First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - Yahooo for AF finally showing. That's so great. To answer your questions, no strong feelings about whether it's a boy or a girl and the guesses from other people have been mixed. :) We like Adeline or Lillian so far as possible girls names (middle name Ellene after my mom). Not sure about boys names yet. :)

Krissy - Yay for AF showing for you, too.

eRose - OMG I love those new pics. Absolutely amazing. :)

Babyw - I know - we ARE getting so close. Everything's been so crazy lately but my DH is done with school late next week and I have my shower that weekend so I'm hoping we can settle down and start to get more organized after that. We just haven't had any downtime really. How about you? Are you feeling ready?

Booger - You are amazing running a 10K. I am beyond out of shape - it's disgusting. Keep it up girl. And I say go out and grab those maternity pants. I was hesitant for a while but man, you'll feel SO much better. Trust me. :)

Beagle - How's the heat today? My mom's in SC and said it was BRUTAL yesterday.

LadySosa - Congrats on the closing today! And congrats on your phone interview. I hope it goes well.

Hi everyone else! Yesterday was my bday but it was not the best day. As I mentioned, my cousin's husband passed away at 53 so we had to go to the wake. I worked a half-day and then we headed over but were given the wrong address. So, we basically fought the whole time and then were 45 minutes late. The service was SO unbelievably sad. People were wailing - just awful. But at least it put our stupid fighting into perspective. I'm just grateful for all that I have.
Started taking Lupron 20u on June 1st and cut back to 10u on June 5th. I then started with 2 vials of Bravelle and 2 vials on Menopur for a couple of days and then went to 1 vial of Menopur and continued taking the 2 vials of Bravelle and 10u of Lupron till June 15. I have had several Estradiol and Ultrasound checks. I have 15 follicles but as of yesterday my Estrogen level was only 528. My RE told me today if my E2 levels were not 1000+ that my IVF would be cancelled. I am patiently waiting for his call. I never thought I would have any trouble with IVF, but I guess I was wrong This process has been so emotionally draining and I don't feel like anyone understands this around me. My DH is wonderful, but his response is "it's no big deal, we will try again." I know we can try again, but I just want to scream....I'm desperately looking for positive vibes.

Well, I just got off the phone with my RE and my E2 levels after 15 days was 770 with 15 follicles so he cancelled me. :cry: Hopefully, the follicles suppress enough by August to start the process for IVF round 2

I am so sorry your cycle was cancelled. But just know the doctors know what they are doing & they are looking for only the best possible outcome. I know it sucks, but now they know better what to change next cycle to be more successful. I had a few set backs myself. It was always stressful...the extra money spent & the waiting...but it will all work out. At least you seemed to respond well with your follicles. Good luck!
The heat is awful. I thought storms were coming today but nope...another advisory. I pretty much stay inside except lunch. I would stay in but I am trying to get a lot of errands taken care of this week. I am driving my husband's car today & yesterday. Did the car inspection yesterday & today I need to drop off like 10 boxes of books at the library for donation. His car is much better with the AC than my prius. So it is nice. Even my pool is like 95 degrees! I am really wanting some rain to cool that thing OFF!
Kfs - sorry about your cousin's husband. That is really sad. It is always heartbreaking when someone passes away too soon. I love those names! Adorable.

Terri - yay for AF arriving!! What's next?

TMETN4ME - sorry your cycle was cancelled. Hang in there! It's great that your hubby is supportive. This board will help you through things - we've all been there, so can support you along the way! :)

Beagle - yikes! That is really hot. It's a good thing you are staying out of the heat. Is it expected to cool off any time soon?

It's nice and warm here, like a high of 73 or something. But we haven't had rain in like weeks. My lawn is starting to turn yellow and we have to go water the plants almost every day. I never thought I'd be saying this but I could really go for some rain!

Afm, I think the estrogen is making me CRANKY. I'm on 9mg a day now, so the highest dose in the protocol. I've been getting SO MAD at poor DH over stupid little things. He's just annoying the crap out of me when he normally doesn't, lol. I'm a little nervous too, we are almost out of Lupron. I don't think we'll have enough to get through Friday. I emailed my nurse to see if they have some extra at the clinic so I don't have to buy a whole vial just for one dose. We shall see.

How's everyone's week so far?
Hoping the thunderstorms hit that are predicted for the weekend. But we are in full summer...mid to upper 90s.

Oh & has anyone heard about the shark attacks here in NC? We were planning to go to the beach this weekend...but I am not sure a beach trip will be in the works at ALL this summer. It is ridiculous. It is literally a scene cut straight from Jaws.
BabyW, I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm now starting to get physically tired very easily. I think you mentioned that some time ago, as you got further along you were losing some physical energy. That's where I am... Some days, like today, I feel great and completely normal. Other days, it takes everything I have to drag my butt from my front door to my car!

booger, you certainly made it further than I did without having to wear maternity clothes. My hips widened early on, so getting my regular pants over my hips became impossible earlier than I would've liked. So I didn't get much use out of the belly band. I've found a ton of cute maternity clothes though. Even Motherhood Maternity has some really adorable jeans and dress pants.

terri, yay for AF arriving!!! Wuhu! I bet that felt like an eternity. :winkwink: So excited that you're getting started again! And how fun that you'll be in the TWW with Lady and Krissy... fun times ahead!

Lady, how exciting you're closing on the condo! Remind me, is this condo AT the beach, or directly ON the beach? I couldn't recall. Either way, super fun times!!

beagle, your dogs crack me up laying directly in the baking sun like that, LOL! But I agree that they would know if they were getting too hot. Btw, loved the FB pic of RB laying by your belly. :) I have heard about the shark attacks! Ugh... I'd have a hard time getting in the water after hearing those stories. I'm not sure if we've had many here in FL this year or not...

Krissy, I have you down on the front page for July 7th, wuhu! Very exciting!! :thumbup:

TMETN4ME, I'm so sorry that you got cancelled. :nope: So it wasn't just your transfer that got cancelled? They cancelled the retrieval as well, huh? Well, like beagle said, at least they will know for next time how to adjust your meds appropriately, now that they have an idea of how you responded to them. I have to say though, I'm surprised they didn't increase your meds when they realized your E was low. But maybe they didn't want your follies to grow too fast...? Ask questions, just so that you feel comfortable for next time.

kfs, Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm sorry to hear it wasn't a good one for ya. It's never fun fighting with our DHs either.

Hi to everyone else!! Hope everyone is doing well.

AFM, I failed my first glucose test, so I finally went in for the 3-hr test last week. That one was fine, so I'm good to go. My c-section has officially been scheduled for Aug 10th at 7am. I can not believe how fast it has come up... My pregnancy is flying by! Need to get my maternity photos done, and I still feel like I just have a ton of other things to do. I'm attaching a recent bump pic because it cracks me up how big I'm getting.


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ERose-Wow you really look huge-NOT. You look amazing!! I think those shirts are definitely getting their use. thanks for sharing, and so glad you passed your glucose test. Now to get busy booking photos and stuff. Yay!! Fun stuff.

LadySosa-I hope your closing goes well and you get a new job. That would be really exciting on both accounts.

kfs1-Oh, I missed your birthday. I'm sorry. And sorry again about your cousin. :( Sounds like he was really loved. Hopefully with your husband out of school, you guys can get all your lists checked off too. And I love those names. I have some motorcycle friends named Lillian/Lil. It's classic.

beagle-I thought it was supposed to be cooling down? It's a little cooler here today, but I really don't mind the heat. I HATE the cold though so I never complain in the summertime. Hopefully you can get all your errands done before it gets too hot. Oh, and the shark attacks are crazy. It seems so sensational every summer, but still scary.
Oh Erin you look so cute!! You are getting so close! You look fit - are you working out thru your pregnancy? I bet it feels good to have a date set. Our condo is not ON the beach (no way could we ever afford that), but it is super close, like about 3 houses back from the sand.

Beagle - yes, I meant to ask you about that! My BIL and SIL and their 4 kids are in Hilton Head right now (that's NC, right?). They just sent us all pics and videos of the kids swimming in the water (only like 5 feet off the shore). They're suuper cautious with their kids so I'm sure they've done their research on the shark attacks and are being watchful.

Kfs - happy belated birthday!!
Terri - Yahooo for AF finally showing. That's so great. To answer your questions, no strong feelings about whether it's a boy or a girl and the guesses from other people have been mixed. :) We like Adeline or Lillian so far as possible girls names (middle name Ellene after my mom). Not sure about boys names yet. :)

Krissy - Yay for AF showing for you, too.

eRose - OMG I love those new pics. Absolutely amazing. :)

Babyw - I know - we ARE getting so close. Everything's been so crazy lately but my DH is done with school late next week and I have my shower that weekend so I'm hoping we can settle down and start to get more organized after that. We just haven't had any downtime really. How about you? Are you feeling ready?

Booger - You are amazing running a 10K. I am beyond out of shape - it's disgusting. Keep it up girl. And I say go out and grab those maternity pants. I was hesitant for a while but man, you'll feel SO much better. Trust me. :)

Beagle - How's the heat today? My mom's in SC and said it was BRUTAL yesterday.

LadySosa - Congrats on the closing today! And congrats on your phone interview. I hope it goes well.

Hi everyone else! Yesterday was my bday but it was not the best day. As I mentioned, my cousin's husband passed away at 53 so we had to go to the wake. I worked a half-day and then we headed over but were given the wrong address. So, we basically fought the whole time and then were 45 minutes late. The service was SO unbelievably sad. People were wailing - just awful. But at least it put our stupid fighting into perspective. I'm just grateful for all that I have.

Hi Kfs, sorry about your loss. It's tragic and causes stress under the best of circumstances. It definitely puts things into perspective. Have you ever watched the Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith? Whenever it's on I watch it for a few reasons. I did some consulting while in between jobs for Chris Gardner who Will Smith portrays in the movie. It reminds me of the lack of security my industry has. It makes me work harder then the next guy b/c I know as a woman I have to. And it makes me so appreciative that no matter how frustrated I get I can provide a great life for my family. I often wonder how his former bosses felt when they realized he was homeless with a child and living in shelters before they hired him permanently. I wonder if my bosses know how crucial my income is to my family. I think they see a woman working and figure my husband must carry the family financially. It might be the reason why they don't think twice about trying to take an acct from me, or when they distribute accts I am offered bones with no meat. I appreciate that I have a healthy family, wonderful home, and that however rough it can get, if my problems were leaves on a tree I would always go and claim my own instead of someone else's. It's weeks like this one that I need that reminder.

Am I ready? Hmmmm no. I am ready to scream at the lighting store. Our fixtures have been sitting there a week and they knew I was waiting to line up the electrician and painters. The ceiling can't be painted until the fixture is installed, and my Mom went to the store for me and the sconce is the wrong finish. Had someone checked the box when it arrived they would have realized this and reordered the correct one and it would be there for me today. I have the electrician coming tomorrow at 8am and can't have them come back just for the wall sconce and this delays the painting of the ceiling, and then the furniture can't be set up until after they paint. Highly annoyed. There is still a lot I want to do before the baby comes. I want to purge and organize my closets before the yard sale on the 27th. I hope dh plays golf on Sunday and I will attack 2 closets while Jack sleeps.
BabyW, I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm now starting to get physically tired very easily. I think you mentioned that some time ago, as you got further along you were losing some physical energy. That's where I am... Some days, like today, I feel great and completely normal. Other days, it takes everything I have to drag my butt from my front door to my car!

booger, you certainly made it further than I did without having to wear maternity clothes. My hips widened early on, so getting my regular pants over my hips became impossible earlier than I would've liked. So I didn't get much use out of the belly band. I've found a ton of cute maternity clothes though. Even Motherhood Maternity has some really adorable jeans and dress pants.

terri, yay for AF arriving!!! Wuhu! I bet that felt like an eternity. :winkwink: So excited that you're getting started again! And how fun that you'll be in the TWW with Lady and Krissy... fun times ahead!

Lady, how exciting you're closing on the condo! Remind me, is this condo AT the beach, or directly ON the beach? I couldn't recall. Either way, super fun times!!

beagle, your dogs crack me up laying directly in the baking sun like that, LOL! But I agree that they would know if they were getting too hot. Btw, loved the FB pic of RB laying by your belly. :) I have heard about the shark attacks! Ugh... I'd have a hard time getting in the water after hearing those stories. I'm not sure if we've had many here in FL this year or not...

Krissy, I have you down on the front page for July 7th, wuhu! Very exciting!! :thumbup:

TMETN4ME, I'm so sorry that you got cancelled. :nope: So it wasn't just your transfer that got cancelled? They cancelled the retrieval as well, huh? Well, like beagle said, at least they will know for next time how to adjust your meds appropriately, now that they have an idea of how you responded to them. I have to say though, I'm surprised they didn't increase your meds when they realized your E was low. But maybe they didn't want your follies to grow too fast...? Ask questions, just so that you feel comfortable for next time.

kfs, Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm sorry to hear it wasn't a good one for ya. It's never fun fighting with our DHs either.

Hi to everyone else!! Hope everyone is doing well.

AFM, I failed my first glucose test, so I finally went in for the 3-hr test last week. That one was fine, so I'm good to go. My c-section has officially been scheduled for Aug 10th at 7am. I can not believe how fast it has come up... My pregnancy is flying by! Need to get my maternity photos done, and I still feel like I just have a ton of other things to do. I'm attaching a recent bump pic because it cracks me up how big I'm getting.

You look great, all belly!!! Yes there are days where I can do a lot with no issues, and others where I literally wake up exhausted. Growing a human is tiring work!! I find drinking more water helps.

TMETN4ME I'm sorry about the cancelled cycle. Delays and obstacles are all a part of the journey and however frustrating it may be, your Dr did the right thing. You responded well, hopefully they know how to tweak to get those follies closer to the size they need to be for retrieval. Hang in there!!
Erin you do look great. I tell my husband now my belly is officially further out than my boobs. And sometimes when I am getting dressed he will be like look at your belly! I like doing stuff like that with him...I poke my belly or things like that. But I do not do any of that with other people. I just went to another branch & the guy there (very nicely) said there was no hiding it, I am definitely pregnant...then said I looked good. I feel good about how I look. I don't eat the best, but I try to make at least my mini meals healthy. Oh & RB is a nut job! He is the one who was sun bathing. He loves the sun & loves hbeing held & petted. I sometimes think he senses my pregnancy...but the other dogs show no sign one way or the other.

Lady - I think Hilton Head is SC...But I am not sure. I hope they stay cautious. There is a video out there of a shark feeding frenzy right where the waves break on the 5+ sharks eating birds 20 ft or less from the sand. It is scary.

Terri - I don't usually complain about heat either because I also just hate the cold so much. But I do wish my pool was not so warm. But it is perfect for night swimming...feels sort of like a hot tub. But it is not so great during the heat wave when it is still close to 90 at 8 pm.

BabyW - I have a lady at work telling me I won't come back because I need to stay at home with the baby. I think I would like that. I used to think I wouldn't. But the income is just not there...especially after financing the IVF. But maybe by the time baby #2 rolls around we will be good. We have very little debt. We could probably swing it if we cut our spending more. We will just have to see what the future brings. Oh & I am sure you will get it all done before the baby comes. I can't remember if I said this already, but if she at least has a place to slept, all will be fine. Are you planning a C section this time? I have heard women who previously had one usually do it again. But I also know you are still able to give birth vaginally. So I was just curious.

Erin you mentioned the maternity pics. I have said before those are just not my thing. We will have one of my husband's photography friends do some casual shots at our bbq. But I think that when I get bigger, we will take a trip to the beach where my husband proposed & do some sunrise pics. We can do those with his tripod easy.

FB needs to be prepared for the craziness that will come when my husband starts taking pics of the baby!
Erin you do look great. I tell my husband now my belly is officially further out than my boobs. And sometimes when I am getting dressed he will be like look at your belly! I like doing stuff like that with him...I poke my belly or things like that. But I do not do any of that with other people. I just went to another branch & the guy there (very nicely) said there was no hiding it, I am definitely pregnant...then said I looked good. I feel good about how I look. I don't eat the best, but I try to make at least my mini meals healthy. Oh & RB is a nut job! He is the one who was sun bathing. He loves the sun & loves hbeing held & petted. I sometimes think he senses my pregnancy...but the other dogs show no sign one way or the other.

Lady - I think Hilton Head is SC...But I am not sure. I hope they stay cautious. There is a video out there of a shark feeding frenzy right where the waves break on the 5+ sharks eating birds 20 ft or less from the sand. It is scary.

Terri - I don't usually complain about heat either because I also just hate the cold so much. But I do wish my pool was not so warm. But it is perfect for night swimming...feels sort of like a hot tub. But it is not so great during the heat wave when it is still close to 90 at 8 pm.

BabyW - I have a lady at work telling me I won't come back because I need to stay at home with the baby. I think I would like that. I used to think I wouldn't. But the income is just not there...especially after financing the IVF. But maybe by the time baby #2 rolls around we will be good. We have very little debt. We could probably swing it if we cut our spending more. We will just have to see what the future brings. Oh & I am sure you will get it all done before the baby comes. I can't remember if I said this already, but if she at least has a place to slept, all will be fine. Are you planning a C section this time? I have heard women who previously had one usually do it again. But I also know you are still able to give birth vaginally. So I was just curious.

Erin you mentioned the maternity pics. I have said before those are just not my thing. We will have one of my husband's photography friends do some casual shots at our bbq. But I think that when I get bigger, we will take a trip to the beach where my husband proposed & do some sunrise pics. We can do those with his tripod easy.

FB needs to be prepared for the craziness that will come when my husband starts taking pics of the baby!

No one HAS to stay at home these days, we are free to choose what is right for us and our family. There are give and takes for either path. No one else can know what is right for anyone else. I am helping dh pay off law school loans and until he makes partner we are heavily reliant on my when someone tries to screw with it and the reason makes no sense to anyone I work with I have to come out swinging or else they think I will just sit here and take it. I am thoroughly disgusted this week. I work with 2 very very bad people. Machiavellian, pathological liars, just sick people. Everyone is fed up but there is little we can do about it. It makes me happy that I have scheduled my c section a week before my EDD. I can't wait to be free of this toxic environment. Maybe I need to speak to an attorney again and see what my rights are and if I have any recourse or if this is purely at the sole discretion of mgmt. It's like they try and see just what they can get away with. If baby turns and comes earlier than the cs date I may go for it. I just don't want to go through 24hrs of labor just to be sectioned again....that recovery is brutal.
terri, haha! YES, I'm def getting my money's worth out of those tees! I'm wearing one in every bump pic I've posted on here, haha. They are literally my go-to everyday after work for soft, comfy lounging at home. Well... almost every day. I have several really soft tanks that I love a lot for lounging too.

Lady, you are so sweet to say that! No, sadly, I don't work out at all. I'm not proud to admit that, especially with all the runners on this thread! But I wasn't in a good routine when I got prego, and my first-tri was so exhausting, that I just never started one. :nope: You can't tell how out of shape I really am from the side... if you saw me from the front, you'd see!:winkwink: Your condo sounds amazing! DH and I would love to do that. I live about 35 min from a beach, but I'd be more than happy to move there and commute. Hubby, however, has almost all his clients in the complete opposite direction and his commute is already too long as it is. :( So for now, we're searching for a lake house in the area. That will have to do for now. Beach someday!

BabyW, so sorry about the light fixture! I know that is so frustrating! And I'm also sorry about the work drama you're still having. There's nothing worse than being miserable at work since we spend so much time there. :nope: I hope it will get better really soon!

beagle, you should post an updated bump pic for us. :) That's a great idea about having your DH's friend do a little photography for you. My hair stylist does photography on the side, and she is coming to my shower, so I told her I'd give her some cash if she just snaps some pics throughout the brunch. I'll probably have her do my maternity photos too, but haven't quite decided where I want to go since I'm feeling rather lazy lately, LOL!

I think DH and I must be crazy, because I'm pretty sure we're buying a camper this week. We've been wanting one for a while, and we casually look at them for fun now and then. But suddenly DH got super serious about it, and I'm like, Oh C'mon, NOW you get serious?? I'm 7 mths prego and we're about to have an infant! Oh well. We love camping, but we're totally over the whole tent thing. We want AC and running water! And we'd like to take the kiddo out and make some family memories. If we do this, we'll take it to some nearby campsites (preferably beach campsites) a couple times this summer while I'm still prego. But then it will likely sit around for a few months after baby is born. I'll want him to be nursing less, sleeping more, and for us to just have a much better grip on his routine. We'll start venturing out to further away campsites, like in the Keys, when little man gets a bit bigger. We'll see how all this goes!
terri, haha! YES, I'm def getting my money's worth out of those tees! I'm wearing one in every bump pic I've posted on here, haha. They are literally my go-to everyday after work for soft, comfy lounging at home. Well... almost every day. I have several really soft tanks that I love a lot for lounging too.

Lady, you are so sweet to say that! No, sadly, I don't work out at all. I'm not proud to admit that, especially with all the runners on this thread! But I wasn't in a good routine when I got prego, and my first-tri was so exhausting, that I just never started one. :nope: You can't tell how out of shape I really am from the side... if you saw me from the front, you'd see!:winkwink: Your condo sounds amazing! DH and I would love to do that. I live about 35 min from a beach, but I'd be more than happy to move there and commute. Hubby, however, has almost all his clients in the complete opposite direction and his commute is already too long as it is. :( So for now, we're searching for a lake house in the area. That will have to do for now. Beach someday!

BabyW, so sorry about the light fixture! I know that is so frustrating! And I'm also sorry about the work drama you're still having. There's nothing worse than being miserable at work since we spend so much time there. :nope: I hope it will get better really soon!

beagle, you should post an updated bump pic for us. :) That's a great idea about having your DH's friend do a little photography for you. My hair stylist does photography on the side, and she is coming to my shower, so I told her I'd give her some cash if she just snaps some pics throughout the brunch. I'll probably have her do my maternity photos too, but haven't quite decided where I want to go since I'm feeling rather lazy lately, LOL!

I think DH and I must be crazy, because I'm pretty sure we're buying a camper this week. We've been wanting one for a while, and we casually look at them for fun now and then. But suddenly DH got super serious about it, and I'm like, Oh C'mon, NOW you get serious?? I'm 7 mths prego and we're about to have an infant! Oh well. We love camping, but we're totally over the whole tent thing. We want AC and running water! And we'd like to take the kiddo out and make some family memories. If we do this, we'll take it to some nearby campsites (preferably beach campsites) a couple times this summer while I'm still prego. But then it will likely sit around for a few months after baby is born. I'll want him to be nursing less, sleeping more, and for us to just have a much better grip on his routine. We'll start venturing out to further away campsites, like in the Keys, when little man gets a bit bigger. We'll see how all this goes!

Thanks saving grace here is the trader who is co-head of the dept thinks the decisions my mgr makes are awful and he wants me to sit tight for 24hrs while he explains to the mgr that this would be a dumb move...almost as dumb as promising IN WRITING to hire someone when there was no position and he got the firm in legal trouble for that bonehead move. He's such a sneak. Upper mgmt calls him Dumb Dumb. The rest of the desk, save for 1 jerk, are also in agreement that I shouldn't be treated this way. I've been here the longest, outproduce more than half the men here and have outlasted many people who couldn't hack it and either quit or got fired. I seriously wouldn't let him manage a lemonade stand. Jack could get a credit card and my mgr can't. Personal bankruptcy, law suits, he's a disaster...but yes let him run a business into the ground...makes zero sense. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks. 5 more weeks. Serenity now!
Yes I need a new pic. When my husband gets home. Here is the last one I took.


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beagle-You look like the lady in your ticker. Aww..such a cute bump and a really cute dress!

ERose- A camper sounds like fun.
Yes I need a new pic. When my husband gets home. Here is the last one I took.

Looking good!!!

Holy allergies's official I can't go a day w/o Claritin. I have never had them this bad for this long. Someone said they think hurricanes have brought up vegetation and flora that are not indigenous to our area and everyone is not used to it.
I set up my 4d scan. It will be the morning of the BBQ. So then if any out of town family wants to join, they can. It will be at 9 & the BBQ starts at 11...getting there at 10:30 to set up. I think it will be fine. We shall see. I will be 27 weeks. I think that should be a good time to do it...I hope.

My manager is not coming which I figured. His family rents a place for the month of July in GA. He doesn't stay the whole time, but I knew there was a chance. No big deal. I said I figured you wouldn't be able to, but we all have to do what we have to do. I can't do anything after July. He said why & I said my husband's store opens first week of Sept...that makes Sept out because busy with opening & Aug out because busy getting ready to open. Plus I really need to be as close to prepared as far as everything bought sooner rather than later. It drives me crazy not having everything I need right now. I am a planner for sure. I am actually stuffing invites right now for a work banquet in October. I won't be here, so trying to get as much doen now. Every year I am stuck here one night until 7 stuffing & stamping. Not this year.
ERose - you look stunning! Definitely all belly! I didn't do a maternity shoot with my DD and I always regretted it a little. I'm definitely hoping for a chance to do it the second time around.
H ladies,
Hope everyone's having a good Thursday so far. We are getting close to the weekend! Yahoo!

My doc just called and asked me if I had a preference on gender. I was sort of dumbfounded, I wasn't expecting that question. I just blurted out, "NO!" So they'll just pick one at random. Then I started second guessing myself, maybe I should've taken my pick? I dunno. It feels weird to be able to pick the gender! This entire process is so unnatural I want to leave something a mystery! We'll find out the gender of course down the road if it all works out, but I don't want to go into it knowing, then what if it doesn't work...then I'll always equate my lost embie as a girl or boy, rather than just an inanimate spec.

We're headed to the beach condo on Sat! We bought a bed, but that's all we'll have really! It's going to be like glorified camping! We've been getting the electricity, water, garbage set up. Woohoo fun stuff!!

Erin - that is really cool that you guys are getting a camper! I know it feels crazy to make such a large purchase right now, but it will be so worth it! You guys will build so many great family memories. I'm excited for you!!

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