First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri my 14 went down to 5 pretty fast...they all made it to biopsy...then 2 were normal. I think you have a good plan. Doors your body feel up to a fresh transfer? Good luck!
Yeah, thank goodness I'm taking my fresh transfer meds. It makes me feel much better about things no matter what happens. I also took an Advil today so I'm back to 95%. I made a flatbread pizza with sausage, olives and jalapeños and it turned out pretty well. Now I just have to wait for these calls every day and I'll talk to my nurse on Monday.
Terri, 15 is awesome! Sorry for the attrition, I know it sucks to see those numbers decline, but let's hope the three that are hanging on keep doing their thing. Glad you're feeling great. Hoping and praying for you! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Terri - I know it stings but 3 is absolutely normal. I'm praying that those embies stay strong. 3 is what I ended up with, too. I'll be stalking for your next report!
kfs1-how many did you end up transferring? I can't remember. Im just praying three continue to grow. The next report will probably be after we get out of church so a few hours now. Fxfx Hee hee.
Terri I am sure they will hold on strong. Thinking of you today.

I just dropped off my husband at the airport & I can't stop crying. Def the hormones working overtime. It doesn't help hearing the story of the suicidal pilot. And I had the absolute worst dream last night. Too bad to even explain. Hoping for a quick week.
Oh beagle :hugs: I hope time flies, have you got some nice projects to do to keep busy while he is away?

Lady, I will def stay! Just not been on bnb much and the thread moves so fast I got a bit behind! I'm having a few months off to take dhea and coq10 to try and improve my eggs. Then in June I'm doing ivf again, at another clinic. Trying long protocol this time, so will see if this is any better for my egg quality/quantity. How are you doing?

Terri, praying one (or two!) or those remaining embies are your rainbow. Keep positive, 3 good quality embies is great x
kfs1-how many did you end up transferring? I can't remember. Im just praying three continue to grow. The next report will probably be after we get out of church so a few hours now. Fxfx Hee hee.

I transferred 2 and the other one tried to stick but didn't make it. (I forget what that's called...?) I actually have 2 in the freezer but one is really low quality. My RE said they only froze it because they were freezing the other one. So, I guess technically I had 4.
Mrs W-that sounds like a good plan. Glad you're sticking around.

Beagle-the week will fly by I'm sure. Especially with working and hanging with your pups.

Kfs1-gotcha. Do you think you will have another kid? Is it something you want to try first and then reconsider or do you definitely want more than one? That's exciting that you have a few embies leftover.

The clinic called and I told my husband that he could listen to the message because I wasn't prepared to listen. I guess it will go unheard until tomorrow because driving to his next future place of business (maybe) and basketball are more important than worrying about our future. So, I'm just hanging out.
I also found out that Fun is still in the shelter. I asked the foster lady about him this morning and she said they couldn't get in touch with the vet, so I am not even sure his cage listed him as available. That makes me mad. I went to the vet with Fun and he gave me the information. I had to pass it on to some vet assistant but obviously she is a dumb dumb because she didn't take any notes; just nodded as I told her everything and then I left. I didn't want to tell her to begin with. I have never seen her at the shelter before. I hate dumb dumbs. I hope he gets adopted tomorrow. I told the foster lady that if he doesn't get adopted this week we'll take him. That would make me feel really good.
Only projects involve the nursery and I can't really do much. I am probably being too strict but I don't want to overdue anything. Maybe get some cleaning done and a dent in my Netflix list. Only thing is I eat and sleep horribly when he is gone. Have to stay on top of keeping baby growing.

w glad you are with us... Good luck on perking up those eggs.

Terri - I hope you have a good report. Your husband again deserves a punch ☺
Well I checked the voicemail and I still have three embryos multiplying nicely. I figured I needed to know so I would either be taking medicine tonight or not. It's all up to me so who cares whether he is interested or not. :shrug:
Well I checked the voicemail and I still have three embryos multiplying nicely. I figured I needed to know so I would either be taking medicine tonight or not. It's all up to me so who cares whether he is interested or not. :shrug:

Terri - so glad they are still haning on. When do you expect to do the transfer?
Terri - I'm so happy that your little embies are still thriving! :happydance: :dance: Wooohoo. I'm sorry that your husband's being such a punk though. Was he home when the call came in and just left without listening to it? Grrrrr. Either way, I'd be annoyed.

Hi everyone else! What's the latest?
Good morning ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Terri - yay that those three are still hanging on! That is awesome. And sorry about Fun not getting adopted yet. That would be great if you would take him! He sounds like such a sweetie. And having a doggie around I'm sure takes your mind off the IVF crap.

Beagle - sorry about your hubs leaving for the week. Just remember, this is for your future! So it's really a good thing. Try to stay busy and do those things you've always wanted to do but he's not keen on. For me, hubs hates Indian and Thai food, and I love it! So when he's not around I love to get Thai take out and/or a bubble tea. And I watch real housewives. Hehe. That is heaven right there.

Mrs. W - yay! That sounds like a great plan. Glad you are planning on sticking around here. Sorry about having to wait, I am in the same boat. Looking like the next transfer for me will be around late May/early June.

Afm - I maybe forgot to mention that my doc gave me some antibiotics she wanted me to take, just in case. The fact that I started bleeding so early and for so long made her think there was some kind of irritation going on, so it's just a precaution. But I HATE antibiotics. Blech. They are making me nauseous and I can't take them with dairy. So timing them is a pain since I drink a lot of milk.

We had a productive weekend. I spent a lot of it doing spring cleaning and laundry. I got rid of some shoes that I don't wear anymore and we made a trip to the thrift store to drop off donations. We are also going on a "financial diet." We are bringing our lunches to work, making coffee in the morning instead of stopping at the coffee stand, and I'm going to quit getting facials. We also have a lady clean our house once a month, we're nixing her too. So we figure all that should save us about $500/month. We're trying to save up to get a little beach house in Cannon Beach. By beach house I mean no less than 3 blocks to the beach, hehe (def not on the beach, wayy too expensive). We shall see. Even if we don't end up getting a beach house, at least we'll be in a better place financially!
Lady - holding off spending money is so hard. We keep saying we will & never do. We have almost paid of the home equity so I can focus on credit cards that paid for IVF. But I also just booked our vacation in the mountains...expensive & we can never find anyone to come to help out on the bill. But we need to take one...with the baby coming & my husband taking on this new role. At least next pay day I will see his increase. Thankfully most of the big baby stuff is done & paid for. Also I have finally hit my deductible...I shouldn't see much more high medical expenses. My ob put me on a pyment plan. Not sure about the hospital, but it will only be 20%. We were lucky my step dad gave me $500 when he found out about the baby. That pretty much paid for our nursery furniture. So we are not buying anymore baby stuff...not even going to the consignment sales. Just waiting on baby showers. I know work will throw one...I am unsure about family since everyone is out of town.
Beagle - Awe, I'm sure someone will throw a shower for you! Won't your mom?

I have an online shopping addiction. I browse all the sample sale sites - One Kings Lane, Rue La La, etc. I tell myself, 'I'm just looking for inspiration!' But I always end up buying stuff. So I decided to stop going to those sites even to look. The temptation to buy is too much. Also, I get a lot of Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel emails ("20% off! Tonight only!") that would tempt me. I'm trying to be strong and delete them before I even open them up.

But then of course things pop up constantly that we didn't budget for. For example, this weekend I got a ticket in the mail for failure to stop before turning right on a red light. I couldn't believe it!! They sent me a pic of my car and even a link to a video of the 'infraction'. At first I said, "NO way did I do that!! They got it all wrong!" Then we watched the video and sure enough, I barely slowed down, haha. Dang it. No refuting that evidence. So, $124 later, my "frugal" weekend took one giant step backward.
GM ladies, I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Terri!!! 3 is an amazing number!! I don't blame you for being direct with the anesthesiologist. I steer nurses to take blood from my right arm b/c I have a ton of scar tissue from a botched job done by a nurse taking blood, and a failed pic line insertion. And good for you for asking to take're a good person to take him rather than keep him at the shelter. He would get more love and attention with you for sure!

Beagle I know how the emotions can be. When Robin Williams passed I was a wreck. It really impacted me that this man who brought joy and laughter to so many, could be suffering with such dark demons that death was a reprieve. Needless to say this airplane tragedy will force Europe to have 2 pilots in the cockpit at all times like we do. What if a pilot has a stroke or aneurysm while the other is using the bathroom? I wonder if this is what happened to the Malaysian flight too.

Glad to hear from you Mrs W!

How is everyone feeling?

Last week was was the last week of production for the month so the pressure was on. I wasn't sleeping well due to having to pee every 2hrs at night. My trading desk is in turmoil personnel wise and it's a land grab/Survivor Island type shenanigans. I found out my brother and his wife are not choosing me as the Godmother of my nephew which hurt. I chose my brother, and against better judgment and a fight with dh, I chose my SIL so as to not make it awkward for my brother or deepend this divide between her and our family. It made my brother so happy to be Godfather to Jack and he makes an effort to see us, but she does not. When she was prego I texted her every 2 weeks to see how she was doing...I have yet to hear so much as Boo from her. I have been asking every few weeks since Christmas to come down and see them and see my nephew and I get a "we'll discuss it". I'd love to know how that discussion goes b/c she works 3 days a week, he doesn't work and she doesn't cook, clean or do much but care for my nephew. Dh and I work full time, cook clean, food shop, care for Jack....and just have weekends to get all our errands done, but we want to see them so we will drive down to them to make it easier. If I had 4 days off from work a week I would accomplish so much and have free time left over!! I haven't seen them since Christmas and my nephew is changing so fast. My parents had to put their foot down and demand to be able to drive down and see them, and my Mom thinks it's b/c my SIL doesn't want to clean the house. I know it sounds silly, but my brother has intimated that us coming down means more work for her. It breaks my heart and they will not have any other children. Dh just sits there and says "I told you so" as far as my SIL giving a damn about us, Jack, or how we feel. I have 1 brother and it feels like sometimes he doesn't value the relationship, doesn't want to make an effort, and it really upset me last week. I am over it and see it for what it is, it just hurts b/c I often feel like an only child. I always gravitate towards people with big families since I love the dynamic, the crazy holiday madness, the support system and family events. Dh has 3 brothers and it's weird, they all do their own thing, don't come around much at all even though 1 lives a mile away. He's always asking to see them and it's not really a priority for them. We are just the more the merrier types and they aren't. To compound issues dh asked to go to his college reunion in June solo and it hurt my feelings. He doesn't see it that way, he thinks I'll be super prego and not have fun. I wish he would have asked me if I wanted to go and let me make that decision. All his friends are taking their spouses, but no one else is prego, plus who will watch Jack...I was just extra sensitive last week and everything upset me more than it should. It just feels as though sometimes dh doesn't have compassion for me and my stressful job, or the impact this pregnancy is having on me.

It's a lot to commute the way I do, work in the environment in which I work, and come home to a toddler, to cook, for all of us, bathe Jack, and feel as though there is no appreciation. I asked dh to vacuum last weekend and help with the new car seat, neither happened. I did the car seat myself and he got annoyed the straps were too tight and he didn't know how to adjust them which irked me. He finally vacuumed this weekend and did it with such an attitude, but I do it every weekend and it's not right that it falls on me every time, why not say hey babe let me do it for a change, why do I have to ask...I'm getting bigger by the week and lifting things is becoming more difficult. This pregnancy is not like my 1st which was a breeze and I was very active. I can't come home and rest like I did then. I am so excited for baby girl to come in July, but scared of how much of an adjustment this will be for all of us. Dh is not going to be able to come and go as he pleases, I will need more help on weekends and I don't want Jack to feel loss of attention...he's been very clingy lately...wanting to lay next to me and cuddle with my belly. My friends think I put too much on myself, half don't work and the ones that do don't cook or clean. I just wasn't raised like that. My Mom did it all, but she did take 10yrs off from working. I just expect a lot of myself and I know tons of women who can juggle it all...maybe they can survive on less sleep, have more help...I need my sleep but I don't want to feel like I'm just treading water. We are adding the Nanny to a 5th day a week when I go back to work which will free up my parents...maybe they can help on weekends so I can get stuff done. I just wish dh was more the type of person to ask what I needed help with vs me having to ask him...he has his list of things he wants to get done for himself and the house but it's never things like cook, food shop, clean....I will have a newborn that is more reliant upon me so he's going to have to step up and I know he's not going to like it. He is so regimented with his own schedule and likes having it set. It's going to be a rude awakening and every one of my friends said the 2nd baby puts a strain on the marriage, and that scares me. Dh says I am stressed out and have no outlet, and that I should go to the gym. I just about blew a gasket. Is that a knock on how I look, b/c now would not be the time Mr 15lbs of sympathetic pregnancy weight still hanging around from #1! And when would I have time? I told him, you cook and feed Jack and give him a bath 3x/week and I will go to the gym. It will feel like I'm at the damn spa. He said he would step up, but not cook. I am holding him to this when I get a decent nights sleep this week. But then I feel so bad b/c if I go to the gym I don't get to see Jack and I see him for an hour a night as it is. I'm torn. End rant/whine.
Lady - no pity on the shower thing. Not that someone wouldn't throw one...what I mean is my family is all throwing a shower is asking a lot of family to make a trip...the closest one is my sister almost 7 hours away. And I don't have a big family. So I am okay with no shower. I would have been okay at work without but my people will not have it. If I do anything for family it will be more like a reunion type deal in a bbq like setting.

BabyW - I am so sorry for your stress. My husband & I both grew up in single family homes so we are used to taking care of ourselves. So when we got together, I never had to worry about having a man who expected me to do it all. We can both be lazy when it comes to house work. He has def stepped up on I am spoiled. I don't say that to sound snotty...just that I can see how stressed you must is overwhelming...& being pregnant is not always easy. I wish your husband could see how even the slightest effort makes such a difference. You are probably also at a stage in the pregnancy when you want to start getting prepared for the baby. As far as your family, I feel you there too. I wonder how my sister will be when she is an aunt. She never says anything back when I text u/s pics. I love my nephews more than anything...I hope my children will have the same feelings for her as they do for me. An aunt is a very special thing...despite that me & my sister do not get along most of the time. As hard as it is, sometimes you just have to let people be how they are. I think my husband & I will soon be losing my niece & nephew on his side. His sister is such a joke. At Christmas she is never appreciative of gifts she just always has a snotty remark to make. I go overboard with sister's kids year she remarked how I went overboard or some off handed remark. It hurt me a lot. She thinks me & my husband are lucky...not hard workers...& life dealt her a bad hand. It dealt her the same hand my husband got. Even if not, at some point you need to just grow up & stop blaming people.

Feel better lady :)
Mrs. W: Glad to hear from you! Glad you've got a plan in place. Sending you wishes of great eggs.

Terri: Happy to hear your three are still going strong. :happydance:I'm sorry DH is being such a PITA. This is definitely a time you need some support. Would you keep Fun for good or just foster until he was adopted? I'm sure he'd love to be back with you.

Beagle: Sorry you're feeling sad and stressed that DH is gone for his training. I second Lady on trying to do some things you enjoy that he does not. Pamper yourself, get a pedicure or watch a movie he'd never like. DH has his annual golf trip coming up soon and I'm kind of looking forward to it for those reasons.

Lady: I'm glad you had a much better weekend this time around. I used Unroll up for all my shopping subscriptions etc. So, I still get them but I don't necessarily look at them daily. You should check it out. It is a free way to clean up your inbox. I love it. Good luck on the financial diet. Would the beach house be a second home? I'm trying to seriously cut down on our spending so we're just living off of DH's income to save some cash but we've been pretty bad about eating out lately. Part of me wants to embrace the freedom while we have it.

BabyW: I just want to give you a big hug. :hugs: I know how it feels to put so much effort into a relationship and never get it back. Your SIL sounds like she sucks. Have you tried suggesting an outing around them so she doesn't have to worry about cleaning? I know it is BS on her end but maybe that way you could get to see your nephew. My DH is a middle of three boys and we always joke about how the rest of the family hates us. We make so much of an effort to see them all but any time we invite them on our terms it is a no. I spent years being upset by it and now just have to laugh.
It sounds like you are taking on so much right now and something is going to have to give. You have to make yourself a priority. You're right you need lots of sleep but you also need a stress outlet. Maybe it is a walk around the block with Jack at night (I know this weather is making that tough). Do you have any hired help with cleaning? Maybe that would take something off your plate. Or have you looked at Blue Apron food service? That would take grocery shopping off your plate. The idea of being able to do it all is a myth. We can't. The sooner we accept that and cut ourselves some slack the better. Here's hoping this week is better than the last.
LadySosa-Yeah for your financial tune-up. I'm all about financial stuff, and I love it. So anything you can do to save a few bucks is definitely helping. And that's great about the beach/non-beach house. I'm imagining a little cottage. yay! Ugh..those speed camera/infraction cameras are the worst. It's so unfair that a machine can catch you doing bad things and that's legal. Who needs policemen(people) anymore?

beagle-Hope you are feeling better today. I'm sure your family will do something for you, regardless of their distance. I'm pretty sure the transfer would be Wednesday because that is 5 days after retrieval. I'll talk to the nurse this afternoon and see what she's thinking.

BabyW-Sorry you're having a rough time of things. Hopefully it will all get better.

kfs1-Well, the nurse called while we were in church, so on the drive home I said "the nurse called about our fertilization report, but I don't want to listen to the message. You'll have to do it." I don't recall whether I heard him say 'ok' or not. He doesn't talk most of the time. Then, when he got ready to go to bed, I guess he said his prayers and after his prayers he said "Oh, I forgot to listen to the message." I said 'It doesn' tmatter because I had to listen in order to find out whether to take my meds or not. We still have three. Goodnight.' I'm over his lack of emotions. I'm really wondering if he needs to be there for transfer on Wednesday.

Hi to everyone else!

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