First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs - I have heard of the back to back IUIs. My fertility clinic said no real statistics to support it. But honestly, I feel like every shot is a chance, so why not? I think it depends on the issue, too. With my husband's low count, I don't think it would have been a good idea. Good luck to her. I hope it works. I always hope the smaller procedures work for people even though they didn't work for me.

I have heard onsies are good for new borns. My baby will be a fall baby, so I plan to have some of those sleepers with the open bottom...helps with changings & the umbilical cord. They may have some thin ones for summer time. Glad your shower went well despite the rain.

Terri - glad Fun is doing well. Good luck with training.

Amy - do you plan to do PGS this time?

My dog seems to be doing really well. He has to wear the dumb cone so he doesn't lick at the incision. But we take it off when we are home. He was happy to be home & so anxious to eat. He is very food driven & he had not eatten since 6 the night before. I gave him 1/2 cup of food 3 times at about an hour apart. He scarfed it down & no sickness from the meds afterwards. I am lucky to have pretty resilient dogs. We had the lump tested but I am sure it will come back as nothing. He slept pretty hard last night.

I am just going to have to tell my mom about the dogs. Her other dog may be fine. She usually torments my cats, but she is half deaf now, so she may not bother them. I am not as worried about the baby as I am my dogs associating that stress with the baby. And my mom's dog is territorial. So who knows how she will act to my dogs when my mom holds the baby. it is just a tough conversation. She wants to be with me & I would like her there...but just can't have her dog there. Maybe I can get her set up with my vet for boarding since it is right around the corner from my house. Or she can just set up in a hotel nearby. I just wish she lived closer.

My boss is gone the rest of the week! Thank god I get a small break. Oh & I heard the new banker talking to him about if it was ok for him to take off Fri. My boss was like yeh no big deal, Sarah will be here. I don't care either way. But I just don't appreciate getting crap while someone else can do whatever. And all it is is my boss being AFRAID of being here alone. Good luck the last quarter. I plan to make NO CONTACT while on leave.

Oh & my shower is not until the 18th.
kfs1-I return on the 13th of July, so just mail it whenever. I have to take 2-3 weeks of BCP anyway, so it's seriously no rush. I put my clothes together last night, checked my bike over, and I think I'm all set. There are stores in Canada so if I need something, I can just buy it up there, but I don't think I will. I'll have to get some cash and that's probably the last thing I'll need. Hope you enjoy your weekend, whatever you decide to do.

Amy-Love your new picture. You are so pretty.
Good morning ladies!

Wow, lots going on this morning! Terri - your trip sounds amazing! I hope the weather is nice for you on your bike. What an adventure!

Amy - I second Terri's comment - you are gorgeous! Love the new pic! Thanks for the tips on the UTI. I'm hoping it could mean I'm preggo, I have my fingers crossed. It seems only normal to be nervous, anxious, scared! You've been through a lot. Wow, transfer is right around the corner!! It'll be here before you know it!

Kfs - the shower/bday party sounds like so much fun! Sorry it rained on you, but I bet it was still a great day of celebration. Wow - you are so close! Just another month to go!

BabyW- sorry about your neighbor, that is a sad situation. Bummer that you have to think about crashing at your parents and interrupting everyday life with a newborn!

Beagle - so glad your dog is fine. I totally know what you mean about loving your dogs like a child. Our pup is the light of our lives and it's hard to imagine another being sharing our love. But, he will be demoted when the baby comes! Not too much tho (he'll still get the bed). :) Yay for a boss-free week! That is like vacation!

Afm, yesterday was kind of crazy. The UTI pain got worse and worse throughout the day, and by noon I couldn't focus on work. Every time I peed I wanted to scream and cry. And I kept almost peeing my pants. And there was major blood when I peed! I told my nurse and she recommended I get to an urgent care facility. Luckily there is one just down the street from my work, so I went over there. They saw me pretty quickly, had me pee in a cup, and said yep, lots of bacteria in there. So they gave me Cipro antibiotic and another med to stop the constant need to pee. I took the first ones last night and then another dose this morning and I am already feeling better. Those UTIs come on fast, but luckily once you treat them, they go away fast too! So that is a relief to be feeling better this morning. I was worried about the impact on the little embie - hopefully it's still there!

We are headed back to the condo tonight. We were there last weekend Thurs-Sun, and now this weekend we'll be there till Sun too. My parents will join us on Saturday. We're slowly but surely getting everything set up. We ordered some things online that should be waiting for our arrival (OR has no sales tax, so we get everything shipped there!) - an area rug, headboards, side table for our outdoor area. I'm excited!

Anyone heard from Sars lately? I know she had her Italy trip in June, but I'd assumed she'd be back by now...
Amy, love the pic!! pretty mama!

Beagle glad the pup is doing well. I always feel bad for dogs wearing those cones, but it's for the best.

Kfs, yes back-to-back IUI is common, my RE doesn't do them though. As far as what NBs sleep in, it depends on your house. We keep the house 68/70 depending on the day....that may change once I am done since I run very hot at night while prego. The sleep gowns with open bottom are great since they sleep curled up, you can add socks, but we always swaddle since it keeps them feeling secure. I use the muslin swaddles which are basically like cheese cloth, so thin. I also use the Swaddle Me's which are velcro when they start busting their arms free of the receiving blanket swaddles these work great. And we keep their head covered with a think hat. They have been inside for 9mos at our body temp, they like to be warm. The sleep gowns are really great though since the open bottom makes changes super easy. I've always kept Jack on the warm side as a baby since they sleep better.
Good morning ladies!

Wow, lots going on this morning! Terri - your trip sounds amazing! I hope the weather is nice for you on your bike. What an adventure!

Amy - I second Terri's comment - you are gorgeous! Love the new pic! Thanks for the tips on the UTI. I'm hoping it could mean I'm preggo, I have my fingers crossed. It seems only normal to be nervous, anxious, scared! You've been through a lot. Wow, transfer is right around the corner!! It'll be here before you know it!

Kfs - the shower/bday party sounds like so much fun! Sorry it rained on you, but I bet it was still a great day of celebration. Wow - you are so close! Just another month to go!

BabyW- sorry about your neighbor, that is a sad situation. Bummer that you have to think about crashing at your parents and interrupting everyday life with a newborn!

Beagle - so glad your dog is fine. I totally know what you mean about loving your dogs like a child. Our pup is the light of our lives and it's hard to imagine another being sharing our love. But, he will be demoted when the baby comes! Not too much tho (he'll still get the bed). :) Yay for a boss-free week! That is like vacation!

Afm, yesterday was kind of crazy. The UTI pain got worse and worse throughout the day, and by noon I couldn't focus on work. Every time I peed I wanted to scream and cry. And I kept almost peeing my pants. And there was major blood when I peed! I told my nurse and she recommended I get to an urgent care facility. Luckily there is one just down the street from my work, so I went over there. They saw me pretty quickly, had me pee in a cup, and said yep, lots of bacteria in there. So they gave me Cipro antibiotic and another med to stop the constant need to pee. I took the first ones last night and then another dose this morning and I am already feeling better. Those UTIs come on fast, but luckily once you treat them, they go away fast too! So that is a relief to be feeling better this morning. I was worried about the impact on the little embie - hopefully it's still there!

We are headed back to the condo tonight. We were there last weekend Thurs-Sun, and now this weekend we'll be there till Sun too. My parents will join us on Saturday. We're slowly but surely getting everything set up. We ordered some things online that should be waiting for our arrival (OR has no sales tax, so we get everything shipped there!) - an area rug, headboards, side table for our outdoor area. I'm excited!

Anyone heard from Sars lately? I know she had her Italy trip in June, but I'd assumed she'd be back by now...

So sorry about the UTI! Sounds painful, I've only had it once but it was awful. The bacteria reproduces really fast so antibiotics can kill it in 24hrs usually. Enjoy the condo and feel better!
Lady - I plan to keep the pups in the bed too...but we will see how it goes. I do not plan to have the baby in the bed at all if possible. I have seen my sister do this & she never fully broke the habit. I do not want a toddler always crawling in my bed. But some people do the family sleep I think it's called. it is just not something I want to do.

I just got my Graco Travel Lite. I am so excited about this. Technically it is from my mom. But I bought it since she hates shopping. It is the one thing I was truly set on from the beginning so I am happy to finally have it. We will use it in our room & it is easy ro move from room to room & travel. The larger pack n plays are too big for this. We will get one for travel, but really wanted this one for the travel + bassinet piece.
Kfs, use the nipple cream (lanolin) right from the start! If you need help at anytime use those lactation ladies. They can be a bit pushy sometimes so don't be afraid to tell them to chill. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with formula if your boobs need a break. People will make you feel like formula is the devil and it will make you cry. Don't let anyone push you around! Lol or call me and I'll put them in their place! Latching the baby on can be tricky. Sometimes I still get a bad latch and it makes me sore. Cracked and bleeding g nipples are uncomfortable so keep using the cream!

Charli doesn't care much for swaddling. She likes her hands out and moves around. I put her in those footie sleepers and my house is at 75 degrees. I like the sleepers because her feet stay warm. I'd have a couple of those in case your baby doesn't like swaddling and you still need them to be warm at night. I use all of. T receiving blankets. I even took a bunch from the hospital. Keep them. You don't realize how much they get spit up on, pooped on or peed on. I use a new one every single day and laundry is the last thing on my mind these days. Much easier to throw a bunch in at the end of the week or when someone comes over to hold the baby.

Oh, and I will say if your mother wants to come stay the night with you, LET HER. That and a prescription of jack Newman nipple cream have saved my life. Oh, and giant maxi pads. Lol
WOW GUYS!! Thanks for all the really nice comments about my pic!! I actually feel a little bashful now hee hee. Why is it so hard for women to accept compliments? Or maybe it's just me, I don't know lol. My husband is actually very complimentary towards me and it's fine when it's from him but if anyone else compliments me I get all awkward haha. I actually just chopped off all my hair this past weekend. Ok chopped off is an exaggeration, but I did cut a good 5 or 6 inches off the length. It's just too hot for all that hair right now. See now I'm rambling. Awkward lol.

kfs1 - I'm sorry the weather sucked for your shower, but it sounds like it was really lovely and that you made out pretty well :)

Beaglemom - Yes I am definitely doing PGS this time. I even told them that I didn't care if I only had one embryo left to test after 5 days, I was not transferring another embryo that may not be normal. I just can't go through all that a third time.

LadySosa - I'm so glad you got your UTI checked out and that you got relief so quickly. Have you decided when or if you're going to test? Or are you going to wait until your beta?

Speaking of the family bed. I had been thinking about when was a good time/age to stop allowing the baby in the bed. Never allow it? 6 months? 12 months? Because like Beaglemom said, once it becomes a habit, its so hard to break them of it. Also I have friends who have allowed it for waaaay too long and it has totally effected their sex life (not to mention it was a big issue in their marriage counseling sessions). So I asked DH what age he thought a baby should no longer be allowed in the bed... and he said, I don't know, like 3-years old.................. you should have seen my face lol.
Amy - I think you will be so happy & feel a lot more reassured after PGS.

As far as sleeping, I don't think I will NEVER sleep with the baby, but I am going to try hard to avoid it. Just me. Like I said, between my mom & sister, my nephews stayed way too long. Even now I think my 7 yr old still does it. My mom even wants us to sleep with her. I went to the beach & she was upset I was sleeping in the other bed (it was just me & her). I think as they are older it is fine for scary dreams or cuddling every once in a while, but I would say 3-6 months max. But again, that is just me. Some people like the family sleeping & ween their kids off. I just don't want any part of it. Plus my dogs are already used to being in the bed every night. Adding a baby would just be hectic. I know I could break them of the habit, but they are dogs. It is easy to kick them out. A kid is different.

We were up & down all night with the foster dog we are keeping for a week. It was awful. She was restless & whining & we couldn't tell if the cats had her attention or what. I am hoping she will be better tonight. Or maybe we do a long walk before sundown. If by the weekend she hasn't calmed down, I am going to have to have someone else take her which may mean boarding. I would hate doing it on a holiday weekend after making the commitment, but I cannot go all next week like this. Usually there is anxiety the first place & smells. I really hope that is it.

Today my husband is having lunch with my SIL from out of town. I bailed. Once of us has to go home anyways at lunch to let out my dogs since poor cone dog can't use the dog door. And I just really didn't want to go through it. Get this, the sister who is only 2 hrs away opted to not come have lunch with her dad. But instead her daughter is coming. So yet again someone else brings her kids to see their gradfather & she hasn't made the trip to see him in YEARS.
WOW GUYS!! Thanks for all the really nice comments about my pic!! I actually feel a little bashful now hee hee. Why is it so hard for women to accept compliments? Or maybe it's just me, I don't know lol. My husband is actually very complimentary towards me and it's fine when it's from him but if anyone else compliments me I get all awkward haha. I actually just chopped off all my hair this past weekend. Ok chopped off is an exaggeration, but I did cut a good 5 or 6 inches off the length. It's just too hot for all that hair right now. See now I'm rambling. Awkward lol.

kfs1 - I'm sorry the weather sucked for your shower, but it sounds like it was really lovely and that you made out pretty well :)

Beaglemom - Yes I am definitely doing PGS this time. I even told them that I didn't care if I only had one embryo left to test after 5 days, I was not transferring another embryo that may not be normal. I just can't go through all that a third time.

LadySosa - I'm so glad you got your UTI checked out and that you got relief so quickly. Have you decided when or if you're going to test? Or are you going to wait until your beta?

Speaking of the family bed. I had been thinking about when was a good time/age to stop allowing the baby in the bed. Never allow it? 6 months? 12 months? Because like Beaglemom said, once it becomes a habit, its so hard to break them of it. Also I have friends who have allowed it for waaaay too long and it has totally effected their sex life (not to mention it was a big issue in their marriage counseling sessions). So I asked DH what age he thought a baby should no longer be allowed in the bed... and he said, I don't know, like 3-years old.................. you should have seen my face lol.

3YRS!!!! That's hilarious...just give them one night where the baby/toddler sleeps perpendicular and you make the letter 'H' as they slowly push their feet into dh's back...that's what happened to us on vacay when Jack woke up one night crying and scared b/c the room wasn't familiar to him. And not to mention babies are little space heaters! Jack radiates heat which makes it hard to sleep with him.

So appt went well. Baby is moving from breech up and down to quasi transverse, like on a diagonal. I am still a fingertip dilated but cervix is high and long. He mentioned that if my water breaks I need to get to hospital asap since there is a risk of the cord coming out first. They did the strep test and some monitoring, so far so good.

Now, someone needs to talk me off a ledge re: my brother and SIL. Father's day weekend I had my MIL's graduation and lunch. Dh worked all day on Father's Day so I was quite busy with Jack. I forgot to text my brother Happy Father's day. I was with him the weekend before and told him IN PERSON to have a good Father's Day. He called my Mom and said that I never texted him and how he extends himself and I NEVER extend myself. **warning I'm about to go off* I can't even explain how offended I am right now. I gave them my old Macbook, completely refurbished, newest OS and I included the Airport Express so they had wireless...I could have gotten a lot for this and put it towards my new laptop, but their PC was not reliable. I have given them bags of clothes for my nephew and my brother never acknowledged it and it took my SIL a week and just sent a text. This was the first time she has texted me my entire pregnancy. We have asked them numerous times to come down and visit and they say they'll discuss it, but she puts a stop to it b/c she doesn't want to clean. She works 3 days a week as a nurse, my brother stays at home. I drove down to them on a Sunday during my fertility treatment since I had an appt in the city. I stayed 3 hrs to see them and my nephew and turned around and got home at 3pm. But I never extend myself. I work full time, commute back and forth to the city via 6 trains a day, I cook, clean, food shop and have no time to myself and only weekends to see my son for more than an hour. My SIL doesn't do any of that and only works 3 days a week, I forget to text my brother and I'm vilified by him and my Mom. My SIL can blow off my baby shower, never text me during my pregnancy and gets an eternal pass?? I am so offended. Forgetting 1 text has negated all we do. Dh has given my brother countless hours of advice regarding his workman's comp trial and my brother doesn't take any of it b/c he knows better. The standard by which I am judged compared to them is absurd and offensive. I'm beyond fed up.
BW - our family lives seem so similar. Once my sister gave me the silent treatment. She never returned my texts anyways, so I never knew until she told me. Our family is full of inconsiderate people. I am going to try hard to focus on my BBQ & not worry about all of them. We tend to spend so much of our time running after them we don't enjoy ourselves. The only thing I know is you have to do what is right for you. I wish my husband would get that regarding his sisters. But he is still always trying to make everyone happy & keep peace instead of being happy himself.
Sorry I can't be of help on the family matters, but I'll be reading over vacation and I'll see you when I come back on the 13th.

LadySosa/MrsL, hope all goes well with your upcoming appointments.

Take care!
Babywhisperer - If it were me, I'd e-mail him and tell him exactly how you feel. And if your mom is in the mix, cc her as well. This will just eat at you if you don't. For some reason I'm held to a much higher standard than anyone else in my family as well. I'm always the one doing for everyone else and my three brothers are always allowed the "well you know how they are" excuse. Totally not fair. I've had situations like yours happen and I didn't say anything and it ate at me for a LONG time. I was totally offended and started to withdrawal from everyone as a result, which started even more drama. My brothers can drop off the radar for months and everyone just assumes they're busy, no biggie. Ugh. Family dynamics are a TRIP!!!

Terri - Have a great time on your trip. Stay safe!!
Hi ladies, Phew. I've read every post from while I was gone but I'm not going to try to respond to them all. Sorry for being so MIA.

The few days before we left for Switzerland and Italy were the days we moved offices for work and had tons of mandatory training. And we had very limited internet access most of the trip.

We got home late Tuesday night and I was sitting at my desk at work 8:30 Wednesday. I was so exhausted last night I went to bed at 8:30. The trip was awesome but it is good to be home and reunited with Fen. Our friends, who have a 4.5 year old and 21-month-old, watched Fen and he did awesome with the kids. The little girl is devastated he went home. They were best buds.

I think I did finally pop a little bit while away. Baby is moving a ton and the hubs was able to feel it one night while we were away. It was awesome.

We got some super exciting news the day we got home. My BIL and SIL, who have been doing fertility treatments for almost four years, are pregnant. She is 12 weeks with a little boy!!! They decided to try IVF after we had such success. I'm thrilled we'll have cousins so close in age.

MrsL: Congrats on the awesome BETAs!

LadySosa: Congrats on being PUPO and being in your condo. UTIs are super common in pregnancy, so hopefully it is a good sign. Are you going to test?

Jen: I'm so sorry to hear about Charli but it sounds like you guys are doing everything right for her.

BabyW: That's awful you're still dealing with all of this with your neighbor's house. I remember the fire. Hope the little lady stays put a bit longer. I second Amy with saying something or it will eat away at you.

Booger: I'm so excited you're cloth diapering! I really want to but hubs is not on board and no daycares in our area will do it. If you need any resources PM me and I'll send you some great sites.

Booger: Glad to hear that your pup made it through his surgery good and he's feeling better.

Amy: You do look awesome in that photo! I'm so thrilled for you to be getting started again. Hopefully the PGS can give you guys some peace of mind going forward.

KFS: Glad your shower went well despite the weather and that you felt so loved!

Terri: Enjoy your trip to Canada.

Hi to everyone else! Happy Fourth of July!
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a good Fourth! So I broke down and tested on Sat morning which would've been 9dp5dt and it was a BFN. Tried another test today and same thing. My beta is in the morning but I am fully expecting the bad news in the afternoon. Ugh. So bummed and frustrated. I just don't get it. What else can I do??
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a good Fourth! So I broke down and tested on Sat morning which would've been 9dp5dt and it was a BFN. Tried another test today and same thing. My beta is in the morning but I am fully expecting the bad news in the afternoon. Ugh. So bummed and frustrated. I just don't get it. What else can I do??

Sorry, Lady. But you still have a shot. Hoping the beta will have a different result for you.
Lady - :hugs: Sorry about the HPTs, but FXed you just have naturally low HCG (it took me 6 weeks to get a +HPT with DD) and that today gives you better results! Best of luck on the beta!

AFM - Tomorrow is transfer day! Can't believe it's here already!
Lady, I'm so sorry for the BFNs, I know exactly how those feel. But I agree with the others, that you still have a chance w/ your beta. I've read stories of girls getting BFNs the morning of, and being totally surprised with a pos beta. Remind me... didn't you end up doing PGS this time around?

Krissy, super excited for your transfer! I know you are so excited!! Can't wait!
So I had an interesting weekend... on Thurs night, I was feeling really crampy, but just decided to go to bed and figured it would pass. But Fri was just as bad, and I had sporadic tightening of the belly. I figured it was probably Braxton Hicks, but by 4pm on Fri, it was happening almost constantly, so I started to worry. We went to the hospital, and they hooked me up to a monitor and said I was having contractions one after another (way too early). My urine sample showed I was dehydrated (even though I drink lots of water!), so they gave me an IV of fluids thinking maybe that was causing the contractions. That helped... it spaced them out much more. So since my cervix wasn't dilated and the swab came back normal, they let me go home and said to double my water intake, and if it happens again, at more than 6 contractions per hour, to come back. I still had a lot of contractions over the weekend, on and off, and got really uncomfortable at times, but not to a point where I felt I should get to the hospital again. I called my doc this morning because they said to follow up with him, so I'll see him tomorrow morning. They said same as hospital... if I have more than 6 per hour, to go back to hosp, as they may want to put me on some meds that stop the contractions. It was interesting to say the least... I'm still having some today, so just watching the clock to make sure they are spread out enough.
Lady - Hang in there!!! I'm still hoping for a positive beta tomorrow! :hugs:

Good luck with transfer, Krissy!

ERose - I hope your little one stays tucked up tight in there for a while longer. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.

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