First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Lady, try not to worry! I KNOW from experience its way easier said than done, because I've totally been there. I'd just sit there sometimes thinking about how DH would really feel if it came down to not having kids at all, and that thought killed me. But each and every single time that thought entered my mind, I pushed it out immediately and continued to persevere. I never lost faith, and when we PGS'd our last embryos and only one came back good, I never once let myself think that little embie wasn't gonna work. It will happen for you!!!:flower:

Well, my contractions continue on and off, and doc said it's likely to continue all the way up to the end. He said if they become more painful, or perfectly spaced, to give him a call or go back to hosp. But he wants me to lay on my side and drink water for an hour to see if they go away. He knows I work at home on Fridays, so he suggested I start working at home 2-3 days/week now. So my boss and I decided I'll do Wed and Fri now, and whenever I feel I need another day, she said to just email her. I get cabin fever if I'm at home too often, so I was happy for the 3rd day to just be at my own discretion.

As for child care, we'll be doing full time. I've chosen a Primrose School, and OMG, I love it! I toured the place, and I'm VERY pleased with how the place is run. The infant room is only 8 infants at a time, so I am on a wait list, but our name is first on the list, and we don't need it until 11/30, so they seem to think a spot will open. It's about $255/week. But all child care centers where I live/work are between $240-250/week.

I got my leave squared away, so that's a relief. I'm doing the 8 wks of short-term disability (c-section) paid at 100%, and then I'm using 4 wks PTO, and then taking 4 wks unpaid. So 16 wks total. It's funny because I was only planning on 12 wks so I wouldn't have any unpaid, but my boss kept asking me if I was SURE I didn't feel like I need more. So she's the one who got me thinking. So in the end, I did a quick peek at our finances and decided another 4 wks would be nice so that I don't have to go back to work until after Thanksgiving. My whole family is coming to ME for Thanksgiving this year! I was SO excited! Even my little sis who just had a baby will be coming. So it was nice to extend my leave past the holiday. :)
Oh, and girls, I totally hear ya on the body thing... Some days I feel okay, maybe depending on what I wear I guess...? Other days, I feel so gross. I, too, have gained mostly in my thighs and butt. I put on about 35 lbs pretty quick, during 1st and 2nd tri. Interestingly though, I seem to have plateaued there.... I haven't seen the scale move much at all in about 3 weeks, which was alarming at first, but then I realized I'm not eating as much anymore either (get full VERY fast nowadays). So while baby is gaining weight, perhaps I'm not putting on more fat, and they're just sorta canceling each other out. Should I be concerned at all? Doc didn't seem to be, but he's pretty laid back about everything...
Lady I know it is so hard, but I truly believe you just need some more tests from your dr. You have good embryos waiting for you. And as soon as you are pregnant, all the bad thoughts go away. You remember your struggle, but the pain is replaced by the amazing little one growing inside you.

So funny story...I have a work friend who did fertility treatments with no success but then had a surprise positive. Her daughter is 4. She just stopped me in the hall & said she may be pregnant which will make her totally freak. She has an IUD not 100% for birth control...she also uses it to lighten & control her periods. Anyways it has been expired for a couple of months. She didn't think much of it, but after telling her dr about her sex frequency & the spotting she is having, they are sending her for an u/s tomorrow. And she recommended getting a pregnancy test. So now she is buying one at lunch. She is on the fense on another baby. They are settled & happy for now. Also she is 43...and her pregnancy was really tough. So I was just laughing at her about it. I said well you got a surprise once...maybe again. And she was just asking her husband a week or so ago if they are really finished or not because she wants surgery to help her with her painful periods & issues.
Erin that is great about the leave. I only have 2 weeks of PTO left & 1 has to be used for my first week of leave. As I get closer, I may decide to take my other week before the due date. As long as I make it to Oct, I am fine because I have 12 weeks & my PTO will start back over in January.

You guys are making me feel so good about my daycare rates.
Good morning ladies!

Booger, good to hear from you! So glad everything's coming along smoothly and that your nursery is almost done. I LOVE the name Hazel. Adorable.

BabyW - yikes! That is pricey. What made you choose an in-house nanny over a daycare? Is she from the States? DH and I talk about that alot, which route. Of course he wants to bring his nanny from back in the day over from Guatemala to be a live-in nanny. Not sure about that for a couple reasons (visa, also, I'm hesitant to have someone else living in our house).

Mrs. L - glad the scan went well!

Krissy - hang in there! I know the tww is tough! Remind me, when is your beta?

Jkb - good to hear from you!! How are you feeling?

Sars - a torn toe nail sounds so painful. Ouch! I hope its growing out. I agree on the evening walks, I'm not preggo of course but we couldn't do without our evening walks. Just a bit of exercise, fresh air and conversation with the DH do wonders.

Afm, woke up this morning to af and MAJOR cramps. Ugh! My nurse told me it'd be coming as soon as I go off the meds, so its not a surprise. And man, I was cranky yesterday. I know I am starting my period when I get cranky and anxious. Sometimes the anxiety just takes over and I feel nervous, uneasy and stressed about the silliest things. Hoping my mood will improve over the next couple days.

Also facebook is not doing me any favors. Seeing other preggo ladies and beautiful babies sometimes makes me sad. I'm just scared I'm never going to be able to have a child. And I feel bad because I know DH wants kids so bad, we both wanted to have a big family. And now I can't even give him one. Ok, tearing up here! Get it together! Haha.

I'm still waiting anxiously about news of the other job. Apparently I was one of just three finalists, so at least the odds aren't bad. I keep checking my phone - they wanted to get this search closed out this hopefully I will know one way or the other soon!

Anyways, hope everyone has a great day. Any fun plans for the weekend?

I felt more comfortable with a Nanny for a few racing to drop off and pick up b/c of my hours...I leave earlier than they open and barely make it back for when they close. I work on commission and can't afford to get sick. The nanny came highly recommended and lives 15min away so no issues in bad weather. She absolutely adores Jack and we trust her implicitly. She does his laundry, and ours if we leave it in washer/dryer, empties dishwasher, and the one-on-one attention has really made Jack thrive. She teaches him so much and constantly takes him for walks, goes to the park, and interacts with the other toddlers on our block for play dates every week. Daycares around our area are 1500/mo and up so for 2 kids the Nanny is about the same. She is American and really just the sweetest and easy going woman. Only thing I would have done differently is a live -in but a friend told me they have to leave annually b/c their visa expires unless you get an illegal which as my husband as an attorney would not be in the cards.
Lady - Official is July 21st - soooo far away lol. Best of luck with the job interviews and try to keep hanging in there with TTC stuff :hugs:

LOL My daycare rates are more than $250/week and again, it's the norm of this area (Northern VA). It costs a fortune.
when did y'all start looking into daycares? it is crazy how quickly things fill up....even for newborn photography! we have a photographer here that fills up so fast, you gotta book in the first trimester!

thankfully my parents are very close and my mom wants to take care of the baby, but i feel bad that she will do that thinking maybe a 2-3 days a week daycare, once the baby is a bit older, maybe after 6 months or so? to give her a break? i don't want her to be consumed by our baby and not enjoy her own time!! although....i can't even explain her excitement over a grand baby....she would have 40 kids if she could

what were some big things y'all did in the first trimester?

i am so ready for my next scan on tuesday, it isn't even funny!
Hey guys. You may remember my friend Floridasian who went in to early labor. She lost her little girl & now her little boy continues to struggle. She asked us to reach out on FB for anyone who may be able to help. I am reposting her post here just to see if anyone here may have some answers.

Dear friends, I've been too sad, embarrassed, and ashamed to post this update but I forgot that Facebook could be such a great source of information so here it is: I was admitted to the hospital on May 20th at 22 weeks and gave birth to the twins on June 3rd at 24 weeks. Our little girl Paige died in our arms after 10 hours and our little boy Kyle is now almost five weeks old but is still in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) fighting for his life. Kyle has gone through some extremely bad days battling seizures. The seizures were under control for a little while and he was doing better but they returned as the doctors tried to wean down his medication. His seizures are now getting worse and he's had 64 seizures in the past 24 hours!!!!

If anyone is or knows anyone going through similar situations, or knows anyone in the medical field that can shed some light on the situation, please do share!! Kyle's detailed NICU journey is in my blog here:
when did y'all start looking into daycares? it is crazy how quickly things fill up....even for newborn photography! we have a photographer here that fills up so fast, you gotta book in the first trimester!

thankfully my parents are very close and my mom wants to take care of the baby, but i feel bad that she will do that thinking maybe a 2-3 days a week daycare, once the baby is a bit older, maybe after 6 months or so? to give her a break? i don't want her to be consumed by our baby and not enjoy her own time!! although....i can't even explain her excitement over a grand baby....she would have 40 kids if she could

what were some big things y'all did in the first trimester?

i am so ready for my next scan on tuesday, it isn't even funny!

I started looking for daycare in the 1st tri. But they told me to come back later on closer to my 3rd. I did not do extensive research. I googled some places & went by to look at them & one is a recommendation from a friend. So I have 2 in mind but set on the recommendation.

We did PGS & decided to find out the gender on transfer day. So we were pretty excited to be pregnant (10 years waiting). So I started pretty quickly on my nursery. I already had a good idea what I wanted to do. I also looked at clearnace items anywhere I went. Target usually has great finds. Also check out local consignment, thrift stores, & friends who may have hand me downs (see if you have a Once Upon a Child near you). I had already bought a stroller really cheap early on in our process. So it pretty much stayed in our attic for a year! I researched the furniture I wanted. Again, I had a good idea where I was headed.

It is such an exciting & scary time. When I hit 12 weeks I felt so relieved. Actually closer to 10 with my first ob scan when he finally looked like a real baby.

If you are feeling good, I say do as much as possible as soon as possible. But I am a planner as everyone here can tell you. But I was so nervous to be past 30 weeks with nothing done. Look around the baby stores to get a feel of what you want.

Most important is to relax. Don't overdo it & take a break when you need it. Let your husband do as much for you as he wants. My husband is amazing & basically waits on me hand & foot. It makes him happy, so I let him. :)
Lady: I wish I could give you a big ole' hug. I know it is hard not to go to that place "What if I never have a baby." You're going to become a mama and kick some serious ass. You just have to keep the faith in the darkest times.

Erin: It must feel awesome to have your leave set in stone. Yay for getting so much time at home with baby boy. (I forget did you guys settle on a name? Nolan and Owen stick out in my mind) I'm sorry to hear the contractions are continuing. Do they think they'e just because of dehydration? It is awesome your boss is so accomodating and letting you work from home.

Mrs. L: I'm also a planner and I was dying the first 12 weeks not telling anyone. It felt like time moved so slow and I was so nervous.

I did a lot of planning and research in the first trimester. I read Happiest Baby on the Block and Bringing up Bebe, which I highly recommend. I scoured Lucie's List, BabyGear Lab, Baby Baragains books and my favorite bloggers for their lists of recommended baby items. I was able to keep my Amazon registry private.

I started asking friends about day cares and researching our list of centers that voluntarily undergo a rigorous state rating process. I began calling and setting up tours when I was about 19-20 weeks, although my friend who is due the week before me went earlier. I'd say every where I called praised me for being on the ball and encouraged me to come in ASAP and get my application in. There hasn't been a wait list yet for January but they all indicated there would be by the fall. Our day cares are pretty competitive.

That's awesome your mom is wiling to do all the child care. My in-laws have offered one day a week, which is very nice of them but I've had no luck finding a four-day-a-week day care. My best friend had her parents watch her son every day for her first two months back at work and then switched him over to a center. (They spend part of the winter in Florida). Grandparents still help out when she's in a pinch. I know it made her transition back to work easier.
Lady- I'm with sars, wishing i could give you a hug.... i know its hard and I'm sorry your having to go thru this hard time. For us it has been a 7 year battle/wait so, I too know how hard it can be to share in others joys when you have yet to get there. Hang in there hun. You're doing so awesome handling this battle. I feel like your time is just right around the corner. Hope you get your new job and then it just all falls into place.

Erin- glad little one is continuing to stay put for now, hang in there not much longer!! 16 weeks off is awesome! Glad your boss is so willing to accomodate your wants and needs! It makes life so much easier.

Booger- i cant wait to see pics of your nursery!!

Afm- I'm doing great! 29 weeks tomorrow. Nursery is slowly coming together. We are going on vacation august 10th and i really would like to be all done by then... we shall see:/
Beagle, Floridisan's story breaks my heart. A you know my coworker lost her twin girls as she went into early labor and delivered 10 days from her earliest delivery dates for twins. I wish I could help or be a source of information. I am only familiar with trisomy issues through a friend of mine. There is nothing more heart wrenching, gutting, and devastating than a sick child. Has she looked online for hospitals with experience in early delivery complications? Where is she located? I know Yale in New Haven CT has an excellent program for preemies.

Erin I hope baby stays in there for a while longer. I have been contracting off and on for weeks and am 1-2cm dilated and losing amniotic fluid. As long as your fluid levels are normal you are ahead of the game. I find that being off my feet really does make a huge difference as does my diet. I drink prune juice, eat fruit and don't have anything that is a diuretic. I find that when I work from home I cramp a lot less. I have also started doing a lot less at home, weekend cleaning marathons are replaced by just vacuuming and mopping and doing bathrooms...I'm breaking up my errands over several days and not cramming too much into a day. And I have also been sleeping in whenever possible...going into work an hr late even if I feel I need it. Listening to my body trumps work right now, and whether I'm home or at work, I still do more than half the men I work with so no one can complain. Don't push yourself, it is not worth it. And definitely do not look at how much you gain especially if you are not blowing up like a balloon. So much of what you gain is friend gained over 40 and left the hospital down 25lbs! She really was all fluid and baby. Can you believe how close you are now!!! It's flying by!

Jkb where to on vacay?

Mrs L, we started looking for a nanny a month before I went back to work. has plenty of qualified candidates since teachers have been laid off by the hundreds around here. We got our nanny as a referral from a friend so we got lucky. As for day cares we would have needed to have been on a list asap as our area is loaded with young families. I registered with the help of friends with kids. They have tested it all and knew which things to get in each category. I also use Craig's List for items I can clean and may not use for long. We borrowed an amazing bassinet for Jack and have it again for the baby, it's beautiful. And we didn't go overboard with gear, an exer-saucer was the best thing we got, bouncy seat, pack-n-play, sound machine...and then was given a travel pack-n-play that we use for Jack when we take trips or see relatives. I didn't want a lot of clutter to be honest. I didn't register or start shopping until I was 7mos and it worked out shower was 4 weeks before Jack was born.

How is everyone else doing? Beagle I want to see pics! Kfs how are you feeling? Sars are you still running a lot? How's the cramping Krissy?

All good here, slightly dilated but nothing to worry about. My amniotic fluid is teetering on low but at 37w 2d I would expect that. Baby is still breech, has a ton of hair apparently, and is nicely over 6lbs by a few ounces which makes me feel good. I hope she gets to 7lbs by the time I am sectioned. Dh still thinks she'll come early and I think so too but I am hoping she really doesn't...I want her to develop and grow as much as possible before she comes. I'm working from home Mon & Fri as those are our slow days. My last appt is next Fri and I still have some stuff to do. I need hangers, a bar for the armoire to hang clothes, changing pad, go thru Jack's newborn-3mo clothes, get railing covers for crib, get baby gifts for my 2 friends who delivered last week and decide if we will do a newborn shoot for birth announcements. I'm heading out today to get stuff from both BBB's...BBBaby and BB&Beyond.
BW - pics of what? Me? I plan to do a bump pic tonight or tomorrow. Depends on how I feel when I get home. I have to go to an obgyn for a work customer & my manager asked if it was my dr & it's not. He was like they will think you are a patient looking all pregnant. I was like yeh I guess I am looking pretty pregnant these days...bump looks like a bump. Funny it gets bigger & harder through the day & seems to do a slight deflate at night. But I was sort of like thinking my manager is a stupid man. Who cares what they think & I have been there before & plan to ask right at the desk for the dr & explain who I am. He says crazy things sometimes.
Oh & my friend is in West Virginia I think. Family in York, PA. Her screen name is floridasian, so feel free to message her even the slightest info or you could just send her your thoughts.


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Erin - I'm glad that work is flexible and they're letting you stay home a few days. And that's great that you have your leave planned. I decided to take some time unpaid, too, because a lot of people at work said I'd regret it. :) and hey - you figure your saving that money in daycare right?

Lady - I want to give you a hug, too!!! We have all had those feelings - believe me. It will happen for you. Your doctor is going to figure out what's going on and will come up with a new game plan. And your DH loves you no matter what. Chin up and huuuuuge hugs.

Mrsl - we started looking for a daycare early on because people scared me, saying that all of the good ones would be booked. In the end, we went with small home daycare right down the road for us.

Beagle - cute new bump pic. I've been really thinking that I need to take some pics. I hate posing for pics so I just naturally don't think of it. And we really didn't get any at the shower because it was raining and we were sort of under the tents and stuff. I better snap a few before this baby comes!

Babyw - glad to hear you're listening to your body and taking it easy. I wfh every Friday but will work from home full time starting the 27th if baby doesn't come first. I have a few more things to buy and I really want to get my thank you cards done. Other than that, feeling pretty good.

I know I've missed a million of you so here's a big wave :hi:
Lady-I'm SOoooooo sorry. I was hoping to come on here this morning and hear that another one in the group was with child. I agree with the others in that you may want to talk to your doctor about an endometrial scratch prior to the next transfer. That helps with implantation. I actually had a chemical the first cycle I did it, and sort of pregnant the next, so that may be the little nudge that you need for next time. You think you do everything right to find out you have a negative beta. You know, I know the routine all too well. :hugs: Love ya, chica. Wine/pizza/bachelorette it is.

Continental Tour 2015 has now ended. On this trip I put 2325 miles on the bike and in the end, AF showed yesterday, so no Mexico baby. hee hee. It only rained for about 20 minutes prior to arrival in Moncton and that was it. Love a rain free motorcycle vacation. 20 minutes is rain free in the grand scheme of things.

I go in for bloodwork tomorrow morning. I'm worried because I still have that fibroid. Hopefully, again, it's not big enough to be an issue, but I'm curious as to what they say in the morning. I'm patient and just hanging out.

Hi to everyone. I'm still really exhausted because I rode hard to make it home at a reasonable time yesterday and then I had a friend over and hubs had a friend over, so I had to put toothpicks in my eyes to stay awake and keep all entertained. Fun was super excited to see me, so that made me happy. In the past, I have had boyfriends who couldn't care less whether I made it back or not, and apparently, that is that I really value. I don't ask for much. I think my hubs was planning on having people over as a last hurrah before I arrived, but that ended with a quickness when I turned the corner, and he was sitting out front grilling chicken and sausage. I guess he called his friends and told them the party was over. hee hee. I'll never know, but there is plenty of grilled sausage, chicken and beer for me! I did have a girlfriend swing by and our neighbor came over to watch the Os lose, so that was plenty of entertaining. I rode from Manchester, NH to Bmore and I'm not sure how many miles it was but it took me 12 hours with one long stop about an hour from home to regroup.

I'm a little upset I didn't get naturally pregnant this cycle as we had an amazing chance, but I don't know why I still think this can happen naturally. Why?? Why?? I'm so dumb for thinking that, but I guess it's just part of my TTC brain. This was year two that I showed up at my convention and found out someone is pregnant. Last year a girl was three months along, and this year, a girl is having her baby the first week of Dec. (so about four months) I was due mid-Dec, so that stung a bit. She's young and pretty, so I just said 'congrats' and then went to talk to other grandmas. HA!!HA!!

Glad to hear that all are doing well. <3
kfs - I am not much for posing either. I need to get my husband to find a photography friend to do our baby shower. He thinks the one he thought of is text back. He doesn't know yet, but when I get bigger...maybe 32 weeks...I want to go to the beach...just him & me with a tripod & the sunrise. I really want pics of my bump for my baby because my mom has NONE. And none of me in the hospital. Maybe because I was #2. Oh & the beach I want to go to is where he proposed. Maybe find a quiet pretty place & just have your husband take pics of you walking a park or something. Doesn't have to be fancy. I think you will be glad to have them later on.

Terri - your trip sounds amazing. Glad you had fun. Just think of it as the last big thing before pregnancy & baby. I'm sorry no natural pregnancy. But it is not dumb or stupid to think that way. Even though my chances are low, I still secretly hope I get a natural #2...even though I have a frozen waiting. I never wanted more than 2 & never so close together...but after all this, who knows. But I do really think if life goes as planned & I adjust well to #1, I plan to transfer again as soon as my FS lets me.

So bbq next week! So excited. We bought more stuff today & I am taking Fri off to prepare. My mom plans to come Wed which I am so happy about. She will be a huge help. I really have no idea what to expect. My rsvp list was close to 50 which is shocking. But I think you have to plan for some people to bail. I am a bit annoyed because people offered to bring food so I am asking of FB what they are bringing but no answers. I don't mind if no one brings anything...I just want to be prepared (I know you guys are shocked! Me, prepared?) So as it is now, I am planning to provide all food. Which is fine but I just know people will bring stuff & things will be duplicated. Oh well. I told my husband with as much money as we spent, we may break even with baby stuff. That's another thing...I don't think anyone is using the registries. Another of well.

So not sure if I said, but my husband got a cute star wars dad shirt. So i got a custom star wars maternity shirt. And I decided since I want to keep it casual & not so much baby themed, I am buying star wars cupcakes! Instead of the baby blue cake or cupcakes. I think it will be funny. If I had thought of this earlier I would have bought more star wars party stuff. I should get my shirt this week so really praying it fits! I will get a pic up for it.

Today we are doing a few deep cleaning projects...the 2 bathrooms & our bedroom. I am resting now after scrubbing the small one's floor. Trying to go easy & do a project a day. Trying to get ready for my house to be full! Dad, stepmom, mom, sister, 2 nephews, & probably sister's boyfriend.
terri - sounds like a great trip!! i hope your appt goes well tomorrow and that fibroid won't mess anything up. and not silly to think about natural conception.....i think we all hope and pray that this infertility thing will just disappear and things can happen easily! without all the lab work and medicines....

beagle - sounds like things are coming together for the bbq! very exciting! you should def get some pics, it will be wonderful to look back on! unfortunately a lot of people don't realize how much is put into a party, and don't think how important rsvp or bringing dishes are! that happened with us for thanksgiving....had no idea how many ppl were coming until 24 hours in advance.....craziness. But, you have planned plenty, what matters most is that y'all are there to enjoy it and enjoy your company!


y'all.....i have only felt nauseated twice....but the exhaustion from the first trimester is literally killing me! i have never felt this way! i have taken a nap every. single. day for the past week! and i am going to bed earlier, and sleeping longer!! this baby must be growing fast and need all my energy! i use to be a "two cup a day" coffee drinker, and during ivf i cut back to one cup.....and the past 2 weeks I've cut it out all together. so that may be part of it..... thankfully no caffeine headaches. it was a lot easier to get rid of it than i thought, my taste buds just didn't enjoy it as much. the only thing that sounds good these days is carbs!

i am trying to go on afternoon walks to help me get over the afternoon snoozes....but haven't been too successful. i need to vacuum my house and i am just building up the energy to do that!

i guess extreme fatigue is better than puking nonstop!

our REI does weekly ultrasounds until we move on to the OB GYN so i have another appt this tuesday. hopefully will be able to see heartbeat better, last week you could barely see a flicker. this week starts week 7! still can't believe it!
Hi girls!

Can I please join your thread? I've had a good little read through pages and pages of the thread and your stories have both made me smile with happiness for you and also made me feel sad through your struggles.

I am just about to start my first ever ICSI cycle at the end of July/early August and would love to speak to some girls who are going through/have been through the same journey.

My name is Tina, I'm 27 years old, my DH is 32. We have one daughter who was conceived so quickly that we barely had time to process it happening. 3 years later when deciding to try for baby 2 it didn't go to plan and after 12 months we were still getting BFNs. To cut a long story short my DH and I had all the basic tests carried out and the results came back as my husband having a low sperm count and low motility. I don't know whether conceiving my daughter was a fluke and we got lucky or whether this problem has only recently happened but either way we are dealing with it now by biting the bullet and starting ICSI privately.

I've had my bloods done to test for HIV and the next step for me is to call our hospital on CD1 which will be in approx 10 days time to schedule an appointment to be shown how to inject.

Still finding it difficult to process that this is actually going to happen... I'm terrified but at the same time excited. I believe most of the time that I'm a strong woman and can deal with emotional set backs but last cycle after 23 negative months I had a bit of a breakdown so maybe I can't.

Hope everyone is doing well today xxx

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