First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - don't lose hope! Like BabyW said it could be a slow grower - I know we've seen that a lot on this board!

Beagle - that is great news. You're one step closer!! How exciting!
Thanks ladies. I'm not giving up yet and I packed my decaf tea. Groan. Ha ha. I was dreaming about coffee for tomorrow. But I will wait!

Beagle-awesome news. Two babies coming right up!! So happy for you. Merry Christmas.

Booger-thanks babe. You are a great cheerleader.
Yay terri - you are not out yet - that embryo is fighting for its spot in this world!! When do you go for another beta?

Beagle - yay - 2 babies!!!

AFM - I was diagnosed with seasonal asthma yesterday. They have prescribed me an inhaler and it is ok to take if needed while pregnant. Iconfirmed with my ob as well.
Terri - when do they plan to do another beta?

So unmotivated at work today...ugh...
Terri - Yay for a positive beta! I know the number's not what you wanted to hear but don't lose hope. That little embryo could be a fighter yet! When's your next beta?

Congrats Beagle!
Terri - Congratulations on a positive beta!! I know it's not as high as they would like to see it but it means something is happening right? What did your Dr. have to say about the level? I know it sucks being in this limbo where you're not sure which way it's going to go but I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!

Beagle - Congrats on the two babies :)

Well this morning I had my follow up for my D&C which was fine but the thing that has lifted my spirits is he is going to let me go straight into a FET cycle. I still need to wait until I get a normal period which can take 4 to 6 weeks but once AF arrives, I get to start my BC and then go in for my SHG. He says that he usually waits 2 cycles before giving the go ahead but that there is no real scientific proof that waiting 1 cycle has any greater risk than waiting 2 or more so he doesn't see any problem not waiting if the SHG comes back good. This lifted my spirits so much because my RE is usually so conservative about everything and I thought for sure he was going to make me wait like 3 cycles or something. So if everything works out, I could be doing another transfer sometime in February. Whoo Hoo!! I have to say, I'm so hormonal and emotional right now. I will cry at anything. My hormones must be going crazy trying to figure out what's happening and what to do about it. I almost cried telling my RE how I'm crying all the time lol. Maybe that's why he said I didn't have to wait, he was afraid I would cry HAHA!!

Hi everyone!!
Great news Amy!! You're making me cry talking about crying. Ha ha.

I go back on Sunday morning for another beta. Something should have happened by then. I'm thinking tons of doubling thoughts. Plus, now that I'm halfway prego (yes, it's a thing), I won't have to stay out late this week with hubs and his homeboys. Win-win.
Amy - I am glad you do not have to wait. I wanted to ask about that but didn't know if it sounded like I was rushing you or you may not be ready to try again. Good news is you know your body works! Good luck.

Terri - I think maybe your little one is stubborn, yet determined...probably already showing some of the genes he inherited. ;)

My husband was a little bummed at 2. But I was really not expecting more than 3. So I am happy. And my body has been responding well this whole I have decided it is just waiting & ready to do its thing.
Amy that is such great news. The holidays will fly by and Feb will be here before you know it. Having that to look forward is an amazing thing right now and I'm looking forward to that for you. Your body knows what to do. In the meantime be patient with yourself. Your hormones will take a bit to settle back down. Cry and do whatever you need to do. A release is cathartic. Enjoy the holidays. Have that wine! Soft cheese! Raw seafood! And know that its not if its when it will happen.

Beagle 2 is wonderful. I had 2 and you know one is all you need and they cherry picked the best. Your FET will be here so soon I am so excited for you. Your attitude is great.

Terri when is your next beta?

I'm all done shopping, I had a hostess gift to pick up. I got a candle from Ralph Lauren called Ocean Lane and it is so yummy. I wear I could live in the home section of the store by me. I wish they would let me sit there with some girlfriends one night and have cocktails. I wish I had a house that I could decorate like their home section but we have a New England Colonial. I would die for a large den or library with wainscoting in darker woods. I also finally got my cousin a wedding gift. I cleaned up his registry at Wiliams-Sonoma. That place was a zoo but they are having awesome sales on everything. I replaced the hand cream next to the dish soap since my nanny is always washing her hands so they get dry. I swear the city was so packed as were the trains. I'm so happy to have the next 5 days off. And I am even more excited to see my nephew tomorrow. He's 3mos now but since he was a preemie he's still on a monitor. He's such a little peanut I hold him and never put him down. He's like a little space heater. I forgot how warm babies run. I hope everyone is surrounded by those that they love this week and for holiday wishes to come true now and in the future.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. I just want to thank you all again for your support. You have no idea how much it comforts me and how much I appreciate it. Much love to you and your families :)
Amy - I'm so thrilled that you don't have to wait too long for your FET. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays and focus on yourself.

Merry Christmas Eve ladies. Love you all.
Just checking in. Hope everyon had a great Christmas. Terri any update? Beagle? How are the prego ladies feeling?

What's everyone doing for NYE?

Afm Christmas was great and low key. I had an ultrasound on Fri and the baby is measuring just over 9 weeks and everything looks great. I've stopped spotting but the Dr said it doesn't mean the clot is gone. They will look more closely on the 14th and my 12 week scan and bloodwork. The nausea is better since they gave me Zofran but the constipation side effect is seriously bad. Worse than after my c section. Gotta take the good with the bad I guess. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
I'm back home from Christmas and very happy about being home. It was a stressful four days but I ran, went out to eat a few times and am just glad to be in my own bed. My hubs and his mother both have sleeping issues so that means I didn't get to sleep very well either and that is not like me at all. I go in tomorrow for another blood draw and in the meantime I'm still taking my medicine.

I am almost finished reading my 500 page book if that tells you anything about how social I was over the four days. :haha: I'll go back to the library tomorrow before the football games.

Another slight funny is during/after my run on Wednesday morning I wasn't sure if I was sore from running, shots or both. Ha ha. I guess that's not a bad thing and my run on Friday was much better although I was still sore all over.

Hope you all had a nice break and I'll fill you in tomorrow afternoon or Monday when they call me with results. :juggle:
Good luck tomorrow Terri!

My night just became full of anxiety. My dog ate a hug thing of chocolate covered cherries. I gave him hydrogen peroxide to throw up. It didn't work. He has a damn iron stomach! This has happened before...not uncommon with beagles but I am usually very careful. We left the bedroom open that had x-mas gifts in it. But usually he is fine. But still makes me anxious. He is just sleeping now...being pitiful earlier because I was such a meanie with peroxide & sticking my fingers down his throat. It has been about 30 minutes. I am thinking of taking a short walk outside with him. They say that helps.

Next week is my class. I am so excited to move on. We completely cleaned out the 3rd bedroom. If I feel motivated I will start laying our laminate. All I can think about is how I want to do a nursery.
Good evening ladies. I enjoyed Christmas but am glad it is past. This time of year can be so busy.
Terri, I have everything crossed for you! Can't wait for your update.xoxo
Beagle, hope your pup is doing fine!! I can be scary when they ingest things they shouldn't. When my mothers dog was about 10 weeks old my father was playing with her on the floor and he used to keep 2 full strength Bayer aspirin in his pocket because he had a heart attack. Well they fell out of his pocket and she ate them before he grabbed them! But she was just fine. It worried me due to weight based dosing. But her 2 lb self handled it just fine.

Erin hope your hubby is doing better! Sorry to hear about his arm.

Amy- I'm glad you don't have to wait too long! I'm sending love and prayers your way!
Afm- I'm pretty sure my FET is going to be canceled for January. I find out for sure Monday but I started spitting on the 24th, it is now a full flow and not letting up. I went for an ultrasound anyway on the 26th but my lining was only 8.3 so repeat ultrasound Monday. She said they will decide from there. If we have to reschedule then she is wanting me to take provera to induce a cycle next month but I swear that is what screwed me last month. I had a light flow for 2days then nothing, now 2weeks later this.
Does anyone else hate their uterus as much as me?;)
Baby w - a short while back you mentioned about blood testing for RH factor... Can you remind me of those details. I'm wondering if they should test my husbands blood type. I know I'm o negative but I'm not sure about him and I'm wondering if that could be causing all our miscarriages.... I'm getting frustrated with my clinic and feel like they don't have a clue. The dr pushed for the Pgs and said she was sure it was genetic issues at this point but my results came back perfect. So I asked the nurse what they were thinking now and she said they made a case study of me and no one had any ideas how to prevent me from miscarrying. I just feel like emotionally I can not go thru another loss. Especially if it could be something simple they are over looking.
Jkb- hopefully your lining will thicken up over the weekend. I hope you can still go through with the transfer so long as everything is ok. You really don't want to do it if all conditions aren't perfect. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

BabyW-glad everything is going great. Now we wait until the next scan on the 14th. Yay!!

Beaglemom-hopefully your dog is ok today. Why do they want to eat stuff they shouldn't??!! Hee hee. Does he seem lethargic or anything? Maybe he'll be ok in the end. I think dogs are good about processing stuff and getting rid of it if they don't feel good.
I'm about to go get my blood drawn and I'm a tad nervous. Not sure why, really. More later.
Pup is doing fine but mom is exhausted. We were up and down all night. He threw it all up. Twice in the house. But he woke up regular time ready for breakfast. I gave him nausea meds with breakfast. That dog has an iron stomach. But I am very happy he feels better. You would think these awful nights would make them never want to do it again.

Hopin for good news terri!
Hello Ladies
Hope you don't mind me joining you.
I'm 42 and trying for my first. DH and I have been trying for 6 years but have taken it more seriously for the past 2.5 years. Because of my age, we will be embarking on our first IVF treatment in jan/feb. Totally not ready for it but I don't have the time to mentally prepare myself. Will just have to launch myself I into it. Will be good to share my journey will people doing the same or people whose got more knowledge than me. Hope everyone have a wonderful new year

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