First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs - he comes home Friday. Any pants I bought were the full panel. I like those. And if your belly is not super big, you can fold that flap down some. That's what I do. My pants are a little lose, so I do that & it helps tighten them. I don't dare buy a smaller size. Also if you look around in stores & try on, I suggest looking for the same brands on ebay. I bought another pair of jeans I loved at kohls (bought the first pair on ebay). They were $45! I never spend that much on pants. So I put the size & brand in on ebay & just got a pair for around $20 including I am taking the pair back to Kohls.

Good luck Terri!
Yay, Terri!!! Good luck today. My thoughts are with you!
Terri I was coming on to wish you good luck but you beat me to it this morning. I'm so grilled for you that you've still got all three. Good luck!!!! I hope it all goes well and then you can come home and cuddle with Fun. I'll be praying for you and sending you good vibes.
Today is the day!! The doctor just called, and he laughed at me because I always tell him that he's freaking me out by calling. He sighs a lot, so it's always super stressful.

The results are in and there are still three. One is excellent, one is high and one is high-medium. So...based on my previous results, we're going to put all three back and pray it works. He said 'Hopefully I'll be calling you in two weeks to say congrats.' I agreed. Transfer is at 1pm today.

Thinking of you Terri!!! I am crossing everything for you. Sounds like great quality embies. I will say a prayer!

As for pants...front panel, side panels don't stay up well on me.

As for vaxing, I know this is late, but we do an alternative combined shots. He gets a shot a month or sometimes every 2 weeks as long as it's not a live vaccine...we space those at a minimum 30 days apart. They give me a hard time but it's my child. I made sure he got MMR on time, and he got chicken pox vax before Spring when outbreaks rise. I skipped the Hep shot the day he was born b/c I think it's absurd. He will have to get the shot again before he goes to college anyway. I have the Vaccine Book by Dr Sears and only use it to see the ingredients. It just so happens the shots with the less harmful ingredients are the ones my Dr uses, but keeps the 2nd best one as back up...I call ahead and have them put the shot by the pharma company I prefer aside for us to make sure they have it. I didn't want the toxin load to be high when he was young and small and that is my choice. They don't agree with it and always tell me it will take a few months longer to fully vaccinate Jack, but he has in home care, we don't go to malls, and have not been on a plane with him yet.

As for circumcision dh was adamant in having it done.

No updates from me other than to say baby girl is kicking like crazy. Dh wants to name her Emma which was my Great Grandmother's name and someone in his fam too.
I like the name Emma. You vax plan is a good one. I know it's not the same, but they recommend the same process for dogs...not doing all vaccines at once.
Awe, Emma is a GREAT name! Emma and Jack. I like it. Both simple and classic names. Muy bien!

Yay Terri for all three hanging on! You've got excellent odds!! What if you have multiples?! Would you be ready for that? I'm excited that your transfer is at 1:00. That means 10am my time! I don't have to wait as long to hear an update! Hehe. I also hope you treat yourself to a nice hot meal. :) Toes and fingers crossed for you.
Just checking in to say good luck to Terri!! I'm so excited for you and so happy all three embies made it! You'll be in my thoughts all day today!

Sorry I've been MIA these past few days. I haven't felt well at all. Besides being SUPER tired, I'm constantly nauseous. Bleh! I guess that's better than actually throwing up though lol.
Amy-I've been wondering what you were doing..feeling nauseous. Gotcha. :hugs:

LadySosa-I've transferred three every time I've done this, so I'm really not worried about having multiples. I only need one. And...if it turns out that three make it, so be it. We'll figure out a way to deal. And if that happens, we definitely need a dog in the mix! Insta-complete family!

BabyW-I love Emma too. I have a friend name Emmie, and I like that as well.

ERose-It's April!! Come play with us.

Jen-Miss ya, cupcake. Hope everything is going ok.

Mrs.W, booger, sars, brighteyez, moni, jkb, beaglemom, kfs1-hola!
Just chiming in to say I love Emma too. Emma and Jack sounds perfect together. Are you lukewarm on it BabyW?

Amy, sorry you're feeling so bad. I feel you on the tiredness.

It was really, really bad for me at first. Got better. And I had a little "relapse" over the weekend. I fell asleep at 9:30, woke up took out my contacts brushed my teeth etc. and then slept until 9. And I was tired at 11 the next night. I have been back to a more normal exercise routine, so I think that impacts how tired I get. I do like the fact I'm falling asleep really quickly. I had a few weeks where I had a lot of trouble sleeping.

Nothing too exciting to report here. I have to work this Saturday, which stinks, but three day weekend next week. My paint samples for the crib arrived this week. I haven't tested them yet because I want to see what dresser we settle on. Very curious how this milk paint covers.

I've been reading lots of baby-related books. I just finished Bringing up Bebe, which I thought was fabulous. It is entertaining, much better written than most child books I've encountered and I also learned a lot. Currently, perusing Baby Bargains.

Hi to everyone!
Hello all - Terri hope your transfer went smoothly and your 3 embies are snuggling in for the long haul!

I have the full panel pants and they have worked throughout this pregnancy.
I'm alive! Three embies are on board. I had to go pee so badly. I was miserable and the doctor said 'go ahead and go, but don't empty completely.' He didn't have to tell me twice. So I went until my stomach stopped hurting and then he looked on the screen and said 'your bladder is still really full.' Ha ha. Oh and my blood pressure was pretty high after the procedure so I had to sit and wait before they could send me home. But, I'm home now and just chillin'. I'm on the decaf train for two weeks and my beta is on the 14th. Won't be long now (I hope).
Hi everyone! I have been so super negative that I just had to stay away for awhile! I literally lost my sense of humor for a bit. Ugh! I'm the worst at pregnancy. The worst. Long story short, my sickness came back 2 weeks ago, I'm back on iron pills, and I have little contractions that come and go whenever they feel like it. Hemroids back full force, and acid reflux like you wouldn't believe. I can't even drink water without getting a flamed up in there! Bed rest is extremely boring and I never thought I'd say this but thank god for my husbands ex wife. She took the kids extra last week to give me a break! Whew!

ANYWAY! I have been trying to keep up but it's so funny, (and weird) my ipad gives me nausea! Even when I check Facebook I can't be on scrolling for more than 2 mins...

Terri! I was secretly hoping your transfer was last week so when I came back there would only be a week to wait. Haha, I'm so selfish! I hope everything is feeling positive in there! I remember that horrible urge to pee on the RE. I actually told him if he was gonna keep pushing, he'd better watch out! Oh, and soooo great you get Fun back! I had a dream about you last night actually. It made me jump on here and stalk!

Amy, I'm so glad you got your positive! Yay!! Sorry you're feeling yucky but yay because it's your BABY making you feel this way! That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

Hope everyone else is feeling good! Anxious for your next step Lady!!

Jkb, what a stressful time with the bleeding! I always joke with my friends about how I don't get a period like they do but I've worn a liner everyday of my pregnancy because of cervical poor thing with constant bleeding. I really hope it stops and stays away. Sounds like your dr has a good handle on it thank goodness!

Moni you are almost there! My dr thinks I'll go closer to 36 weeks so we might be pretty close! I'm trying to abide by her bed rest rules but I'm going crazy!!

Oh and we had my baby shower the other weekend. It was so nice and if people want to throw you a baby shower and your mother wants to invite people you don't know, let her. You get so much fun stuff! Even if they don't stick to the registry. Lol my mom, DH and I went the very next day to get things I didn't get off my registry (like the breast pump) and then I threw up everywhere and my mom cleaned it up. And THAT was the return of my sickness. Yuck! I checked with my insurance because my dr told me to ask about coverage for a breast pump if she wrote a script. They said not until 2016 and I yelled "but I'm having a baby NOW!". They didn't care. But it doesn't hurt to ask. Also, if you're interested in cord banking and you or DH is a physician you can save like 700 bucks! Let's see...what else have I learned. Pepcid 2 times a day is helpful. Milk with some honey in it helps the reflux. Your baby can move to the head down position and move right back up giving you your breech baby anxiety back. They do play in your ribs making it hard to breathe sometimes. A body pillow makes sleep better. Lol Epsom salt baths shrink hemroids and make them feel better. Oh! And you really CAN see the foot print through your stomach and it's pretty amazing! This baby girl moves all day everyday. DH will talk to her and poke my stomach and she will hit him (well, me) back full force. It's all fun and games til she squeezes my bladder. Her nursery is all done and ready. I even have her hospital bag packed! I'm ready for anything at this point. The contractions aren't too painful most times but then the low ones really kind of make me stop and gasp for air. Practice makes perfect I suppose!
Terri - :happydance: YAY for having 3 embies on board!! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait until the 14th!!

JCM - It's so good to hear from you. I'm sorry you started getting sick again. That really blows. But not much longer and your little sweetheart will be here :yipee:
Terri - I'm so happy that the transfer went well. Now, come on April 14th and get here!!!! :) It sounds like you had some really strong embies this time around, huh? What did the doctor have to say?

JCM - so good to hear from you. wow. You poor thing. I don't blame you for hiding away. That little girl is making things tough for you! Just hang in there. It'll all be worth it.
Jen-thank you so much for checking in with us, but then I felt bad because you wrote that long message and you probably were just feeling terrible. I can't believe how rough of a time you've had, BUT, it will be worth it in 62 days. :) Thanks for the pregnant mom tips too. hee hee. Those are always helpful. I hope your dream about me was a good one. I'm pleased that Fun is back too. Yesterday he was quite a handful, but I think it was just because he was constipated. :dog: He was better this morning.

Oh and that's great that you had a wonderful shower. I'm sure getting all those gifts is really fun, and eating cake/cupcakes and yummy food. Anyway, continue to check in when you can. We love hearing from you.
First of all.....

Terri!!! So happy you have three great quality embies on board. I can't wait for the 14th. Congrats lady!

Jen- hang in there. It will all be worth it soon. It was good to hear from you. Why are the Drs thinking you will deliver early?

Amy- sorry you're sick Hun. But glad it's for a good reason. Feel better.

Sorry I have been Mia. I was actually admitted to the hospital. I have had a large dermoid on my left ovary for a few years now. I asked my RE to remove it numerous times because it can cause complications with pregnancy but she never wanted to do it. Well I was asleep and woke in severe pain a little after midnight. I assumed all night I was miscarrying due to my history. I never thought about the dermoid. Anyways, was seen as soon as the office opened and because of the weight of the dermoid I had an ovarian torsion. Got admitted to hospital where they did another US. It was happening intermittently so dr gave me option of going to surgery or waiting and hoping it doesn't happen again. I decided to wait, but if it happens around 20 weeks then it is even more dangerous for baby because, the surgery can irritate the uterus and cause labor to start. So praying it doesn't happen, and I can just have it out when I have a c section to deliver.
On a side note, while they were checking other labs I had them draw a progesterone level as I just stopped taking all my meds. When I had the last big bleed about 3 weeks ago my level was 39. At that time I was still taking 2 ml of progesterone a night. Well my level as of Monday night was 19:( ob dr doesn't seem to care. I have put a call in to my RE just to double check. But do you girls know what your Drs like to see after you are done with your meds???? I took my last shot of 1 ml on Sunday nightbut had only done one ml every other day for the week.
jkb-Oh wow...I'm so glad you're ok. That had to be so scary. Are you sure you don't want to have it taken out now? It seems like such a risk, but obviously, I certainly don't know. I guess you have six weeks to figure out if it's going to be ok in there. Are you definitely having a c-section?

Oh, so as I waiting for the doctor to come in to do my transfer, i was looking around at everything trying to distract myself. Then I saw the fire exit plan and thought 'can you imagine having a fire/fire drill when you're ready for transfer? What do you do?' Then after the transfer, while waiting for the catheter to be checked, I asked the nurse, and she said 'I would leave. The patient may be on their own if they want to wait around for the catheter to be cleared, but I'm getting out.' HA!!HA!! I'm just thankful that no one pulled the fire alarm. Also, the doctor said that people have peed on him before. :haha: BWwwaaahahaa.. I could hardly laugh (or I would have been a statistic), but I sure felt like it.
The safest time to have the surgery is in the 2nd trimister but it can still cause complications and I just don't want to risk it since it is self corrected for the moment... I'm almost certain I will have a repeat section. They did give me the option since my son is so old and I have only had the one surgery. One positive note the dr did say once I get to third trimister things are usually wedged so tight in there that it doesn't happen often.

Your story cracked me up:) once I was chaperoning a dr while he did the pelvic exam on a teenage girl and she kept saying "I have to pee" well the dr acknowledged her by saying OK. She thought he meant ok, go ahead. She peed all over him. I couldn't contain myself. I was dying laughing in the corner of the room.
jen - sorry so many issues. Why are you on bed rest? Let the countdown begin.

jkb - so much drama! I just wish you could have an easy time with this. I have no idea on the P levels. I stopped mine same day as my ob appt. I assume she checked my levels that day but no one seemed concerned about me stopping.

terri - only you! I do have random thoughts like that when it kept snowing! I was like I am getting my transfer. And my husband almost rear ended someone on the way there. I told him I would have the cop take me to the dr & leave him behind!
Good morning ladies,
Wow, lots happening!

First, jkb, so sorry you are going through this. Man, this has been a tough pregnancy for you girl. That must be scary to always be going through something! It's a good thing you are a nurse because you seem much more knowledgeable than the average preggo lady! Hang in there.

And Jen - SO good to hear from you! You are not having an easy time either. Gosh, sorry about all the sickness and pain from hemorrhoids. I can't imagine being on bed rest, I'd get bored and fidgety real quick. And no iPad?? That's the worst!! ;) I hope you feel better soon and your girl eases up on ya a bit. P.s. it's crazy to imagine a little foot pressing on your belly!

Terri - I love your new pic! The blue dress is so gorgeous and springy. You make me want to refresh my pic to something more fun. I'll see what I've got. And LOL about the peeing on the doc. I cannot imagine all they've seen/experienced. Not sure if its a profession I would like. Can't wait till the 14th!

Amy - sorry you're feeling crummy. :(

Beagle - hubs will be home tomorrow, right? I bet you're excited!

Sars - sorry you have to work on a Saturday. No bueno. Good luck with the paint - let us know how it looks!

Booger - how are you doing??

Afm, I am sitting here listening to 90's music at my desk and it is cracking me up. Backstreet boys, Spice Girls, Goo Goo Dolls,, the Offspring. It's taking me back down memory lane!

I heard back from my nurse re: the PGS. Luckily it is covered by insurance, so we are going to move forward with it. They will biopsy the embryos on Monday, then we'll get results in 5 days. I'm really nervous. What if none of them make it? I suppose it would be a good thing to know now rather than after three failed rounds. But still nervous about it.

Today is my aunt's funeral so leaving work a little early. My parents and my sister are going to be picking me up from work. It's so weird, I don't remember the last time we all four rode in a car together, just the four of us. It'll be fun tho (minus the whole funeral part).

And the beach house search is moving forward!! We are going down not this weekend but next to look at some places. We found a real estate agent and got lender approval. So excited!!

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