First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

MrsL - I def was going to bed earlier but no napping really. I still go to bed early. I basically go to sleep when I hit the pillow. The other night I told my husband to download a different pregnancy app. He said I was asleep before the download completed! I try to cut out caffeine, but I still have it 3 times a week or so. There have been some restless nights & I just have to get a coke in the morning. My husband has been so amazing during my pregnancy taking on more housework. Yesterday during cleaning I had to rest & he would have done it all by himself if needed.

Tina - welcome. We have a lot of knowledge & experience. IVF is exhausting & emotionally a rollercoaster. I am glad you decided to get help early on. Your age is a great factor in success for you. Good luck & please feel free to ask anything you need. I had more than a few breakdowns! :)

My husband called another friend to take pics. She said she was planning to come & would do pics for us. But I was so annoyed. She is on FB, no rsvp & has a kid! I have asked several times about kids because I made goody bags for them. I want to be sure none are left out. I told my husband when it is time to eat, I am lining people up by rsvp! If you didn't rsvp you get to the back! I am sure it will be fine, but now just worrying about running out of food!
MrsL - The exhaustion was the killer for me too in my first trimester. I'd sleep as much as possible and it would be hard not to fall asleep while stopped at a traffic light I was so narcolpetically tired. It only lasted a few weeks though, and I never had much nausea either.

Tina - :wave: Welcome! I sympathize with your story. My DH and I conceived our DD the same way - first try, if that. This time around has been much much harder (currently in the TWW from our first IVF transfer). It's tough and it makes no sense... but you just gotta keep pushing through a day at a time.

AFM - The cramping went away for a few days and came back with a bit of a vengeance last night. Today seems a bit back to normal though. Sadly, not even a faint sign of a :bfp: at 6dp5dt... so starting to loose a little hope. But I know there's still time.
MrsL - The exhaustion was the killer for me too in my first trimester. I'd sleep as much as possible and it would be hard not to fall asleep while stopped at a traffic light I was so narcolpetically tired. It only lasted a few weeks though, and I never had much nausea either.

Tina - :wave: Welcome! I sympathize with your story. My DH and I conceived our DD the same way - first try, if that. This time around has been much much harder (currently in the TWW from our first IVF transfer). It's tough and it makes no sense... but you just gotta keep pushing through a day at a time.

AFM - The cramping went away for a few days and came back with a bit of a vengeance last night. Today seems a bit back to normal though. Sadly, not even a faint sign of a :bfp: at 6dp5dt... so starting to loose a little hope. But I know there's still time.

Krissy, my first positive was at night before bed at was seriously almost nonexistant. I am sure yours is coming. And it was not as good a line on the cheap tests as the first repsonse. So it could be the test as well.
Good morning, ladies!! :coffee:

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Beagle - I can't believe your party is already this weekend. How fun!! I hope the weather cooperates. Your theme sounds cute. Glad DH found someone else to take the pictures. Flaky people are the worst.

Krissy - I'm sorry your first test showed a BFN but I agree with Beagle, you've still got time for it to turn into a BFP!!! :thumbup:

Tina - Welcome!! There is certainly lots of experience here. It sucks any of us have to deal with it but it sounds like you've got a good plan in place. :flower:

MrsL - The tiredness if for real!! I had to take naps quite a bit on the weekends or after work during the first tri. I really hope you can escape getting nauseated but mine showed up around 6-7 weeks. Ugh. Luckily, I was never pukey but I just felt like could all the time. Good luck with your scan tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!

Terri - Hooray! You're back. :happydance: We have missed you. I'm glad you had a nice trip. You're a road warrior! That's a ton of miles. I'm sorry your natural cycle didn't work. We are always hopeful and it's always a let down when it doesn't work. Don't feel silly. It's just natural to want it to work the old-fashioned way. Even though it hurts to be let down, it's still better to have hope. At least in my opinion anyway.

kfs - I don't have many pictures of my yet either. I'm the same way - have hard time posing for pictures. I don't have any plans to do formal maternity photos but I will try to have DH snap a few here and there to document along the way. I can't remember ever seeing a picture of my Mom pregnant with any of her four children so I'd love to have at least a couple pictures of my bump at some point. I can't believe how close you are to meeting your little one!! Can't wait to find out if it is a :pink: or :blue:!

babywhisperer - Glad your little girl is getting bigger! That has to be a relief. My friend gave birth to a 10lb 15.1oz baby boy over the weekend - can you imagine??? I'm trying to take the same tactic as you and find most of my baby gear on Craigslist or hand me downs from friends. I don't want too much clutter either.

jkb - Even though we have some stuff done, the nursery is far from done. It's still an empty room at this point! When it is done, I'll try to post a pic. Where are you going for vacation?

ERose - I'm glad the contractions have let up a little bit and you can work from home as needed. That's great. And your maternity leave sounds awesome! I was planning on taking 3 months but I'm leaning more towards 4 now, too. I have plenty of leave and we can afford for me to take some leave without pay (LWOP), too. My work is super accommodating and it's probably easier for them to find a replacement for me for 4 months vs. 3 months anyway.

Lady - How are you doing?? Was your meeting with the RE last week or tomorrow. I really hope they can shine some light on what's going on?? :hugs:

Howdy to everyone else out there! :flower:

Man, I was super busy this weekend. I went backpacking with two gal pals on Friday. It was a short hike in but I had forgotten how much harder it is with a 35-lb pack on your back (plus the 15 or so pounds heavier I am than normal). We had a great time and did some other hiking in the area after we got our tents set up. The original plan was to stay until Sunday but a huge rainstorm came through in the late afternoon on Saturday and their tent got flooded so we just packed up and headed out then.

Yesterday, I went to a post Missoula Half-Marathon party (I didn't run) at my friend's house and did a bunch of errand running. One of my running buddies gave me her Bob Sporty Utility Stroller and another stroller plus four bags of clothes! I was stoked. I also went to Goodwill and got a bunch of cute baby clothes for cheap (and a few things for me, too). I feel like I am finally moving from anxious/nervous to excited. It's a great feeling. Oh, and DH finally got to feel little Fancy (our nickname for baby right now since we don't have a name yet - you know that Reba song - always cracks us up - so when people ask what we are naming the baby, we just tell them Fancy - it gets the best looks on people's faces) kicking around in my belly last night. It was cute to see his face light up.

Here is a picture from my little backpacking trip:


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My 3d scan is also sat...I am so nervous he won't cooperate. They say to stay plenty hydrated. So my plan this week (& I plan to keep it up til the end) is to drink my 50 oz bottle of water plus one of the larger 32 oz gatorades. I plan to bring my bottle home each night & I told my husband no slacking..he has to hold me to finishing it! I usually pour mine into a smaller reuseable cup with a lid & straw. I find making it super cold helps me drink better.
MrsL - The exhaustion was the killer for me too in my first trimester. I'd sleep as much as possible and it would be hard not to fall asleep while stopped at a traffic light I was so narcolpetically tired. It only lasted a few weeks though, and I never had much nausea either.

Tina - :wave: Welcome! I sympathize with your story. My DH and I conceived our DD the same way - first try, if that. This time around has been much much harder (currently in the TWW from our first IVF transfer). It's tough and it makes no sense... but you just gotta keep pushing through a day at a time.

AFM - The cramping went away for a few days and came back with a bit of a vengeance last night. Today seems a bit back to normal though. Sadly, not even a faint sign of a :bfp: at 6dp5dt... so starting to loose a little hope. But I know there's still time.

Still plenty of time to get that bfp. Don't lose hope!!

Beagle sounds like you have things in good order for the bbq! Dh loves Star Wars, take pics I want to see the shirts and cupcakes!

Terri so happy you had a nice vacation. I'm sorry there wasn't a natural bfp anf hope this fibroid stops being a nuisance. Being on the bike for all those miles must be freeing and exhausting at the same time. I love NH up my the lakes, so pretty this time of year.

Mrs L yes the exhaustion can be debilitating, but it gets better the closer you get to the 2nd tri. Get as much rest as you can!

I am the worst when it comes to taking my own advice!!! I got the nesting bug again this week and really bad this weekend. I worked from home and went to Buy Buy Baby in the late afternoon to get baby gifts for friends and some last minute things for the baby. I learned that Jack doesn't fit into the Uppababy Vista rumble seat so taking the 2 kids out for a stroll will not be possible in my stroller. We tried all tandems and he is just too tall. We looked at side-by-sides and holy cow are they heavy. I think I am going to keep my stroller for when Jack is old enough to ride on the board. I will have to look for side-by-sides on CL as I am not buying anything new that he may outgrow or not want to sit in next year. The woman helping us was shocked since she just fitted a 3yr old into the rumble seat. Saturday we did some local errands and then took Jack to a friends club where they have a water park for kids, slides, and all kinds of things to play with. Poor dh had to chase Jack all over as I relaxed so he was totally exhausted. We came home and put Jack to bed and I stayed up until 11 doing the baby's laundry of some receiving blankets, outfits, and stuff we got for Jack that was unisex. I can't stay awake that late so I know the nesting bug is working overtime. Yesterday I let dh sleep in as he has been letting me sleep in when I can. I made a big breakfast for all of us then vacuumed the whole house!! Then I went to Bed bath & Beyond to get more stuff for the baby's room and the house since I had so many coupons I figured might as well. Then to the hardware store for a new hose and sprinkler for Jack to play in...we have in ground irrigation so the sprinkler is really just for him to play in. I am trying to get everything ready and making lists for things I keep forgetting b/c my brain has left the building. I started cramping last night and spotting so I am taking it easy today working from home and not doing anything else. I think I am in good shape just need to pack a hospital bag as I've set what I need aside, and change straps for car seat to accommodate her small frame since Jack was the last to use it.

But I sit here on eggshells wondering if it's going to happen sooner and I really don't want it to. I like having the Dr I want scheduled and to know that she will grow more each day which makes her more likely to sleep and eat better when out. And thinking of my water breaking or going into labor while at work or commuting has me on edge. I plan on working an abbreviated schedule Tues-Thurs and leaving earlier than normal by maybe an hour on the 1st express train. I still have to finalize my Bloomberg format for the guy backing me up. I have a haircut scheduled for Thursday and hopefully color on Sat morning. I want to get all of this done b/c after the surgery I will not be going anywhere for a couple of weeks...and definitely not into the city for a haircut!

In the meantime it's the hottest and most humid it's been all Summer, but storms are coming so hopefully it cools down...this weather makes people in the city and subways absolutely nasty.

Next appt is Friday....can't believe I'm in the single digit countdown.
glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing narcolepsy!! :dohh:

Tina - welcome!! glad you found a spot with lots of supportive ladies! i felt the same way when IVF became the next step....we have never had a child, but had no reason to think we would have difficulty. then poof!! unexplained infertility! we did IVF with ICSI, so we were taking out one more variable from the equation.
it is emotionally, physically, and financially draining....just gotta take one day at a time. hopefully stimming will go well for you, and all y'all need is a little help fertilizing!

booger - hike looked beautiful! thats great that you are feeling good enough to stay active and do the things you enjoy!! DH and I think Fancy is hilarious --- we are getting a new pet soon and have thought about naming it fancy for the sheer fun factor!

babywhisperer - sounds like the nesting hit hard! thats great that you got so much done this weekend. I already wanted to nest at 5 weeks! i made DH help me clean out the future nursery closet!! a little early i know. but don't worry, I'm too exhausted to nest any further!
i understand why you want baby to stay a bit longer.....i have thought about all i wanted to do before baby (vain maybe, who knows) - like get nails done, hair done within a few weeks, house clean, etc - just because i know it won't happen for a while after then. I can't imagine if that including traveling to the city! one of my best friends just moved out of the city, but still works there....and man, that commute is brutal!
I have also thought of water breaking in public ......or during work......or on my bed while I'm sleeping......I am in the medical field but that still gives me the willies! my mom told me she slept with a waterproof pad under her side of the bed, because she didn't want to mess up the mattress! hah

beagle - i forgot you had scheduled the 3d same weekend as bbq! thats super exciting! hopefully baby will cooperate! sounds like you will def stay plenty hydrated, you will be best friends with the bathroom after that much water!!

krissy - you are still in the game! i took a test at 6dp5dt and had a BFN. I was so mad! then i told myself, no more tests til beta at 9dp5dt! so i held my promise for 7dp5dt.....but cracked on 8dp5dt. I got the slightest line then....then took another the morning of 9dp5dt, which was the same day as my beta. The line was still super super faint, didn't really seem to change from the day i was worried i had a chemical. But my beta 1 hour later was 188! My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!! TWW is the WORST, esp during IVF!
Morning girls,

just looking at everyones signatures and it seems that this thread is pretty lucky for IVF/ICSI working first time! Crossing my fingers that I will be able to join you girls in the weeks to come.

KrissyB - It has completely baffled me!! I've been pregnant twice before. The first time we conceived in our first cycle but it turned out that I had a molar pregnancy and we were advised not to try again for 6 months. When we started TTC for my daughter again we got a BFP on our 2nd cycle. 3 years down the line and it feels like an impossible task! It'd be interesting to know what actually happened inside to cause the infertility.

MrsL4 - I am hoping that you are right. I've had every test possible done to make sure that there are no issues with my ovulation and everything came back just fine. I feel ovulation each cycle and my progesterone levels have always been of a high level so I am hoping that all we need is some assistance putting the sperm and the egg together and we will be on our way!

My period is due in about 9 days time. I've never wanted a day to arrive so much in my life!!.. It'd be just our luck that this cycle we caught the egg, our last chance before treatment starts. I am having LOADS of EWCM which is odd because I am about 4DPO and it's normally turning creamy again now but nothing surprises me with my body anymore!!

Tina - For me it was endometriosis. But there's really no way to tell if I had it before my DD and just got incredible lucky, or if I just suddenly got a moderate-severe case very quickly after I had her (we started trying when she was 20 months old). It's never made sense to me, that's for sure. But as unfair as it seems, I remind myself every day that I'm one of the lucky ones here, having DD as a distraction from all the challenges of infertility. I always marvel at how many wonderful ladies on here deal with primary infertility with such grace and strength.
Good morning ladies!

Booger - cute pic! What a gorgeous view! I bet your pup had a great time. :) I don't see a bump yet! Are you showing?

Terri - thanks lady. I know you've been through the wringer (or is it ringer?) so I appreciate the words. :) Sorry about not conceiving naturally, but don't feel silly about getting your hopes up - it's completely normal. Glad you had a great trip!

Babyw - you are so close! Good for you for getting all these things in order before delivery. You are prepared.

Beagle - woohoo for your BBQ coming up! How exciting. That's a great RSVP count. You should get some good swag. Remind me - are you hosting it at your house or a park?

Tina - welcome! There has been a ton of success on this thread! Unfortunately I am not one of the success stories, but it sounds like since you've been preggo before you'll have a good chance. As you mention, you just need a little help putting the egg and sperm together. :) Where did you say you are located? Judging by some of the words you use I'm guessing UK or Australia?

The one thing I've learned through my IVF journey is to be patient. I am really not a patient person, my parents always teased me growing up for being impatient and wanting things RIGHT NOW. But with IVF, you're always waiting - waiting for your period to start, waiting for egg retrieval, waiting for transfer, waiting during the TWW, then waiting for baby to come...(then a whole lot of waiting in between, lol). I've learned to just try to busy myself with other non-IVF things and keep living my life. That has helped. In the beginning, I stopped working out, we postponed vacations, I OBSESSIVELY researched about IVF, and it kind of consumed me. Now that I'm preparing for my third try, I'm continuing to work out, going on vacations, enjoying my life as it is now (and trying to appreciate life with no baby..yet :)) I know a lot of the ladies will say its important to stay positive, and it is. But that aspect has been hard for me. So it's been really helpful to be on this thread, cause the ladies here are super positive, encouraging, knowledgeable. You've found a great place to get you through your journey. :)

Afm, today is the appointment with my doc. They were able to quickly get me right back on birth control on Sunday, so if I can, then I'll be able to just hop right back into the next cycle. First I do want to ask the doc about further testing (and possibly the endometrium scratch as Terri suggested!). We've got two embies left, and we decided to pop them both in there in the next try.

Went back to barre class last night after taking a couple weeks off. It was tough, but it feels good to go back.

I should be hearing today about the new job. I spoke with them on Thursday, and they told me I am one of two finalists. They called references and ran the background check on Friday. Seems weird to me that they check references before making the decision (like, does me getting hired depend totally on what my references have to say about me?? Yikes!), but maybe they're hoping that one of the applicants has a criminal record and it will rule them out! Ha. Here's to hoping the other person is a convict.

Anyways, hope you ladies are having a great week so far!
My bbq is at a park...lots of trees & shade...but now it is calling for thunderstorms...hopefully late in the day. I just realized today I forgot to include one of the ladies at work on my email...I felt so bad! Actually had a person with the same name on there probably where the mix up. Luckily I mentioned it to her & was able to clear it up & she should be coming. I just hate walking around asking everyone are you coming...don't want to seem pathetic. I guess I should have gotten my co-worker friend to handle the work part so maybe she could get updates from folks.

Lady - good luck on the next round. Hopefully the dr will do something different to allow better chances. Did you have another mock done before the 2nd transfer? If you remember I had a polyp discovered. No big deal, but my dr was like we want you cleaned out so no chance of something messing you up. Another delay for me but better than having a failed transfer & wondering.
glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing narcolepsy!! :dohh:

Tina - welcome!! glad you found a spot with lots of supportive ladies! i felt the same way when IVF became the next step....we have never had a child, but had no reason to think we would have difficulty. then poof!! unexplained infertility! we did IVF with ICSI, so we were taking out one more variable from the equation.
it is emotionally, physically, and financially draining....just gotta take one day at a time. hopefully stimming will go well for you, and all y'all need is a little help fertilizing!

booger - hike looked beautiful! thats great that you are feeling good enough to stay active and do the things you enjoy!! DH and I think Fancy is hilarious --- we are getting a new pet soon and have thought about naming it fancy for the sheer fun factor!

babywhisperer - sounds like the nesting hit hard! thats great that you got so much done this weekend. I already wanted to nest at 5 weeks! i made DH help me clean out the future nursery closet!! a little early i know. but don't worry, I'm too exhausted to nest any further!
i understand why you want baby to stay a bit longer.....i have thought about all i wanted to do before baby (vain maybe, who knows) - like get nails done, hair done within a few weeks, house clean, etc - just because i know it won't happen for a while after then. I can't imagine if that including traveling to the city! one of my best friends just moved out of the city, but still works there....and man, that commute is brutal!
I have also thought of water breaking in public ......or during work......or on my bed while I'm sleeping......I am in the medical field but that still gives me the willies! my mom told me she slept with a waterproof pad under her side of the bed, because she didn't want to mess up the mattress! hah

beagle - i forgot you had scheduled the 3d same weekend as bbq! thats super exciting! hopefully baby will cooperate! sounds like you will def stay plenty hydrated, you will be best friends with the bathroom after that much water!!

krissy - you are still in the game! i took a test at 6dp5dt and had a BFN. I was so mad! then i told myself, no more tests til beta at 9dp5dt! so i held my promise for 7dp5dt.....but cracked on 8dp5dt. I got the slightest line then....then took another the morning of 9dp5dt, which was the same day as my beta. The line was still super super faint, didn't really seem to change from the day i was worried i had a chemical. But my beta 1 hour later was 188! My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!! TWW is the WORST, esp during IVF!

I want her to stay longer to grow as much as she can, she's measuring smaller than my son. I was at home taking a nap when my water broke. It made a pop sound and I ran to the bathroom immediately, not much damage to what was under me but crazy me ended up throwing my pants into the wash, took a shower, blew out my hair and dried my pants waiting for my husband to come home and to see if this was the real deal. I was more calm than my Mom who was hovering and nervous.

I'm at work today and people are looking at me like I'm crazy. I commuted until I was 39 weeks and water broke at home at 39w 4d. I am officially 38 weeks tomorrow and might just work from home for the rest of the week. I lost more of my plug yesterday morning and again today. Moved my hair cut to today since it is really long and I go every 3mos b/c he's downtown....I can't go another 2-3mos without looking like a hippie. I also lost a lot of hair after having Jack so I will cut more off this time in anticipation of that baby hair loss. Baby's bassinet is ready, sheets done, and I washed the car seat insert. I packed most of my bag and it's starting to hit me that life is about to change big time. I got super emotional thinking about how Jack will adjust and react to my attention being diverted. Most of my emotions are on how this will affect him and hoping baby is healthy.
Trying to stay calm and not let myself get too excited quite yet..... but I do believe I've got faint line on an IC!!! Can't wait to wake up tomorrow and pee! lol
Well I guess it's official.


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Krissy - CONGRATS! I don't want to say I told you so because I was exactly the same way. Even after seeing people get later positives than me, I still had the roller coaster of this isn't going to happen. I peed on the stick & was just like whatever & was going to go to bed. My husband got up & checked & said he saw something. I rolled my eyes because he has read the tests wrong before. But it was there.

So not sure how many of you do Ruby Tuesday. I am not in love with them or anything & certainly do not eat there often. But I do love their salad bar...mainly this pasta they have. Last time I went it spelled funky & thought for sure I was over it. But today I was near there & thought I could do it to go so I went in. They actually give you a separate bowl for the pasta which is nice. So I had a huge salad & the pasta. So I tasted the pasta & it was SO GOOD! I looked up the recipe online, so I am going to try to make it this weekend.
Was anyone else in a bit of shock after their BFP? Part of it is probably because of the roller coaster, but part of it is definitely because I think I was starting to believe it would just never happen. I'm having a surprisingly hard time wrapping my head around this... Like I think I should be ecstatic... but instead I'm just in shock and it just doesn't feel real. And to be completely honest, I think I'm a bit nervous that it is happening! :wacko:

That probably sounds stupid and ungrateful... but I just can't quite shake it.

Beagle - LOL I thought of all you ladies being right as soon as I saw the faint line this morning to be honest.
Krissy, YAY!!!! I was hoping you'd test again soon! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm so excited for you, because I remember what a RELIEF it is to finally have a BFP after trying for so long. I remember, it was almost surreal.
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!!!!:thumbup:
Congrats, Krissy!!!! :happydance: :wohoo: :happydance:

I was totally in shock when I got my BFP. I had never seen one before so I just stared at it in disbelief. So happy for you!!
Krissy - Congratulations!! Such wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you!!

Terri - I'm so glad you had a great trip. I missed you.

Babywhisperer - You're getting so close, I'm so excited for you. But sounds like you need to take it easy or this baby is going to come sooner rather than later :)

Beaglemom - I'm so excited for your 3D scan and BBQ this weekend. I can't wait to hear how they both went.

Booger - Such a cute picture. It doesn't even look like you're showing yet.

Tina - Welcome!! This is a wonderful group of woman, all who have helped me more than you can imagine. Having a great support group definitely makes this exhausting process less overwhelming.

Erin - How's the cramping been? Is it gone? or at least getting better? I'm so glad your work is accommodating you.

AFM - Only 2 more days until I start stimming again. My baseline appointment is on Thursday morning and I start my meds Thursday night. I was staring at the huge box of meds yesterday, just thinking, I can't believe I have to do this all over again. I'm both excited and scared. I've haven't been sleeping well and I think it's because I have anxiety. I've never been one to be anxious or have anxiety so I'm not even sure that's what it is lol. But I do know that once you start stimming things move pretty quickly so I'm excited to get things started. Last time the meds/stimming made me pretty tired so I'm hoping that helps with the sleep issue lol.
Krissy-congrats!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: I'm so happy for you!!!! I was in shock like booger too because I had never seen a positive before. It'll start feeling real any minute now. Yay!!

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