First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Lady - sorry about your aunt. But sometimes funerals are a good time to spend time with family & reconnect.

Goo Goo Dolls & Offspring are 2 of my favorites!

Hubs does come home tomorrow. I cannot wait! I am hoping to have some energy to clean up a bit this evening. But I also have to take my pup to the vet for her vaccines. We will see. I leave early tomorrow to get my hair cut then I am off to the airport! Then after I am hoping for some pizza & tv time on the couch!!! But I am sure my husband is also dying to use the doppler again.
Thanks girls. I would love just to be able to enjoy being preggo. I seriously never get sick, the only issues I've had is the miscarriages but my body seems to be making up for all the missed times now. On a positive note the bleeding has been completely absent for a week and 1 day now:) and the subchorionics both looked better on US.

Lady- awesome news about Pgs being covered for you! It will definitely save alot of heart ache and worry if you know the one you have put in is healthy! Can't wait for your transfer.
Lady - I also meant to say you will be happy you did PGS. Even if they all come bacl abnormal, at least you didn't go through the heartbreak & time & money with FETs. How many IVF cycles will your insurance case you need another one. But I don't think you will. Just think I had 5 go down to 2. Not all our eggs are good ones...we just have to find the right one. Erin knows all about that!
Lady-Enjoy the time with your whole family in the car. It is like old times except everyone's bigger! hee hee. Sorry again about your aunt. Hopefully she's at peace wherever she is. Thanks for the compliments on my picture. I realized that I only have a few pics on my computer at work, so that will have to do. My martini drinking days are over for a while, so no more looking at the picture of it looking so yummy. Booo...hee hee. Oh and awesome news about your beach/off-beach house.

jkb-Awesome that you haven't had any bleeding. Let's hope it stays that way.

So I was looking at a blog today called 'IVF and running' and this woman who runs tons of marathons and such outlined what she did running wise during her ivf process. Then she also had some bump pics. At 20 weeks her stomach had the tiniest little bump. The only way I noticed it was because she had the 20 week picture next to it. If I could go 20 weeks without having a belly that would be awesome. That would put me into mid August. And come fall/winter...I could just hide under sweaters. Who knows why I'm even thinking about that now, but I'm bored today so I have to find random things to look up. hee hee.
Good morning ladies,
Wow, lots happening!

First, jkb, so sorry you are going through this. Man, this has been a tough pregnancy for you girl. That must be scary to always be going through something! It's a good thing you are a nurse because you seem much more knowledgeable than the average preggo lady! Hang in there.

And Jen - SO good to hear from you! You are not having an easy time either. Gosh, sorry about all the sickness and pain from hemorrhoids. I can't imagine being on bed rest, I'd get bored and fidgety real quick. And no iPad?? That's the worst!! ;) I hope you feel better soon and your girl eases up on ya a bit. P.s. it's crazy to imagine a little foot pressing on your belly!

Terri - I love your new pic! The blue dress is so gorgeous and springy. You make me want to refresh my pic to something more fun. I'll see what I've got. And LOL about the peeing on the doc. I cannot imagine all they've seen/experienced. Not sure if its a profession I would like. Can't wait till the 14th!

Amy - sorry you're feeling crummy. :(

Beagle - hubs will be home tomorrow, right? I bet you're excited!

Sars - sorry you have to work on a Saturday. No bueno. Good luck with the paint - let us know how it looks!

Booger - how are you doing??

Afm, I am sitting here listening to 90's music at my desk and it is cracking me up. Backstreet boys, Spice Girls, Goo Goo Dolls,, the Offspring. It's taking me back down memory lane!

I heard back from my nurse re: the PGS. Luckily it is covered by insurance, so we are going to move forward with it. They will biopsy the embryos on Monday, then we'll get results in 5 days. I'm really nervous. What if none of them make it? I suppose it would be a good thing to know now rather than after three failed rounds. But still nervous about it.

Today is my aunt's funeral so leaving work a little early. My parents and my sister are going to be picking me up from work. It's so weird, I don't remember the last time we all four rode in a car together, just the four of us. It'll be fun tho (minus the whole funeral part).

And the beach house search is moving forward!! We are going down not this weekend but next to look at some places. We found a real estate agent and got lender approval. So excited!!

Will be thinking of you, funerals are never fun but at least it will be behind you by the holiday...and that will make for a good distraction. Awesome news about moving fwd with the beach house, I wish we could afford one here but normal homes near us hover around 1mil, and beach homes in nice areas are twice if we moved down south and could have 2 homes for 1mil, that would be awesome. Maybe one day. Good thing you are approved too, lenders are getting more strict with the docs they require for loans.

Amy, sorry you're feeling crummy. It will pass. Rest, hydrate and do whatever you can to feel better.

Terri, yeah for 3 on board!!! Your story made me almost pee...I was getting up last night every 90min and barely drank anything but a sip to take my prenatals. I hope you're feeling good, sending bfp vibes to you!

Jkb, that is a dicey situation for sure...have you thought about a 2nd opinion? I pray you don't have to have the surgery, but if you do have faith that all will be ok. They are very resilient in there and protected.

Jen, yeah for popping on. Sorry the nightmare of side effects is back. I'm glad you got good stuff for your shower, but boo for your ins co not covering the pump. I got a 2nd one from Aeroflow for $75 thru insurance which was just the motor, tubes and cups...I kept it at work and the full one at home. Nursing is the part I dread the most...Jack had no patience for a latch and wanted fast flow asap. I pumped then fed mostly which took a long time. I hope baby girl does better...but if my boobs don't stop growing it will be tough...hard to latch on to bigger ones and I have short nips, who knew! I hope all the ick feelings subside will all be worth it and you'll be ready to do it again.

How's everyone else?

Afm, besides peeing every 90min, Jack got up crying at 4:45am...I am just not meant to sleep this week it seems. I am working from home tomorrow since it's a half day, and then going to 2 car dealerships to look at a bigger car. My Audi suv is a little cramped with 2 car seats making it hard to drive since I am tall, and I want the ability to sit in between them on car trips in case one has a meltdown.

So I have a funny, TMI story. I came home early yesterday in hopes of a nap before my chiropractor appt. The nanny was walking down the driveway taking Jack for a walk with the neighbors daughter and nanny. I go inside and walk up to the master bathroom. Dh was home prepping for this deposition and has been for 2 weeks, reviewing 39000 documents and going bleary eyed. He and I share a weird trait...studying or doing research makes our libido go thru the roof. I can't explain it, but when I had to study for my last license exam I would take little "happy breaks" as I would call them. He would have to keep me focused and say, ok at the end of the next chapter we can take a break, but then you have to do 5 more chapters or a test exam. Well it seems I caught dh by, um surprise! :blush: :haha: I saw the door to his office closed and I knocked but them opened it...his pants were unbuttoned and the look on his face was absolutely priceless. I had all I could do to make it back to our room before I grabbed a pillow and laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. Remember the giggle fits I get. I couldn't stop laughing and I was muffling it the best I could when I heard "I know you're laughing in there", and I swear I thought I was going to explode. My face got super red from laughing so hard...he walks by the room and says that he found the only spare moment when no one was around and got busted. He was mortified, but I told him if he never did that there would be something wrong with him. The bad part was he turned to me and said "well' you're home now, why don't we.." and the front door opens and the nanny is bringing Jack inside and I had to leave for the chiro.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's caught their dh by surprise like this. Was it bad that I found it absolutely hilarious?
Jen - sorry you have it so rough! I alternate between bad heart burn and back aches. I had a prenatal massage over the weekend and that was really nice! We can have twins! I have a nonbiological twin - My mom met this woman in Lamaze class when she was pregnant with me and it turned out that we were born on the same day - PLUS I was born in the hospital her mom was born in and she was born in the hospital my mom was born in! Crazy how things like that can happen.

BabyW - I haven't actually caught hubby - but I know when he is likely to and check the internet history on the laptop if you know what I mean...and yes it is definitely hilarious!

Terri is PUPO!!!

Hi to everyone else.

So - had an ultrasound and the tech surprised me with a 3D pic!! (I can't figure out how to rotate the pic in the post...) He was smiling just before she snapped the pic. Big boy is measuring 5lbs6oz. I also had a non-stress test this morning and apparently I have to drink more water because (even though I wasn't feeling them) I was having contractions every 2 minutes! Big boy passed with flying colors though. I am into weekly appointments now! Ahh. I still have so much to do (especially compared with Jen). Next weekend is the weekend we have planned to put all of the baby's stuff away and figure out what we still need to buy and stuff (that's when his dresser arrives.)


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Jen - sorry you have it so rough! I alternate between bad heart burn and back aches. I had a prenatal massage over the weekend and that was really nice! We can have twins! I have a nonbiological twin - My mom met this woman in Lamaze class when she was pregnant with me and it turned out that we were born on the same day - PLUS I was born in the hospital her mom was born in and she was born in the hospital my mom was born in! Crazy how things like that can happen.

BabyW - I haven't actually caught hubby - but I know when he is likely to and check the internet history on the laptop if you know what I mean...and yes it is definitely hilarious!

Terri is PUPO!!!

Hi to everyone else.

So - had an ultrasound and the tech surprised me with a 3D pic!! (I can't figure out how to rotate the pic in the post...) He was smiling just before she snapped the pic. Big boy is measuring 5lbs6oz. I also had a non-stress test this morning and apparently I have to drink more water because (even though I wasn't feeling them) I was having contractions every 2 minutes! Big boy passed with flying colors though. I am into weekly appointments now! Ahh. I still have so much to do (especially compared with Jen). Next weekend is the weekend we have planned to put all of the baby's stuff away and figure out what we still need to buy and stuff (that's when his dresser arrives.)

Love the pic!!! Looks like one cute and healthy baby! I cannot wait to see the 3D of baby girl. I like the name Emma but I also like Hadley...dh may win this one. Definitely drink water and have some salt and potassium so you don't get leg cramps. I can't believe how fast time has flown for you and Jen!
WOW Moni! That is crazy, you can really see her face. Amazing stuff. Yay, you are getting close!

BabyW - I laughed out loud. Seriously. Your hubs would probably kill you if he knew you were telling us this! Haha. Thankfully NO - I've never walked in on DH. He actually doesn't do it much, if at all. I kinda wish he DID then he wouldn't be always wanting it. He is the horniest guy I've ever been with. LOL. I am thankful for it though, I've also had the alternative with an ex (I was the hornier of the two of us) and that is no bueno. I'd rather be wanted more than I want him. DH would be happy if I put out twice a day. I'm like, give me a break dude! There is no baby-making that is happening when we do it, so I have less of an incentive! Hehe.
BabyW-that is hysterical. My husband only does that when it's time to give a sample. Otherwise he just waits for me. Not sure how he can be so patient, but whatever. I would've died screaming/laughing if i was in that situation.

Lady-I forgot to say that I'm thrilled to hear your pgs will be covered. Awesome!! I called the clinic today and they said I can get a refund for the deposit I put down. Well, I really told them that I would like a refund. It's in the paperwork that I signed. They probably wait for the patient to say something. Who knows though. I'll take all the money I can get.

Moni-wow. He looks so great. I'm glad you were able to get the 3d. I'll admit, sometimes the pictures scare me because I can't figure out what I'm looking at, but I tilted my head and saw his face immediately. Thanks for sharing with us.
Oh my gosh BabyW!! I laughed so hard! I've never caught DH but I imagine it would have went down exactly the same! So funny!
I'm so nervous for breastfeeding. I hope I'm awesome at it being that im not awesome at being pregnant. I really wanted to enjoy this time. I thought it was going to be so fun. Haha boy was I wrong! Oh and I don't know if anyone remembers but my inlaw drama is going much better. Tiny steps forward but progress!!

Somebody asked I think beagle...I'm on the bed rest because of these crazy contractions. I guess they are happening more frequently than my dr likes. Also she thinks I'll go early because of it. Hey maybe I'll get a super awesome labor!? Wouldn't that be great! Dhs ex had all 3 of her girls at 37 weeks and they were all 7 pounds. Maybe I'll be the same. I saw her the other day and she was saying how she loved being pregnant. I'm like well that's nice you weirdo! But then she complained about her stretch marks she got right away. I was like oh? I don't have any of those so HA! Ok I didn't say the ha part...

I've been in bed all day and I'm so exhausted. Haha like really? What have I done today? Took my dogs out to pee and peed a million times myself. Whatever. I'm ordering this household pizza for dinner. I'm stepmother of the year over here. Meanwhile hubby did a bunch of surgeries today, had a legal trial run, and did an interview with channel 3 news. I'm a giant loser...growing a human...that kicks me all day long.

I feel like the 14th is so far away Terri. I have an appointment that day to measure the size of this baby so I'll have two things to look forward to!

Love the pic moni! I loved doing the 3d/4d. It was so cool to see her face. Looking all human like instead of skeletal! I can't wait for the rest of you girls to start feeling some movement. It's so crazy. There's a baby inside me! Lol! Kfs are you feeling anything yet? BabyW, you know what to look for so I bet she feel some stuff happening. Oh and I LOVE the name Hadley. My good friend named her baby that and she is just adorable. Emma was also on my list.
Oh I meant to say yay for pgs lady!!! Your DH sounds like mine. Always wants to do it. He insists that he really can't take care of himself. I'm like come onnnnn! Just do it in the shower or something. I'm too tired. And fat. And constipated. I seriously tell him all the gross stuff happening with my body and he's still horny. Good lord!
Jen - I think even though the pregnancy has been rough, you are still enjoying the important parts...seeing & feeling her move. Glad the in law drama is getting better.

I don't have much else. I haven't been feeling great. I think because I haven't been eating well the past few days. I am ready for my husband to be home to take care of me. It is so easy for me to not take care of myself when I am by myself. No one else to worry about so I just forget about certain things.

Terri I hope time flies for you. I know you don't plan on it is going to be killing us. Also why does your office have to wait so LONG! I think some do 10 days & others 14.
Hi girls!

So terri, congrats on being PUPO! I wanted to write sooner so badly, but every time I tried, an emergency popped up at work, I was getting so irritated, haha. Even though its April now, its still going... they have all of our qtrs end on a Fri. Something to do with having a certain number of days in each qtr, I dont understand it. But today is the last day! I am SUPER excited for you, and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your test day! Just curious, are you planning on cheating at all? You're usually super strong, so probably not, but I had to ask. :winkwink:

beagle, I'm sorry you're not feeling well and you've been missing your DH for a week. Is today the day he comes home?

Jen, girl.... I know you must be SO ready to have that baby! You've had such a rough go of it! But you do sound like you're enjoying the sweet bits of it. :) I can't wait until she's born, wuhu! So exciting that you're getting so close!

Ladysosa, such great news about the PGS being covered! And I'm super excited that you're doing that. I was so happy that I did it. Btw, hilarious how similar your friend's job sounds to mine! I started to wonder if she worked for the same company as me (which would mean I'd def know her), but since you're in Seattle, I don't think so, since I don't think my company has an office there. But the way you describe it, it sounds like the same identical job. That's too funny.

BabyW, hilarious story, haha! I haven't walked in on DH doing that, but to be honest, I have no idea when he does it... He's like LadySosa's DH, and really high maintenance for me, haha. But I'm gonna bet he had to do it a few times while I was in my first-tri since I felt so awful!

moni, awww!! Love that sweet little face!!

Oh, jkb, I'm so sorry about the new issue. It sounds like you and your doc have discussed at length though, and I'm sure they're giving you the best advice.

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, just glad today is the last day of my crazy time at work! Tonight, we're going with some friends to a comedy club. It's been a while since I've been to one, so I'm looking really forward to it. I still feel great. In fact, I'm hardly ever even tired, and no more headaches (at least not for a while). I have tons of energy, which is great, because I'm so productive around the house and at work. From what I hear, this could go away in the third-tri, so I'll just enjoy it while I can, and try to keep the momentum going!
beagle-Aww..your husband will be home soon. You guys are too cute. And yes, you better eat. You have a baby inside to look out for, and not having your husband around is no excuse! Luckily, he'll be home today. hee hee.

ERose-I was looking at the front page today deciding if I should test early. I think I will because I think I have two or three FRERs and a zillion wondflos that I hate. I just want to get rid of all that stuff, good or bad, so I probably will test early. That being said, I'm not telling you guys unless I can't contain myself. HA!!HA!! And what does early mean? I have no idea. I need to make sure this trigger is out so probably not until at least Opening Day for the Os at home, which is the 10th. Glad your busy time is over and that you're feeling great. I am so happy that all is going well.
Good morning, ladies!

I'm so far behind that I'll do my best to keep up.

Beagle - Hooray for your DH getting home today. I'm sure he'll be just as happy to see you as you are to see him.

Jen - I was so ecstatic to see you check in! I was worried about you. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a crappy pregnancy but maybe once Charli is here you'll forget all about how miserable it was. Bed rest sounds miserable. Ugh. Hang in there. The end is near! :haha:

Terri - I am going to die between now and April 14 waiting for your pregnancy test. Seriously. I'm glad that you have Fun back to keep you busy and distracted. Not that you need it since you have steel willpower when it comes to testing. If I can keep my fitness even remotely intact, I hope to run up to at least 20 weeks too. I am supposed to be on a relay team around that time so I'm hoping I can still run then! The legs are short, like 3-4 miles so it shouldn't be hard. But who knows?

Lady - How was the car trip with the whole fam? I can only imagine. It made me chuckle to picture all of you in there together. I hope the funeral was a nice memorial to your Aunt.

moni - Cute picture of baby boy! I can't believe how close are you are. I'm sure you'll get it all pulled together in time.

BabyW - Funny story. I bet your DH was embarrassed. :blush: I have never caught my DH doing the deed but I very well could soon as he isn't getting any from me.

jkb - I'm glad the bleeding has stopped but man, you have just had the worst time! So glad you have avoided surgery for now. Super scary. And it sounds just awful painful. You are one tough chica!

kfs - You've done well to avoid maternity pants up until now! How are you feeling otherwise?

Amy - Sounds like you and I are feeling pretty much the same. :sick: Sorry! I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse.

sars - Sorry you have to work tomorrow! I'll probably be putting in some hours this weekend as well. :nope:

That's as far back as advanced reply let's me go so I'm sure I missed someone - sorry!

Howdy to everyone else out there! :hi:

So yeah, I have been pretty much feeling like crap all the time. No puking just nauseated constantly. It's like I'm nursing the longest hangover of my life. But I know many have had it way worse than me so I'm just trying to cruise through it. The fatigue just makes me lazy. I'm hoping to get out for a run this afternoon. Exercise actually makes me feel better it's just getting out the door that is the hardest part.

I graduated from the RE on Wednesday. I had my last scan for awhile - at least I think so. Baby was measuring 8w2d which was 2 days ahead at the time - perfect! Heart rate was thumping away nicely too. I had to pick which doctor locally I wanted to switch too and that was difficult for me. The doctor I had been going to for all of my ultrasounds throughout my IVF is awesome but he (and the hospital he can deliver at) is 45 minutes away from where we live and I really want to deliver locally if I can. So I decided to start with my normal doctor as I really love her too and she can deliver babies. My local hospital is small but they have a brand new pregnancy/delivery wing and you get a free car seat! I know several people who have delivered there and been just fine so unless my doctor or I see a need to go back to Missoula, then I'm hoping to stay local.

Have a Happy Easter, everyone!
Booger - awesome on a free car seat!

Terri - if you do test early, be sure that trigger is GONE. I had always planned to test daily but my fresh was cancelled. You have to do what will keep you sane. I knew if I waited to test I would wonder if it was real or just the trigger. Good luck!

Yes I know I need to eat. But I am just so tired & no easy food in the house. I cooked hamburger meat last night before it would go bad & added it to some mac & cheese. That raw meat was almost making me gag. And I had getting fast food since I usually eat our for lunch. My dinner is usually the healthy meal. I just ate an hour ago & now starving again. It is so weird for me to feel this way. I've never been a big eater.

Three more hours of work! My new reports are in, so I have some stuff to keep me busy while bossman is away. It has been slow for us & I think he is annoyed seeing me do nothing. But what can I do about that? He is such a turd sometimes.
Hey ladies!

Erin & Booger thanks for checking in! We missed ya gals!

I am so mad. I just found out that the PGS testing is covered at 50%, and we have to pay it up front and then submit the claim for reimbursement. It's basically what most of you said, so it's not terrible coverage, I'm just annoyed at my clinic's financial lady that told me it was covered. She just said "it's covered" so I assumed that meant "at 100%" but I suppose I should've said, "and HOW is it covered?" Argh. So basically we have to come up with $2600 over the weekend. Beyond annoyed.
Lady-welcome to the world of credit cards. I hate how people always say stuff is covered when it is really not. That's why one has to ask again and again. My friend that is going through IUI right now told me that her prescription insurance is unlimited. I was jealous and happy, but recommended that she ask about specialty prescriptions and give them names. She gave them her IUI meds (Gonal f, ovidrel) and they were covered so hopefully if she does ivf they will also be covered. I don't understand how insurance is so different for everyone. I can see a state to state policy, but different for every company is just insane and, I think, quite a racket. Oh well, I'm not going to drop coverage because of my outrage. I'll just suffer in silence. Hee hee. Have a great weekend everyone.
Everyone's pretty quiet..nothing exciting going on?

Hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. I made shepherd's pie with lamb and ground beef yesterday for dinner, and for breakfast we had these little spinach, ham and cheese souffle thingies. Mm..mmm.. I got ramekins for Christmas, and had been wanting to try this recipe. Huge success. I made 6, so I brought one with me for breakfast and it was perfect. I might even say that it was better than the souffles I get every now and again from Panera Bread. I'll have to make more next weekend.

beagle-Your picture is starting to grow!
I figured everyone was enjoying their holiday, so I check periodically for updates. I actually made banana bread yesterday...dusted off the bread maker. I had some bananas about to go bad. I watch a lesbian couple who are TTC (actually just announced FET worked after 1 failed FET & a fresh failure!!!). They are always using their bread maker & it makes me feel so lazy...I want to do a lot more with is so easy.

Yes my pic is growing! And so am I. I will try to load a pic from my phone in a minute.

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