First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

LadySosa-You had me at Ivars. All of my FB friends in Seattle were talking about how nice it was this past weekend, and they were all out running around the city. I love when cities have sports spirit. It's so much fun.

BabyW-The wings are my husband's department but he does an awesome job. He also said he will make some plain for the kids. I think the kids will eat whatever we have in front of them (or not), but if he wants to do special food for them, it's his call.

Beagle-I'm sorry for not realizing your transfer is this week. Yes, you must be excited to finally be getting prego. hee hee.
Great news Sars and Ladysosa! Haha "you discarded my babies???" You're funny.

I don't care about football really but I have to root against the Seahawks because one of my good friends lives in Seattle and he is like their biggest fan. Haha we text every Sunday and he's such a sh*t talker! I love it. He may even come here for Super Bowl. I'm hoping he does and he and his little family stay with us. Arizona will be insane this week. The phoenix open is already expecting over 200,000 people the first day or two. Plus Super Bowl. Yikes! Maybe I should head to another state! I choose Terri's house...

Welcome Mrs.W!

AFM I'm freaking exhausted. I'm not sure I have any skin left to stretch! I told my husband I feel like I'm wearing a shirt that's 3 sizes too small except it's my skin and I can't take it off. Haha watching me try to breathe when I sleep must be hilarious. Oh, and I almost adopted another puppy yesterday. I'm crazy I know. They are so cute. One of those cattle dogs. There are two brothers left and I want my mom to get the other. Do I really need another puppy running around??? No. But he was adorable with big puppy paws.
Hi ladies! :flower:

JCM - Resist the puppy! I think it must be a pregnancy thing. The last two pregnant ladies at my office did the same thing - got puppies about halfway through their pregnancies. Haha - seriously though, puppies are hard to resist and if he needs a good home and you have the time then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Terri - I think we all want to crash your party now! Too much yummy food.

babywhisperer - I'd gladly take your blizzard! We need the snow. It was 62 yesterday and it's supposed to be 66 today. While it is nice, I don't like it because it makes me get Spring Fever bad but we still have like 4 more months until it really gets nice. And when we have mild winters, it usually means nasty wildfires in the summer. Yuck.

LadySosa - Sounds like your weather is similar to ours right now. I will soak up all the sun I can get but I do want it to snow more. I'm not hard core - I definitely don't run up mountains!!! It's just a nice way to get out skiing (and normally have nice untracked snow) and get away from the crowds at ski areas. We don't go if the avalanche danger is too high. We'll be cheering for the Seahawks in my house!

Sars - Woo-hoo on the perfect fertilization rate! That's awesome. I waited until my ovaries calmed down to run. I knew I wasn't going to have a transfer right away so I think I might have waited a week after retrieval. You'll have to see what your RE says - I know after transfer I don't have any restrictions on exercise other than I have to keep my heart rate below 140. I'm going to ask about that - seems like an arbitrary cut off to me.

Howdy to everyone else!!!

I had my baseline bloodwork draw this morning for my FET. I also took my last birth control pill this morning. :happydance: Now to wait for AF and I'll start my oral estrace next week.
I didn't even realize a storm was coming. I am trying to look it up now. I think it is all north of me. Which is just fine. Last year we had snow which messed up one of my first one. So I want the snow to stay away. I am getting a transfer on Thursday even if I have to sleep in their office Wednesday night!

Lady - 4 is great. I know it is so devastating watching the numbers fall.

So the past 2 nights I have woken up & had to pee...a 3 times. Which is so weird. Usually I wake up once & go then go back to sleep. Sometimes I even go back to sleep without getting up. But these are bad like I have to get up fast & go. Weird. Wonder if it is the steroids. But I don't feel like that any other time & I don't drink a lot before bed.

QUESTION for the FET often were you checked by the dr? I had my scan and E & P blood work Friday. I started my P afterwards, now I just wait & go in Thurs. But it seems like a long time not to be checked up on. Just wondering if that is normal.

And transfer is Thursday...I cannot wait! My husband's walk thru is Wed. The market manager talked with his current market manager & basically said it was him & another guy getting the stores unless they F-up the walk thru. No chance of that! My husband is set & awesome! I am so excited. But one down side...he has to spend like a month least 2 weeks is in Arkansas. I can't remember if it is consecutive. I just hate he will miss out on some dr visits.
Yay Beagle! You must be so excited for the transfer to finally be here after all that waiting. It looks like my transfer is going to be on Thursday too. So, we'll be buddies for the dreaded wait and then bump buddies. FX for your husband. What an exciting week for you both.

Booger, wahoo for getting the ball rolling for the FET. That must feel good.

Terri, I feel like such a fatty right now I can't stand it. I've literally run at least mile every day since Thanksgiving so to be just sitting on my rear is killing me. I basically was told no jumping/jostling of the ovaries. And my stupid yoga studio keeps closing for the snow. I've also been eating out a lot. Got to get back on track.

LadySosa, we're definitely cheering for the Seahawks in my house. I hate, hate the Patriots. I totally get being disappointed by the attrition. But that's four perfect embryos waiting for you. I love house hunting. We're looking for a new house as well. So there's an online bidding process? I've never seen that before.

We're supposed to get hit with a big storm but not as bad as BabyW and Moni, who I think will be digging out for days. Good luck ladies! Stay safe and don't touch any shovels =)

Start my P shots tomorrow night and just waiting on the transfer. My nurse said she'd call tomorrow to let me know how many are still hanging on.
Mrs W 11 - Welcome :)

LadySosa - 4 good quality eggs is a great number, especially since you only need 1 :) I know it's disappointing hearing the number dwindle down though, I think we all went through that disappointment.

Beaglemom - YAY for Thursday!!! Only 3 more sleeps :) After all this time, can you believe it's finally here!! So exciting!!

Sars930 - YAY for Thursday for you as well!! It's getting exciting around here!!

Terri - Your menu sounds awesome!! I don't really follow football too much so I didn't have anyone in particular to root for. My dad says we have to stay loyal to the west coast lol, but I like Gisele Bundchen so I was gonna root for her husband. She posts the cutest pictures of her kids on game days, cheering for their dad and wearing his jersey. But now with the deflated football drama, I guess I'll make my dad happy and cheer for Seattle :)

Everyone on the East Coast stay safe this week.

AFM - I had my SHG this morning and everything looked good. I have to stay on my BCP for another week to 10 days, then I can stop and start my meds. I will be able to transfer next month sometime. She is going to e-mail me my schedule tomorrow so I'll get the exact dates then. He is also testing my thyroid again so we'll see how that turns out. I'm getting excited again!!!
Amy - Woohoo! Good to hear your SHG went well today. And hooray on getting your calendar! Super exciting.

sars - Hope those P shots go well - I have them as part of my protocol too and I'm a little nervous. I'll be doing them myself so I hope they're not too bad.

Beagle - I seem to have lots of monitoring. Not sure why so much but I have 4 ultrasounds and 5 blood draws between now and transfer. I guess they just want to make sure things are just right. I am so excited for you!!!
Yay Amy! I'm so excited for you! It'll be here before you know it.

Beagle - I think I'm only scheduled for one appointment (suppression check) between now and transfer. But then again that might change as the time draws closer.
Beaglemom - They told me there would only be 3 monitoring appointments for the frozen transfer. The baseline and two others. So having less appointments than with the fresh retrieval seems normal.
Hey everyone!

Sars - I have not run at all since before the retrieval. I thought I would be fine between retrieval and transfer but they said no, and then I didn't want to disrupt anything and then my numbers started out low and I was just paranoid. Now even walking sometimes I feel him bouncing around. Plus my heart rate jumps up pretty quickly when running, and there is mixed reviews about heartrate over I've stuck with walking.

Looking forward to the transfers on Thursday Sars and Beagle - finally here!

Sosa - I only had 1 and it would not have made it to freezing - that's all you need!

Welcome w and FXed to you.

AFM - I am homebound until Wednesday. Paying for the garage so that I don't have to unplow my car on Wednesday. Supposed to be picking a jury on Wed - we'll see if they restart the subways in time. If the storm was only one day later...My guess is everything will end up being less than predicted and I'll have a crazy rest of the week. :dohh:

Everyone else - enjoy your week!
Yay Amy!!!! So glad the SHG went well. Very exciting you're getting going again!!
Good morning, ladies!

I need some advice. I think my husband is being a lunatic, but I want your opinions. We were thinking of going to the mountains this weekend. We stay at these cabins surrounding a lake & our dogs can run freely. Some of the cabins are on an incline so since we are out of shape, it can be exhausting walking up & down a few times a day. So he has gotten paranoid & doesn't think I should be doing it. So I said well I will stay home & we can work on the house. He said no you don't need to be doing anything. So I said I am not ordered bed rest. I need to be doing something because I want to keep a good circulation & blood flow. So I said how about we find a place to go ice skating. We went on our honeymoon & have never gone place nearby. He said NO. You will fall down. I think he is being a bit dramatic. Yes I know it is sweet for him to be concerned, but still. I don't plan to waste away these days off watching Neflix. So I think we are going to find some fun things to to Wilmington or Myrtle Beach for the day. It is hard because we have the dogs.

So is my husban being paranoid? Do you think it is safe for me to go ice skating after my transfer?
Ladysosa - I know it's hard not to be disappointed when starting off with so many eggs. I remember being disappointed when I only had a few left, too. But remember - the ones that survived are super-strong! And it only takes one so you're in GREAT shape. Like someone else said, imagine if you had tried naturally how many of those eggs may not have survived? And congrats on house-hunting! That house sounds perfect. I hope you guys get lucky!

Welcome, Mrs. W!

Beagle - I hate to say it but I don't think your husband's being too paranoid. I wasn't on bed rest either but my RE specifically told me to take it easy. She said to slowly resume normal activities but definitely nothing too strenuous. I would be nervous for you to fall when ice skating, too. Why risk it after all you've been through?

Sars - I'm happy to hear that you're feeling good. How are the P shots going?

JCM - I've been really wanting a new puppy/dog, too, but I'm scared to have too much on my plate. My house is TINY and I'm nervous about too much noise and chaos. I would like to try and hold off until we buy a house in a year or 2. I just love dogs - miss mine so much.

Booger - Congrats on your last BCP. It's getting so close!!!!

Amy - You're almost there, too! Happy to hear that the SHG went well.

Moni - Smart idea paying for the garage for your car, even if we didn't get as much snow as predicted. Love your bump!!!

Terri - EVERYTHING on your superbowl menu sounds amazing. Yuuuum.

Nothing much going on here. Working from home because of the "blizzard" (or lack thereof). But still, I wouldn't want to be out there. The weather is still not great.
Happy snow day to you all! (at least it is here - we have about 2 feet)

So much news to catch up on - I'm so excited for the upcoming transfers, and for those of you getting started with your meds soon. And congrats on all the healthy embies! Welcome to the newcomers - this is a great group of women who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

AFM - second beta was yesterday and it was 2522. :happydance: DH and I are thinking there is a pretty good possibility of twins! Nurse said based on my numbers, there is a possibility. First scan is on 2/12, so we'll know for sure then. Yikes!!
Good morning ladies!

Beagle - Yeah, hate to say it but I agree with kfs & your hubby. Maybe the cabin would be an ok activity if you can take it easy but I'm not sure if I would go ice skating!

Kfs - thank you for the words of encouragement. :) It makes me feel a lot better! I hope you are staying snug and warm in your house today in your nasty weather! We haven't had a real snow storm in a few years. Granted, Seattle is not equipped for snow, so a few inches can have a near-catastrophic effect around here!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Wow, knitgirl!!!! I am soo excited for you!!!! How would you feel about twins??
Morning ladies!

kfs - Glad the blizzard hasn't been as bad for you as they predicted. :flower: Looks like Boston and Maine are taking the brunt of it. I completely understand you on the dog situation. We still have our smaller dog at home but I'm already perusing Petfinder looking for a new running buddy. Hooray for working from home!!!

Beagle - I think your husband is probably being a little too cautious but I'm sure it comes from a good place. My guess is that he's just nervous and doesn't want you to do anything that you might question if for some reason this transfer isn't successful (But it's going to be successful!!!). Anyway, I think a compromise is in order here. Maybe you don't go ice skating but find something else to do that isn't as strenuous as the cabins?? Can you board your dogs for the weekend? Sorry - I'm probably not much help here. I still plan on doing my normal activities after transfer (as long as I keep my heart rate reasonable). Maybe I'm stupid, I don't know.........:shrug:

Moni - I hope the storm has treated you well and you missed the worst of it!! :thumbup:

I put a countdown clock on my computer yesterday for my transfer. 27 days and 1 hour to go!! My nurse called yesterday afternoon to tell me my bloodwork looked perfect and that I'm nice and suppressed. :happydance:
That is awesome knitgirl...did you transfer 1 or 2?

Maybe I should just hold off. But for us, ice skating is not that intensive. But I see the point.

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