First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Blood work shows my Progesterone rising...I think I am getting that right. So dr said my body will not be in sync with an embryo. So they are freezing them all after biopsy & I will do an FET in January...kind of bummed but glad to know now & not go through a wasted cycle.
kfs1-Do you have to go to work tomorrow? It's random having a party on Thursday. hee hee. Our party is tomorrow, and attendance has been dropping every year. They have it at a local reception site. A ton of people get married at this place, but our company buys the cheap package so for food we have hot dogs, carving station, mashed potatoes, vegetable lasagna and they have a cheeseball DJ. My lunch table friends and I always go to the bar first and then walk down the street to the work party. I'm going to the preparty and then I'll probably just eat a quick lunch and head home. the party isn't the same as years past, unfortunately. Hope you can get your shopping done today.

beagle-Did your husband make it to the u/s? Fill us in with the scoop! Yeah, if you have retrieval on Saturday and then a 5 day blast returned, you won't get your results until after Christmas, but HPTs always work over the holidays just as well. hee hee. fxfx I know you have to be super stoked. Hopefully the doc will draw the circle on your butt for your trigger tonight. But videos work just as well too.

LadySosa-It's been super windy here too. I don't like the wind because it makes it feel so much colder. I wish it was 64 here. We're in the upper 40s, low 50s. Better than below freezing temps. I'll take it! Plus, i can still wear the two new vests that I bought.

booger-If you get started on your project tomorrow, maybe you can finish it by early Sunday and so you can relax and take it easy. Thanks for the dust.

jkb-Glad you're feeling a bit better after taking your benadryl. They always make me fall asleep, but I don't usually have reasons to take them. Nyquil/Theraflu are my meds of choice if need be.

My nurse didn't tell me to take it any differently. So I assume I take it like the ovidrel.
Terri, I'm so happy you're PUPO with me now! Glad all went well. I'm feeling super good about this one for you! :thumbup: So, so, so exciting. My fingers are crossed for us both!! But I'm feeling pretty sure we're gonna be bump buddies. :)

LadySosa, you are making me hungry, and SO ready for holiday food!!! Hehe!

brighteyez, sorry about the insurance stuff, but it will all work out in the end!

beagle, wow, I had no idea P could start rising on its own like that! If your follies are already producing P, they must be getting really big and anxious, hehe! I'm sorry you've been delayed, but I know that you know its the best thing, and that always makes it a little easier. I'll tell you what... I think it will work out better anyway, because with all those eggs you have, you might feel like I did after my retrieval and your E could skyrocket too (and you have even more eggs than I did). I just didn't feel my best at all during my fresh cycle, but my FETs have been mostly a breeze. I've changed you on the front page. I had a day6 transfer as well. The picture they gave me of my embie was a little different from the others since it grew another day, it was really cool.:)

Amy, I dont think I'd be worried about a few days difference in measuring. Since implantation can technically occur on different days for everyone, I'm sure you are totally fine, and your doc will be confirming that after next measurements. :)

BabyW, sorry you're feeling so rough! Maybe Amy is right, it's a girl. :) Although I know with my sister's 2 pregnancies, they were each completely different in how she felt and looked, and she ended up with both boys! Hope you get to feeling better, and that Jack's birthday party goes well. Btw, I dont think you should feel bad at all for not going all out with his 1st... It sounds to me like you're putting something very lovely together, and I never did fully understand the gigantic 1st birthday parties anyway.

kfs, hope you enjoy your office party! My company is a huge, so we used to do some really great formal holiday parties at some great venues, but not so much anymore since the company is going through some changes. So now our department just gets together for a little thing, but it's always fun. :) Oh, and my test date is Dec 20th because, but only because I am leaving town on the 21st for a whole week, so they had to. They said they could write me a script to get my second beta up in Kentucky two days later if needed. But if I get a pos HPT at home first, I'll probably just go in early for a beta again anyway.

booger, sorry you have to work this weekend. :( Btw, thanks for all your sweet well wishes.:flower:

Hi to jkb, Leens, Jen, Moni, and Knitgirl!!!

Nothing to report here. I felt a little crampy the night of my transfer, and early in the morning the next day. Which is about one day before I started feeling it before. Maybe this makes sense since my embie was just starting to hatch already when they put it in. :winkwink: I'm just gonna go ahead and try to assume that it was already pushing its way into my lining! Ha! No harm in having an imagination, right?? What is different from my last one though, is that I feel ZERO crampiness now. I've felt nothing since early yesterday morning. So who knows! I'm just gonna view it as a good thing since my last one ended as a CP anyway, so maybe different is better. :winkwink:
This explains everything...
Good afternoon, ladies!!

Erin - I hope the crampiness was your little bean burrowing it's way in and making itself nice and cozy!!! :thumbup: I have to admit, I'm a little jealous you'll be in KY for Christmas. Even though it's nice to not have to travel this time of year, I kind of miss being around my family at Christmas.

Beagle - I'm sorry you'll have to wait and do a FET in January. Even though you know it's the best thing to do, I'm sure it's still a bit of a disappointment. At least this way you'll avoid any chance of OHSS. After retrieval, you can sit back and relax (haha) knowing that your body will have time to get fully synced for your FET.

Amy - Well, I hope for your sake that you're having a girl, too!! I still can't decide if I have a preference. I don't think I do. But if I do have a girl, I sure do hope that she's not too girly. I can't fix hair or do makeup. :haha:

Brighteyez - Sorry you're having a little issue with your upcoming cycle. Hopefully, it won't slow things down or get in the way too much. Enjoy your holidays and try not to let it get you down. Easier said than done, I know.

babywhisperer - Sorry you're feeling so sick. JCM had some fix she took - I can't remember exactly what it was, Unisom and Vitamin B6 maybe - It seemed to help her feel better. Maybe you can look back and see what helped her.

LadySosa - Can I come for Christmas dinner?? Sounds yummy. I hate carving the turkey too so I usually make DH do it. Hehe.

Terri - I am hoping I won't have to work all weekend. Unfortunately, this is how I operate and always have. I am such a procrastinator when it come to these types of things. I always get them done but I about kill myself doing it. You'd think I'd learn but it's almost as if I can't physically make myself finish things early.

I am getting ready to head out to go for a run!! :wohoo: I am so excited. I (mostly) finished up Insanity last week before my procedure and I haven't been able to do anything since then but I am good to go now. I haven't really run in forever so it's going to hurt. Little Scout will get to go with me so she should be excited too.:dog:
beaglemom-I just read that article, and I believe it's true. You don't want to have a highish progesterone now because it's kind of too late for the embryo to do what it needs to do. I know my nurse is always saying that we want our P to be low and E to be steadily increasing. Maybe NOW you'll still have time to hear about the grant. Maybe this is the way everything is supposed to work out. You have an amazing number of eggs, so you'll get them out and then you can enjoy the holidays. I wouldn't be too disappointed and you're right. You want all conditions to be as close to perfect as they can.

ERose-Speaking of everything working out, I agree with you about being bump buddies. We just had to get our cycles on the same schedule! hee hee. I'm so glad you're beta is on the 20th. Woop woop. That is seriously right around the corner. Oh, and yeah, my embryo picture looks different too. The embryologist said that they suck out all the fluid for freezing and then put a little bit back in to defrost it and that's why they look different. She was very talkative while I was waiting for my doctor to finish doing what he was doing. I was like 'uh huh..uh huh..HURRY!!!' hee hee.

LadySosa-Your dinner sounds yum-my. The turkey sounds really cool too with that infra-red cooker. Fancy!

brighteyez-Where are you in the process now? How many things are you going to have to pay for? ultrasounds/meds? I keep losing track of where you are. Hopefully they will get the approval and you can get reimbursed soon after the new year.

Amy-I have 0 intuition. I was just making a random guess. hee hee. I hope you have a girl, actually because you're right. You're family needs some girl power.

AFM-Nothing going on but the rent. Since I turned in my last paper for school yesterday (I got one A and one grade I have yet to find out, but I think it will be an A-) I got a new book for my book club. It's called The Husband's Secret. It's really thick and I have about a month to read it, so I'm going to try my best to get it done. My friend's daughter read it in three days, but she doesn't have BNB to :ninja: all day and night. hee hee. I'm eager to get back to reading. Yeah!
I forgot to tell you guys I did not get the grant.

My P was 2.5. He said it indicated rising. Said something about a lot of studies in Europe. He also said in Europe they only do FET. Believe higher success. But the Dr didn't say they feel one way or the other.

I probably will end up crying later. Just every thing catching up with me. It is not so much the delay. Just all the exhaustion in getting all my time off lined up. I am just ready for bed. Trigger at 730. Then somehow figure out how to get in the mood for sex so husband can clean his pipes as my Dr office likes to say.
Beagle I'm sorry for the delay but the Dr knows what is best and they know what will maximize your chances for a bfp. Don't get down. I know this process is maddening. Sending you a hug.

I forgot about Vitamin B for nausea. I've started having sharp pains in my uterus followed by a lot of spotting. I called the Dr and they want to see me tomorrow unless it gets worse then I am going to the ER. Crossing fingers!
Beagle I'm sorry for the delay but the Dr knows what is best and they know what will maximize your chances for a bfp. Don't get down. I know this process is maddening. Sending you a hug.

I forgot about Vitamin B for nausea. I've started having sharp pains in my uterus followed by a lot of spotting. I called the Dr and they want to see me tomorrow unless it gets worse then I am going to the ER. Crossing fingers!

I hope everything is OK.
beaglemom-I know exactly how you feel. This whole process is super exhausting, and when you get to the end of meds, it just all comes to a head. You can finally breathe, because you're done with shots, but only halfway through the entire process. I totally feel you. I sniffled a bit after my transfer on Wednesday. It's all just to overwhelming and ridiculous that some of us have to go through this process. :hugs: On the flip side, I can't wait for Saturday though! Oh, and sorry about the grant.

BabyW-I hope you are not in the ER this morning and have an early appointment where your doctor says everything is ok. Are the pains super painful or just uncomfortable? Check in when you can.
Pains are sharp. Spotting is pinkish brown. All symptoms are gone. Hope this is not what I think it is. I feel different. Ms is gone too, like poof gone. Sitting in waiting room at local branch of my practice. 10 women and no one has been called yet and we have been here since 8. I hate waiting. I tossed and turned all night. I hope everything is ok. What a mind fcuk!
I hope everything is ok too. Symptoms come and go, so I wouldn't use that as a gauge that something is wrong, but you know..I only know what I know from BnB. I can't believe there are ten of you there and not one person has been seen yet. That's pretty crazy. Especially since they know you are there for an "emergency" visit. Tons of prayers going up for you this morning, babe.
Morning, ladies.

babywhisperer - Oh no! I hope everything is okay. :hugs: Sending good vibes your way.

Beagle - I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get the grant. :hugs: I hope your trigger went well last night. You are almost to retrieval now and the worst of the physical stuff should be over soon. It does get so exhausting at towards the end. Hang in there.

Terri - So you are done with school for good now?? If so, that's awesome. Congratulations!!! And congrats on your good grades. :thumbup: I hope that book you have to read is a good one and you can fly through it.
BabyW, I'm really sorry you're having to worry, and sitting in a waiting room for that long doesn't help! I feel like everything is going to be okay though, I really do. I've heard others having strange uncomfortable pains with spotting, and they usually end up okay. I promise I'm not making that up just to make you feel better... I've heard it a lot. I bet things are just adjusting in there to make room, growing, expanding, etc. Please keep us posted Hun. Will be thinking about you.:flower:
BabyW - thinking of you! Erin always has awesome words of encouragement. :) Hang in there Babyw and try to stay positive! Good luck with your appointment, update us when you can.

Beagle - sorry you're feeling down. I haven't been through it yet myself, but I can imagine it gets so exhausting and emotional. You're juggling so many things - work, schedules, IVF. Allow yourself a good cry!

HI everyone else - and happy friday!
You ladies are awesome. I appreciated reading all of your comments while I waited, it kept me off the ledge. I had a subchorionic bleed. It can be normal but if the location of the hematoma is in between the placenta and uterine wall it can be very dangerous and cause a mc. The Dr said the pregnancy is progressing beautifully and has doubled in size since Monday and the heart rate increased. I was told to take it easy the next 48hrs. I have a wake at 3pm, dh's firm holiday party where you bring the kids at 5pm, and I have to get everything ready for Jack's party. This should be interesting. Thank you all for your concern. The Dr said more than 1 third of women have bleeding or spotting. I explained that the cramping, spotting and loss of symptoms simultaneously was very concerning and he apologized for the wait and explained that maybe the growth spurt this week increased the ms and I am being given a reprieve...but that it will likely be back. He also explained that adrenaline can stop ms and if I was highly anxious it might have stopped it. I am to go back to the Dr on Monday. Also for all of you ladies with a different Rh factor than your dh's, I am being given a prescription for Rhogam and I need to take it tonight in the same spot as PIO. When a bleed occurs and there is a difference in Rh factor they give the shot earlier in pregnancy to prevent my antibodies from attacking the fetus and to stop the blood cells of the fetus from entering my bloodstream. I know with my last pregnancy I got the shot at 34 weeks when I should've gotten it before 28weeks but everything was fine.

I'm working from home and my Mom is helping so I can stay off my feet. She's going to be very tired after this weekend!

Beagle sorry about the grant. And yeah foe trigger! I know I go relief from the fullness after I triggered, I hope you do too.

Terri woohoo for no school and awesome grades. How are you feeling?
Yay BabyW - glad all is looking well. Do what the doc says and take it easy - I'm sure people will understand if you skip a few things today and I'm sure Hubby can set up for the party...:haha:

Beagle - sorry about the grant and the delay - but it would be worse if the fresh cycle didn't work because of the numbers and then you would have waiting until prob Feb for the FET...knowing now makes it overall faster!

Terri - yay for no more school.

Take it easy everyone so we can have lots of good news over the holidays!

AFM - embarrassing story - I get a really bad cough every other year (I call it my non-smokers smokers cough, because it sounds like a smokers cough - very dry and deep.) Anyways, I was not due to get it this year and bam - here it is coming. Now when I get into a bad coughing fit (if I am standing) I am leaking a little urine. :dohh: Already at 18 weeks - wth!!! Hoping this is not a sign for later on and just related to the cough. So I am back to wearing pads - thought I was done with that for the year!
Yay BabyW - glad all is looking well. Do what the doc says and take it easy - I'm sure people will understand if you skip a few things today and I'm sure Hubby can set up for the party...:haha:

Beagle - sorry about the grant and the delay - but it would be worse if the fresh cycle didn't work because of the numbers and then you would have waiting until prob Feb for the FET...knowing now makes it overall faster!

Terri - yay for no more school.

Take it easy everyone so we can have lots of good news over the holidays!

AFM - embarrassing story - I get a really bad cough every other year (I call it my non-smokers smokers cough, because it sounds like a smokers cough - very dry and deep.) Anyways, I was not due to get it this year and bam - here it is coming. Now when I get into a bad coughing fit (if I am standing) I am leaking a little urine. :dohh: Already at 18 weeks - wth!!! Hoping this is not a sign for later on and just related to the cough. So I am back to wearing pads - thought I was done with that for the year!

I'm sorry I'm laughing right now but I had the same thing happen when I would laugh hard. Even when my water broke when I was taking a nap I thought, "oh great I peed myself". It is not a sign you'll have problems after pregnancy, maybe you just had too full of a bladder. You can Google what your bladder looks like at 18 weeks and it is starting to get flatter and can't hold a lot, hence all the peeing we do. I'm sorry about the cough, do you have a humidifier? Feel better!!
Sorry about the delay, beagle! Enjoy the holiday. After all of the retrieval drama it will be nice to relax.
Yay for no school, Terri! I hope you have two in there!
Erin, I feel like different is good! I've been praying everyday for you girls!
BabyW, my symptoms came and went too. Every single time I would flip out! Unisom and Vitamin B at night helped lots until I got my diclegis prescription. Lol aaaannnnnd my nausea came back this week. This girl is killin me. I'm with Amy, I think girl. My heartbeat got faster and faster too. Oh, and coke syrup over crushed ice settled my stomach.

Moni, I love your story. I'm so sick of pantiliners. Discharge is annoying....but not as annoying as possible hemrroids! Talk about embarrassing! I have to have my bloodwork to check my heparin blood levels today (4 more weeks of blood thinners!!!) and I'll be bending over for someone. I've never had this problem but apparently constipation plus something about blood vessels in pregnant women and straining cause it. Yay. All the new pregnant gals, keep up with your fiber cause this is literally a pain in the ass. Of course I made DH look last night and we both couldn't stop laughing. He actually said "well, I'll just pull your cheeks apart." I'm like ooooookay I'll just handle this on my own. Lol I can't see back there!!! It was actually nice to laugh. I've been so emotional and my stepdaughter really pushed my buttons this week!
BW - Glad everything is OK

I feel better. Cried in the shower. I am just emotional. Not mad or upset just disappointed. I am gorging at lunch and plan to do it again at dinner. Shopping with my husband tonight and busing our ornament.

Oh and my babies will be conceived 12-13-14. Pretty cool :)

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