First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy-I think you made the right decision. I wouldn't want to wait too, especially with the holidays coming up, but regardless, it's still a painful, traumatic thing to go through and you seem to be doing pretty well (at least on the outside). <3

Moni-Yup..still a boy. That's great that you got another scan and all is going well. When will they tell you whether you have asthma? You said you always have cough this time of year though, right?

Oh, my friends IUI beta was negative. Grr..she had so many good symptoms. You never know...

kfs1-Miss you, sweets. :kiss:
Hugs, Amy! I hope you start to feel "normal" soon.

Ouch on the broken bone! Does his arm look all swollen? Poor guy! At least you're not sick yet for your drive! I hated driving...hope he feels better!

Oh BabyW, I feel for you. Like Terri said, get the prescription so you can feel decent. I felt bad at first taking stuff but I was much happier with it. At least functioning half the day was worth it. Sometimes it sneaks up here and there but for the most part, it's gone. I'm so interested to see if you're having a girl!!!

Yay on mammo results! Whew! That's got to feel good!

Hi Booger! Bcp blows. I get what you're saying. When I had to shrink my cysts for a million cycles DH was like well we can try naturally...I'm like HELLOOOOOO I'm on birth control! Then he said sometimes people get pregnant on birth control...I think the look I gave him could have burned his skin off. Plus the bcp really messed with my hormones. Hang in there! I want February to get here fast too so I'll keep hoping for time to speed up! ; )

I will be stalking this thread for the next 24-48 hours like a crazy person! I know you will be on top of updating, beagle and Terri! I'm so excited!!!

Hi Moni! LOVE those pictures! He is such a cute little man in there!
Amy - I'm so sorry you had to go through any of that. :hugs: It must have been a really hard decision to make but it sounds like you made the best one for you and DH. Take all the time you need to get through this and I hope you can still find some joy this holiday season. We're all here for you! :xmas7:

Terri - I so hope you have good news tomorrow. Even if you are ambivalent about things right now, I'm still hopeful for you. Hopefully your sore tushy won't be in vain.

LadySosa - That's funny you fell asleep! When you're tired, you need to rest! I guess that's what my funk has been about - I'm just tired of waiting. Then I feel bad about being impatient because it's not like DH and I have been at this for years like a lot of couples. This time last year, we were actually NOT trying because I didn't want to be pregnant on our honeymoon in February. Ridiculous.

Babywhisperer - Your Dora bangs comment earlier was pretty funny. I hope they aren't that bad! If they are, they should grow pretty fast, right? At least that's one of the perks of pregnancy I always hear about.

I was at least pretty productive over the weekend. I finished up all my crafty projects - 5 more pillowcases, 2 aprons, and 26 jars of jam to give out as gifts. The jam was a new recipe - cranberries, strawberries, orange, cinnamon and cloves. It turned out pretty tasty.
Must have cross-posted since my ADD keeps me from staying on one page at a time....

Moni - love the scan pictures!!

JCM - Good point on the BCP. I didn't even think about them messing with my emotions. They usually throw me for a loop.
It is getting pretty late & no phone I don't think it is happening today. I really do not understand because I would have been able to do a fresh cycle. Do they put me on the bottom of the list when it gets changed? I am not feeling so anxious about it today. I did refill my bcp. Spotting has started so I should be starting my period soon. Thank goodness I have a chocolate cake at home. We bought one of the discount rack just because. Last night my husband was ready to dig in to it & I just wasn't feeling it. I do not really crave desserts after dinner...I randomly eat chocolate from the fridge. But we ate some. Then spotting started so I said we bought it just in time. I NEED chocolate during AF.
Amy - you absolutely made the right decision. I'm so sad that you had to go through all of that though. What an emotional roller coaster. I hope you're feeling a bit better and that you're able to enjoy the holidays with your family.

Erin - yikes. I hope your husband is doing ok.

Knit - congrats on the mammogram results. You must have been so relieved.

Ladysosa - I totally hear you about entertaining. It's fun sometimes but absolutely exhausting! :)

Booger - Don't apologize for being frustrated. This process is all about being frustrated. Why did you have to be on BC for so long? I absolutely despise BC pills - they make me feel like crap. Good for you for being proactive this weekend!

BabyW - sorry that you're feeling so sick. I would absolutely get a prescription so that you can at least function. And I'm sorry about your haircut - nothing worse than a bad haircut. Does your hair grow fast at least?

Moni - Happy birthday! And congrats on the great scan. :)

Beagle - what the heck? Why haven't they called? Can you call them?

Teeerrrri - it's your day! I'm feeling happy and positive for you. I will be stalking like a mad-woman.

Nothing to report here. My mom's in town so I've been running around with her and getting last-minute baking and shopping done. First OB appt tomorrow.
beagle-I them and see what's up! How can they leave you hanging like this??? The good news is that you're ready to start your frozen cycle immediately since you think AF is here, so that's one positive. In less than a month you'll be prego. Woop woop!

kfs1-Hope your first appointment goes well and you can see your baby again. Are you hoping for a boy or a girl? Enjoy spending time with your mom and give her tons of hugs. hee hee. At least one from me. hee hee.

booger-Your jam sounds yummy. I am in LOVE with Pillsbury grands, and I wish I had all different kinds of jam to put on them. I usually stick with strawberry (because that's what is in the fridge), but there is nothing like a warm biscuit with butter and jam. Ok..I'll stop drooling now. hee hee. sorry you have to be on BCP for so long. I wish there was another way to suppress our hormones. When you are TTC, there should be NO reason for BCP ever again. hee hee.

Hi to everyone else. Update when I get it, of course.
Booger I did not even see about your jam. I made some strawberry jam in my bread was so easy! But personally, I am a grape fan. We buy these hot sausage links...really not sure how to describe them...they come from a butcher in one long length & then we cut them smaller & fry them up. Our favorite thing at Christmas. However, I bought it somewhere new. My mom has always gotten them at her butcher but she didn't last year & I didn't want to pester her so I just found some. I figured if she buys some, no bigger, we will just freeze the rest. But my husband insisted on the grands to eat with it. But I am cheap so I buy the walmart brand. :) I am so excited for Christmas & eating! All we do is eat & we will probably skype while my nephews open gifts. And we stay in our pajamas all day!

I don't really know who to call. I could probably dig up the number somewhere for the lab. But I think I will just wait it out some more. It's not like it will change anything. I have my bcp, today is CD 1, and my class on Jan 6. So all is still set to go.

Terri - good luck today! I hope you are pleasantly surprised ;)
Thanks for all your support everyone. I had my D&C on Saturday morning. I'm feeling ok now. Just a little cramping and a little bleeding still. I decided to go ahead with the D&C because they said it could take a couple days up to a couple weeks for a natural miscarriage to take place and I just couldn't bear to sit around waiting for it to happen. I just wanted to get it over with so I could start healing. Also, this way I don't have to keep going back to get tested/monitored to see if the miscarriage was complete or not. They said that up to 50% of woman who have a natural miscarriage still have to have a D&C anyway because not everything clears itself out. With all of this thrown at us, we decided to just go ahead and do it. They did another confirmation ultra sound as well. I was suppose to be 8 weeks that day, there was no heart beat and the fetus and the sac were both now measuring under 6 weeks, so it actually got a little smaller by that time.

Erin - I'm so happy for you. That is a great beta. I'm sorry about your DH though :(

Terri - Are you feeling any better? Are you going to test before your beta or just wait? You might have said all ready but I missed it if you did.

Booger76 - I'm glad you're are getting out of your funk. We are all allowed to be in a funk sometimes, it's totally normal.

Babywhisperer - I'm sorry you're not feeling well either.

Hi everyone else. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. I just kind of skimmed to catch up.

Sounds like you were able to proceed with having confirmation that it wasn't viable. I am so sorry and feel gutted for you. It is a loss and you should allow yourself what you need to grieve. Be kind to yourself and know we are all thinking of you.

Terri when you come for a visit let me know! There are soooo many boutique hotels you really can pick your neighborhood!
Morning ladies!! :coffee:

Beagle - I hope they call you today! It's weird they would leave you hanging since the results are supposed to have a fast turnaround. Don't they know you have a bunch of ladies on BnB waiting!!! Jam in the breadmaker?? I've not heard of that but anything that simplifies the process sounds great! Your sausages sound yummy.

Terri - Good luck today, lady!! :flower: Now I am craving biscuits. I love jam on a warm biscuit with butter too. DH is a gravy man and he gives me the weirdest look when I take a biscuit and slather it in butter and jam. I like gravy on my biscuits too but there's just nothing like the sweet and savory of butter and jam.

kfs - Glad your mom is in town to help out! I miss my Mom so much this time of year. I tried to convince her to come stay with us this year for Christmas but she didn't want to travel during the holidays (can't blame her there, neither did we). Normally, I don't mind living so far away from my family but the holidays can make me a little sentimental.

I guess the reason for the constant birth control is so they can control when my cycles start and to keep the ol' ovaries suppressed. After my retrieval, I had to stay on it so we could do the mock transfers and try tp prep for my FET. After the mocks didn't work, I had to stay on them so I could have the surgery. And now I have to continue them so I can do the next mock and start prepping for my FET. I understand why they do it - and even though my cycles have almost always been like clockwork, I'm sure with my luck if I were to try to have a natural cycle it would be all wonky and mess things up.

Today is my last day of work until next Monday! :happydance:
Moni love the scan! I remember when we had a scan the technician asked if we knew the gender and we said yes, she said ok good b/c look at this! Jack was reaching b/t his legs and playing with himself. We were all laughing so hard the Dr busted in wanting to know what was going on. He looked at the screen and said yup, they start that early!! I can't wait for you to get to the 3D scans, you can tell who the baby looks like. We new early on Jack looked like dh. Happy Birthday mama! It's going to be a great year for you!

Beagle any word?

Terri I am waiting (tap, tap, tap) Think positive to be positive!

As for my bangs, they are so short I need to go out and buy a special smaller round brush. My hair grows fast but not fast enough for Christmas Eve for it not to look ridiculous. Maybe if I flatiron them? I'm not feeling awful today and yesterday wasn't terrible. I hope the reprieve lasts for 2 more days...unfortunately when it comes back it is worse. I think I will talk to my Dr on Friday about it at my next appt, especially since my next appt after that is Jan 12 when we do the Maternity 21 test and will find out the gender! I can't believe we will know probably by the end of Jan what we're having.

Kfs I hope your appt goes well!
Good morning ladies!

So exciting BabyW! I can't believe you already get to find out the gender! Glad you're feeling better these last couple days.

Kfs1 - enjoy time with your mom, and good luck at your appointment tomorrow.

Terri - CAN'T wait just like everyone else! You're keeping us in suspense and we're all dying to see the results!

Booger - Yay for some days off work! Today is my last day until next Monday too. Most people are off today (even quieter than yesterday) so an unproductive day of surfing the web is in order for today.

Beagle - kudos to you for being so patient! I'd probably be the annoying one that keeps calling until I get my answer, teehee.

Question. At our Christmas gathering my cousin brought his newborn (okay, she's like three months now) and he was being so annoying! I am getting over my cold (not contagious, just a lingering cough) and he asked me not to get near the baby. Then he was asking everyone to sanitize their hands before they held the baby. He even went so far as to ask me to MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT to all guests that everyone must sanitize their hands before touching the baby (I politely declined and suggested he tell them himself). Then it got me wondering - is that normal? When you have a baby, are you supposed to ask people to sanitize their hands before they hold the baby? It just seemed a little over the top to me, but I'm not sure what other parents do (my cousin is already weird so wasn't sure if I should put any stock into his actions).
Good morning ladies!

So exciting BabyW! I can't believe you already get to find out the gender! Glad you're feeling better these last couple days.

Kfs1 - enjoy time with your mom, and good luck at your appointment tomorrow.

Terri - CAN'T wait just like everyone else! You're keeping us in suspense and we're all dying to see the results!

Booger - Yay for some days off work! Today is my last day until next Monday too. Most people are off today (even quieter than yesterday) so an unproductive day of surfing the web is in order for today.

Beagle - kudos to you for being so patient! I'd probably be the annoying one that keeps calling until I get my answer, teehee.

Question. At our Christmas gathering my cousin brought his newborn (okay, she's like three months now) and he was being so annoying! I am getting over my cold (not contagious, just a lingering cough) and he asked me not to get near the baby. Then he was asking everyone to sanitize their hands before they held the baby. He even went so far as to ask me to MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT to all guests that everyone must sanitize their hands before touching the baby (I politely declined and suggested he tell them himself). Then it got me wondering - is that normal? When you have a baby, are you supposed to ask people to sanitize their hands before they hold the baby? It just seemed a little over the top to me, but I'm not sure what other parents do (my cousin is already weird so wasn't sure if I should put any stock into his actions).

Oh yes, I remember this phase. When Jack was born it was the height of cold and flu season and if people didn't automatically wash their hands before handling the baby I had hand sanitizer nearby. I will say most automatically washed their hands and every day when my nanny comes she washed her hands before touching Jack and he's now 1. I don't think it's your responsibility to tell everyone to do that though. Those that want to hold the baby should be told and use that it's flu season to request it. I don't know if most people realize a baby that young gets a trip to the hospital for a fever of 100.5 and they test for spinal meningitis. My saying is "there are no do-overs" when it comes to babies/ can't go back and undo something once it's done. Trust me dh thinks I am crazy for not allowing him to bring Jack on the ice rink even if he carries him. No helmet no deal. What if there is a divot in the ice and dh falls, or a small kid trips him by accident....I am not as crazy about the hand sanitizing but Jack has had some vaccinations already. I think when you bring a baby that young to a party you have to know people will want to hold them and also germs stay airborne for hours, not toughing is one thing but the baby is still in a crowded room. That's just my $.02
Hcg of 5.7. Probably not viable but I am to continue my meds until I get home. It should be 100 at this point. :shrug:
Hcg of 5.7. Probably not viable but I am to continue my meds until I get home. It should be 100 at this point. :shrug:

Don't give up hope. Could be a late implanter. Look at betabase, there are 4s and 3s reported that went onto develop heartbeats. Crossing fingers and toes it doubles!
I think hand sanitizer in general has become crazy. I am not a germophobe. I wash my hands when I should. Sometimes I eat things that have fallen on the floor. I think with my own child, I would wash my hands regularly...not obssessively...& I would def require hand sanitizer on people outside of maybe my sister or mom...because people are gross & you have no idea what their standard of clean is. But I also believe in not being overly cautious because your baby does need to develope a strong immune system. I think being reasonable is the key. Making an announcement is in my opinion just plan douchebaggy.

Terri - I really hope the numbers go up for you. I think it is def a good thing you have some hcg. That means something happened, right? Maybe I am wrong. Good luck it keeps going up!
They called me a while ago...I didn't have time to post.

She said I have good news (so in the pit I was thinking did all 5 make it?). But she said I have 2 out of 5. I was hoping for 3, but honestly, I felt this huge relief when she said it. When you really think about it, I either have 2 shots or 2 babies. The PGS embryo is already better quality. So I am focusing on 2 babies. She asked about gender and I told her not yet. My husband does not want to know for both...takes away the surprise for baby #2. But I do want to knw once we have a positive beta. So overall I feel pretty good. So 2 weeks from today is my FET class. And hopefully shortly after, I can do the FET. The nurse said I had to be on bcp for at least 2 weeks.

Oh man...all I keep thinking is I have 2 babies just waiting for this moment, I am not even thinking about a possibility of failure. I am truly filled with excitement & relief.
Terri - Because you are always the cheerleader for all of us, I want to be a cheerleader for you! 5.7 means you're pregnant, right??? So, congratulations!! You just never know what is going to happen. Hoping that the number just keeps on climbing for you, chica. :flower:
Beagle - Congrats on your 2 normal embryos. How exciting!!!

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