First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi brighteyez! :juggle: for you. hee hee. Been there, done that, put the t-shirt in goodwill!

booger-Oh yeah, I forgot to say woohoo on the schedule. Great news. It seriously will be around the corner. Do you have to start taking meds prior to that? I guess I started a few weeks prior to transfer, so if you do, we're looking at mid-January for you to start doing stuff.

kfs1-Oh, so great that your baby's heart is going in revolutions. I'm a nerd, so RPM is funny to me. I think we have a little biker babe in your belly. So cute. I'm happy you're being released. Hopefully your OBGYN will be way more upbeat and awesome. And if not, change pronto. I can't go through 9 months of worry, and neither should you. Oh, and more importantly, I love your ticker. So much better than one blue dot. hee hee.

BabyW-thanks for that. At least I know that I may need to order one more vial should all be successful starting on Wednesday. Yeah!! And you are taking it until you're 8 weeks, correct? I'm ready now.

Allright, day is over. I'm running to the plaza to pick up my sister's present at black house/white market. She thought she was going into labor this morning, but then she walked to the mailbox and realized she's fine. I can't wait to get the call that my newest niece or nephew is here! She's due on the 19th, but her contractions are really getting strong. :wohoo:
Hi ladies!

Erin - I know you're bummed but you do have the 3 that were well enough to be biopsied. All of this is so hard. Ugh. I'm sorry. What if the one that wasn't expanded enough to biopsy survives the day - could you pick one of your 3 that was biopsied and normal to transfer with the one that wasn't biopsied instead of refreezing?? I'm still so excited for you tomorrow. Please check-in when you can and let us know how it goes. We are all cheering for you and your little embies!!!!

Thats kinda what I was thinking... if it does survive the day, maybe we go ahead and transfer that one, along with a biopsied one. I would hate to re-freeze it if it was barely strong enough to survive this thaw. But at the same time, if I do have 2 good ones from the biopsies, I know I'll be tempted to put in two good ones, to increase my chances that at least one will stick. If this were my first time, I don't think I'd feel so desperate, but third time, I'm starting to feel it.:wacko: I'll just see what they recommend tomorrow, I guess.
Yay on the heartbeats BabyW and kfs!!!

Erin looking forward to hearing you have 3 great perfect embies tomorrow - if you do how many are you trnsfering?

terri - yay for Wednesday!

Beagle - that is a good progression - so lucky you get to combine all into 1 shot - I had 4 shots a day!! 2 in the AM and 2 at night.

Hi to all!

AFM - booked my flight to LA for Presidents weekend for my baby shower thrown by my mom -I have a feeling she has already started buying stuff - she mentioned how cute all the baby stuff is. How do you get a mom to calm down...
Hi Moni!! We'll still transfer two. How fun that you're having a baby shower in LA. :) I'm sure your mom has already started!! My mom will be the same way! I dont think there's a way to get them to calm down. :) Thats so cute.

Oh, I meant to tell you girls this story. I was chatting with one of the other REs at my clinic when I was there last, and he told me a story. He said he had a patient who had 12 embryos. She did four transfers with 2 embies each, and all failed. She was so sad and frustrated and at her wits end, so she told him to just put her last four in there. He advised against it, and tried refusing, but she insisted that's what she was gonna do, no matter what, even if it meant taking her embryos to another RE. So he did it, and she ended up prego with quadruplets. CRAZY, right? After FOUR other transfers failing, she gets prego with quads.
Hi brighteyez! :juggle: for you. hee hee. Been there, done that, put the t-shirt in goodwill!

booger-Oh yeah, I forgot to say woohoo on the schedule. Great news. It seriously will be around the corner. Do you have to start taking meds prior to that? I guess I started a few weeks prior to transfer, so if you do, we're looking at mid-January for you to start doing stuff.

kfs1-Oh, so great that your baby's heart is going in revolutions. I'm a nerd, so RPM is funny to me. I think we have a little biker babe in your belly. So cute. I'm happy you're being released. Hopefully your OBGYN will be way more upbeat and awesome. And if not, change pronto. I can't go through 9 months of worry, and neither should you. Oh, and more importantly, I love your ticker. So much better than one blue dot. hee hee.

BabyW-thanks for that. At least I know that I may need to order one more vial should all be successful starting on Wednesday. Yeah!! And you are taking it until you're 8 weeks, correct? I'm ready now.

Allright, day is over. I'm running to the plaza to pick up my sister's present at black house/white market. She thought she was going into labor this morning, but then she walked to the mailbox and realized she's fine. I can't wait to get the call that my newest niece or nephew is here! She's due on the 19th, but her contractions are really getting strong. :wohoo:

I am 6w3d right now and if I go another week I will be a few shy of 8weeks. I hope I don't have to order a 5th bottle...maybe I can do those dreaded endometrin supps since I have 3 boxes left.
Erin - I know what you mean on the PGS cost...I think the base price for me covers no idea what I will do if they get more than 8 which I hope they do. It's like a constant digging in the pockets for more money. Oh well...just waiting for the outcome.

Crazy story. I can imagine the desperation she was feeling, but that was a crazy move. But I bet that is what has happened to you...all the bad ones in the beginning.I don't know what I would do with multiples over 2. Yikes.

I am excited about my progression. It doesn't even seem bad that I have to wait a few more days. I really think I lost some meds on the first 2 nights which is why maybe I am behind. Just sucks needing more meds...I wondered at the beginning why only 10 viles if I could stim for 8-12 days. But oh well. But very glad I do not seem to be over stimulating.
Hey guys...I could not stay awake last night. We were watching Paranormal Activity3. I told my husband I was falling asleep & he said he was turning off the movie because he couldn't watch that stuff by himself! So we got in bed after I woke from the couch & I fell back asleep within 10 minutes. I think it was either the extra meds or the lack of sleep the night before. Then I woke up this morning feeling a combination of sick, beat up, & just gross. I feel better now that I woke up & took a shower...but I felt like I was hit by a bus or something. Maybe it was the dead sleep I was in or something. work early...trying to put in some extra time in case retrieval is on Friday...but I really hope it is Saturday so I don't have to miss work. I don't have enough time built up, so I would have to work a couple of hours on Monday to make it up...which would suck since I should be on vacation all week.
Good luck today ERose! Check in when you're PUPO. hee hee. I can't believe this day is here once again. <3

Beaglemom-Hmm...not sure what's going on with you, but I hope your retrieval is also on Saturday so you don't have to miss time. Smart thinking as far as being there early.

moni-Awesome news about your shower. Let your mom buy all the stuff she wants. It'll save you from having to buy it, and she's probably just SO thrilled. By kid #3, you'll be on your own. :winkwink:

My transfer is scheduled for 1:30pm tomorrow. The rude nurse called (although I have just accepted her for who she is, and things are much better (plus, she drew the circles on me!)) and asked me if I needed to write down the instructions for Wed. I said 'Well, just give them to me, and I'll see if they are difficult.' hee hee. She said 'bring your id, a full bladder, and be there at 1pm.' I was like 'That's easy. Thanks.' :wacko: The sucky thing about having it at 1pm is I have all day to think about whether they are going to call and change their minds.

In other news, my sister had her baby girl this morning at 2:30. I probably won't see her until this summer, but all is well. She named her Veronica. I was hoping that her previous baby was Veronica, but it wasn't and now this baby is. So happy for her. Christmas maybe she can relax a little bit and the whole family will be in the swing of things. My dad is already at her house and my older sister is driving in next Monday, so she'll have plenty of help. I told my hubs this morning as he was leaving that my sis had a baby girl and he said 'What?' I was like 'My sister had her baby.' He was like 'She was early. Have a good day!' A man of few words..I guess he'll never know her name unless he finds out on Facebook. HA!
Erin - It's your day!! Fx fx fx! :happydance:

Terri - Congrats again on being an Auntie.

Babyw - I wouldn't say she's more upbeat because that's just her personality but she's much more smiley and she didn't say anything like "We're not out of the woods yet." at my last appointment. She seems pleased overall. Still, she did get me pregnant so I'll always be thankful to her.

Moni - That's so fun that you're going to have your baby shower in LA. Does all of your family live out there?
Good morning ladies!

Kfs and BabyW, how exciting! Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! It must be so exciting to transition to an OBGYN. It must feel real. =)

Terri - congrats on being an aunty! That's exciting. You have to show up with your bladder full to the transfer? Why's that? FX'ed for tomorrow!

Erin - good luck today! Can't wait to hear an update!!

Booger - that sounds fun - skiing and drinking beer on Xmas. I like when there's nobody around! That was the thing with Whistler - there were a gazillion people around skiing, it made it a little stressful to learn.

Beagle - sorry you're feeling so tired. Retrieval is coming fast!!

Afm - I've been trying to get my appointments all nailed down. It's hard to coordinate with my RE's schedule, my schedule, and the actual IVF timing. 'Informed Consent' appointment is first, I wanted to schedule it for 1/5, then the suppression check on 1/6, but my doc is booked on 1/5. Anyone know if the informed consent (I think it's when I sign paperwork and do initial bloodwork?) can be BEFORE 1/1, even if my infertility treatment coverage won't be effective yet? I suspect if it's before 1/1 my insurance company will reject the claim. I have this question into the nurse, so we'll see what she says.

Also - I booked my injection class for 1/9. Anyone know if DHs are allowed to attend? Mine was thinking it would 'cost extra' or something....I don't think it actually costs anything in the first place....but I have no idea!

Hope everyone has a great day!
LadySosa-I'm sure you can sign that paperwork early. I would just ask. I also don't understand why you couldn't do the paperwork the same day as the suppression check. It will probably only take a few minutes, but maybe you and hubs have to be there to sign the papers. We went to two separate places since there is an office closer to his work, he showed up there, met with a nurse and signed it in front of her, and then a few days later I met with my nurse and signed my portion.

I also did not go to injection class, but I would imagine you should be able to bring a guest. :) especially if he's the one doing the injections! Sorry I can't be of more help. I also don't know why my bladder is supposed to be full. :shrug: It's just the standard at my place. Luckily the transfer is pretty quick so I can go pee as soon as I'm done.

*update* I did a google search and this is what I found: This procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance and is generally no more uncomfortable than a pap smear. Unlike most of the ultrasounds that are done in a fertility center, the ultrasound for an IVF embryo transfer is an abdominal ultrasound. It is therefore necessary for the patient to drink a lot of fluid so that her bladder is full. The full bladder provides an "acoustic window" that allows the doctor to see the uterus more easily. It also straightens the angle between the cervix and the uterus and often makes it easier to pass the catheter into the uterus.
Terri congrats on the new niece! You must be so excited! I hope this is a good omen for a bfp for you!!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Erin thinking of you this morning. Crossing fingers and toes for you!

Kfs I can understand the gratitude. I am so thankful for my Dr's insistence in moving on from IUI and for telling me what I needed to hear, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. How are you feeling?

Beagle, I can't watch Paranormal Activity, dh comes home from work late a lot and every sound in the house when I'm alone will only freak me out!

I'm working from home today, my nanny had surgery and is still on pain meds and can't drive. It's storming like crazy so not having to commute in this is great.

Ladysosa I meant to say good for you for trying to snowboard. I've heard it's hard and you're incredibly sore the next day. I am dying to get to Whistler, I've seen pics and want to go so badly!! Dh is an amazing skier and would love it.

How's everyone doing?

Brighteyez I hope you're staying busy during the waiting period.
Good morning ladies!

Kfs and BabyW, how exciting! Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! It must be so exciting to transition to an OBGYN. It must feel real. =)

Terri - congrats on being an aunty! That's exciting. You have to show up with your bladder full to the transfer? Why's that? FX'ed for tomorrow!

Erin - good luck today! Can't wait to hear an update!!

Booger - that sounds fun - skiing and drinking beer on Xmas. I like when there's nobody around! That was the thing with Whistler - there were a gazillion people around skiing, it made it a little stressful to learn.

Beagle - sorry you're feeling so tired. Retrieval is coming fast!!

Afm - I've been trying to get my appointments all nailed down. It's hard to coordinate with my RE's schedule, my schedule, and the actual IVF timing. 'Informed Consent' appointment is first, I wanted to schedule it for 1/5, then the suppression check on 1/6, but my doc is booked on 1/5. Anyone know if the informed consent (I think it's when I sign paperwork and do initial bloodwork?) can be BEFORE 1/1, even if my infertility treatment coverage won't be effective yet? I suspect if it's before 1/1 my insurance company will reject the claim. I have this question into the nurse, so we'll see what she says.

Also - I booked my injection class for 1/9. Anyone know if DHs are allowed to attend? Mine was thinking it would 'cost extra' or something....I don't think it actually costs anything in the first place....but I have no idea!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Injection class is free and dh came. It was good for him to see how involved this is and what I would be going through. It made him have more patience and compassion.
I did have to pay for my injection class...I think it was like $50 or something like that. My husband did come & actually for IUI I was with other people but for IVF we were by ourselves with the nurse which was nice. I would think you can sign paperwork day of. I signed all mine at my meds class. I would also be nervous about dating it before 1/ can be tricky. My office also says to have a full bladder. They say it helps them manuever & see everything better.

Good luck today Erin! This is going to be it for me & Terri are the next wave of BFPs on this thread!!! Dammit!!! :)

Oh & today a coworker was talking to me about her personal stuff...birth control or whatever. She had a hard time conceiving & once they had their baby, they decided no more. She she was talking about all that. She doesn't know about us TTC. So she said her pregnancy was miserable & she was not one of those upbeat pregnant ladies. And then she said I don't think you would be a good pregnant person either. I do not take offense to she doesn't know what I am doing & I have always had the no kids attitude...and two, I am not much of an emotional or touchy feely person. I am pretty blunt & just want to get things done. I am different at home. Even the guy in my office was saying how I do not ask him about his weekend or whatever. He asks me then I say fine & ask him...being polite. It is not that I don't care...I am just not a morning person & I just don't think to ask...sometimes I can be a robot. But I thought the pregnancy remark was funny considering my circumstances. Oh & we got in to a whole conversation (the 3 of us) about Derek Jeter & how it is mathmatically impossible for him to not have kids...being a professional athlete. I was like birth control does actually work. You are married & no kids. And he said well I know borth control is happening but you never know with some women who sleep with celebraties...and I said birth control does work both ways, you know?
Hi ladies!!!

Good luck today, Erin! I hope all goes smoothly and easy, peasy.
Hi everyone!! I'm sorry I haven't checked in (and with so much going on) but I have been SO sick. My throat has been on FIRE, with a small cough and a fever. I told DH that if I wasn't feeling better this morning I was going to the Dr. or Urgent Care but when I woke up the fever and fire throat is gone. Only the cough and foggy head feeling is left. My friend freaked me out and told me it was dangerous to have a fever during pregnancy, but don't know how true that is.

Terri - Congrats on being an Auntie (again) lol. Good luck tomorrow. I was gonna tell you before too, that I really admire that you foster dogs. I'm afraid if I tried it, it would break my heart each time I had to take them back. Also my DH is more of a I like my dog but not other people's dogs, type person :/ I love all dogs though.

Erin - Good luck today. I'm thinking about you.

Beaglemom - I'm glad things are progressing well. It's almost time :)

Kfs1 & Babywhisperer - Congrats on seeing the heartbeat. So excited for the both of you. And take that Dr. Debbie Downer :)

I'm sorry if I missed anyone or anything, my head is still only working at about 50% today. My ultrasound is tomorrow. I will check in after I go.
oh and Booger, I love your tree and fireplace. We have one of those fake fireplaces they put in a lot of the newer Southern California houses. They have fake logs and you turn on the gas with a light switch haha. There's no fuss or mess but I really wish I could burn real wood. I love the smell.
We have a gas fireplace as well but never paid to hook it up. I would much prefer wood...even if extra work & maintenance involved.

It is not good to have a fever during pregnancy...something about your core being overheated. I would def ask your dr what to do. There are only specific things you can take while pregnant & you do not want to be walking around untreated. I hope your u/s goes smoothly!

We fostered quite a few dogs for a beagle rescue. We loved it. But the rescue was over an hour away when we did adoptathons & with our fertility treatments, it was just too much. Plus we had adopted a dog Jan 2013. So we had 3 of our own & one foster. Once she was adopted, we had started TTC. So we will see what the new year brings. Maybe once pregnant & with my regular ob, I will be able to foster again. A lot of the new parents have facebook, so we can keep up with our foster pups after adoption.

The dr also pointed out I had a lot of mucus going on...I can def is really gross & makes me feel so uncomfortable. He pointed it out on the u/s. I never know what I am looking at. Anyone see the Friends episode where Rachel started crying because she couldn't see the baby? I am afraid I will be that way...:)
Hi girls, just wanted to check in, and then I'm gonna vedge in front of the TV. I had my transfer earlier today, because they got my PGS results earlier than expected.

Out of the 3 biopsied, only 1 was viable, and they're still not sure whether my 4th will make it or not, so we only transferred the one. I'm honestly totally ok w/ all of this today. This is gonna sound super weird, but when they gave me the pic of my embryo, I had this immediate strong feeling that this one is going to be coming into the world. For my other 2 transfers, I remained optimistic and everything, but I didnt get the same feeling I got today.

PGS is fascinating... For my 2 that weren't normal, my RE told me the exact chromosomes in both of them that were screwy, and the reason they wouldn't be conducive to becoming a life. I dont remember much of that, because I dont fully understand it, but it was interesting at the time. They also asked if we wanted to know the gender of the one they were putting in, and it caught us off-guard, lol! It had completely left our minds that they'd have that info because we were just concerned w/ viability, ha! It was strange sitting there knowing that I could find out right then and there. We said no though. Neither of us wants to know that info until we know for SURE that this is going to work (even though I already feel sure:winkwink:)

My 4th embie that didnt re-expand yesterday, is still behind today. They said they would've gone ahead and put it in if it had re-expanded by now, but they didnt recommend it because they're seeing a tiny amount of degeneration. They prefer not to put a perfect beautiful embryo in w/ one that's not looking too great, because if the uterus cramps to get rid of the bad one, I guess it could potentially risk loss of the good one.

Anyway, sorry so long! I had more to report today than I did with my other two transfers, haha. I'll check back in again later.:flower:

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