First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies! Hope everyone's doing well. Have a great trip Terri!

Krissy- I don't have endo but the estrace makes my joints and body ache. It hurts so much sometimes I just wanna curl up!

Just 2 more sleeps! Gah! My transfer is at 2:00pm which kinda sucks- I'd rather get it done in the morning. But I'm super excited!!
ahhhh its coming, ladysosa!!! so excited for you!!! i don't blame ya for wanting to go earlier, i know you will be ready TO GO by 2pm! need to plan something to keep you busy in the am! good luck :happy dance:

tomorrow am i have my second beta - fingers crossed!!! i have had mild cramps for the past week at least.....which really freaks you out after you've been through infertility treatment! i know it is normal as your uterus starts to stretch...but between the cramps and the crinone (tmi but you have discharge through the day), it is playing games with my mind that AF is around the corner!!! i am hopeful that tomorrow will bring good news and i can rest a little easier.......until the next test!! :dohh:
ahhhh its coming, ladysosa!!! so excited for you!!! i don't blame ya for wanting to go earlier, i know you will be ready TO GO by 2pm! need to plan something to keep you busy in the am! good luck :happy dance:

tomorrow am i have my second beta - fingers crossed!!! i have had mild cramps for the past week at least.....which really freaks you out after you've been through infertility treatment! i know it is normal as your uterus starts to stretch...but between the cramps and the crinone (tmi but you have discharge through the day), it is playing games with my mind that AF is around the corner!!! i am hopeful that tomorrow will bring good news and i can rest a little easier.......until the next test!! :dohh:

Don't let the cramping freak you out, it's just your little bean burrowing in deeper and deeper. Can't wait to hear your 2nd beta!
Woohoo! Good luck today Mrs. L! And yes, the crinone is nasty. I agree with that! Don't stress about the cramping - you got this!

Ugh my estrace and/or the crinone is messing with my emotions! I am so on the verge of tears this morning for NO reason at all. Furthermore I just want to kill my DH again for NO reason, everything he does grates on my nerves. I don't remember being this irritable last time around! I'm also stressing because I'm almost out of estrace, I ordered more from Cigna's specialty pharmacy but they take their sweet-ass says it shipped today and I requested overnight shipping, so as long as it arrives tomorrow morning, I'll be fine. Our plan is to have the transfer, then head down to the condo for a long weekend. I just can't have it arrive Friday or something cause we'll be in Oregon by then and I don't have enough to get me through the weekend! Aggghhh....

Anyways, I'm feeling optimistic for this round. I feel good, I feel ready. It's easier the second time around cause I know what to expect. And I am NOT going with the acupuncture this time, last time I did not enjoy it - rather I was nervous about the needles and they hurt, and I felt nauseous about the needles sticking in this time I'll skip it!
MrsL, can't wait to hear your second beta! And btw, def view the cramping as a good sign. Your uterus is doing exactly what it needs to do to prepare for this little one! :thumbup:

Lady, I'm feeling super good for you this time around too! So sorry you're feeling rough from the meds! We sure do go through a lot to get these littles ones, don't we?! I think you'll get your meds just fine tomorrow. I have Cigna as well, and when I've overnighted from the specialty pharm, it has always made it in time!

beagle, great bump pic!! You look adorbs. :)

Krissy, let us know today about your endos.... FXd its just from the hormones and the endos are staying calm!

Terri, I hope you have a GREAT time in Mexico! I LOVE Mexico. Especially because I can jump on a plane and be there in 2 hrs from Orlando. Makes for a great exotic vacay without the hassle of super long flights and layovers.

BabyW, let us know how your growth scan goes today! I'm sure she's gaining just fine and doing great in there. :) Btw, Jack sounds TOO cute!!

Hi to everyone else!

Not much new here. I think I already mentioned to you guys that my c-section is scheduled for Aug 10th. I can't believe I'm less than 7 weeks away from becoming a mother... It's so hard to believe after this long difficult journey. Whew!
MrsL - the cramping will don't worry. I don't think you really start feeling at ease until the first ultrasound...And even for me I had to wait for my 10 week scan at my gyno to feel totally at ease. He was moving & looked like a real baby finally.

Lady - I am pretty sure the estrogen did all that to me. I am sure your meds will come in just fine. I had a few of those scares myself. As far as acupuncture, I agree...stay clear if it didn't help. I felt nothing either way...not nervous but also no real positive effect. But I know some women love it. So don't be stressed if you are like me & it is just not for you.

I really hope the babies coming in July mean more positive tests!

I had my appt today...jeex it takes FOREVER. Everything is good. They seem to be so laid back. They weigh me & do the usual. Ask if I have issues. I brought up I think my feet are swelling & my hands. But the heat doesn't help & trying to stay on myself about water. Also I need to just buy some new shoes. She suggested I buy maternity stockings...the thought is just so ugh to me. 100 degrees & stockings? She said if I stay inside they aren't too bad & help with circulation. So I will give them a try I think. They don't really ask about my diet & never say anything about my weight so I assume I am doing well on that. I think I have gained about 15 lbs so far which I think is pretty good. My next appt is the glucose & then I start coming in every other week. Seems to be going by fast.

So I plan to start buying some things for my bbq this weekend to get a start. It is so seems my entire family is just so whatever about it. I texted my dad to let him know about the response. I texted again today both him & my sister because we sent cards with my nephews graduation pics & they never said thanks or let us know they got them. So then my dad calls & says he is coming. My sister has not confirmed anything. And my husband's uncle, aunt, & cousin live in York, PA. The bbq starts at 11 & they plan on leaving there house at 4 or 5 that morning to avoid an extra hotel night. Keep in mind google says 6 1/2 hours with NO traffic. They are traveling mid July on a Sat on the busiest interstate. It is just so frustrating. I understand saving money, but not like we would be mad if they didn't come. They were bugging me about a final date before I sent the invites. I am a different kind of traveler I guess. I would just prefer to sleep a few hours then leave around 1 or 2 am. Miss most of the traffic & they could just hang out at our house. But I told my husband I just don't care anymore. Just like my wedding...this is our thing & as long as we show up, no one else matters. No point in stressing.

Oh & my husband basically had to drag info out from my SIL visting in a couple of weeks. She can make no plans. Asked to invite the other SIL we despise. It was so childish. So my husband said if she wants to invite her then they just need to go see their dad instead since she can't seem to make it over there in like 4 years...but is glad to tag along when her sister from TX visits. He already told me if she comes, I don't have to go.
Babywhisperer - Such a cute Jack story. I love that age.

Beaglemom - Cute bump pic. I love that little guy above the light switch.

Mrs L - Good luck today!!!

LadySosa - Good luck tomorrow!! I'm so excited for you! This is it!!

AFM - AF should be arriving any day now. The only thing I'm worried about is that DH is going out of town July 31 - Aug 3 and of course by my calculations that is around when my retrieval should be. Does anyone know if they are able to manipulate this with the BCP? Like have me take them a few days more or a few days less to avoid retrieval being on that weekend? I'd really hate to have to postpone for another month.
Mrs - I agree with what everyone else said. Cramping is good - even spotting is nothing to worry about. FXed for great numbers on your second beta!

Lady - Ooooooh so exciting!! Best of luck tomorrow!! Enjoy your last day before being PUPO!

AFM - Well, the endos are growing. Almost 2x the size they used to be. But according to the RE it doesn't matter! It sucks for me because it's more uncomfortable, but they're done with my ovaries for now, so the cysts growing has no impact on the FET cycle :D And apart from the endo, I'm doing wonderfully on the drugs, and my lining is already up to 9 mm! I just go in for bloodwork on the 30th then we're set for the transfer on 7/7!
Amy - you should be able to take the bcp longer to adjust the retrieval. But some offices have groups of women on the same protocol so they can do multiple transfers/retrievals at the same time. You may just need to ask. Not something worth worrying about...better to just have the schedule adjusted.

My sister is texting me about coming...had to drag it out of her. We have an unfinished upstairs. So if finished adds a bathroom, a bedroom, & a bonus room. Well downstairs we have 2 bathrooms & 3 bedrooms. She is bugging me again about when am I finishing my upstairs. What does it matter to her? We have plenty of space downstairs for now. I told her we have to get permits involved because if we finish it without, then we can never advertise the house with the extra space if we want to sell. Also the added cost...oh & I AM ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY! People need to chill. Once we are ready to have another baby, we will probably start working on the upstairs.
Amy - you should be able to take the bcp longer to adjust the retrieval. But some offices have groups of women on the same protocol so they can do multiple transfers/retrievals at the same time. You may just need to ask. Not something worth worrying about...better to just have the schedule adjusted.

My sister is texting me about coming...had to drag it out of her. We have an unfinished upstairs. So if finished adds a bathroom, a bedroom, & a bonus room. Well downstairs we have 2 bathrooms & 3 bedrooms. She is bugging me again about when am I finishing my upstairs. What does it matter to her? We have plenty of space downstairs for now. I told her we have to get permits involved because if we finish it without, then we can never advertise the house with the extra space if we want to sell. Also the added cost...oh & I AM ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY! People need to chill. Once we are ready to have another baby, we will probably start working on the upstairs.

Yeah sister needs to chill...but take it from me get permits done asap if you can. After baby comes you will have even less time and less desire to deal with it.
I have no desire to deal with it until we start considering #2. I also have a guy who does that kind of work & mentioned to me a while back about doing little jobs at a time. Which may be what we end up doing. I would rather do little jobs & pay as we go rather than one big job. And also not like we have a lot of people stay over at our house.
I have no desire to deal with it until we start considering #2. I also have a guy who does that kind of work & mentioned to me a while back about doing little jobs at a time. Which may be what we end up doing. I would rather do little jobs & pay as we go rather than one big job. And also not like we have a lot of people stay over at our house.

So where you live is different from where we are. We can get plans and submit for permits and hold off on doing the work...makes it easier to start work whenever you're ready or sell house with the permits already approved.
I have no desire to deal with it until we start considering #2. I also have a guy who does that kind of work & mentioned to me a while back about doing little jobs at a time. Which may be what we end up doing. I would rather do little jobs & pay as we go rather than one big job. And also not like we have a lot of people stay over at our house.

So where you live is different from where we are. We can get plans and submit for permits and hold off on doing the work...makes it easier to start work whenever you're ready or sell house with the permits already approved.

It's possible we can do that...just not something we ever looked in to. I know the contractor can get the permits for us which I think would make things a lot easier. I am not sure there is a huge waiting period. When we did our pool the guy took care of everything & we didn't really have to wait on anything.
thanks for all the positive thoughts this am!

Second beta came back from this am = 331 on 11dp5dt

It didn't quite double from my last one on 9dp5dt (188) but she was happy with it

Was going to do another one Friday, but we are going out of will probably need to do another one on Monday
I have no desire to deal with it until we start considering #2. I also have a guy who does that kind of work & mentioned to me a while back about doing little jobs at a time. Which may be what we end up doing. I would rather do little jobs & pay as we go rather than one big job. And also not like we have a lot of people stay over at our house.

So where you live is different from where we are. We can get plans and submit for permits and hold off on doing the work...makes it easier to start work whenever you're ready or sell house with the permits already approved.

It's possible we can do that...just not something we ever looked in to. I know the contractor can get the permits for us which I think would make things a lot easier. I am not sure there is a huge waiting period. When we did our pool the guy took care of everything & we didn't really have to wait on anything.

You're lucky...takes months to get things approved here...they even recommend hiring an expediter to help facilitate...what a crock.
thanks for all the positive thoughts this am!

Second beta came back from this am = 331 on 11dp5dt

It didn't quite double from my last one on 9dp5dt (188) but she was happy with it

Was going to do another one Friday, but we are going out of will probably need to do another one on Monday

Congrats!!! Mine didn't exactly double either, look at my siggy. So happy for you! Relax and enjoy this time...all is as it should be.
Quick update, baby is measuring 5lbs 4oz, still breech, amniotic fluid looks good and cord also looks good. They didn't hook me up to the monitor and no internal check...I start doing both next week. I made my last 3 appts which was surreal. We still have yet to see her face from the front due to her position so what she looks like will be a total surprise. I'm glad they didn't do an internal check or else I'd be obsessing how dilated I am...ignorance is bliss in this instance...I'd rather not worry.
Dh has day 2 of Daddy Daycare today...he was exhausted last night, pretty cranky and maybe, just maybe he will have more compassion for what I do when he is working late, or weekends, or playing's good practice for when the baby comes b/c I am not going to be able to juggle both for a few weeks.

How's everyone doing?
BW - is that a good weight? It seems like it.

Doing good here. So exhausted yesterday I barely made it through the day. We both got right in bed after work & ate dinner & watched TV. My dogs are waking me up at about 4:30...I have been going right back to sleep, but not the past 2 days. I usually fall back asleep around 6 which makes me feel worse. So today I got breakfast with a big cold coke. Now the baby is constantly moving around in there. Pretty crazy. And it could be my imagination or just he was hungry...but before I ate there was a song on the radio with a lot of drums & he seems to start up moving when it came on. I am very tempted to buy one of those prenatal headphone sets to play music & see how he reacts. My nephew wants to play Willie Nelson for him!
BW - is that a good weight? It seems like it.

Doing good here. So exhausted yesterday I barely made it through the day. We both got right in bed after work & ate dinner & watched TV. My dogs are waking me up at about 4:30...I have been going right back to sleep, but not the past 2 days. I usually fall back asleep around 6 which makes me feel worse. So today I got breakfast with a big cold coke. Now the baby is constantly moving around in there. Pretty crazy. And it could be my imagination or just he was hungry...but before I ate there was a song on the radio with a lot of drums & he seems to start up moving when it came on. I am very tempted to buy one of those prenatal headphone sets to play music & see how he reacts. My nephew wants to play Willie Nelson for him!

It's pretty good but definitely on the smaller size...I've been forcing myself to eat more and much more meat. I have one of those belly bands with the pocket for the iPod and a speaker for the can listen to headphones and the speaker plays the music into the belly. Apparently Trenchtown Rock by Bob Marley has the perfect beat and rhythm for babies to relax.

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