First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks Ladies. Beagle, dh summed it up by saying that I have a fine sense of propriety and a strong sense of obligation that some people just don't have. I go overboard with gifts and his SIL and my SIL do such a half-assed job. Who gets regular clothes for a prego girl at Christmas? And by regular I mean a sweatshirt and short shorts made of flannel???? I got her a fur vest that she adored and had been wanting. Never again. I'm not breaking my back with the effort going forward...we are the only ones with kids and a mortgage and we put time, money and effort into things for them. It pains me b/c Jack will not get to see his cousin often enough to have a real relationship, but my nephew will see his cousins on her side all the time. She has always been lazy and doesn't make an effort coming up here using work as an excuse. Working 3 days a week in my book leaves 4 to do what you need and want to do which means we are not a priority if we can make the time with our crazy schedules.

Sars, I drove down in the Fall before I got prego. I was in the city at my RE on a weekend so the appt was early lik 7am, and I drove another 60 miles to see them for a few hours. I went alone and made the trip back which can be brutal...3hrs to go 77 miles. But that's fine if we get to see them....not like I am asking or expecting them to come up here. It just makes me realize that when I have baby #2, we will never see them.

As for what I am taking on...I just hate the idea of spending $$ to have someone clean the house, but if I am ever going to get back to the gym I need all the spare time I can grab. I don't really do anything for myself unless you count getting my nails done 2x/month. I went onece and this woman was sitting next to me and I sighed and said how I miss being pampered...she said this wasn't pampering, it was maintenance. Ha! Must be nice!
Quick update from me..the doctor called EEK! He said 'I left a message on your cell, so you can listen to that....yourembryosalllookfine, bye.' He freaks me out!!
Two are 8 cell and one is 9 cell so they are right on track. Can I do this yet, :happydance: HA!!HA!!
Quick update from me..the doctor called EEK! He said 'I left a message on your cell, so you can listen to that....yourembryosalllookfine, bye.' He freaks me out!!
Two are 8 cell and one is 9 cell so they are right on track. Can I do this yet, :happydance: HA!!HA!!

Woohoo!!!!! Go embies go!!!!
Hooray, Terri!!! I've been stalking the thread all weekend and today! Definitely worthy of a few :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I'll try to respond properly later today or tomorrow morning. Feeling like poo lately and it makes me a super lazy bum. Sorry!
Hooray, Terri!!! I've been stalking the thread all weekend and today! Definitely worthy of a few :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I'll try to respond properly later today or tomorrow morning. Feeling like poo lately and it makes me a super lazy bum. Sorry!

Join the club! I can't believe you are already almost 8 weeks!
Yeeeeeeeeeeah Terri! Will you hear again from the doc today before your transfer tomorrow?
Well...the first time I think he called me the morning of, which also freaked me out, and I can't remember what he did the other two times. I'll assume that all will be ok, and if I only have one to transfer, that will be fine.

The nurse is giving me some of the Endometrin that she has laying around, and I told her that of course, if I get prego, I will gladly pay for more, but I don't want to get a huge order for only two weeks.

And...drum roll please...Fun is coming back today! I'm so excited I can't even contain myself. I don't even want to do work. HA!!HA!! The vet at Pet ER said he's fine, but the vet at the spca said he wants him to return to foster for 4-6 more weeks just to ENSURE that he doesn't reinjure his leg. They don't need to know that my husband and he roughhouse every night. It's mandatory for them to get their energy out, so I know that Fun is ready to go, but I'll gladly accept him back. I still have some of his stuff out because I was sad to put it away. Yippee!!
Yay for the good news Terri - both the embies and Fun!!! Good vibes for your transfer tomorrow!!
Fun will probably put you in a good mental state for transfer...puppies always bring smiles :)
Yay Terri! Excited for you to have Fun back. It's amazing how much love and happiness dogs can bring to a household. When I see my pup every day when I get home, I can actually feel my stress melt away. This sounds really cheesy but my heart swells with joy when I watch him frolic and play, and just being generally happy. My fave is when he chills on my lap when I'm driving and his little muzzle is sticking out the window. He loves feeling the sun and the wind in his face. Hehe. I am sure Fun is not quite a lap doggie, but I bet he enjoys car rides (most dogs do)! Also woohoo on the great embryo progression! That is good news! And transfer is right around the corner! How are you feeling, are you excited?

BabyW - sorry you're having home stresses. I heard a news story the other day about working moms versus stay-at-home moms. The interviewer asked the moms, "have you ever met a mom who said, 'I've got it ALL figured out!'?" They all laughed and said, "If she exists, I'd like to meet her." That made me think. It's one of those things that you never feel like you've got it all under control, or all figured out. I suppose it's just part of being a parent! But ugg, sorry your DH is not helping out more. I am a huge proponent of therapy. We had to do pre-marital counseling (to be married in Catholic church), and I loved it. We didn't have many problems before getting married, but it was nice to discuss little things that we perhaps don't see eye to eye on. And you guessed it - division of housework was one of those topics. We left there with a "chore chart" and agreement to adhere to the chart as much as possible. It did help me realize all that DH does.
Yay Terri! Excited for you to have Fun back. It's amazing how much love and happiness dogs can bring to a household. When I see my pup every day when I get home, I can actually feel my stress melt away. This sounds really cheesy but my heart swells with joy when I watch him frolic and play, and just being generally happy. My fave is when he chills on my lap when I'm driving and his little muzzle is sticking out the window. He loves feeling the sun and the wind in his face. Hehe. I am sure Fun is not quite a lap doggie, but I bet he enjoys car rides (most dogs do)! Also woohoo on the great embryo progression! That is good news! And transfer is right around the corner! How are you feeling, are you excited?

BabyW - sorry you're having home stresses. I heard a news story the other day about working moms versus stay-at-home moms. The interviewer asked the moms, "have you ever met a mom who said, 'I've got it ALL figured out!'?" They all laughed and said, "If she exists, I'd like to meet her." That made me think. It's one of those things that you never feel like you've got it all under control, or all figured out. I suppose it's just part of being a parent! But ugg, sorry your DH is not helping out more. I am a huge proponent of therapy. We had to do pre-marital counseling (to be married in Catholic church), and I loved it. We didn't have many problems before getting married, but it was nice to discuss little things that we perhaps don't see eye to eye on. And you guessed it - division of housework was one of those topics. We left there with a "chore chart" and agreement to adhere to the chart as much as possible. It did help me realize all that DH does.

It's more my fault since I take on too much and he has let me b/c I can be fanatical about clean floors when I'm prego. His schedule is tough too since he works when he comes home from the office. He has his list of things he wants to get done, but I have to ask for help...I try and take advantage of Jack's naps to get stuff done but we could accomplish more if we divided and conquered. Dh does his own laundry since he doesn't believe in separating colors and whites and he puts everything in the dryer which is fine. He would destroy my clothes. When the baby comes he will have no choice but to help feed and bathe Jack and help with house errands like food shopping, since I will be nursing. Since I meet the Nanny at 6 I rush home from the train and can't run to the store. I have to ask dh to go to the pharmacy or pick up milk if we run out. It's a tough sitch b/c he doesn't like when I delegate but then he also doesn't like when I get upset that he doesn't help. He says he can't read my mind and I should just ask. :dohh: He certainly doesn't mind runningh to the store for his fav snack and beer...he just needs to be more in a team or WE mindset which is hard when you've lived on your own until you were in your early 30s...he will step up when he's faced with no other choice. He's a little immature and selfish from the way he was raised...only thing he had to worry about was getting straight As and having fun. Everything was done for him and his bros. I had chores starting at 5yrs old when my Mom went back to work.
My dogs & cats are just the love of my life. They are so full of excitement to see me. I am really looking forward to when my husband comes home to see their reaction. They def feel his absence. Even my cat feels a little off. People who think dogs have no feelings are just nuts. And one of my dogs actually is not a fan of the car. He likes the idea of going somewhere. But then he goes to sleep. They are pretty great traveling dogs for the most part. My mom has 2 dogs & I often say me & my sister take a back seat to the dogs & the grandkids.

I don't think most of us have being an adult figured out completely. Adding in parenting is just like whoa! Therapy is def a good thing & communication is key. I am getting some people telling me what to do as a parent. I am just thinking can I try to enjoy being pregnant? One lady was telling me to make my own baby food & cloth diapering. I said I do not plan to do that. Nothing wrong with it, but I have decided to spend as little time with things like that as possible. I will make sure my child gets healthy food, but I am not staying up or spending my weekends blending food & freezing it. Nothing wrong with it...but I don't want to set such high standards for least not yet. Similac was doing a program a little bit ago about respecting other moms & their choices. I think that is very important. We are not all going to do things the same...but we shouldn't judge as long as we are taking care of our kids & loving them.

Oh...quick update for me...I FINALLY got the heart beat on my doppler! Erin I tried it lower & it worked...but honestly it kept going in & out so I really don't think I would have found it any earlier.
Fun is actually my first foster dog that I have allowed to sit in the passenger seat. I have to connect the seatbelt because of his weight, but he sits there like a human. I'll attach a picture so you can see it. He is SOOO good and yes, dogs bring unconditional love.

With our church, we also had to go through pre-marital counseling and it was good to talk about things that he (or I) didn't want to talk about when it was just the two of us. I guess having that unbiased ear in the room was helpful, but we did find out about how each of us were raised, our expectations, money (ugh!), raising kids etc..I found it quite helpful. We were supposed to go back and do an annual checkup, but we never did. Maybe once we're past all this fertility stuff we can go back.

Yes, I'm excited for tomorrow. 1pm is the transfer time, so I'll report back when I get home.

Oops. I forgot to add the picture. Here it is. Oh and I thought I had the one of him in the car on my computer, but it's still on my phone. Oh well. here's his face...just imagine the background being a seatbelt and some scenery. hee hee.


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Awe, he is so cute! He looks smaller than a pitbull. Is he mixed with anything?
Not sure. They always say pit mix so people are more likely to adopt them. the one crazy things about dogs is that they don't talk to you! So I'll never know. Ha ha.

Oh, and a friend told me the other day that God folds a dog's ear over so he can spot the good ones. I thought that was so sweet. Fun is just snoozing away. He's so happy to be back. Now he can rest too. The shelter is probably a nightmare when it comes to catching some zz's.
I am chillin on the couch with my 3 right now. Love it. They miss their too cuz I am hungry but really not feeling like cooking. I just had a dreadful 3 way conversation with insurance. Too much to go in to but basically my prescription folks are morons & even my insurance rep knows it. They sent a case up to senior management. I sure hope they know WTF to do. Jeez. I just want to say look at my medical & med I really look like a woman who deserves your shit right now? I have paid out & paid out...I just want what is fair.

Oh Terri if you need more E, be sure to ask your nurse if they have any coupons...back when I had to get it in Dec they had a coupon out there.
Thanks for the tip. She's going to give me a couple week's worth tomorrow and we'll cross the other bridge when we get to it.
Terri - Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! It's your day. Sending you so many good vibes today! Treat yourself to a nice warm meal afterwards. :flower: Oh, and Fun is TOO CUTE. :)

Babyw - I totally hear you about the delegating vs. not issue. Sometimes I feel like I have to tell my DH to do things and it makes me feel like his mother! So annoying. That said, for the most part, he's pretty good about helping.

Beagle - I'm sorry about your insurance - that's never fun to deal with. How long is your DH away for?

Hi everyone else! Nothing to report, except that I think I need to get on it and finally buy some maternity pants. Do you all wear the front full panel, side panel - what kind? I'm totally lost.
Today is the day!! The doctor just called, and he laughed at me because I always tell him that he's freaking me out by calling. He sighs a lot, so it's always super stressful.

The results are in and there are still three. One is excellent, one is high and one is high-medium. So...based on my previous results, we're going to put all three back and pray it works. He said 'Hopefully I'll be calling you in two weeks to say congrats.' I agreed. Transfer is at 1pm today.

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