First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I finally got the park reserved for my bbq & ordered invites. They are going to take a little longer than I thought to get here, so I went ahead & started the Facebook event. I worded the invite something like Gifts are appreciated but not expected. Then added the registry. I know it sounds sort of hypocritical, but this will be the only "shower" I am having, so I want people to know they can bring a gift if they want, but not the point of the bbq. I have had a couple of people RSVP immediately on FB & offer to bring food. So that was really nice. I think it will be a lot of fun & I am really looking forward to doing this my way. My husband was dreading inviting his sisters. I said look they are your family...I don't care if they come it is your decision. So he would say well I probably should invite them. I said you know what, just don't. We don't want them there, we don't like them, one talks shit about us...leave them off. This is OUR thing. We don't need them there. I am so done with family who acts like that. My mom has the same thing with her sister. I had already cut my aunt out...she is a bigot, selfish, rude, inconsideate, & talks trash about my mom. I hate people who think it's ok to talk trash about your family just because they are doing well. And by well, I just mena a step above the poverty they had grown up in. My mom worked hard & so do we. We have nothing to be ashamed of. And none of us are quitting are jobs anytime not like we won the lottery. to get off topic on a vent.

I am just excited to be getting my shower/bbq prepared & ready. The next weekend after we are doing the all day birthing class. Having that stuff taken care of is a huge relief. Now to make some time for small projects at home like getting our wi-fi moved to another room away from the baby & calling someone to repair small damages & wear & tear on our fence.
Thanks ladies. Mrs L the Dr said not all protein is the same, they want me to have animal protein...I had the best Greek salad with chicken for lunch from the Greek food truck on Madison and 60th...chicken is moist (hate that word) and the feta is so fresh and slightly warm, veggies are fresh, yum yum yum. I has slight ohss but by day 3 post I was much much better. Rest and drink tons of water. I put warm water into a 1 liter bottle and put it on my abdomen a couple of times and it helped.
I finally got the park reserved for my bbq & ordered invites. They are going to take a little longer than I thought to get here, so I went ahead & started the Facebook event. I worded the invite something like Gifts are appreciated but not expected. Then added the registry. I know it sounds sort of hypocritical, but this will be the only "shower" I am having, so I want people to know they can bring a gift if they want, but not the point of the bbq. I have had a couple of people RSVP immediately on FB & offer to bring food. So that was really nice. I think it will be a lot of fun & I am really looking forward to doing this my way. My husband was dreading inviting his sisters. I said look they are your family...I don't care if they come it is your decision. So he would say well I probably should invite them. I said you know what, just don't. We don't want them there, we don't like them, one talks shit about us...leave them off. This is OUR thing. We don't need them there. I am so done with family who acts like that. My mom has the same thing with her sister. I had already cut my aunt out...she is a bigot, selfish, rude, inconsideate, & talks trash about my mom. I hate people who think it's ok to talk trash about your family just because they are doing well. And by well, I just mena a step above the poverty they had grown up in. My mom worked hard & so do we. We have nothing to be ashamed of. And none of us are quitting are jobs anytime not like we won the lottery. to get off topic on a vent.

I am just excited to be getting my shower/bbq prepared & ready. The next weekend after we are doing the all day birthing class. Having that stuff taken care of is a huge relief. Now to make some time for small projects at home like getting our wi-fi moved to another room away from the baby & calling someone to repair small damages & wear & tear on our fence.

I think this is a great idea. People use social media more than paper invites, but it covers all bases. Trust me people want to get you gifts and to save you from having to spend weeks returning stuff, it's better to guide them to what you'd prefer or need. As for the SILs, I was in a similar sitch. I invited them and let them decide and you'll be so busy with everyone else they won't spoil your day...unless they get wasted like my cousin's wife, she showed up at noon half in the bag, nice. She came over and plopped down next to me at my table taking my best friends seat and she slurred her way into a conversation about how I used to go to a lot of concerts when I was younger. Relevance? Not really sure. Embarrassing? Yes, very.
Yes I probably won't even notice them...but one of them is full of drama so she may make herself known. I am just happy to not invite them. One less thing to worry about. Plus when the older one is in town it is like she is the only one around. Pissy if we can't spend every second with her.

I want to get some cute shirts for me & my husband. I thought about a Don't touch the belly shirt but wondering if that will only encourage people. Also thought to get a If you didn't put it there, don't touch it...then my husband's say I put it there. But thought they may sound a little crude. But he has a cute dad shirt from Life is Good I got him for Christmas so I think that would be good for him. And I will get a cute tank top from CafePress...just need to figure out what. Saw a cute one that was a blue heart with foot prints inside near the belly & you can get the baby's name on it.
Baby w- so glad you are doing better! Glad you're getting so close but yes it would be great if she stays put just a bit longer.

Beagle- your bbq sunds like so much fun. Great idea! Hope the SIL's dont cause any trouble about it, you're right -this is yalls time.

Kfs- glad MRI results are good! Hope dr can address any concerns at your appt.
BabyW-so glad you went to get checked out and glad things are going relatively well afterwards. I hope protein is all you need to get your baby girl to stay put for a few more weeks. Thinkin' about you.

Beagle-I agree that the sisters don't need to be there. It's a nice thought but why bing drama into the party. No one wants it. They will be mad either way.

Kfs1-great news but I hear you on being concerned still about the previa. Hope all goes well at the next checkup.

MrsL-great report and such good news. I'm happy for you. Hopefully your bloating will decrease in the next few days. Yay!!

Not much going on over here except I got a nice present from Booger in the mail. :hugs: I was like 'what's this from Montana?? Maybe I still have post pregnancy brain. Ha ha. I also applied for a new job. I don't know if I'll get it or take it, but why not try for it? My dad is still in town and things are going well. Os game tomorrow night and the forecast is 90+. I love it!
Hi everyone...

I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm still around :) Not much going on, just waiting for AF to arrive so I can start my BCP. I'm on CD 19, so not too much longer. Then I have 3 weeks of those, so actually I am still a little ways out lol. Trying not to let it take up too much of my thoughts (yeah right lol).

MrsL4 - Great report :)

LadySosa - How much longer until your transfer?

Terri - Have you definitely decided one way or another what you're going to do? If you do proceed, how long are they making you wait?
Terri - a new job with a new company or internal? I hope you get the opportunity to switch if that is what is best for you. Also I have crinone...I don't think you used it though...but let me know.

Thanks for all the feedback on the bbq. I think we will be happy with it. Also my husband is going to contact one of his FB photographer friends to see if she would come to take some casual pictures. She is usually up for any ways to get more experience. And we could also pose a few if we wanted.
Good to hear from you Amy! Sorry about the long wait, but at least its summer time, so you can have some fun in the meantime. Hopefully you've got some fun things planned to keep you busy and take your mind off things.

My transfer is set for June 25, so just two more weeks to go. The protocol they have me on is so complicated - I'm on Lupron and estrogen but the doses seem to change every few days. I've been checking my calendar vigilantly! I have a blood test on Saturday, then another the following Friday and if all checks out then I'll be good to go on schedule. But it seems like things never go according to plan, so we shall see!

Terri - good luck with the new job! It never hurts to try, and I firmly believe you should always keep your eyes open, even if you're not thinking about leaving. A college professor once said to me that you are most valuable to a new employer when you are thriving, successful and happy in your current role. It is counterintuitive to the way most people think (most people look for a new job when they're unhappy in their current role). Anyways, I will never forget that advice!

Happy hump day!

Is it Friday yet??? Ugh!
Amy-I was just thinking about you. Thanks for checking in. I'm still waiting for AF to get here too and then we probably won't start until the end of July because I have a lot of vacations coming up. I live for summer.

Beagle-sounds like a good plan to get the photographer. I am not going to be using crinone, but thanks. The job will be external. My current job is totally cushy but now that I have my master's degree I want to 'explore other options'. So cheesy but true. I get mad at my coworkers for getting brainwashed into being unhappy and never leaving, and I don't want to be a hypocrite and get sucked in so I'm looking. If I don't get the job, no biggie, but I'm just kind of bored at my work and there aren't that many other internal positions available to me with my background so it's probably time.
Good morning, ladies!

Terri - I'm glad your package arrived safely! :thumbup: Good luck with your new job opportunity. I would love to do something different so I've started thinking really seriously about whether I'll come back to my current one after the baby. I have 14 years in with the Federal government so it's hard to think about giving up great benefits and retirement but I'm also not sure how much longer I can take doing a job that can make me pretty miserable. We could always just move somewhere new but I'm not sure I want to move either. Anyway - good luck! Change is good!

Beagle - Hooray on getting your park reserved and invitations made. Your party sounds like fun. And I think you made the right call on the sisters.

LadySosa - Wow - your transfer is just around the corner. I am so excited for you! It won't be long now. I hope your schedule doesn't have to change.

Amy - Good to hear from you! Your upcoming cycle is just around the corner, too. Do you have anything fun in the works to keep you distracted until you get started??

jkb - Hello! Glad to hear you're doing well. :flower:

babywhispere - Sorry to hear about your scare! :hugs: Glad that things are checking out okay and that they are going to keep a close eye on you. Enjoy that protein and eat up, girl!

MrsL4 - Congrats on your great haul and fertilization! These days waiting for updates are some of the hardest. Keeping my fingers crossed that your little embryos keep growing strong!!

kfs - That is a relief to hear that your MRI results came back great!! I'm sure you're breathing a little easier now.

ERose - I love the name Owen! Good pick. Names are hard. At least I think so. We still have no idea what we're going to go with. That's cool the ultrasound tech is going to let you come back since baby wasn't cooperating! :winkwink:

Howdy to everyone else!

Things are going well here. Most people at work have heard the news - which is good because I'm definitely starting to show more. I'm sure if people don't know they just think I'm getting fat but that's alright. :haha: We have to head to Missoula this weekend to get some stuff for the baby room. I bought paint last weekend but we need a ceiling fan in there and DH needs to get all the lumber and some new tools to make the crib and changing table. I really want to get as much done in there as soon as I can while I'm still feeling great. My mom has all the material I ordered for the crib sheet and skirt that goes around the bottom of the crib. She is also making an accessory organizer caddy thingie and diaper holder/stacker. I love the fabric I chose and can't wait to see it all in there! Now I just need to get going on the curtains!
Booger - how exciting to have crafty people in the family. Your nursery sounds so cool & unique to you. I love that. I just don't have the skill. My sister will probably crochet me a blanket for the baby which will be be cool.
Booger- i agree with beagle. Your nursery sounds amazing. Im a very sentimental person, and its awesome your hubby can make the furniture. When i was prego with my son my husband happened to work at a wood work shop and he made the dresser, rocking chair and a cute little cube that just had the front window cut out for a fish tank. It was awesome because it served as a night stand but when he was crawling and learning to walk he would go up to it and watch the fish:) this time he is only making a box for the curtains to drape from, and im making the mobile. I cant wait to see your pics!!

Lady- i cant wait for your transfer!! The tww will be here soon for you, amy and mrs l.!!

Terri- good luck with the job opportunity! Im sure you will get it!!
Amy-I was just thinking about you. Thanks for checking in. I'm still waiting for AF to get here too and then we probably won't start until the end of July because I have a lot of vacations coming up. I live for summer.

Beagle-sounds like a good plan to get the photographer. I am not going to be using crinone, but thanks. The job will be external. My current job is totally cushy but now that I have my master's degree I want to 'explore other options'. So cheesy but true. I get mad at my coworkers for getting brainwashed into being unhappy and never leaving, and I don't want to be a hypocrite and get sucked in so I'm looking. If I don't get the job, no biggie, but I'm just kind of bored at my work and there aren't that many other internal positions available to me with my background so it's probably time.

Do you need endometrin or anything else?
Good morning ladies!

Booger - that is incredible that you'll have all that handmade stuff in the nursery. It will be so special for your little one! I meant to ask - where was your photo taken? What a lovely beach!

Jkb - thank you. :) It is coming fast for sure! I just wish my job was a little more engaging to keep me busy and my mind off waiting... The tww will be torturous!

So, funny story I thought you guys would appreciate. Last night in barre class I was next to a lady who looked like she was about 7-8 months pregnant. She was SO fit! It doesn't help that I'm outta shape but I was thoroughly impressed. I felt like a total weakling, with this preggo lady being able to do all the exercises and I wasn't. Ha! I hope I can be like that when I'm preggo. I'm trying to get in shape before pregnancy so that i can at least try to maintain that throughout, rather than try to get into shape when I'm preggo. I also plan to quit wine and coffee one week ahead of by my calculations I have one more week to go! Gah!

Hope everyone's having a good week! Friday is almost here!
Lady - I was not in shape before IVF. I will say I feel bad sometimes because I am not in shape or eat the best, but at the end of the day, it is my pregnancy & I do what is right for me. So I hope you can get in to shape because that is what you want for your pregnancy, but don't be too hard on yourself if you are a slacker like me :p
Hey guys. I am pretty sure I just felt the baby kick. I had a cramp on my side all day. Also I was very uncomfortable yesterday...I assumed another growth spurt which showed this morning. So I was sitting at my desk & felt something. So I sat back & was still & it kept happening. Right in the center kind of low. It feels like someone is in there thumping my belly with their fingers!

Side note: Every time I post I get deja please forgive me if I end up repeating myself! :)
booger - thats awesome how lots of people are using their talents for the nursery! DH & I love making/building things, too!

lady- I was trying to get in shape before IVF (after 18 months of heck from infertility)...and was doing good, but since stims, I have been a log! Hoping I can feel better soon and start exercising lightly again!
Barre sounds like a good low impact, but tough, class....probably can do throughout pregnancy!
My mom told me she cut out sugary foods, all caffeine/soda/coffee, wine etc when she was pregnant with be honest, I eat pretty good, but I can't give up coffee! One cup a day is fine with most OBs. I think I will be in between when I am pregnant.....not too strict, but careful & thoughtful with what I eat.


ER was Monday.....where we collected 20, 12 were mature, and 9 fertilized.....all with ICSI

Today (day 3 embryos), we have:
four 8-cell
three 7-cell
one 11-cell
and one 5-cell

The dr was really really happy and said there are only 2 of the 9 that aren't looking that great

So keep growing embryos!! and get STICKY!!!
MrsL-things are progressing nicely. Fantastic!!!

Lady-that woman in your class sounds amazing. I'm sure someone will be saying the same thing about you in a few months! Keep at it.

Beagle-that is so cool! I'm sure it will become more pronounced now that you know what it feels like and little Derek grows. Yankees are in town this weekend. Are you going to be able to watch the games?

Have a great weekend everyone!!
I'm not sure. Usually Balt games are blacked out.

I am very excited to feel Derek husband got to feel it too. But I paid for it all last night. I think he is going through a growth spurt. I had a side cramp a lot of yesterday afternoon. I did not feel great at all last night. I was so uncomfortable. I am ready for this to pass so I can feel good again. But it's not too bad & it is happy for the weekend.

Oh & my mom sold her house so she has been at my house a few days with her 2 dogs & cat. Her cat is an outside cat so she is in the guest room so she won't run off. My cats are locked in our room because her dogs torment them. It is pretty crowded. Now she wants to rent near her job but she doesn't want to sign a year lease. She can't even transfer stores in the next 9 months. I don't see the big deal. But anyways we finally convinced her to take this small cabin she likes. It has monthly & weekly rates. It has not been awful her being around. But she is driving like 2 hrs one way to work. Also my husband helped her put everything in storage. My mom had a 3 bedroom house. And she didn't go through ANYTHING except she got rid of a lot of books. My garage is packed with some of it. So frustrating. I think that is why I throw so much out. I can't stand all the clutter & junk collected over time.

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