First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I'm back and with child! hee hee. Maybe even two. hee hee. One of the embryos wasn't expanding as much as they wanted, but it was doing fine for a few hour thaw, so both were transferred and now we wait! I actually thought that my test date would be later in the month when I was out of town and thought I wouldn't be able to get bloodwork until the 28th, but my test date is the 23rd. That's the day we leave for Virginia. I don't know about finding out that day..last time I got results I was with my MIL. UGH!
I'm back and with child! hee hee. Maybe even two. hee hee. One of the embryos wasn't expanding as much as they wanted, but it was doing fine for a few hour thaw, so both were transferred and now we wait! I actually thought that my test date would be later in the month when I was out of town and thought I wouldn't be able to get bloodwork until the 28th, but my test date is the 23rd. That's the day we leave for Virginia. I don't know about finding out that day..last time I got results I was with my MIL. UGH!

Cheers and congrats to being PUPO!!! How are you feeling? I feel a Christmas bfp coming!!!
I'm back and with child! hee hee. Maybe even two. hee hee. One of the embryos wasn't expanding as much as they wanted, but it was doing fine for a few hour thaw, so both were transferred and now we wait! I actually thought that my test date would be later in the month when I was out of town and thought I wouldn't be able to get bloodwork until the 28th, but my test date is the 23rd. That's the day we leave for Virginia. I don't know about finding out that day..last time I got results I was with my MIL. UGH!

I'm jealous! I don't think I will be able to get test results before xmas...but hoping the hpts have a second line show up before a beta. Yes I am going to be the crazy testing lady :) But I have to test out my & Erin will not have that problem.
Hello ladies, I hope you do not mind me joining in and that this is the appropriate thread. I recently got a BFP from a fresh IVF cycle :thumbup: . I had three 3d embryo transferred.
HCG at 12dp3dt 599.
HCG at 16dp3dt 3332
The nurse said everything is great and I might have more than one.

HCG at 25dp3dt 20335
This is a great number by itself, but I am concerned that my levels have not increased enough since my last test. My ultrasound is not due until I will be 7w2d which is in 8 days. It seems forever :dohh:

What do you ladies think?

Welcome and congrate on the bfp! I agree it could be more than one. My beta at 24dpo was 13,110 and we only transferred 1. As far as doubling time, the higher the level the slower the doubling time so don't be concerned. You are within the range on betabase site. Relax and enjoy your bfp! I know I had to stop Googling everything bc it was making me crazy. There is nothing you can do before your next appt so have faith all is as it should be.

Thank you so much for your words babywhisperer. You are right, I shall have faith and patiently wait for the day of my ultrasound. :hug:
Yay Terri!!!

Terri and Erin are PUPO with Christmas miracles and Beagle is not far behind!!

Welcome EAB - your numbers sound fine as BabyW said. Congrats!
Congrats Terri and Erin on being PUPO! What a magical time of the year to be with child. :) Welcome Eabwab! You've stumbled upon a very supportive group here.
Yay! Congrats Terri!!!! So excited for you lady. And now we wait. :)

Amy - can't wait to hear you're report.
Terri - YAY for being with child!!! or actually being with children HAHA. I'm so excited for you!!

AFM - My ultrasound went really good... with a few buts. First, there is only one baby and we saw the little fluttering heartbeat. Such a sweet and touching moment. BUT according to my transfer date, I am 6 weeks/4 days but I am only measuring 6 weeks/1 day. He said he wasn't hugely concerned since it's only 3 days and we don't know exactly when the little peanut implanted but he is a little concerned so he wants me to go back next week to make sure I am progressing how I should be progressing in one weeks time.
He also says I have a small blood clot and this is what is causing my spotting. You could actually see it on the ultrasound but it wasn't near the baby and he said it shouldn't cause any complications. It was actually a relief to have a reason that caused it. He said these things most usually resolve themselves and that he expected that I would have more spotting until it cleared itself out. Not that I wanted to hear that but now I won't freak out if I start spotting again. So the waiting game continues, I go back next Thursday morning.
Terri - YAY for being with child!!! or actually being with children HAHA. I'm so excited for you!!

AFM - My ultrasound went really good... with a few buts. First, there is only one baby and we saw the little fluttering heartbeat. Such a sweet and touching moment. BUT according to my transfer date, I am 6 weeks/4 days but I am only measuring 6 weeks/1 day. He said he wasn't hugely concerned since it's only 3 days and we don't know exactly when the little peanut implanted but he is a little concerned so he wants me to go back next week to make sure I am progressing how I should be progressing in one weeks time.
He also says I have a small blood clot and this is what is causing my spotting. You could actually see it on the ultrasound but it wasn't near the baby and he said it shouldn't cause any complications. It was actually a relief to have a reason that caused it. He said these things most usually resolve themselves and that he expected that I would have more spotting until it cleared itself out. Not that I wanted to hear that but now I won't freak out if I start spotting again. So the waiting game continues, I go back next Thursday morning.

Try and relax about how you're measuring. How they measure with a cursor for crown to rump length can be off by whoever is measuring. Last time when I was prego with Jack the measurements were always off by a couple of days. Even as I progressed they had my EDD as the 22nd then the 21st then the 19th. My water broke on the 16th. As far as clots they are very common. Hopefully it goes away soon. You saw the HB and that is a major mile marker. Rest easy, many women measured behind and had healthy pregnancies and babies. Have faith mama.

How is everyone? Erin? Terri?

Night night. I'm spent!
Amy- excellent report!! I think it's really too early to get a good measurement anyway. I think it's a boy! :thumbup:

I went to the theater tonight with a friend to see 'Its a Wonderful Life, a radio show' and it was excellent. They dropped fake snow on the audience after the show and then it snowed lightly on my drive home. It was beautiful. I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. Now I'm tired. I had a long day as well. Goodnight.
Amy - Yay for the heartbeat and also for finding a cause for the spotting. Try not to focus on the measurements just yet. I know it's stressful but I'm sure things will work out just fine.

Terri - Aww. You ARE where you're supposed to be. :)

Erin - When's your testing date?

Nothing to report here. We have our office Christmas party today and this year we're having it ... drum roll please ... in the office. Wow - so exciting, huh? I hope to sneak out early so I can pop into the container store. I'm making cookies this weekend for my office mates and need some tins.
Amy, glad you have a reason for the spotting. I agree with the girls, it really depends on who is doing your measurements.

Kfs, I need to get to baking as well. I'm being such a slacker this year. I have been sick the past few days, but I took a Benadryl last night and slept like a baby.

Erin and Terri- thinking about you ladies today:) sending hugs to y'all. Grow those sweet babies��
Good morning, ladies!

Terri and Erin - Hooray again on your transfers and having that feeling the universe is finally going to make this work. :happydance: Sending all the positive sticky vibes I can possibly muster up your way. :dust:.

Amy - I have no idea about the baby measuring thing but it sounds like from others' experience on here that you really don't have anything to worry about. It sounds like your Dr. is on top and things and it going to monitor you well, so that's good. :thumbup: I'm also glad that you have a reason for the spotting now, even if it is a naughty blood clot. I hope it resolves itself soon! :hugs:

kfs - Hopefully you can still have a bit of fun at your office party today! Our office isn't even having a party this year. Mostly because us worker bees are sick of our leaders and don't really want to deal with them outside of work. We all just decided to meet at one of the local breweries after work one day. Haha. I have never been to a Container Store but I see their cute stuff in magazines all the time - have fun!!!

Beagle - I hope your ultrasound goes well this morning and that you get the go ahead to trigger tonight! How exciting!!!

babywhisperer - Well, I might have the tree up but I still have not gotten one present for anyone yet! I'm starting to panic a little bit. It's not that I don't want to get anything for anyone, I think I'm just tired of spending money! Guess I'll be browsing the internet this weekend trying to get things ordered and shipped. Good luck with Jack's party!!

Howdy to everyone else out there! :xmas6:

Not a whole lot going on here. Looks like I will be working this weekend as I have this huge project due Monday and I have been so busy this week I haven't been able to finish it off. :cry: Oh well. Once it's done it is a HUGE weight off my shoulders.
Good morning everyone!

Amy - I second what Booger said. Sounds like your Doc is on top of things and sounds like its not too much to worry about. Stay positive and patient (I know easier said than done)! Hearing the HB must've been pretty special.

(I think it was BabyW who mentioned XMas cards thru Shutterfly) BabyW - I just ordered my Xmas cards thru SHutterfly the other night (I think Tues), I just did the standard shipping and they'll arrive on the 19th. I'll just have to get 'em right back into the mail to our friends/family! This is actually our first year sending out Xmas cards. I feel like a real adult now. Hehe.

Kfs - enjoy your party tonight! I love the Container Store. I geek out in there on organization things.

Beagle - good luck with the u/s! I bet you can't wait to trigger! Time sure flies.

Ugh I am so ready for the holidays and having days off. I just feel like work is always stressful and tense, and I'm ready to surround myself with people who love me and I ENJOY being around. Not my looney-bin boss or other jerk Engineering managers. Mmmm-mm having a Christmas movie marathon and snuggling with my pup on the couch sounds FABULOUS!

Anyways, it's pretty windy here today, there's some storm coming tonight supposedly, but it's been so warm lately. Yesterday, when I got to work at like 6:30am, it was 64 degrees! Crazy! Guess we won't have a white Christmas. :)

Hope you guys have a good day!
Hey guys...retrieval Saturday...I am so glad because I woke up feeling so gross & sick to my stomach. Even dry heaved. I was dreading my shot last night...I think just so exhausted & the meds finally having an effect on me. They changed my trigger from ovidrel to lupron & pregnyl...they are afraid of over stimulation. She could not give me a total count...but I still have a lot. They are all on top of each other. I am nervous but also really excited. Just hope nothing happens to cancel the fresh cycle...she gave me some tips on things to do after retrieval to help prevent it.

Erin you can change my date to 12/19 for transfer. Since doing PGS, they do a 6 day transfer.

My manager is having lunch with us & giving us the afternoon off! She said for shopping...if it is not a group thing, I may just head home to take a NAP! I am so exhausted.
kfs1-Do you have to go to work tomorrow? It's random having a party on Thursday. hee hee. Our party is tomorrow, and attendance has been dropping every year. They have it at a local reception site. A ton of people get married at this place, but our company buys the cheap package so for food we have hot dogs, carving station, mashed potatoes, vegetable lasagna and they have a cheeseball DJ. My lunch table friends and I always go to the bar first and then walk down the street to the work party. I'm going to the preparty and then I'll probably just eat a quick lunch and head home. the party isn't the same as years past, unfortunately. Hope you can get your shopping done today.

beagle-Did your husband make it to the u/s? Fill us in with the scoop! Yeah, if you have retrieval on Saturday and then a 5 day blast returned, you won't get your results until after Christmas, but HPTs always work over the holidays just as well. hee hee. fxfx I know you have to be super stoked. Hopefully the doc will draw the circle on your butt for your trigger tonight. But videos work just as well too.

LadySosa-It's been super windy here too. I don't like the wind because it makes it feel so much colder. I wish it was 64 here. We're in the upper 40s, low 50s. Better than below freezing temps. I'll take it! Plus, i can still wear the two new vests that I bought.

booger-If you get started on your project tomorrow, maybe you can finish it by early Sunday and so you can relax and take it easy. Thanks for the dust.

jkb-Glad you're feeling a bit better after taking your benadryl. They always make me fall asleep, but I don't usually have reasons to take them. Nyquil/Theraflu are my meds of choice if need be.
I am being so completely unproductive at work today...hehe...looking at recipes for Christmas dinner! Nom nom. We are hosting all my relatives on the Sunday before Christmas. I'm going to make all my side dishes (mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and stuffing) in slow cookers to save on stove/oven space. I did that last year and it worked out so well! I put everything on in the morning, then clean the house, get ready, then I can mingle and visit when guests arrive. We use a "Big Easy" infrared cooker for our turkey too- last year it turned out SO moist and flavorful. And it cooks outside, so again, saving on oven space. This year I'm going to one-up myself and attempt to brine the turkey before cooking it. The only issue is I hate carving the turkey so I usually recruit someone else to do it for me.

OK, all for now. :) Sorry for roping you all into my useless jibber jabber haha.
Beagle you could definitely get a bfp ob a hpt before the beta. Maybe even on Christmas Eve!

Booger thanks for the well wishes. I have a ton to do and want to barf. I can't brush my teeth without gagging hard 4 times. My gag reflex is on steroids. The nausea and dizziness is always there sometimes less than others, but never fully gone. This is different from last time. The bed and couch spin while I'm on it.

Ladysosa, I might not get to ordering them until this weekend which is bad. I might not get them out in time!
Terri congrats on the new niece! You must be so excited! I hope this is a good omen for a bfp for you!!! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Erin thinking of you this morning. Crossing fingers and toes for you!

Kfs I can understand the gratitude. I am so thankful for my Dr's insistence in moving on from IUI and for telling me what I needed to hear, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear. How are you feeling?

Beagle, I can't watch Paranormal Activity, dh comes home from work late a lot and every sound in the house when I'm alone will only freak me out!

I'm working from home today, my nanny had surgery and is still on pain meds and can't drive. It's storming like crazy so not having to commute in this is great.

Ladysosa I meant to say good for you for trying to snowboard. I've heard it's hard and you're incredibly sore the next day. I am dying to get to Whistler, I've seen pics and want to go so badly!! Dh is an amazing skier and would love it.

How's everyone doing?

Brighteyez I hope you're staying busy during the waiting period.

I am trying to stay busy but they are saying that I need a new approval for the new year. My cycle starts the 2nd and they cant submit until the 2nd so I may have to pay for somethings until the insurance approval comes through plus pay my deductible. So feeling a little frustrated but it's the holidays and I am trying not to let it get to me.
Thanks for the reassurance everyone! I really appreciate it!

Beaglemom - YAY for triggering tonight!!

Terri - A boy huh? That's exactly what my dad said too! Please don't tell me you're one of those people with really good intuition about these things because we really need some more girls in this family LOL!! I am the only girl and the only other female companionship I have is my dog hee hee!!

Babywhisperer - I think you're having a girl. They say the hormones in girls bring on excessive morning sickness... and especially since this is different from when you had your boy :)

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