First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey ladies,
Feeling pretty good. Retrieval went well. We got 18 mature eggs so I'm thrilled!
Hi everyone, mind if I join? I'm new to this bit of the forum, I had my dd after a natural pregnancy in 2012, I then had a mmc at 12 weeks this time last year. After a year of ttc I've just been diagnosed with low amh and start my first ivf in February.

I'm new to all this so just looking to chat to people for support.

SARS!!!!yay 18 is awesome:) glad everything went smooth! Rest up. Are they still planning a fresh transfer?

Mrs. W -welcome! The ladies on here are great to chat with and a wealth of knowledge:) so will you start stimming in February or is that your transfer?
Yay Sars! Glad ur feeling good and 18 is excellent! Congrats!

I'm a little bummed today. Got the update that they froze TWO embryos. They are waiting on 8 more and will decide their fate tomorrow. To go from 28 good quality embryos to 2 and maybe a couple more, was just a little disappointing. That's quite the attrition.
Hi jkb, congrats, I see you are newly pregnant, was it your first ivf? I start stimming on my next af which is due 11-12 feb so ec I guess end of feb early march?

Ladysosa 45 eggs wow!!! I've got low amh and been told to expect 5-8 hopefully! So worried about how many will fertilitse and be good enough quality to put back in. Anyway hopefully you get a few more but two good ones is all you need to get pregnant, good luck.
Sars- awesome report!! Now more waiting. Make sure you drink lots of fluids and take it easy. A few more days now! Woohoo.

Lady Sosa- I feel for you but those two and hopefully the other eight are the best quality and that's what you want, so don't be too disappointed. I know how it feels though. Seems totally ridiculous. I felt the same way. I am still feeling really positive for you if you aren't.

Mrs. W-welcome and good luck with everything.
Ps. My Super Bowl menu is set.
Jerk wings
Charm city wings (old bay and honey)
Pulled pork sliders
Spinach and artichoke dip
Cheesy pull apart bread
Loaded tater tots with cheese and bacon
Chocolate delight (some pie thing that someone's bringing)
Vegetable tray

For a group of ten adults and three kids I think that's plenty. Suggestions/ideas welcome.
Lady Sosa- If I'm remembering correctly the remaining 8that they are waiting on are the ones doing the best which is why they haven't froze them yet. So they would mean you will likely end up with 10. I know it's hard to see the numbers go down but, 10 if you end up with 10 that would be amazing. Will the remaining 8 be 5/6 day blast? Hang in there chica I too still feel great outcomes for you!

Mrs w- yes this was my first ivf. Glad to have you added to the group!

Terri- yum! I'm now starving!!!
Hi ladies!!

Just a quick check-in to see what's going on....

LadySosa - I hope your 8 that were still going were able to be frozen today! I know it's hard not to be a little disappointed but you do have the 2 they froze already so that's a good thing. Hang in there! :hugs: How did the house viewing go?? I always loved looking at houses.

jkb - Hooray on your beta doubling again! :happydance::happydance:

Terri - Your Super Bowl party menu sounds amazing! I'm not sure what we are going to do but I might just have to find someone who is a having a party.

Mrs.W - Welcome!

Sars - Glad your retrieval went so well!! :happydance: Can't wait to hear your updates. Hope you're feeling well today.

knitgirl - Hooray!!! That is an awesome number.

Babywhisperer - Awwww, congrats on the baby girl. That's awesome for you and your family. She is going to be so spoiled!!

Moni - Cute bump pic!! You look great!

Beagle - I hope your DH's practice walk-through went well. I LOVE the name Maris for a girl. In fact, it doesn't even seem like a boy name to me at all.

kfs - Stay Team Yellow!!! I still can't decide what we are going to do. One minute I'm leaning towards choosing before transfer and then the next minute I'm leaning towards not finding out at all.

Hello to Amy, Erin, Jen, Weezy, and Brighteyez!! I hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend.

Ugh. I am working on our tax returns. It's the worst. Every year I say I'm going to have someone else do them and then I'm too scattered to get everything organized enough for someone else to look at them. And I'm too cheap to pay someone else. :haha: Thank goodness for TurboTax!

We went backcountry skiing yesterday with a couple we work with and some of their friends. It was a lot of fun. If you're not aware, it's basically skiing uphill with special skins on your skis and then skiing back down like you normally would. It allows you to go places outside of developed ski areas. So kind of like hiking but with your skis and with the added bonus of being able to ski back down the mountain instead of hike. The snow wasn't very good as it's been unseasonably warm here (not good) so I was actually wearing a t-shirt when we were climbing up. It's supposed to be 60 degrees here tomorrow. Um, it's winter in Montana. Honestly, I'd much rather have snow. :nope:
Thanks ladies :) so they ended up freezing 2 more. So I have 4 total. I'm trying to stay positive, cause as you guys say it only takes 1-2 to get pregnant! It was just a shock to hear they dwindled so fast! And the nurse was so non chalant about it. She was like, oh, the other ones didn't develop so we discarded them. Part of me was like, "you DISCARDED my babies??!" Haha. I know that's not too rational. I told my hubby if this is the only disappointment we experience in this process, we'll be very fortunate! Hope you guys are having a good wknd so far! Oh, and welcome Mrs. W! Terri- yumm!! I hope u guys will be cheering for the Seahawks!
SARS!!!!yay 18 is awesome:) glad everything went smooth! Rest up. Are they still planning a fresh transfer?

Mrs. W -welcome! The ladies on here are great to chat with and a wealth of knowledge:) so will you start stimming in February or is that your transfer?

Thanks JKB. Yup still a fresh transfer so either Tuesday or Thursday. She wants to wait until 5D if possible. Of course we have a nor'easter coming through Tuesday-Wednesday.
Hi everyone, mind if I join? I'm new to this bit of the forum, I had my dd after a natural pregnancy in 2012, I then had a mmc at 12 weeks this time last year. After a year of ttc I've just been diagnosed with low amh and start my first ivf in February.

I'm new to all this so just looking to chat to people for support.


Welcome, Mrs. W! These ladies are a great support system and they have tons of knowledge to share.
LadySosa, I'm sure that was super discouraging. Why can't the nurses all understand this may be routine to them but it is traumatic and stressful to us going through it? I don't think it sounds nuts at all you felt they discarded your babies.

Yay for two more frozen ones! Remind me how far along these are. Hope the other six are still hanging on.

How did house hunting go?

Terri, Can I please come over for the Super Bowl? I'm hungry just reading this. I made home made pretzels with a beer cheese soup last year that went over well. Let me know if you want the recipe.

Booger, I've never heard of that but it sounds super fun. I'd be happy to send you our snowstorm that's coming through.

AFM, I'm feeling pretty good today. We went to my in-laws after the transfer (they live two blocks away) so I could eat and then I spent the rest of the day in bed watching bad movies and drinking Gatorade. I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling pretty good. My nose is actually the most sore because the oxygen dried it out.

My RE called and all 18 eggs fertilized. She said it's "like wow." She's so funny. We go back in tomorrow so Nick can learn how to do the progesterone shots. Not sure if we'll get an update then.

Ladies that run, how long did you wait after your retrieval to start running again? I was rather loopy when I left but I'm pretty sure my RE told me weeks. That makes me a very unhappy camper.
sars-I didn't run at all during this process, and that's why I'm turning into a fatty. HA!!HA!! I did run a little over 6 miles yesterday. YAY!! I would stick with yoga or something non bouncy, just because, but your nurse would know best. I'll send you a PM with my email and yes, I would love the recipe. You can come over if you like. hee hee.

LadySosa-Four is great..and you're only transferring one so you should be just fine. :) I was born in and lived in Seattle for a few years, so that is who I'm cheering for. Plus, who ISN'T cheering for Seattle after the whole deflate-gate (such a stupid name). A guy on the radio said that even the NFL is cheering for Seattle so they can get past the news of the deflated balls. I'm sure they don't know what to do. The Pats are such cheaters.
Yay Sars! Glad ur feeling good and 18 is excellent! Congrats!

I'm a little bummed today. Got the update that they froze TWO embryos. They are waiting on 8 more and will decide their fate tomorrow. To go from 28 good quality embryos to 2 and maybe a couple more, was just a little disappointing. That's quite the attrition.

I know that on a % basis it is disappointing, but think about if you hadn't done many cycles of trying naturally would it have taken. I had 2 frozen and it worked the first time. Those that made it to freeze are strong and will give you a better than 50% chance of working. I know it felt scary not having multiple embies frozen as a safety net, but you won't need it. I am very confident you will have success.

Sars thats a great number!!

Mrs W welcome! You will find this group of ladies to be very warm, supportive and knowledgeable, no stupid questions or judgment here.
Ps. My Super Bowl menu is set.
Jerk wings
Charm city wings (old bay and honey)
Pulled pork sliders
Spinach and artichoke dip
Cheesy pull apart bread
Loaded tater tots with cheese and bacon
Chocolate delight (some pie thing that someone's bringing)
Vegetable tray

For a group of ten adults and three kids I think that's plenty. Suggestions/ideas welcome.

You had me at Jerk Wings!
Yum, beer cheese soup and home-made pretzels! I'm drooling.

Terri - I agree. The Pats are total cheaters. Although I am sure sick of hearing about "deflate-gate"! I have total confidence the Hawks will pull it off. It is like Seahawks mania here in Seattle. All the tall buildings have green/blue lights and nearly everyone has a "12" sign or flag in their windows (car, home, boat, everything).

House hunting was fun. I always enjoy looking at homes with our realtor (she is a Guatemalan also, and quite a character). The house we looked at was even better than the pictures. Everything was high quality. The windows, the appliances (Sub Zero fridge!), giant steam shower, and the master closet was TO DIE for!! It was like it's own room with it's a washer/dryer (Jen, I remember you said you have this, you lucky girl!). The landscaping was top notch, and of course it was all lake front. We were planning to put an offer in, but I don't think our offer will be strong at all, given the home's value. The online auction is going on now, so I'm watching it like a hawk. It's slowly creeping up to our max budget. The auction ends Wednesday.

Yesterday here in Seattle was unreal. The sun was shining and it got up to about 63 degrees. Everyone was wearing t-shirts, shorts, sunglasses. We went down to the Lake Union Boat Show to stroll by the million dollar yachts, and got fish and chips at Ivar's. A quintessential Seattle day! Although it felt like a summer Seattle day!

Be careful to those of you on the east coast! That storm sounds scary. I hope y'all are ready to stay hunkered down in your houses.

Oh, Sars, I have four total frozen embryos, the rest were "discarded." :) My FET will take place on March 3. That's great that you're close enough with your in-laws that you can chill at their place and recover! I hope they took good care of you.

Booger - wow, you are hardcore! My old boss would go back country skiing almost every weekend. She was in phenomenal shape. I was always worried about her when I would hear about avalanches on the news. She would also go for a "jog" up a mountain for like 30 miles. Not sure how she does it.

Moni - Forgot to say, your bump pic is cute!

Beagle - I forget your transfer date, but I know it's this week, right? EEEh! It's almost time! Excited for you.
Hi ladies!!

Just a quick check-in to see what's going on....

LadySosa - I hope your 8 that were still going were able to be frozen today! I know it's hard not to be a little disappointed but you do have the 2 they froze already so that's a good thing. Hang in there! :hugs: How did the house viewing go?? I always loved looking at houses.

jkb - Hooray on your beta doubling again! :happydance::happydance:

Terri - Your Super Bowl party menu sounds amazing! I'm not sure what we are going to do but I might just have to find someone who is a having a party.

Mrs.W - Welcome!

Sars - Glad your retrieval went so well!! :happydance: Can't wait to hear your updates. Hope you're feeling well today.

knitgirl - Hooray!!! That is an awesome number.

Babywhisperer - Awwww, congrats on the baby girl. That's awesome for you and your family. She is going to be so spoiled!!

Moni - Cute bump pic!! You look great!

Beagle - I hope your DH's practice walk-through went well. I LOVE the name Maris for a girl. In fact, it doesn't even seem like a boy name to me at all.

kfs - Stay Team Yellow!!! I still can't decide what we are going to do. One minute I'm leaning towards choosing before transfer and then the next minute I'm leaning towards not finding out at all.

Hello to Amy, Erin, Jen, Weezy, and Brighteyez!! I hope you ladies are enjoying your weekend.

Ugh. I am working on our tax returns. It's the worst. Every year I say I'm going to have someone else do them and then I'm too scattered to get everything organized enough for someone else to look at them. And I'm too cheap to pay someone else. :haha: Thank goodness for TurboTax!

We went backcountry skiing yesterday with a couple we work with and some of their friends. It was a lot of fun. If you're not aware, it's basically skiing uphill with special skins on your skis and then skiing back down like you normally would. It allows you to go places outside of developed ski areas. So kind of like hiking but with your skis and with the added bonus of being able to ski back down the mountain instead of hike. The snow wasn't very good as it's been unseasonably warm here (not good) so I was actually wearing a t-shirt when we were climbing up. It's supposed to be 60 degrees here tomorrow. Um, it's winter in Montana. Honestly, I'd much rather have snow. :nope:

I saw that it was 57 in Billings this w/e, and was like SAY WHAT!! Well you can come here and 2-3ft of fresh pow this week!
sars-I didn't run at all during this process, and that's why I'm turning into a fatty. HA!!HA!! I did run a little over 6 miles yesterday. YAY!! I would stick with yoga or something non bouncy, just because, but your nurse would know best. I'll send you a PM with my email and yes, I would love the recipe. You can come over if you like. hee hee.

LadySosa-Four is great..and you're only transferring one so you should be just fine. :) I was born in and lived in Seattle for a few years, so that is who I'm cheering for. Plus, who ISN'T cheering for Seattle after the whole deflate-gate (such a stupid name). A guy on the radio said that even the NFL is cheering for Seattle so they can get past the news of the deflated balls. I'm sure they don't know what to do. The Pats are such cheaters.

I'm with you. I hate Beli-Cheat, and Tom Brady while good looking is a sissy...ever hear how he cried over his draft pick? He cried. I don't believe anything that comes out of that organization and the QB absolutely had to know about the balls pressure...but the fact we focus on this and not men beating their wives, girlfriends, children, and other violence in the NFL is pathetic.

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