First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Erin - that is pretty crazy/scary. I am glad everything seems to be ok & you have an appt set up. Hopefully he has no plans in moving out anytime soon!

I feel like I am getting way more paranoid now than I ever was. Sometimes he moves around & then sometimes I go forever not feeling him. I hook up the doppler & he is still strong in there. I think I am just getting paranoid & crazy. I also keep thinking I am not as big as other people I follow on IG or youtube...again I think I am being crazy. I think he is getting ready to grow though because I feel a lot happening & not very comfortable when I lay down to sleep. I am trying to sleep on my side because they say it is better...but my back is the only thing that feels good. But they say laying on your back is a bad thing.
Erose - That stinks... but try not to worry too much about it. My sister actually hit a very similar condition much earlier on (she was only about 26 weeks or something). And while it wasn't fun, and required a bit of medical intervention - she never dilated so they didn't have to take the baby early, and he is an extremely healthy little boy (now about to turn three). Hang in there and make sure to take care of yourself and try not to stress.
LadySosa: Here's hoping you get surprised by your beta. Sending you hugs.

Erin: Glad everything seems to be OK. But that had to be scary. It sounds like your doctors have things under control. Are the contractions painful like regular ones? Good luck and keep us posted.

Beagle: I definitely have those thoughts. Everyone keeps commenting on how small I am and while baby measured right on target at my last U/S. I do keep wondering/worrying. I think it's normal.
Sars, glad you had an awesome trip and what exciting news about your BIL/SIL!! It must feel great that your success helped them move to IVF.

Lady, you are not out yet. Take a deep breath and know that it's not a question of IF it will happen, but WHEN it will happen.

Thanks for all of your advice ladies. I tore my Mom a new one for her part in this. It was my brother's bday on Friday and called him and guess issues! He was happy to hear from me, told me about his plans...and I realized what my Mom said was more her doing. She wanted to throw a dagger at me and be spiteful b/c I was sounding off about something my brother was doing that would hurt his legal case and she didn't want to hear it and decided to turn around and point the finger at me for something...she defends my brother at the cost of hurting me. She is the queen of guilt and I called her out on it. I simply asked what she was looking to achieve by saying what she said since clearly it wasn't an issue with my brother. She had no response and I said that in the future if she doesn't like what we are saying about my brother and actions he is taking that could have serious, detrimental long term effects on his legal outcome she should tell me she doesn't want to hear it. To turn it around and make it about me and something so trivial as a text was hurtful and childish. To say I never extend myself is a joke. I have gone above and beyond anything they have done and to say otherwise will only hurt the relationship...whether they said it or my Mom. I can't try any harder to go and see them and my nephew. We get waved off since she doesn't want to clean to make the house presentable. What's funny to me is how dh and I work more than they do and still manage to clean our home hour or 2 here and there makes it more manageable...they've allowed things to pile up out of laziness and procrastination and as a result I never see my nephew. It's maddening. It also makes me concerned about how we will see them going forward since we will have 2 kids making car trips more difficult. The last time she was here was Christmas. It makes me sad.

I hope everyone had a great long weekend! We tapered our plans thankfully. Thurs we had a bbq, Fri a lobster dinner at our club...but we didn't stay long as we sat outdoors and I became an all-u-can-eat buffet for bugs. I swear I am a magnet on a good day, but when prego I get eaten alive. The veins in my wrists are bulging with blood, twice their normal thickness and that's where the bugs attacked. I wrapped my arms in a pashmina, but then it was my scalp, my ankles...I tried swatting them and realized that to onlookers I must look like I have some neurological disorder, hands flailing this way and that. It was such a beautiful night despite that though. Sat we went out to my in-laws and it was the usual booze fest but dh was fairly well behaved since I was cramping a lot and he had to chase after Jack all day. I'm also losing my mucus plug slowly. I lost a lot on Thursday and it's been more gradual ever since. I am not too concerned as it's normal, it can regenerate, and might have been as a result of the pelvic exam the day before. Baby is rotating on an axis. If my pelvic bone was high noon, her head moves from 4 to 8 o'clock. Doesn't seem like she can make the full 180 degree rotation. The nursery is done!!! All furniture is in, rug down, but not sure it's big enough, may return it for next size up. I am mad about one thing install 2 light fixtures our electrician is trying to charge us $550. The wires were in the wall for the sconce so that was easy, the ceiling required them to go into the attic and run wires since the ceiling never had a fixture. All said they guy was here 2 hrs. I am in the wrong business if this is what he thinks he will be getting paid for that work. I called him to discuss b/c if that's what he thinks he is owed it will be the last time he will step foot in this house.

***update since trying to post this, electrician claims difficulty drilling thru plaster and sheet rock for ceiling fixture. They sent 2 electricians that charge $125/each, and this was not a 2 man job. I told him I got another estimate for $350 and he said he will accept that but to call the other electrician next time and then call him when the other botches the job. No, that's not shady at be able to cut $200 from the job just like that. Absurd.
Lady - :hugs: Sorry about the HPTs, but FXed you just have naturally low HCG (it took me 6 weeks to get a +HPT with DD) and that today gives you better results! Best of luck on the beta!

AFM - Tomorrow is transfer day! Can't believe it's here already!

Woohoo transfer time!! You must be so excited!!
So I had an interesting weekend... on Thurs night, I was feeling really crampy, but just decided to go to bed and figured it would pass. But Fri was just as bad, and I had sporadic tightening of the belly. I figured it was probably Braxton Hicks, but by 4pm on Fri, it was happening almost constantly, so I started to worry. We went to the hospital, and they hooked me up to a monitor and said I was having contractions one after another (way too early). My urine sample showed I was dehydrated (even though I drink lots of water!), so they gave me an IV of fluids thinking maybe that was causing the contractions. That helped... it spaced them out much more. So since my cervix wasn't dilated and the swab came back normal, they let me go home and said to double my water intake, and if it happens again, at more than 6 contractions per hour, to come back. I still had a lot of contractions over the weekend, on and off, and got really uncomfortable at times, but not to a point where I felt I should get to the hospital again. I called my doc this morning because they said to follow up with him, so I'll see him tomorrow morning. They said same as hospital... if I have more than 6 per hour, to go back to hosp, as they may want to put me on some meds that stop the contractions. It was interesting to say the least... I'm still having some today, so just watching the clock to make sure they are spread out enough.

Try drinking some prune juice or OJ which had potassium and pickles, the salt helps replenish what we eliminate from peeing all day. It's what athletes swear by. Just water isn't enough to replenish electrolytes. Sometimes I cramp like that and I eat some fruit and it helps.
My nurse called this afternoon and the negative was confirmed. Argh. Trying to stay positive but it's so disheartening. Oh well, wine, pizza and the Bachelorette is in order tonight.

Krissy- good luck tmro! Excited for you!

Erin- yikes! That is scary. Glad it seems to be nothing too serious.
My nurse called this afternoon and the negative was confirmed. Argh. Trying to stay positive but it's so disheartening. Oh well, wine, pizza and the Bachelorette is in order tonight.

Krissy- good luck tmro! Excited for you!

Erin- yikes! That is scary. Glad it seems to be nothing too serious.

Lady - so sorry about your negative. I know you are so frustrated. Considering you did PGS, I would be tempted to have the dr do additional testing on you before any more transfers. Granted PGS is not a guarantee, but It is just strange this didn't work. But you do what feels right. I hope you enjoyed your splurge last night :)
Lady - :hugs: Sorry for the BFN, enjoy a night to take care of yourself and indulge though! I echo what beagle said. Did your RE have any suggestions on why this might not be working or ideas on better ways to proceed besides the old try and try again?
Lady I'm so sorry. I know you're bummed out, but don't lose faith. I agree with the other ladies that it's worth having the WTF meeting with the Dr since you did PGS. It will happen, believe that!
Oh Lady, dangit, I'm so sorry! My heart goes out to you since I had two failed cycles as well, and I know the frustration and emotion. I do agree with the other girls that a convo with your RE is in order and maybe additional testing on you. One of the things that my RE did before trying my 3rd cycle was a diagnostic hysteroscopy to make sure there wasn't something in my uterus preventing implantation, such as polyps or tissue that didn't have blood flow. Have you had anything like that done before?
LadySosa - I am so so sorry. I was actually really surprised when you said your test was negative, I wasn't expecting that at all. I agree with everyone else. I definitely think more tests are in order. You don't want to keep transferring perfectly good embryos when there could be something else going on.

Erin - How very scary!! I certainly hope you are feeling better and getting back to normal!!

Krissy - Good luck today!!
Transfer was a success! I go for an official beta test on the 21st unless I get a +HPT before then :D
Hugs, Lady. So sorry about this. I'm totally bummed for you? What's next?

Hi everyone!!

Beagle I was small until 30 weeks and the BAM! I was huge and people started asking if there were two in there. Plus I got the "oh wow look at you, any day now..." Lol stupid people.

Erin, how was your appointment? I hope you didn't get bed rest like me!

AFM, I got cleared yesterday before 6 weeks! Everything is back to normal in there! I can work out, swim and take baths and sex is allowed. Lol DH is pleased. I'm like "uhhh I'm too tired for that. Take the night shift feelings and then we can talk." Haha!
Hugs, Lady. So sorry about this. I'm totally bummed for you? What's next?

Hi everyone!!

Beagle I was small until 30 weeks and the BAM! I was huge and people started asking if there were two in there. Plus I got the "oh wow look at you, any day now..." Lol stupid people.

Erin, how was your appointment? I hope you didn't get bed rest like me!

AFM, I got cleared yesterday before 6 weeks! Everything is back to normal in there! I can work out, swim and take baths and sex is allowed. Lol DH is pleased. I'm like "uhhh I'm too tired for that. Take the night shift feelings and then we can talk." Haha!

Today I am wearing a smaller shirt so I feel bigger. But at least for the most part I am only gaining in my mid section...belly, thighs, & rear. But those had some extra baggage before baby. Today at lunch I went to Hardees & all I wanted to order was a chicken strip combo & 2 hot dogs. So weird. But instead I just got one of the large thickburger combos. After eating it I felt like I could still eat something. it just sucks a little because I don't have cravings or desires so it is so hard to find something to eat when you don't really want anything but still so hungry. I keep feeling hungry right before bed so I need to figure out a cook snack to have at night.
Good luck Krissy!

Lady - again so sorry. I agree with Erin...maybe getting a look inside will help. I had to have a polyp removed myself which delayed my IVF cycle. My cycle was full of delays! The good news there is some of that stuff is covered by insurance. The waiting & delays are so tough...but you will be happy you did. You have some healthy embryos waiting for you.
Oh Lady, hugs. I am so sorry.:hugs: I hope you poured yourself a big glass of wine. I just don't get it. I agree a talk with your RE is in order. Do you have an appointment scheduled?

Krissy, Congrats on a great transfer. Good luck during the wait!

BabyW: My husband and I do feel really good that we motivated them to try IVF. Beforehand my SIL said she felt she couldn't go through it again after 5-6 IUIs that didn't work. We always just wanted them to give it a shot so they'd know. Apparently, she had to stim for 40 days because she wasn't responding to the medicine. I can't imagine that. It's a little boy, not sure if I said that. My other BIL/SIL have one girl and one boy. My niece informed she is praying both babies are boys so she stays the only girl! That stinker. I was feeling strongly boy but now feeling more girl, as is my husband. Time will tell.

AFM: I had my monthly check up today and all looked good. Baby's heart rate was in the high 140s and baby was moving like crazy. I did bring up some soreness I've had after working out but the doctor said it is just round ligament pain. She told me not to be surprised if I feel a "knife in vagina" pain if I continue to stay active. Sounds fun! LOL

Now that we are settled in after vacation, I'm ready to start checking things off my baby list. We are visiting another day care tomorrow, one that has incredibly flexible tuition plans. All of the other centers we've visited are just flat full-time for infants. The director told us they have a lot of parents that work in law enforcement and medicine so they offer flexible rates. My in-laws have offered to watch the baby one day a week but all the places we've visited so far would make me pay for 5 days. Child care is like another mortgage.
I'm so sorry to hear that. Dang, I would want a huge glass of wine too. I hope you are able to talk w DH and your MD and get a plan together, or at least review and discuss the past two. Regardless, take the time you need now.... For you. We will all be mothers in some way...... but that doesn't mean this pathway doesn't suck.

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