First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi girls, hope all is well!

BabyW, I can't believe how close we're getting to the big day for you! Can't wait to see you welcome your baby girl into the world. :)

beagle, cute nursery! Thanks for sharing pics!

MrsL, that's a really good number of eggs, so I bet you'll have nice fert report too. :thumbup: I'll be rooting your embies on! I hope you're feeling okay. Check in again when you feel up to it.

terri, do you go back soon for a last hcg check? Maybe AF will just arrive for ya' and you can get started again.

Lady, awesome that your grad party went so well. And your appt too! Wonderful news. Sounds like things are moving along, wuhu! Yay for starting the E. I know that was always a nice relief for me too. It made a big difference!

sars, sounds like all is going really well! And good for you staying so strong on team yellow! I wouldn't have been able to hold out. They knew the gender of ours from day one because of PGS, but we managed to hold out until our 7 week u/s went smoothly, and then we couldn't anymore, hehe!

kfs, I meant to thank you for mentioning that odd pain that you had that was similar to mine! I felt better after reading that. I got it again that very next night... same exact thing... started as cramping on only lower left side, and then became sort of like burning and spread into my left thigh. It was very disoncerting how painful it was, but after I read your post, it gave me some peace of mind. And then it didn't happen again after that! I hope all is going well with you!

jkb, all that RH furniture is beautiful, I really love it. And since you got one that will grow with her into a full sized bed, you'll totally get your money's worth. :) Glad to hear all is going well with you!

booger, sounds like an awesome weekend. :thumbup: And I totally hear ya on the swimsuits and bras! Sounds like you're feeling pretty good lately too, so that's wonderful!

Hi to everyone else! I was thinking about our only twin pregnancy today and wondering what Knit is up to... I know she was having a rough first-tri with the horrrible nausea (possibly made even worse by two in there!). Hopefully she's feeling better.

AFM, lots going on, and I feel like time is flying by! DH painted the nursery a couple wks ago, and the smokey blue turned out so pretty. He did all the trim a stark white including the chair rail. Got my Burt's Bees bedding, and the gray looks really nice with that shade of blue. We put the furniture together about a week ago, so that's all in there too. I'll post pics when I can. My mom bought me letters to spell out his name in shades of blue and gray, so I'll put those above his crib. They won't come for another month since they're customized. My girlfriend sent out shower invites on Fri, and I'm actually getting really excited about it. It will be at one of my fave restaurants for Sunday brunch, and she's going to decorate the tables to match my nursery colors (which I didn't even think about myself, haha). So cute. It will be a nice small group of about 10 or so. I'm feeling like I'd like to buy a cute new dress for that. :winkwink:

Oh, and we did decide on a name finally. We were originally thinking Miles or Nolan, but DH lost interest and started talking about Owen. That one seemed to stick for him, and I like it too. I gave him a few weeks to make sure it continued to stick, and at some point he said he was totally sure, so we're going with it. We're still using Steven as the middle name. The two don't go fabulous together, but I'm not too worried about that since middles are rarely used. I just want him to have his Daddy's name in there somewhere. So... Owen Steven, it is. <3
Erin I like the name. I think we have an Owen on the Graduates thread.

I thought about spelling mine out, but my walls have a lot going on as you can see...maybe initials on his door.
Oh, and also had my 4D u/s on Friday. It was cool getting to see his features finally and watch him move all around! However, the darn cord was in front of his face much of the time, so our pics weren't as good as I would've liked. The u/s tech said to come back in another week and they'll do another one for free, in hopes that the cord is out of the way. Thought that was sweet of her. But it was still all very cool, and lots of fun for us. At one point, he reared his head back like even he was wishing the cord would get out of his way, haha. We did get a good little video too.
Hi girls, hope all is well!

BabyW, I can't believe how close we're getting to the big day for you! Can't wait to see you welcome your baby girl into the world. :)

beagle, cute nursery! Thanks for sharing pics!

MrsL, that's a really good number of eggs, so I bet you'll have nice fert report too. :thumbup: I'll be rooting your embies on! I hope you're feeling okay. Check in again when you feel up to it.

terri, do you go back soon for a last hcg check? Maybe AF will just arrive for ya' and you can get started again.

Lady, awesome that your grad party went so well. And your appt too! Wonderful news. Sounds like things are moving along, wuhu! Yay for starting the E. I know that was always a nice relief for me too. It made a big difference!

sars, sounds like all is going really well! And good for you staying so strong on team yellow! I wouldn't have been able to hold out. They knew the gender of ours from day one because of PGS, but we managed to hold out until our 7 week u/s went smoothly, and then we couldn't anymore, hehe!

kfs, I meant to thank you for mentioning that odd pain that you had that was similar to mine! I felt better after reading that. I got it again that very next night... same exact thing... started as cramping on only lower left side, and then became sort of like burning and spread into my left thigh. It was very disoncerting how painful it was, but after I read your post, it gave me some peace of mind. And then it didn't happen again after that! I hope all is going well with you!

jkb, all that RH furniture is beautiful, I really love it. And since you got one that will grow with her into a full sized bed, you'll totally get your money's worth. :) Glad to hear all is going well with you!

booger, sounds like an awesome weekend. :thumbup: And I totally hear ya on the swimsuits and bras! Sounds like you're feeling pretty good lately too, so that's wonderful!

Hi to everyone else! I was thinking about our only twin pregnancy today and wondering what Knit is up to... I know she was having a rough first-tri with the horrrible nausea (possibly made even worse by two in there!). Hopefully she's feeling better.

AFM, lots going on, and I feel like time is flying by! DH painted the nursery a couple wks ago, and the smokey blue turned out so pretty. He did all the trim a stark white including the chair rail. Got my Burt's Bees bedding, and the gray looks really nice with that shade of blue. We put the furniture together about a week ago, so that's all in there too. I'll post pics when I can. My mom bought me letters to spell out his name in shades of blue and gray, so I'll put those above his crib. They won't come for another month since they're customized. My girlfriend sent out shower invites on Fri, and I'm actually getting really excited about it. It will be at one of my fave restaurants for Sunday brunch, and she's going to decorate the tables to match my nursery colors (which I didn't even think about myself, haha). So cute. It will be a nice small group of about 10 or so. I'm feeling like I'd like to buy a cute new dress for that. :winkwink:

Oh, and we did decide on a name finally. We were originally thinking Miles or Nolan, but DH lost interest and started talking about Owen. That one seemed to stick for him, and I like it too. I gave him a few weeks to make sure it continued to stick, and at some point he said he was totally sure, so we're going with it. We're still using Steven as the middle name. The two don't go fabulous together, but I'm not too worried about that since middles are rarely used. I just want him to have his Daddy's name in there somewhere. So... Owen Steven, it is. <3

Your nursery sounds lovely, really like the color choices. I love Owen, have 2 friends who named their sons that. The 4D u/s are awesome, but we haven't been able to see baby girl, being breech makes it harder. I hope we see her Thursday. How are you feeling? You and Beagle are making me feel like such a slacker for not having the nursery done!! We did get an estimate for painting since we have some house exterior peeling we want to get taken care of while they come to paint the nursery. I think they might be able to squeeze us in next week.

I'm cramping like crazy today, trying to drink as much water as I can. No real appetite for dinner the last few nights, just too uncomfortable. I have a family reunion this weekend up in CT and they want me to play kick ball...I almost peed myself when they asked b/c they are short 1 person to make the teams even. Do you know what that would look like? Maybe I can kick and have a designated runner for me, lol!
Hi girls - sorry I've been MIA. It's been a long week (lots going on - both good and bad) but I finally heard back from the doctor and all was OK on my MRI. I'm so relieved, you have no idea. Anyway, I've been reading along but I'm sooooooo behind so I'll just say hi to you all for now. :)
Hey guys. Some of you may know floridasian...I think she popped on here a couple of times but never needed IVF. She just gave birth to her twins at 24 weeks but lost the little girl & the little boy is still holding on. Please keep her in your thoughts. Something like this makes me so grateful for my pregnancy. We struggle so hard to get where we are...some of you still struggle. I never take my pregnancy for granted. I silently count down the weeks until a safe delivery. I hope you all know if you are still waiting, I am thinking of you. I know your struggle & I will never forget that pain. Every moment we have in pregnancy is a blessing. Every week they stay strong in there is a blessing. And even though we may not see it, the fact that we are all able to do these fertility treatments...whether insurance, out of pocket, or help from friends & family...we are truly blessed to have the opportunity. In 2003 when I got married & dreamed of a family, this was not my plan. And obviously IVF was not an option for me then. Now over 10 years later with hard work from both me & my husband, we can make paying for IVF work.

I think of you all often...I think of my forum/online friends who struggle...I think of the ones who have succeeded. And some of them I silently pray everything works out for them...but I openly congratulate them & stay positive for them. We all deserve what so many seem to receive so easily in life. I know my struggle has been so much easier having this support. I thank you all for that.
OMG...I'm so sorry to hear about Floridasian's baby girl. I don't really know her, but I do know she is part of your group and has come on here a couple times. So sad...I hope that little boy keeps hanging on for her, his sister and the rest of their family. Thanks for letting us know, beagle.

kfs1-I'm glad your MRI was ok. Did they say anything about the previa accenta or anything about the placenta moving? Why is it still acting up?

ERose-I'll chime in on Owen. LOVE IT! It's an uncommon name that doesn't get enough play as far as I'm concerned. My math TA in college was named Owen and he was great. Ever since I met him, I have always liked that name. So glad all is well.
terri - your new picture is having me laughing so hard!!:laugh2:
That is so sad. :( I don't know her but I cannot imagine what she is going through. Must be so tough.

Kfs - so good to hear from you!

Amy - how are you doing lady? Haven't heard from you in a while!

Erin - Owen is a GREAT name. I love it!
Got our fertilization report today:
Out of the 20 eggs retrieved, 12 were mature, and all were ICSI' 9 have fertilized. They don't check on them tomorrow, but will look Thursday. Fingers crossed!
Great news mrs L!! Congrats, im so happy for you!!

Erin- owen is a super cute name!

Beagle- i will keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers. Such a difficult lost. Heart breaking.
Terri - My doctor said that there was no evidence of accreta and that the MRI also showed no previa. I'm not 100% sure that I trust that the previa is gone since they've told me that before so I think I'll wait until my next ultrasound to be sure. I am happy about the accreta though. I have an appointment today just with the doc (no ultrasound) so I'm sure they'll tell me more.

Erose - I also love the name Owen. Too cute! So far, no boy names for us but we do like Lillian or Adeline for a girl's name so far. The middle name would be Ellene (my mom's name) and the middle name for a boy would most likely be John (my dad's name, who passed 10 years ago. I can't have his first name as John because that's both my nephew and BIL's names. :)

Beagle - I hope your friend is doing OK. So awful :(

Mrs. L - Congratulations both on the retrieval and the great fertilization report. Remind me - are you waiting to do an FET or will you be moving ahead right away?

Hi everyone else!
That's wonderful Mrs. L! Yayyy so happy for you! Hang on lil embies!
Terri - My doctor said that there was no evidence of accreta and that the MRI also showed no previa. I'm not 100% sure that I trust that the previa is gone since they've told me that before so I think I'll wait until my next ultrasound to be sure. I am happy about the accreta though. I have an appointment today just with the doc (no ultrasound) so I'm sure they'll tell me more.

Erose - I also love the name Owen. Too cute! So far, no boy names for us but we do like Lillian or Adeline for a girl's name so far. The middle name would be Ellene (my mom's name) and the middle name for a boy would most likely be John (my dad's name, who passed 10 years ago. I can't have his first name as John because that's both my nephew and BIL's names. :)

Beagle - I hope your friend is doing OK. So awful :(

Mrs. L - Congratulations both on the retrieval and the great fertilization report. Remind me - are you waiting to do an FET or will you be moving ahead right away?

Hi everyone else!

So happy your MRI went well. There is still time for the placenta to move if it is in a bad the uterus rises and the baby does too, the placenta moves a lot. I think they really pay attention to location around 34 weeks.

Beagle I will pray for Floridisan as I do my coworker who lost both twin girls just shy of her earliest delivery date. She conceived naturally but has Crohn's. I don't know what part that played, but I know others that have to take medication just to carry full term. I think it's important to think about those who can get pregnant effortlessly, but have genetic diseases that have made their journey to have a child extremely difficult and fraught with anxiety. I am truly blessed for my son and when I finally hold my daughter (God willing) I will finally be able to exhale...and then start worrying about all the other stuff Mom's worry about. There is no other group of women I can speak this freely with and that truly can empathize. It has been my saving grace for the last 2yrs.

I figure I would share what happened yesterday in case any of you experience this. I woke up crampy, like mild menstrual cramps. They got progressively worse and spread to my hip and back. I also went to the bathroom twice in a short span of time, totally cleaned out. That spooked me b/c that's what happened the week my water broke. It got bad enough for me to call the Dr and since she is breech and I am 33 weeks they told me to come in. I was hooked up to a contraction and fhr monitor. I had 2 small contractions but were not productive. Baby seems fine, put on 9oz in 12 days or so they estimate. I am a fingertip dilated, but could stay that way for weeks. I wasn't a fingertip dilated until 38 weeks with Jack so I will be monitored closely. The did a growth scan and while she is gaining, she is still measuring 35%. They urged me to eat more meat, chicken....that and veggies should be where I get the bulk of my calories for the day. I just haven't been that hungry and nowhere near as hungry as when I was prego with Jack. Hard to say what caused the cramping, she could have been on a nerve, but it was definitely not GI, BH or round ligament. It was like the worst menstrual cramp that lasted for over an hour and got worse and worse. It wasn't as bad when I walked around, but it didn't go away either. I avoid going to the Dr whenever possible, hence why they do all my thyroid panels instead of going to my Endo, and why I made them do the growth scan instead of coming back Thurs. They said not to dismiss or self diagnose things like pain in your 3rd trimester, especially if after resting and drinking a ton of water it hasn't subsided. I drank so much water yesterday I had to use the bathroom 3 times while at the dr. I pray she stays in there for at least another 5 weeks!
Yikes BabyW - that is scary! I'm glad they are monitoring you closely. You are getting so close! Hang in there little gal!
Thank you everyone!

Baby whisperer, I don't blame you for being concerned. Glad everything checked out okay. Hopefully that baby will stay in therE a few more weeks and continue to grow! Maybe you could try protein shakes for some extra calories if you aren't too hungry?
Yes I am praying hard that those remaining 9 fertilized eggies keep on growing

I am super bloated and I keep having waves of abdominal cramps. I am waiting to hear back from the doctor but I am pretty sure I have mild ohss. I'm not short of breath or anything. Just really bloated and no appetite. They have me oxycodone after my procedure and I'm sad to say I've needed it in the am and pm due to abdominal discomfort. I'm really hoping the bloating decreases over the next few days because we are.planning on a fresh cycle. I reallyyyyyy don't want to postpone because that's another 5k. Ick!!!!
BW glad she is OK

MrsL my fresh was canceled due to my progesterone rising. Just wanted to let you know if you do have to do fet instead they should give you a partial credit die to no transfer. Ask about that.
Oh and most important is having your body well before transfer... Even if you have to wait or spend more money. If you transfer and your body is not ready it is just a waste. But I hope everything calms down for you so no more waiting or money.

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