First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Oh no I was not upset about the fake baby comment. My mom is hilarious. She did not say it to be insensitive.
Hahaha Amy! DH said the same thing- "that's what insurance is for." I felt the same way, "she's been tainted.'

And yes, me too - sorry BabyW, I agree w/ your hubs! We were taught to always turn your head to check the blind spot before changing lanes. Always felt strange to me to take my eyes off the road, but I remember that's what the driving instructor taught us. Sorry!
Congrats on great betas, job promotions, new insurance, and great u/s and bloods! Lots of good news on here. :flower: As far as the Lupron, it totally sucked for me, but once it was reduced a bit, it got better. In terms of the PIO, i was surprised to hear that you would be able to stop it so soon - I think I have to take it for most of my first trimester, along with the estrace.

AFM, I've been super nauseous and have started throwing up too. It's awful, but a really good sign, so I'll take it. Counting down to Thursday for our first u/s - I'm really thinking it's twins. OMG.
Terri - YAY for ovulating and for AF being on her way LOL. Great news about your insurance too. That is just awesome!! I'm so jealous of all of you whose insurance covers any part of this infertility journey (is it bad that nightmare almost slipped out rather than journey lol).

LadySosa - So sorry to hear about your car accident. But I'm glad to hear nobody was hurt. I know how you feel about your car though. I was hit about a year ago when my car was only about a year old and I was so sad. Not too bad either but still lol. My husband was very nonchalant about it and was like that's what insurance is for, it'll be fixed. But I was like nooooooo she's not new anymore, it's like my car was a virgin, and she lost her virginity, it's something you can never take back and she'll never be the same LOL. Not dramatic at all :)

Beagle - Whoo Hoo GREAT beta!!! So happy for you. Cute ideas on announcing it. And Derek Cooper is SO cute! What your mom said about it being a "fake" baby. I couldn't tell if that hurt your feelings or if you just laughed it off? I know a lot of people don't understand the process of IVF but we sure do have to go through a hell of a lot to get us a fake baby LOL!! SO happy for your husband as well!! That is great news!!

Babywhisperer - I'm so sorry you're sick again. That blows. I'm so scared of getting sick again right before my transfer. Every time anyone coughs in my direction, I run the other way lol.
P.S. Don't get mad at me, but here in CA (not sure if driving instruction is different for different states) we are taught to check all mirrors then turn and look over our shoulder to check our blind spot before switching lanes. If we don't do that during our driving test, points are taken off.

jkb11 - Congrats on announcing to the family. So exciting.

Sars930 - Great second beta!! So happy for you as well!!

Booger76 - Don't be cranky!! Only 2 more weeks!! YAY :yipee:

AFM - Nothing too exciting to report here. Had more blood work and another U/S today. Everything looks as it should! Getting closer each day!!!

So not mad sweetie. If you drove on LI and the LIE people leave a car length maybe 2 so it is so dangerous to take your eyes off even for a sec. NY has their own breed of driving.

Beagle yeah for dh's promotion!!

Sars great beta!!!

Terri that's such great news!!! I bet that takes the edge off the financial stress this process brings. I'm so happy for you.

Great news comes in streaks and I can add professionally speaking...I have doubled last months production this month and it's not even over yet. Last trading day is the 25th!!! This will help carry us over my non paid maternity leave. My next appt is Fri and hope to have good news.
Thanks everyone for the congrats. But now I am anxious for when my husband will start training because it is 4 weeks & some if not all is in another city. So he may miss the first u/s. I will have the record it if he does. Hopefully we will know something sooner rather than later & maybe I can change my appointment.
Congrats on great betas, job promotions, new insurance, and great u/s and bloods! Lots of good news on here. :flower: As far as the Lupron, it totally sucked for me, but once it was reduced a bit, it got better. In terms of the PIO, i was surprised to hear that you would be able to stop it so soon - I think I have to take it for most of my first trimester, along with the estrace.

AFM, I've been super nauseous and have started throwing up too. It's awful, but a really good sign, so I'll take it. Counting down to Thursday for our first u/s - I'm really thinking it's twins. OMG.

We need twins on this thread. So here's a question, do they make tickers for how big the babies are for twins???

Amy great blood results, you are well on your way and following a wonderful streak of great news!! What a great confidence builder. It can happen and it does, often. I have a very good feeling, it's the same feeling I had before Erin got her bfp!!

I am loving all the good news here, it's so uplifting. So deserved!!!
jkb11 - When do they want you to stop the meds?

knitgirl - I can't until Thursday to see if you have twins or not!!

beaglemom - Ok good, I love a good sense of humor. My DH was calling it a fabricated baby. And I was like, what do you mean fabricated? He said, you know, manufactured. It's like the baby is assembled on an assembly line in a factory. We deliver the parts, they are assembled by an embryologist and packaged (in my uterus) by the RE and then we have a quality control check two weeks later lol. He has an odd sense of humor lol.
I was on the POI through 8 weeks - but they tapered me off. First lower dose, then EOD and then off.
LadySosa - I'm sorry about the accident. I'm happy you're all OK but still a huge bummer. :(

Terri - Once again, I'm sooooooooo excited for you. It's just the boost you needed to keep moving.

Beagle - Congrats on your DHs promotion! My DH wasn't able to come to an ultrasound appt until after I graduated from my RE. It's absolutely amazing but just think - there will be plenty of opportunities for him to come in the near future if it doesn't work out.

Sars - Congrats on telling the family. I'm sorry that your mom was kind of negative but just try to remember that she's seen a lot of heartache. I'm sure she didn't mean to come off that way. Just tune her our next time. :)

JKB - Congrats to you, too, on telling your family. :)

Amy - Happy that your appointment went well. One step closer!

Babyw - Hope you feel better! You poor thing - hope this is your last sickness. And congrats on the good news at work. :) You said you have your next appointment next week? Is it another scan? I have an appt for a blood test for spina bifida next week but my 2nd trimester scan isn't until March 4th. So far!

Knit - 2 more days!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Hi everyone else!

I FINALLY heard the results of my maternit21 test (only took 3 weeks - sheesh) and everything came back normal. I'm so happy and relieved. The nurse said "Do you want to know the sex?" and I said "No but you know, right?" and she said yes. Ahhhhhh. So crazy that they know but I'm trying to stay team yellow.
LadySosa - I'm sorry about the accident. I'm happy you're all OK but still a huge bummer. :(

Terri - Once again, I'm sooooooooo excited for you. It's just the boost you needed to keep moving.

Beagle - Congrats on your DHs promotion! My DH wasn't able to come to an ultrasound appt until after I graduated from my RE. It's absolutely amazing but just think - there will be plenty of opportunities for him to come in the near future if it doesn't work out.

Sars - Congrats on telling the family. I'm sorry that your mom was kind of negative but just try to remember that she's seen a lot of heartache. I'm sure she didn't mean to come off that way. Just tune her our next time. :)

JKB - Congrats to you, too, on telling your family. :)

Amy - Happy that your appointment went well. One step closer!

Babyw - Hope you feel better! You poor thing - hope this is your last sickness. And congrats on the good news at work. :) You said you have your next appointment next week? Is it another scan? I have an appt for a blood test for spina bifida next week but my 2nd trimester scan isn't until March 4th. So far!

Knit - 2 more days!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Hi everyone else!

I FINALLY heard the results of my maternit21 test (only took 3 weeks - sheesh) and everything came back normal. I'm so happy and relieved. The nurse said "Do you want to know the sex?" and I said "No but you know, right?" and she said yes. Ahhhhhh. So crazy that they know but I'm trying to stay team yellow.

I go every 4 weeks b/c I am 39, so Friday will be my 16 week sono, it's a quickie, but if they are busy I may just get doppler done for HB. The next scan for anatomy level 2 is 20 weeks. I also get blood drawn every month for thyroid since I have Hashi's.

Knitgirl if your nausea gets bad remember they can give you Zofran and it helps a lot.

Any word from Leens?
LadySosa - I'm sorry about the accident. I'm happy you're all OK but still a huge bummer. :(

Terri - Once again, I'm sooooooooo excited for you. It's just the boost you needed to keep moving.

Beagle - Congrats on your DHs promotion! My DH wasn't able to come to an ultrasound appt until after I graduated from my RE. It's absolutely amazing but just think - there will be plenty of opportunities for him to come in the near future if it doesn't work out.

Sars - Congrats on telling the family. I'm sorry that your mom was kind of negative but just try to remember that she's seen a lot of heartache. I'm sure she didn't mean to come off that way. Just tune her our next time. :)

JKB - Congrats to you, too, on telling your family. :)

Amy - Happy that your appointment went well. One step closer!

Babyw - Hope you feel better! You poor thing - hope this is your last sickness. And congrats on the good news at work. :) You said you have your next appointment next week? Is it another scan? I have an appt for a blood test for spina bifida next week but my 2nd trimester scan isn't until March 4th. So far!

Knit - 2 more days!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Hi everyone else!

I FINALLY heard the results of my maternit21 test (only took 3 weeks - sheesh) and everything came back normal. I'm so happy and relieved. The nurse said "Do you want to know the sex?" and I said "No but you know, right?" and she said yes. Ahhhhhh. So crazy that they know but I'm trying to stay team yellow.

So happy your test came back normal! Why did it take so long? Do what you feel strongly about as far as the gender. I just figured we would be surprised either way and now we can plan...or I can enlist Beagle to shop for me b/c I loathe shopping. Loathe it!!
BabyW - give me a credit card & I will have you covered! :) BTW, have you told your employer yet? I kept meaning to ask but forget. I plan to do the candy wrapper at work too but it is a small office & I do not have any of the hostility you were dealing with. And I have a couple of people at other offices I will probably inter office a candy car to.
So much good news on here.

Amy, happy to hear things are going as planned.

JKB: Are you sure they never checked your levels? I know each of my betas they’ve been checking my levels. They didn’t report back with a number. But beforehand the told me if you’re progesterone is where we want it we will lower the dose and then stop it, which they did. I know compared to most people stopping I’m super, super early. But I figure my doctor knows what she’s doing.

Knitgirl, sorry to hear you feel so bad. But just keep thinking of it as a good sign. You must be going crazy not knowing if there are two little ones in there. I can’t wait for your U/S. What time is it?

BabyW: Congrats on a great few weeks at work. Do you get no paid time off? How much time did you take with Jack?
I’m honestly not sure my situation at work as we just changed a ton of our policies.

KFS: Thanks. I know it’s just my mom’s way. We call her the trauma mama. Sometimes I just wish she could keep it to herself and be excited. I just decided I have no control over what happens and I’m going to enjoy it.
So glad everything came back normal on your maternity21 test!! Yay for team yellow! I’m on it too. My parents never found out with me and my best friend just didn’t find out until her son was born. I’ve always wanted to not find out. But add in the lack of mystery to IVF and it added to us staying in the dark.
So much good news on here.

Amy, happy to hear things are going as planned.

JKB: Are you sure they never checked your levels? I know each of my betas they’ve been checking my levels. They didn’t report back with a number. But beforehand the told me if you’re progesterone is where we want it we will lower the dose and then stop it, which they did. I know compared to most people stopping I’m super, super early. But I figure my doctor knows what she’s doing.

Knitgirl, sorry to hear you feel so bad. But just keep thinking of it as a good sign. You must be going crazy not knowing if there are two little ones in there. I can’t wait for your U/S. What time is it?

BabyW: Congrats on a great few weeks at work. Do you get no paid time off? How much time did you take with Jack?
I’m honestly not sure my situation at work as we just changed a ton of our policies.

KFS: Thanks. I know it’s just my mom’s way. We call her the trauma mama. Sometimes I just wish she could keep it to herself and be excited. I just decided I have no control over what happens and I’m going to enjoy it.
So glad everything came back normal on your maternity21 test!! Yay for team yellow! I’m on it too. My parents never found out with me and my best friend just didn’t find out until her son was born. I’ve always wanted to not find out. But add in the lack of mystery to IVF and it added to us staying in the dark.

I am not getting paid but maybe 1500/month, a small % of what I normally make. I took 12 weeks paid with Jack since HR said I had been there the longest in my group and they didn't have a formal policy. After I came back they didn't like the precedent it set so they revamped the policy to be next to nothing. By law they don't have to pay us anything just keep my job for 12 weeks. I plan to work from home when I can. I figure with a Nanny I can log on from time to time at least while the baby is sleeping b/c the nanny does laundry and bottles.
kfs1-Yeah for everything being normal and remaining Team Yellow. I am team yellow all the way. Just don't get upset if the sonographer slips..tell them when you first go in that you don't want to know. My sister was VERY upset with two of her techs (one for each baby). They told her what it was and she looked at them and they tried to backpedal, but they had already slipped. So..if that happens, you can either start sharing or keep it to yourself. I love how you love surprises. That makes me super happy.

I got the dreaded spring Nordstrom catalog in the mail the other day. I'm addicted to sundresses, and they have some cute ones coming out. I'm a 60s fanatic (in my mind), so shift dresses, funky old fashioned colors/swirls, dresses with three quarter length sleeves (makes my monkey arms look normal), and fit and flare are SO my style. I'm wishing I had tons of $$ to spend on some spring dresses. *sigh* And then I saw some really cute nude sandals, even though the nude is for white people, but I imagine that it will look good on me too. HA!!HA!! Blah blah..nothing really going on here.
So much good news on here.

Amy, happy to hear things are going as planned.

JKB: Are you sure they never checked your levels? I know each of my betas they’ve been checking my levels. They didn’t report back with a number. But beforehand the told me if you’re progesterone is where we want it we will lower the dose and then stop it, which they did. I know compared to most people stopping I’m super, super early. But I figure my doctor knows what she’s doing.

Knitgirl, sorry to hear you feel so bad. But just keep thinking of it as a good sign. You must be going crazy not knowing if there are two little ones in there. I can’t wait for your U/S. What time is it?

BabyW: Congrats on a great few weeks at work. Do you get no paid time off? How much time did you take with Jack?
I’m honestly not sure my situation at work as we just changed a ton of our policies.

KFS: Thanks. I know it’s just my mom’s way. We call her the trauma mama. Sometimes I just wish she could keep it to herself and be excited. I just decided I have no control over what happens and I’m going to enjoy it.
So glad everything came back normal on your maternity21 test!! Yay for team yellow! I’m on it too. My parents never found out with me and my best friend just didn’t find out until her son was born. I’ve always wanted to not find out. But add in the lack of mystery to IVF and it added to us staying in the dark.

I am not getting paid but maybe 1500/month, a small % of what I normally make. I took 12 weeks paid with Jack since HR said I had been there the longest in my group and they didn't have a formal policy. After I came back they didn't like the precedent it set so they revamped the policy to be next to nothing. By law they don't have to pay us anything just keep my job for 12 weeks. I plan to work from home when I can. I figure with a Nanny I can log on from time to time at least while the baby is sleeping b/c the nanny does laundry and bottles.

That stinks they are so family unfriendly. Hope you find a solution that works for your family. Having the help of the nanny I'm sure will be huge for your sanity.
Terri - It's funny that you mention spring/summer dresses. I feel so disgusting lately, I can't even IMAGINE having to dress for summer. Like, a bathing suit? Ahhhhh. But you'll look great since you actually exercise and are not a sloth like me. :)

Babyw - Ahh. I didn't realize that you have to go in every 4 weeks. We were so close with our initial appts so I was wondering why ours are now different. :) They told me my test took longer because the lab was backed up...? But I had to call a few times to find out and that's what annoyed me.

Sars - Woohoo for team yellow. :) It will be hard at my next appt. but like Terri said, I'll make sure to tell the sonographer that I don't want to know.

Beagle - So far, my direct boss and her boss know my news at work, along with some close friends. I haven't openly announced it to everyone yet though because some people can be kind of annoying/overbearing with their "personal stories and advice" if you know what I mean.

Hi everyone else!
So much good news on here.

Amy, happy to hear things are going as planned.

JKB: Are you sure they never checked your levels? I know each of my betas they’ve been checking my levels. They didn’t report back with a number. But beforehand the told me if you’re progesterone is where we want it we will lower the dose and then stop it, which they did. I know compared to most people stopping I’m super, super early. But I figure my doctor knows what she’s doing.

Knitgirl, sorry to hear you feel so bad. But just keep thinking of it as a good sign. You must be going crazy not knowing if there are two little ones in there. I can’t wait for your U/S. What time is it?

BabyW: Congrats on a great few weeks at work. Do you get no paid time off? How much time did you take with Jack?
I’m honestly not sure my situation at work as we just changed a ton of our policies.

KFS: Thanks. I know it’s just my mom’s way. We call her the trauma mama. Sometimes I just wish she could keep it to herself and be excited. I just decided I have no control over what happens and I’m going to enjoy it.
So glad everything came back normal on your maternity21 test!! Yay for team yellow! I’m on it too. My parents never found out with me and my best friend just didn’t find out until her son was born. I’ve always wanted to not find out. But add in the lack of mystery to IVF and it added to us staying in the dark.

I am not getting paid but maybe 1500/month, a small % of what I normally make. I took 12 weeks paid with Jack since HR said I had been there the longest in my group and they didn't have a formal policy. After I came back they didn't like the precedent it set so they revamped the policy to be next to nothing. By law they don't have to pay us anything just keep my job for 12 weeks. I plan to work from home when I can. I figure with a Nanny I can log on from time to time at least while the baby is sleeping b/c the nanny does laundry and bottles.

That stinks they are so family unfriendly. Hope you find a solution that works for your family. Having the help of the nanny I'm sure will be huge for your sanity.

It's all about the bottom line at my firm. Why pay me when I'm not here making them money is their thought.

I told my boss b/c we were interviewing someone who covers 2 of my accts. It would be a hard thing to do to a prego woman, take I did it for security purposes. I've been working like a maniac since I told them and even sick I work from home. No days off for me. I don't think our Turks and Caicos trip will come together in April so really no time off for me. I'm bad though, it's vary hard for me to disconnect since I'm commish, I hate to miss opportunities to make money.
Yes, tons of good news on the thread! Yay!

Beagle - congrats to your DH! That must be so exciting.

Kfs - yay for the normal test! I bet it's a relief.

Knit - sorry about the nausea, but as you say, its a good sign! CANNOT wait till Thurs to hear if its twins!!

BabyW - woohoo on your high numbers this month! Congrats! What is it you do again?

Afm, I went to an all day HR conference yesterday, so that's why I've been a little MIA. :) It's nice to get out of the office once in a while and listen to inspirational speakers. Gets me motivated!! I love that kind of stuff. Whew, things are crazy for us right now. DH is actually also up for a promotion, and today is his internal interview. He's all nervous, even though there are 3 internal applicants and 2 positions. He's got this. Then there's the bathroom reno - we are having to go to Home Depot and buy things like every night. Last night we had to get the paint (shit, paint is expensive), grout, light switches, etc. All the little things. They should hopefully be done this week, but who knows. It seems to be taking a lot longer than we thought. Then the stupid car - taking it to the adjustor, finding a body shop. And we are in the middle of a refinance (should be closing this week). Then this afternoon is my suppression check. AND to top it all off, I have a phone interview on Friday that I need to prepare for. AND, I have Spanish class tonight after the doctor's appointment. Oh, and did I mention Valentine's day is coming and I haven't a clue of what to get DH?? Ha!! I'm not stressed or anything!!!! Whew. Deep breath. I can't wait to reduce the dosage of Lupron. It is making me anxious, cranky, sleepy. Not good in this time of stress!

Anyways, sorry to dump on y'all! Hope everyone is having a good week!
Kfs - congrats on the test results!! I know that takes away major stress.

Lady -hang in there chica. Once everything is done you will feel so relieved! We remodeled our master bath about a year ago and it is stressful. I hated having so many people in and out of our home.but I love the results:) BTW - I have no idea what to get my hubby either!!!! Any suggestions???anyone?? He always does the best gifts.

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