First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Add you can see I had some extra weight to begin with... But I think my belly is shaping more into a pregnant belly.


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Hi all,

Such a busy weekend - I'm soooo pooped today. My DH had spring break last week so he cleaned out the room that's going to be our nursery. We painted most of it on Friday but still have the trim to do. I realized after that pregos aren't supposed to really be exposed to paint so I guess he'll have to finish it up on his own. We also visited our first daycare which is an at-home daycare the road over from us. It was fine - just a reality check for what's to come financially I guess. Sat/Sunday we had 2 separate Easter get-togethers. I can't even tell you how much candy I ate. Absolutely disgusting. I'm on a sugar detox this week for sure.

Terri - The souffles sound amazing. How are you feeling?

Beagle - Cute bump pic. Mine's definitely becoming more noticeable, too. I'll take a pic later today.

Hi everyone else! Hope you're all doing well.
beagle-Yay!! You do have a little bump going on there. That long shirt accentuates it too. Your half smile cracks me up. It's like you're getting a passport picture taking and you don't REALLY want to smile.

kfs1-I'm unfortunately on jellybean overload as well. I figure, if I can't have a coffee, I can eat jellybeans. Not sure how true or good that is for me but I'm going with it. What color are you painting your nursery? Yes, I want to see pics too! I'm not feeling like anything. Just patiently waiting. Luckily baseball starts this afternoon for the Os so I can focus on that and then the big day on Friday, and then my beta soon after that. :juggle:

I trashed/cleaned out a lot of spare paperwork yesterday afternoon, and now I think it's time to redo my summer/winter closets. It's supposed to rain every day starting tomorrow, so I have a lot of indoor activities that I need/want to do.
Terri - you have to realize this is not just my husband snapping a pic...he is an amateur this is like after 2 or 3 pics & directions he is giving me. Plus I hate fake smile pics. Then he shows me the pic & wants to know if I am okay with it...I am just like whatever. He said my chins were showing. All I am thinking is it's only gonna get worse so least I can pretend it is all pregnancy doing it. He has to approve any pic I take of is so annoying.
Good morning ladies,
Beagle - cute pic! Definitely see that bump! Glad your hubby is back home.

Terri - YUM! You are so creative with cooking. Sometimes I wish I was a bit more imaginative, but DH and I both are not the most adventurous when it comes to food. Like lamb scares me. Even pork scares me. Haha. Maybe its just that I'm not too adventurous when it comes to meat.

Kfs - sounds like a fun, busy weekend! I'd love to see your bump pic!!

Afm, we had a productive weekend filled with cleaning and organizing. Whee! We broke out the pressure washer and went to town on our patio furniture, deck, walkways, driveway, etc. After our damp winter, moss and mildew starts to grow on everything. I also washed a bunch of windows and cleaned out the fridge/freezer. It felt good to do some spring cleaning. I'm so productive when I can't go out shopping/spending money!
We met up with my family for brunch yesterday. Finally got to meet my sister's mystery man. He'! Hehe. He seems really into her, so that's good. He's just really dorky and pretty awkward. Like one of those kinds of people that just kind of stares at you for longer than is normal. But hey, I'm not the one dating him! Haha. If she's happy, I'm happy.
My lil embies go off to get tested today. We'll get the results in 5 days. I'm nervous, but excited.
LadySosa-It was my first time cooking lamb, and it was ground lamb, so it wasn't so bad. Shepherd's pie is supposed to have lamb in it, but I have always just used ground beef. Since I went to Wegman's (do you have them yet?), they actually had ground lamb, so I thought that i would try it AND if it turned out gross, then I would just stick with ground beef. No biggie. hee hee. I liked it, though and now I wish I had bought more lamb because I honestly think it's seasonal (although kind of expensive). I just experiment..hee hee. I watch cooking shows, and then get the recipe and try it. It's kind of cool trying new items in the store and tasting them. I don't think I could make up a recipe, but I will substitute stuff in a recipe if I don't have it. That's fairly easy to do. I'm excited about your embies getting tested. This will save you so much drama. hee hee.

Speaking of drama-I now have a zit on my face from eating all those jellybeans. I guess I learned my lesson. I should have stayed away from them. :haha:
Terri, you always make me drool with the food you make! Especially now, when my appetite has been so good for the last 4 months, haha! So.... since you have those extra tests that you want to get rid of, have you decided how early you'll test? :winkwink: No, I won't bug you anymore, hehe! I was curious though, if you had tested out the trigger or not.

LadySosa, can't wait for your results! :thumbup: Good for you and the cleaning/organizing! I love when I'm motivated to do that, it feels great to have stuff like that done.

booger, sorry for the perpetual nausea! That has to be rough. Seems we've had a good percentage on this thread who've had to deal with that, huh? But congrats on graduating from your RE!! From that point on, for me, everything felt normal, almost like I managed to get prego on my own, LOL. The whole time I was going through the IVF stuff, I felt like such a science experiment, haha! So when I started seeing my OB, it was kinda nice to just be treated like a regular pregnant woman. ;)

beagle, cute pics! Thanks for sharing!

kfs, agreed on the daycare. We need to start that process at some point, because most of the ones in my area have waiting lists, so we'll need to pick our favorite and get on it. I actually really love the daycares around here, but yes, the cost is going to be astronomical. We're considering Montessori, but that will only go until around 3:30, I think.... so we'd still need aftercare until DH or I can pick him up after work.

Hello to everyone else! I'm finally FREE from quarter-end stuff! So a little more time to play. :) Since beagle shared a bump pic, I figured I'd go ahead and share too. I haven't been taking pics... in fact, I've only taken two this entire time. But this is the most recent, from a little over a week ago at about 19 weeks, I think...?


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Erin you look great. Another reason for me not caring too much on how I looked in my pic...I was just ready to be done with it because we planned to do weekly & those are the only 2 I have done. So I think I will try every 4 weeks or so...maybe line it up with my dr appointments. But still not sure.

I have looked in to day care & have 2 in mind. I don't really want to look any further...the price seems reasonable. I just need to do a tour. I also have a recomendation on one of them which is nice. My area seems to be filled with wanna be care providers. Like a day care on every corner. I could probably get a cheaper place, but the price is not my main concern. A lot of places look so gross just from the outside. One place we passed my husband was like oh look babe our kid can play in that big pile of dirt. It was just dirt & toys everywhere. No trees, no grass. But there is a brand new place opened on my road. I want to check it out just for convenience. But I am wondering if it is better for him to be closer to my work than my home. One place is super close & I could go on my lunch & do a feeding if I want...which would be nice when I am really missing him.

Terri - maybe your acne is hormones! You never know.

I am more trying to focus on my nursery. I had a huge jump start but now slacking with my husband gone that week & feeling tired in the evenings. My spare room you can't even get in to because of all the baby stuff lying around. I want to set up my furniture so I can organize. I feel like this time for me has gone too fast! I also want to start eating a lot better. I have been eating out too much at lunch...need to start brown save money & to eat better.

Work is so SLOW. Sorry if I jump on too much & annoy you guys. Only so much I can catch up on FB...also that is on my phone & I know my boss notices me on it. He knows I don't have anything going on...not my fault.
ERose-Yay for the picture. Today I will allow you to show us a picture in shorts. If you had shown us this picture last week, I think I would've driven down to FL and smacked you! It is finally in the 70s here, and I just took my coworker to pick up his car and I actually sweated a little, so I'm happy that it's shorts weather! Yeha!! I can put my stupid winter hat away. hee hee. Um..I'll look in the closet and check out my test collection. I'm not testing out the trigger. I think the earliest I would test would be this Friday. Most likely I'd test on Saturday. Nothing is going to bring me down on Friday. That gives me three days before my beta, and I should probably know by then. :wacko:

Beagle-You don't annoy me. I like having someone to play with during the day, so post away. Don't stress about not having the furniture complete for the nursery. I'm sure there will be one day when you're not as tired and you can make some progress. It's not a race anyway. Oh, and my bestie told me that it's better to have a daycare near your home because if you are feeling sick or don't go to work, you don't want to have to drag your kid all the way over to that side of town to return home and then have to go WAY back over there at the end of the day. Just a thought. Our acquaintance had twins, and her husband suggested having a daycare near home. She cried and cried and wanted to put them near her work. Then one day or two, one was sick and one wasn't, and she had to drive to work to drop the one kid off and then come home to be with the other one, etc... I think that changed her mind, and she put them both in daycare near the house. Actually..and soon after that, she stopped working altogether. HA!
Ok, terri, I'll be patient! Hehe! Glad the weather has warmed up for you guys!

beagle, you dont annoy me at all! Like terri said, it gives us someone to play with during the day. :) Especially now, when I've just come off a busy couple of weeks and I'm jonesin for girl talk.

Luckily, I live only a few miles from where I work right now, so whether I put my LO in a daycare closer to home or to work, it doesn't make much difference for us; however, we're sorta house hunting at the moment because at some point we want to move to a lakehouse, so we can keep our boat on our own dock, rather than paying to store it. The areas we're looking are a bit further out, but since I work from home one day a week, I'll def choose a daycare closer to my home. I'm not crazy enough to think that I can have a baby at home when I'm working (it would be difficult to take a con call with a screaming baby!)... I'll still have to take him to daycare on those days, so choosing one closer to home when we move, is likely the wiser decision for us.
Thanks Terri. If I had twins, I think I would probably end up staying at home. That is a good point...I was thinking about visiting him & also if there is a dr appt, I could pick him up 5 minutes away & drive to the dr which is 15 min or so. If closer to home it would be an hour just in driving back & forth. I guess there is positives & negatives with both.

My husband is at home watching th Yankees opener. Of course we are A-Rod husband called me & said A-Rod has someone else putting the black stuff under his eyes in the dugout...I was like give me a break! He must have left his compact in his other purse! I hate him so much! I wish I couls have watched the game...Joe Torre was throwing the first pitch.

The furniture doesn't stress me out really...I just would love to be able to walk in a completed nursery...I bet that would feel great. Maybe I will have my husband move the dressers tonight or tomorrow so I don't have to look at them & then at least my living room can look decent for now. Yesterday would have been a great day for nice outside.

Speaking of weather, I tried on some shorts...maternity...I do not think I will be wearing shorts this summer! Not appealing! But I have plenty of capris...I want to buy more dresses & skirts though...especially for our trip to the mountains in May.
Hey girls! Love all of the pics! I'll have to post one from my baby shower!
I'm secretly hoping you test early Terri!
Don't worry about the nursery for now, plenty of time for that! I started looking around 16 weeks and ordered my stuff shortly after and I now have a finished nursery! Hooray! I feel so organized. I'm going back on diclegis to help with my sickness so that makes me super happy! I'm determined to make these last 4-8 weeks pleasant...

I was laughing with one of my good friends this morning. He called to wish me a happy birthday and I said exactly one year ago I was so hungover (I had a big 30th birthday party at our house) and today I feel even more hungover than last year! Lol! It was so fun. We rented a taco stand and had margarita machines! I miss margaritas. I'll have one soon enough!

Lady that is so frustrating. Oh sure we cover that..,uhhhh no we don't. So dumb!

Here are my fav maternity pics from a couple weeks ago.
Who those are huge! Sorry I don't know how to make these smaller! Yikes!
Jen, ADORABLE. Thanks for sharing! You look great. I would never be able to tell that you feel like crap all the time, LOL! Really great maternity photos.
Thank you! It helps to have a friend do hair and make up. Makes you feel so much prettier!
Awe you guys all look so cute! Thank you for sharing! It's fun to see what you all look like in real life. :)

Haha people are probably wondering what the heck I am looking at on my computer at work! LOL!! Those were giant Jen! Haha.

As for the daycare near home vs. work debate: One of my old cowokers kept her son in a daycare near work. She liked it because she could spend time with him during the drive to work, and if she was stuck in traffic, then she wouldn't be late to pick him up. Also, she got to ride in the carpool lane while commuting. :) Just some things to consider!

Oh and beagle, no worries! I am bored at work most days, so that's why I am on here so much! Haha. It's nice to have others to play with.

Man, I keep thinking af should be here any day. Once she arrives, I can schedule the next FET. But of course she is taking her sweet ass time. Ha.

Oh, booger, forgot to say, sorry you're feeling so crummy! :(
Wow great pics everyone. I have done a total of 5 bump pics this entire time. Below is from yesterday.

I finally scheduled a professional shoot for 4/18 - hoping my turn out nice but I'm afraid I might have waited too long and feel crappy and not "pretty".

This weekend is baby prep weekend - setting up his furniture and putting away his stuff, FINALLY. I will also pack my hospital bag.

I still have to find a daycare. I am looking near my apartment mainly because hubby and I will take turns with pickup and drop off and my day rarely starts at my office. Pediatrician is also near home (unlike my docs) so that hubby could potentially take to appointments as well and so I am not driving all the way to my office area for the initial appointments while I am on leave.

Hope all is well. Hi to all!!


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Great pics Jen and Moni!! I hope your photo shoot goes well. You don't look like you would feel bad either so let's put it out in the universe that you'll be feeling just fine. Do you have an idea of what you're going to do? Like different settings and stuff like that?

What a fun picture day everyone. I wish I had a pic to share. Do you want to see my soufflés? Just kidding.
Love all the bump pics! Everyone looks awesome.

Hope all you ladies had a great holiday weekend.

Terri I can't wait for you to test.

Beagle you will want to shake me but I have not ordered of looked for stuff for the nursery yet. I need to get a move on and some places take 10 weeks to order and deliver. My head trader is out this week and it's school vacation so it might be slow enough for me to look for nursery ideas. Instead of a nautical theme like Jack's room I may do a very pale grey paint, white furniture with pink and grey accents with her initials as the focul point. I figure it's the smallest room of the house so too many patterns will just close in the room. If we do a monigrammed blanket, pillow on the glider and clean lines on the bedding it will look nice. We decided to leave Jack in his room even though he has custom built in closets, drawers and bookshelves. Baby girl can stay in the small room until I decide what to do with our second master bedroom...keep as guest room and make it also dh's office or make it into one of the kids rooms. I can only imagine the fights later on about who's room is bigger and why!

I'm suffering with allergies right now. Since the budding was delayed with snow the pollen count is double the norm. I hope you ladies don't have them! It's been a bad week of fatigue and fighting to stay awake past 9.

Night night lovelies. Hope everyone is feeling good and getting excited for some babies to be born on this list. I say for every baby born we should have at least 1 if not more BFP!!!
Booger - Well, I've avoided maternity pants by wearing leggings and comfortable pants to work - ones that have a little more give. :) BUT I went shopping over the weekend and bought a few things. Hard to find pants in the stores, though, so I think I'll order them online. I'm so sorry that you've been so nauseous. I hope you can keep in under control somewhat.

Lady - So, your sister's new man sounds interesting... :) I wonder if he was really nervous or something. Oh well - like you said, you're not the one dating him. :) I'm thinking positive thoughts about your embies! :)

Erin - LOVE your bump. You look great. And like Terri said, jealous of the shorts. :) It's slowly starting to warm up here - 50s-60s this week but rainy.

JCM - I agree with everyone else. You look amazing. Definitely can't see how tough this pregnancy has been for you in those pictures. :)

Moni - Looking great, girl! I'm with you on daycare. I work 45 minutes from home but I'd still prefer to have the daycare by my house. If there's ever an emergency, my in-laws are right down the road so...

Babyw - We did a very pale gray paint, too. But it actually came out so pale that it looks white. Oh well - as long as it's clean looking, I'm fine with it. Our bedding is gray, white, and teal so I guess we'll go with those colors.

Terri - You SHOULD share some pics of your amazing food ... and some more of Fun. :) At least for the time being, until you get your BFP next week and that bump starts to grow.

Hi everyone else! OK - here is my first official bump pic - looks pretty accentuated in this shirt. I tried to get my head in the pic to give you girls a smile but the mirror in my little hallway is too close. :)


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