First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Thanks ladies. I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to keep transferring good quality embryos if there is something inside of me that is making them fail, then they go to waste. We have an appointment with our doc next Tuesday. My nurse was so sad for me, she is a sweetheart. I almost felt like I was reassuring her. Ha! Since I tested over the weekend I was expecting that call. We've got 2 more embryos left. Firstly I'd like to understand why they are failing, then we'll prob just transfer the last two in one go.

On a lighter note, I had a final round interview this morning for an HR job with the city! It went really well and I really like the folks I'd be working with! So I should be hearing back this week. Fingers crossed. If I get the job, then the transition in insurance could be a little tricky, but at least I know gov't insurance is usually the best. I'm feeling a little guilty since my boss is being much nicer and accommodating all my appointments. But I know it's only a matter of time before she 'goes off her meds' as DH says and falls into her BAD moods. So we shall see. It would be a good move for me, and much less of a commute!
Sars - I think you are holding out on gender, right? Just wanted to tell you my boy is measuring around 140 or higher on my if anyone says, don't get stuck on the heartbeat detemining gender. I would need full time day care, so not really worried about that. I have 2 I want to look at & then choose between those. I do not want a whole drawn out thing. One is recommended by a friend, so I feel good about it & think it will be the one based on that & close to my work so I could go there at lunch if I want. The other big thing I just started looking in to is pediatrician. So stressful for me.

Lady - I hope you get the new job. Maybe if the timing works out & your personal situation, you can take some time off in between to relax during the next transfer.
lady - sounds like you have a good plan, and glad you can talk with your doc. good luck with the possible new job! less commute is a biiig deal to me, and of course, enjoying your coworkers

had 6 week ultrasound today - saw yolk sac, gestational sac, baby, and just a little flicker of the heart.....we weren't able to measure it though. of course i was happy during the ultrasound, but now i am wondering if the heart rate was fast enough?! it was hard to see the flicker, so i don't know. all i gotta say is.....i am always worried about the next test, then it happens and i get good news, and i worry about the next one! I'm trying to let all that worry go!
Ladysosa - *sigh* I'm so sorry and surprised to hear your news. I really thought this was going to be it for you. I hope you're doing ok and that you and your doctor can come up with a game plan at your next appt. Hang in there girl. It WILL happen for you.

But congratulations on the possible new job! Sounds like it could be just what you need.
Krissy - congratulations on the successful transfer! Can't wait to hear your progress.

MrsL - I would tell you not to worry but I was the same way in the beginning. That said, I'm sure everything is just fine. When's your next appt?

Erin - yikes - what a scare you had. how are you feeling? Hope all is OK.

Sars - I hear you about daycare. It's riiiiiidiculous.

Hi everyone else! Glad to hear that everyone's doing well. Had an appt today. Baby's head is down but still a ways to go. My feet are huge and I've been having more pressure but other than that, feeling good. :)
Lady: I'm glad you have a plan of attack. I hope you can get some answers. This must be so frustrating. Congrats on the interview going so well! It sounds like a great opportunity.

Beagle: Yup we are waiting until baby arrives to find out the sex. I haven't bought much into the heart rate thing. We've only toured two other centers. One closes at 5:30, which is too early for us, and the other is $250 a week. I really like it but that's a lot of money. I'd suggest you get yourself on the list at the places you like sooner rather than later. All of the centers I've contacted have praised me for calling now because they said if I waited much longer I'd have a lot less options. Most of the places I've called only have 8 infant slots.

Mrs. L.: Congrats on a great first scan! I 100% know what you mean about worrying about the next step before the current one is even done. I will tell you I've finally started to relax a bit.
I kind of lost my appetite at the end but I'd find myself eating yogurt before bed if I got hungry. Also, bananas because they helped with my heartburn and acid reflux. Plus helped with leg cramps! I gained weight after my ivf round so I was about 7 or 8 pounds heavier than usual. Then I gained 30 pounds. Same as you though, stomach, thighs and butt. Plus my feet were so swollen along with my hands and face. I stayed swollen until the second week after I had her. My feet hurt so bad! I don't know if you plan on breast feeding but I'm back down to my pre pregnancy weight already. A couple more pounds and I'll be my usual weight. I think it's the breast feeding that did it. Week three after I had been breastfeeding is when I got SO hungry and super thirsty. It's like my second trimester all over again! Except without nausea and heartburn! I just got cleared yesterday to work out, wear tampons, swim, take baths I'm like ok let's just do one thing at a time here! Lol! I still have some spotting here and there but not too bad. Every time I pump my uterus contracts a little more and I get some bleeding back for a couple of hours. My stomach should be completely down at anytime now. I'm so excited to wear my normal clothes! It's like a whole new wardrobe to me.

Breastfeeding is kicking my butt. Pumping is so time consuming. I'm trying to wean off the formula and just strictly give her breast milk once my supply is a little higher. I'm so nervous she will go back to not gaining weight but I have noticed I'm getting a couple more ounces per day this last week so I'm building up a stash of milk for my freezer. It's nice having the ability to do bottles when I want my mom or DH to feed her and I can get some sleep. Then I can also bring out the boob to comfort nurse her sometimes too. I guess I'm lucky I don't have a picky baby! She really is a good girl. She's in her swing sleeping while I finish pumping my boobs and it's 1am. I. Exhausted but she is the sweetest thing to ever happen to me.
hey friends iam also begginning my ivf cycle,i just started microgynon pills yesterday. I dont know what to expect
Hi girls, sorry i have been mia- between work and family b days life has been go go go. I just caught up on my reading.....

Lady - I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs. It will happen but i can inderstand the frustration. You are definitely doing the right thing touching base with your dr. Hang in there sweetie, it will be worth it soon. Congrats on the great interview!! Cant wait for your update!
Krissy -congrats on a successful transfer!!

Mrs l- congrats on the ultrasound!! Im in the same boat as you. Always worried about the next step but, definitely enjoy this victory. Even if it was a slower HR chances are it was just getting started! :) so happy for you.

Erin-so glad you got hydrated and lil one is staying put for now! Im sure the heat isnt helping.
Mrs - Congrats on the great scan! If your doc or nurse didn't say anything about the heartbeat I wouldn't worry. The heartbeat starts off slow and then peaks later on in pregnancy.

Did anyone else have a lot of cramps the same day as/the day after a transfer? I'm surprised how crampy I've been already, and keep flip flopping if I think it's a good thing or a bad thing lol
Krissy look at cramping as a good thing. you should be implanting & that is a good thing to feel.

Mrs L - the worry won't stop! I'm sorry :) I did have a great few weeks feeling really good & now my worry is back. Also I had a horrible dream there was a car wreck in front of me & the cars pushed up against me & the belly. But I am trying to be calm.

Jen - I plan to pump also from the beginning. I want my husband to be able to do some feedings for bonding & relief. Also I need to get used to it for when I get back to work.

Sars - I am def planning some visits soon...I just don't plan to look any further than I already have unless they have no space. My baby won't be in daycare until at least January. I went to one early on & she said to come back around mid/late summer to get on the list.

Also for anyone planning daycare, check in to your benefits & see if they offer a flex spending account for dependent care. I am able to contribute $5,000 a year which is more than half what I plan to spend. Benefits are the money is not taxed. But you have to be sure to use it or you lose it. Depending on the type of account, I am able to get the full amount available on Jan 1. Then it is taken out of my pay through the year. Basically you just do reimbursement forms to be paid back. it is a great benefit if your employer offers it. Also check your spouse plan. I plan to go on my husband's insurance in 2016. But I still plan to do the flex at my job. His job doesn't offer it that I have seen.

Oh & my daycares are running around $170 a week.
Good morning ladies,

Krissy - cramping can be a good sign! I felt major cramping immediately after my first try. But I didn't feel anything after the second try. So I'm not really a good adviseo, lol!

Beagle - yes dependent care FSA is a great thing! We use the medical FSA and it reduces our taxable income which is always welcome. Just be aware that the $5k max is per household, so if your husband's work does offer it, you would still only be able to contribute $5k total between the two of you. It is smart to take advantage of that!
Krissy I had cramping after transfer and it continued a week after my bfp. Totally freaked me out. I never thought ab my uterus growing and changing so fast, so I didn't realize that's a normal thing. I've always associated cramps w the wicked witch!
Hi ladies!!

Lady - I'm glad to hear that your follow-up with your RE is so soon. You're taking this all in stride so well. :thumbup: I hope your doc can help provide some answers and has a plan in place on how to move forward. And good luck on the new job front!!! That's awesome. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Beagle - I'm glad to see you mention the FSA. We have that option available to us as well and I need to look into getting it set up. Actually, I'll have to figure out the whole insurance thing here soon anyway. We each have our own plans as that's been cheaper but once baby is here, we'll need to switch to a family plan. Too much to think about!

Krissy - Hooray for transfer! Try not to worry about the cramping - easier said than done, I know. It is what it is at this point. Hopefully, it's just your little embryo already burrowing in tight. :hugs:

jkb - Hi! Good to hear from you! Hopefully, you're still feeling well even if you're busy.
JCM - Hooray for getting the all clear!!! You're doing so well. I bet it feels nice to be getting back to (new) normal. I'm hoping I can do the same - it's been hard to see my body go all out whack. I know it's for a good reason but that doesn't make it any easier. Wish I could be one of those women who are all "I love my pregnant body" but that is not where I am at right now! My weight is all going to my thighs - ugh. It's not fun.

sars - I am glad you guys had a nice trip to Italy! Sounds so lovely. I need to start looking into child care. It's another thing that seems so overwhelming. My options are very limited living in a small town. There is a lady who does it out of her house right down the street from me that is my first choice - guess I just need to get her contact information and check it out. I've had a bit of round ligament pain too - it's almost always on my left side near my groin. It's not fun! Are you still running? I've been getting out a few mornings a week - super slow and definitely some walk breaks now and then but it feels so good to move.

kfs - Hey there! Glad to hear you're still feeling good! Can't wait for this group of babies coming up - you, BabyWhisperer, and ERose are all so close!

MrsL4 - Congrats on the great first scan - as everyone else had said - try not to stress. They do start out slow and then speed up. I'm sure it's all good in there.

Amy _ I never got to tell you how cute your new picture is. Adorbs! I'm so happy you are moving along again in this next cycle. I am so hopeful for you.

BabyWhisperer - Good to hear you had a nice 4th and that you were able to scale back your plans a bit. Bugs are the worst! We went for a walk the other night down by the river and I got swarmed. It was terrible - actually had to start running to get away from them. Glad to hear baby girl is turning in there. Not too long to go!!!

Terri - Hope your trip is going well!

ERose - How are you feeling?? How did your appointment go?

Hello to anyone I might have missed!

Things are going well here. We had our big anatomy scan last week and things look great. Baby girl was moving all around and we confirmed that we are, in fact, having a girl. It was so cool to see the heart, brain, other organs and bones. Kind of amazing, really. I think it made DH excited finally.

We have been working hard on getting the nursery ready (painting furniture). The changing table DH made turned out so well. Once it's all finished (one more coat of paint to go), I'll try to post a picture. I began a registry on Amazon. We've also been trying to figure out a name. It's so hard! Way harder than I imagined. Right now I'm leaning heavily towards Hazel or June but I just can't decide. So much presssure! :haha:
Booger - yes we are in the same boat on insurance. Both on our own plans. I decided to go with my husband. It is cheaper but a higher deductible. We both have high deductible health savings account plans which we really like. So I will take the extra money we are saving & dump it in to the savings account. Those kinds of accounts roll over each year. With insurance, child care, & peds...just so much to think about. I am with you on the body thing. Some days I do like it...mostly when I am home with my husband. I keep my shirt pulled up to see the baby kick. But other times I just feel yuck. I feel like it isn't my body at all. I am nervous about 3rd tri. I feel so tired & slow as it is now & I am not really that big yet. I feel bad for my husband because he works so hard & then does almost everything at home. but I do try to do what I can. Pretty soon I won't be able to bend over in to the washing maching machine!
Good morning ladies!

Krissy, hope your little one is burrowing in and getting cozy.

KFS, Good to hear from you. I can't believe how close you are getting! You're full term. We're going to have so many cute squishy babies soon.

Booger, Some days I feel great about my body. Others not so much. I've found a lot comes down to clothes. I gained some weight during IVF so I'm not sure of my exact starting point. But I think I'm up about 14 pounds and seeing numbers I've never seen. Just telling myself it is for a very good cause =) I've only run a little in the last month. I partially detached a toenail (long story) before we left on our trip and I couldn't wear closed toe shoes. I hiked and walked a lot while we were away but no runs. I got two short ones over the weekend I had to cut off due to side cramping. It's been awful and humid all week so it hasn't really felt safe to run. I should just get on my treadmill. But our basement doesn't have AC and it isn't much better down there. Congrats on a great scan! I'm so impressed by your hubby building all that.

Jen, It sounds like you're doing an awesome job mama! And congrats on dropping the weight so fast you give me hope =)

Beagle, We'll be doing mid-January, early February too. I'm out for the full 12 weeks and hubby is going to stay home two weeks when I go back too. Perhaps the day cares are more competitive here. They're definitely way more expensive! I'm jealous. My favorite for three days a week would be $210. Most of them have been $250-260. I visited one yesterday I liked that is $206 a week but it is the furthest from my house.
Have you tried going for a walk at night? I find the days I don't get any exercise I feel much more sluggish and just pregnant.

You're right about the child care deductions. It is a great perk. My company just started offering it along with FSAs this year. On the health insurance front something to think about, my company offers different rates for single, two and family. So, it has been cheaper for my husband and I to stay separate and each meet our deductible. Our Aetna rep actually suggested I put the baby's on DH's plan so I have a lower deductible for future kiddos.
I kind of lost my appetite at the end but I'd find myself eating yogurt before bed if I got hungry. Also, bananas because they helped with my heartburn and acid reflux. Plus helped with leg cramps! I gained weight after my ivf round so I was about 7 or 8 pounds heavier than usual. Then I gained 30 pounds. Same as you though, stomach, thighs and butt. Plus my feet were so swollen along with my hands and face. I stayed swollen until the second week after I had her. My feet hurt so bad! I don't know if you plan on breast feeding but I'm back down to my pre pregnancy weight already. A couple more pounds and I'll be my usual weight. I think it's the breast feeding that did it. Week three after I had been breastfeeding is when I got SO hungry and super thirsty. It's like my second trimester all over again! Except without nausea and heartburn! I just got cleared yesterday to work out, wear tampons, swim, take baths I'm like ok let's just do one thing at a time here! Lol! I still have some spotting here and there but not too bad. Every time I pump my uterus contracts a little more and I get some bleeding back for a couple of hours. My stomach should be completely down at anytime now. I'm so excited to wear my normal clothes! It's like a whole new wardrobe to me.

Breastfeeding is kicking my butt. Pumping is so time consuming. I'm trying to wean off the formula and just strictly give her breast milk once my supply is a little higher. I'm so nervous she will go back to not gaining weight but I have noticed I'm getting a couple more ounces per day this last week so I'm building up a stash of milk for my freezer. It's nice having the ability to do bottles when I want my mom or DH to feed her and I can get some sleep. Then I can also bring out the boob to comfort nurse her sometimes too. I guess I'm lucky I don't have a picky baby! She really is a good girl. She's in her swing sleeping while I finish pumping my boobs and it's 1am. I. Exhausted but she is the sweetest thing to ever happen to me.

I'm jealous on all fronts here!! Back to pre prego weight! Baby takes a bottle and the boob! Your supply will increase the more you nurse/pump. Drink tons of water, make sure you're eating enough, oatmeal is a good one to have for breakfast, and there is a tea that helps build supply. Enjoy every minute b/c it will be a year in the blink of an eye. So happy things are going so smoothly for you.

Lady the job sounds promising! I hope you get it and leave that toxic environment behind. When someone shows you who they are you should believe them the 1st time. I hope the meeting w/ the Dr reveals the issue and a solution so you can move forward.

Mrs L so happy the scan went well! Don't stress, you are over 1 major hump with heartbeat, sac and yolk. Trust that all will be as it should be.

Sars, I hear you on the daycare issue. Our nanny will be getting 2800/mo for 5 days 10hrs a day, and then add a part time 2yr olds program for Jack this Winter and you're looking at the cost of college tuition. It's bananas....but I figure it will be hard for 4 more years and then we will get a raise so to speak.

Krissy happy to hear all went well!!
Good morning ladies!

Booger, good to hear from you! So glad everything's coming along smoothly and that your nursery is almost done. I LOVE the name Hazel. Adorable.

BabyW - yikes! That is pricey. What made you choose an in-house nanny over a daycare? Is she from the States? DH and I talk about that alot, which route. Of course he wants to bring his nanny from back in the day over from Guatemala to be a live-in nanny. Not sure about that for a couple reasons (visa, also, I'm hesitant to have someone else living in our house).

Mrs. L - glad the scan went well!

Krissy - hang in there! I know the tww is tough! Remind me, when is your beta?

Jkb - good to hear from you!! How are you feeling?

Sars - a torn toe nail sounds so painful. Ouch! I hope its growing out. I agree on the evening walks, I'm not preggo of course but we couldn't do without our evening walks. Just a bit of exercise, fresh air and conversation with the DH do wonders.

Afm, woke up this morning to af and MAJOR cramps. Ugh! My nurse told me it'd be coming as soon as I go off the meds, so its not a surprise. And man, I was cranky yesterday. I know I am starting my period when I get cranky and anxious. Sometimes the anxiety just takes over and I feel nervous, uneasy and stressed about the silliest things. Hoping my mood will improve over the next couple days.

Also facebook is not doing me any favors. Seeing other preggo ladies and beautiful babies sometimes makes me sad. I'm just scared I'm never going to be able to have a child. And I feel bad because I know DH wants kids so bad, we both wanted to have a big family. And now I can't even give him one. Ok, tearing up here! Get it together! Haha.

I'm still waiting anxiously about news of the other job. Apparently I was one of just three finalists, so at least the odds aren't bad. I keep checking my phone - they wanted to get this search closed out this hopefully I will know one way or the other soon!

Anyways, hope everyone has a great day. Any fun plans for the weekend?

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