First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Awesome, awesome beta Knit! So happy for you!!!

Jen, you absolutely kill me. I'm sorry all of this keeps happening to you but you are so funny when you tell stories about it. You should write a blog. I also now have to look into speed walking in the Olympics. I'm sure this can provide some amusement.

AFM, I'm a tad bummed because apparently my estrogen is skyrocketing. They dialed back my Follistim last night but didn't tell me why. I guess from Monday to Wednesday it went from 600 to over 2,000. My right follies are ready to go but the left are still lagging. My RE was hoping to at least get me one more STIM shot tonight on the lower dose, take my ganirelix and then have me trigger at 2 a.m.
P.s. Don't know if it would make a difference but, give your trigger shot on the left side!

But my estrogen is over 3,000 now. So, I'm triggering at 2 a.m. and my ER is scheduled for Saturday at 2 p.m. She didn't seem confident any of my eggs on the left will be ready to go. They were measuring around 14 MM today. So, a little down because it sounds like I'll be getting half of the 14-16 she thought.

But I'm trying to stay positive. If this is my only set back this has been a very smooth process all things considered.

I'm going back in tomorrow afternoon to see if the trigger worked.

Looks like I will go get to dinner Sunday. I'm gonna be ready to since I won't be able to have anything from midnight Friday until 2 p.m. Saturday.

Totally unrelated but in a you never know who else is going through this... I'm feeling sad but also optimistic for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Theytried three IUIs back in 2013 with no luck and it was very trying on them. I thought they'd given up on fertility treatments. But when I let her know we'd be missing the family lunch Saturday for my ER (hubs family is a big Italian clan and we do sauce, a boozy, belly bursting affair) my SIL mentioned they just had a consult with a new RE. She's on some meds while they go through testing. I'm sad for them they have to go through this but happy they didn't totally give up. They'd be awesome parents. And it is fun to think maybe our kiddo could have a cousin close in age. My brother is not close to having kids and my other BIL/SIL are done. My niece is 7 and my nephew is 4.

Mine skyrocketed to and they dialed me all the way back from early on and I ended up with 26 eggs retrieved:) 23 of those were mature. I think by the time you get to retrieval a lot of those should be mature and good to go! :thumbup:enjoy your dinner and let those eggs grow :winkwink:
No he does the walk through at a neutral store. The store he is applying for is local and will be brand new.

I had a friend ask me to touch her belly. Weird for me but I could tell she was excited so I acted excited. But i don't touch people. I only let family close to me unless a special situation.
SARS, I'm thinking the same...after you trigger they have a chance to catch up! Even half of what you thought is still a good number though! That seems like a really long painful time not to eat. If it was me, I'd sleep most the day.

I'm so glad you all like my stories! It's such a nice thing to be able to tell women this stuff and be so graphic. All of my friends had pretty smooth pregnancies. If my mom says "I didn't have to take ANYTHING with any of mine" one more time, I'll rip her face off. Yesterday I almost said well you're like 90 and they didn't have meds in the olden days but I bit my tounge. I may be funny but I'm still cranky! I've basically got a bomb in my stomach and it's just ticking...oh yeah plus a baby! She is so funny. She has been kicking me all afternoon. Like she knows my stomach is killing me!
Sars your other side def has time to catch up. Plus the trigger gives them a boost too.
Beaglemom - I don't know if you've seen that movie "Next Friday" where Ice Cube moves to the suburbs to stay out of trouble, the city he moves to is Rancho Cucamonga. Whenever I had to give people my address, even if they were on the east coast, as soon as I said my city, they were like omg like in "Next Friday", you mean that's a real city. Yes it is lol.

jkb11 - Great news on your beta doubling. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that it continues to do so.

JCM - Boy you've really been through it with this pregnancy lol. I love your attitude though, you're just rolling with whatever is thrown at you :) And I agree, you should definitely write a blog.

LadySosa - So glad to hear all your embryos are still holding on. I still can't believe how many they got. You could share with all of us and still have some left over LOL :)

Sars - So excited for this weekend!!

Erin - I'm so glad you went to the Dr. to figure out what's wrong. Now they can work on making you better :)

Knitgirl - Whoo Hoo!!! Congrats on the beta :)
Holy crap - I missed a lot!

jkb - congrats on the doubling beta! Can't wait to hear today's results.

Ladysosa - I still can't believe how many embies you have - and 24 great ones?!?! So amazing. Your weekend getaway sounds amazing. We haven't traveled in soooo long but have been trying to eliminate debt/save so nothing in the near future unfortunately.

Babyw - Great news about your blood test results. One more hurdle, right? I'm anxious to hear mine - probably another week or so.

Amy - Wow. Traveling to Vegas with pneumonia! I don't know how you lasted. :)

brighteyez - Good to hear from you. I have my fingers crossed for your next cycle.

Beagle - I've been wearing a pantyliner daily since I started the Progesterone. I'm not even on P anymore but still a lot of CM. Lovely, huh? :) Hope your husband's walkthrough goes well.

Sars - Woohoo. It's your weekend! Did you trigger last night?? 2 a.m. is so late, you poor thing! Don't worry about those eggs - hopefully some of them will catch up by the time of ER.

JCM - Wow. What a week you had! That's so scary about the fainting - absolutely the worst feeling. I hope you start to feel better soon - no more nausea, fainting, or hemorrhoids, you poor thing! And that nurse is a MORON. Who says that?!?!?!

Erose - Oh no. You poor thing. Good for you for being proactive, though. I hope everything sorts itself out soon.

Knit - Congratulations! Wow - that's a nice big number! :happydance:

Hi everyone else! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sars, the trigger weill help give them a boot and the other meds stay in your system so just because you stopped injecting doesn't mean their effect has stopped. I think I had a few at that size and they were mature by retrieval.

Kfs did you do the Maternity21 test?

So I got a call last night at home from the nurse, my maternity21 tests all came back normal and she was about to get off the phone and I said "wait, what about the gender", and she said "Oh you want to know?" I basically screamed of course i do! My nanny was standing there thinking I was insane. The nurse said "the test is conclusive for a female." I jumped up and down, screamed "YES" and then cried. My nanny hugged me and I was just ecstatic! Dh came home and wasn't in the door 2 ft when I told him and he lit up, smiled a huge smile and dropped his briefcase to hug and kiss me. He is thrilled, as are my parents and MIL...she was speechless and crying. After having 4 sons she's been dying for a girl. Dh's family hasn't had a girl since the 40s and my grandmother has 5 great grandsons. She had a feeling and got some pink yarn to make a blanket this week...she makes all of us baby blankets. I'm still in disbelief and over the moon happy. You ladies were right! Team pink!
Congratulations Babyw! That's so great! :happydance: :happydance: I'm sure your family is over the moon.

Yes, I got the maternity21 test but I think I'm going to be team yellow.
Aww! BabyW/Sue - I am SO happy for you!!! I got a little teary-eyed reading your post. That is so special for you and your family. Jack will have a little sister. Team pink! Haha. Now you can start thinking of names!

Sars - Ugh! Sorry you had to trigger in the middle of the night! And go for ER so late! I would be hangry if I couldn't eat all day like that. Agree with Jen - I would sleep it off! Hope you're feeling ok. And that's actually neat that your SIL/BIL are going through it at the same time. You'll have someone to compare notes with (besides us of course). :)

Booger - how did the Lupron go last night? I am doing 10 units (I think it's .1 CC?), so it feels like a walk in the park compared to the ganirelix/follistim/menopur trio.

Afm, I heard from my nurse yesterday and the 30 are still going strong. Now the split is 28 good and 2 poor. I guess the "fair" ones made up their mind to become good or poor! I won't hear from her today.

TGIF! Anyone have any fun plans this weekend? We are going to see a home tomorrow with our real estate agent. It's priced WAY below comps (like half) and is in our dream neighborhood - perfect for raising kids. I'm not getting my hopes up though, I think it's priced so low to entice a bidding war. If it goes much above asking we wouldn't be able to afford it. But, it's still fun to see it! It's on a little man-made island on a lake (Lake Tapps, if you've ever heard of it). The island has a golf course, community pool, club house - just a great sense of community. It reminds me of the neighborhood I grew up. :)
BabyW - congrats on the girl! Awesome!

LadySosa - good luck seeing the house. I got a depressing email from zillow telling me my value had gone done. It keeps fluctuating. We would love to move, but not able to because of the price of IVF...but overall we like our home.

Nurse got back to me. My scan was great. She keeps telling me I am anatomically perfect. Which always makes me positive for my transfer. I am just hoping we have dummy swimmers :) The call came & my estrogen was something like 492 which is good & even better my P is nice & low...something like 0.2 or something. So I start my P today. I have not done it yet...waiting until before I head out for lunch. She also said start the baby aspirin. She said another drug & I am not sure what...started with an M. I think it was the steroids. Of course my apirin I left at home.

No way I could be team yellow. My husband said after transfer I will probably go right out & by gender specific things. And I totally will! I know I shouldn't...but oh well. I went through my baby clothes last night. Crazy how it added up fast. I have a ton of 0-3 I need to look for bigger sizes when I shop.

No plans for me really...just a trip with my husband so he can do a pre-walk. And maybe a movie with my friend.
Thanks ladies! I truly love all the support and how happy you guys are for us. I can't wait for more good news on this thread. Team, yellow, blue, pink...the fact that I get to share this with you and witness you becoming mothers after a struggle is so uplifting and life affirming. It give me hope that when life gets tough there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What an amazing group of women on here. Hugs to all of you. Now as for names, it might be more difficult this time around. We immediately agreed on jack, I won the argument for the legal name to be John but that we'd always call him Jack. I am very picky about names and so many celebrities or people I've met have ruined names for me. And my cousins have taken so many good names on my dad's side of the family...Grace, Abigail, Micaela, Ava, Avery, Brooke, Olivia, Emily, Isabel...but I have saved my grandmother and great grandmother's names, Catherine & Emma...there is a Catherine across the street but I like the name Cate. There are a few others like Elizabeth, Ainsley, Hadley, Camilla...we'll see...have plenty of time to think about it. What a way to start Dh's bday weekend!
Babywhisperer - YAY!! Congratulations!! A little girl! So excited for you!
Thanks ladies! I truly love all the support and how happy you guys are for us. I can't wait for more good news on this thread. Team, yellow, blue, pink...the fact that I get to share this with you and witness you becoming mothers after a struggle is so uplifting and life affirming. It give me hope that when life gets tough there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What an amazing group of women on here. Hugs to all of you. Now as for names, it might be more difficult this time around. We immediately agreed on jack, I won the argument for the legal name to be John but that we'd always call him Jack. I am very picky about names and so many celebrities or people I've met have ruined names for me. And my cousins have taken so many good names on my dad's side of the family...Grace, Abigail, Micaela, Ava, Avery, Brooke, Olivia, Emily, Isabel...but I have saved my grandmother and great grandmother's names, Catherine & Emma...there is a Catherine across the street but I like the name Cate. There are a few others like Elizabeth, Ainsley, Hadley, Camilla...we'll see...have plenty of time to think about it. What a way to start Dh's bday weekend!

I love the traditional names. My husband always liked Kaitlyn. But I am just not sure. I don't really like Katie which is what he wants to call her & I think Kaitlyn is just become a common name. We have a pretty untraditional name picked out, but I am slowly growing tired of it. My boy name is all set though! I want my children to have solid names & I am not a huge fan of girly names...I want my girl especially to have a strong name. For a while, I wanted Sarah Avery...but my husband hates using middle names (my name already being Sarah). And none of my fanily names are very good...they are older names. So now I think I secretly want a boy. He is not convinced on the name, but I have told him I am too set & there is no changing my mind. So it will have to grow on him. We also thoguht of old time Yankees like Maris...but we can't even think of naming our daughter Maris.

If we get boy, I will tell you guys the name right away...but on girl I will have to tell you once we decide for sure. Still not sure when I want to tell other people. They can be harsh on names & ruin them for it is their business anyways.
And thanks BabyW...I think we have an awesome group here. I hope the next few months only bring good news.
AHHH BabyW a girl!!! That is so awesome. I am so excited for you and your family. It made me emotional reading it. We had a similar situation with my niece. My mother-in-law had all boys but her first was a little girl that died in the hospital. Watching her relationship with my niece has been so beautiful. And now your family gets to experience the same thing! One of each! You must be over the moon.

Thanks for all the words of support ladies. We went out to dinner last night and then saw a late showing of the Imitation Game. Anyone else see it? We really enjoyed it. Only downside was I took my shot in the bathroom of the movie theater and screwed up my dosage, which sent me into a frenzy when I got home and realized. I called my poor RE and woke her up and she told me it was no big deal as long as I didn't screw up the trigger.

So, then I watched Love it or List it until 2 a.m. and headed to bed. Some coworkers are going to a new brewery for beer tasting tonight and then getting cheesesteaks so I am going to stuff myself silly. And then sleep really late tomorrow. I will still be hangry. We're supposed to get snow, which is not what I need tomorrow.

Booger, I've been supposed to do a fresh transfer. My RE hasn't said anything about having to go to a frozen yet.

Lady, good luck on the house hunting! It sounds like an amazing place. There's something special about finding a place that reminds you of your own childhood.

I'm headed in for an appointment at 2:15 so I'll let you know what they say. Thanks again. Having you all here has really been such a huge help.
knitgirl-Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and so excited. it would be great if you were having twins as no one has had them on this thread yet. Boop boop!! :wohoo:

Babyw- :happydance: So happy you're having a girl as well. Yeah!

kfs1-Yeah, stay team yellow. hee hee. I like that team. Your baby will only wear green/yellow for about a week and then your house will be full with pink or blue stuff, so don't worry.

EROse-Yikes on the thyroid situation. I can't imagine being out of breath when having a conversation. Good for you for calling the doctor and talking about your suspicions/concerns.

Sars-I hope they can get everything figured out before transfer. Your estrogen shouldn't be THAT high, I don't suppose, but if they are confident with moving forward, I guess that's all you can do.

brightgirl-Welcome back! Glad you're trying again.

AFM-No TTC report. They are saying it's going to start snowing again tonight. I wanted to go running in the morning but if it's snowy, I won't. This is throwing a dent in my plans. Grr..I also need to go grocery shopping because I'm having people over tomorrow. BUT..I hate shopping when it's an impending snowday. I can't stand waiting in line. I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up. I better get my list together now. *sigh* Oh, and have a nice weekend everyone!
Wow lots of great news this week!!!

Yay for the girl BabyW!!

Yay for the good betas!

Glad you got to the doc Erin - hope you start to feel better. And Jen - wow girl - hope you start to have a smoother ride!

AFM - tired with the long week, but otherwise well. Here is my latest bump pic...


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Thanks for sharing, moni! You look so cute, and I am loving that purple shirt you're wearing.
Wow lots of great news this week!!!

Yay for the girl BabyW!!

Yay for the good betas!

Glad you got to the doc Erin - hope you start to feel better. And Jen - wow girl - hope you start to have a smoother ride!

AFM - tired with the long week, but otherwise well. Here is my latest bump pic...

Adorable pic moni! Love your bump!!

Baby w!!!! Yay for team pink!

Kfs I'm calling boy for you and beagle. I was right with my guessing for baby w;)

SARS, booger and beagle!!! Almost time

Terri- hope the snow stays away for you. I'm a total sunshine loving girl. I admire you for running in the cold. During the summer I'm super active but in winter I just want to hibernate.

Afm- my beta doubled:) I'm estatic but, trying to remind myself my numbers are really low. So it went from 61 to 168 in 48 hours. I'm scheduled for ultrasound on February 4th, she wanted me to come next week but I wanted a little later because I would love to see a heart beat. Do you think 6weeks and 4 days is far enough or should I push it to a few days further???

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