First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Beagle, how exciting to feel the baby kick...get ready pretty soon it feels like there is a rumble going on in there. I had some dried apricots last night and she went bizerk for a half hr. It was very uncomfortable due to her position and even dh said it felt very strong from the outside...she may be small but she feels mighty. I can empathize with the clutter issue. My Dad holds on to everything. He just gave dh 100 golf balls and more are coming. You'll be proud to know the painters are coming Monday to start the nursery and exterior parts of the house which are peeling. I will be coordinating with the electrician after the painting is done to install the fixtures, and hopefully dh will assemble the crib sometime next week. Now all I need is a rug...which may prove to be the more elusive accent to her room. I want simple and classic...seems so hard to find.

Mrs L that is a great progress report!! I would be very very happy with that. So excited for you!

Amy so happy you checked in...looking forward to you getting started, hope af comes soon and that you're staying busy with fun stuff!

What's everyone doing for the weekend?
Good morning ladies,
Beagle - that is so exciting that you can feel him kicking! And yes, it sounds like you indeed have a full house. You already have a few cats and dogs, right? I bet it is chaotic! It will be nice to have your mom and her stuff out of the house soon I bet, you can breathe.

Mrs. L - that is amazing! You can have a lot of kids with all those embies! Wahoo. Yes, I hear that one cup a day is okay, I just have been wanting to kick caffeine completely for some time and this gives me a good excuse.

For my first round, I stopped working out because the Lupron made me so tired (I remember the stims DEF made me uncomfortable enough to stop working out), but this time, I saw that preggo lady and actually hearing Booger talk (or reading, lol) about her working out during Lupron, I thought, what's my excuse?? So now I'm trying to persevere. And actually, I cannot believe the impact it is having on my mood. I feel so happy when I'm working out. When I stop working out for a few days, the anxiety and depression start to seep in, so I gotta remember to keep at it for the sake of my mental (and physical of course) well being. When I feel fit, I feel like I can do anything!

And yes, Barre is a good low impact exercise. It is the hardest workout I've tried, but it's all muscle toning. So I suppose that is a good thing for pregnancy.

DH's cousin (and friend) is staying with us this week, until Saturday. Last night they cooked us an AMAZING meal - steak, homemade mac and cheese, asparagus, and then apple crisp for dinner. They are serious foodies - like wizards in the kitchen! No measuring or consulting recipes for anything....'just a dash of this' and 'a large scoop of that'.... Haha. I wish I could cook like that! So today and tomorrow we'll probably take them around to do tourist stuff.

Sars- isn't your fabulous Italy trip coming up soon?? I remember you said it was June...maybe you're already gone, we haven't heard from you in a few days...

Any fun plans for the weekend?
Yes I have 3 dogs & 3 cats. Her dogs are doing pretty good. Usually one of them is all over the place...she is a Springer...and likes to fight my dogs when they try to get near my mom. But my mom is away a lot because of the commute, so they mainly mope around acting depressed which I think is hilarious. Her one dog is just so attached to her...she is a true rescue found on the side of the road by my mom. My main thing is my cats locked up. It means my bedroom has to stay shut which is so inconvenient. Our bedroom is just sort of the 2nd main part of our house after the living room. We do laundry in there & my dogs like to chill in there sometimes. And cat litter in my bathroom...yuck. So hopefully on Sunday, the dogs will be gone...not sure about her cat...but she is in the guest room bothering no one. I think we will offer to bring them to her. I have not been to that town she works in in a long time...I would like to check out their baby stores.
Oh & today my belly sort of feels like it is full of bubbles. I am trying to drink a lot of water today...I am so bad at that...hoping that will help the cramping & discomfort.
Oh & today my belly sort of feels like it is full of bubbles. I am trying to drink a lot of water today...I am so bad at that...hoping that will help the cramping & discomfort.

Trust me when I say that water is your best friend for so many reasons. It will help keep swelling down, keep you regular, reduce muscle cramping which will start to increase as you progress, and with the extra blood we are producing you need at least 50% more water than normal. I have added prune juice to my routine too for obvious reasons but for muscle cramping as well. I woke with a charley horse the other night that was so painful and I can still feel a slight cramp in my calf. I keep a 32oz bottle on my desk and make sure I finish it before lunch and the second bottle before 3pm. I drink more until I get on the train home. What helps me is at this point my mouth is always dry...maybe this is why I am not hungry, drinking so much water.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Beagle - Yikes! Sounds like a full house. Glad your Mom found herself another place for everyone involved. How exciting that you are feeling baby kick in there. Awesome! I can't wait myself.

LadySosa - I'm the same way with exercise - when I'm not doing it, I start feeling crappy. It's amazing how that works. Barre sounds impossible to me so I'm always impressed by those that can do it. I'm sure you'll be able to keep it up and stay fit. Your foodie visitors sound fantastic. It's so nice to have people cook for you in your own home. I'm not going to lie, that's one of the things I can't wait for when my Mom comes to stay with us - while she certainly isn't a foodie, the lady can cook and I certainly miss my Southern meals.

Babywhisperer - Hooray on getting the painting done soon! I hate painting more than any other chore so I'm a little jealous you're getting the room done. We had our exterior painted two years ago and I was so happy we decided not to do it ourselves. But, I guess I can suck it up for one small room this time. If I were as far along as you, I would definitely be hiring someone too!

Terri - Are you going to the games this weekend? If so, have fun! I'm jealous. I would love to go to baseball game this summer.

MrsL4 - Congrats on the great embie report!!! Keep growing, little ones! I still have one cup of coffee every morning. I just couldn't give it up completely. It's my reason for dragging out of bed every morning. :haha:

Hello to everyone else - have a fantastic weekend!

I'm sure we'll be busy, it seems like we always find something to stumble into. Tomorrow, we'll head to Missoula to do some shopping for nursery stuff and I also need some new sports bras badly. I could really use some better shirts for work too - some to grow into. So we'll see what I can find. Then I have my 10K in the evening. I'm meeting some friends there so DH will just drop me off and I'll ride home with them. It's a pretty neat race - it starts and ends at a local winery, so you get a free wine glass and one fill at the end of the race. Guess I'll be giving my free fill to one of my friends and sticking to the ice cream they also give out! The setting is beautiful and the weather should be pretty good (a little warm for me so I'll probably end up walking quite a bit). Last year it was 41 degrees and pouring rain so no one wanted to hang around afterward - I felt kind of bad for the winery. This year I imagine they'll sell quite a few more bottles of wine! Sunday, I'll probably end up painting the baby room. Joy. :wacko:
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Beagle - Yikes! Sounds like a full house. Glad your Mom found herself another place for everyone involved. How exciting that you are feeling baby kick in there. Awesome! I can't wait myself.

LadySosa - I'm the same way with exercise - when I'm not doing it, I start feeling crappy. It's amazing how that works. Barre sounds impossible to me so I'm always impressed by those that can do it. I'm sure you'll be able to keep it up and stay fit. Your foodie visitors sound fantastic. It's so nice to have people cook for you in your own home. I'm not going to lie, that's one of the things I can't wait for when my Mom comes to stay with us - while she certainly isn't a foodie, the lady can cook and I certainly miss my Southern meals.

Babywhisperer - Hooray on getting the painting done soon! I hate painting more than any other chore so I'm a little jealous you're getting the room done. We had our exterior painted two years ago and I was so happy we decided not to do it ourselves. But, I guess I can suck it up for one small room this time. If I were as far along as you, I would definitely be hiring someone too!

Terri - Are you going to the games this weekend? If so, have fun! I'm jealous. I would love to go to baseball game this summer.

MrsL4 - Congrats on the great embie report!!! Keep growing, little ones! I still have one cup of coffee every morning. I just couldn't give it up completely. It's my reason for dragging out of bed every morning. :haha:

Hello to everyone else - have a fantastic weekend!

I'm sure we'll be busy, it seems like we always find something to stumble into. Tomorrow, we'll head to Missoula to do some shopping for nursery stuff and I also need some new sports bras badly. I could really use some better shirts for work too - some to grow into. So we'll see what I can find. Then I have my 10K in the evening. I'm meeting some friends there so DH will just drop me off and I'll ride home with them. It's a pretty neat race - it starts and ends at a local winery, so you get a free wine glass and one fill at the end of the race. Guess I'll be giving my free fill to one of my friends and sticking to the ice cream they also give out! The setting is beautiful and the weather should be pretty good (a little warm for me so I'll probably end up walking quite a bit). Last year it was 41 degrees and pouring rain so no one wanted to hang around afterward - I felt kind of bad for the winery. This year I imagine they'll sell quite a few more bottles of wine! Sunday, I'll probably end up painting the baby room. Joy. :wacko:

So awesome you're still doing races. As for sports bras, I have to say I love Athleta for high impact activities. Have a great run, drink plenty of water and good for you for painting the nursery. We hired someone mainly b/c the clapboards that are peeling are way high up on the house, and the nursery needs a little plaster work. Dh is handy, but I want a professional...when dh said that we don't need primer for interiors despite the room being a dark blue, I felt better having a pro come in and do it right. That blue would bleed thru the light green paint I've chosen. If you need I have a Benjamin Moore $5 coupon for gallons that I can email you.
transferred one AA day 5 today! hope it is STICKY!!!!

now watching movies :)
Woohoo!!!! Did you freeze the others? Two weeks more and we'll be cheering for another bfp. Drink warm stuff, stay warm and enjoy being PUPO.
thank you terri!!

they were watching 4 more to see if they could freeze them....the doctor said he didn't think all 4 would make it, but hopefully a few. they said they would call me monday or tuesday and let me know

i am hopeful (yet cautious!)....but not gonna lie, i like being PUPO!!! this may have been the closest to pregnant we have ever been!!! :loopy:
Yay, MrsL!! I got on because I figured if you were still doing fresh, that it would be this weekend, so I wanted to check in! So glad to hear all went well and you're enjoying being pupo! :thumbup: Cant wait for you to test. Are you planning on waiting until your beta?
Kfs, I just realized your transfer was the day before BabyW! So we'll be expecting your LO around the same time, right?? How exciting! What's your EDD?
erose- thank you!!! very thoughtful of you to remember!!
i wasn't really planning on testing before....but i may end up doing that! i am sure nerves will get the best of me.

my beta is scheduled for the 22nd which will be 9dp5dpt.......when did y'all start testing?
MrsL...I tested like a psycho starting 4 days after. But it depends on how you think you will handle seeing a negative...because if you start early you will most likely see a false negative. Also if you used a trigger you may want to test sooner just to see the trigger leave your body. GOOD LUCK!
erose- thank you!!! very thoughtful of you to remember!!
i wasn't really planning on testing before....but i may end up doing that! i am sure nerves will get the best of me.

my beta is scheduled for the 22nd which will be 9dp5dpt.......when did y'all start testing?

I started testing like a psycho 4 days after also. To be honest, I didn't expect anything, but ended up getting a bfp that day. BUT it was suuuuper faint, and that's really rare to get a bfp that early (it was also a day6 embryo so it was 1 day further along). I didn't trigger since it was a FET, so I knew it would be a true bfp if I got one. You can check the front page if you want to see when everyone got their BFPs. :)
okay all of a sudden i am freaking out that this didn't work!! dang you infertility!!!! trying to remain hopeful that our beautiful little blast sticks!!

i don't think there is any way to be cautiously hopeful!

.....and its only one day past transfer.......oh loooooorddddddd am i in for it, or what?!?!

a glass of wine would be SO nice right now!!!
MrsL... sorry to say it but it's just the beginning... Lol! Don't worry. Try to stay positive. Relax. But know that the doubt will show up and it is natural and normal! I got my positive at 6 days I think. I went through all kinds of emotions in that time.

So my husband was just dropped off at the airport for a very last minute work trip to Memphis. Going to be gone a week. Yuck. Traveling is not normal for this job. But he was requested by his regional so it is a good move to make the trip. He is covering a store. Apparently there is done crazy turnover happening there. I just hope the week goes by fast.
MrsL - Congratulations on the transfer!! Ugh - the waiting is the worst part. Just stay warm and try to relax like Terri said. One more week to go, right? I did not test before my beta - I was too nervous!! Any news about the other 4?

Amy - So nice to hear from you. Ugh. I hate that you still have so much waiting to do but I hope you're trying to enjoy this time - have some wine, eat some sushi. :)

LadySosa - 10 more days to go, huh? How did your blood test go this weekend?

Booger - I agree with Beagle. Your nursery is going to be so unique! Wish I had some craft talent. :)

Beagle - Stinks about your husband's trip. Hope this week goes fast for you!

Erin - My EDD is July 30th, as long as I don't have to end up getting a c-section. Coming up quick! :)

Terri - Hi there lady. :flower: I owe you a package. I'm sending myself a reminder.

Hi everyone else!

Hi everyone else! I can't believe I haven't posted in so long but I've been reading along.

Nothing much going on. Had a busy weekend with boring house stuff. The next 2 weeks are going to be crazy - just a lot going on both at work and at home. My husband is so busy at work, too, since it's the last 2 weeks of school.

My appt last week was uneventful. I didn't have an ultrasound and basically she said that the ultrasound is better at detecting previa so I could STILL have it which is kind of what I thought. But the MRI was able to rule out accreta so that is great news. Hopefully we'll learn more at my appt next week. I'm fine with having to get a c-section but it would be nice to have a definitive plan soon if possible. I need to meet with HR this week to plan my maternity leave. Hopefully that will go smoothly.
In other news, does anyone watch Game of Thrones????? OMG - last night's episode.
kfs1-No rush...hopefully next week's appointment will show that you no longer have previa. how awesome would that be? I can't believe you only have 45 days left. It seems like just yesterday you were freaking out announcing that you were (are) pregnant. Time has flown by. Are you getting any strong feelings/dreams about whether you're having a boy or girl? hee hee. Has anyone imposed their feelings on you by the way you look? Do you have both names picked out?

AFM-I had a lot of cramping last night (I almost woke up and put on a pad), and today I just feel kind of yucky. I may end up taking off a little early because I feel like it and want to sit at home and eat ice cream/sherbet in a waffle cone. That reminds me that I need to make my appointment for Friday. I have a phone "information" call about the new position that I applied for at 3pm, so if I'm at home, I'd be much more relaxed. We'll see how the day progresses.

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