First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hmmm...Bob Marley...that would be a good choice. I found some of the bellybuds on will wait out on a few of those auctions. Makes me think of something else. Anyone who did the 3d u/s (or will be)...are you able to choose music for your DVD? My place let's you bring in a CD. So the session is supposed to be 15 min. I chose the following songs:

Patience - Guns N Roses
Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (thanks to Erin mentioning it a long time ago)
Child of Mine - Carole King
Baby of Mine (Dumbo song) - Alison Kruass (my husband loves Krauss so we chose that version)

I may chose another just to make sure we have enough for the whole session. I am not sure of the order we will do, though. Need to listen to them together. The Guns N Roses & Aerosmith are kind of special to us. We sort of say Aerosmith is our song...we saw them in concert early on in our relationship. And on the radio right before we got to the clinic for my transfer, Patience was on the radio...I found it quite fitting for the situation. I am getting more & more excited about that scan. I really hope we get some good shots. This place also lets you record the heart beat in to a stuff animal. I thought that would be cute to have.
Hmmm...Bob Marley...that would be a good choice. I found some of the bellybuds on will wait out on a few of those auctions. Makes me think of something else. Anyone who did the 3d u/s (or will be)...are you able to choose music for your DVD? My place let's you bring in a CD. So the session is supposed to be 15 min. I chose the following songs:

Patience - Guns N Roses
Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (thanks to Erin mentioning it a long time ago)
Child of Mine - Carole King
Baby of Mine (Dumbo song) - Alison Kruass (my husband loves Krauss so we chose that version)

I may chose another just to make sure we have enough for the whole session. I am not sure of the order we will do, though. Need to listen to them together. The Guns N Roses & Aerosmith are kind of special to us. We sort of say Aerosmith is our song...we saw them in concert early on in our relationship. And on the radio right before we got to the clinic for my transfer, Patience was on the radio...I found it quite fitting for the situation. I am getting more & more excited about that scan. I really hope we get some good shots. This place also lets you record the heart beat in to a stuff animal. I thought that would be cute to have.

I love Alison Kraus, ever hear her sing harmony on Phish's If I could? It is beautiful...and I love the song from Dumbo! I never heard of having music during a sono.

Here is a funny story for all of you who know the Grateful Dead...on the way to the hospital after my water broke, on satellite radio we heard Loose Lucy...and we joked how something was going to be loose after all of this...but c section prevented that, lol.
That's cool that they let you bring music! I would love to do a 3d scan once we got far enough along!
Hi ladies! Transfer on Thursday went well. We're at the beach now, it's been a weekend full of work! Although DH has been mindful and making me sit while he does most of the work. I feel different this time around- no cramping, very little fatigue, pretty normal. I hope that's a good sign! Beta is set for July 6, so just need to be patient. Luckily working on the condo has taken my mind off things, and my parents are coming with us for the fourth. Should be a fun time!
I'm back and checking in.

LadySosa-awesome!! I am not going to be around on the 6th, but you know I'll be rooting for our next bfp!! So excited for you to finally get pregnant and now you are at least PUPO. Woohoo!!

Hi to everyone else.
Congrats on being PUPO ladysosa!!! glad to hear things went smoothly for you and you are staying busy.

Hi terri!

Hope everyone else is doing well
Yay! Everything crossed for you lady!!glad you are relaxing at the beach and keeping your mind distracted. I cant wait for your updates! Do you think you will test prior to your beta?
MrsL-What's next for you? You should be having a scan soon, right? Or do you go in for a third beta?
Hi ladies! Transfer on Thursday went well. We're at the beach now, it's been a weekend full of work! Although DH has been mindful and making me sit while he does most of the work. I feel different this time around- no cramping, very little fatigue, pretty normal. I hope that's a good sign! Beta is set for July 6, so just need to be patient. Luckily working on the condo has taken my mind off things, and my parents are coming with us for the fourth. Should be a fun time!

Yeah!!! What a perfect place to relax and be distracted.

Terri hope you're having a good time!

Omg I cannot wait for people to test. We have a pipeline full of babies waiting to be born, come on bfps!!!

Speaking of waiting to be girl was all over the place Fri/Sat night. My stomach looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie, and felt even weirder. Dh and I have a bet as to when she comes...everyone thinks before my cs date. I have been having back spasms all weekend and cramping down low. I have dropped but all of this is to be expected at this point. We had our neighbors over with their 2 daughters for a bbq and all the standing while I prepped and cooked took it's toll. The next day I felt like I was hit by a truck...lesson learned. Dh said I am making noises in my sleep like I'm in agony...I did the same thing at the end with's all back related. My next appt is Wed and will use what the Dr says to decide how much longer I will be commuting an hr on 3 trains into the city. As it was this morning no one got up or offered on the 7 train, and only 1 woman offered on the N train. I swear they look at you and then look down like they don't want to acknowledge part was while standing on the 7 train the announcement came on about how you should get up for elderly, disabled and pregnant people...guy standing next to me turned to me and gave me a look and I said courtesy is a joke on subways. I am happy to not have to deal with that much longer. We are still waiting for painters to come back to paint the ceiling in the nursery so getting everything set up has been delayed until then. I did order her rug since I got a 20% off code for Pottery I am all set. Painters better come this week or dh is going to have a fit.

What is everyone's 4th of July plans? We have a lobster bake/bbq on Fri at our club on Fri, and Sat they have a kids party, we have another bbq and my in-laws want us to come out there, and Sunday we have fireworks at our club...the scene there is amazing...waspy Von Waspy's running around in Nantucket Red's, bright pastel or festive pants, girls in white jeans or preppy dresses, and a ton of kids running around with glow sticks. I have been prego 2 out of the last 3 4th of July''s going to be a hot one this year. I pray dh doesn't insist on us going.
Good morning ladies!

Thanks for the wishes! I haven't decided if I'll test early. I kinda don't want to. If I test early it would be over the weekend of the Fourth, but I don't really want to ruin the weekend if I get a BFN. But I don't know, the suspense will kill me! Also, they gave us an envelope with the gender in it. We said we'll open it if we get a BFP. Ugh that suspense will kill me too!! We both feel pretty good about this one. I feel good, optimistic. No cramping, no bleeding this time around. But then I it a good thing?? Agh! At least work is nice and busy, that will take my mind off things.

BabyW - sorry you're feeling so uncomfortable! I can't believe people won't offer you their seat on the train! So rude. I hear you on the painters - we've been trying to get someone to come paint the condo, and its tough. So we just decided to do it ourselves. We got about halfway done on Fri then quit. It is exhausting!! I was working in our bedroom with the non-toxic paint, but it is still tough on the back. We might put my parents to work next weekend. :)

Terri - are you still in Mexico? Or are you back??

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Hey guys!

Not much new here. I am so excited for people who are transfering & testing soon. But make sure there are enough pregnant folks to have babies before me! I don't want an early bird!

I don't usually do anything on big traveling holidays like the 4th or Memorial Day. The next few weeks for me are going to be busy. I will be skipping a lot of lunches to make up time so I don't have to use PTO. On Wed I go pick up a foster dog for the holiday. We will have her until the 11th. Tomorrow my pup has to have a minor surgey to remove a growth on his leg that has been bothering him. I am anxious about it but really no reason to be. So I have to come in late & probably leave early to pick him up. He will have to wear a cone the poor boy. So that means we have to switch off this week coming home at lunch to let them out. I am nervous he will get himself stuck in the dog door otherwise. My SIL comes on Thurs. Still no def plan. We don't know if the other SIL is coming or if they plan to pick up my FIL. They also want to see my husband's new store. I love my husband & love how enthusiastic he is over this promotion...but I am all tapped out on seeing the construction on his new store. Plus it is just so out of the way. So I asked if he can get them to come earlier & he can drive out there with them before I get off. We will probably spend the holiday in the pool which has cooled off thanks to the rain & finally clear! Next week I made an eye appt that is WAY over due. So I am a little anxious over needing glasses. Then we have our bbq & 4d scan on the 18th. My glucose test is on the 22nd. And our birthing class on the 25th.

My dad is coming for the bbq so my husband is anxious over how our floors look. My dad guided us but we never finished & also we had some water damage. We never replaced the damaged floors. But I told him to forget about it...who cares? It doesn't bother us...we have more important things going on. I also bought a ton of stuff for the bbq like goodies for baggies I am putting together for the kids, tablecloths...things that won't hurt to buy early. I feel pretty good & prepared which is how I like to feel.

So anyways...back to work for me. So many loans today & a guy just had me notarize a stack of papers so my hands are feeling cramped!
A huge HELLO to everyone! I'm finally caught up! I always try to read during feeding and pumping sessions at 3am but I'm so tired! I get about 4 hours of sleep each night if I'm lucky. Today I've been up since 1am due to a very gassy and uncomfortable baby. Poor thing! I don't know if I said anything on here about her complication when she was born...she has a vestibular fistula which basically means her holes down there are too close together. Some babies actually end up with one hole so it's a huge mess to deal with. There are also really bad cases where it could affect the heart or the baby could need a colostomy bag for life so I consider us very lucky. So, her rectum isn't actually a rectum. It's just a random hole that could close up at anytime so we have to dilate her (stretch the hole out) twice a day. Poop literally comes shooting out and I hate doing it to her but if that hole closes up, we are screwed. She will have surgery in 3 months and they will sew that hole up and redirect her bowels to a new rectum hole that they make for her where the muscles to push out bowel movements are supposed to be. Then I will dilate the new hole for a couple of months to make sure it's working right. The hope is she will have a special fiber diet for the rest of her life to stay away from ever being constipated and maybe have to be dilated as she grows. That's the best case scenario. Worst case is colostomy bag I think and maybe a few other issues. Whew! It's pretty overwhelming and exhausting. I never thought I'd be shoving things up my baby's butt...other than that we are doing well. I can't believe she's a month old now. I love her so much. I post pictures of her all of the time on Facebook! If you're on there, send me a message and I'll find you and add you!

I'm gonna try and jump on here to keep up though!

Congrats Mrs L!

Lady I'm so excited you're PUPO!!! I've been waiting forever for this! lol

Terri, yay for getting started again!

Hope all of the pregnant ladies are feeling good. I can't wait for more babies to come out!!!

Oh, and breast feeding sucks and it's way harder than I thought. I'm trying to stick with it mostly so she has easier poop but man, am I sick of being a giant boob all of the time!
A huge HELLO to everyone! I'm finally caught up! I always try to read during feeding and pumping sessions at 3am but I'm so tired! I get about 4 hours of sleep each night if I'm lucky. Today I've been up since 1am due to a very gassy and uncomfortable baby. Poor thing! I don't know if I said anything on here about her complication when she was born...she has a vestibular fistula which basically means her holes down there are too close together. Some babies actually end up with one hole so it's a huge mess to deal with. There are also really bad cases where it could affect the heart or the baby could need a colostomy bag for life so I consider us very lucky. So, her rectum isn't actually a rectum. It's just a random hole that could close up at anytime so we have to dilate her (stretch the hole out) twice a day. Poop literally comes shooting out and I hate doing it to her but if that hole closes up, we are screwed. She will have surgery in 3 months and they will sew that hole up and redirect her bowels to a new rectum hole that they make for her where the muscles to push out bowel movements are supposed to be. Then I will dilate the new hole for a couple of months to make sure it's working right. The hope is she will have a special fiber diet for the rest of her life to stay away from ever being constipated and maybe have to be dilated as she grows. That's the best case scenario. Worst case is colostomy bag I think and maybe a few other issues. Whew! It's pretty overwhelming and exhausting. I never thought I'd be shoving things up my baby's butt...other than that we are doing well. I can't believe she's a month old now. I love her so much. I post pictures of her all of the time on Facebook! If you're on there, send me a message and I'll find you and add you!

I'm gonna try and jump on here to keep up though!

Congrats Mrs L!

Lady I'm so excited you're PUPO!!! I've been waiting forever for this! lol

Terri, yay for getting started again!

Hope all of the pregnant ladies are feeling good. I can't wait for more babies to come out!!!

Oh, and breast feeding sucks and it's way harder than I thought. I'm trying to stick with it mostly so she has easier poop but man, am I sick of being a giant boob all of the time!

Jen!! So happy you checked in. I'm sorry you have that complication with your daughter, but your attitude is great....there are so many things that can go wrong and this sounds like it won't be debilitating. It's amazing what we do for our children, but it is beyond worth whatever sacrifice. Nursing is incredibly hard and trying on Moms, good for you for sticking it's truly the best thing for them. My friend did it for a year...I'm in awe of her. It is one of the things I fear...not getting a good latch and having to pump's very time consuming. Hopefully she starts sleeping more in a couple of weeks. We did half breast milk half formula for night feedings which helped Jack sleep through the night at 6 weeks. I hope you are enjoying every minute. As I told dh at dinner on Sat, no matter how tired, sleep deprived, we get it is all a that we will look back on and miss things about. I'm so happy for you, she's a lucky girl to have you!
***also ask your Ped about gripe water...helped Jack with gas tremendously...added it to 1-2 bottles a day and he was all good.
I was just reading about gripe water! I'm going to ask the surgeon this week about it.
I've been supplementing with formula to get her to gain weight instead of losing. : / it's working so far though! I hate the smell of formula...yuck!
I came back into town last night, and then I'm off to Canada on Friday, so I have a short work week and then I'm back in vacation mode. yay!!

Jen-So happy you stopped by and yes, whatever it takes to keep your baby comfortable and without a colostomy bag will be worth it. And hopefully once she has the surgery, you won't have to worry about stretching out her rectum or fake rectum for much longer.

BabyW-Maybe people on the train just think you're fat or something, even though I know you are probably all belly. I'd yell out or make them scoot over or something. That would really get on my nerves, but your days on the train are probably numbered at this point if you're having so many pains. :hugs:

beagle-Get those hours in. The party is just around the corner. How exciting. Not much going on here..just trying to have a suspenseful TWW. hee hee.
Hi Ladies :)

JCM - It's so good to hear from you. I'm glad both you and baby are doing well. I'm sorry about your complication though, but like someone else said, your attitude about it is great, and that can make all the difference in the world. Hopefully after the surgery, everything will be just fine :)

LadySosa - Congratulations on being PUPO!! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait until you test.

Babywhisperer - I hope you get to go on leave soon so that you can stop that crazy daily commute. I don't know how you do it.

Beaglemom- I'm glad everything is coming together for your BBQ. I bet it will turn out great :)

Terri - I'm glad you're back safe and sound... and now you're off to Canada, that is so exciting.

AFM - I started AF on Thursday and started the BCP on Friday. I go in tomorrow for my SHG and will get my schedule. YAY!! Getting the schedule always makes it seem more real that it's starting lol. So not that much longer now. I will update tomorrow when I know more!!
Hi ladies!!

It's been such a long time since I checked in. Glad to see everyone is doing well!

MrsL - Congrats on your BFP!!! How exciting. :happydance::happydance:

LadySosa - Hooray for your transfer! I love that you are feeling so upbeat - as you should - this just has to be it! And congrats on closing on your condo. I am jealous. The coast would be a very welcome treat right now.

Amy - Hooray for AF and getting going again!!! Let us know how everything checks out.

Terri - Ah, work between vacations. Hopefully, you can focus! I wouldn't be able to. Wouldn't it just be awesome if this natural cycle works for you? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.......

Babywhisperer - Sorry everyone on the trains are being jerks. You guys sure do stay busy! Hope you have a lovely 4th of July. Sounds very New York.

JCM - Good to hear from you! I'm glad little Charlie is doing well despite her complication. You sound like such a wonderful Mom. :flower:

Beagle - I hope your pup's surgery goes smoothly. What kind of dog are you fostering? Another beagle?

Hello to everyone else out there. I think the summer time has slowed the thread down a bit - we have so many ladies about ready to go that I think everyone is tired!

Things are good here. It was ridiculous hot over the weekend. Miserable for June. Anyway, despite the heat I was able to get the baby's room finished as far as painting goes so that feels nice to have that out of the way. It looks great. Can't wait for it to all come together. DH finished making he changing table - we just have to sand and paint it and then he'll get started on the crib. I bought a small chest of drawers off Craigslist that needs to be sanded and painted too but I'm excited just thinking about it all in there together.

So, I made my first baby item purchase last week too. I bought some cloth diapers (yes, I'm going to attempt cloth diapering :hangwashing:). I bought them from a lady off Craigslist that lives in the same town as me. She was awesome and typed up a whole two pages of helpful hints and instructions for me on cloth diapering. The diapers were in immaculate condition and the lot included 17 diapers, 2 boxes of detergent, a wet bag, and liners. I'm actually kind of excited about it! I think we'll do disposable for the first 6 weeks or so as I've read babies outgrow the newborn cloth ones so quickly (she also recommended this as everything with a new baby is overwhelming). Anyway, we'll see how it goes!!! Still a ways off but when I saw the good deal, I just had to jump on it.
Lady - Woot! Congrats on being PUPO!! Best of luck on the 6th, I'll be counting down with you because my transfer is the 7th :D. Enjoy the beach!

JCM - Glad to hear all is well. Sounds like you guys are doing an amazing job working through the issues, and keeping it in relative to the bigger picture. I hated BFing as well. All I could keep thinking of is how I felt like a cow lol. But time does go by quick.

Terri - Gald you're staying so busy! That should make the time fly :)

AFM - A week and a day to go until FET! Tomorrow is my last monitoring, and even that is only bloodwork. Can't wait!
Booger - Yes another beagle. Your nursery sounds awesome. I love that everything will be original. I was tempted to do the cloth diapering...really thought long on it. But in the end, I just decided it was not something I wanted to do if I continued to work. I know both me & my husband will be so tired from work & a new baby. Just decided not worth it to me. But I think it is an awesome idea & the diapers are so cute! If you stick with it, highly consider using Amazon or searching the Amazon warehouse deals for diapers. Also going used is a perfect idea to get a great deal.

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