First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Happy belated birthday Lady Sosa! Hope you're feeling Ok with the Lupron! I'm thankful I didn't have to use that. It sounds so awful.

MrsL: That's an awesome report. I got very uncomfortable near the end because I think I got a bit overstimulated but it wasn't anything crazy.

Booger: I LOL about the Lupron and running. I didn't know that. That's awesome you told your coworkers. Mine were so great when we told them, no unsolicited none sense, so hopefully yours stay the same way. That's amazing you can bring the baby to work! I work from home, so I technically could get away with it in a pinch but I have to be able to leave at a moment's notice.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I dragged my rear out of my PJs, got showered and dolled up and we had a fantastic dinner. I was glad I didn't just stay home. For my birthday the hubs got me a prenantal massage and a new Kindle paperwhite for our trip. I have an older model Kindle but I think he wants to steal it vacay =)

I still feel crummy. It keeps morphing: first a sore throat, then congestion and post nasal drip, now a cough and extreme congestion. I took Benadryl last night and slept for 11.5 hours. My doctor told me to touch base if I still wasn't feeling well Thursday, so I called but I haven't heard anything from her.

We had the 20 week ultrasound yesterday morning and it was pretty awesome. Baby was breech but they told us not to worry as they spin about so much at this stage. The U/S tech did tell me I was right that I had been feeling kicks up near my ribs. Baby looked "extremely healthy" and I found out our screenings for Downs etc came up with the lowest risk possible. So all really good news.

We stayed strong and closed our eyes when they checked out the sex. It is weird to know two people out in the world know the sex of our baby and we don't. We didn't really get any good shots this time, baby was moving too much. A few looked a little creepy. We did get to see baby yawn, which was adorable, but it looks so odd in the photo.

We go back in two weeks for an echo and then at the end of July and early September for more ultrasounds. They do more for IVF babies, which is fine with me.
Hi ladies! Ive been stalking the thread but quiet. Me and sweetie are doing good:) nothing new to report. We did get her furniture and bedding ordered:) we went with the belina set from restoration hardware. It converts to a full size bed and i love it i paired it with the washed velvet petal pink bedding set and had her name embroidered on the coverlet and the pillow. Hubby has to get to painting! First peice of furniture comes in 1 week. Im hopefully counting the hours til Saturday when i reach 24 weeks. Having been a NICU nurse for a few years, 24 weeks is monumental for me. From there it is 1 day at a time.

Jen- seeing sweet charli's pics makes me soooo excited! She is such a doll. Im so happy to hear she is feeding great! So sorry she has to have surgery but glad she is tolerating the dialation well.

Booger- yay for spilling the beans! I love how excited your mom is!! I would fill Dr. In on the tick bites but, glad they havent caused any concerns.

Beagle- i would just leave mention of the gifts off the invite. People that are going to het gifts will most likely ask about registry and the others can get common small gifts such as diapers and toys etc....

Mrs L- its almost Monday! !! Yay for good follies!

Krissy and lady- im with you girls! I hated lupron the most!! But it will be worth it all soon.

Kfs- hope the MRI went well and you have some peace of mind now. So sorry the Dr. Has no bedside manner as well as a lack of time. I would definitely see a different dr.

Sars- hope your b day was great! Mine is end of June as well. I dread it:(
Sars- we cross posted:)

Sorry your feeling crummy! But yay for a great 20 ultrasound. You're so good to not peek at gender. I have no self control!!
Sars, so glad you had a nice bday and got some fun gifts! I had a cold like yours this Winter, started out same way and ended up with bad congestion that I needed an antibiotic. Keep an eye on your temp if you get a fever. I hope you feel better. I can't believe you had such willpower! Dh and I wanted to know the sex asap. You'll get better pics as the baby grows, but isn't it fun to see them move around so much!

Jkb hi!! 24 weeks went fast! I love the collections from RH, but they are just too bulky for the room we are putting her in. The conversion bed is a great idea, we did it for Jack. It's one less thing to have to buy later. What color are you doing the walls? Maybe Sherwin Williams by you is having the same sale as ours, 40% off.

Is everyone ready for the w/e!!! I know I am. Brutal week at work, boss is trying to take acct from me and give it to......wait for it......himself!!! Whatever respect any of us had left for him is gone w/ that stunt. The acct even said it was a scumbag move and he should be ashamed of himself. Greedy f---. I am currently out producing more than half my desk, and they are men with twice as much experience, 30yrs+ most of them. So what exactly is the business reason for taking accts away from a top producer who has been here the longest??? I decided this was the last straw for me and I went over his head and said none of his decisions help the bottom line, none of his hires have pulled their weight, he can't sell or manage so he tries to kill my production to help him and level the playing field for the weaker (lazier salesmen) by taking accts from me. They end up doing no business with those accts when they take them from me and I have been asking for them back for a year...lost revenue for 12 mos for the firm and me = bad mgmt. I wouldn't let this guy manage a lemonade stand. It either changes or I am leaving and others are starting to voice the same sentiment...what they fail to understand is when I leave my revenus goes with me, my accts will not talk to this firm if I am not here, especially when they learn that they were taking accts from me while pregnant and when I returned from leave last time. My boss wouldn't talk to me for 2 days and sits 4ft from me, everyone said it awkward and what made it more so was that it was glaringly obvious that I could have cared less. You mess with my livelihood after crushing the guys you hire, I am not rolling over and taking it simply b/c I am going on leave in 7 weeks. His excuses for what he does are not based in anything logical and we are all sick of it, but there doesn't seem to be any signs of positive change. This confirms that if nothing changes while on leave I will be looking for another job as this place has become a dysfunctional joke. They take accts from me that I'm producing with but won't take accts from the other men that have done zero w/ the acct....explain the business reason for this? I have reached my breaking point, and it helps that so have a few others. I am so happy I will be out of this place soon for a lovely 12 weeks of baby bonding time. :End work rant:

Dh had a lovely time at his college reunion, but came home with amnesia for what it's like to have a newborn. He's asking if his friends that he saw this weekend can come down at the end of Aug for 3 nights with their 3 & 5yr olds and stay with us. This is what my friend likes to call 99% brilliant and 1% stupid. Men don't think things through. I will be recovering, nursing, and the germs from 4 people let alone a 3 & 5yr old in our house Thurs-Sun, hell no. Of course I look like the bad guy and he doesn't want to admit it's a ridiculous request, but shouldn't his friends w/ 2 kids also not think it would be the right time to stay with us as I recover and have a newborn with no immune system???? Why am I the only voice of reason here? So I said maybe but no kids. Dh said that might be a deal breaker and I explained that the wife should understand having had 2 kids.

On baby girl front, she is standing on my bladder causing me to pee every hr at night, and her kicks are so low it's such a strange feeling, it makes me jump sometimes. I hope she's growing, our next scan is Thurs...hope she is on the right growth curve b/c she is measuring small. 47 days until my cs!!!
Good morning ladies!

Sars - that's great that your U/S went well. And I agree - very brave of you not to want to find out the gender! You're stronger than I would be!

Jkb - I agree, time flew! Can't believe its already almost been 24 weeks. I bet being an NICU nurse makes your mind wander to the worst possible scenarios...that must be tough. Yay for getting furniture! So exciting!

BabyW - Sorry about your work drama. Believe me, I understand the frustration you are facing - its hard to have a crappy boss. As they say, people don't quit jobs, they quit bosses. That's good that you are the top producer and have the most tenure there; you have some leverage with the powers that be! Good for you for speaking up for yourself. Try not to get too stressed about it though, remember that little bun in your oven! That's what matters. Some coworkers of mine reminded me of that the other day - whatever stress that's going on at work, that doesn't matter. It's all superficial. What really matters is what's going on at home. And for me, that's trying to get pregnant and start our family. That's the only thing that matters for me right now! I have to keep reminding myself of that - it's hard not to let this work stuff get to me, so I'm constantly re-assessing my priorities. It helps.

This morning I am going in for my suppression check - U/S and blood work. Fingers crossed I can reduce my lupron and start the estrogen as scheduled tomorrow.


Any fun plans for the weekend??

We are hosting my cousin's graduation party tomorrow at noon. There's gonna be A LOT of people! And I haven't done a damn thing to prepare yet!! Gah! Luckily the weather will be REALLY nice to we'll just be sitting outside, grilling, drinking.
Hey guys. Sorry for the work frustrations. I am having them too...but not the same extent. I will be so happy to be on leave as well...I can hardly wait! Mainly so I can meet little man. Sars - good for you waiting if that is what you want on the gender. I just knew I always wanted to find out early. And so excited PGS let me know on day 1!

This weekend should be low key. We have been traveling so much over the last month or so...time to relax. I plan to get my venue reserved for the bbq baby "shower" & order my invites. I am getting anxious about it, but trying to relax. Get togethers always do that. Will people even show up? Things like that. I think I will also try to schedule my 4d u/s the Fri before if my sister comes down early. I would love my nephew to see. He just loves the baby so much. He is the one who just graduated.

On the baby front, nothing new. Appetite is coming back. The guys at work make fun of me because I dominate our mini fridge. Also, no movement yet which I am trying not to let make me nervous. I know it could be as late as 22 weeks. Anyone who wants to remind me what week the movement started for you would be greatly appreciated.

Lady - I had to totally reorganize my brain during fertility treatments. Basically making my Boss way down on the list & my husband & potential family come first. I am excited about your appt & hopefully you will be well on your way soon enough!
Hey guys. Sorry for the work frustrations. I am having them too...but not the same extent. I will be so happy to be on leave as well...I can hardly wait! Mainly so I can meet little man. Sars - good for you waiting if that is what you want on the gender. I just knew I always wanted to find out early. And so excited PGS let me know on day 1!

This weekend should be low key. We have been traveling so much over the last month or so...time to relax. I plan to get my venue reserved for the bbq baby "shower" & order my invites. I am getting anxious about it, but trying to relax. Get togethers always do that. Will people even show up? Things like that. I think I will also try to schedule my 4d u/s the Fri before if my sister comes down early. I would love my nephew to see. He just loves the baby so much. He is the one who just graduated.

On the baby front, nothing new. Appetite is coming back. The guys at work make fun of me because I dominate our mini fridge. Also, no movement yet which I am trying not to let make me nervous. I know it could be as late as 22 weeks. Anyone who wants to remind me what week the movement started for you would be greatly appreciated.

Lady - I had to totally reorganize my brain during fertility treatments. Basically making my Boss way down on the list & my husband & potential family come first. I am excited about your appt & hopefully you will be well on your way soon enough!

No worries mama, relax. I didn't feel Jack until week 22...lay still at night and wait for flutters or what feels like a little gas bubble...try drinking some OJ first.
That is reassuring...thanks. Not really too worried...I think more anxious to go ahead & start that part of my pregnancy. It will be exciting.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Beagle - Did you get your reservations made and invitations ordered??

Babywhisperer - Sorry about the work drama. That sucks. And I hope you were able to convince your husband that his friend visit might not be the best timing. My sister was talking about her family visiting at Christmas and I was like "no way" - Normally, yes, I would be ecstatic but I'm pretty sure we won't be ready for 5 house guests just yet!

LadySosa - How did your appointment go?? How did your graduation party go??

jkb - Hooray for 24 weeks and ordering the nursery set!! I went and bought paint this weekend but won't get started just yet - just wanted to hit the store while they had a good sale going on.

Sars - Your ultrasound sounds great! I love that you guys still haven't found out. I still wish we could have made that work. Maybe next time!!! I can't wait for my 20-week ultrasound (even though mine is going to be one week later). Only 3 weeks to go! Hope you're feeling better!

MrsL4 - How are you doing?? Retrieval today??

Hello to everyone else!!

This weekend seemed to fly by (don't they all??) We had some gorgeous weather and it's feeling like summer. I went for a nice 5.5 mile run on Sat. morning (I have a 10K coming up this Sat. and wanted to see if I could still make it that far). It actually went really well and I felt great the whole way. Then we walked to the farmer's market and got the last few plants we needed for our garden. We had a retirement party to go to on Sat. night which was fun, too. Yesterday, I got the last of my flowers planted (window boxes) and then went to the lake with a friend. It was a great weekend all around. I love summer! However, I discovered I need a new swimsuit and some new sports bras for running. The girls have outgrown almost everything I've got. :blush:
Good morning ladies,
How is everyone doing on this Monday morning?? How was the weekend for everyone?

The weather here's been soo gorgeous, we've been spoiled. Yesterday it got up to nearly 90 degrees and today will be in mid to upper 80's. DH's cousin is coming to stay with us on Wednesday from Miami, so I'm glad we're having nice weather for his visit.

I started the estrogen on Saturday and reduced the Lupron so I'm feeling good today! Gonna get back to barre this afternoon. I feel soo much better when I get a work out in. I haven't been very good about it since starting lupron.
Hey Booger! Glad to hear you are feeling good and staying active. Sounds like an amazing weekend. They always go faster than I'd like.

The grad party was awesome. We had 17 people so it was a little chaotic but so much fun. The weather was perfect, we had the right amount of food and drinks, everyone had a blast. I love hanging with my aunts and uncles and great aunts/uncles, cousins, parents, etc. They're such fun people so its nice to catch up.

Appointment went well too, everything's on track! Hooray!
Hey guys..

Booger/LadySosa-Glad you ladies had wonderful weekends with friends and family. My dad is still in town, and I think he'll be here for either a few more days or another week. Not quite sure because it all depends on the renovation that he is doing for his condo. I don't mind him though, so it's fine if he wants to stay longer. I have vacation coming up at the end of the month, so I'm guessing he'll be gone by then. hee hee. Who knows?

That's the latest from me.

Beagle-I am curious about your invitations..did you get 'em done?

kfs1-How did your MRI go?
Hey guys. I finished the nursery. I tried to upload pics from my work computer but no luck. I will try again later. I will add a link below to the flipogram I made for Instagram. Maybe it will work. I am so happy to be done. My husband needs to touch up the paint & a few pieces of quarter round. I also found a sale on babies r us you may want to check those out to stock up. They are smaller packs...the trick is to calculate per diaper...the bigger packs are not always better & no real way to know if a good sale otherwise.

I have not done the invites yet. The park was closed, so hopefully will get a reservation this week...either will call or go by on a lunch hour.

I also sent in my paperwork for the hospital tour. Late July if the date is available. It feels like time is flying. I will be happy to have the bbq over with...not that I won't enjoy it but I am just so ready to be ready! You know?

Booger I bought a swim suit top on is full coverage. I bought a size bigger than usual. But it works great...doesn't look too big while I grow.

Being team yellow would drive me nuts! But I respect the ladies who can do it. I didn't want to know what embryo #2 was until transfer, but my embryologist let that slip. At least yours didn't do that, Booger. You still have some mystery left. But I do love knowing I have a boy coming now & girl on ice.
Hey Booger! Glad to hear you are feeling good and staying active. Sounds like an amazing weekend. They always go faster than I'd like.

The grad party was awesome. We had 17 people so it was a little chaotic but so much fun. The weather was perfect, we had the right amount of food and drinks, everyone had a blast. I love hanging with my aunts and uncles and great aunts/uncles, cousins, parents, etc. They're such fun people so its nice to catch up.

Appointment went well too, everything's on track! Hooray!

Glad you're feeling better and had a nice party! Hopefully you feel better and better from here on out.

Booger you amaze me girl. I had a hard enough time walking less than a mile to brunch yesterday let alone running! I was cramping so bad! Good for you for keeping it up. I hear you about the house guests. Normally I love it, but who will clean before and after? Food shop, tend to their needs, laundry from sheets and towels...not to mention germs and lack of privacy for recovering and nursing. I was a hot mess for a good 6 weeks last time, no one needs to see that.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, weather on LI was great. We took Jack to our club and he walked along the beach collecting rocks. We had a bar association dinner for dh's coworker Friday, the guy was getting sworn in as a board member. Dh calls them rubber chicken dinners. It was almost an hr away and dinner wasn't served yet at 9:15 so we bailed and went home. We were there for over 2hrs so we did our duty. We have his firm's annual beach club dinner Wed night which they use as a way to thank all the spouses for their understanding and sacrifice since they all work long hours...we all joke that they should skip the dinner and just give better raises and bonuses. As for how I'm feeling, I am much better today, but over the weekend I was just so uncomfortable down low under my belly, major cramping in my pelvis and lower back. I think even dh feels badly as I was struggling to do anything. I hope she turns just to give me relief. I have another ultrasound for a follow-up growth scan on Thurs. I hope to hear good news, she certainly feels bigger than last week. As for the work drama, my desk thinks my mgr is a doosh for trying to pull a move like that. It's definitely not a good look to my acct and to be honest we have much bigger and pressing issues to deal with than taking an acct from the only woman on the desk. It's further proof he is just the worst manager any of us has ever worked for.

I am starting to get nervous if we will get everything done for the nursery in time. We are away this weekend, following weekend my MIL has her graduation on Sat, Father's Day on Sunday, following Sat we have our block yard sale, weekend after that is 4th of July! Dh may have to take a day off during the week to set up the furniture and have a painter come. I said it last month that I was going to blink and it would be 4th of July weekend. Holy smokes it's coming up fast. We have every weekend from here on out booked with stuff except for July 11th. Yikes!
Hey guys. I finished the nursery. I tried to upload pics from my work computer but no luck. I will try again later. I will add a link below to the flipogram I made for Instagram. Maybe it will work. I am so happy to be done. My husband needs to touch up the paint & a few pieces of quarter round. I also found a sale on babies r us you may want to check those out to stock up. They are smaller packs...the trick is to calculate per diaper...the bigger packs are not always better & no real way to know if a good sale otherwise.

I have not done the invites yet. The park was closed, so hopefully will get a reservation this week...either will call or go by on a lunch hour.

I also sent in my paperwork for the hospital tour. Late July if the date is available. It feels like time is flying. I will be happy to have the bbq over with...not that I won't enjoy it but I am just so ready to be ready! You know?

Booger I bought a swim suit top on is full coverage. I bought a size bigger than usual. But it works great...doesn't look too big while I grow.

Being team yellow would drive me nuts! But I respect the ladies who can do it. I didn't want to know what embryo #2 was until transfer, but my embryologist let that slip. At least yours didn't do that, Booger. You still have some mystery left. But I do love knowing I have boy coming know & girl on ice.

Love the nursery!! Can you come help me with mine!!! :winkwink:

Terri have you been taking the bike out in this nice weather?

Funny office moment...someone microwaved fish and everyone started popping up out of their seats like meerkats wondering who's first day in an office is this?? It was awful. There are well known cardinal rules about this sort of thing. Glad I am not having morning sickness today, that would have made me puke.
Thanks BW. It was a long process...but glad to have it done. My husband was a major help. I had the idea about crates for shelves, but he decided how to arrange them & put them up. He may not be able to do everything, but the man sure knows how to use a power drill...& knows all about what he needs to make something safely stay put. Even the pictures he hung with screws & anchors. I really love it. My husband is so great at making my ideas reality. In case you guys can't really see, the 2st set of 3 pics are scanned Dr Seuss book covers. Then around the comforter I have 4 scanned monster books.

I hope your husband can get yours up & going. I am sure he will make it happen. Just keep little girl in that oven! Sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable. Hope she moves around some.

I actually need to take a day off myself. I need to get my internet box moved from the nursery to a new location. I also need some fence repairs. Also my dog's back does not seem to be improving so he may need another treatment option. It is 3 weeks...3 times the first week...then twice...then once. I think we can work it out where my husband & I take turns dropping him off. Hoping we can do a drop off in the morning & pick up at lunch...or drop off at lunch & pick up in the evening. But I am really just hoping after another week on meds he improves...but I am not optimistic.
had 20 eggs retrieved today
waiting for fertilization report, should get that tmw afternoon!

now resting......
Awesome Mrs. L4!! That is a great report!! Rest up and take care of yourself!

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