I will be naughty and test at home before you... you are so much stronger than me!!

beagle, thats what i keep telling myself, hehe... hopefully we used all the bad ones, and all we have left are good ones! Haha! Sorry you had to pay for the menopur.... I know at some point I'll be running out of insurance too.

Hi brighteyez, good to hear from ya. :flower:

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