First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs - I do not watch GOT, but from what FB looked like last night, I could tell it was crazy.

I forgot to say I got my invitations way early...on Saturday. So they will go in the mail. I am scanning one to email at work. Now I am trying to figure out where to draw the line on invites...but I am coming to the conclusion to just be nice and include all. I work with several branches, so I have to consider those people as well. As for my branch, everyone is invited...weird because I have a few bosses in this not sure if they would bother to come, but I wouldn't mind if they did. I get along with them & would not feel weird at all about them being there.
Good morning ladies!

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Mrs L. - woohoo! Congrats on being PUPO! The others are right, this is a tough time right now, but try to take comfort in the fact that there is really nothing you can do - its out of your hands! Just take care of yourself, stay optimistic. I know when I had my tww I was researching symptoms like crazy. I felt achey and crampy, so I was googling to see if that was a good sign! The not knowing can drive you crazy! At least your beta is coming up fast! There are some good movies out right now, that's something that can take your mind off things. I tested early too, but this time around I'm not sure if I will. Seeing the BFN was so disappointing (leading up to the beta), I'm not sure if I wanna go through that again....

Kfs - wow, time is flying!! Good luck on the appointment next week, I hope you do not have previa. What happens if you do have it? I'm not too familiar with that.

Beagle - sorry about your hubs being gone for a week. That is a long trip! My DH and I have only slept apart maybe 2-3 times since we've been married (and those were just one-nighters!). So I bet its hard to go a long time without him.

Terri - that is awesome on the phone interview! Way to go! You got this. Sorry you aren't feeling good though. :( I agree, head home early. You'll be less stressed for your call.

Afm, 10 more days till transfer! Woohoo! Time is flying. DH's cousin and friend were in town from Miami staying with us Wed-Sat, so we played tourist guide last week and all day Sat. It was exhausting! But the weather was perfect, so it was fun to ride the ferries and see Seattle in all its glory. One full week this week then I get two three-day weeks in a row! Thank goodness...
I'm back! Sorry for being MIA lately - Time went by a lot quicker trying to think about TTC as little as possible, and work got hectic, so that helped too lol.
But the has made her appearance! I'm CD1 of my FET cycle! Soooo excited! :dust:

Hope everyone else has been well! I'll try to scroll back to see if I missed any big news for anyone!
Krissy, great to hear from ya! If you have an estimated date for the transfer, I can make sure i have it on the front page, so just let me know!

Lady, ten more days, ahhh!!! So exciting! I'm glad time is flying by for you.

beagle, very exciting that you got your invites and are getting the ball rolling. Can't wait to see some pics. :)

kfs, I do watch GOT, but didn't see last night's episode yet. Probably watching tonight, and I can't wait! The season started out really slow, but then got GOOD in the past few weeks, so I'm dying to watch last night's ep! I hope you'll get some news soon about the previa so you'll know a little better how to plan... keep us updated!

terri, sorry you don't feel well, Love. But at least that probably means AF is about to show, right? Which means you'll be able to get started again.:thumbup:

MrsL, I know the wait is excruciating! Just hang in there... like someone else said, just keep reminding yourself that its all out of your hands now. Do things to take your mind off of it until a day that you feel comfortable testing. I know it's hard!

Hi to everyone else!!

Attaching today's 3D/4D pics. These did turn out a bit better than a week ago. And he moved position too. Last week he was breech. Today he had flipped into position already! Just in a week's time. Anyway, love this little face...


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Erin I think the 4 d pics are so wild! I can't wait to do them.

Terri - just occured to me today...I am sure you are on it...but be sure you are squared away on medical before switching jobs. But I think MD is a state that covers infertility, so you should be fine. Unless some of the insurance girls who happen to be in a company that cover it.
Yeah Mrs L for being pupo!! Hope the report on reminding embies is great!!

Kfs we are so close!! Sht is getting real! My cs is scheduled for the 22nd but I have a feeling she may come early. How are you feeling? Are you all ready?

Erin woohoo for the pics!! And for baby boy being head down already. Jack did that at 28 weeks and it makes a difference in how you'll feel later. How are you feeling?

Beagle yeah for invites getting out. Scratch that off the list. Hope hubby comes home soon!

Terri good luck on your call! And look in the mail Wed!

Afm nursery walls are done. Need them to come back and do ceiling when they so th exterior of the house. It rained today so they had to postpone until exterior is bone dry. Now I can call electrician and get fixtures installed. Hope this can be done this week. Had my family reunion in CT this weekend. It was great to see my cousins and their kids. Feeling ok just getting tired easily but my allergies are raging so that could be it too. Hope everyone is handling the heat ok!
Hi ladies! :icecream:

babywhisperer - Glad your nursery got painted. I'm sure that's a relief to have most of it done! Also glad to hear your family reunion in CT was nice. I haven't been to a family reunion in years. I might have to try to go whenever the next one may be.

ERose - Cool pics!!! Crazy what you can see. It's good the baby had flipped in the weeks time. Hopefully, he stays put in that position.

Krissy - Hooray for AF!! Always weird to say but that means your on your way again.

LadySosa - Only 10 more days! Hooray!!! I'm so excited for you. We've been having some beautiful weather here too. It's been quite lovely so far this summer.

Beagle - It's always nice when sometime shows up early, huh? Sorry DH had to leave town on short notice.

Terri - I hope your "information" call went well. Sorry you're feeling crappy but hopefully it's just AF.

MrsL - Congrats on the transfer of your beautiful blastie. I waited until Day 6 after transfer to test. Initially, I wasn't going to test at all but then I had about a million cheapie tests just sitting there waiting so I broke down. It was faint but there was a BFP. Just do what you think will make you feel best!

kfs - I really hope the previa has corrected again and you don't have to worry about it again! We watch GOT and I just knew something was going to happen - can't have a season finale without something crazy!

As for me, the weekend was nice. My 10K went well; it was warm but not too hot so I was able to run almost the entire thing. I just made sure to keep my pace nice and slow/steady. I'll post a pic if I can remember.
I finally broke down and bought some maternity clothes. Shorts and tops. I need some pants but didn't see any I liked where we went. Next time. I can still wear some of my normal jeans with the bandy thing I bought. Plus, with it being summer, I wear a lot of skirts and dresses that are flowy so I should be good for a little bit. I still need sports bras but I need to be able to try them on and we ran out of time before I could make it to the local running store. :dohh: Oh well!

I didn't get the room painted but I did hang the new ceiling fan we bought. I am so happy! It makes the room look better already and I like to think it would have made my Dad proud that I did it all by myself (he was an electrician). We don't have air conditioning (pretty normal in MT) so fans are a necessity.
I have to have a fan in the rooms...mainly the ceiling fan. I need the circulation. My 2 spares didn't have one so we bought cheap ones. We just upgraded the one in the baby's room. It is so much better.

I have a pool but this heat is too much. Just lounging on the couch. Heat advisory today & tomorrow.
Hey all! Lots of things going on today.

LadySosa-9 more days. Woop woop.

ERose-OMGoodness. I love Owen. He is such a cutie, and you can see his button nose and features so well. I'm glad that he was cooperating for the pictures. thanks for sharing those pictures with us.

MrsL-I don't normally test early but with my little spot and my almost fainting, I tested 9-10 days after a 5 day transfer. It's in my signature. I normally would have just waited.

booger-Great job running the race. I went running yesterday with my hubs for the first time in a LONG time. All I could think of was that the last time I was running, there was a baby in my belly. Womp womp. felt good and it was sprinkling just a little so that made me happy that I could be hot and cool off a little at the same time. Plus, I was trying to not think about my cramps. Last night they came back..AF is surely on its way. I keep thinking of Amy with 32/35 days until AF. I'm at 33 days.

beagle-Thank you. I had my phone interview of sorts, and it went ok. Not good, not bad. I don't work in the same industry, so the HR woman was kind of like 'well, why are you so confident that you would be able to do this job?' I'm like 'Have you met me? I can do anything well if I set out to do it.' But I just said that I exceed the requirements asked, I'm comfortable speaking in public, I'm a leader, blah blah.' We'll see. HA!!HA!! I would like the position, but I do have a pretty good thing here. This is an experiment in branching out and challenging myself a bit. Glad you got some fans for the baby room.

kfs1-No, I don't watch GOT, but my FB had a lot about it too. I'm going to be on vacation when you and BabyW have your babies, but I will be checking in. Luckily, I will be in the US, so that's one good thing. I'm going to Canada in early July, and I'm not planning on using my phone a lot. I'm going to detach a bit.

BabyW-Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for my package. You guys are all so sweet to me. Hopefully you put your return address on the box/bag. :) Sounds like your nursery is coming along well too. CT in the summertime is so great. One of my old boyfriends' parents had a cottage there and I spent two weekends at the cottage by the water. So beautiful. The drivers can suck it, but the landscape/neighborhoods are gorgeous.

Krissy-Glad you're getting started too. You will probably have your transfer in about 10-12 days, right? You and LadySosa will be waiting together! I cannot wait!
ERose - I love the name Owen! It's on our list as well, although I think passing along a family name will be more likely. And those pics are AMAZING. Soo cute. I'll know my scheduled FET date later today and let you know :)

Terri - I think it might be closer to 3 weeks wait for me... but I won't be too far behind!
Good morning ladies!

Terri - glad your call went well! I hope you move forward in the process! I was gonna tell you- yesterday I spotted a car in our work parking lot with your pic as their bumper sticker! I laughed. I think I know what it means - I cannot believe someone would use that as a bumper sticker, lol. I got called back for an interview too! The neighboring city that we live in, Kirkland, had an HR job that I applied for a month back. Well they called me yesterday and finally invited me for an interview! I had assumed I wouldn't get a call since it had been a while. So I go in next Tues for the interview. It should be interesting.

Booger - good for you for 1)finishing a 10k and 2) installing a ceiling fan! I am impressed. DH can install a ceiling fan but I'm usually just his helper. :) I agree with you on the ceiling fans - they are nice to have. We keep ours running every night.

BabyW - woohoo for finishing the nursery painting! I bet that's a relief.

Beagle - I hear you - its been unseasonably hot here too. Luckily we have an A/C unit (just a window unit) that has been a life saver. But for our evening walks we are always sweating and Charlie is panting. It is cooler today, thankfully!

We watched the Blackhawks win last night. What fun! Now hockey is over. Hmm, now what???! Haha. NBA Finals are fun too.

We are supposed to close on the condo FINALLY tomorrow. We signed all the docs on Friday, wire transferred the down payment, now we're just waaaaaiiting.... So we'll head down this weekend. Yay!!
Yesterday at like 7 or so it was still around 95 & sun out. My dog went out & laid on the concrete! What a crazy head! I worry about them sometimes, but we have a dog door & I think their bodies are in tune to tell them when it is too hot. I also keep water outside for them & my umbrella is open.
Hey all! Lots of things going on today.

LadySosa-9 more days. Woop woop.

ERose-OMGoodness. I love Owen. He is such a cutie, and you can see his button nose and features so well. I'm glad that he was cooperating for the pictures. thanks for sharing those pictures with us.

MrsL-I don't normally test early but with my little spot and my almost fainting, I tested 9-10 days after a 5 day transfer. It's in my signature. I normally would have just waited.

booger-Great job running the race. I went running yesterday with my hubs for the first time in a LONG time. All I could think of was that the last time I was running, there was a baby in my belly. Womp womp. felt good and it was sprinkling just a little so that made me happy that I could be hot and cool off a little at the same time. Plus, I was trying to not think about my cramps. Last night they came back..AF is surely on its way. I keep thinking of Amy with 32/35 days until AF. I'm at 33 days.

beagle-Thank you. I had my phone interview of sorts, and it went ok. Not good, not bad. I don't work in the same industry, so the HR woman was kind of like 'well, why are you so confident that you would be able to do this job?' I'm like 'Have you met me? I can do anything well if I set out to do it.' But I just said that I exceed the requirements asked, I'm comfortable speaking in public, I'm a leader, blah blah.' We'll see. HA!!HA!! I would like the position, but I do have a pretty good thing here. This is an experiment in branching out and challenging myself a bit. Glad you got some fans for the baby room.

kfs1-No, I don't watch GOT, but my FB had a lot about it too. I'm going to be on vacation when you and BabyW have your babies, but I will be checking in. Luckily, I will be in the US, so that's one good thing. I'm going to Canada in early July, and I'm not planning on using my phone a lot. I'm going to detach a bit.

BabyW-Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for my package. You guys are all so sweet to me. Hopefully you put your return address on the box/bag. :) Sounds like your nursery is coming along well too. CT in the summertime is so great. One of my old boyfriends' parents had a cottage there and I spent two weekends at the cottage by the water. So beautiful. The drivers can suck it, but the landscape/neighborhoods are gorgeous.

Krissy-Glad you're getting started too. You will probably have your transfer in about 10-12 days, right? You and LadySosa will be waiting together! I cannot wait!

Terri yes!!!!! I commented on the drivers to dh! Left lane sitters, they don't keep pace with traffic so it bunches up when there are 30 car lengths b/t them and the next car! I am an aggressive driver so I have no patience for inefficiency like that.

Krissy glad af came!! Now you can start!

Lady you are also so close!! I really am getting excited for you ladies. I hope my theory of a bfp for each baby born holds true b/c with Jen having her girl we are due!

I need some advice from the handy women on here. The crib we got is more yellow than white and I want to paint it. Good idea or bad? Spray or paint it with a brush? I was told oil based paint. Wondering if I should bother.

What's everyone doing for Father's Day?
LOL, ask my DH and he'll tell you those are Washington drivers! He HATES the "left-lane campers" and thinks its just a Washington thing. Good to hear it's not just my home state.

BabyW - The same thing happened with our bathroom medicine cabinet. It was cream colored and didn't match the rest of the start white furniture. So I painted it. I used trim paint, I think it's oil based. It worked ok, the problem was the cabinet was already lacquered so the paint didn't stick very well. Now I am having problems like it scrapes off really easily. If I wanted to do it right I probably should've stripped it or sanded it, but that's too much work! :) What is the surface like that you are trying to paint?
LOL, ask my DH and he'll tell you those are Washington drivers! He HATES the "left-lane campers" and thinks its just a Washington thing. Good to hear it's not just my home state.

BabyW - The same thing happened with our bathroom medicine cabinet. It was cream colored and didn't match the rest of the start white furniture. So I painted it. I used trim paint, I think it's oil based. It worked ok, the problem was the cabinet was already lacquered so the paint didn't stick very well. Now I am having problems like it scrapes off really easily. If I wanted to do it right I probably should've stripped it or sanded it, but that's too much work! :) What is the surface like that you are trying to paint?

The surface is painted wood, probably treated or baked to make it chip less. I would use the rail covers that I use with jack so biting them isn't an soon as they can sit or kneel I drop the mattress and put up the covers.
ERose - I'm set for July 7th (7/7 my lucky number x2 :))! It's official!

Baby - I don't think I'd go for the paint. I'd always be worrying that it might get scratched off or run off if it got drooled/thrown up/peed on. Just seems like one more thing to worry about a baby getting exposed to. But maybe I'm just paranoid.
Good morning ladies!

Terri - glad your call went well! I hope you move forward in the process! I was gonna tell you- yesterday I spotted a car in our work parking lot with your pic as their bumper sticker! I laughed. I think I know what it means - I cannot believe someone would use that as a bumper sticker, lol. I got called back for an interview too! The neighboring city that we live in, Kirkland, had an HR job that I applied for a month back. Well they called me yesterday and finally invited me for an interview! I had assumed I wouldn't get a call since it had been a while. So I go in next Tues for the interview. It should be interesting.

Booger - good for you for 1)finishing a 10k and 2) installing a ceiling fan! I am impressed. DH can install a ceiling fan but I'm usually just his helper. :) I agree with you on the ceiling fans - they are nice to have. We keep ours running every night.

BabyW - woohoo for finishing the nursery painting! I bet that's a relief.

Beagle - I hear you - its been unseasonably hot here too. Luckily we have an A/C unit (just a window unit) that has been a life saver. But for our evening walks we are always sweating and Charlie is panting. It is cooler today, thankfully!

We watched the Blackhawks win last night. What fun! Now hockey is over. Hmm, now what???! Haha. NBA Finals are fun too.

We are supposed to close on the condo FINALLY tomorrow. We signed all the docs on Friday, wire transferred the down payment, now we're just waaaaaiiting.... So we'll head down this weekend. Yay!!

Congrats on the closing!!!
Started taking Lupron 20u on June 1st and cut back to 10u on June 5th. I then started with 2 vials of Bravelle and 2 vials on Menopur for a couple of days and then went to 1 vial of Menopur and continued taking the 2 vials of Bravelle and 10u of Lupron till June 15. I have had several Estradiol and Ultrasound checks. I have 15 follicles but as of yesterday my Estrogen level was only 528. My RE told me today if my E2 levels were not 1000+ that my IVF would be cancelled. I am patiently waiting for his call. I never thought I would have any trouble with IVF, but I guess I was wrong This process has been so emotionally draining and I don't feel like anyone understands this around me. My DH is wonderful, but his response is "it's no big deal, we will try again." I know we can try again, but I just want to scream....I'm desperately looking for positive vibes.
Started taking Lupron 20u on June 1st and cut back to 10u on June 5th. I then started with 2 vials of Bravelle and 2 vials on Menopur for a couple of days and then went to 1 vial of Menopur and continued taking the 2 vials of Bravelle and 10u of Lupron till June 15. I have had several Estradiol and Ultrasound checks. I have 15 follicles but as of yesterday my Estrogen level was only 528. My RE told me today if my E2 levels were not 1000+ that my IVF would be cancelled. I am patiently waiting for his call. I never thought I would have any trouble with IVF, but I guess I was wrong This process has been so emotionally draining and I don't feel like anyone understands this around me. My DH is wonderful, but his response is "it's no big deal, we will try again." I know we can try again, but I just want to scream....I'm desperately looking for positive vibes.

Well, I just got off the phone with my RE and my E2 levels after 15 days was 770 with 15 follicles so he cancelled me. :cry: Hopefully, the follicles suppress enough by August to start the process for IVF round 2

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