First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Lady - what a crazy time in your life but all things exciting! We do not do V-Day at my house. I would say all this I am doing for IVF is your gift...ha ha!

My number doubled guys...631!
So much good news on here.

Amy, happy to hear things are going as planned.

JKB: Are you sure they never checked your levels? I know each of my betas they’ve been checking my levels. They didn’t report back with a number. But beforehand the told me if you’re progesterone is where we want it we will lower the dose and then stop it, which they did. I know compared to most people stopping I’m super, super early. But I figure my doctor knows what she’s doing.

Knitgirl, sorry to hear you feel so bad. But just keep thinking of it as a good sign. You must be going crazy not knowing if there are two little ones in there. I can’t wait for your U/S. What time is it?

BabyW: Congrats on a great few weeks at work. Do you get no paid time off? How much time did you take with Jack?
I’m honestly not sure my situation at work as we just changed a ton of our policies.

KFS: Thanks. I know it’s just my mom’s way. We call her the trauma mama. Sometimes I just wish she could keep it to herself and be excited. I just decided I have no control over what happens and I’m going to enjoy it.
So glad everything came back normal on your maternity21 test!! Yay for team yellow! I’m on it too. My parents never found out with me and my best friend just didn’t find out until her son was born. I’ve always wanted to not find out. But add in the lack of mystery to IVF and it added to us staying in the dark.

I am not getting paid but maybe 1500/month, a small % of what I normally make. I took 12 weeks paid with Jack since HR said I had been there the longest in my group and they didn't have a formal policy. After I came back they didn't like the precedent it set so they revamped the policy to be next to nothing. By law they don't have to pay us anything just keep my job for 12 weeks. I plan to work from home when I can. I figure with a Nanny I can log on from time to time at least while the baby is sleeping b/c the nanny does laundry and bottles.

That stinks they are so family unfriendly. Hope you find a solution that works for your family. Having the help of the nanny I'm sure will be huge for your sanity.

It's all about the bottom line at my firm. Why pay me when I'm not here making them money is their thought.

I told my boss b/c we were interviewing someone who covers 2 of my accts. It would be a hard thing to do to a prego woman, take I did it for security purposes. I've been working like a maniac since I told them and even sick I work from home. No days off for me. I don't think our Turks and Caicos trip will come together in April so really no time off for me. I'm bad though, it's vary hard for me to disconnect since I'm commish, I hate to miss opportunities to make money.

I guess they don't subscribe to the healthy, happy employee results in better work products in finance (I'm assuming you're doing some sort of Wall Street related-work).

I can't imagine what it is like working on commission. I have enough time detaching from work. I work in the news industry so it is 24/7. For your sake, I hope you can swing a trip to Turks and Caicos I hear it is divine.
Beagle, yay on the great beta!

Whew, Lady. I am tired just reading all you have going on. I can't imagine. Construction projects always seem to get out of hand. They take longer than expected, cost more than you expected and you live at Home Depot or Lowe's. When we had our floors refinished, we ended up being out of the house for almost two weeks. Luckily, staying with my in-laws is like a 5-star hotel where someone goes grocery shopping for you and does your laundry.

Where do you take Spanish classes? I really wish I spoke another language. I'm sure it helps to be able to practice at home.

I'm no help with Valentine's suggestions. We don't celebrate it. After 8.5 years together, I think my DH finally believes me it isn't a trick =)

AFM, I had my third beta today. No results yet. I did ask about how my RE makes decisions about stopping progesterone. She told me they want it around 25-30 and my first test came back at 114 so my body is clearly making it on its own. JKB, it might be helpful to ask about your numbers and where they should be at this point in the pregnancy to assuage your concerns.

Hope everyone's well! We are preparing for another arctic blast, which I'm not looking forward to. I have to admit I'm in a bit of mourning about Jon Stewart's announcement last night.
I get my husband the same thing every year since I've met him. A cute Valentine's bag, filled with Hershey's nuggets with toffee/almonds. I also get him a card. That's it! He treats me to dinner, and has been getting me Pandora charms. Not sure what he will get for me this year. We're celebrating on Friday. I'm going to the drugstore today to pick up his stuff. I'm actually cutting it closer than I normally like.

We got a foster dog yesterday. I'll try attach a picture. His name is Fun (it was Funyun, but that's ridiculous), and he's a 6 month old pit bull. He got hit by a car and has implants in his leg to get it to straighten out. He's supposed to be on restricted activity, but you can't keep a puppy calm, no matter what you do.

Lady-Just do your activities one at a time and they'll get checked off. Good luck to your husband.

beagle-Awesome news about your beta.

kfs1-Some pregnant ladies can be cute in bathing suits.

sars- Glad you're P is high and hopefully your beta will double again!

Hi to everyone else.


  • fun February 2015.jpg
    fun February 2015.jpg
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Yay Beagle! That is an awesome number!

Terri - Awe! Fun! Haha. He looks like such a puppy with his ears perked up like that. I can't even fathom how much energy he has! Good for you for fostering!

Sars - I take Spanish at the local community college. I'm in Spanish 5 now, so it's getting harder and harder. It's every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:30. I love it though, I've had the same teacher for all 5 quarters, and for the most part, all the same students too. :) We have fun together. I wish DH spoke more Spanish to me to help me practice! He's been in the states for 12 years now, and grew up speaking English in school, so I think it's actually easier for him to speak English than Spanish now.
Whoa! Lots happening! Congrats to the Bfp ladies!! Great insurance news, Terri! Hope all scans and betas continue to go great. I'm still trying to catch up...but I did see Kfs is waiting on the gender. I admire your patience girl.

Nothing new. Still miserable. Still bad at being pregnant. Blah. 16 more weeks!
Oh, beagle did you ever get the package? I threw a pregnancy test in there but I guess you don't need it!
Hi ladies!!

I'm in a good mood right now so I figured would post.

Jen - Good to hear from you - I'm sorry you are still so miserable. Ugh. I was getting a little worried since we hadn't heard from you in awhile.

LadySosa - Sorry you have had busy, anxiety filled week! Dealing with all those things at once would be enough drive anyone crazy - add in Lupron and I don't know how you're dealing with it. When do you get to lower your dosage? I will say, lowering my dose has helped a bit so there is light at the end of the Lupron tunnel.

Terri - Aw, little Fun looks like he'll be a handful once he's up and running around at full speed. He's pretty cute. He seems to like his toys anyway. Again, I am so happy you are moving forward and have your insurance coverage start all over. Add in the PGS and this just has to be it for you!! I know it.

Sars - Sorry about the arctic blast! We have been having the weirdest weather here in Montana (at least the part of the state I live in). I'm not kidding when I say that my tulips and hops are coming up in our yard. Question - Have you been running at all?? Just curious what your instructions have been about running.

Beagle - Hooray for the beta doubling. :happydance: Great news! Also, congrats on DH promotion. Lots of good things happening for you guys.

babywhisperer - Maternity/Paternity leave in the country is a joke. It's sad. I'm sorry your company isn't more accommodating. Such a paternalistic industry you are in to begin with. Ugh.

kfs - Wahoo for good results! I know I have told you before, but I love that you are team yellow. DH and I are leaning more and more that way. We have decided for sure that we'll let the clinic choose. I hope I can hold out on not finding out the gender.

Amy - I'm glad your US and bloodwork have been coming back as they should. Such a relief. Less than two weeks to go!!!!! I can't believe it.

Moni- I hope you guys get a reprieve on the winter weather soon!!

jkb - All of my paperwork says that I'll have to be on progesterone through at least 10 weeks. Seems like each clinic does something a little different. When do you have your next scan??

knitgirl - I cannot wait to hear your results tomorrow!!!! Good luck!!!

Erin - How are you doing, lady??

Brighteyez - What's new with you?

As for me, well, I'm not quite sure what my problem has been. It would be easy to blame it on Lupron (which I am sure is playing a part) and the estrogen but I think I'm starting to panic a bit again. I know it sounds ridiculous but I am so nervous about all the changes to come to our lifestyle. I know it's going to be worth it but we have been set in our ways for so long now, it's just taking me some time to come to terms with the fact we aren't going to be able to what we want, when we want anymore. At the same time, I am beyond excited for those changes and I can't wait one more second. Just a lot going on in my head, I guess.

Anyway, I had an US and bloodwork done on Monday as well. Things are looking good. I go back on Friday.

Fun fact: Lupron is a banned substance for some sports by the US Anti-Doping Agency . Despite the fact it gives me headaches, I have been a running champ the last week or so. I'm not sure if it's because of the drug or the rage it gives me but I feel unstoppable on my runs as of late. So I guess it's not all bad......:shrug:
Sorry I forgot to answer a few pages back and you reminded me booger! The plan is for me to be on PIO 2cc thru 12 weeks then stop. But I'm worried it will cause a big hormone dip.... My next scan is Monday at 1130. I'm going to request a level check. They definitely have not done one because they print my lab labels when I check out on the 5th floor and the lab is on the second floor so I walk there to get blood drawn and I always double check the lab being done my name and birth date while I'm in route to the lab;) I'm a nurse with the same hospital. I know it isn't beyond them to have lab errors so that's why I watch out for myself.
Lady - what a crazy time in your life but all things exciting! We do not do V-Day at my house. I would say all this I am doing for IVF is your gift...ha ha!

My number doubled guys...631!

Yaaayyyy!!! I am so excited for you!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Jen - I did not get the package yet. Maybe got slowed down somewhere. Thanks again! Maybe sending the test was a good luck charm ;)

Terri - I don't think I said this, but I really think you will feel better with PGS. EVEN if they are all abnormal (which I don't think will happen), at least no emotional roller coaster or wasted money on FETs. I have to say, the PGS is making me more confident in my pregnancy...even though I am still cautious.

As far as the P goes, they checked mine on Monday, but today was just the HSG. My nurse told me to continue my meds. Not sure when it stops. My paperwork says until instructed. But I am on estrogen & P at least until my 6 wk scan.
Hi ladies!!

I'm in a good mood right now so I figured would post.

Jen - Good to hear from you - I'm sorry you are still so miserable. Ugh. I was getting a little worried since we hadn't heard from you in awhile.

LadySosa - Sorry you have had busy, anxiety filled week! Dealing with all those things at once would be enough drive anyone crazy - add in Lupron and I don't know how you're dealing with it. When do you get to lower your dosage? I will say, lowering my dose has helped a bit so there is light at the end of the Lupron tunnel.

Terri - Aw, little Fun looks like he'll be a handful once he's up and running around at full speed. He's pretty cute. He seems to like his toys anyway. Again, I am so happy you are moving forward and have your insurance coverage start all over. Add in the PGS and this just has to be it for you!! I know it.

Sars - Sorry about the arctic blast! We have been having the weirdest weather here in Montana (at least the part of the state I live in). I'm not kidding when I say that my tulips and hops are coming up in our yard. Question - Have you been running at all?? Just curious what your instructions have been about running.

Beagle - Hooray for the beta doubling. :happydance: Great news! Also, congrats on DH promotion. Lots of good things happening for you guys.

babywhisperer - Maternity/Paternity leave in the country is a joke. It's sad. I'm sorry your company isn't more accommodating. Such a paternalistic industry you are in to begin with. Ugh.

kfs - Wahoo for good results! I know I have told you before, but I love that you are team yellow. DH and I are leaning more and more that way. We have decided for sure that we'll let the clinic choose. I hope I can hold out on not finding out the gender.

Amy - I'm glad your US and bloodwork have been coming back as they should. Such a relief. Less than two weeks to go!!!!! I can't believe it.

Moni- I hope you guys get a reprieve on the winter weather soon!!

jkb - All of my paperwork says that I'll have to be on progesterone through at least 10 weeks. Seems like each clinic does something a little different. When do you have your next scan??

knitgirl - I cannot wait to hear your results tomorrow!!!! Good luck!!!

Erin - How are you doing, lady??

Brighteyez - What's new with you?

As for me, well, I'm not quite sure what my problem has been. It would be easy to blame it on Lupron (which I am sure is playing a part) and the estrogen but I think I'm starting to panic a bit again. I know it sounds ridiculous but I am so nervous about all the changes to come to our lifestyle. I know it's going to be worth it but we have been set in our ways for so long now, it's just taking me some time to come to terms with the fact we aren't going to be able to what we want, when we want anymore. At the same time, I am beyond excited for those changes and I can't wait one more second. Just a lot going on in my head, I guess.

Anyway, I had an US and bloodwork done on Monday as well. Things are looking good. I go back on Friday.

Fun fact: Lupron is a banned substance for some sports by the US Anti-Doping Agency . Despite the fact it gives me headaches, I have been a running champ the last week or so. I'm not sure if it's because of the drug or the rage it gives me but I feel unstoppable on my runs as of late. So I guess it's not all bad......:shrug:

Booger - the 22nd is my first baseline appointment at 8am. So I am gettign excited about the new cycle. Can't wait for things to start really rolling. :happydance:
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.

I am sure it is fine & they are just being cautious. :)
Hi ladies!!

I'm in a good mood right now so I figured would post.

Jen - Good to hear from you - I'm sorry you are still so miserable. Ugh. I was getting a little worried since we hadn't heard from you in awhile.

LadySosa - Sorry you have had busy, anxiety filled week! Dealing with all those things at once would be enough drive anyone crazy - add in Lupron and I don't know how you're dealing with it. When do you get to lower your dosage? I will say, lowering my dose has helped a bit so there is light at the end of the Lupron tunnel.

Terri - Aw, little Fun looks like he'll be a handful once he's up and running around at full speed. He's pretty cute. He seems to like his toys anyway. Again, I am so happy you are moving forward and have your insurance coverage start all over. Add in the PGS and this just has to be it for you!! I know it.

Sars - Sorry about the arctic blast! We have been having the weirdest weather here in Montana (at least the part of the state I live in). I'm not kidding when I say that my tulips and hops are coming up in our yard. Question - Have you been running at all?? Just curious what your instructions have been about running.

Beagle - Hooray for the beta doubling. :happydance: Great news! Also, congrats on DH promotion. Lots of good things happening for you guys.

babywhisperer - Maternity/Paternity leave in the country is a joke. It's sad. I'm sorry your company isn't more accommodating. Such a paternalistic industry you are in to begin with. Ugh.

kfs - Wahoo for good results! I know I have told you before, but I love that you are team yellow. DH and I are leaning more and more that way. We have decided for sure that we'll let the clinic choose. I hope I can hold out on not finding out the gender.

Amy - I'm glad your US and bloodwork have been coming back as they should. Such a relief. Less than two weeks to go!!!!! I can't believe it.

Moni- I hope you guys get a reprieve on the winter weather soon!!

jkb - All of my paperwork says that I'll have to be on progesterone through at least 10 weeks. Seems like each clinic does something a little different. When do you have your next scan??

knitgirl - I cannot wait to hear your results tomorrow!!!! Good luck!!!

Erin - How are you doing, lady??

Brighteyez - What's new with you?

As for me, well, I'm not quite sure what my problem has been. It would be easy to blame it on Lupron (which I am sure is playing a part) and the estrogen but I think I'm starting to panic a bit again. I know it sounds ridiculous but I am so nervous about all the changes to come to our lifestyle. I know it's going to be worth it but we have been set in our ways for so long now, it's just taking me some time to come to terms with the fact we aren't going to be able to what we want, when we want anymore. At the same time, I am beyond excited for those changes and I can't wait one more second. Just a lot going on in my head, I guess.

Anyway, I had an US and bloodwork done on Monday as well. Things are looking good. I go back on Friday.

Fun fact: Lupron is a banned substance for some sports by the US Anti-Doping Agency . Despite the fact it gives me headaches, I have been a running champ the last week or so. I'm not sure if it's because of the drug or the rage it gives me but I feel unstoppable on my runs as of late. So I guess it's not all bad......:shrug:

Yes I work in Finance and work on a bond sales/trading desk. Glad your bloodwork is going well. And awesome that you can run while on Lupron, I can't exercise with a headache.

Beagle awesome beta!

Lady holy smokes you have a full plate girl!

Jen, you're 16 weeks out and I'm 16 weeks in! High-5!

Terri that dog is adorable! I love pit bulls.

Sars I bet that beta will be awesome!

As far as V Day, dh and I do a card and dinner, maybe I'll get some flowers. I have told him I don't want any bday, anniv, Christmas or V Day gifts for a while. I was supposed to get a really nice gift for having Jack, but I think I will just see if one really really nice gift for both babies is in the cards. We usually get each other very practical gifts of what we need, mostly because we both don't like to shop and have had 3 very expensive years with our crazy honeymoon, cars, buying a house, joining a country club (which has proved to be a source of amazing people watching as the typical Muffy/Buffy stereotype is well represented) and oh yeah, having a baby with another on the way! Poor dh has my bday late Nov, our anniv a week later, Jack's bday 2 weeks later then Christmas. Ouch! So I am saving it all for a biggie when I figure out what would be a great gift for the birth of our 2 children.
Terri, Fun looks like a cutie. Kudos to you for fostering. It must be so rewarding but a little hard too.

LadySosa, that's awesome you've stuck with the same group through your classes. I've considered doing that. I took Spanish 7th grade until sophomore year in college but didn't retain much.

Booger, glad you're in a good mood. That's hilarious about the Lupron being a doping substance. I think the panics are only natural. We've been together for almost nine years and it is nuts to think we couldn't go out on a whim and do whatever we want. I haven't run at all since mid-way through my stimming. Although, I've done yoga, walks and the elliptical. At my ER my ovaries were still 5 CM, which she didn't like. My nurse said my RE won't clear me without another U/S so I'm likely waiting until six weeks. I was thinking about going for a short one tonight with running club. At most it would be 1.5 miles with a friend, who knows about the IVF, and is coming back from an injury. She wants to come but can't do the entire 3.5 mile loop.

Brighteyez: wahoo on having a date for your baseline. It'll be here before you know it.

I'm trying not to freak out.

My nurse just called and said they want me to come in for more bloodwork Friday. My levels aren't increasing as quickly as they were. Friday was 198, Monday 548 and today was 869. Not the news I was looking for.

Don't read into it, they just want more data points. It's better that they are being cautious, but don't get upset. They don't always double exactly.
Yay Beagle. Sars, FXed for you!

I am flying to LA on Sat for my Cali baby shower sunday - so I'll be out of the arctic blast for 3 days at least!

And I failed the 1 hour glucose tolerance test and so go back for the 3 hour tomorrow. Not sure why they bother with the one hour - seems more people fail it than pass it! Wish me luck - just in case I am going to stock up on all the "good" bad for you foods this weekend!
My dr just called to personally congradulate me. The office only has 3 drs but I do not really talk to them much. So it was nice that she called. She said she had just seen all my numbers today & she is very happy with them. Makes me feel good for her to say that. I told her I was expecting my beta 1 to be a little lower & she said I know! It looks really good & you are just moving right along.

Sars - another reason for you not to be too worried. We had a transfer on the same day & your numbers are higher than mine. And mine just did double...not much more than that. I think you are fine.
SARS- I know it's stressful but try to stay calm. I'm praying the beta triples come Friday. Hoping they just happened to catch it right before it increased. *hugs*
Hi everyone I am just jumping in here as we wait for IVF in May. DH and I have been ttc since February 2011. After multiple tests and 2 surgeries I have confirmed endo and DH poor SA all around. We had 1 full IUI cycle last month which was a BFN. Given the endo our chances of success with IUI are slim so we are not wasting anymore time or money but moving onto IVF.

We have kind of settled on the clinic we will be using but I just wanted to know how did you decide which clinic to go to for your IVF. I know I may be over thinking it but just want an idea of what due diligence you did before deciding. Thanks

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