First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Krissy HUGE congratulations!!! Was this your first cycle? If so you've provided me with super positive vibes.

Babywhisperer - I can't believe you're still working at 38 weeks!! I had to give up work at 32 weeks when I was pregnant with my daughter Evie, I could barely get out of bed in the mornings let alone waddle to work.

I am in the UK, Liverpool to be exact.. where The Beatles come from haha! Seems like a lot of you ladies are in the US? It's somewhere I've never been but I'd LOVE to go so much <3 <3 Definitely going to take my LO to Disney in a few years time.

One week to go until my AF arrives!!! Wish it would just hurry the hell up... I am also incredibly impatient so I'm dying to get this process started xx
Lady - good luck & glad you are getting started up. It always feels good to get things going...but I def get why the anxiety.

Krissy - everything felt so unreal until 6 weeks when the morning sickness started. My husband on the other hand felt blown away at the first ultrasound when we saw the heart. Still some days I don't really think about there being a baby in a REAL baby! I am so excited for my 3d scan...that should be pretty crazy!
beagle-Hope the weather works out for your BBQ. I'm sure it will be fine. The predictions around here are scattered thunderstorms/afternoon thunderstorms and sometimes they are at night or not at all, so it's just easy to say rain just so that the meteorologists aren't wrong, but they are often wrong.

Amy-Woohoo on getting started again. I am in the same boat as you. Let's get this show on the road.

BabyW-I think I would work from home this week too. You don't want to risk having an emergency/water breaking so far from home. I can't believe this is your last week of being pregnant. I'm sure it is very emotional. Jack will be super excited and all will be well. I just know it.

Booger-That is a great picture of you. Simply beautiful.

Krissy-Have things sunk in for you yet? Your beta is on the 18th right? So we still have a few more days, and then do you have to get three done before you go for your u/s, or will they bring you in early since you have a positive HPT? What's next?? what's next? hee hee.

AFM-Well, I started BCP on Tuesday morning and should be getting a preliminary schedule today. I'm also about to go away for my last big vacation next week. We're going to Myrtle Beach for my family reunion. Fun is going with us, but then we're boarding him about 3 miles away. Hopefully we can pick him up during the day and hang with him. If not, at least he can be in the car with us for the ride down and back home. I'm happy for him to get some time to spend with other dogs.
Terri - Yes and No lol. I'm much more content and settled with the idea of being pregnant... but it stills feels like a happy day dream, definitely hasn't sunk in that it's a reality yet lol. I think I'll probably be in the same boat as beagle and not really feel it until I get some ultrasounds in or some real symptoms kick in.
I'm actually not schedule for a beta until 07/21! They said I could come in sooner if I wanted to... but once I start coming in, they'll want me in every other day for blood until the betas hit 2k. So the nurse recommended I try to hold off until next week (unless I was driving myself nuts and felt I needed the official beta numbers) to save myself the needle pricks. DH is going away on Sunday, and going in for monitoring is tough with DD, so I'll probably stick to the original schedule and just POAS like a mad man until then lol.
They'll probably want to squeeze me in for an early ultrasound next Friday because I'll be away on family vacation the following week. Then I'll probably go in for the heartbeat check as soon as I get back :D
Glad to hear you're keeping yourself so busy while you finish all the down reg and things. I love Myrtle Beach! My parents used to have a condo down there. Have you been to Crocodile Rocks? You should check it out if not, it's a fun time.
Good morning, ladies!

Beagle - I had forgotten you're getting the 3D scan done this weekend too. Enjoy! I can't wait to hear how both the scan and your BBQ goes. I bet you come home with a house full of stuff.

tina - I can remember being exactly where you are - just ready to get going! Just a little bit longer. But every step in the process involves some waiting - I just tried to see it as lessons in patience. :haha: It's much easier said than done.

terri - Didn't you have a baseline appointment this week too?? Any idea when you'll start stimming again?

Amy - I think a little bit anxiety is completely normal and expected right now. I really, really hope this cycle goes smoothly for you. I know you said you are doing PGS this time around - will you have to wait and do an FET or can they get the results fast enough to do a fresh transfer? Good luck! We are all here for you! :hugs:

ERose - How are you doing? Contractions still hanging around?

Krissy - Congrats, again! I can't believe you have to wait until the 21st for your beta.

Babywhisperer - Glad you are ready to go! Only one more week, right? Unless she decides to come on her own? I'm sure it's emotional to think about Jack and how he is going to react but he'll be just fine. I think he'll fall right in love with his little sister and be in awe of her. :flower:

Lady - How did your appointment go? I'm anxious to hear what the doctor has to say. I have my fingers crossed that you get this job. I know you would like the change. :thumbup:

Hello to all the other ladies out there! I hope you're all doing well.

Yes, I definitely have a bump. It has really popped in the last week or so. I am in maternity pants or something similar all the time now. They are the best thing ever. I joked with a friend here at work that I may never go back to regular jeans. Here is a different photo from my little backpacking trip. It's hard to really see a "bump" due to my shirt and how I'm holding Scout but I don't normally look this large!


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Good morning ladies!

Krissy - congrats! That is wonderful news! I'm so excited for you! I think its completely understandable to have those feelings. But I bet you must be on cloud 9. That is a long time to wait for your beta!

Amy - yay for getting started again! Are you doing a fresh cycle? And I totally understand feeling the anxiety. Not only is the entire process stressful, but you've been through so probably can't help but think about the past. I feel good about this time though. :) Especially with PGS, I think that is totally the way to go.

Terri - sounds like a good trip! I'm glad you're taking Fun. Dogs love the beach. When we go to Cannon Beach, there are so many off-leash dogs and they are always running all over the place with goofy smiles on their faces, playing in the waves, digging in the sand. It makes my heart so happy. It sounds like you've given Fun such a great life since adopting him - he's lucky to have found you. :) And yay for getting started on BCP and getting your schedule! Are you doing a fresh cycle? I can't remember.

Amy and Terri - sounds like it'll be the three of us around the same time! It sucks that we all have to try again, but at least we can commiserate with each other! :) And Tina - you'll be right behind us!

BabyW - don't worry about Jack. I second Terri - I think he will be so thrilled to have a new little sister! We have some friends who just had a second baby and their 3 y.o. is always pictured holding the newborn and she just looks in love. It's really cute. Take it easy lady - you should totally be working from home and trying to relax. You don't want that lil gal coming early.

So yesterday was our appointment. I don't know why but those "cycle review" appointments are always hard for me. I started to tear up a little in there, just thinking about how we have only two embryos left and I don't know what will happen if these last two don't work. My doc is sort of at a loss. Since we did PGS on the embies, we know they are chromosomally normal. And she said all my numbers going into it looked great - the uterine lining was thick, my e & p numbers were good. I took antibiotics before the cycle, so she doesn't think it would've been inflammation from endometritis. She did say just because we did PGS doesn't mean that the embryos will succeed, so that's kind of the way she was leaning, that it was just something with that embryo. Now we're down to two remaining, and we're going to do all the same protocol, with the differences of 1) endometrial scratch (thanks for the tip Terri!), 2) embryo glue (I'd never heard of this, but apparently its something in the petri dish culture that helps the embryo stick) and 3) we're transferring both remaining embryos. She said if we do all this and it still doesn't work, she's not sure if it would be worth going through the entire egg retrieval process again+transfer, since it may not be a successful outcome. Not quite the words of encouragement I was hoping for, but it definitely makes you start thinking about alternatives, like a surrogate. She warned us though that we may end up with twins. I said, that's fine by me. That's when I started to get emotional since I was going to say, "I always wanted a big family, so twins would be welcomed." But I got choked up so I didn't get that part out.

I've been super emotional lately (yesterday, today), every time I think about this I start to well up.

Furthermore, I was supposed to hear about the job on Monday, and I followed up with them yesterday afternoon and I still haven't heard anything (radio silence). I know that usually means they are making the offer to the other person but don't want to reject you just yet in case their first choice doesn't accept. So I've pretty much resigned myself that I didn't get the job. Argh.
Terri - when will you be in MB? I was thinking I could meet up with you but then remembering I have my birthing class on the 25th. I love MB but mainly for the shopping. And after this BBQ, I am all about getting the rest of what I need.

Lady - I am sorry your appt was so emotional. But your dr is right...pgs is not a maybe it was just not a good egg. Hopefully your other 2 will stick. And I had not heard of the glue either. And also maybe try all the home things people say. I am sure no issues staying warm these days but also the pineapple core & brazil nuts after transfer for 5 days. You never know.

Oh & you never know about the job. Sometimes people are just slack. Hopefully you still have a shot.

Krissy - surprised you do so many blood draws but each dr is different. My levels doubled so they were like you are good.

Booger - maternity jeans are the best! I wish I could still wear them but it's too hot. I just bought some jean capris so we will see how they fit. I am mainly in dresses & capris. I tried on shorts a while back & was just not happy with my thighs. If you have them, Burkes Outlet & Ross are great places for least around me. I bought the capris & 2 work shirts yesterday & spent less than $30. I am trying not to buy a lot, but I am finding the clothes I thought I could wear for a while do not fit!

So I just went through an ordeal at lunch. Minor drama in the grand scheme of life. So Sam's Club called to tell me they do not have the Star Wars kits for my cupcakes. So I called another Sam's & the same thing. I was headed to Walmart anyways, so I checked there & thankfully they have them & can do them by Friday. I know...such a small thing...but I was in a panic thinking no Walmart would have it & I would have to start hitting the grocery stores. And only 2 days left to order. I want to get them Friday so we don't have to worry about them Sat with so much going on.
Tina - This was our first IVF transfer (and we did a frozen embryo transfer), but we had gone through several monitored/medicated cycles and IUIs before we got to this point.
Congrats, Krissy! How exciting!!!

Lady, glad you have a plan! I'm so sorry you're appointment was so emotional. I would have been the same way. I remember my RE having the twin talk with us. Lol I was like bring it on!!! Then, 2 nights ago I had a dream I got pregnant on my own with twins when Charli was 6 months. I woke up telling DH "we are not doing any clomid when we decide to try again." Haha I wouldn't have enough boobs to breastfeed! I'm so happy you returned to barre. I'm going to start up again in a couple of weeks.
Welcome back from your trip, Terri! Excited for you to get started again!

Amy, those meds were always so overwhelming to look at but you know how to do this so don't worry! I hope your anxiety subsides soon.

Booger you look so tiny!!! Cute pic!

BabyW, you are such a rockstar. Lol seriously I feel like you have so much going on and you still have your shit together. I can't wait to see your little girl! Jack will love her so much I'm sure!

Ahhh hope the thunderstorms stay away from you for your BBQ! Send them my way instead. I'm in the mood for a good storm.

Welcome Tina!

Hope everyone is feeling good! Charli is such a chatter box! Always smiling and yelling at me and her mobile on her swing. Lol
I'm slowly trying to get all of my strength back with working out. My goodness, I feel like all of my organs and muscles are still jumbled up in there. Squats really suck but I'm determined! DH has been helping me with workouts and then when I'm feeling strong enough I'll go back to barre. My sister wants me to go with her to her new place so I'm excited to get going again. It's amazing my weight is back to normal because breast feeding makes me so hungry! I'm currently trying to up my milk supply cause this little one loves to eat right now from 2pm-9pm nonstop! I'm doing a lot of pumping because my nipples are so sore. She apparently likes me better than a pacifier. Yayyyyy. We have an appointment with her surgeon tomorrow and I think we will be scheduling her surgery for mid September. Dilating is going so good. She gets really calm when I'm about to do it and just patiently waits until I'm done. Such a sweetie! She did however, poop up her front and back twice yesterday in public so that was fun...haha never a dull moment!

Hi to everyone else!!
Hi girls:)

Krissy- congrats girlie! I'm so excited for you!! I honestly didnt relax at all until after 24 weeks, unfortunately, i think its just the way it is for us girls. Hang in there hunny, one step at a time. But be sure to enjoy this victory.

Lady- you're doing great! Hope both these embies stick for you!! I feel good about this round, and sometimes you never know what made the difference, like in my situation after 6 losses im not sure what the change was. I have paid big money out trying to get the answer, but i hope with the tweaks yall are making it makes all the difference. Also, keep in mind that the 2 could split and you would have 4!! Fingers crossed for you hun!

Booger- im loving your pic! In the second i can see a little bump:)

Beagle- hope the rain holds back for your party! You will have such a good time. Try not to worry too much about having enough food, i know i always stress and we end up with so much left over. Cant wait to see your 3d scan. Im having trouble getting thru to book the place i want mine so i think im going to go somewhere else. I would like to go next Thursday.

Jen- glad charli is doing so well with being dilated! Such a champ! Congrats on already being at prepregnancy weight! I hope i can do it too! Im currently up 14 lbs with 9 weeks left, but im afraid with the heat im going to start swelling like crazy. And put on like 5 lbs a week:)

Erin- hope the contractions have subsided!

Terri- have fun at MB. Im so excited for you, lady and amy to get started again!! Yall are going to do great!!. I have been on b&b since 2011 and i was apart of a large thread and got to know the girls really well. All of them have since had kids and are celebrating their 1st,2nd and 3rd bDays and some have had other kids it was hard because for so long i was the only unsuccessful one. But now that she is so close it honestly just makes getting her so much sweeter. Its gonna happen for yall too! Keep up the persistence ladies! It will be worth it.

We are going on vacation the week of August 10th but we have no idea where to. Usually we go out of the country to somewhere tropical but i want to stay near a large hospital with atleast a level 4 NICU, dont want to take any chances if she were to decide to come early. We have talked about florida or Charleston. I thik we just want to rent a house on the beach and chill! Suggestions are appreciated; ) hubby and i are also going to do a babymoon for a night or two at the end of july. Think we are going to go to grove park inn in asheville. They have an awesome spa.
beagle-I will be in MB from this Sat-next Sat. I think my contact info is in the PM that I sent you, so if you want to catch up, just send me a text. I'm planning to just be sitting around the whole week. HA!!HA!! It would be great to catch up and meet you.

Lady-I'm emotional at my consults too. I hate that I have to go, and that there is no answer, so sitting there is just pointless, most of the time. I'm glad you're going to do the scratch and the glue. That is bound to help. I think I'm only doing the PGS. I'll talk to my doctor about the scratch again at some point. I don't really want to do it again, but if I have to, I will. At this point, why not??? Yes, I'm doing another fresh cycle. I always end up with three embies (no complaints, but nothing more, nothing less) and all three go back in and that's the end. Oh wait..I think I did two for a frozen transfer one time. I've blocked it all out. The pics went right in the trash can and never to be seen or remembered again.

Jen-Glad things are going well with you. Charli sounds like she's hip to the routine and wants to talk about it. Also, great job on getting back to exercising. Yay!!

jkb-I'm glad you feel you can relax now. I LOVED Charleston, so if they have a good hospital, I say go for it. Friendly people, good food, lots to do and see, Southwest flies there, so its' convenient.

Tina-I can't remember if I said hi, so hi. :wave:
Krissy, Congrats on the awesome news!!!! See, you're not out until you're out. I took four tests before I believed it. It took a digital for me to be sure. And I remember just staring in disbelief and crying. I'd never had a positive and it seemed like it might never happen.

Welcome, Tina! I know the waiting can be killer. This is truly an exercise in patience. But this is great board of super supportive ladies.

Terri, Yay for getting started. Are you doing fresh this round? And welcome back from your trips! That's great you're bringing Fun along for the road trip at least. I'm jealous you have another in the works. I have nothing on tap until maternity leave. I do have five extra days I don't need if I go out around my due date, so I've been flirting with a long weekend at the beach.

BabyW: I'm so impressed with you. Get some rest before sleep becomes elusive again. How long are you staying home with the little lady? Is Emma definitely the name? Your emotions and fears about Jack are so normal but just know I think it is a lot tougher on the older only children. Jack is going to love his sister so much and it is going to be all he knows.

Beagle: Your pup is adorable! Good for you getting out and hiking. It has been so humid it has been tough for me to do anything but walk. I did get a great 3 miler in Saturday. I'm with you on maternity pants rocking. My non-pregnant friend saw them and was like why aren't all pants made like this!

Amy: I can only imagine the rush of emotions and anxiety you are experiencing right now. The big box of medicine is overwhelming enough. It's totally normal but just remember you know how this works and you've got a great plan. I have good feelings about this.

Beagle: I hope the weather stays nice for your shower! It sounds like it'll be a great time. Does Ross have a maternity section? I go to Marshall's more just because it is closer to my house.

Lady: :hugs::hugs: Of course those appointments make you emotional! It sucks your RE doesn't have a more definitive answer but it sounds like you have a rock solid plan going forward. Hopefully you won't have as much down time this cycle. I'm not sure what your RE's take is but mine always said 6 cycles was the number if you didn't get pregnant she might recommend stopping. You're nowhere close to that! I hope you hear back on the job. Know you've got a ton of people rooting for you here and sending you love.

Jen: You sound like you've taken to mommyhood awesome! I'm so impressed you dropped all your weight already. How much did you gain in the end? And good for you for getting back to barre. I hope to be back to running and hot yoga ASAP. I can definitely tell I've lost a lot of upper body strength. A month or so ago I tried to demonstrate a chatarunga (sp?) and it was tough. Good luck with Charli's appointment.

JKB: I love, love Asheville. We rented an adorable cabin two summers ago and spent a few days at the Aloft. We brought the dog and he loved all the hiking. I want to go back and stay at Grove Park. My family has been going to Kiawah Island, about 40 minutes away from Charleston, since I was in utero (that's where my parents babymooned). I also know of a great B and B in Charleston as well. Can't believe you're so close. Still feeling good?

Phew, you ladies are always so chatty on my busiest days at work. My coworker is on vacation for three weeks so I've been being her and myself for three weeks. She gets back Monday and I welcome her!

My shower is actually this Sunday. I can't believe it is here. I have no idea what I am wearing. I've ordered a ton of dresses that hopefully will arrive today or tomorrow.

My mom is so excited and has put in so much love and thought to it. I'm trying to tamp down some feelings of sadness because a lot of people important to me can't make it due to work, vacation commitments etc. I'm just a tad bitter because my MIL is super anxious and pushed my mom to have it really early. Then she ended up needing shoulder surgery. It was scheduled for mid-June but she felt too rushed, so she pushed it back to a week before the shower. :wacko: She's co-hosting it with my mom and sure to still be in tons of pain and unable to help her. My SIL has stepped up, so hopefully my mom can still enjoy herself. I'm trying to focus on the people that can be there and the love being sent from those who can't. Just a bit disappointing because this is the only shower I'll be having.

Otherwise, still feeling great. I'm in the throes of painting the crib. NOT FUN. But I'm pushing through. I absolutely love the color and it looks sooo much better than the ivory. It wasn't a pretty ivory. It looked dirty. I'm hoping to have that done by this weekend and have the nursery back in order for all the new additions we'll be receiving.

We had our dog trainer out last weekend to help us try to break Fen of his crazy barking at visitors. We also did a boot camp in leash walking again and it is like a new dog. We still have a lot of work to do but I'm feeling optimistic. The trainer gave us a ton of great tips for readying the dog for baby. One that feels nutso is going for a walk with the stroller with a doll in it and baby. I've got the Rock 'N Play set up with my American Girl doll. File that under things I never thought I'd do. We also have a CD of baby sounds too. If anyone wants me to send them a copy of the tips let me know.

Hi to anyone I missed!
Booger - I am having the PGS done overnight and doing a day 6 transfer, if all goes as planned of course lol.

Lady - I'm glad you have a plan in place and are moving forward. I'm sorry you've been so emotional lately, but it's to be expected and totally understandable with this whole process. Do you have a schedule or timeline in place yet?

Beaglemom - I'm glad you were able to get the cupcakes you wanted. Like you said, it's not a huge deal, but I get it, when you're planning something, you want everything to go just right.

JCM - So glad to hear you and baby Charli are doing so well :)

Sars - I hope you have a wonderful shower this weekend. I can't wait to hear about it.

Terri - YAY for getting started again!! So happy to have someone to go through this cycle with :) Do you have an estimated retrieval and transfer date?
Krissy HUGE congratulations!!! Was this your first cycle? If so you've provided me with super positive vibes.

Babywhisperer - I can't believe you're still working at 38 weeks!! I had to give up work at 32 weeks when I was pregnant with my daughter Evie, I could barely get out of bed in the mornings let alone waddle to work.

I am in the UK, Liverpool to be exact.. where The Beatles come from haha! Seems like a lot of you ladies are in the US? It's somewhere I've never been but I'd LOVE to go so much <3 <3 Definitely going to take my LO to Disney in a few years time.

One week to go until my AF arrives!!! Wish it would just hurry the hell up... I am also incredibly impatient so I'm dying to get this process started xx

Welcome!! Great group of ladies here and lots of positives!!

Krissy woohoo mama!!! So happy for you! What a Great feeling to see that bfp.

Well ladies working from home from now on. And with a baby coming we should have yet another BFP coming too!!

Beagle I hope weather cooperates!!
Krissy, Congrats on the awesome news!!!! See, you're not out until you're out. I took four tests before I believed it. It took a digital for me to be sure. And I remember just staring in disbelief and crying. I'd never had a positive and it seemed like it might never happen.

Welcome, Tina! I know the waiting can be killer. This is truly an exercise in patience. But this is great board of super supportive ladies.

Terri, Yay for getting started. Are you doing fresh this round? And welcome back from your trips! That's great you're bringing Fun along for the road trip at least. I'm jealous you have another in the works. I have nothing on tap until maternity leave. I do have five extra days I don't need if I go out around my due date, so I've been flirting with a long weekend at the beach.

BabyW: I'm so impressed with you. Get some rest before sleep becomes elusive again. How long are you staying home with the little lady? Is Emma definitely the name? Your emotions and fears about Jack are so normal but just know I think it is a lot tougher on the older only children. Jack is going to love his sister so much and it is going to be all he knows.

Beagle: Your pup is adorable! Good for you getting out and hiking. It has been so humid it has been tough for me to do anything but walk. I did get a great 3 miler in Saturday. I'm with you on maternity pants rocking. My non-pregnant friend saw them and was like why aren't all pants made like this!

Amy: I can only imagine the rush of emotions and anxiety you are experiencing right now. The big box of medicine is overwhelming enough. It's totally normal but just remember you know how this works and you've got a great plan. I have good feelings about this.

Beagle: I hope the weather stays nice for your shower! It sounds like it'll be a great time. Does Ross have a maternity section? I go to Marshall's more just because it is closer to my house.

Lady: :hugs::hugs: Of course those appointments make you emotional! It sucks your RE doesn't have a more definitive answer but it sounds like you have a rock solid plan going forward. Hopefully you won't have as much down time this cycle. I'm not sure what your RE's take is but mine always said 6 cycles was the number if you didn't get pregnant she might recommend stopping. You're nowhere close to that! I hope you hear back on the job. Know you've got a ton of people rooting for you here and sending you love.

Jen: You sound like you've taken to mommyhood awesome! I'm so impressed you dropped all your weight already. How much did you gain in the end? And good for you for getting back to barre. I hope to be back to running and hot yoga ASAP. I can definitely tell I've lost a lot of upper body strength. A month or so ago I tried to demonstrate a chatarunga (sp?) and it was tough. Good luck with Charli's appointment.

JKB: I love, love Asheville. We rented an adorable cabin two summers ago and spent a few days at the Aloft. We brought the dog and he loved all the hiking. I want to go back and stay at Grove Park. My family has been going to Kiawah Island, about 40 minutes away from Charleston, since I was in utero (that's where my parents babymooned). I also know of a great B and B in Charleston as well. Can't believe you're so close. Still feeling good?

Phew, you ladies are always so chatty on my busiest days at work. My coworker is on vacation for three weeks so I've been being her and myself for three weeks. She gets back Monday and I welcome her!

My shower is actually this Sunday. I can't believe it is here. I have no idea what I am wearing. I've ordered a ton of dresses that hopefully will arrive today or tomorrow.

My mom is so excited and has put in so much love and thought to it. I'm trying to tamp down some feelings of sadness because a lot of people important to me can't make it due to work, vacation commitments etc. I'm just a tad bitter because my MIL is super anxious and pushed my mom to have it really early. Then she ended up needing shoulder surgery. It was scheduled for mid-June but she felt too rushed, so she pushed it back to a week before the shower. :wacko: She's co-hosting it with my mom and sure to still be in tons of pain and unable to help her. My SIL has stepped up, so hopefully my mom can still enjoy herself. I'm trying to focus on the people that can be there and the love being sent from those who can't. Just a bit disappointing because this is the only shower I'll be having.

Otherwise, still feeling great. I'm in the throes of painting the crib. NOT FUN. But I'm pushing through. I absolutely love the color and it looks sooo much better than the ivory. It wasn't a pretty ivory. It looked dirty. I'm hoping to have that done by this weekend and have the nursery back in order for all the new additions we'll be receiving.

We had our dog trainer out last weekend to help us try to break Fen of his crazy barking at visitors. We also did a boot camp in leash walking again and it is like a new dog. We still have a lot of work to do but I'm feeling optimistic. The trainer gave us a ton of great tips for readying the dog for baby. One that feels nutso is going for a walk with the stroller with a doll in it and baby. I've got the Rock 'N Play set up with my American Girl doll. File that under things I never thought I'd do. We also have a CD of baby sounds too. If anyone wants me to send them a copy of the tips let me know.

Hi to anyone I missed!

I'm really doing what most women who work on Wall St do. We try not to act like we need concessions due to pregnancy. We are definitely naming her Emma. Dh loves it and Jack yells it when he walks by her room. He's 19 mos old in 2 days!!! I hope he will understand what is going on. Thank you for all your kind words. I just miss my time with him, however little, so much. I wonder how I will handle it with a newborn and being sleep deprived and missing him.

Have a great shower. Enjoy the spoiling and wonderful gifts. It's such a wonderful time.

Lady I'm so sorry for the emotional appt. Don't give up hope. Even if it means changing REs to get a second opinion. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes is all it takes. You have 2 awesome embies waiting for you. Don't be discouraged it will happen. I have a friend who after 7 failed cycles got her Bfp with twin girls. They are 15mos old and adorable. They tweaked her protocol and increased her progesterone and added acupuncture to ease stress. If you don't get the job it wasn't the right place for you and a better one will come along. Thank God for unanswered prayers sometimes. We may not understand it or have the answers now but you will. If you do get the job then they are lucky to have you. Take a deep breath girl, you have a lot on your plate. Sending hugs.
Happy shower week, Sars!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! What color are you painting? I gained 35 pounds total. I'm seriously so weak it's embarrassing. Lol I get winded doing 5 minutes if cardio and when I squat I can't get up half the time. I'm committed though. You'll be able to do it too I'm sure. I think breast feeding helped me get more motivated. Every time I pump my boobs I could feel my uterus contract and then I'd bleed a little more. Now the bleeding has stopped and the contracting doesn't even bother me.
I'm not sure if I told you guys, but my favorite nurse got a new position at the fertility clinic so I have a new nurse. I don't even know her last name, so I can't email her. I would think my email would be on file so she can get my schedule to me. I'll wait until this afternoon to hear from her, and if I don't, I'll call. So, no, I don't have an estimated schedule just yet.

Lady-I forgot to say good luck with the new job. Sometimes people/companies are just slow, so don't give up just yet. And...if you don't end up getting it, babyw is right. It wasn't meant to be at the moment. Their maternity leave may suck or something and you'll be happy you didn't go with them. We're all rooting for you either way. I'm glad you, Amy and I will be doing this together. I thought for sure I'd be the only one still hanging around.

beagle-Oh, I forgot to tell you that I read floridasian's blog every day and get updates on Kyle. I obviously can't help with finding a doctor in the area, but I am always keeping her and her family in my thoughts. That little boy is a fighter.
Krissy - CONGRATULATIONS!! Love that big Yes and Plus sign on your test. I think you made a smart decision waiting for your beta. Mine didn't double as it should have in the beginning and it caused me unnecessary stress for sure.

MrsL - One of my only symptoms in the first trimester was the exhaustion. Totally normal and it will get better! :)

Tina - Welcome to the group. It's normal to be scared but I promise you that it'll be fine. I was so nervous until I got through my first day or so of injections and then it really was OK. The emotional side of things is worse than the physical.

Booger - That hiking picture is AMAZING. So beautiful. You look great. And your pup is absolutely adorable. I can't wait until we get another dog. I miss mine soooo much it's ridiculous.

Babyw - Hope you're taking it easy! I'm sooo happy to hear that you're working from home going forward. I can't imagine you being stuck on a train or subway while going into labor!

Amy - Today's the day, right? Can't WAIT to hear your progress!! Will you be doing a fresh or frozen transfer?

Terri - Again, I'm so jealous of your beach trip. And as a bonus, you don't have to think about TTC during that week since you'll be on BCPs.

Lady - Huuuuuuge hugs to you. It's completely understandable that you're feeling emotional. The whole process is nothing but emotional!!! I think it sounds like you have a really solid plan for moving forward. I put 2 back in and only 1 stuck so maybe that will be the ticket for you. When do you think you'll have the transfer? Oh - and I'm still crossing my fingers about that job for you!!! I hope you hear soon.

Beagle - Have so much fun this weekend at your BBQ. And post some pics of that 3D scan when you can!

JCM - Sounds like you and Charli are doing great and I'm envious that you've dropped all of that weight and that you're starting to exercise already! That's the one thing I dread - having to lose all of this weight. No fun!

JKB - I think both a vacation and a babymoon sound great. I've been feeling pretty trapped around my house lately (which I know won't change after the baby ;) ) so it's good to plan some fun things now. Hmm - Charleston's a blast but a beach house sounds great, too! Hard decision!

Sars - That stinks that not everyone can make it to your shower. I hope your mom can have some fun, too. Either way, I hope you have a great time!

Nothing much to report. My cervix was still completely closed at my last appt on Monday. Next week, I'll probably go into work for 3 days and the WFH and then will most likely WFH the following week going forward. I drive about 45 minutes to an hour each way to work but the hospital is between work and home. Either way, I don't want to be driving when something happens.
Thanks ladies! I always appreciate your kind words of encouragement. :)

Jen - that blows my mind that pumping boobs makes your uterus contract/bleed. It's amazing the different systems in our bodies that are connected in some way. Amazing! Oh, and kudos to you for being determined to gain your strength back! I'm sure you'll be back in shape in no time. Charli sounds like such a sweetheart, btw. I bet her surgery will go great and she'll be back to normal. P.s. I think your ticker still thinks your preggo.. ("your baby is now the size of a jackfruit" LOL)

Sars - thanks for the info on 6 cycles is usually the magic number. It does seem early to be thinking about throwing in the towel, and I certainly don't think I would give in if these two don't work. Oh, and any tips from your dog trainer for not barking at visitors? Our pup has THE loudest bark, and he goes crazy when people come to the door. Not pleasant. Sorry about the shower drama - but good for you for focusing on those that ARE coming - I'm sure it will be a success and you will have a lot of fun.

Jkb - I guess I didn't realize how long you were on this forum and how many losses you'd had! Wow. Going through this now makes me really appreciate the pain you and others who have had multiple losses went through. You are really getting close! So excited for you! Oh and a spa vacay sounds fabulous! I'm so jealous - I've been getting the travel itch!

Terri - sorry you have a new nurse. I know you developed a bond with your other nurse, so I'm sure this kind of throws you off a little! Thanks for the words of advice with the new job. I'm trying to go with the flow and be happy either way- as my hubby says "it will be what it will be." I meant to ask - was the endometrial scratch really painful? I'm kind of nervous for it.

BabyW - thanks girl. You always have such wise words of wisdom. Hearing success stories does give me hope!

Afm, is it Friday yet??? Haha. I am SO ready for the weekend. The last four weekends we've gone down to Cannon Beach, and we finally get a weekend at home. I'm excited to get a pedicure, maybe have a date night, go to a movie, whatever we want!! Except that on Saturday is our company summer party, which I'm not really looking forward to...I spend 5 days a week with the people I work with, my weekends are precious! The last thing I want to do is spend 4 hours on my weekend with my looney-bin boss. Oh well, at least DH will be there with me.

My nurse said she will get me the calendar on Friday. Judging by my past cycles' protocols, I think my transfer would be sometime in late August. I dunno when the endometrial scratch will take place.
Haha 46 weeks pregnant! Yikes! I need to fix this!

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