First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Beagle-Did you get your report today? I'm so excited to hear the results. Maybe it's tomorrow. I can't wait!
Wow, this thread is moving slow this weekend, huh?! I expected to be so far behind.

I was supposed to hit the road to KY today, but DH took his 4-wheeler out yesterday and got in an accident and broke his arm. It's a bad break too, so he's about to go into surgery. We only delayed our trip by a day, so not bad or anything. But it is an 11.5 hour drive, so the extra day does make a difference. I'm bummed, but I feel worse for him. He's been in a LOT of pain.

Yea, beagle, if today is the big day, I look forward to hearing your report!
I don't think they are open on the weekend because she said early in the week. So hopefully tomorrow.

Erin sorry about your husband. That sounds awful. A broken arm & surgery is also going to make for not such a pleasant drive. But the accident could have been worse.

Not much going on here...spending way too much money on nonsense & getting ready for Christmas. I always regret the money I spend at Christmas. But oh well. After the new year we really have to buckle down & get our finances in order. My husband is baking cookies for his assistants at work. We bought these Christmas Chinese take out boxes to put them in. I have to wrap the things for my coworkers to bring in tomorrow. I wish I had just baked. There is no real standards on gifts. And only me & one banker was there last year. The other 2 guys are new. So I don't know if they plan to get me anything. That is why I like to do it a few days early. So in case they feel weird they have to time to get me something. And the excuse can always be I was early & they planned to bring it in later anyways. I don't really need anything...but I hate that feeling of not knowing one way or the other.
Beagle-oh ok about being open on the weekend. I wasn't sure if that was the case. I will be patient.

ERose-oh no! So sorry to hear your hubs broke his arm, BUT that is a lot better than what could have happened. Hopefully the drive won't be so bad tomorrow. You're still beating the Christmas rush I'm sure. Have a safe trip.
Wow, this thread is moving slow this weekend, huh?! I expected to be so far behind.

I was supposed to hit the road to KY today, but DH took his 4-wheeler out yesterday and got in an accident and broke his arm. It's a bad break too, so he's about to go into surgery. We only delayed our trip by a day, so not bad or anything. But it is an 11.5 hour drive, so the extra day does make a difference. I'm bummed, but I feel worse for him. He's been in a LOT of pain.

Yea, beagle, if today is the big day, I look forward to hearing your report!

Oh no! Hope he is better soon!!
I realized I never reported back ... My mammogram was totally normal. Yay!!
Wow, this thread is moving slow this weekend, huh?! I expected to be so far behind.

I was supposed to hit the road to KY today, but DH took his 4-wheeler out yesterday and got in an accident and broke his arm. It's a bad break too, so he's about to go into surgery. We only delayed our trip by a day, so not bad or anything. But it is an 11.5 hour drive, so the extra day does make a difference. I'm bummed, but I feel worse for him. He's been in a LOT of pain.

Yea, beagle, if today is the big day, I look forward to hearing your report!

I'm so sorry about dh and hope that he heals fast and the pain wanes soon. How are you feeling? Ok to do the drive?
That is great news knitgirl! I bet you are feeling relieved!

Erin - so sorry about your hubby! That sounds terrible! But yet, as beaglemom mentioned it could've been worse. Thank goodness he's ok. I hope the surgery goes well and he is soon not in so much pain. I hope the trip to KY can take his mind off of that!

The thread sure is quiet today/this weekend! So is my work - ALL of my team members are out of the office. So quiet. Kinda nice tho. I think I'll take tomorrow off since I'm not being productive anyways. Last night was our big family Christmas gathering at our house. We had 13 people over. Whew! I'm exhausted! Hosting is so much work - I mean cooking is one thing (I intentionally left the menu pretty easy) but just catering to everyone is never ending! "Can I have a bottled water?" "Do you have an iPhone charger I can borrow?" "Can we turn on the football game?" "Where's the bottle opener?" "So and so doesn't have a place to sit - are there more chairs?" "How does your microwave work?"...etc. etc. etc. Or maybe my family is just high maintenance, LOL. Everyone finally left around 9:30pm and my hubby and I (and pup) just collapsed into bed.

Terri - I thought you had your beta over the weekend? Maybe not...when is it?
Hi ladies!! :flower:

Erin - So sorry to hear about DH's arm! I hope your drive today isn't too miserable for him (or you)! Did you have another beta this weekend?

LadySosa - I saw where you got your calendar. Very exciting! 13 people - wow! I would be exhausted too. We had 2 friends and their 3 yr old over on Sat. night and I was tired. :haha: Sounds like fun and now it's over so hopefully you can just relax. My office is empty too. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be even worse.

knitgirl - So glad to hear your mammogram came back normal. :happydance: Phew!

Terri - Tomorrow's the big day! Are you nervous? Excited? Both? I'm all those things for you.

Beagle - Hopefully you get your results back today. I can't wait to hear your report out.......

babywhisperer - I hope you are starting to feel a bit better!

Amy - Still thinking about you, sweetheart. :hugs:

JCM - Your bump is super cute!!!

Moni - How did your scan go on Friday??

kfs - How are you feeling??? Congrats on graduating for the RE. That's super exciting.

Hello to jkb and brighteyez! :xmas3:

I am sort of out of my funk. I think getting most of my Christmas stuff done this weekend helped. I'm just tired of waiting. I know it's not a big deal but I haven't had a cycle off birth control since September so DH and I haven't even been able to try naturally. Just feel like I'm losing time (even though I know February is just around the corner). Sorry.
Hi ladies!! :flower:

Erin - So sorry to hear about DH's arm! I hope your drive today isn't too miserable for him (or you)! Did you have another beta this weekend?

LadySosa - I saw where you got your calendar. Very exciting! 13 people - wow! I would be exhausted too. We had 2 friends and their 3 yr old over on Sat. night and I was tired. :haha: Sounds like fun and now it's over so hopefully you can just relax. My office is empty too. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be even worse.

knitgirl - So glad to hear your mammogram came back normal. :happydance: Phew!

Terri - Tomorrow's the big day! Are you nervous? Excited? Both? I'm all those things for you.

Beagle - Hopefully you get your results back today. I can't wait to hear your report out.......

babywhisperer - I hope you are starting to feel a bit better!

Amy - Still thinking about you, sweetheart. :hugs:

JCM - Your bump is super cute!!!

Moni - How did your scan go on Friday??

kfs - How are you feeling??? Congrats on graduating for the RE. That's super exciting.

Hello to jkb and brighteyez! :xmas3:

I am sort of out of my funk. I think getting most of my Christmas stuff done this weekend helped. I'm just tired of waiting. I know it's not a big deal but I haven't had a cycle off birth control since September so DH and I haven't even been able to try naturally. Just feel like I'm losing time (even though I know February is just around the corner). Sorry.

No need to apologize for the funk, blues, and overall frustration with this process. We can all empathize and will get no judgment from me and I doubt anyone else! We all need a place to vent and what a better group to vent to than ladies who know how you feel. Personally I hate bcp but I loved the ring, no side effects and the pill made me a lunatic. How does your town celebrate Christmas? I envision a very picturesque setting and decorations.

How does everyone's town celebrate and decorate?

Our town puts Santa on a firetruck and he goes around on every street. Some people put wreaths on their SUVs, and where I work is over the top since I work a block from Bloomingdale's in NYC.

I wish I could say that I'm feeling better, but it's getting worse. I was very sick Fri night and all day/night Sat. At one point I was onder a wool blanket with a wool sweater, fleece and a snow hat on, shivering and unable to get warm for over an hr. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat. The nausea and need to gag is awful. Nothing helps and I am wondering if I need to step it up to a prescription. I can barely read without getting motion sick which is a big problem for work. I was able to get out to the hair salon for an hr to get my hair colored as my roots were awful, they use a vegetable dye for prego ladies which is great I looked awful, very pale and like hell. I wanted a bang trim, and by bangs I mean side swept long bangs. Before I knew it I had bangs like Dora The Explorer and it's no bueno. Christmas Eve's hair wrangling is going to be interesting.
BabyW-I had to laugh at Dora bangs. HA!!HA!! I'm sure it's not that bad, but you know better than we do. I can only imagine since you gave us your interpretation. I'm sorry...You should get a prescription for your nausea. They have them and no sense feeling bad if you don't have to. Don't be a hero.

LadySosa-My beta is tomorrow. I'm feeling like 'meh.' It is what it is. I'm neither anxious, nor excited, nor nervous. I'm just ready to know and move on. My old coworker went in for her first IUI beta today so this afternoon I'll have my phone on waiting for her report. She has had a few symptoms but didn't test, so I'm super excited for her. It's quiet at my place today too, but there are still a few bosses running around. Tomorrow will be really quiet.

booger-Thanks for the well wishes. Oh, and yes, we totally hear you about being in a funk. It's tiring no matter where you are in the process. Waiting to get started sucks, starting sucks, waiting to be finished sucks..waiting just plain sucks. HA!!HA!! Just do things to make you happy and try to go out with friends, see movies, read, and just take it easy. It's all about you. My husband tried to touch my butt the other day and I said 'Can you PLEASE not touch my butt?' hee hee. I think he was offended, but seriously, all these shots have made it so sore. I can hardly sleep because it's like 'oops. I just did the shot on that side, go to the other side. move to my stomach, etc..' It's cray cray. We'll get you out of your funk.

ERose-Hope you had a safe trip to KY and see you when you can.

Hi to everyone else. I have a huge bone-in smothered pork chop to eat and mashed potatoes for lunch. I'll be snoozing this afternoon and I can't wait. hee hee. <3
BabyW-I had to laugh at Dora bangs. HA!!HA!! I'm sure it's not that bad, but you know better than we do. I can only imagine since you gave us your interpretation. I'm sorry...You should get a prescription for your nausea. They have them and no sense feeling bad if you don't have to. Don't be a hero.

LadySosa-My beta is tomorrow. I'm feeling like 'meh.' It is what it is. I'm neither anxious, nor excited, nor nervous. I'm just ready to know and move on. My old coworker went in for her first IUI beta today so this afternoon I'll have my phone on waiting for her report. She has had a few symptoms but didn't test, so I'm super excited for her. It's quiet at my place today too, but there are still a few bosses running around. Tomorrow will be really quiet.

booger-Thanks for the well wishes. Oh, and yes, we totally hear you about being in a funk. It's tiring no matter where you are in the process. Waiting to get started sucks, starting sucks, waiting to be finished sucks..waiting just plain sucks. HA!!HA!! Just do things to make you happy and try to go out with friends, see movies, read, and just take it easy. It's all about you. My husband tried to touch my butt the other day and I said 'Can you PLEASE not touch my butt?' hee hee. I think he was offended, but seriously, all these shots have made it so sore. I can hardly sleep because it's like 'oops. I just did the shot on that side, go to the other side. move to my stomach, etc..' It's cray cray. We'll get you out of your funk.

ERose-Hope you had a safe trip to KY and see you when you can.

Hi to everyone else. I have a huge bone-in smothered pork chop to eat and mashed potatoes for lunch. I'll be snoozing this afternoon and I can't wait. hee hee. <3

What time do they usually call with your beta? I will be stalking. I admire your strength for not testing. I am far too impatient to not test.

Erin how are you feeling?

Amy I and sending hugs and prayers.
BabyW - sorry about still feeling sick. That must be exhausting to constantly be gagging and feeling nauseous. I don't envy you! The shivering and inability to warm up sounds like a fever...yikes! Have you checked with your dr?
It must be exciting to be in NYC for the holidays - altho I'm sure you're used to it by now! I've never been to NY. On Sat. night we went to a Christmas Story the musical. It was fun but I was so tired I fell asleep during the performance. Oops! My husband wouldn't let me hear the end of it. We did a little Xmas shopping, so it was fun to be in downtown with all the holiday hustle and bustle. Although in true Seattle fashion it was rainy and windy so we were diving into stores to get out of the cold.

Terri - Oh, tomorrow. Not sure why I had it in my head that it was Sat.! Well, I'll still be keeping my fx'ed for you! I'll be checking the board like crazy tomorrow!

Booger - no need to apologize, you're human! Everyone has their good days and their bad days, and you happened to have some bad ones. I'm glad it sounds like you're emerging from your funk tho. Hang in there! If it makes you feel any better I am in the waiting waiting waiting boat too...I'm just trying to keep myself busy and focus on other's making the time go by pretty quick!
BabyW - sorry about still feeling sick. That must be exhausting to constantly be gagging and feeling nauseous. I don't envy you! The shivering and inability to warm up sounds like a fever...yikes! Have you checked with your dr?
It must be exciting to be in NYC for the holidays - altho I'm sure you're used to it by now! I've never been to NY. On Sat. night we went to a Christmas Story the musical. It was fun but I was so tired I fell asleep during the performance. Oops! My husband wouldn't let me hear the end of it. We did a little Xmas shopping, so it was fun to be in downtown with all the holiday hustle and bustle. Although in true Seattle fashion it was rainy and windy so we were diving into stores to get out of the cold.

Terri - Oh, tomorrow. Not sure why I had it in my head that it was Sat.! Well, I'll still be keeping my fx'ed for you! I'll be checking the board like crazy tomorrow!

Booger - no need to apologize, you're human! Everyone has their good days and their bad days, and you happened to have some bad ones. I'm glad it sounds like you're emerging from your funk tho. Hang in there! If it makes you feel any better I am in the waiting waiting waiting boat too...I'm just trying to keep myself busy and focus on other's making the time go by pretty quick!

It's not a fever, it's all hormonal and based on my super scientific Google search, I am not alone in experiencing them. I think they say everything is normal, chills, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, thirst, food aversions, name it.
Thanks for all your support everyone. I had my D&C on Saturday morning. I'm feeling ok now. Just a little cramping and a little bleeding still. I decided to go ahead with the D&C because they said it could take a couple days up to a couple weeks for a natural miscarriage to take place and I just couldn't bear to sit around waiting for it to happen. I just wanted to get it over with so I could start healing. Also, this way I don't have to keep going back to get tested/monitored to see if the miscarriage was complete or not. They said that up to 50% of woman who have a natural miscarriage still have to have a D&C anyway because not everything clears itself out. With all of this thrown at us, we decided to just go ahead and do it. They did another confirmation ultra sound as well. I was suppose to be 8 weeks that day, there was no heart beat and the fetus and the sac were both now measuring under 6 weeks, so it actually got a little smaller by that time.

Erin - I'm so happy for you. That is a great beta. I'm sorry about your DH though :(

Terri - Are you feeling any better? Are you going to test before your beta or just wait? You might have said all ready but I missed it if you did.

Booger76 - I'm glad you're are getting out of your funk. We are all allowed to be in a funk sometimes, it's totally normal.

Babywhisperer - I'm sorry you're not feeling well either.

Hi everyone else. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. I just kind of skimmed to catch up.
BabyW-I get out of work at 3:30 and that's when I will check my phone. I may have my husband listen to the message though and he doesn't usually get home until 8, so who knows. I'm not feeling really excited. My life will go on either way. fell asleep during the show? HA!!HA!! That's how I am sometimes too. I finally sit down and sit still and I'm knocked out.

Oh, I meant to write that our city lights the Washington Monument (not the real one in DC, but another one), and that's really the only big Baltimore celebration that I know of. Bo-ring. hee hee. I think next year we will be going to NY in early December to see the tree and the lights and such. I've been to NYC for New Years (SO AWESOME), but never for Christmas. Everyone that has been says it's so cool/beautiful/nice. I'm always just nervous about where to stay, but now that I'm older, I don't care if I have to spend money to stay at a nicer place. It'll be worth it. The plan will be to go the first weekend in December.
Again, I'm so sorry Amy. Sounds like you made the right decision, albeit a tough one. Stay strong and heal fast! We're here for ya!
Hey all - glad it was a slow weekend - cause not too much time today.

Amy - again so sorry.

Erin - when is your ultrasound? Sorry about DHs arm - going to mke for a fun drive.

Terri - waiting patiently for tomorrow...

Hi to all!! This is the first year I am working on my birthday (usually save a day to take it off - but used all my days with vacations and fertility treatments this year!) Leaving early to go to the docs to get mycough checked out. Of course I am feeling better and not coughing as much today - but figure I will keep the appointment. I google diagnosed myself with cough induced asthma...we'll see if the specialist agrees.

Here are my pics from Friday - all was on schedule - still a boy - and measuring 11 ounces!!


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