First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks girls! Bleeding is now easing up. I'm going to request the dr to go in and view ultrasound while it's being done. I'm wondering if the placenta is in a bad location. Apparently ivf really increases the chance of this happening as well as any uterine surgery, and my son was an emergency c section. I have googled away trying to find a cause for all the bleeding, and that's my best guess as of now.

Lady -I hope you're feeling better today.

Enjoy your Saturday girls:)
Had a busy day today...just now able to check in...

jkb thinking of you. Baby seems okay so hopefully this is not something too serious. You are lucky to be able to see a dr so easily because of your job. I am sure seeing the baby eased you a little.
Hi ladies! Just now checking in...

Jkb- yikes girl! You must be so scared. Sorry you're going thru this. I'm glad the bleeding subsided and that you were able to hear her HB. Rest up this weekend and I am confident the news on mon. morning will be positive. I'm praying for you!

Mrs. W- don't give up hope. A lot of the ladies here didn't have any symptoms, and they got a BFP. When is your beta again? Stay positive!

Afm, I've been feeling major cramping since yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping that's a good sign. I do feel a lot better tho- cough is gone and no more headache. Yay! I think I might test next week after all...
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

jkb - I hope your scan goes well this morning. Fingers crossed for a good report.

Amy - Good luck with your beta today!! I can't wait to hear your number.

LadySosa - How are you feeling?? I had quite a bit of cramping too and I think quite a few other ladies on this thread did as well. I think it's a good sign!! :thumbup:

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Not much going on here. My weekend was uneventful. I worked some and took ad easy run in the afternoon each day as it was so nice outside. My refrigerator was bare bones yesterday so I went and stocked up on lots of nice, healthy food. Not that I was a big junk eater before but definitely going to try and start eating a little bit better. Mainly more fruits, veggies and fish(low mercury). We'll see how that goes if I start getting nauseated. Still no symptoms. Not complaining really, it's just funny how some people have so many and then others, nada.
Amy-Good luck today!! Can't wait to hear the results.

LadySosa-Hope you're feeling great today!

booger-Good call on starting to eat a little healthier. I'm not that bad of an eater either, but it would be hard for me to know what to buy and how to prepare it and such. I did find out that my Vit. D is low, so I have started taking a supplement. It's funny because people with dark skin tend to have low Vit. D, which is the sunshine vitamin. players put black paint (or bandaids) under their eyes to draw the sun below their eyes, so how come if my skin is dark, the sun just doesn't go to my skin and boost my Vit. D? hee hee. Does that make any sense? Plus, I run outside when I run so it boggles my mind that I'm low. Anyway...the capsule is smaller than my prenatals, so I'll just suck it up and take them every day along with my other random drugs that I take in the morning. Maybe it will give me some energy too.
Terri - I tested low for Vitamin D a year or so ago too. I still take a supplement. I get the chewy kind so it's almost like a little treat. I think if you tested most Americans they would probably be low in Vitamin D, especially this time of year when, even if you get outside a lot, the sun exposure you're getting just isn't strong enough due to the angle. As for eating well, it won't be huge change for me, just paying a little closer attention to the amount of protein and such. I've been using a food diary for years now and it's no secret to me that I eat too many carbs - even if they are the good kind!
Good morning ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Our weather here was awesome. Sunny and low to mid 60's. I went to the beach one afternoon with Charlie and we sat in the sun with our toes in the sand. It was marvelous!

Amy - good luck today girly! Cannot wait to hear your results.

Jkb - good luck at your appointment this morning! Let us know how it goes.

Booger - good idea to stock up on the healthy stuff. I did the same this weekend too! I'm trying to be very mindful of everything I eat. DH is like my food police too ('I don't think you should eat that!'). It's cute that he cares so much, but it's kind of annoying. I hope your DH is having a blast skiing!

Terri - that's funny about the Vitamin D. I am not surprised that you are lacking, being on the east coast...I hear that you've been having perpetual grey clouds all winter. Hopefully once the weather turns you won't have to continue the supplement!

Afm - I feel like I got hit by a truck. Last night was the worst! My cramps were hurting and my body just ached. My back hurt. I've been feeling super fatigued too. I remember Erin describing it this way - that it takes effort just to lift a leg or some other limb! It sucks, but I think these are all preggo symptoms, so I am happy! It was really hard to wake up this morning - with the time change and no caffeine - UGH! I feel like I might doze off at my desk.

DH is really cute though. He is already researching cribs, strollers, etc. I was like "you know, we're going to have to price out a crib. I wonder how much those cost?" He's like, "Between 2 and 300. I already checked." Haha.

I am trying to keep my expectations in check, just in case this doesn't work out, but if I am having all these symptoms, and I don't feel like this with af or progesterone, I am probably preggo, right??
Good morning ladies,

JKB - Glad bleeding has stopped and baby is doing well.

Lady - I am sure that's a good sign.

Amy - Good luck today.

AFM - haven't triggered yet. Thought I was yesterday....they gave me all the information and had me sign papers but was called later and told to stim another day. I went in today for ultrasound and bloodwork. My left ovary must float once it fills with eggs because they had to press down so hard on my abdomen today in order to measure eggs. Once all was said and done, RE said I could trigger tonight. I am not banking on it waiting to see what lab results say before I get excited.
Quick update... Here is the sea monkey.

I am trying to be healthier but it is hard feeling the way I do.

Lady I think your symptoms are promising.

Jkb hope you are well.

Now to get back to my day of with hubs .


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Hi ladies,

Lady- I too think your symptoms sound promising! Can't wait for your bfp!!

Terri- vita d is very important with fertility:) think it will really help with you taking the supplements. Prior to me going to ivf, when I would just take clomid or femara and baby dance - I would only get preggo in the summer time:) that was one thing I was worried about with the way my transfer timing worked out. Maybe it was just a coincidence maybe not. Good luck:)

Booger- glad your doing well and kudos for making healthy choices:) I have increased my veggie and fruit intake as well.wouldnt hurt me to do so even more. The PIO is actually making me lose weight. For years literally I have always managed to get down to 5 lbs within my goal but could never quite get that last 5 lbs off well wouldn't you know I'm now 2 lbs below my goal;) hope I don't turn into a fatty once I stop the PIO.

Beagle- yay for a new US pic and that lil man is growing!

Bright eyes- you're next!! Woohoo for triggering tonight. Good luck!!

Afm- I had to go to the ER yesterday. I started gushing blood and passed a clot the size of my fist. The blood filled a whole pad and was dripping from both my ankles. ER doc that happened to be on is my least favorite doctor of all:( she's an idiot. Couldn't tell me where bleed was from but baby had a heartrate of 163 however, she said I was only measuring 10 weeks. Came home, bleeding stopped gushing once I passed the clot and then eased to a lite flow this am. Had follow up with ob today. Baby is measuring 11 weeks and heartrate of 176 at ob. I became very mad at the ER, because I work there I know if your not at least 20 weeks the mind thought is oh well. My ob on call there refused to come in so I demanded to talk to her via phone, end outcome= told them since they couldn't give me an answer for all the bleeding I want to see a high risk doctor because we have tried for 6 years for a baby to get a heartbeat and been thru ivf and had 6 miscarriages so just telling me to wait and see if she makes it won't work. I want to know what is causing the bleeding. Miraculously, at the appt this am they found a large bleed it is a sub chorionic hemorrhage (same as you baby w)I go for follow up in 1 week and I also have an appt set with the high risk docs. Dr. Said that I'm bleeding more than I should with the sub chorionic bleed but that he hopes it will resolve by 14 weeks. So nerve racking.
jkb-How scary and how infuriating! Thankfully (?) it's only a sub chorionic hemorrhage, but still...why does a person have to yell and scream in order for people to do what is right? Sucks that it is happening at your place of business. You would think that because you work there you have some sort of special privilege, but apparently not. Yikes. Anyway, glad the baby is still fine and I agree that you definitely need to go see a high risk doctor.

Brighteyez-Well, trigger tonight is ok too, right? That means retrieval on Wednesday morning!

beagle-Great picture!

AFM-My meds have been ordered. For some reason (CVS insurance doesn't approve Gonal F or something), they are switching me to Follistim. I have one whole pen left of Gonal F so I'm going to ask the nurse tomorrow if I can start with Gonal-F and then switch to Follistim. Cheapy me doesn't want to waste stuff, but maybe the Follistim will be better for me. It'll be an interesting experiment to see what happens this time around. How much Follistim did you ladies take?
My friends were great and took the best care of me. It just happened to be the one dr that signed up to care for me that I distrust (and the ob docs because less than 20 weeks they put forth no effort to save) Clinically she is not good. During the pelvic exam she couldn't even see my cervix I had to finally tell her I didn't want her to probe around and cause more bleeding. I'm not big there and no has ever had trouble visualizing before???... A few years ago I had a premie that had just been released from NICU come into ER with fever of course he automatically got an lumbar puncture ordered. I had to step in and tell her to stop sticking him because she couldn't obtain the sample and the baby was tuckered out. Which I never do unless it is appropriate advocation for my pt. she ended up in trouble because basically the rule is 2 attempts and then you get someone else. Needless to say since that day I don't think she likes me. We have so many good docs and I seriously ended up with the worst one that happened to be on:/ another doc I'm friends with looked via ultrasound as well and talked thru every possibility with me but he couldn't order the consult because the idiot jumped to sign up as my provider while he was doing a trauma even though I had called to tell them I was coming and he had walked over and told them he would see me when I got there.

I took the bare minimum of gonal f can't remember exact dose but that is the $$$$ drug so it would be great if they would let you use your left over
JKB - I has a sub chronic hem also, they can be very scary. Glad all is well....praying for you and baby.

Terri - yes trigger tonight would be great!!!

AFM - I won't be transferring this cycle. Embies will be frozen and maybe transferred next cycle, my progesterone level is too high. I am bummed out but trying to find the sunnyside of this storm. I am still waiting for the nurse to call me with time to trigger tonight. Anyone every had this happen before?
Terri - If I remember correctly they prescribed 200 units of Follistim to me, then almost immediately started dialing it down to 150 I believe.

Brighteyez - I had to do the same thing. It sucked cause I thought I was preparing for a fresh transfer, but then they informed that due to a risk of OHSS they wanted me to have the ER then wait about a month or two for the transfer. The waiting was hard, but I tried to keep busy and it was here before I knew it!
Hi everyone,

Jkb, omg how scary! I'm so sorry about the awful experience you had with the idiot dr, it's sounds horrendous. I'm glad all is ok with baby though, but poor you, pregnancy is proving pretty hard for you so far.

Lady - those symptoms sound good!! When is otd and when will you test?

Bright - sorry to hear you have a longer wait. Having said that I've ready so many times that fet have higher success rates as only the strongest embies survive freeze and thaw. On my other ivf thread there were 2 fets for ohss cycling with me and both already have their bfps!

Beagle, lovely pics!

Booger, glad you are doing well and making healthy choices for mini booger.

Terri not long till you get started now!

As for me.... I'm sorry to be the resident Debbie downer on the thread, you must all be sick of me wallowing in my tww misery! I caved and tested this morning, 9dt2dt and bfn. Was pretty gutted. I know there is still a slim possibility but deep down, I know it hasn't worked. I have lower back pain which I always get a few days before af comes.
Terri - you already ordered the follistim? I have 2 viles left I could have given you.

Brighteyez - I was cancelled too because of high P. It is the best result because my dr basically said you will NOT get pregnant if we do a frsh because of the level. So it sucks with the delay but def the best thing to do.

jkb - glad baby is okay but I know you are a wreck right now! Sorry you are going through so much right now.

I am exhausted from today. Now home & trying to get my pool started up early this season & my husband is prepping the room for painting. We got the baby furniture yesterday but they did not have my crib in stock & my husband wasn't in love with we may be getting it somewhere else.
JKB - glad all is well with the baby - hoping for a smoother ride for you. Sorry about the headache doctors...but glad you are finally getting to see some high risk docs!

Terri - yay for starting meds.

Beagle - great pic!

brighteyes - actually pretty common.

mrs w - not out fingers are still crossed for you!

Hi to everyone else...
Aww, Mrs. W, - Don't worry about being a debbie downer! That is what we are here for! Sorry about the BFN. Hugs to you!! I hope DH spoils you and lifts your spirits! And yes, there is still a chance! So hang in there!

I'm thinking about testing tomorrow...but it makes me really nervous just thinking about it.

Another weird symptom I'm noticing is lack of appetite. I'll eat just a fraction of what I normally eat and be stuffed! Weird.
jkb11 - Wow!! I'm so sorry you are going through all that. That sounds absolutely terrifying. I'm so sorry you got the idiot Dr. in the ER too. I definitely agree that you need a high risk Dr. I hope things get better for you soon. :hugs:

LadySosa - It definitely sounds like preggo symptoms to me. When are you going to start testing?

Booger - I'm going to try and eat healthier too. I don't eat too horribly now but I do indulge in fast food for lunch a couple times a week and I'm going to try and cut that out completely. I'm not really feeling any symptoms either. Just a little cramping here and there still and I've gotten dizzy a couple times but that's about it.

Beaglemom - Cute picture :)

Terri - I'm so excited you're getting started again!! Sorry about the Vitamin D. I have heard many times that Vitamin D is important in fertility but that is something I have never been tested for. I'm wondering if it's because I'm in So Cal and they figure with all the sun here how could anyone be deficient. But I could be a hermit, they don't know lol.

Mrs. W - Don't give up hope yet. 9dp2dt is only 11 dpo. That really is too early for a lot of people to get a positive.

AFM - I got my blood drawn this morning and after waiting over an hour, it took two different people and four tries before they could the blood they needed. I thought they were about to tell me to come back tomorrow, but I'm glad they didn't because that wasn't happening without a fight lol. I'll report back as soon as I get my results.

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