First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good morning ladies!

Sars - those numbers still seem high to me! I am sure it is fine and will all work out.

Moni - enjoy your baby shower! Cali will be a nice getaway from the weather in NY!

Beagle - yay! How sweet of your doc to call you and congratulate you personally.

Booger - Hang in there lady. I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes you have to just power through the process and ignore those hesitations - listen to your heart and not your head! You are doing this whole thing for a reason, trust in yourself that you made the decision to have a child for a reason!

Terri - you always have the best advice. When I was stressing last night, I kept telling myself, just get through one thing at a time, and then cross it off my list. It helped! Sometimes when you have a lot happening its easy to pile everything on and get overwhelmed. At least DH made it through his interview, doc appt is done, Spanish is done for the week. And the bathroom is almost done - should be done today or tomorrow. Yay!

My baseline appointment went well and we're on track for the 3/3 FET. Today I start the baby aspirin, estrace, and reduce the Lupron. Things are moving!!

Hope everyone's having a good week so far!
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.

Don't read into it, they just want more data points. It's better that they are being cautious, but don't get upset. They don't always double exactly.

Babywhisperer it is so good to see you here I remember you from the IUI boards. Congrats on yur BFP!!!
Hi everyone I am just jumping in here as we wait for IVF in May. DH and I have been ttc since February 2011. After multiple tests and 2 surgeries I have confirmed endo and DH poor SA all around. We had 1 full IUI cycle last month which was a BFN. Given the endo our chances of success with IUI are slim so we are not wasting anymore time or money but moving onto IVF.

We have kind of settled on the clinic we will be using but I just wanted to know how did you decide which clinic to go to for your IVF. I know I may be over thinking it but just want an idea of what due diligence you did before deciding. Thanks

Praying - So glad you came over. This group is great & as you may see we have a mix of losses, successes, people going in to IVF cycles, & people going in to FET. So you are def in a good group & won't fall behind based on your timing in the process.

As far as research, here is a website for you:

I did not do any research. My gyno referred me to my clinic & I just went with it. It is an hour & a half away which is actually the closest for me. I went in expecting to be told go straight to IVF. Instead, they offered IUI. Even though it failed, I never felt like they were wasting my time or money. My IUI cycles did have promise. In the end, I just felt good there & never felt the need to switch. I did look up reviews after the fact & they are mixed. Some people felt like the office was run like a factory, others felt it was quite personal. Mine opinion was mixed. The reception folks seemd to recognize me & know why I was there. Never had issues. I was switched around with the nurse staff, ultrasound techs, & 3 drs...but I was fine with that. My dr did any major pocedures. But I liked all the drs. And the nurses were always very positive. The mixing around was usually so they could get people in & out which I loved. My ultrasound appointments were less than 15 min. But I never felt rushed. And they have a great process of calling in & getting called back. They also offered email correspondence. I think the email thing & communication is key. Be sure to ask about that. You never want to feel ignored & always want to know you can contact them anytime.
Thanks Beagle. I will check out the link ater work this afternoon. I feel very comfortable with my clinic but one of the nurses at my current clinic (they don't do IVF) pulled me aside and told me how they recenlty had a bad incident with the clinic I am going to. She didnt share the exact condition but she said the lady was in alot of pain and had shortness of breath and if they were monitoring her properly this shouldn't have happened. I googled IVF risks and the only thing I am seeing with a sympotm of shortness of breath is OHSS which based on my understanding can show up 7/8 days after transfer and OHSS is not due to any negligence right isnt't it simply based on your body's response to the meds? Anywhoo this got me thinking whether or not we should stick with this clinic. They have a great rep and reviews, staff is great, doctor was always patient of our concerns and in explaining things and we are still comfortable with her but just want to ensure our first go at IVF is given the best shot.
Thanks Beagle. I will check out the link ater work this afternoon. I feel very comfortable with my clinic but one of the nurses at my current clinic (they don't do IVF) pulled me aside and told me how they recenlty had a bad incident with the clinic I am going to. She didnt share the exact condition but she said the lady was in alot of pain and had shortness of breath and if they were monitoring her properly this shouldn't have happened. I googled IVF risks and the only thing I am seeing with a sympotm of shortness of breath is OHSS which based on my understanding can show up 7/8 days after transfer and OHSS is not due to any negligence right isnt't it simply based on your body's response to the meds? Anywhoo this got me thinking whether or not we should stick with this clinic. They have a great rep and reviews, staff is great, doctor was always patient of our concerns and in explaining things and we are still comfortable with her but just want to ensure our first go at IVF is given the best shot.

Before retrieval, my office decided I was at risk for OHSS. So that & my P levels made them switch me to FET instead of fresh...the right decision. Anyways, I was given a different trigger & estrogen to take. I did not have any bad effects. But I think most of that was due to my own body, not the meds because I had a quick recovery to my hysteroscopy as well. The clinic may have been at fault...but some things may be unforeseen. You never really know how someone will react to retrieval. And also there are meds involved for that procedure maybe that person reacted to. But always ood to research it.
Hello Ladies
how is everyone doing?
I've been to see the consultant again on monday and this time she made me feel 100% reassured and goo news that my thyroid is down to a promising level for IVF. AF started today (Boo)...was hoping this very last shot of natural will work, but at least everything is in place and THE PROCESS can begin. Pretty nervous but in a way I'm excited that I may JUST get what I want at the end of it.
Hi everyone I am just jumping in here as we wait for IVF in May. DH and I have been ttc since February 2011. After multiple tests and 2 surgeries I have confirmed endo and DH poor SA all around. We had 1 full IUI cycle last month which was a BFN. Given the endo our chances of success with IUI are slim so we are not wasting anymore time or money but moving onto IVF.

We have kind of settled on the clinic we will be using but I just wanted to know how did you decide which clinic to go to for your IVF. I know I may be over thinking it but just want an idea of what due diligence you did before deciding. Thanks

Welcome Praying! This thread is filled with a wealth of knowledge and supportive ladies. I joined it with some similar questions. My OBGYN referred us to my RE and she really blew us away with her personal attention, patience and humor. She explained everything so clearly with photos, textbooks and clear paperwork we felt really good going with her. We didn't go to a second IVF clinic and I think we both feel really good with our decision. Only you can make that choice, but since you will be spending a lot of time there my top advice is make sure you feel comfortable and that you can get your questions answered whenever. My RE encouraged us to page her with concerns after hours, which I only did once when I screwed up a dosage of my meds but it offered a huge peace of mind to know I could get an answer whenever.

I agree with Beagle the SART website was really helpful. Good luck!
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.

Thinking of you, and fingers crossed for a big jump!
Hi everyone I am just jumping in here as we wait for IVF in May. DH and I have been ttc since February 2011. After multiple tests and 2 surgeries I have confirmed endo and DH poor SA all around. We had 1 full IUI cycle last month which was a BFN. Given the endo our chances of success with IUI are slim so we are not wasting anymore time or money but moving onto IVF.

We have kind of settled on the clinic we will be using but I just wanted to know how did you decide which clinic to go to for your IVF. I know I may be over thinking it but just want an idea of what due diligence you did before deciding. Thanks

Welcome! This is a great group of women! We were referred by our OB/GYN office. We are in an area where IVF is covered by insurance, so there are two large clinics in our state. They are both highly regarded, so I was comfortable with either one.
Good morning ladies!

Sars - those numbers still seem high to me! I am sure it is fine and will all work out.

Moni - enjoy your baby shower! Cali will be a nice getaway from the weather in NY!

Beagle - yay! How sweet of your doc to call you and congratulate you personally.

Booger - Hang in there lady. I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes you have to just power through the process and ignore those hesitations - listen to your heart and not your head! You are doing this whole thing for a reason, trust in yourself that you made the decision to have a child for a reason!

Terri - you always have the best advice. When I was stressing last night, I kept telling myself, just get through one thing at a time, and then cross it off my list. It helped! Sometimes when you have a lot happening its easy to pile everything on and get overwhelmed. At least DH made it through his interview, doc appt is done, Spanish is done for the week. And the bathroom is almost done - should be done today or tomorrow. Yay!

My baseline appointment went well and we're on track for the 3/3 FET. Today I start the baby aspirin, estrace, and reduce the Lupron. Things are moving!!

Hope everyone's having a good week so far!

Congrats on moving on to next steps!!
Hello ladies! I've been feeling so sick that I've mostly been stalking - saw all the good luck wishes for my ultrasound today - thank you! :flower:

Sooooooo, it's twins ... OMG!!!! I am 7w1d today. Baby A is measuring 7w and heart beat is 144. Baby B is measuring 6w6d and heart beat is 133. They said everything looks great!! Phew! They also gave me a new med for nausea/vomiting called Diclegis and I start taking it tonight. They said there have been some concerns about Zophran (sp?) and so they don't prescribe that anymore. I'm hoping this med helps, because I've been so sick.

Hard to focus on work today, but I'm going to try ...

Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.
Ahh!!! Congrats!!! That's so exciting Knit. You must be thrilled. This thread finally has some twins. Glad you got some meds to help you feel better!
Hello ladies! I've been feeling so sick that I've mostly been stalking - saw all the good luck wishes for my ultrasound today - thank you! :flower:

Sooooooo, it's twins ... OMG!!!! I am 7w1d today. Baby A is measuring 7w and heart beat is 144. Baby B is measuring 6w6d and heart beat is 133. They said everything looks great!! Phew! They also gave me a new med for nausea/vomiting called Diclegis and I start taking it tonight. They said there have been some concerns about Zophran (sp?) and so they don't prescribe that anymore. I'm hoping this med helps, because I've been so sick.

Hard to focus on work today, but I'm going to try ...

Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.

Congrats!!!:happydance: That is so exciting.
knit - that i awesome! I know you are so excited! I hope you have a smoothe & safe pregnancy!
Oh wow knit, huge congratulations!!! Twins is wonderful news! I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly though, I hope the medication helps to ease it for you a little.

I have been mainly stalking while I wait for af to arrive and start my stims and I am spotting so she will be here tomorrow!
Sars - Don't stress about your numbers. Mind didn't quite double in the beginning either and I freaked out for nothing. :)

LadySosa - Woohoo. 3/3 will be here before you know it. Get those cocktails in while you still can. :)

Welcome prayingforno1. This is a great group of ladies.

Knit - Yaaaaaaaaaay. Congratulations on twins. Were you really surprised or did you have a strong feeling? Finally, this thread as some multiples. :)
knitgirl - OMG OMG OMG!!! TWINS!! That is so great!! And so scary at the same time lol. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!!

Moni - I hope you have a great time in Cali!! The weather here has been in the 80's this week. We've barely seen any winter. Personally I want some winter weather, but for someone visiting, it's perfect weather... perfect baby shower weather :)

Beaglemom - Congratulations on your numbers doubling!!! And also congrats to your husband!!

Terri - CUTE puppy!!! I love that you foster!!

Sars930 - I agree with everyone else, I think it will be fine and they are just being cautious. I know it's hard not to worry though.

LadySosa - Glad your baseline appointment went well. I just realized you are only one week behind Booger and I!! Whoo Hoo!!!

Praying - Welcome!!! :) I think choosing a clinic is about how comfortable you feel with the staff and how confident you feel in their capabilities. Most clinics are not going to have perfect reviews because not every person is going to have a perfect experience. Statistically it's just not possible. My ob-gyn HIGHLY recommended my RE but I read one really bad review about them on Yelp. However, after I met him, I just couldn't imagine him being as pushy and confrontational as the review said he had been. And now that I've been dealing with him and his staff for over 6 months, there's just no way it went down the way the review said it did, it's totally not in his nature, so she was leaving a piece of the story out or something. So I'm glad I went with my personal experience and I didn't put too much into the one bad review I read, angry people say angry, exaggerated things sometimes.
Sars - Don't stress about your numbers. Mind didn't quite double in the beginning either and I freaked out for nothing. :)

LadySosa - Woohoo. 3/3 will be here before you know it. Get those cocktails in while you still can. :)

Welcome prayingforno1. This is a great group of ladies.

Knit - Yaaaaaaaaaay. Congratulations on twins. Were you really surprised or did you have a strong feeling? Finally, this thread as some multiples. :)

We weren't all that surprised ... given how sick I've been we were thinking it might be twins. :)
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.

Don't read into it, they just want more data points. It's better that they are being cautious, but don't get upset. They don't always double exactly.

Babywhisperer it is so good to see you here I remember you from the IUI boards. Congrats on yur BFP!!!

Thank you! Glad to see you here. I went to North Shore/LIJ initially and hated my experience, all of it. My uncle is an obgyn and ref me to his friend at Cornell. I have complete confidence in Cornell and everything was smooth as they have a dept for everything and they all coordinate with each other. No added stress. I had success with my 1st IUI, then for #2 we tried 3 times and moved on to IVF. WE are so happy we did that. Do your research and read reviews online. Good luck!

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