First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri I will be sending you good sticky prego vibes for tomorrow!!

Beagle sorry about the pup. I know that can be very scary. I'm glad it came up and his hunger is a good sign he's ok. Good practice for being a mama!

Jkb I had to get a Rhogam shot during and after my first pregnancy and since I had a bleed this time they worry that my blood and the blood of the fetus has mixed. If the baby is a positive RH factor and I'm negative I will develop antibodies and could fight the presence of the positive rh factor. Anytime there is a bleed or threatened abortion they make you take the shot within 72hrs. As far as your mc's have you had your natural killer cell count checked? On another thread a woman kept having recurring mc's due to her body's natural response to a foreign body or the fetus. She had some kind of lipid treatment before and during her early pregnancy and was able to finally carry fullterm. Our bodies are complex and it is hard to test for everything but maybe have a test to rule that out? In my first pregnancy I didn't have the Rhogam shot until after 34 weeks which is much later than normal bc my Dr forgot, grrrr but it wasn't a big deal.

Weezy welcome and good luck. This is a great group of supportive and knowledgeable ladies.
Welcome Weezy.

Jkb - How frustrating. I hope your lining thickens up before your next appt.

Terri - thinking only happy thoughts for you today!!!!
Hi ladies!!

Terri - Checking in to see how your beta goes today. I am sending all the good vibes your way. I really hope you get good results today. I'm glad you are back at home and in your own bed. I'm glad to hear you got out running while you were away. I have been a couple of times in the past week and hope to get out later this afternoon. There is nothing quite like running for burning off steam.

Beagle - I'm glad your dog is okay. Always a little scary and annoying. I like to think it's preparing us a little bit for all the messes our kids will make. Our St. Bernard mix used to get into stuff all the time. In fact, last week, even with his cone on, he pulled the tablecloth to get a plate of sugar cookies off the kitchen table and ate the entire plate. Back in his younger days when we lived in New Mexico, he used to escape the yard by jumping the fence. One day he came home with an entire, cooked sliced ham. He was so defeated when I took it from him. I kind of felt bad.

jkb - I'm sorry about your lining. That has to be frustrating. I hope it plumps up by tomorrow. Ugh. Delays are the worst.

babywhisperer - I'm glad you are feeling a bit better but sorry to hear about the side effect. Yuck. Hopefully that passes soon.

Weezy - Welcome!!!

Amy - So glad to hear you can move straight into a FET!

Hello and Happy Holidays to everyone else!!!!! :xmas8: I hope everyone had a nice, peaceful holiday.

We had a wonderful holiday here in Big Sky Country. Woke up Christmas morning to 3 or so inches of snow at the house with the local ski hill reporting 14 inches. I put a turkey breast in a crockpot and some green beans in a second crock pot before we headed out so dinner would be mostly ready when we got home. It was a nice surprise to get to the ski hill to find out they had gotten more than 14 inches. It was wonderful powder skiing all day long. My legs were shot by the afternoon.

We don't have any plans for NYE. We have become such homebodies these days. That's okay. It's been kind of nice. I will be working tomorrow and Tuesday and then I think I'll take the rest of the week off. :happydance: I have a couple days of leave I need to use by the end of this pay period or I will lose them.
I'm so sorry, Terri. :cry: Just heartbroken for you. :hugs: Life is just so unfair, sometimes.
Terri - :( I'm so sorry girl. I really thought this could be it for you. No words. :(
So sorry Terri :( I'm really sad for you, lady. You so deserve a BFP! Hugs to you.
Terri, I'm sorry Hun. There really are no words. Sending hugs your way.
Baby w - thanks for your help I definitely will touch base with my dr. In my gut I just feel like this is the problem.
Good morning all,
I hope everyone had a good holiday break. Terri, again, sending you a virtual hug. Take care of yourself.

Amy - I'm glad your spirits are up and that you don't have to wait much longer!

Jkb - sorry about the lining. Delays are never fun or easy to deal with.

Booger - sounds like such a nice holiday. You're lucky that you got a white Christmas! Skiing and then a yummy crock pot dinner sounds divine. I'm working today and tomorrow then will also be out the rest of the week :) Yay for a 2-day work week!

Beagle - so scary about your dog! I can't imagine! We are super paranoid about Charlie because he eats anything and everything he finds on the ground. We're always worried about mushrooms growing in our yard and odd bits of food he finds on the ground at the park (you never know, a couple years back someone was scattering poison disguised in bread on the ground in a nearby park). But, I'm glad your beagle seems to be back to normal after yakking it up! What a relief.

Afm - I've been a little down lately, I think its the after-holidays let down, also the weather here's been grey, grey, grey. I need some sunshine and warmth! This time of year, every year, is when I start dreaming of moving to Cali or Florida. We went to the Seahawks vs. Rams game yesterday, and that was sure fun. The only problem is, my hubs is a Rams fan and EVERYONE (of course) there was a Seahawks fan (including me). Of course my Hawks pummeled the Rams and he got a little butt-hurt. We're headed over the mountains to eastern Washington on Wednesday, and we'll be there with my parents until Sunday. It will be really cold there, but snowy and clear, so hopefully that will take me out of my funk. Then, starting Jan 5, the IVF stuff kicks into overdrive! We go get our bloodwork done on that morning, we have our informed consent appointment and U/S on Jan 6, injection class on Jan 8, then the meds start on Jan 9. Whew! I'm super excited but getting a little nervous. I can see from this thread that rarely does everything go exactly to I'm just trying to prepare myself to be flexible.
Oh Terri, this blows! So sorry. Hope you feel better soon. You always bounce back pretty quick...bring on the caffiene and wine!!!
Hi girls, just now getting to post! Between DH's surgery, then what ended up being a 2-day delay instead of 1, that long drive (that turned into much longer), Christmas, and all the family time, I'm finally getting a breather!

Terri, I'm so sorry that your pos beta didn't stay pos and start rising. :( One good thing I'm thinking though is that you did get implantation, and that's a big hurdle my RE always said once they get over they say your chances for a successful pregnancy go up. I feel like your body was ready this time, but the embryo just wasn't viable. I'm not sure how gung-ho you are about your next steps, but have you considered just going balls to the wall and doing another IVF with PGS? Now that you've had implantation, I feel SURE you can get prego with a viable embie.

Amy, I'm so happy to hear that your doctor is letting you go straight into a FET. I know that brings you some relief from the sadness and shock you experienced. There's just something about taking the next steps and moving forward that is very therapeutic!

Weezy, welcome to the thread. :flower: If you'd like me to add you to the front page, just let me know an estimated month/timeframe that you'll be doing a transfer, and I'll add you.

beagle, I was excited to read about your 2 perfect embies. :thumbup: I think you're looking at it exactly the right way... 2 perfect embies equals 2 babies for you and DH! Its all working out exactly as its supposed to.:flower:

jkb, today is your appt, right? Has your spotting stopped? I hope they don't tell you that they have to cancel, but like Terri said, you want everything to be just right in there! Sorry for this frustration though... I know I'd be super irritated at my uterus too!

knit, congrats on the clear mammo!!!

BabyW, I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm sure its nice to have relief from that nausea. I can imagine how difficult it was having to function like that. Hoping your constipation will get better, that's not a fun one either!

booger, I hope your funk has gone away and left you alone! Those are the worst! Its hard to pull myself out of those sometimes. I'm glad you felt somewhat better after getting all your Christmas stuff done. How are you now?

Moni, GREAT u/s pics, thanks for sharing!! My first u/s is on Jan 9th. As long as everything goes well, we'll go ahead and allow them to tell us the gender that day too. So, have you needed your inhaler much since you got it?

kfs, how'd your first OB appt go??

LadySosa, sorry you're feeling the blues! The weather can do that to me too sometimes, and I have to admit, as happy as I was to be in KY for a few days, it was nice to see the temperature gauge going up in my car the further south we got, hehe! How exciting that everything will be getting started for you soon, yay!! Getting so excited for you! So happy its finally just about here. :) Glad you enjoyed the NFL game. I love live football games.

Hi to Jen and brighteyez (and Leenz, if you're still with us)!

AFM, thanks for all the well-wishes for my DH! It def could've been worse if he hadn't been wearing a helmet and knee guards. My trip to KY was delayed 2 days because after DH's surgery, his blood oxygen level was a tad low, so they made him stay in the hospital overnight. The drive was terrible. I've been feeling fine so far (just some fatigue), so that wasn't an issue. But we hit SO much traffic through Atlanta, and there was rain for at least half the time we were on the road, which slowed us WAY down. It took us two hours longer to get there (13.5 instead of 11.5). But it was really great to see my fam. I really needed it. My little sister is about 17 weeks prego, and she already has a decent baby bump!
Good morning all,
I hope everyone had a good holiday break. Terri, again, sending you a virtual hug. Take care of yourself.

Amy - I'm glad your spirits are up and that you don't have to wait much longer!

Jkb - sorry about the lining. Delays are never fun or easy to deal with.

Booger - sounds like such a nice holiday. You're lucky that you got a white Christmas! Skiing and then a yummy crock pot dinner sounds divine. I'm working today and tomorrow then will also be out the rest of the week :) Yay for a 2-day work week!

Beagle - so scary about your dog! I can't imagine! We are super paranoid about Charlie because he eats anything and everything he finds on the ground. We're always worried about mushrooms growing in our yard and odd bits of food he finds on the ground at the park (you never know, a couple years back someone was scattering poison disguised in bread on the ground in a nearby park). But, I'm glad your beagle seems to be back to normal after yakking it up! What a relief.

Afm - I've been a little down lately, I think its the after-holidays let down, also the weather here's been grey, grey, grey. I need some sunshine and warmth! This time of year, every year, is when I start dreaming of moving to Cali or Florida. We went to the Seahawks vs. Rams game yesterday, and that was sure fun. The only problem is, my hubs is a Rams fan and EVERYONE (of course) there was a Seahawks fan (including me). Of course my Hawks pummeled the Rams and he got a little butt-hurt. We're headed over the mountains to eastern Washington on Wednesday, and we'll be there with my parents until Sunday. It will be really cold there, but snowy and clear, so hopefully that will take me out of my funk. Then, starting Jan 5, the IVF stuff kicks into overdrive! We go get our bloodwork done on that morning, we have our informed consent appointment and U/S on Jan 6, injection class on Jan 8, then the meds start on Jan 9. Whew! I'm super excited but getting a little nervous. I can see from this thread that rarely does everything go exactly to I'm just trying to prepare myself to be flexible.

Sorry you're having some post holiday blues. I know this sounds crazy but my FIL got a light box since he gets seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and he swears a few minutes in his office in the house with that on and listening to music does wonders. I have thought about it for dh b/c he also gets into a funk being kept inside more than the warmer months.

Booger skiing sounds awesome, and powder even better. Dh is a ski nut and dying to go. I'll probably let him go for a day trip soon as long as it's not VT....then it becomes almost 48hrs of me being alone w/ Jack which isn't bad as long as I'm not feeling ill. I think he should take a Friday off of work and go, less lift lines and then he has the weekend to recover.

Terri I'm thinking of you.

Afm I am sick as a dog and at work today. I skipped a friends bday party for their 4yr old twin boys yesterday. I didn't want to be around that many kids with such a bad head cold. I'm a mess...head cold, nausea from the post nasal drip and I took yesterday off from Zofran so I could clean out my system....that medication works wonders on nausea but I really have to take colace 3x/day, drink prune juice like it's water and a lot of greens and fruit. I think I can handle that part b/c functioning with the terrible nausea is extremely difficult. I can barely move as each motion is amplified and feels like Vertigo. My equilibrium is all thrown off. Thankfully the nausea seems to have a pattern, a few bad days and then a reprieve. I know it could be so much worse and I could be throwing up every day, so I am very grateful it is not that bad. Seltzer is saving my life too. I stopped with the ginger ale b/c it was just too much sugar and calories. I'm also finding I am loving fruit, the kind that quenches my thirst like grapefruit. I know it would be hard to have this nausea the entire pregnancy, but I am so grateful for where I am right now, if that's the card I'm dealt I will be fine with it. I hope I am not complaining too much and offending anyone. When I had 3 failed IUIs a friend was prego and complaining how her skinny jeans weren't fitting anymore and I wanted to hit I hope no one wants to hit me.
Wow, Erin, that is a long drive! I'm glad your DH is through surgery and is hopefully on his way to recovery. How cool that your sis is pregnant too! You guys get to go through all of this together! Now that the holidays and traveling are over, you can hopefully rest a little.

Thanks BabyW - I've seen those SAD lights and I've been wanting to try them! Sorry you're not feeling well. :( That does not sound fun. But kudos for keeping a positive outlook on things! There's always a silver lining.
Erin, glad surgery went ok! I'm also glad that you're feeling good!!!

Good luck at your appt today Jkb! Hopefully you get some good news.

Ladysosa you are so close! I remember talking to a friend right before I started. She couldn't remember very much about her whole ivf cycle! I remember thinking are you crazy??? This is my whole life right now!!! Now, I only remember small parts. I hope it goes quickly for you. Come to AZ for some sun! It's so cold this week but the sun is shining!

BabyW, all I wanted was fruit. Pineapple and strawberries especially. I started taking colace as well. Just in case. Wait for my update....ugh

Terri, I also am curious about another cycle. I don't understand why this didn't work. I thought you did PGS?

Beagle, dog sickness is the worst! My puppy had parvo last year. I couldn't function the whole week he was in the hospital. I felt so bad. My baby better never get sick! I just feel so bad when they are trying to barf up whatever they ate. Awful.

Welcome to the newbie!!! ; ) you will like it here...

Hi Booger and Kfs! (And anyone else I missed!) I should never update on my phone...I can't scroll around whenever I want on this thing!

Hope you're feeling better, Moni! update. Christmas was nice...except for the hemrroid I got! Oh my word. I thought I had one last time right? Nope. Now I do. Let me tell you, it's painful. First one I've ever had and here's the best part, I'm not even constipated. Everything is totally normal. My aunt apparently got them randomly. Lovely. So, there's nothing I can do to prevent them. Just wait for them to show up. Yuck. As if that wasn't bad enough, the nausea is back. So glad I have my meds still. Then, I got a UTI Christmas morning. All kinds of burning going on over here. Lol DH called my doctor Christmas Day, found out what was safe to prescribe me, and called it in. Then he took me to his office so I could see this baby that is causing such pain. She looked cute sucking on her fingers and I wasn't so miserable anymore. The cream I was prescribed definitely helped but what a giant pain in the butt! I hope nobody gets this symptom. I heard it happens after labor from pushing but I didn't expect this! Wow!
Erin, glad surgery went ok! I'm also glad that you're feeling good!!!

Good luck at your appt today Jkb! Hopefully you get some good news.

Ladysosa you are so close! I remember talking to a friend right before I started. She couldn't remember very much about her whole ivf cycle! I remember thinking are you crazy??? This is my whole life right now!!! Now, I only remember small parts. I hope it goes quickly for you. Come to AZ for some sun! It's so cold this week but the sun is shining!

BabyW, all I wanted was fruit. Pineapple and strawberries especially. I started taking colace as well. Just in case. Wait for my update....ugh

Terri, I also am curious about another cycle. I don't understand why this didn't work. I thought you did PGS?

Beagle, dog sickness is the worst! My puppy had parvo last year. I couldn't function the whole week he was in the hospital. I felt so bad. My baby better never get sick! I just feel so bad when they are trying to barf up whatever they ate. Awful.

Welcome to the newbie!!! ; ) you will like it here...

Hi Booger and Kfs! (And anyone else I missed!) I should never update on my phone...I can't scroll around whenever I want on this thing!

Hope you're feeling better, Moni! update. Christmas was nice...except for the hemrroid I got! Oh my word. I thought I had one last time right? Nope. Now I do. Let me tell you, it's painful. First one I've ever had and here's the best part, I'm not even constipated. Everything is totally normal. My aunt apparently got them randomly. Lovely. So, there's nothing I can do to prevent them. Just wait for them to show up. Yuck. As if that wasn't bad enough, the nausea is back. So glad I have my meds still. Then, I got a UTI Christmas morning. All kinds of burning going on over here. Lol DH called my doctor Christmas Day, found out what was safe to prescribe me, and called it in. Then he took me to his office so I could see this baby that is causing such pain. She looked cute sucking on her fingers and I wasn't so miserable anymore. The cream I was prescribed definitely helped but what a giant pain in the butt! I hope nobody gets this symptom. I heard it happens after labor from pushing but I didn't expect this! Wow!

Oh my word you poor thing! That is some combo of annoyances to deal with, especially at Christmas! Do you have Tucks pads and witch hazel? I hope it goes away soon. And yes I've heard about that as a result from pushing, but they have something to help decrease the odds of that happening....midwives are more apt to use it than regular obgyn's. Oh the joys of motherhood! I'm glad you got to see the baby. That must have been a great moment! When I went in on Fri my Dr said "you know who cares less about how you're feeling?" Then he pointed to the screen and there was the fetus.

Anyone planning on tropical vacations anytime soon??

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