First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Today's beta is 284, so it tripled in 48 hours, which takes a load off.

:)(this feels like a really crappy time to be posting that :()

I knew it!!

I will try and attach a video that I hope will lift some spirits. It's 2 Salvation Army guys outside of Bloomingdales ringing their bells and dancing to Beat It.

Crap it won't let me upload says a 7sec video it too big of a file. The funniest part is in the background a guy is getting put in handcuffs by NYC PD. Too funny.
Oh my gosh! My heart is broken for you, Amy. I'm with BabyW and Terri. Maybe another scan to be really really sure? One of my best friends just went through this. So awful. So so sorry, girl.

Erin!!!! There are two in there!! That egg totally split! Plus I had a dream about it days ago! Wow! What a great number! I will have to take a pic of my laundry room in there. My closet is insane. Huge. My husband gets a small space and the rest is all me. I could live in there!! There's actually a door to get into the laundry room so it's closed off and then....ta daaaa! Full size washer/dryer. I mainly love it because I keep clothes in the dryer and "wrinkle free" mode them for a week every single day I get dressed. So lazy. Plus, I hate ironing DHs scrubs so it's convenient when they are in the dryer for him in the morning. PLUS! Sometimes he will warm my towel up for me as I'm getting out of the shower! He's a keeper! Oh, and ummmm YES to finding out the sex ASAP! There has to be one positive cool thing to all of this ivf/pgs stuff that normal pregnant people DONT get! When DH and I were doing the transfer he said of course I want to go to that! The husband is usually there when the wife gets pregnant, but I actually get to see it happen. Way cooler than getting pregnant naturally!

Ladysosa, A Christmas Story is my favorite movie! I wish I could see that musical! I was trying to think of something to take my stepkids to this year...all I have is the nutcracker. The girls would like it but my 10 year old boy would give me the "really???" look. Stay away from those flu kids!!!

BabyW, that is EXACTLY why I think my parents moved from New York to Arizona! They knew I would probably get hurt on the subway. I am a super loud Italian when people get nasty. Bill Cosby...hilarious. Vitamin B and unisom really cut the sickness down for me until I saw my OB and was able to get some nausea prescribed meds. DH originally called in diclegis for me and it was 700 bucks! So the pharmacist suggested the unisom/vit B until I could get the insurance to pay for diclegis. It had to be approved by my insurance through the doctors office. Still 200 bucks but saved my life week 10- now. I did the unisom/B week 8 til 10. I took it at night because obviously it made me sleepy. Unisom and Benadryl are on my pregnancy safe list.
I hope it does the trick for you. I hated being sick when I had to take care of my stepkids and they are older than little Jack! Driving to gymnastics and Rugby every other day along with the normal day to day stuff really took a lot out of me. I kept plastic bags in my purse just in case. Yuck!

Terri, I'm really really praying that you get a nice surprise. Sorry about the shots. I remember crying some days because I was so sick of the stinging burn from the endless needles. Those were crappy days. Those were also the days that I said screw my heparin shots, I don't need em! Can you switch to suppositories maybe instead PIO? I hope you feel better or actually maybe I hope you get lots of crazy symptoms this weekend! I too, admire your strength of not testing. Pretty impressive.

Beagle, 7 embryos is a great number. I'll bet you won't even need more than 1 transfer.

Hi to everyone else!! Thanks for the kind words about my bump! I'm getting used to it and those maternity stores really make you feel like a VIP! They all ran around today getting sizes and outfits for me! Like my own personal shoppers. Plus they gave me juice and snacks!

Small edit: my boobs are huge and they won't stop growing. Like B to D. It's unbelievable. I bought all new bras. Start saving for those, girls! I hope they stop soon. I want a reduction.
I had a dream that I had 6 embryos after pgs. Doubtful. But we shall see today.
Question for the FET folks. Did most of your meds come from a specialty pharmacy?
beagle-Mine came from freedom fertility. I called my regular med place and they said they couldn't fill it, so they had to call freedom fertility and that's where ALL of my meds have come from, save BCP.

Jen-Thanks for checking in. Good stuff. I used to run with a woman who had a concave chest (basically). She said that her husband liked when she was pregnant because she actually had tits (that's what I call them). But after she gave birth they went back to nubs. hee hee. Not sure if she breastfed so I can't help there but hopefully yours will go back down if you don't like your newfound Ds. And....gross about the plastic bags, but that's better than having nothing. As far as my shots..I'm not switching. I don't care that much (I was having a moment the other day) and besides, I only have 4 more nights to do it. If I find out I'm prego, I'll gladly take a few more weeks of shots. :thumbup:
beagle-Mine came from freedom fertility. I called my regular med place and they said they couldn't fill it, so they had to call freedom fertility and that's where ALL of my meds have come from, save BCP.

Jen-Thanks for checking in. Good stuff. I used to run with a woman who had a concave chest (basically). She said that her husband liked when she was pregnant because she actually had tits (that's what I call them). But after she gave birth they went back to nubs. hee hee. Not sure if she breastfed so I can't help there but hopefully yours will go back down if you don't like your newfound Ds. And....gross about the plastic bags, but that's better than having nothing. As far as my shots..I'm not switching. I don't care that much (I was having a moment the other day) and besides, I only have 4 more nights to do it. If I find out I'm prego, I'll gladly take a few more weeks of shots. :thumbup:

Sounds like you're out of your funk. I think it's impossible to go through this without have a moment or a few! I ran out of the PIO and switched to the Endometrin and while it's gross I am happy to not have to deal with the shots and bleeding. I hope to hear from my ob and I can stop the progesterone supps.

Amy how are you feeling hun? Will you do another scan or stop the progesterone? We are here for you.

Beagle when do you hear?

Jen I love having our laundry room in the kitchen, I don't have to worry about where Jack is b/c the den is open to the kitchen. It makes things so much easier! I will have to try the Unisom/Vit B combo. Was it a B complex or just B12? I am a loud mouth half Italian too, and I speak my mind on the subway. I was on the E train a few years ago and a correspondent from MSNBC was 9mos prego and wanted a seat. One guy had his earphones on and eyes closed, another guy sitting right in front of her ignored her belly and opened his newspaper and practically rested it on her belly. I took out my white Tic-Tacs and started throwing them at the guy reading the newspaper while yelling that he must not have a Mother, sister, wife or girlfriend. The guy with the earphones got hit with a Tic-Tac and realized what was going on and gave her his seat. The next day I saw her again and she told me that she relayed the whole story to her co-workers and it was her last day commuting b/c people are just too rude and pushy. The guy with the newspaper never budged....jerk.

Erin how are you feeling with that awesome beta? When is your next appt?

Last weekend before Christmas! My Holiday shopping is done except for some wine and a hostess gift. I think dh is getting sick, he woke up with a sore throat, but I doubt that stops him from indulging at his holiday party today.

I couldn't eat dinner which was soup. I had some crackers and that's all I could stomach. So far today is better. Maybe I get bad waves of it when the baby is going through a growth spurt?

Thinking of all of you ladies, I am grateful for your support and advice.
Congrats Erin! Sounds very promising!

OK, total newb question here: how long do the injections last? In looking at my calendar, it looks like about a week and a half or so..hard to tell. I know it's different for everyone, but just trying to get a ballpark. I'm nervous, cause a girlfriend of mine said her friend went through this and she had like 3 months of injections....looks like I'll be taking progesterone vaginally, so that's one less injection, right? Do any injections go beyond the retrieval and/or the transfer? Perhaps I should upload my calendar...let's see if I can figure that out...
Here goes....can y'all see the calendar?


  • Sosa(JLK) Ant Jan 15.pdf
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Congrats Erin! Sounds very promising!

OK, total newb question here: how long do the injections last? In looking at my calendar, it looks like about a week and a half or so..hard to tell. I know it's different for everyone, but just trying to get a ballpark. I'm nervous, cause a girlfriend of mine said her friend went through this and she had like 3 months of injections....looks like I'll be taking progesterone vaginally, so that's one less injection, right? Do any injections go beyond the retrieval and/or the transfer? Perhaps I should upload my calendar...let's see if I can figure that out...

I took injections for 10 days. I did not do the P injection. No injections afterwards...but still some meds.
Amy, how are you Hun? I know you are probably taking a little break while you grieve, and I don't blame you one bit. I know this has devastated you, and I wanted to say again how very sorry I am. We're hear when you are ready to talk or vent or cry or anything.<3
Okay...we have 5 embryos that were biopsied. So I guess we lost 2. The sample is going to the lab this afternoon with results early next week. I cannot believe more waiting.

Someone on the threads said no gender selection in NC. Well that is not true. But my office does not allow PGS for the sole purpose of gender selection. They also transfer the best no input from us on what gender we want. Still unsure if we want to know the sex. Maybe once a positive beta.

I felt an odd sense of relief & anxiety all at the same time. I was happy to hear 5, but then kept thinking I started with 14. I think the odds are something like 33%...I think that is something Erin said...1 out of 3. So I should get at least one...fingers crossed I get 2.
Lady Sosa-Your calendar is a little unclear, but it looks like you start meds on the 9th and then take them until trigger, which may be around the 18th? Whenever your eggs are ready to go you take the trigger~36 hours before retrieval. It also doesn't say when you start progesterone, but I started the evening of egg retrieval and continued until my beta. So...about 3 weeks to a month of meds.

If prego, I will continue injections until 8 weeks, I believe. Not sure if your place does the same, but most likely they will.
You girls are making me laugh with this twin thing, HA! But I dont think so... since we just had the one embie, I'm sure its a singleton. But no, it isn't impossible for a blast to split after being frozen. In the little research I did a while back, IVF increases your chances of a blast splitting (identical twins) by a little more than the general public. I can't recall the stats though. I think it's pretty rare, but I did read some stories of women who transferred one and ended up with identical twins, and some who transferred 2 and ended up with triplets. "Supposedly" assisted hatching can contribute as well, but i have no idea how/why that would be. Jen, what was your dream?? How funny that we are all so consumed with TTC/pregnancy, that we can even enter each other's dreams occasionally, ha! Love it.

BabyW, I'm so sorry you're still so sick! Sounds like you're really having a tough time of it. Maybe it will go away after the first-tri. Either way, all worth it, right? :) Oh, and my next appt is Sat, but it's just for one more beta. They've scheduled my u/s for January 9th.

LadySosa, yay for getting your calendar! Almost time to start, wuhu!! For my fresh cycle, I stimmed for about 10 days I think...? Since you're not using PIO, I dont think any of your injections would last past retrieval.

terri, glad you are feeling better. :flower: I get in those funks too, especially when I'm feeling discouraged. Looking so forward to your beta tomorrow!

beagle, can't wait for your update today! It would be great to hear that your dream was true and you have 6 viable embies! Even better, if ALL of them are. :)

Hi to everyone else!!
beagle, we must've been posting at the same time!

That 1 out of 3 that I mentioned is just a stat for women over 35. I'm pretty sure my RE said if you're under 35, the average is about half. And its just an average too. I bet you'll have plenty! In fact, I think so far on this thread, didn't booger even have half of her PGS embies come back normal? Someone else has done PGS too, I think, but I can't recall who that was, and she had a nice high number too.
beagle, we must've been posting at the same time!

That 1 out of 3 that I mentioned is just a stat for women over 35. I'm pretty sure my RE said if you're under 35, the average is about half. And its just an average too. I bet you'll have plenty! In fact, I think so far on this thread, didn't booger even have half of her PGS embies come back normal? Someone else has done PGS too, I think, but I can't recall who that was, and she had a nice high number too.

Yes I think I will have a good result...just wish I didn't have to wait the weekend. So I FINALLY convinced my husband to know the gender after a positive beta. But he doesn't want to know the gender of all the embryos. Basically he doesn't want to lose the surprise if we find out they are all boys or all girls. Then we would always know what all the kids will be. I agree with that.
Yes I think I will have a good result...just wish I didn't have to wait the weekend. So I FINALLY convinced my husband to know the gender after a positive beta. But he doesn't want to know the gender of all the embryos. Basically he doesn't want to lose the surprise if we find out they are all boys or all girls. Then we would always know what all the kids will be. I agree with that.

I know, the waiting would have me anxious too. Totally normal! Nice job on getting your DH to agree to find out the gender after a pos beta! My DH won't let me ask until our first u/s goes well. He's feeling pretty sure of everything after our second beta, but he's still a little paranoid about things, so he says we wait until we see a sac and hear that heart beat. Fine! Hehe! In all seriousness though, I'm ok with that too. So we not only hopefully get some good news from our u/s, but we also get a little surprise that same day.
Aww, I'm so excited for you guys! Terri - can't wait to hear the beta results! Sorry for the waiting and waiting and waiting, Beaglemom! At least IVF certainly teaches us patience, that's for sure.

Thanks everyone for the insight on the injections. That's not too bad. Not sure what my friend was talking about with the 3-month injections.

I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for this, because I see (from you guys) how mentally and physically draining its going to be.

I've kicked my wine drinking (hard to do, I love my vino- I still have a glass or two at Christmas tho) and started the pre-natal vitamins! Woot woot!
I'm 30 and my % my RE gave me was 50. I transferred 2 but it was still 50% I'd be pregnant and 55% it would be twins. There was some weird math thing but I didn't want to be consumed with it for the following month of Stims and waiting. Oh and Ladysosa, I did 12 days of Stims and then started my progesterone the day after transfer. I've been on the prenatals for a year. Lol I also was on some other meds like pills and heparin injections. My dr was a "outside the box" guy.

Erin, my dream was (and I think I was having anxiety about when you'd test so I dreamed about you) you had the positive stick and your levels were crazy high and I remember trying to compare mine on certain days compared to yours. You had your ultrasound the first time and they thought one and the second ultrasound there were actually two flickering heartbeats. Then I woke up and had to pee. It might have been out of excitement because my pee every hour stage is over for now. Haha! This was last Wednesday I think.
Oh Ladysosa, maybe your friend is on heparin too! I've been doing that crap since March!

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