First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Yay Booger! Your beta is tomorrow?! Wahoo! I'm excited for you. But I'm sure the anticipation is killing you.

Erin - Awe! You can see the little guy! That is so cool to see him looking like a little baby.

Question for you guys: did everyone give up coffee before the transfer? Or how bout right after the transfer?
Erin: That's so amazing to see him like that! How cool. You can really see his face.

Booger: I soo agree that each wait is worse than the last. I keep thinking if I get to this I'll relax. My doctor told me I could stop worrying today and then she laughed and said, "You're a mother now. The worrying never stops." I'm not very touchy feely either but she made the whole process as pleasant as can be and injected the right amount of humor and caring. So, I am sad to not see her any more. I bet you'll have a fantastic beta for getting such strong positives.

LadySosa: I don't drink coffee but I do have a Coke Zero addiction. My understanding is you're not supposed to get more than 200 mg a day, the equivalent of one 12 ounce cup of normal coffee. Coke Zero has 32 mg so I've been trying to stick to one or two a day. I used to be way more. I've been drinking a lot of milk with my meals and as my husband said today I drink more water than almost every mammal on this earth.
Oops, I forgot to add... I was kind of paranoid in the first two days after the transfer and I did no caffeine.
So I just went to get food & hit McDonalds...a 20 piece nugget...I know not a good thing. Anyways after the first one I felt so much better. I am starting to think when I wake up at night I should make a snack. Most of my sickness I think is just me being hungry. I am not used to eating so often.

I wanted a girl so bad because my mom doesn't have a granddaughter. But before the transfer, boy kept hitting me. I really thought boy. But sometimes you have a feeling & you are who knows. And yes just happy he is healthy.

OMG please no more McNuggets....they have recalled a bunch in japan for them containing plastic. To get my McNugget fix I get the Applegate Farms Organic nuggets and they are awesome. Also word to the wise when ordering from a deli, stay with turkey, it's the least likely to have listeria.

I'm so sorry about your SIL. Don't let her get to you, if she wants attention she shouldn't use something private of yours. Some people just don't use my brother!!! He was so excited to be an Uncle he posted to FB saying my water broke as I was in the hospital. I was mortified, what a visual. Focus on you and dh and the wonderful things going on and the nursery is going to look awesome! You are way ahead of me!

BOOGER!!!!! Yesssssssss! I am so happy for you Mama!!! Congrats!! I had a feeling this was it! Enjoy it, smile as hard as you can, and feel good. That's one strong embie!!

Terri, I was thinking of you yesterday. I'm glad the funeral was a celebration of life. Makes it easier to accept the loss. I hope I live long enough to go that way. Ever see a funeral in New Orleans? They do a parade with music and dancing.

Mrs W yeah for transfer! Relax, all will be as it should be!!!

Brighteyez, listen to the Dr, they know what they are doing. Have faith and stay positive.

Sars, yeah for the heartbeat!! It's such an awesome moment. Enjoy it!!

Erin I love the pics!!! He's relaxing, just chilling out. Love it!

How is everyone else?

Jack has been sick, green mucus, eye pus, and now a fever. He's had it for a week and I am so annoyed b/c we went to visit friends upstate last week and they said earlier in the week that their daughter had a cold but was at tail end of it and would be gone by the time we got there. So not true. Their daughter had crusted and runny nose and I had no clue how bad this virus is. He wakes up with his eyes crusted over, nose crusted over with mucus, poor guy. This week was not worth the 24hrs we spent to see friends. Now that he has a fever I'm taking him to the Dr. What makes it worse is the fact that he's getting 4 teeth at once. I know in the long run that his exposure to germs will help him, but seeing him suffer is hard. Everyone said no fever, nothing the Dr can do. Now that he has a fever I think it's time for an antibiotic which I was hoping to avoid.

Very funny Mom moment which you will all I was cradling him in my arms carrying him up to sleep last night, I leaned in to kiss him and he sneezed in my face. I got slimed.
I almost forgot Amy!!! You have some willpower girl! How are you feeling??

Lady don't stress, all will be fine. And yes the evil P made me feel ill, truly it mimics all the signs of pregnancy..evil little thing.
I stopped caffeine WAY before my transfer while still doing IUIs. I wanted plenty of time to ween off & knew I did not want to caffeine habit while pregnant. However, I also felt that since I did decaf in the mornings, I was free to splurge once in a while with a coke or mt dew. I am still doing that now. I may get something if I eat out. But at home I am strictly caffeine free.

And last night I got a big glass of milk with dinner. It was odd for me but just felt right. I think I may start to be getting in to the weird food stuff. Told my boss about the nuggets. I think he is going to find my pregnancy amusing. He said he didn't think he could eat that many. He was shocked I said I finished them.

I already am in the mind set of no cold deli. My husband knows all the no-nos so I have to behave or he will get all over me about it. He is not too bad. But I don't want him to think I am totally filling myself with harmful stuff & junk.
Well I started bleeding a little this morning :cry: I was at Target and I started cramping a little. I haven't been cramping but having little twinges or mild shots of pain or pressure since the transfer. This was the first time where the cramping felt like AF. I didn't think anything of it though until I got home and there was blood (red) when I wiped. Today or tomorrow would be when AF is supposed to arrive. I thought the progesterone held off AF? I was going to test tomorrow morning but with this happening, I think I might test this afternoon if I can hold my pee long enough. I am just so bummed. My heart hurts :(
So sorry Amy. Was there a lot of blood or just a little? It doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, right? In any case, I am sure you are anxious. I am so sorry you are going through this.
Amy - red spotting can still be implantation spotting. Hold out hope until you can test. :)
Mrs W - don't worry about the age of the embryo. I think a lot of people just need help getting the sperm & egg to meet. Your body will know what to do & take over. I think we had a couple of people who went through a fresh, only 1 embryo left & not even "strong". Put it in & now pregnant!

That would be me...:winkwink:
Amy - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hang in there!! I completely get it. I have been cramping since about 4dp my transfer. It's definitely unnerving. All you can do it wait for your beta or call your nurse to see what she thinks. I always heard that the progesterone is likely to keep AF away until you stop taking it but I don't know. It's so hard to stay calm and sane during all of this. Ugh. Chin up!
LadySosa - I was told I could have one cup of coffee (8 oz) in the morning. I don't drink soda so that's really the only way I get caffeine - other than hot tea sometimes but I switched to decaf or (safe) herbal tea when I have that.
I was never a coffee drinker but have maintained my one glass (either tea or soda) of caffeine max a day.

I have had no alcohol since I started stimming - August 5th!

Amy - not over yet...FXed for you!

Beagle - sorry about your SIL - I made it clear to everyone - no facebook until I facebook!

Feel better Jack.

Glad for all the great scans this week!!

I have my next scan tomorrow...prob no pic though. He has been really pushing up by my right ribs - hubby says he is hungry and trying to get to my breasts - it was cute at first but now it is starting to get uncomfortable.

Hi to all!!
Amy-I'm hoping this is nothing, and maybe just a little irritation from your progesterone or whatever you're on. I'm going to be praying my heart out that everything is ok.

Beagle-Your SIL is a jerk. I wouldn't even spend two seconds thinking about her. Funny about the nuggets, and yeah, you need to eat more-small snacks throughout the day if you can do it.

Booger-So looking forward to your numbers on Thursday (?) Now I can't remember if it's tomorrow or Thursday. I know LadySosa's transfer is Thursday so that is maybe why Thursday is on my mind.

ERose-THERE IS YOUR LITTLE BOY!! Those are great pics. Now that you really see him are you going one way or another with the name?

sars/jkb-Glad your appointments both went well and glad your doctor was so nice on your last day.

BabyW-Booo..sorry Jack is sick..but that's what moms are for and that's what they do best. Take care of us.

LadySosa-The place told me no caffeine but I can't remember when that is supposed to start. I'm not even going to drink a cup in the morning this time around, and I'm weaning myself off now. I actually had a decaf tea this morning, and no, it had nothing to do with the fact that someone left the coffeepot at work on the burner, and there was burnt dried coffee in the pot when I got in early. :nope: I WANTED a hot tea. :haha:

Thanks everyone for the kind words about my cousin. No, I have never seen or been to a funeral in New Orleans, but I can just imagine. At lunch I sit with eight other women (it's like The View), and we do this every day. Another woman had a funeral last night, and our discussion today at lunch was one of our best ever because we were talking about different people that you find at funerals and how different religions do different things. It was a great discussion. Tons of laughter and fun.

Now I'm freaking out that my cycle will be delayed. I had an abnormal pap in December and they said 'come back in three months.' Well, I went back on Tuesdsay or Thursday or last week (I can't remember) for the follow up. Well now I have a msg on my machine :jo: I mean phone saying 'Call us back!' UGH..why won't they just say what the problem is? I called back and the lady says 'The nurse is working with a patient, she will call you back.' If my cycle is delayed again I'm not going to be happy. I'll be happy with a 'come back in three month' schedule again. I also have to go to the regular doc later this week. I stopped going and he said 'Come back when you're prego.' Well, it's time for my prescription refill so I have to go see him again. AND I'M NOT PREGO. This is the worst.

The only good thing about today is that I got to leave work early because it's supposed to be freezing rain/icing tonight, and b) we're going to see Chicago at the theater. I have been looking forward to this show, so I hope we don't actually get freezing rain until we get home tonight.
Booger- the brown spotting could easily be related to implantation. Remember brown means old blood. Praying it's just little one getting all snug in there for a 9 month stay. But I'm with you 100% on not liking to see any color related to bleeding from down there. I have had more spotting today, back to pink and I don't like it. Can't wait for your beta result!

Amy- I have had a full cycle start while taking just the vaginal progesterone. Are you taking it just vaginally or IM shots? I thought it was suppose to stop it as well but I guess it doesn't always. I'm sorry you have had the red blood. I think you have a good plan to try to hold your urine and test tonight. I want you to have a double BFP (twins) but, maybe 1 has implanted and 1 wasn't able and that's the reason for the bleeding. I have read of lots of women that got positives betas then started bleeding, had a full AF and went for beta recheck to find in the end it starts going back up. Praying you still get your bfp! Sorry your heart is hurting. Hugs to you girlie.
Erin- love the ultrasound pics! He's grown so much!!

Terri- fingers crossed all is well with the pap. No delays for you chica:) keep us posted!

I'm on the no caffeine band wagon. I will do small cheats of taking a sip of hubby's beverage if we go out to dinner. I have been craving Starbucks!!!

Baby w- hope jack feels better fast!!
Hi again guys! haha I told you I'd be on the board a lot.

I asked my nurse about acupuncture and she gave me the name/number of an acupuncturist who will do a treatment just prior to the transfer and just after. I left her a vm so hopefully she has some availability for Thurs. I know BabyW, you've recommended acupuncture, and I've been hearing good things about it. It can't hurt, right??
Oh Amy, I'm praying for you. I hope you get a good result tonight. :hugs:
I am totally shocked. I really am. I'm in shock and now nervous as hell. I held my pee for 3 hours and by that time the red blood had turned to brown... but even so I really, really wasn't expecting a positive. Not to mention how dark it is. My tests last time didn't get this dark until like 11 or 12dp5dt. I just don't know what to think or what's gonna happen. The cramps are continuing and are similar to my AF cramps on my worst day. So that scares me. I'm happy and scared at the same time.


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Mrs. W - Stay positive. I know the TTW stinks!!

Sars930 - So glad your ultrasound went well. Congratulations on graduating from your RE :)

LadySosa - I did acupuncture both times. I don't know how much it really helped physically but I think it really helped me mentally. It's hard for me to sit still (meditation is SOOO hard for me) so this forced me to take the time to relax, concentrate on positive energy, and think sticky baby thoughts. I always felt good when I left, like I was contributing to getting my BFP.

Erin - OMG your scan is SO cute. There's so much facial detail. He already looks like a handsome little guy!!

Booger - I'm so sorry you're having the dreaded brown spotting too. Although I am often reassured it's normal, it's SO nerve racking. So glad your beta is in the morning. Mine isn't until Monday :growlmad:

Babywhisperer - I'm so sorry Jack is sick. I hope he gets better soon. And that you don't get sick again!!!

Terri - Oh wow, I really hope everything is ok. What does an abnormal pap mean? Can it be nothing? I always assumed an abnormal pap meant you're doomed but now that I think about it, I've never been told what it means and don't really know anything about it. I'm praying everything is ok... and of course that your cycle isn't delayed :winkwink:

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