First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey ladies~

Booger - hope the transfer went well today!

My clinic also didn't allow hubby in the room for the transfer. They wanted everything as sterile as possible.

Erin - I like both names but lean toward Miles myself. I am pretty sure we are going with Oliver Max since hubby hasn't budged and I have thought of nothing better. My sister's not happy (the kid who tripped her in kindergarten and broke her leg's name was Oliver) - but oh well. (My girls name was Alexandra.)

Great home improvement pics!

Hi to everyone else - been a busy month - things should slow down starting the second week in march - so I'll have more time to comment. (always stalking though.)

My news of the week - people are going out of their way to give me their seats on the subway - I didn't even think I looked that pregnant in my coat...

Yay for all the transfers and scans this week!
moni-No update on the shower? How was it, what did you get? What was your fave item? How was the weather?

That's great that people are giving you their seat. They are supposed to, so good for them. Now you'll get used to it and mad when people pretend not to see you!

booger-you're going to make me wait until 6:30 my time to report?! I can't, I can't. HA!!HA!! J/K..let us know how it went when you can. You'll be pupo in a few short hours. Enjoy it!
Sorry - been a crazy week. The shower went really well - so much family that I had not seen in awhile. Even my cousin from New Orleans showed up (on Mardi Gras weekend no less!!)

The weather was a nice 70 degrees so I wore a dress and sandals. I got a lot of cute clothes and blankets. The biggest item was the pack n play from my mom. The funniest is the nose Freda - you actually suck the boogers out through a straw like tube (there is a filter so they don't go all the way) supposedly a lot better than the old suction tubes. That and I got a box of pampers - when I was 3 my mom had wrapped up some boots in a box of pampers and when I unwrapped it I started crying because I was too big for diapers...that's when I learned you can never believe in boxes!! That story has been around for awhile, so I was expecting the box of diapers - with diapers this time! The best part was seeing everyone - a good 30 people showed up! I had 3 friends show up with their new babies - 3 months to 6 months (all boys!) I made a joke about how the class of 96 only seems to be producing boys!

Next up is Massachusetts shower this weekend for hubby's family. Then (someone) will plan a NYC party (hopefully bbq if weather ever warms up) in April that will be coed and more party and less shower. I still haven't unpacked the baby suitcase and I have several boxes at work from things that were shipped directly to me (nice thing about registering at Amazon when you have family all over!)
Good afternoon ladies,

How is everyone?

AFM - Went to my baseline appointment and I have 8 follicles and everything looks quiet. My Estradiol level was 45.1 the last time it was 8.7 so dont know what that is about. I start my meds on the 25th and my next bloodwork and ultrasound is the 28th. So I will update you ladies once I get those results.
Hi ladies!

Hopping on real quick to say "Thanks" for all the well wishes! It really means a lot and has helped me stay excited instead of nervous.

My transfer isn't until 11:30 Pacific time (2:30 Eastern time) and then I have to drive the 4 hours home so you might not hear from me until later this evening or tomorrow morning. Just depends on how the drive home goes......

I can't believe the day is finally here!!!!!!

Oh, and Amy - good luck to you tomorrow if I don't get back on here today!!

Is it wrong that I want to chant "Booger! Booger!" like from Revenge of the Nerds? So excited for you!

Amy only one more sleep left until your big day!

Thinking good thoughts for both of you!
Sorry - been a crazy week. The shower went really well - so much family that I had not seen in awhile. Even my cousin from New Orleans showed up (on Mardi Gras weekend no less!!)

The weather was a nice 70 degrees so I wore a dress and sandals. I got a lot of cute clothes and blankets. The biggest item was the pack n play from my mom. The funniest is the nose Freda - you actually suck the boogers out through a straw like tube (there is a filter so they don't go all the way) supposedly a lot better than the old suction tubes. That and I got a box of pampers - when I was 3 my mom had wrapped up some boots in a box of pampers and when I unwrapped it I started crying because I was too big for diapers...that's when I learned you can never believe in boxes!! That story has been around for awhile, so I was expecting the box of diapers - with diapers this time! The best part was seeing everyone - a good 30 people showed up! I had 3 friends show up with their new babies - 3 months to 6 months (all boys!) I made a joke about how the class of 96 only seems to be producing boys!

Next up is Massachusetts shower this weekend for hubby's family. Then (someone) will plan a NYC party (hopefully bbq if weather ever warms up) in April that will be coed and more party and less shower. I still haven't unpacked the baby suitcase and I have several boxes at work from things that were shipped directly to me (nice thing about registering at Amazon when you have family all over!)

Sounds like you had a great time. If you need suggestions on other gear that I found essential let me know. I basically had friends make my registry list with their "must-haves" and they were all very useful. I'm happy to hear people are giving up their seats, I didn't have the same experience.
Chant away!!! That made me laugh! I'll have to tell you guys the story behind my name's pretty cute.

Time to start chugging my water and begin the agonizing wait with a full bladder.
J - I remember seeing my daughter rolling around like that, it is absolutely amazing, enjoy every precious movement. At the very end I could see the imprint of her hand or foot pressing out into my tummy as she stretched, that was so cool!! Praying I get to do it again!

Bright that all sounds great! Excited for you to be starting!

Booger good luck for your transfer today!! And Amy good luck for tomorrow!!

Hello to everyone else!!

I had another scan today and lining is 11mm (I know it's only mm but it was 6.5 on Friday so I was very pleased with that!) and there are now 6-7 good follies on my ovary and a bunch of tiny ones unlikely to do anything now. She did say that I should only expect half of the follies to have eggs in - what's everyone else's experience of that? I'm sure she knows best but I thought most had eggs in.

Anyway the result is that I trigger tomorrow night and egg collection Thursday morning!!! So excited and nervous!!
booger, thinking of you all day today! Cant wait for an update! You'll be PUPO soon, wuhu! :happydance:

Amy, tomorrow is the big day for you, I KNOW you must be super excited too! I'll be anxiously awaiting your update tomorrow as well. :flower:

Mrs. W, I recall my RE saying the same... that they may not be able to get an egg out of every follie. But in the end, they did get an egg out of all of mine. In fact, if I'm remembering correctly, I think they may have gotten a couple extras that they weren't expecting (like maybe the trigger made some of the smaller follies grow big enough to get eggs, not sure!). Of course, there can always be a couple of eggs that aren't mature enough to last through fertilization, as happened to three of mine. Its so different with everyone. It sounds like things are going well for you so far! Happy to hear about your lining! 11mm is really good, since i think my RE was always looking for 10. :thumbup:

brighteyez, good to hear from ya. Glad your appt went well!

beagle, sorry for the nausea. I'm so glad you're able to eat though. I know some girls have difficulty keeping anything down when they're prego. I'm thoroughly enjoying MOST foods right now. Many things seem to taste ten times better than when I wasn't prego, its pretty funny. Makes my DH happy though, because he thinks I should be eating 10x a day. I've already gained 10 lbs, and I'm just in my 13th week, yikes.

moni, sounds like a great shower! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself and got to see lots of people. Those are always good times. I hope you enjoyed the weather while you could too. :)

BabyW, so happy that you're getting to feel the LO moving around in there! I'm looking so forward to that day. Sorry that you're getting winded and tired more easily now, but I bet that's probably better than the constant nausea! I know you sure had a tough time with that!

Jen, great to hear from you! I'd been thinking about you, and hoping you were doing okay since you've been having kind of a difficult time! I'm sure you are SO ready for the day you can have her and hold her in your arms (and be done being prego, hehe).

terri, i think the batching sounds like a great idea! How smart of you to think of that. And the patience you have is awesome! Because of your perseverance, you are definitely going to be a momma someday soon. This is gonna work, I'm sure of it.

Hi to everyone!! :flower:

AFM, not much new to report... I had an OB appt last week and they used the doppler to hear the heartbeat again. I haven't been worried, but it's always nice to hear after a few weeks have passed since the last time. I'm going in next Tues for another scan. This will be the first one my OB has done, as the others were done at my RE. Looking forward to seeing the little guy again, and having a more updated scan picture. :) I'm feeling pretty good, for the most part. I do get headaches pretty frequently. I suppose that's hormonal? They feel a lot different from regular headaches, and I'm hoping its just another thing that goes away sometime during 2nd-tri. I'm about 13.5 wks, so hopefully entering that "babymoon" phase. ;)
Terri - I follow a woman on YouTube who went through a cycle with NO good eggs. Then this past cycle she did PGS or PGD with 5 & ALL FIVE came back normal. I wonder if you could be so all set to batch & end up with just an amazing cycle. I hope so. Because even though I think batching is a good idea, I would rather you not have to do more than one more IVF.

Erin - it sounds like you are entering the good phase with how you are eating. I read the other day they use to tell us to gain 10-25 lbs & now they say 20-40lbs. My numbers may be off...but the point is they are telling us to eat when we want to eat. Stay as healthy as possible...but feed that baby! I have not gained any yet...which is surprising. My start weight was a high day for me, so I have a little bit of a buffer.

Pot luck today at work...not a good thing for me! All I want to do is eat. I went back up completely full & got another big plate. I thought I would throw up but I kept eating...sounds horrible! Now I am sleepy...which reminds me...I don't feel overly tired yet. I thought that would hit by now. I was going to tell a coworker today I was pregnant...but then more people showed up upstairs.

Booger - the little one should be burrowing in by now!!!

Moni - glad your shower was nice. Did you mail the stuff back to your house? Or did you bring it back on your flight?
Amy-Good luck today!! What time is your transfer?

Booger-Hope you are feeling great today after that long drive back and so many emotions going through your head. Are you back at work today?

ERose-10 lbs already?! nice! hee hee.

Beagle-Sorry you're feeling like eating/not eating.

Moni-Thanks for the baby shower report. That is a cute story about the Pampers.

I talked to my nurse last night and she said that the genetic testing at the overnight place is about $2100 and the other place is about $1700. I guess they scare you and say $3-4K,so that when you hear the real price you think you're getting a deal/sale. That's a good sales trick that companies play all the time, but I'm much more relieved to hear that it will be $1700. It's still covered with my HSA, so who cares, really, but I'll have more money for other things. The nurse thought that a batch would be good especially because if we have several different sample sets we will know that there is definitely something wrong. On the other hand, with several different batches we may get lucky. We have to do a blood test, and the lab will be able to tell whose side the abnormality is on. Again, not that it matters, but it's good info as far as I'm concerned. I am not sure of offspring of my husband's half siblings, so maybe the whole family knows they are not procreators. However, his dad has no problems. ha! Anyway, that's the latest.

:wave: to everyone else!
Amy - Wishing you soooooo much luck today! Can't wait to hear your report. :)

Booger - My DH wasn't allowed in for my transfer either. And he didn't even get to watch anything on a screen. He just had to sit in the waiting room. It really would have been nice to have him in there. It's so emotional!!

Sars - Congrats on the great ultrasound. Love that little bean.

Mrs. W - Congrats on the 5 embies! When is your transfer again?

Terri - That's great that the testing is less than you thought. It sounds like you already have a solid plan when it comes to testing. Question: when's the latest that you can make that decision? When do they freeze? At 3 days or 5 days? Will you do a FET no matter what? I guess I mean, will you go ahead with testing if you get a good number in your first round?

JKB - I can't believe all of the movement you're feeling! I keep saying to my mom how I can't wait to feel something and she keeps saying, oh yeah - wait until he/she is kicking you in the ribs! :) Oh, and that really stinks about your credit card! I'm glad you caught it early.

Moni - Nice to hear that people are giving up their seats on the subway. That's how it should be!! :) And your shower sounds like it was amazing. I'm so happy that you had such a great time.

Beagle - Hope your nausea settles down soon. When's your next scan?

Brighteyez - Good to hear from you. Glad things are progressing.

Erose - I'm so happy that you're doing well, other than the headaches. I hope they go away soon!

All this talk about nurseries. Ahhh! We live in a small lake cottage so our nursery will be our small spare room until we can move into a bigger house in another year or 2. We started "organizing" in there but I'm with Babyw. I want to be organized sooner than later since I'm feeling OK right now. I have 2 weddings in May (one is in Florida) and we're trying to plan a surprise bday party for my mom the same weekend as my shower, most likely sometime in June. So I think being settled this Spring is the way to go.

Nothing new to report. I've been feeling "twinges" but nothing concrete yet. I went in for a blood test last week and they did a quick ultrasound for me even though I wasn't scheduled. It was AMAZING to see how much the little bean has grown. Long legs and arms, sucking it's thumb. Unbelievable. My second trimester scan is 3/4 and it can't come soon enough.
Hi ladies!!!! :coffee:

Amy - Good luck to you today! I hope everything goes easy peasy with your transfer.

kfs - I am so happy to hear that everything is going so smoothly for you. :thumbup: I will likely be the same way about the baby's room and want to have everything done sooner than later. Nothing wrong with that!!!

Terri - That's awesome about the cost of your PGS being less than they told you. One would think that as more and more people go that route that it should get cheaper. I can't wait for your to get started again!!!! :happydance: I am working today. I'm working from home though - but only because we have this huge deadline on the project at work and I can't get anything done at my office lately due to distractions. I plan on working from home all week. We'll see. I'll likely need SOME human interaction later in the week.

Beagle - Well, it looks like your pregnancy symptoms are settling in nicely. :haha: Everything I have read says that 6 weeks is about the time when they usually do so you're right on schedule. I hope you aren't too nauseated!

Erin - Crazy that you are already into your 2nd trimester. I hope it's your babymoon phase too and that it's all smooth sailing for you. I love hearing about you ladies who aren't sick - makes me hopeful that maybe I might have the same luck. :winkwink:

Mrs. W - Hooray for trigger!!! :happydance: Retrieval tomorrow!! Very exciting. Sending good vibes across the pond to you. :hugs:

brighteyez - Good to hear from you. Wahoo on getting started again!! :happydance: Keep us posted on how this cycle goes.

Moni - Awwww - your shower sounds lovely. I loved your Pampers story too. Super cute. It sounds like you had a great time. Awesome.

Babywhisperer - How cool that you can feel baby moving around in there already. :happydance: I hear is happens sooner with your second pregnancy. Sounds like you are already nesting a bit :haha:. I'm a bit of a neat freak myself so I completely get loving to have the house clean. It's kind of sad how much I enjoy the feeling after having thoroughly cleaned the house. Not sure where it came from because I was a total slob when I was younger. Although, my mother is a clean freak too so maybe it's just now catching up with me.

JCM - I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better! It sucks that you have been miserable pretty much your whole pregnancy. :nope: Ugh on your identity being stolen. That's awful. Have you seen the movie Identity Thief with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy? That's all I could think about when you mentioned the card scanner thing. I really hope things get straightened out for you soon!! It's crazy to think I stimmed and went through retrieval not long after you and that I'm just now getting to transfer!

LasySosa - I hope you are enjoying your trip and that the weather has cooperated for you. :thumbup:

Hello to jkb, knitgirl and sars!!! How are you ladies doing??? :flower:

I feel like I left someone out - if I did, I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. Just can't keep up these days.

Well, yesterday went well and I am all transferred!!! They had a number of ladies in the office who were also transferring so it was a little busy. But not bad - I was pretty much right on schedule. That's good because I thought my poor, little bladder was going to burst. They checked before and then let me empty a little - thanks goodness. It seems like everything went well and smoothly. It was kind of uneventful, really. When it was done, I was like "That's it?" and they were like "Yup"! But I guess that's what you want, nice and easy.

Oh, my doctor came into talk to me beforehand. He gave me a picture of our little embryo hatching out of it's shell (which I have attached) and said it looked great. Then he wanted me to confirm everything - that it was my embryo, that it was normal, my birthdate, all that crap you know. I think I have mentioned before that he is a little odd. Anyway, he mentions "Oh, I see here you don't want to know the gender. I'll have to figure out how to have you confirm that the embryo is normal without showing you the gender" (on the PGS report he wanted me to look at showing the number id of embryo we were transferring). So he covers that part up with a post it and then points to the embryo we are transferring but I could totally still see the gender through the post it note - so I know the gender!!! Smooth move, doctor. :haha:


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booger, wow!! Look at that hatching embie! He/she was ready to go, huh?? I bet you'll have implantation quick. How exciting! And I can't believe you were able to see the gender through the post-it! When were you planning on finding out?? Were you planning on staying team yellow through the whole pregnancy, or were you just wanting to wait until you had an u/s? Well, now I'll be anxiously awaiting your test date.:thumbup:

Amy, good luck today Hun!! We'll be thinking about you and looking forward to an update. :flower:

terri, yes, 10 lbs already! It's okay right now, because I was only 106-107 lbs to begin with. But I imagine if I keep eating the way I've been eating, it will catch up with me. Great chat with your nurse about the PGS! I'm so happy it will be much cheaper than you expected. I didnt even know you could do blood testing to figure out which parent was the cause of abnormalities... They didnt mention that to me at all, or else I probably would've done it, because you know me, always the curious one! However, maybe I should be glad I didnt do it, just in case it was ALL ME, ha!

kfs, cute that you've been feeling twinges! I'm looking so forward to that. :) How nice that they did an unplanned scan for you. I bet that was a nice treat!

DH is going out of town this weekend for three days, and I must admit, I'm actually kinda happy to have some alone time. Love that man to death, but I've always been the type of girl that needs ME time every now and then. The weather is going to be 70s/80s, so it will be nice to just lounge around my pool reading a book, have the house to myself, eat what/when I want without planning around someone else, watch some nerdy documentaries (that my DH won't get into). I'm always happy when he comes home, but seriously, a 3-day weekend alone is exactly what I need right now! Hopefully I don't sound selfish!
Hi ladies!!!! :coffee:

Amy - Good luck to you today! I hope everything goes easy peasy with your transfer.

kfs - I am so happy to hear that everything is going so smoothly for you. :thumbup: I will likely be the same way about the baby's room and want to have everything done sooner than later. Nothing wrong with that!!!

Terri - That's awesome about the cost of your PGS being less than they told you. One would think that as more and more people go that route that it should get cheaper. I can't wait for your to get started again!!!! :happydance: I am working today. I'm working from home though - but only because we have this huge deadline on the project at work and I can't get anything done at my office lately due to distractions. I plan on working from home all week. We'll see. I'll likely need SOME human interaction later in the week.

Beagle - Well, it looks like your pregnancy symptoms are settling in nicely. :haha: Everything I have read says that 6 weeks is about the time when they usually do so you're right on schedule. I hope you aren't too nauseated!

Erin - Crazy that you are already into your 2nd trimester. I hope it's your babymoon phase too and that it's all smooth sailing for you. I love hearing about you ladies who aren't sick - makes me hopeful that maybe I might have the same luck. :winkwink:

Mrs. W - Hooray for trigger!!! :happydance: Retrieval tomorrow!! Very exciting. Sending good vibes across the pond to you. :hugs:

brighteyez - Good to hear from you. Wahoo on getting started again!! :happydance: Keep us posted on how this cycle goes.

Moni - Awwww - your shower sounds lovely. I loved your Pampers story too. Super cute. It sounds like you had a great time. Awesome.

Babywhisperer - How cool that you can feel baby moving around in there already. :happydance: I hear is happens sooner with your second pregnancy. Sounds like you are already nesting a bit :haha:. I'm a bit of a neat freak myself so I completely get loving to have the house clean. It's kind of sad how much I enjoy the feeling after having thoroughly cleaned the house. Not sure where it came from because I was a total slob when I was younger. Although, my mother is a clean freak too so maybe it's just now catching up with me.

JCM - I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better! It sucks that you have been miserable pretty much your whole pregnancy. :nope: Ugh on your identity being stolen. That's awful. Have you seen the movie Identity Thief with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy? That's all I could think about when you mentioned the card scanner thing. I really hope things get straightened out for you soon!! It's crazy to think I stimmed and went through retrieval not long after you and that I'm just now getting to transfer!

LasySosa - I hope you are enjoying your trip and that the weather has cooperated for you. :thumbup:

Hello to jkb, knitgirl and sars!!! How are you ladies doing??? :flower:

I feel like I left someone out - if I did, I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. Just can't keep up these days.

Well, yesterday went well and I am all transferred!!! They had a number of ladies in the office who were also transferring so it was a little busy. But not bad - I was pretty much right on schedule. That's good because I thought my poor, little bladder was going to burst. They checked before and then let me empty a little - thanks goodness. It seems like everything went well and smoothly. It was kind of uneventful, really. When it was done, I was like "That's it?" and they were like "Yup"! But I guess that's what you want, nice and easy.

Oh, my doctor came into talk to me beforehand. He gave me a picture of our little embryo hatching out of it's shell (which I have attached) and said it looked great. Then he wanted me to confirm everything - that it was my embryo, that it was normal, my birthdate, all that crap you know. I think I have mentioned before that he is a little odd. Anyway, he mentions "Oh, I see here you don't want to know the gender. I'll have to figure out how to have you confirm that the embryo is normal without showing you the gender" (on the PGS report he wanted me to look at showing the number id of embryo we were transferring). So he covers that part up with a post it and then points to the embryo we are transferring but I could totally still see the gender through the post it note - so I know the gender!!! Smooth move, doctor. :haha:

What an awesome pic!! Sounds like you have a super embie! I can't wait for you to test, test, test!!!

Amy, I thinking of you today girl!!

Jen, identity theft is so annoying, sorry hun. Unfortunately until our cc companies pay up to switch to the chip and get rid of the magnetic strip (which is like 1960s technology and super easily to duplicate) we will be in this mess for a while. My former neighbor was #3 guy at Citibank commercial bank in fraud and his mandate is to get them to finally upgrade to the embedded chip like they have in Europe. He's from Scotland and laughs at how behind the times we are b/c companies don't want to invest in better technology. After my Grandmother's break-in they realized the robbers took a paper with all of our 1st names and soc sec #'s since she opened accts for all her grandchildren and great grandchildren. We all have fraud warnings on our accts that we update every 90 days since the warning expires then.

As for weight gain in pregnancy, my Dr's are very specific that you only need an additional 500 calories a day while pregnant. I was super hungry with Jack and went a little overboard and I am trying my best to reign it in this time b/c it's hard to lose afterwards especially at my age with hypothyroid.

Here's a helpful little thing my friend passed along this weekend. Jack is not interested in baby food anymore and keeps pushing to use utensils, so we put a bit of food on his fork and he holds it, but we guide it into his mouth. He sits there all proud. I was blanking on what to make for lunch and a friend who is a SAHM with daughter that naps 2x a day still so she has way more free time than I do, passed along an idea she found on Pinterest. She calls Pinterest, Life's Cheatsheet. They are little quiche cups that you make using cupcake tins. She puts eggs, a little cheese, spinach, peppers and sometimes turkey sausage into the molds and 25min later boom, lunch for the week for her little one. It took 15min to prep and 25min to cook and Jack loves them. They have just under 270 calories so I could have 1-2 as snacks during the day if I need. I'm not good with tracking how much I eat for dinner since I cut my dinner in half and feed it to Jack, next thing I know I'm hungry again and I realize it's b/c I am not eating enough for dinner. Anyway, in a world where I don't have much free time, these quiche cups for him are a huge time saver and I can use leftover veggies. If anyone else has any "life hacks" like this please share!
booger-That's an awesome picture, and yeah, your embie will be planting in no time. Woohoo! Hilarious about the post it note and the gender reveal. hee hee. Hopefully you can keep the secret from everyone else. I wish he had used his thumb instead of a thin, light pink post it. hee hee. I"m also glad you get to work from home. What did they say about any restrictions? Running/caffeine?

ERose-Yay for a weekend alone! I was supposed to be going to NC this weekend with my bestie, but my oldest cousin passed away (I think she was about 90), and I will be the family representative at her service (unless my sisters decide to fly in). She passed on Sunday, so I am pretty sure the funeral will be this weekend. I just called my Godmother (who is her daughter), but there was no answer. I'll try again tonight. I don't mind not going to BFE NC where my friend lives.

Jen-Someone just used my credit card last week too. They bought something at blockbuster (really?). I guess blockbuster online, and then they bought something at Southern OBGYN. A pap and a movie? hee hee. Luckily my bank is pretty good with that stuff, so they caught it quickly.

kfs1-The latest I can make the decision is before my cycle starts. The nurse is sending a referral today, and we have to get our blood tests and then we have to have a phone call with the testing facility for some reason or another. They will only send samples from 5-day blasts, and so, yes, I'm doing a FET because I want to get up to 8 embryos before I start. If I had a good batch of 5, then we may have to reconsider whether I go with 5 or try again for three more good embies, but I am doubtful to have 5, so I'm planning on doing fresh cycles a couple times. The ONLY good thing about the FET is that I wasn't bloated. hee hee. And I seriously had one bad needle stick and still feel it to this day. I'm sore in my right hip. I guess I missed the muscle.

BabyW- I call those things bacon breakfast cups, and put bacon around the outside and the filling inside. Yum yum..And my sister (mother of 4) would just drink a glass of OJ if she got really hungry. She is thin and stayed thin for the most part throughout her pregnancy. Of course, she was also doing aqua baby aerobics too, and she is a breastfeeding champion so she has lost her weight quickly. Thank goodness for Pinterest! I don't look at it though. I just hear about people pinning tons of stuff. hee hee.
Sorry about your cousin Terri. 90 is amazing!!

I saw one recipe with the bacon around the cup, but Jack can't tear at the bacon strip just yet, still little bites, but he's getting his top incisors which will bring him to 12 teeth!! My nanny said the fact he eats more solid food encourages the teeth to come up sooner. He's trying to hide from the nanny today by crouching down behind a chair. She sneaks up and goes over the top of the chair and he shrieks laughing and stomps in place. Miss him today big time.
Good morning ladies!

Booger - so glad to hear the transfer went well! What a great pic! And I cannot believe your doc accidentally showing the gender - argh. So careless! We are going to learn the gender, we can't go through the anticipation. How are you feeling?

Amy - Woohoo! Good luck today! I'm thinking of you!

Mrs. W - Good luck to you too! Today is retrieval, right? Let us know how it goes!

Beagle - love the floors! Sorry you're feeling nauseous.

Erin - I love both Miles and Nolan! That's a tough decision! I think Beagle's right, throughout your pregnancy probably one name will start to sound 'right'. Nice on the three-day weekend alone! I am so jelly! Reading in the sun by the

Hope everyone else is doing great!

We got home last night around midnight. I am so tired this morning. Our trip was an absolute blast tho. The weather was so-so, and on Sunday we encountered a bit of rain, but it wasn't bad tho. Strangely enough when you're in a convertible, and it is raining, the rain skims right over your head and you don't get wet, LOL. We visited Hearst Castle, stayed at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo (SLO was my fave town!), went to the Santa Monica pier, stayed in Carmel in a B&B, drove the 17-mile drive in Pebble was all an adventure! Oh, and lugging my needles/lupron around was interesting! We actually forgot the needles (but brought the lupron) so we had to find some needles in San Diego when we arrived. We went to a Walgreens and asked the pharmacist for some insulin needles- I am sure she thought we were junkies, LOL (it didn't help that I was all nervous to ask). The needles she gave us were 'short' needles. I used them anyways - but I was a little nervous that the fact that they were 'short' would mean that it wouldn't get the medication in properly. I hope it didn't negatively impact anything. :(

This week is a little hectic - I have an onsite interview on Thursday with this new company. I'm a little nervous about it, def. focused mostly on that. It helps to distract me from next Tuesday! Tonight we go pick up our pup from my parents....I'm excited to see him. :)
Hahahahaa a pap and a movie! Hilarious. My new card came yesterday and it has a chip on it now. Plus, DH set my apple pay up on my phone and now anytime I use my card I get a little text that's says how much and where I spent money. So handy! The sad part is I don't know who did it so that new nail girl I started going to right before...what if it was her? People suck.
My furniture is being delivered tomorrow so I'm really excited about that! I'll have to post a picture of it. It's called Nerva by Romina. It's one of those sets that grow with the baby. You can change it 4 different ways or something. My mom and sister are also doing my baby shower this month. Plus maternity pictures and 4D ultrasounds the beginning of the month. I'll be busy. Busy is good. Keeps my mind off the sickness! You know how everyone has a junk drawer? Well we have a junk island in our kitchen. 4 cabinets up top, 4 pull out drawers and 4 cabinets on bottom. I cleaned and organized the entire thing last week. Took hours. Then I power washed the 3 car garage. I was reading about active pregnant people never being overdue. Lol can you even imagine me overdue?? I can't even think about it! Lol!

Erin, I had those same headaches. It's so weird, they never went away really and I still get them every other day I think but I hardly notice them. It's like background noise. Weird. Tylenol never helped so I gave up. They only get really bad when I don't get enough sleep. That's where I blame DH....he is such a loud snorer now! Sometimes at night, I whisper I could kill you...and then he rolls over. Haha! He's going hunting the last week of March. I'm like you, I need me time but only a couple of days. He will be gone 6 and I have his kids 5/6 of those days. Oy! I'll miss him but I want the bed to myself. Peeing 8 times a night started again and our two dogs sleep with you know how hard it is to get my big body back into bed with 3 individuals that are passed out, dead to the world? It's like a game of Tetris and I sliiiiide myself in there. Oh and 10 pounds? Good for you! If I wasn't throwing up everyday I promise I would have doubled what you've gained. My dr says 25-35 is what she's expecting for me. My mom gained 60!

Awwww, Booger I'm sorry the dr wasn't more discreet! Did you tell DH? I'm glad it went well! You're PUPO!!! Woooohooooo! I hope you get a super easy pregnancy but of course some symptoms so you feel pregnant! ; )

Kfs, I think I started feeling tiny tiny movements like little popcorn popping feelings around 18 weeks. Plus little cramps that I was confusing with gas pain maybe? Then, week 20, no mistaking a huge kick and it was weird, almost like I could hear it from inside my body. Very cool but really freaked me out the first couple of times. So funny about the ribs. I was up my usual 2am-5am this morning so I went to the couch to sit up and I swear she had climbed up the right side of my rib cage and was punching away. Rude. Lol ! The 2nd trimester was cool. They show you all of the parts and they're so big floating around in there! Empty your tech had to keep pushing to make her turn so we could see a profile. Ouch! My poor bladder. I hope you get some big movement soon!!!

Good luck, Amy!!!

Hi to everyone!!
Booger-Congrats on your embie sounds like everythin went well

terripeach-GL on your upcoming cycle

Babywhisperer-Soundslike you have an awesome nanny that your son loves. Hpe you are feeling better

LadySosa-Your vacation sounds awesome. GL on your interview
Beagle-So sorry you are not feeling too well. Hope you feel better soon

AFM-I've been lurking on this thread for the past two weeks as i wait on IVF in May. I joined weight watchers and lost a few pounds already so pleased with that and it gets my focus off ttc and gives me time to relax a bit.

GL to you all and have an awesome week!

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