First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

loved reading everyone's updates!!
Had my third beta today.....16dp5dt = 2850.....scheduled the ultrasound for next week! Really cannot wait for that! I was nervous waiting around for this third beta since my second one didn't quite double, but I am at ease for the next few days ;)

Booger - thats fun that you got your first purchase! and nice you got tips from a seasoned veteran, thats the best!

LadySosa - congrats again on the condo and glad y'all are enjoying it! hope the holiday weekend is awesome!

Amy - yay for getting going!

Terri - a short work week is always welcome! :) glad you had a great time in mexico and hopefully canada is good too!

JCM - good to hear from you! sounds like y'all are handling her medical issues in stride and doing the best things for her. thats the most important thing! love for a child is overwhelming :)

Beagle - hope the pup's procedure is quick and simple! sounds like the bbq is coming together!!
MrsL - Great Beta!! I know what a relief that can be. Congratulations!!

Beagle - I guess I missed that your dog was having a procedure done. What is he having done? Is he ok?
Good morning ladies!

Amy - yay for getting started! Getting the calendar is always so exciting. It will be here before you know it!

Jen - sorry you're having to deal with that for your lil gal. Is she ok when you dilate her? I hope with the surgery they can correct everything and she'll be normal going forward! Good for you for doing all that for her!

Booger - yay for getting the nursery things together! I bet that feels good. Stay cool - we are having a similar heat wave out here. I don't remember the last time we've had this many consecutive hot days.

Terri - where in Canada are you going? Back to back vacays are the best!

Mrs. L. - That is a great third beta!!! Yay!!! Can't wait for your scan!

Krissy - your transfer is right around the corner!! Woohoo!

Afm, I woke up this morning with a UTI. UGH!!!! I think I jinxed myself, I was talking yesterday about how great I feel, blah, blah, blah. Now this. Dang it!! Anyone had one while preggo? Are there antibiotics they can prescribe that are safe for preggo ladies? I hate UTIs so much. Last time I had one, I got an antibiotic that made my tongue swell up and gave me sores all over in my mouth. They were so painful and lasted for a couple weeks. It was so awful! Hopefully they won't give me the same one...
LadySosa-I've heard of people getting UTIs and then finding out they're pregnant, so while it's yucky, it may just be what you need. :) I don't know anything about them except to drink cranberry juice. Not sure why, etc.., but it's the word on the street. I'm going to New Brunswick, Canada first, and hopefully can pop into Nova Scotia and/or PEI. They are on my list of things to do, it just depends on time. I won't be able to stay once the convention is over, so I have to return home, but I'll still make the most of my visit.

Booger-That's awesome that you are making serious progress on the nursery.

Amy-Yeah for a schedule. I like when I get the schedule too because then I can plan my life. I bet at this point you're so ready to get started. Hey, I have a question for you..after your mc, do you remember if you ovulated on time like before, or you didn't notice? I have been temping the last few days, and my temps seem like pre-o temps even though it's about day 14, 15 where I normally ovulate. Just wondering if I'm actually going to have a chance this month or not.

MrsL-Great third beta!! :happydance:
Mrs L - great beta!

Jen - sorry to not mention before but glad baby girl is doing well & you are able to stay home with her during this time. This could be a lot more stressful if you had to think about going back to work before she had her procedure.

Lady - sorry about the UTI. I have not had one in a while but my mom is prone to HORRIBLE ones. She had one where she was barely able to leave the house to go to the dr. Hope it clears up. I think they are common in pregnancy so I wouldn't worry too much about meds being available. Also, you may want to consider adding vit C & cranberry pills to your routine...especially since prego is around the corner!!!

I had an AWFUL sleep last night. woke up at 12 & didn't go back until like 3. I was wide awake. I def feel the effects more pregnant than before. I am so drained. I am leaving early to get my pup so at least I will have a shorter day. I was thinking about my pup & somehow I started worrying I wasn't gaining enough weight which I know is stupid. I just had a dr appt. But it was just one of those things where it gets stuck in your head, you know?

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts on my dog. I just got the call he is done & in recovery. It was a very minor surgery. He had a growth. The vet saw it a few weeks ago & compared it to a big deal. Well out of nowhere it started to grow & he was continuously licking it. So we took him back & she said we had to remove it. Very minor but this boy has medical issues so any procedure makes us anxious. And I love my vet office but leaving him there makes me anxious because I just feel like he has PTSD & thinks back to pound days & thinks we will never come back. He hates when they take him back by himself. He just freezes. Reminds me of when I went to see him at the pound. I visited him & they had to take him back (so they could set up his vet appt for shots & neuter). He wouldn't budge & just stared at me. But I am sure they are giving him lots of love & attention.

I know this sounds stupid, but I just love those dogs so much...this one snuggles beside me at night. It is so strange to think I may actually love this baby I never met more than them. They have just been our whole world for so long. But I guess soon our world will be changing.
Mrs L, YAY for the great beta!! I'm going to move you to the Successes section on the front page. :thumbup: Can you remind me what date you found out, and how many dpt you were?

Lady, I dont think I've posted since your transfer, so I wanted to say congrats on being PUPO! I can't for your test, wuhu!! As for the UTI, yes, there are absolutely safe antib's for that, so no worries. In fact, I'm thinking this is a good sign for you... maybe your immune system is already depriving you and focusing all its energy on baby! :thumbup:

beagle, I'm so sorry about your pup. It is so hard, when we love our pets so much, to see them suffer. We can't help but worry about them when they are away from us and/or going through procedures like that. I'm glad he's through it and in recovery.

terri, loved seeing you check in! I always miss you when you're away. :winkwink: I bet your trip was fantastic. How was hubs? Did you guys get to enjoy it together, or did he drink until he annoyed you? :winkwink: Is he going with you to Canada too, or is that a solo trip?

Amy, yay for almost having your schedule, I'm SOO excited!! It was great seeing you check in also! I just know this next time is gonna be it for you, girl!

Krissy, your FET is coming up nice and fast!! I can't wait for your BFP! :thumbup:

booger, good for you cloth diapering! I wish I was more patient like that, but these days I'm all about convenience. I never even considered it. Sounds like the package you got is a great one... very good score on finding that, and especially since the seller gave you all those extra tips! What a sweet lady to type all that up for you!

BabyW, sounds like you're getting everything in order! Your July 4th sounds fun!

Jen, you're doing so great! You never could've predicted the little issues your baby girl is having, but like everyone else said, sounds like your attitude about it is really great. Because of what you're doing, she'll end up being just fine and get to live a normal life.:flower:

Hi to everyone else!! I think I replied to all the most recent posts...

AFM, I'm just excited to have a 3-day weekend coming up! We'll probably be taking the boat out for the 4th to watch fireworks from out there. Keeps us from having to go, find parking, walk all over the place through crowds trying to find a place to settle down, etc. Although there are a ton of boats on the water too, so it does take forever to get back off the water! But at least I won't be lugging my heavy belly through hoards of people in the heat! Other than that, on Friday we might have a little get-together by the pool with friends since we're off work.
Jealous of everyone with long weekends. The holiday falls on a Sat so the bank doesn't close on Friday. But I don't mind because it creates a float day I can use anytime during the year. And I normally don't have big plans for the 4th.

Oh I just got some attitude from my boss about my dog. I originally said 3:30 then I changed it to 3 when the vet called. And he just had this tone. I put in so much effort at this place & no complaints. Watch the bankers come & go as they please while I work through lunches or come in early for my appts just to save my PTO. I do not need his shit. I also got an email request to change all 8 loans packages I got together yesterday. Forwarded him the email so he would know. Then he says to me at 9:45 if it would be done by 10 when the email came at 915. I said are you kidding? Then he got all defensive like I was being a smart ass. 45 min is not even close to enough time for all that. I am so done today. He is on vacqation the rest of the good riddance to him!
Ugh, beagle, so sorry you're getting slack from the guy. My manager is a dog lover and she lost her beloved lab a few years back and called me crying to tell me that she'd be working at home for a few days, she was so heartbroken. So luckily, if I ever have anything pop up with my dog, she's the first to understand if I need to be out or take off early. I feel super fortunate to have such a good relationship with my manager. I know you must get SO peeved when yours pulls this crap on you, so I'm sorry you're dealing w/that. :nope:
Lady, you can take macrobid. I had a couple utis while pregnant actually. Then I got one after I got home from the hospital so macrobid is safe for breastfeeding too. I'm very prone to them...lucky me. A heating pad on your belly helps along with cranberry juice and lots of water.

Oh beagle I'm the same as you. I love my little dogs so much (I think too much) and I thought how is a baby going to fit into everything (including my bed lol). We all fit just fine and the dogs love her so much. Sometimes I have DH or my mom take her and bottle feed or cuddle with her so I can have extra time cuddling with my dogs. Right now I'm holding a sleeping baby and they are both in my lap. Haha 9 pounds of baby and 25 pounds of dog and I'm still comfy!

Thanks for all of the positive vibes on my baby's butt! Lol I can't believe a surgeon is making her a new hole. It still blows my mind. Someone asked if it bothers her. It really doesn't. She's never cried while we do it but if you think about it that's all she knows since she's been out of me. To tell you the truth she always looked kind of relieved to get some help with getting poop out. That's what keeps me so determined about it all. If I'm helping her, I can put the fact that I'm shoving objects up my child's rectum out of my mind. My husband is great at doing it so quickly. He's a surgeon though so he kind of just puts the dr hat on and does it. In the hospital the dilation things were tiny. Now they are 7,8,9 millimeters. This week we are getting the next 3 sizes up and that's where we will stay I think. The first time I did it I cried. In front of the surgeon, DH, a nurse, and a scribe in a tiny room. It was awful!

I can't believe it's July 4th this weekend! I should believe it with the 112 degree weather over here and the crazy monsoon dust storms. Last night was so scary. Lightening and thunder every 5-10 seconds and the loudest wind I've ever heard!
I ment to also say so strange everyone seems to be having a heat wave. We are actually getting some storms & cooler 90s instead of 100+. It feels nice. Should be a nice weekend.

I don't know what the deal is with my boss sometimes. Sometimes he's great & then others it is just like please stop dumping on me. I don't think he knows how to properly address his stress sources. He has a dog but it is not the same as how I am with mine.

I really hope my dogs like the baby. It makes me nervous but they are gentle dogs...just a bit routine & like things to be the way they are. So I hope for an easy adjustment. The other issue is I know my mom will want to be with me after the baby is born but one of her dogs constantly starts things with my dogs & I just don't want that around him & also don't want my dogs to relate the baby to the stress of my mom's dog. That will be a tough conversation.
Amy yeah for getting the show on the road!

Beagle the nursery sounds great. I have a friend who cloth diapered, I will say it is a big commitment and I applaud anyone willing to do it. I agree that disposable is easier with a NB since they grow so fast and you will literally be changing them 10x/day. I love getting a good deal and how awesome this woman gave you advice...skipping mistakes as you learn the ropes will make it so much easier!

Hi Terri hope you're doing well!

Beagle I hope the pup is ok!

Terri I am really mostly belly...I'm carrying like I am having a boy. I was so much wider with Jack. Trust me when I say they know I am prego, and the looks on their faces are priceless...I just figure these are miserable people who feel entitled. I got relief from the chiropractor yesterday. I had trigger points up and down my spine into my neck, and hips. I left feeling less tight, able to breathe, no spasms and really feeling so much better. For you prego ladies keep this in mind as there is no reason to be this uncomfortable, massage, chiro, acupuncture all help.

Do you ladies remember the fire I had next door to us back in Jan? Well the house still stands, hasn't been demolished yet and the permit process is taking forever. The head of the bldg dept is away until July 8th, and all I can think about is me coming home after major surgery with a newborn and a house being demolished next to me with contaminated air. Our neighbor was an eccentric hoarder and never threw anything out. He stopped using the toilet and used buckets instead. He is 88yrs old and in assisted living right now as he can no longer care for himself, (obvi). All of that organic/inorganic material has been decomposing for 50yrs and now the home is over run with rodents despite exterminators laying traps. The attic was never boarded shut so they go from the trees into the attic and back. The family has assured us the contractor is ready to go once permits have been issued, so all of the neighbors are pressing the town to get the process moving to the point of just needing a signature on the permits...or to see if someone can sign off in the meantime. The Holiday week isn't helping as I'm sure they are closed Friday, but this has become so absurd...6mos and all they have done was shut off utilities, exterminate and clean up the property. My nanny doesn't want to be in our house when the demo happens and neither do I. I am trying to explain to the town that we will all have to relocate during the day while this goes on and while I am just 1 person, I live immediately next door and will be coming home from a cs with a newborn...if anything happens to my child due to contaminated air there will be hell to pay. I guess I can go to my parents, but will it be safe to sleep there after they have been tearing stuff down all day??
Mrs L, YAY for the great beta!! I'm going to move you to the Successes section on the front page. :thumbup: Can you remind me what date you found out, and how many dpt you were?

Lady, I dont think I've posted since your transfer, so I wanted to say congrats on being PUPO! I can't for your test, wuhu!! As for the UTI, yes, there are absolutely safe antib's for that, so no worries. In fact, I'm thinking this is a good sign for you... maybe your immune system is already depriving you and focusing all its energy on baby! :thumbup:

beagle, I'm so sorry about your pup. It is so hard, when we love our pets so much, to see them suffer. We can't help but worry about them when they are away from us and/or going through procedures like that. I'm glad he's through it and in recovery.

terri, loved seeing you check in! I always miss you when you're away. :winkwink: I bet your trip was fantastic. How was hubs? Did you guys get to enjoy it together, or did he drink until he annoyed you? :winkwink: Is he going with you to Canada too, or is that a solo trip?

Amy, yay for almost having your schedule, I'm SOO excited!! It was great seeing you check in also! I just know this next time is gonna be it for you, girl!

Krissy, your FET is coming up nice and fast!! I can't wait for your BFP! :thumbup:

booger, good for you cloth diapering! I wish I was more patient like that, but these days I'm all about convenience. I never even considered it. Sounds like the package you got is a great one... very good score on finding that, and especially since the seller gave you all those extra tips! What a sweet lady to type all that up for you!

BabyW, sounds like you're getting everything in order! Your July 4th sounds fun!

Jen, you're doing so great! You never could've predicted the little issues your baby girl is having, but like everyone else said, sounds like your attitude about it is really great. Because of what you're doing, she'll end up being just fine and get to live a normal life.:flower:

Hi to everyone else!! I think I replied to all the most recent posts...

AFM, I'm just excited to have a 3-day weekend coming up! We'll probably be taking the boat out for the 4th to watch fireworks from out there. Keeps us from having to go, find parking, walk all over the place through crowds trying to find a place to settle down, etc. Although there are a ton of boats on the water too, so it does take forever to get back off the water! But at least I won't be lugging my heavy belly through hoards of people in the heat! Other than that, on Friday we might have a little get-together by the pool with friends since we're off work.

ER - i had my first beta 9dp5dt, however i did POAS 8dp5dt and got a super faint fact i thought it was a chemical
Mrs L, YAY for the great beta!! I'm going to move you to the Successes section on the front page. :thumbup: Can you remind me what date you found out, and how many dpt you were?

Lady, I dont think I've posted since your transfer, so I wanted to say congrats on being PUPO! I can't for your test, wuhu!! As for the UTI, yes, there are absolutely safe antib's for that, so no worries. In fact, I'm thinking this is a good sign for you... maybe your immune system is already depriving you and focusing all its energy on baby! :thumbup:

beagle, I'm so sorry about your pup. It is so hard, when we love our pets so much, to see them suffer. We can't help but worry about them when they are away from us and/or going through procedures like that. I'm glad he's through it and in recovery.

terri, loved seeing you check in! I always miss you when you're away. :winkwink: I bet your trip was fantastic. How was hubs? Did you guys get to enjoy it together, or did he drink until he annoyed you? :winkwink: Is he going with you to Canada too, or is that a solo trip?

Amy, yay for almost having your schedule, I'm SOO excited!! It was great seeing you check in also! I just know this next time is gonna be it for you, girl!

Krissy, your FET is coming up nice and fast!! I can't wait for your BFP! :thumbup:

booger, good for you cloth diapering! I wish I was more patient like that, but these days I'm all about convenience. I never even considered it. Sounds like the package you got is a great one... very good score on finding that, and especially since the seller gave you all those extra tips! What a sweet lady to type all that up for you!

BabyW, sounds like you're getting everything in order! Your July 4th sounds fun!

Jen, you're doing so great! You never could've predicted the little issues your baby girl is having, but like everyone else said, sounds like your attitude about it is really great. Because of what you're doing, she'll end up being just fine and get to live a normal life.:flower:

Hi to everyone else!! I think I replied to all the most recent posts...

AFM, I'm just excited to have a 3-day weekend coming up! We'll probably be taking the boat out for the 4th to watch fireworks from out there. Keeps us from having to go, find parking, walk all over the place through crowds trying to find a place to settle down, etc. Although there are a ton of boats on the water too, so it does take forever to get back off the water! But at least I won't be lugging my heavy belly through hoards of people in the heat! Other than that, on Friday we might have a little get-together by the pool with friends since we're off work.

ER - i had my first beta 9dp5dt, however i did POAS 8dp5dt and got a super faint fact i thought it was a chemical

Congrats on the stellar beta!!
BW - I do remember that. So hectic for you. It just seems like there is so much going on. Maybe it feels that way because we are pregnant. But I told my husband it just feels like to me we are non stop these days & will not get a break for 18 years! LOL!
Ugh babywhisperer, that sounds like a nightmare! Are you having a scheduled CS? Or seeing how things go with labor? I'd probably stay at my parents even though I'd be annoyed about not being in my own house.

Beagle, can your mom find a place for her dog? You do not want that stress! My two dogs play fight and they get loud but the baby doesn't seem to mind. She's probably used to it from hearing it nonstop while inside me. Lol I bet your dogs will be ok. Beagles are pretty go with the flow dogs. My dogs are chihuahua mix so very territorial usually but they just love this baby. I really think dogs can tell the baby is apart of you. My dogs like my stepkids just fine but not like they love my baby. It's pretty cool.
Ugh babywhisperer, that sounds like a nightmare! Are you having a scheduled CS? Or seeing how things go with labor? I'd probably stay at my parents even though I'd be annoyed about not being in my own house.

Beagle, can your mom find a place for her dog? You do not want that stress! My two dogs play fight and they get loud but the baby doesn't seem to mind. She's probably used to it from hearing it nonstop while inside me. Lol I bet your dogs will be ok. Beagles are pretty go with the flow dogs. My dogs are chihuahua mix so very territorial usually but they just love this baby. I really think dogs can tell the baby is apart of you. My dogs like my stepkids just fine but not like they love my baby. It's pretty cool.

She is still breech so a scheduled cs.
LadySosa - I too have heard that a UTI can be a sign of pregnancy, especially for someone that is prone to them. I have gotten them occasionally in the past and was also prescribed Macrobid. I also think I've taken amoxicillin too, but it's been years since I've had one so I can't remember for sure. But if you feel it's just coming on, start jugging down Cranberry juice and I swear it will help. It's something about the acidity killing the bacteria in the bladder, but why cranberry juice and not any other acidic juice, I'm not sure. It works though.

Terri - I'm not sure exactly when I ovulated after my D&C because I wasn't temping but I think I was later than usual because AF arrived about 5 days later than normal. This has happened both cycles since the D&C. I've also read this is common in women who have just had a D&C. So I'm betting you're still gonna ovulate, just a little later than usual.

Beagle - I'm glad your pup is ok and that it wasn't anything major. I hope he recovers quickly though. I understand how you feel about your dogs. I just adore my dog. I seriously LOOOVE her so much. Hee hee. I would be SOO heartbroken if something happened to her. So I get it :) P.S. Sorry your boss is being such as ass!!

Speaking of dogs... How's FUN doing Terri??

Erin - Thank you for your optimism :) I need it lol. I'm so nervous this time. I have so many fears that I didn't have last time, I'm not sure exactly why either. Last time I was excited and nervous, this time I'm excited and nervous but mostly scared.

AFM - I just got back from the RE and everything went well with the SHG. No scarring or anything left over from the D&C. I had a good number of resting follicles that he thinks I'll respond similarly to last time (hopefully). I stop my BCP on the 7/12 and have my baseline appointment on 7/16 (starting meds that day too). Egg retrieval expected to be the 7/26 or 7/27 and transfer to be on 8/01 or 8/02. I'm officially getting close :)
Thanks Amy! I think we'll take today off and then bed tomorrow night and Thursday night. That's the best chance I have before I leave.

Beagle-I didn't mention it, but I'm glad your dog is ok. And they know about the baby so when he arrives everybody will be ready. I agree with BabyW about having your mom's dog go to daycare or boarding while she's visiting. You don't need that nonsense and if something happens to any of the pups, it's just one more thing to deal with. It'll work out, no matter what, but as a pregnant woman, you win so do what you want. And sorry your boss is being a jerk. He definitely has mood swings. Hee hee.

Amy-I feel scared too and I'm not even close and have done this a million times. It'll work this time for sure. I just know it and have faith. Fun started training yesterday. Well, we were supposed to start. They cancelled it because no one signed up. I called my bestie and we made dinner plans (French! Ooh la la!). Then they called back and said someone signed up. I bailed and my hubs wasn't going to be home in time, so he can take him next week and start practicing with him. We love him and we missed him while we were on vacation.

BabyW-yikes on the neighbor's house. I am sure you will figure out what to do in the upcoming weeks. After all these weeks, why should you have to leave because of that stupid hoarder? Ugh. I totally feel for you.

ERose-vacation was awesome and yes, my husband let loose, but there wasn't much else going on, so I didn't mind and just took it in stride. If he doesn't want to believe that he is partly the problem and maybe drinking can hinder things, he doesn't care. I'm almost at the point of ambivalence and was imagining never having to go to a family resort again, so, it is what it is. I still don't plan on going to a family resort other than Disney World/land, so I think I win either way. Ha! My kids can get married and do the all-inclusive thing. My retirement/fun money is not so that they can live high on the hog and be let down when they are married and poor. Snobby, but true.
LadySosa - Congratulations on the transfer!! I felt pretty normal after mine as well so I have my fingers crossed for you! Ugh - I'm sorry about the UTI. How annoying!!! So, will you be at the condo through the 4th? I'm sooooo jealous.

Babyw - I'm right there with you. Doing too much on the weekends really takes its toll. I always feel fine when I'm moving around and stuff but then feel like I've run a marathon the next day! Are you allowed to work from home full-time? I think that sounds like a good idea rather than commuting so far every day. I drive an hour to work every day so I'm going to ask my doctor the same thing next week. I can't believe that about your neighbors house!! That's ridiculous. I hope it gets taken care of soon.

Beagle - I'm glad that you're dog is doing OK. Poor little pup. So, is your shower this weekend???

JCM - It's so great to hear from you. I'm sorry that you're having to deal with so much stress with your daughter but it sounds like you and your DH are handling it very well. You sound like an amazing mom to me! Ugh - and breastfeeding is the thing that I'm the most nervous about. Any tips????

Terri - I'm so happy that you had such a great trip! I finally got the bubble wrap and boxes to send out my present to you. :) When do you think you'll be back in town from Canada? I'll wait to send so that you're home.

Amy - Love the new profile pic. Gorgeous! :) Congratulations on starting up again!!! Can't wait to hear about your progress.

Booger - Congrats on finishing the nursery! Wow - I can't wait to everything put together. I'm sure it will be beautiful with all of your handmade furniture and everything. And kudos to you for trying the cloth diapers!

Krissy - Less than a week to go! In the meantime, enjoy this holiday weekend!

Mrs. L - Congratulations on the great beta! Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound.

Erose - Glad to hear that you're doing well. Going out on the boat sounds wonderful to me!!! :)

I'm sorry that I haven't checked in in a while. This past week has been absolutely crazy. My mom & grandma came up and we had my mom's surprise birthday party and the double shower for my sister and me. Both parties were so great. The shower was beautiful but it was outside and it rained all day and was unseasonably cold so I felt bad for our guests. :/ Anyway, I am so absolutely blessed to have such great friends and family. My house is FILLED with gifts. I was truly overwhelmed.

So, my good friend had her first IUI last week. Her clinic did 2 IUIs - one right before she ovulated and the other the day of - 2 days in a row. Has anyone ever heard of that? Sounds like a great thing to me! I really hope it works for her - her beta is 7/8.

Stupid question for everyone: What do newborns typically sleep in in the summer? Is it just a onesie and the swaddle? I've been reading a lot about not wanting them to be overheated and everything. Also, how many receiving blankets do you typically need? I got a ton of them at the shower and am thinking of exchanging them.

Not sure what's going on this weekend. We were invited upstate for the weekend but it's about a 4-hour drive and my doctor advised against it so I don't think I'll be going. I told my DH that he can go if he wants, though, so I might just be hangin' by myself this weekend.
Thanks Amy! I think we'll take today off and then bed tomorrow night and Thursday night. That's the best chance I have before I leave.

Beagle-I didn't mention it, but I'm glad your dog is ok. And they know about the baby so when he arrives everybody will be ready. I agree with BabyW about having your mom's dog go to daycare or boarding while she's visiting. You don't need that nonsense and if something happens to any of the pups, it's just one more thing to deal with. It'll work out, no matter what, but as a pregnant woman, you win so do what you want. And sorry your boss is being a jerk. He definitely has mood swings. Hee hee.

Amy-I feel scared too and I'm not even close and have done this a million times. It'll work this time for sure. I just know it and have faith. Fun started training yesterday. Well, we were supposed to start. They cancelled it because no one signed up. I called my bestie and we made dinner plans (French! Ooh la la!). Then they called back and said someone signed up. I bailed and my hubs wasn't going to be home in time, so he can take him next week and start practicing with him. We love him and we missed him while we were on vacation.

BabyW-yikes on the neighbor's house. I am sure you will figure out what to do in the upcoming weeks. After all these weeks, why should you have to leave because of that stupid hoarder? Ugh. I totally feel for you.

ERose-vacation was awesome and yes, my husband let loose, but there wasn't much else going on, so I didn't mind and just took it in stride. If he doesn't want to believe that he is partly the problem and maybe drinking can hinder things, he doesn't care. I'm almost at the point of ambivalence and was imagining never having to go to a family resort again, so, it is what it is. I still don't plan on going to a family resort other than Disney World/land, so I think I win either way. Ha! My kids can get married and do the all-inclusive thing. My retirement/fun money is not so that they can live high on the hog and be let down when they are married and poor. Snobby, but true.

It's such a sad and frustrating situation. Before the fire we had the fire and police dept at his house to check on him as he kept people at arms length. They were appalled at his living conditions and social services has been involved but there is nothing they can do, even if he is a danger to himself and others. 4 days after they were at the house the fire happened. He has been living there since 1956, was a former Olympian, but no children and he was almost a shut-in. Land by us goes for a premium so after it's demolished he could get as much as 500k for just his 40x100 parcel...which will help offset the cost of his assisted living facility. His nieces and nephew have tried to move things along but they all live out of state and he is such a difficult person to deal with. I've tried to be understanding and patient knowing how hard this sitch is, my Mom has even become involved in helping him and his sister find the assisted living facility since the sister also had a fire since she was a hoarder. Stay with my parents while it isn't ideal, might be our only option. Jack doesn't sleep well in places he is unfamiliar with so I guess he could sleep with me in my old room in a queen sized bed and we can put the baby in the crib in the guestroom or vice versa if we can get him to sleep in my parents crib. This whole thing is just not what I want to be thinking about. Good news is the painter is coming to do the ceiling in the nursery so we will be able to set up the crib and move in the furniture. Yeah!!! I can't believe we will have the nursery done about 2.5 weeks before I'm about getting down to the wire. When it's all done I will post pics. I have my 1st monitoring session today along with growth scan and internal check. I hope baby girl is gaining nicely and that's I am not dilated/effaced much. I want her to stay put until at least the end of my 37th week. My friend's cs is tomorrow!! She is so excited!

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