First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin - Hooray for a successful transfer. I guess you can feel comfortable in knowing that PGS was the right decision now! That's so great that one of those embies was so strong - that's all you need! I'm positive this is it for you, too. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Hope you get some much-needed rest today.
Ladysosa - I'm no help because I didn't go to an injection class but it sounds like it varies. I would ask your RE about that and see if you can come in earlier to do the informed consent appt for sure. Yay - things are moving along for you!

Terri - Thanks for the info about the full bladder. I had no idea why but remember drinking some tea but then backing off. I was nervous I was going to pee my pants. :)

Babyw - When's your next appt? Next Monday again?

Amy - Sorry that you've been sick. Hope you feel better soon. When's your next appt again?

I have a wood stove and dealing with wood is so annoying!! :)
Erin - Yay for the one healthy one!! Can't believe you managed to not find out the gender - don't know if I would have had the restraint. I'm feeling a Christmas miracle coming...

Terri - Good luck for tomorrow!

Amy - feel better. My parents have a working fireplace in their soCal home - it is always nice to have the fire going. It had to get rebuilt after the 96(95?) earthquake.

A lot of my family is near L.A. - but I have such a huge family so we are spread throughout the world. My Cali reception had about 80 people show up - so it can potentially be a big shower.
Oh ERose! I'm so excited for your one strong embie, and we have had a lot of success here with one strong, so I, too, am feeling really good about your transfer today. So..if the other two weren't viable, I wonder about your embryos in the past. Can't look back now, but there is an explanation as to why the others didn't work. Enjoy vegging out. I'm also glad they didn't put the not-so-good one back in. that one can't ruin the perfect little embie you have going on now. And HA!!HA!!...that's funny that they took you off guard when asked about the gender. I'm glad you said no. High five! We have so much going on in our brains it's ridiculous.

Amy-Fevers are scary so I am glad your fire throat went away and it's super early in your pregnancy so you probably wouldn't harm anything at this point. Are you so excited for your u/s tomorrow? Is this the first one since you found out you were having a baby? I can't remember. Oh, and thanks for the kudos. I love fostering. Maybe one day I'll get my own dog, but I don't know when. We also have that fake gas fireplace in our house. It makes the basement really warm, so we don't use it often because our basement retains heat anyway. Every now and again we'll turn it on, but I'm fine with the regular heat and a blanket. No fuss no muss though. I do like that aspect of it.

beagle-I love how you can't tell what's on the ultrasound. Your stories always make me laugh. Last time I had my transfer, the doctor was showing my little squirts of pee moving from my kidney to wherever. I was like 'uh...ok hurry and do this transfer so I can get rid of those little squirts.' My bladder will not be AS full tomorrow. And tomorrow, she or he will have blue goop to remove since it's after 11am when I take my estradiol tablet. hee hee. I'll make them work for their money.
Oooooh, congrats, Erin!!! It's so awesome that you had that strong feeling about this embryo. Hooray!!! Since I'm living vicariously through all of you, this TWW coming up for you and Terri (with Beagle not far behind) is going to kill me!

LadySosa - I had my injection class over the phone! It's interesting reading everyone's replies and seeing the different experiences everyone had. My nurse had sent me a link to a bunch of videos to watch online and honestly those were probably more helpful than her telling me what to do over the phone. Although she did have a trick for dealing with Ganirelix that proved helpful. Here is the link to the videos: I think Erin has shared this before too. And yes, it's very stressful to learn to ski/snowboard when it's crowded. Especially if you aren't super confident in your ability to stop. I would just fall down or crash when I first started learning. Luckily, our local hill here has a great ladies program. I did that for a couple of years and it made a huge difference in my ability. I don't snowboard anymore and to be honest, skiing is more fun to me - mainly because I didn't fall down as much. It makes DH so proud that he converted me from being a snowboarder to a skier.

Amy - I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Fevers are nothing to mess around with so it's good that it's gone. I hope you feel 100% soon. Good luck at your ultrasound tomorrow! And sometimes I wish I had a switch to get our stove going. There is nothing quite like wood heat.

Terri - The full bladder is the worst. My instructions have always been to drink an entire quart of water starting 30 minutes before transfer (mock in my case) and to have all the water down within 15 minutes. It is very uncomfortable, as you know. I feel like I have a tiny bladder to begin with. Oh, and congrats on your new niece. The name Veronica is cute! I've had the song by Elvis Costello stuck in my head most of the day after you posted it this morning. :haha:

Moni - Wow! You're set to clean up at your shower. It sounds like it will be fun!

kfs - I agree about the wood stove. I love the heat but get tired of the mess. Bark all over the house and dust everywhere. It does save us a bunch of money though. My DH loves to cut trees and split wood so it's no big deal to him. We have to to cut 6-7 cords because all the wood around here is pine or fir. I miss living back East and having hardwood to burn. It would be nice to be able to load down the stove at night and not have to get up in the middle of the night to reload it like I currently do. I should post a picture of our wood shed. :winkwink:

Beagle - Ugh. The CM does seem to get to be pretty prolific during stims. I didn't know it would show up on the US though! Interesting. I love looking at the US screen but I never know what I'm looking at. :dohh:

babywhisperer - Glad you got to stay home today with the bad weather. Yuck. I hope you guys don't get hit too hard.

Hello to JCM, knitgirl, brighteyez, Leens, and jkb[/B
Erin your story makes me think about my wedding dress. You can look at so many but then you just know! This is it for you! The pfs boosts your odds anyway. I'm so excited for the next tww coming. Although getting a little nervous about myself. Just little nerves I think.
Hi ladies! I have been reading but things have been so crazy busy with work and holidays I haven't taken the time to post. So sorry. I am so happy for you ladies with the growing baby bumps!!!! I think my favorite part is when I hear the updates about the heartbeats! And now Erin has her growing baby bump! So glad you got your strong bean! Rest up! Btw you are a better woman than me. I would have to know the gender!!!
Terri- can't wait for your update tomorrow.
I was cleaning today and found some paperwork from the beginning of my ivf cycle and time has actually gone by fast. Even though some days seem to drag. My cycle finally started tonight so I will call and update my clinic in the am... I really hope my transfer is still going to be set for around January 8th.
I am feeling so lazy this morning. Of course, I took the day off work, so there really is no reason to get out of bed. :haha: Maybe in another hour or so.

jkb-yeah, when you don't pay attention, time flies.
Just getting on to say GL Terri!!! I'll be thinking about you today!

P.S. I'm staying in bed longer today too, hehe.

Great to hear from you jkb! Glad time is flying for you, and that you started your cycle.
Terrrrrrrri - Yay! The big day is here. Stay in bed a little longer - you deserve. Soon you'll be in the TWW with Erin. :)
Hi girls, just wanted to check in, and then I'm gonna vedge in front of the TV. I had my transfer earlier today, because they got my PGS results earlier than expected.

Out of the 3 biopsied, only 1 was viable, and they're still not sure whether my 4th will make it or not, so we only transferred the one. I'm honestly totally ok w/ all of this today. This is gonna sound super weird, but when they gave me the pic of my embryo, I had this immediate strong feeling that this one is going to be coming into the world. For my other 2 transfers, I remained optimistic and everything, but I didnt get the same feeling I got today.

PGS is fascinating... For my 2 that weren't normal, my RE told me the exact chromosomes in both of them that were screwy, and the reason they wouldn't be conducive to becoming a life. I dont remember much of that, because I dont fully understand it, but it was interesting at the time. They also asked if we wanted to know the gender of the one they were putting in, and it caught us off-guard, lol! It had completely left our minds that they'd have that info because we were just concerned w/ viability, ha! It was strange sitting there knowing that I could find out right then and there. We said no though. Neither of us wants to know that info until we know for SURE that this is going to work (even though I already feel sure:winkwink:)

My 4th embie that didnt re-expand yesterday, is still behind today. They said they would've gone ahead and put it in if it had re-expanded by now, but they didnt recommend it because they're seeing a tiny amount of degeneration. They prefer not to put a perfect beautiful embryo in w/ one that's not looking too great, because if the uterus cramps to get rid of the bad one, I guess it could potentially risk loss of the good one.

Anyway, sorry so long! I had more to report today than I did with my other two transfers, haha. I'll check back in again later.:flower:

It sounds like the pgs testing was well worth it and having 1 strong embie is all you need. It's funny about gut feelings and intuition. When the Dr said it was a great looking blast and they could give me a 40-45% chance of it working I felt confident and had a feeling too. Of all the 15 eggs only 2 were deemed good enough to make it to day 5 for transfer and 6 for freezing. You should feel very good about them surviving thawing and testing. I have a good feeling about this cycle for you. Rest up, stay hydrated and visualize that embie implanting and getting cozy. I'm so happy for you!
Good luck Terri, thinking of you today!

Amy I hope you're on the mend. Fevers can be scary while prego but I think that's when they are over 102, low grades are not bad. Tylenol is ok to take and should help with fever and a sore throat. As always hydration is very important while sick.

Kfs my next appt is Monday, going solo this time since dh has a deposition and driving into the city just to turn around and drive back to LI is a lot.

Booger you're making me feel guilty about not having my tree up! We will do it Sunday since Jacks 1st bday party is Sat and I don't want the tree to be a nuisance with the kids crawling all over. I swear I will get to my Christmas cards this weekend...need to get a pic of Jack when he's looking at the camera and not squirming or walking's impossible!! I hope Shutterfly has expedited shipping for last minute people like me.

I have so much to do for Jack's party. I have to get food, paper products, wine...then pick up cake and balloons Sat morning while I bake the ham and make a pasta dish, salad and string beans. Thankfully my Mom will be helping and dh will be taking care of Jack so I can run around. We have dh's firm holiday party Fri at 5pm so I won't have much time Fri night after we get home, maybe I can set up the dining far weather for Sat looks clear. We are not getting a clown, or a magician or any entertainment, just some family and that bad that I'm not making a bigger deal of it?
Good luck today Terri!

Stay relaxed & comfortable Erin!

BabyW - I don't think the 1st birthday should be such a huge thing...he won't even remember. I think it is mainly a day for you to be thankful & celebrate your labor & delivery to bring you your little one. Next year you can do the whole big thing. My friend did a huge ordeal for year 1 & I really think it was kind of a waste. She wore herself out & really she should have just been relaxing & having fun.

My eggs are growing...slowly but surely. Another u/s tomorrow...but they think I will be ready by then. I am so happy for a Saturday retrieval. She measured the 7 largest on both sides & they were around 14/16. She said there were at least 10 on each side though. They say everything looks good in there. I am feeling so full! Can't wait for tomorrow. I am hoping my husband can come. He is going to see if he can work it out. I want him to see another u/s before this is over. I love seeing all that stuff.
Just got a call back & they are adding in another 225 menopur, 225 follistim, & 1 vile of the ganirelix.
Just checking in to say good luck to Terri today :) I will check in later after my Dr.'s appointment.
Hello ladies, I hope you do not mind me joining in and that this is the appropriate thread. I recently got a BFP from a fresh IVF cycle :thumbup: . I had three 3d embryo transferred.
HCG at 12dp3dt 599.
HCG at 16dp3dt 3332
The nurse said everything is great and I might have more than one.

HCG at 25dp3dt 20335
This is a great number by itself, but I am concerned that my levels have not increased enough since my last test. My ultrasound is not due until I will be 7w2d which is in 8 days. It seems forever :dohh:

What do you ladies think?
Wooooohooooooo Terri and Erin!!! So glad you're in the TWW together! I'm sending positive vibes your way!
Amy, don't stress about the fever. I had one too. No big deal. Good luck at your appt!
Hello ladies, I hope you do not mind me joining in and that this is the appropriate thread. I recently got a BFP from a fresh IVF cycle :thumbup: . I had three 3d embryo transferred.
HCG at 12dp3dt 599.
HCG at 16dp3dt 3332
The nurse said everything is great and I might have more than one.

HCG at 25dp3dt 20335
This is a great number by itself, but I am concerned that my levels have not increased enough since my last test. My ultrasound is not due until I will be 7w2d which is in 8 days. It seems forever :dohh:

What do you ladies think?

Welcome and congrate on the bfp! I agree it could be more than one. My beta at 24dpo was 13,110 and we only transferred 1. As far as doubling time, the higher the level the slower the doubling time so don't be concerned. You are within the range on betabase site. Relax and enjoy your bfp! I know I had to stop Googling everything bc it was making me crazy. There is nothing you can do before your next appt so have faith all is as it should be.

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