First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Babywhisperer - That train accident was so awful. I'm so sorry that you knew someone who was killed. It sounds like the woman might have panicked or something because it seemed like she had enough time to move off of the tracks. Either way, just a tragic accident. That's the train that we take into the city so it definitely hits home for us. I used to commute on that train every day. Oh, and take some time for yourself girl! If you need time and/or want to do your own thing, that's absolutely fine! Like someone else said, you have to focus on yourself sometimes.

Terri - You have such a tough decision - I SOOO wish that financials didn't have to add to the stress. And yes, I wish that we could just have "free" babies like the rest of the world. No fair!! First off, I think you should get your doctor's opinion. Does he think that your egg quality could be a factor? Does he think that this could really up your chances? If so, honestly, I say go for it. Like you said, you're down to the last 1-2 rounds and then you're going to stop so I say go all out!!! Give yourself the best odds.

Booger - That's so great that you're loving your doctor! Makes the process much easier. :)

Amy - sounds like things are really progressing. Good luck at your ultrasound on Monday!

Beagle - Don't stress about the cramping. Definitely a common symptom. :)

Ladysosa - Awww. I'm sorry that you're feeling so emotional. It's such an awful feeling, I know. Just know that it's not you - it's your body adjusting to everything that you're going through. And kudos to your DH for taking care of you.

Sars - Congrats on the beta!!! :happydance:
sars - awesome beta! Still jealous you got your before me...mine is Monday. Crazy thing is I have not even been stressing about it.

Not too stressed about the cramping either...but making mental note of it. It comes in goes usually in really short bursts.
Ah knit girl I got you and sars dates mixed up. Sorry you have to wait so long. I am thinking twin for you;)

SARS!!! Congrats on a great beta result! So exciting

Terri- insurance doesn't cover Pgs where I am. But my doctor put in a special request due to the number of losses I have had and they granted it. We did have to give them our credit card number because coverage wasn't guaranteed, in the end they covered half. One of my friend fostered a little girl for over a year and then the mother took her back as he was trying to adopt her. Weeks later he located the child left in a home alone. He did get her back by proving the mother was unfit but at that point I would do something stupid and end up charged with kidnapping. It was still a whole process for him to get her back.
Yay for the BFPs Beagle!!! I knew it - can't wait to hear your numbers on Monday.

SARS - great beta!!

Yay for the heartbeat JKB!!

Lots of good news this week.

BabyW - that crash is horrible - sorry you knew someone on there - I kept looking for the names to see if I knew anyone since that train goes by my office. My coworker was maybe a mile past that point on the road when it happened too.

My scan on Wed went well - heart is still normal. I have my glucose screening on Monday - not looking forward to that! Hoping I pass the first one and don't have to go for the long one. Then next weekend off to Cali for my baby shower!! Crazy right?

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Sars that's such a great beta! Congrats!

Beagle Monday will be here in a blink! Cramping is totally normal, rest easy that all is fine.

Terri, it's just my $.02, but I think that if you don't do PGS you might always be thinking, "what if I had, would this tell me why it's not happening". In the grand scheme of everything, it is not a huge amount of money, especially if it helps your chances.

For the ladies on Lupron I feel for you. I never had to take it, but it sounds horrible. There are few things worse than feeling hormonal and unlike yourself for days on end. I can't wait for all of you to be done w/ that drug and it's awful side effects.

What's up for ther weekend? NY ladies are we getting snow or a mix?
I think back to a mix...but we'll see. I have a 715am doctor hopefully it is not too bad!
I got a call from the nurse and she said that I have ovulated and my progesterone is ten, so AF should be on its way shortly. I'm happy that my body is still working and that I won't have to take a pill to force AF here. Now I just wonder how long ago I ovulated. I'm probably out without a chance because hubs and I bd'ed earlier in my cycle not expecting a late ovulation. I think we did bd after those early times, but obviously I have no data to show how close or far away we were from ovulation. Whatever.

I also found out that I don't have to pay for pgs until there are actual embryos to freeze, so if I had to transfer a 3 day embryo, no payment for testing would be expected. I was pleased to hear that I only pay when embryos are ready. I'll talk to hubs :wacko: but I'm feeling better about just going for it. If they all come back abnormal at least I know there is an issue. Crazy how things work out. I didn't call the insurance lady because I actually worked hard at work today! :haha: that's the latest. Have a great weekend everyone!
I went in for my blood work this morning. Even though my tests are still clearly positive, I am still nervous.

I told my mom & sister this weekend. I gave my mom a onesie. She thought it was for a dog. I texted a pic of an aunt onesie to my sister & she thought I was getting another dog. Also, their main concern was what I was going to do with my dogs. I do have 3 dogs. But I don’t really know their concern. My dogs are very well behaved & easy to deal with. I also had to explain all the infertility stuff to them. They didn’t even really know what IVF was when I said it. My mom jokingly referred to the baby as a “fake” baby. My sister asked why we had to do that. I told her about my husband. And she said oh okay…that makes sense…because none of the women in our family have an issues getting pregnant. Meaning we have a lot of “accidents” in my family. My older nephew seems super excited which I was shocked by. But I shouldn’t be. I was 14 when he was born & we lived in the same house for 5 years. So we are pretty close. I told them it was a boy & my mom went on about names. I told them we probably already had a name picked out. Then my mom guessed it! Sort of. She said she probably plans to name him after that guy Derek (then tries to work out the last name). So yes, the baby’s name will be Derek Cooper. Named after Derek Jeter & Cooperstown where the baseball hall of fame is. Afterwards I told my 2 friends who are very excited. My husband told his cousin. She is sworn to secrecy. My dad’s birthday was yesterday, so I wrote it in his card which he should get tomorrow.

We were trying to figure out how to announce it to people. So there was a groupon for personalized M&Ms. But after looking more, I found on personalized candy wrappers. They were made for baby showers, but you can make it however. So ours says Coming soon…Baby Boy October 2015. As soon as I get those, we will mail them to family. I will keep some & use them at work, but I am waiting a little while for that. It was only $20 for 24 wrappers. Then you just have to go out & buy the chocolate which is like $12.

Sars – you have another beta today??? Good luck.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you had a nice weekend.
Good morning ladies

Sars - Congratulations, those numbers are awesome!!!

Terry - That is a wonderful blessing that you don't have to pay for the pgs.

How is everyone else doing?
Good morning ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Beagle - yay for telling everyone! I bet that was exciting. I like the candy wrapper idea - that is unique. Did you get the blood work results yet, or still waiting? I love the name Derek! That is really cute.

Yay Terri for getting started again! And finding out that PGS is feasible! That's nice that you wouldn't have to pay if, god forbid, they all came back abnormal.

Sars - yayyy!! That is a great beta!! Whoop whoop! So excited for you.

Amy - GL at your u/s today!

Afm, we had a lazy weekend which was nice. I was getting antsy though, haha. We picked out paint for the bathroom and found some medicine cabinets. Oh, we got in a car accident Friday. Boo. DH was driving my car, I was in the passenger seat. There was traffic and it was raining. The car in front of us slammed on their brakes, DH couldn't stop in time, so we ploughed into the back of the Cadillac Escalade. D'oh! We were just fine, and really the Caddy had just a small dent in the bumper, but my car, my beloved new car (a year old), was smashed in the right front. I was so mad at DH. I always give him a hard time about driving like a jerk, and now this happens. I didn't have to lecture him too much tho cause he already felt really bad. At least we have full coverage insurance, and the lady we hit was SUPER nice and easy going, and nobody was hurt. So, while it sucked, it could've been a lot worse. That was our excitement of the weekend.

The lupron has been making me soo sleepy! I got plenty of sleep all weekend, but then like 2-3:00 hit and I would be dozing off. So ready to be done with lupron!

Did you guys do anything fun this weekend?
beagle-That's great news about telling everyone. Not a lot of people know about IVF. I guess they hear about it and forget about it if it's not their concern. I laughed at everyone thinking that you were getting a onesy for the dog.

brighteyez/lady sosa-I would still have to pay if they are abnormal. I wouldn't have to pay if none made it to the testing stage. I've been playing phone tag with the financial/insurance lady at the FS. It sucks living in a world of cubicles. I have to go someplace else every time I want to make a phone call and then the person isn't available and I have to keep walking back and forth. Lady Sosa, glad you're ok after the accident. Hopefully you can get your car fixed without too much of a hassle.

booger-You'll be proud of me. I ran 6.37 miles yesterday. Yeah! I didn't think I was going to make it because my legs were hurting/feeling tired at the beginning. But..I just kept going and I was fine. Running is such a mental exercise, and so easy to talk yourself out of. My friends that are doing the 2015 in 2015 with me have been kicking butt. One girl walked 3 miles every day for 30 days in January. I only ran 28.36 miles in January. I guess I need to pick up my mileage a bit. We're definitely going to succeed, though, so whether I pick up my mileage or not, it doesn't really matter.

Hi to everyone else!
Lady - my husband is not 100% on Derek. I always wanted to name him after a Yankee & I was never too found of it. But as soon as we started IVF, I came up with Cooper & suddenly I was in love with Derek. I told my husband this was how it was going to be! :) We couldn't use Jeter because I had a cat named Jeter. I think after doing the retrieval, I sort of had a feeling it was going to be a boy. I started to not totally love our girl name & just loving the boy name more & more.

Sorry about the accident. I know how that worse when the hubby is driving. My car is like my baby. I don't get nuts about scratches or messes inside, but I am super protective of it. I hate when my husband insults it. I have a Prius...which is not any smaller than a compact which is what I always have had. It has the pop out drink holder. My stupid husband despises it. I told him to hold his drink or use the door. When one day it was open & he got out & hit it with his knee. So it is now forever broken. Ugh.

I don't know if I told you guys, but my husband drove my car day of transfer. There is a spot on the interstate that gets backed up every goes from 65 to 40 mph. Well my husband knows this. He had to slam on brakes because somebody in front needed to keep like 8 car lengths in front. So I told him he needed to slow down & pay attention because of the congestion. Well then like 2 min later he REALLY nearly hit someone. I have NEVER done this before but I screamed at him to slow down. I saw that his head was turned. He just slammed brakes & stayed quiet. I apologized later for screaming. But seriously could we not slam in to someone on the day of my transfer??? I was like I will have to hitch hike to the dr & leave you behind! And he KNEW...I just told gets so conjested there.

At least no one was hurt. And hopefully dealing with the insurance will be easy.
Terri I think you will feel good about PGS.

I forgot to say, no no results yet. I did it at 7:15. It is almost 11 now. Plus it was done locally as a STAT. So should be same day, just not sure how long.
I went in for my blood work this morning. Even though my tests are still clearly positive, I am still nervous.

I told my mom & sister this weekend. I gave my mom a onesie. She thought it was for a dog. I texted a pic of an aunt onesie to my sister & she thought I was getting another dog. Also, their main concern was what I was going to do with my dogs. I do have 3 dogs. But I don’t really know their concern. My dogs are very well behaved & easy to deal with. I also had to explain all the infertility stuff to them. They didn’t even really know what IVF was when I said it. My mom jokingly referred to the baby as a “fake” baby. My sister asked why we had to do that. I told her about my husband. And she said oh okay…that makes sense…because none of the women in our family have an issues getting pregnant. Meaning we have a lot of “accidents” in my family. My older nephew seems super excited which I was shocked by. But I shouldn’t be. I was 14 when he was born & we lived in the same house for 5 years. So we are pretty close. I told them it was a boy & my mom went on about names. I told them we probably already had a name picked out. Then my mom guessed it! Sort of. She said she probably plans to name him after that guy Derek (then tries to work out the last name). So yes, the baby’s name will be Derek Cooper. Named after Derek Jeter & Cooperstown where the baseball hall of fame is. Afterwards I told my 2 friends who are very excited. My husband told his cousin. She is sworn to secrecy. My dad’s birthday was yesterday, so I wrote it in his card which he should get tomorrow.

We were trying to figure out how to announce it to people. So there was a groupon for personalized M&Ms. But after looking more, I found on personalized candy wrappers. They were made for baby showers, but you can make it however. So ours says Coming soon…Baby Boy October 2015. As soon as I get those, we will mail them to family. I will keep some & use them at work, but I am waiting a little while for that. It was only $20 for 24 wrappers. Then you just have to go out & buy the chocolate which is like $12.

Sars – you have another beta today??? Good luck.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you had a nice weekend.

What a great idea! I'm glad you got to share the excitement with friends and family. Get ready for unsolicited advice and a lot of attention. Your bets is today right?

Sars, Knitgirl how are you ladies doing?

How was everyone's weekend?

It was sleeting this morning very early and I have a cold again! My coworker who sits next to me came to work all week with a bad cold and was coughing, sneezing without covering his mouth. I'm the 3rd one he's gotten sick. I woke up Saturday with high hopes of going back to the gym only to have a terrible sinus headache that extra strength Tylenol couldn't help. I went to bed at 8pm and must have had a fever b/c I woke up drenched. So working from home today which should save me a terrible train commute home later. I hope this cold doesn't linger like the last one. I have been using the neti pot, taking elderberry syrup, and drinking tea with lemon like crazy.

How are the prego ladies feeling? Who is up next for transfer?

I spoke to my neighbor who had her 2nd daughter by scheduled c section on the 26th and she's glad she did it. She feels better this time and was admitted at 5:30am and had the baby by 8:45am. She was able to plan what to do with her daughter vs going into labor in the middle of the night. I'm still not sure what to do. Luckily I have plenty of time. Now I have to figure out how to configure our bedrooms, keep large 2nd master as guest room/dh office, and take dh's office/smallest bdrm and make it the nursery. Hmmmm
Beagle, that sounds so fun telling everyone. The candy bars sound like such a fun idea. That's hilarious they thought you were getting another dog. I don't see how you having three dogs should matter. Derek Cooper is a great name! Even though I hate the Yankees =) Red Sox home here. Good luck with your beta results. I went in at 9:30 and my nurse called around 1:30 with the results.

We told our families Friday. My mother-in-law is just about losing her mind she is so excited. She immediately ran out and bought some clothes and a little bunny rabbit. My niece, who is 7, and doesn't miss anything asked me what was in the bag. She opened it and got so excited that we're having a baby. She then started suggesting names, one of them being Maximus Bob, which DH and I have started calling the baby. It cracks me up every time. My mom was thrilled but she's super superstitious, she and bother of her sisters had miscarriages with their first pregnancies, so she is being so cautious. My parents came up to take us to dinner Saturday night and when she saw the gift from my MIL she said Oh, that's sweet. I'm too superstitious for that. It did annoy me a bit. I get it. It is in my head too but christ. She's been desperate for a grandchild for years.

LadySosa, I'm sorry about the car accident that stinks! What kind of car do you have? I've been sleeping like crazy as well. Over the weekend, we went to two open houses, ran some errands and saw both of our families. Very low key but it's been nice having very suburban, domestic weekends after a crazy 2014 where I rarely slept at home 7 days in a row due to travel

Terri, Good for you! If the Baltimore weather was like the PA weather this weekend it was great running. I'm so jealous!!

BabyW: Sorry to hear you're sick again. You can't catch a break with the illness this winter! Are you considering a VBAC? Or leaning more c-section? That's such a personal decision and I haven't been there so I can't really offer much advice.

AFM, I had my second beta this AM. My nurse commented on how good my numbers look and how high the beta was. She said, "I know we only put one in there" and kind of trailed off. I was like, Oh, please don't even say that. She thinks I'll be able to stop the progesterone tonight. So, super excited about that. I go in for a third beta Wednesday morning. My nurse said I'd go back sometime next week for more bloodwork and the U/S would be probably the last week in February.
Beagle, Congrats!!! That's awesome!!! You must have posted as I was posting. Do you go back Wednesday?
Nice Sars! Did they give you the results yet? Oh man, how would you feel about twins??! I have a Lexus IS250. It's the first cool car I've ever owned. So sporty and fancy. Now it's smashed and sitting in our garage. Every time I go in there I have to look away like it's an open wound.

BabyW - you'd know more than us with no babies yet, but I've heard c-section is the way to go. So much simpler and faster. I've already got a huge scar from my belly button to my pubic bone from my colonectomy, so my gastro doc always told me that a c-section is recommended since they can just use the same line.

So I just realized that I'll need to be on Lupron during our trip to Cali. Anyone else experience flying with syringes/needles/medication? Do you just tell TSA before you go through the security line?

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