First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy! Woah that's a BIG FP:) one hurdle down. I'm so glad to hear the red has turned to brown! Praying for you now girl! Could you call and possibly get a beta done tomorrow because then their gonna want another 48 hrs later? Hang in their girl!
Hi all!

Yay for Amy and Booger! Great news! I'm so happy for you girls.

4D ultrasound today. Highly recommend it. Super fun!

Hope everyone is feeling good!

Amy!! Awesome test! :happydance::wohoo: I can't believe it's so dark either. I believe the BFP but the darkness is just crazy. The good news is that if its a strong line, it's more likely to be completely viable. Yeah!!

Sometimes an abnormal pap means they didn't get enough tissue or there was something wrong with the sample. That happens to me a lot. I don't think I'm doomed, I probably just have to keep going back more regularly which sucks because they are always so slow at the office. Anyway, I'm not going to bring you down with my woes when you have great news.

MrsW-you're next on the BFP train followed by Lady Sosa. We have had a great few days around here!
Amy - see we told you! I bet it was implantation or what someone else said maybe only 1 made it. But I hope the strong line means 2.

Acupuncture never helped me but I can see how it would help others. I gave it up when I had to start droving to my re.

My internet is down at work. Ugh.
Oh and amy don't worry about the crampin . Mine was intense too and thought for sure I was going t9 start bleeding.
Amy - Wow! That test is really dark. Congratulations! What a roller coaster. When is your beta? I hope it's soon. Fx fx fx!

Booger - Good luck at your beta today!!!

Sars - Congrats on hearing the heartbeat! Such an amazing feeling. And that's great that you can resume normal activities again. :) I ran into someone I know at my regular OB's office - my husband was with me and we ran into a close friend's brother and sister-in-law. We both awkwardly said hello - and then congratulations. :)

Erin - I love the new scan pics! The one from the front is so cool! Yayyyy. I'm so happy for you.

Ladysosa - I gave up coffee after my transfer. I will have a cup here or there but no caffeine for me for the most part. You are allowed 1 cup a day though.

Babywhisperer - I hope your little one feels better soon! Lots of sickness going around for sure.

Terri - That stinks about the abormal pap. I hope it's really nothing. They didn't get enough tissue from me the last time around - I just had to go back for another follow-up.

Second trimester scan later today! I hope excited to see my little bean again. :)

Wahoo Amy!! What an exciting turn of events! I am so so happy for you!! Yaayyyy. I feel like the acupuncture will do the same for me - just help me mentally. I am so anxious about all this, I've had butterflies for like a week straight. So I am hoping this will help me to relax and get zen. :) DH was like "OMG that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard." He doesn't believe in any of that kind of stuff. I got mad at him for not being supportive. Once he heard how anxious I am and that I hope this will help me relax, he reluctantly gave his support.

Terri - sorry about the abnormal pap - sounds like an annoyance but hopefully won't delay things!

Kfs and Jen- enjoy your ultrasounds today!

Booger - good luck today! You are in my thoughts! Can't wait to hear the results.

Beagle - I love it when the internet goes down at work. That means no work! Hehe.

Today is going to be the longest day EVER! Luckily I have a few meetings to keep me distracted. Transfer is at noon tomorrow. I can't remember who said it, but I really keep thinking about the fact that I'll probably never relax from here on out! I'm anxious for the transfer, I'll be anxious after the transfer, I'll be anxious leading up to beta, I'll be anxious when I'm pregnant, then the anxiety of motherhood to come! It will never end. I suppose I better master my anxiety now!
Mrs. W - Stay positive. I know the TTW stinks!!

Sars930 - So glad your ultrasound went well. Congratulations on graduating from your RE :)

LadySosa - I did acupuncture both times. I don't know how much it really helped physically but I think it really helped me mentally. It's hard for me to sit still (meditation is SOOO hard for me) so this forced me to take the time to relax, concentrate on positive energy, and think sticky baby thoughts. I always felt good when I left, like I was contributing to getting my BFP.

Erin - OMG your scan is SO cute. There's so much facial detail. He already looks like a handsome little guy!!

Booger - I'm so sorry you're having the dreaded brown spotting too. Although I am often reassured it's normal, it's SO nerve racking. So glad your beta is in the morning. Mine isn't until Monday :growlmad:

Babywhisperer - I'm so sorry Jack is sick. I hope he gets better soon. And that you don't get sick again!!!

Terri - Oh wow, I really hope everything is ok. What does an abnormal pap mean? Can it be nothing? I always assumed an abnormal pap meant you're doomed but now that I think about it, I've never been told what it means and don't really know anything about it. I'm praying everything is ok... and of course that your cycle isn't delayed :winkwink:

Amy that is one definite bfp!!!! I know you're nervous, but there is nothing to do but relax, and try and keep busy. Maybe have them draw blood to make sure you are at the right P level. I know this is maddening, but hang in there. I will be saying a prayer...and for what it's worth, my friend had a bleed every month her entire pregnancy, talk about nerve wracking. Remember I had a bleed and all was fine. Hugs lady.

Lady, yes I did acupuncture and swear by it. I did it for 4mos before my IUI with Jack and the IVF. It helps, but it's cumulative. It's can't hurt, at the very least it takes the edge off the stress. I am now going to a Chiro for back pain...when I'm prego a few vertebrae get out of alignment and causes spasms. He's a miracle worker.

Terri I hope there is no delay and that you're ok.

As for coffee, I have 1 cup that is 505/50, reg/decaf. My Dr said 1 cup is fine. I drink water constantly but try to limit it to before 7pm or else I am peeing the night away.

Thanks for all the well wishes for Jack. I took him to the Dr and he got eye drops. He's such a cuddly mush when he doesn't feel good, but still manages to be playful and laugh.
Amy, that is one strong BFP! Congrats lady!! I hope you can get in for a beta earlier to set your mind at ease.
Good morning, ladies!

Blood is drawn and now I wait. I'm feeling better this morning. Spotting stopped in the late afternoon yesterday and hasn't returned. There wasn't much anyway but it's still not something one wants to see.

Not sure when to expect to hear from my nurse. I have been hearing from her around 3:00 pm this cycle but surely she won't make me wait that long today! After retrieval, my embryo status updates usually came in around 11:00 am so I'm hoping for that.
Booger- can't wait for your update! Hope they don't make you wait too long!

Amy- thinking of you this am. Hope your doing great!

Lady- enjoy the last day! Can't wait for tomorrow to be here for you:)
Two great things happened... I stopped spotting and my test this morning is even darker than yesterday afternoon, with only 12 hours between them. It's now the same color as the control line. I still can't believe it. I really, really thought AF was starting. Such an emotional swing yesterday. I could barely sleep. My beta isn't until Monday, but since the spotting stopped and the tests are getting darker, I'm just gonna wait it out.

Terri - I'm so sorry I used the word doomed. It didn't sound so harsh in my head. I just meant that I assumed an abnormal pap always meant bad news. But I'm so glad to hear that's not the case. It does suck to have to get a pap more often though. I used to dread going to get an annual pap, but after all we've been through a pap seems like no big deal, just an annoyance now.

Beagle - Thanks for the reassurance on the cramping. It does help me feel better. Intense is the perfect word. I will say I didn't have cramps at all last time, so maybe this is a good thing :)

Booger - Can't wait to hear your beta results :)

LadySosa - My DH was the same way. Well he just teased me about it. He said he trying to picture me laying there with all these needles sticking in me like a voodoo doll (his exact words lol). But he did think it was a waste of time but humored me since I wanted to do it. He wanted me to go get a massage to relax me, but I was scared since they always say a massage releases toxins into your body to get rid of them. Anyone else have any knowledge about massages and pregnancy?

kfs1 - I can't wait to see your scan today!!
Terri - I hope your Pap results don't delay anything either. I know how eager you are to get going (I'm eager for you too!!). Plus, who wants one more thing to worry about in this process. Update us when you can! :flower:

Amy - Hooray for those super dark lines. I'm thinking you might be our second set of twins. :haha:

babywhisperer - Sorry, dear Jack got the eye gunk. Yuck! Hopefully it will clear up in now time with medication. :awww:

LadySosa - One more day!!! Hooray and wahoo!!! :happydance: I can't wait. It's your time now. I'm picturing me saying this in the style of Mikey from The Goonies. "It's our time". Hehe.

kfs - Good luck with your scan today. :flower: Can't wait to hear how it went.

Hello to beagle, sars, Moni, Brighteyez, Erin, JCM, jkb, knitgirl (Where are you??? I hope you're doing okay) and Mrs W! :hi:

Well, beta came in at 129. :thumbup: My nurse seemed pleased so I am too! :happydance: When I asked her the number, she said "Did you cheat?" I asked, "What do you mean by cheat?". "Did you pee on a stick?" Haha. I said, "YES! I couldn't take it anymore." She says,"I thought so, you didn't seem nearly excited enough." :blush:

I'll go back on Friday morning. Let's hope for the doubling number!!
Yay! Today is aa good day!! Amy and booger, I'm loving both of y'all's good news!! Congrats girls:):):)
terri - i hope your pap results don't delay anything either. I know how eager you are to get going (i'm eager for you too!!). Plus, who wants one more thing to worry about in this process. Update us when you can! :flower:

amy - hooray for those super dark lines. I'm thinking you might be our second set of twins. :haha:

babywhisperer - sorry, dear jack got the eye gunk. Yuck! Hopefully it will clear up in now time with medication. :awww:

ladysosa - one more day!!! Hooray and wahoo!!! :happydance: I can't wait. It's your time now. I'm picturing me saying this in the style of mikey from the goonies. "it's our time". Hehe.

kfs - good luck with your scan today. :flower: Can't wait to hear how it went.

Hello to beagle, sars, moni, brighteyez, erin, jcm, jkb, knitgirl (where are you??? I hope you're doing okay) and mrs w! :hi:

Well, beta came in at 129. :thumbup: My nurse seemed pleased so i am too! :happydance: When i asked her the number, she said "did you cheat?" i asked, "what do you mean by cheat?". "did you pee on a stick?" haha. I said, "yes! I couldn't take it anymore." she says,"i thought so, you didn't seem nearly excited enough." :blush:

I'll go back on friday morning. Let's hope for the doubling number!!

awesome beta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for me only the external internet is down . So still plenty to do and today has been hectic. I just can't type as much as I want here. It also screws up little things I try to Google for work.

Booger great number

Amy glad the test is darker
Booger and Amy - woooooohooooooo on the BFPs!!!:happydance::happydance: So exciting!! Booger- such a great beta! Can't wait for yours, Amy!

I had spotting and cramping with this pregnancy, and found out that I have a hematoma in my uterus. My ob/gyn office found it, not the RE's office. And I could feel the two separate implantations. One baby implanted a day or two before the other.

Lady - good luck tomorrow on your transfer!!

Hello to everyone else!! I know I've missed a lot. I've been so, so sick with morning sickness, aka puke your brains out and feel sooooo nauseous all day every day. The meds were amazing at first, but then didn't seem so effective. Yesterday and today have been amazing. I was so worried yesterday that I wasn't sick, I went to get an u/s to make sure I wasn't going to miscarry. With my miscarriage in my first pregnancy, the first thing that I noticed was that I wasn't sick anymore. Both babies are doing great - phew!! I actually saw both of them move - crazy! My doc thinks I might just be having a good couple days with no nausea. I'm hoping it sticks though, I feel like a new woman!!!

I'm hoping to stay more in touch now that I'm somewhat back to normal. :flower:
Congrats booger. Great number and now we will wait again until Friday. The nurses/doctors always ask if you cheated. hee hee. Funny.

Amy-Yeah for continuing to have a strong line. Woohoo! Can't wait for you to go in on Monday.

I don't have my phone on at work so I don't know if the obgyn called me. I'll call them this afternoon. I did have to get a blood draw for my regular doctor, and some annoying old lady was in the waiting area playing a loud cell phone game. I asked her to turn it down TWICE. She wanted to ignore me the first time, so I said it louder the second time. I was a b%tch but I don't care. I'm irritable and impatient and am hating waiting around for everything these days. It's really getting to me. I even told the teenager in front of me to stop taping the show last night. She was recording the opening of the show on her phone. It's illegal. If I wasn't in the middle of the theater, I would've called an usher. Instead I just tapped her on the shoulder, she jumped, and shook my head no. HA!!HA!! Her mom was two seats away. Some people are just trashy.

knitgirl-Glad you're feeling amazing today. Enjoy it!

kfs1-Take a picture of your picture if you can..dont' forget to tell them that you're team yellow!

Ok..everyone at work is working hard today because 4-6" of snow is coming overnight. No one is planning on coming in tomorrow, including me, so I can't fool with you ladies today. have a great afternoon!
Yaaayyy Booger that is awesome!!!

Terri - hope everything is well and continue to be well with your results.

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