First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

LadySosa-the woman who did my scratch said it would hurt for thirty seconds. She started the scratch and before I knew it, it was over, so maybe 5-10 seconds AT THE MOST. You could probably search this thread for my immediate reaction. It was a sharp cramping/pinching pain, but once she was done, the pain was gone. I took an Advil prior to having it done the second time around, but I was really ok, and didn't need it, it just made me feel better taking it. I had it done twice in the same cycle. One soon after I finished BCP, and then another maybe a week to two weeks later, but prior to transfer, obviously. My doc said that not everyone needs it, so they don't include it as regularly, but some people (15%, I recall) just need a little bit of help. Supposedly the white blood cells rush to the area to help fix the scratch, and that is supposed to help with implantation.

If I plan my schedule based on the others, I'll probably be having retrieval/transfer late August/early September as well, so our timing is just about the same. Yeah! Now I'm really thinking about the overnight/express PGS/PGD. That way I don't have to wait another cycle and if my embryos all suck, they all suck and I don't have to pay for going through another round of meds. We'll see what happens!
tina, welcome to the thread!! Sorry I'm just now welcoming you. I got on long enough to tell Krissy congrats, but haven't been able to do a full post since! We're thrilled to have you. I put you down on the front page as an August fresh transfer, so once you get a definite date, just let me know and I'll update again. :) Btw, if you do decide to make a trip to Disney one of these days, message me. I live just outside of Orlando. :)

Haha, Jen, 46 wks prego! That cracked me up. I bet you're super glad you're not 46 wks prego!! LOL. Btw, I'm so glad Charli is doing SO well with the dilating!

terri, it sure is nice to have you back, Love. Glad you enjoyed your trips. I'm so excited that you're getting started again. I've updated you on the front page to show Aug/Sep as your timeframe.:flower: You can let me know when you have a more definite date and I'll update ya'.:thumbup:

krissy, I went ahead and added you to our successes on the front page. I love adding successes!!:flower: So since you have to wait until 7/21 for beta, are you going to POAS occasionally between now and then?

lady, your FET will be sometime in August, right? I updated you on the front page too, so let me know if not correct. Fun that you will have a couple of others going at the same time with you! Btw, I didn't love the endo scratch. :( I thought it was super uncomfortable, but terri is right, it's SO quick. It's over as quick as it began. I also didn't take Advil or anything beforehand, so maybe that would've helped...

kfs, I think that makes sense to start WFH soon with your commute. I don't even have a commute, and I'm also only 35 wks, but WFH more often has still really made a nice difference for me... I just feel so much better having those days to kinda chill and relax. And if the contractions come on, it's great to be at home to lie down on my side like the doc recommended.

BabyW, I'm glad you'll be WFH too! Your commute to work sounds insane, but I know it's super common up there. My DH's cousin used to do that from LI into Manhattan as well when she was preg. She said she'd get home in the evening and just CRASH immediately, but she also didn't have another child to care for! You are Super Woman. :winkwink:

Amy, I have you down for a fresh transfer in August. Let me know when you get an updated date. I'm excited that you're doing PGS this time around. I'm sure this transfer will work for you again, and you'll have SO much more peace of mind knowing that this one was tested and that you don't have any chromosome issues to worry about. It made a huge difference for me. This journey is SO hard, and there are always so many different things to worry about in all the different phases, so taking one thing (one of the major things!) off your mind will be such a blessing.

sars, have a great shower this weekend!! Your mom sounds like she's really enjoying it. Sorry about the deal w/your MIL, but hopefully your SIL will be a big help. GL finishing up your crib, I bet it will be really pretty. Post a pic when you're done, I love seeing pics here. :)

beagle, have fun with your BBQ as well! It sounds really fun. Fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate for you! Can't wait to see pics. Sorry you've run into a few glitches, but i'm glad to hear it's all working itself out. I think making the people who don't RSVP stand at the back of the line for food is hilarious! Love it! HAHA!

booger, cute hiking pics!! I can't believe your bump just started popping in the last week! I was so darn obvious prego by that time, there was no hiding it, haha!

AFM, not much new... For those asking about my contractions, yes, they are still coming on sporadically, but nothing that worries me anymore. They don't come super close together like they did that weekend, and they aren't as intense as they were. I'm chugging water like I'm stuck in a desert, so maybe that's helping. They're still super uncomfortable when they do come on, but the important thing is that I know they're just Braxton Hicks, and that takes the worry out of it.

My friend did a great job on my shower this past Sunday, she really went above and beyond. It was a brunch at a restaurant, so she didn't need to do anything special, but she got flowers in mason jars for centerpieces, she got the cutest cupcakes and little mini cake with blue baby footprints on them, and she got party favors for the guests (cookie mixes in mason jars with bottle nipples on top). She even had some M&Ms customized in my nursery colors with the baby's name on them! It was so sweet, it made me want to cry (I get like that sometimes with things like this since my mom and sisters live three states away). Anyway, I have my work shower/lunch next Monday. So after that, at least I'll know what I have to left to buy, so I can just get it all and feel like we're totally ready to welcome baby Owen on 8/10, whew!
Amy: Sounds like you've go a great plan in place. I hope the PGS lessens your anxiety.

BabyW: Glad you're not making that commute anymore. I'm already having nightmares about my water breaking in a school board meeting. I go to a ton of municipal meetings for work. You really are super woman and I have 100 percent faith you'll get the hang of this mom of two thing lightening fast.

Jen: Good for you lady I'm impressed! You'll have your strength back up in no time. The body is an amazing thing. I went back to my workout class for the first time since vacation and I could still do most of it but amazing how much weaker my arms felt already. My trainer is a young guy in his 20s and he's getting very strict on me doing nothing with jumping. He keeps joking we don't want any babies falling out.

I'm painting the crib a pale mint green. I'll post photos when I'm done. My friend's mom works at Baby Belini and they were swapping out their floor models. Friend told me crib was white and I said I'd like it It's definitely a dirty looking ivory but it is a free $950 crib that is well made. So, paint it is.

LadySosa: Aren't weekends at home the best? There's something just so nice about only having your agenda, no one else's. One of the main reasons we brought the trainer in is the barking at visitors/mail lady/UPS. Fen's gotten much more protective since I've been pregnant. Right now, we are keeping a leash and prong collar on him at all times during the day. (I WFH). When someone comes to the door, he's being told quiet and leave it, two commands he knows, corrected if he does not clam down. We then walk to the door, I tell the person to wait a sec, we walk about 10 feet away next to the coffee table, he must sit and then the person comes in. I ask them not to make eye contact with him etc. He has to sit there while I talk to them and then they can greet him if they want. Now, this is all in theory. We have a LONG ways to go with this. He even barks like crazy at my best friend, who he then will cuddle with.

Terri: I'm sorry to hear about your nurse. That SUCKS. I got really attached to both my RE and my nurse. Hopefully you're new one is just as great.

Erin: Glad you're still feeling great. Your shower sounds lovely! What a thoughtful friend. Those personal touches mean so much. Are your coworkers doing a work lunch as well? You're so close! My mom was very cautious at first but she's now so thrilled. I did find out while we were on vacation her miscarriage was at 11.5 weeks, so that explains some of her reticence.

Is it Friday at 5 p.m. yet? I've had a marathon week. My coworker that I am filling in for comes back to work Monday. So psyched!
Well ladies guess who decided to come early....yup Wed night I went to the bathroom and thought wow, that's a lot of pee, but it wouldn't stop. It trickled off and on. I layed down to see if when I got up it would run again so I got a pad. It did and increased when I walked. I finished packing my bag, called the Dr and told DH to pack a bag. I think he was in denial bc he kept on working on a brief. When he realized my Mom was here and I was putting the baby's car seat into the car, he packed his bag. We went to the hospital and they tested me to make sure it was amniotic fluid and it was. I got to 2-3cm as we waited for my last meal to leave my stomach. I ate dinner at 7 so they waited until 2am to bring me into the OR and prepped me for my cs. At 2:34am Emma was born weighing 6lbs 12oz and 18 3/4 inches long. I had an allergic reaction to something or a bad reaction to the Epi so things got a little crazy in the OR. Dh got kicked out and they paged another OB anesthesiologist. I became bright red all over, my head pounded and felt like it would explode, almost like I was doing a headstand. So they kept me in recovery until 7/8am. Never a dull moment. Emma has a full head of dark hair and cries when I move her around. She loves to do skin-on-skin but not a good latch yet. I will see a LC today in hopes we can start nursing for real. But for now they are giving her 10-15ml of bottle. So dh won the bet that she'd come on the 17th or sooner. So happy I did not go into work that day. Holy smokes. So far the scheduled cs has been much better even though I went through contractions, it's nothing like last time. Today my parents will bring Jack to the hospital to see me and Emma. So excited to see him and his reaction. We are truly blessed. I will try to attach a pic.


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Ok wow! Congratulations BabyW. She's beautiful!!! hee hee. I am shocked for sure. Now I can go back and read the story. YAY!!!!

Thankfully you stopped working when you did, and now you can spend time with Emma and Jack. I am so proud of you and so happy. I think I'm still in shock. hee hee.
Oh, BabyW, how exciting!! Such great news that I wasn't expecting this morning! She's soooo beautiful! Congrats to you, DH, and Jack on the new addition to your family! :flower:
Congratulations BW!! She is beautiful! Can't wait to hear hour your DS responds to his new baby sister :D
What a cutie pie! Congrats baby w!! She is precious♡
Hooray, Babywhisperer!!! She is adorable. :happydance: Even with your reaction to the CS, it sounds like you are doing well. Can't wait to hear how Jack reacts to his little sister.
Wahoo! Another beautiful baby for this thread. Emma is lovely and look at that hair BabyW! She also did plump up for you. Almost 7 pounds. I guess there was a reason for your nesting frenzy this weekend. Sorry to hear about the complications but yay for a healthy baby and mama! Enjoy!!!
WOW BabyW!! What a surprise!! So happy for you! Emma is perfect! She looks like an absolute doll!! Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pics of her and Jack together!
Oh BabyW I am so happy for you and your family.

Sorry to change subject - but they offered me the job ladies! I am really excited! I'm a little nervous and apprehensive because the benefits are not quite as good as what I have now. So I haven't accepted it yet. Also the salary is not the same, I'd be taking a bit of a pay cut. So the question is, should I take the job that I think would make me happy for less pay and less benefits? Agh I'm making a pro/con list at the moment...
Congrats babyw! She is beautiful! Sorry to hear the dramatic medication issue - but glad you are doing well now. Guess you were nesting for a reason!
Ladysosa - congrats on getting the job offer! I think writing it all out helps but really, it comes down to your gut. I love doing the pro con list just so you can really mull things over. At least you have the weekend! Happiness is def important!
Babyw - OMG Congratulations!!! She's absolutely beautiful. Scary about the anesthesia but I'm glad things are OK. :) :)
LadySosa - Congratulations on the job offer!!! I think the list is a good idea. Could you come back with a counteroffer for more money? Or is there room for possible growth in the future? I know it's scary to take a pay cut but if you'll be a lot happier, it might be worth it.
So much excitement!
Congrats on the job offer Lady!! I'd try to view the jobs in terms of potential. So even if you take a bit of a paycut now (assuming it's not too dramatic) what does the job look like in a few years? Is there more security or more room for growth at either position? Is one a more family friendly culture, so even if the benefits aren't as good you get more leeway for doc appointments and whatnot? And don't underestimate the difference in your quality of life too!
Lady, congrats on the job offer! That is def a tough one if you're making more now and have better benefits, BUT... you have seemed really unhappy at your current job. :( So I think if I were you, I would call the new company and ask them what the growth potential is since you'd be taking a paycut. Once you can get answers on that, you could also make a counter offer. I know when my manager needs to hire someone, she'll have a salary cap that's been approved, and she offers a little less to the candidate so that she's prepared if a counter offer comes. I'm pretty sure every time we've offered a job to someone, the candidate almost always counters, and as long as it doesn't exceed the cap, my manager accepts.
Babywhisperer - WOW WOW WOW!! That is crazy and amazing!! Congratulations to you and your family. I'm glad you and baby are doing great!! Her little face is just perfection!!

LadySosa - Congratulations on your job offer. However what a hard decision. Try to think back to your most unhappy days at your current job (I think I remember you being really upset at one point). If you really have that bad of days there, maybe it is time to move on. Life is too short to hate your job. Didn't you say this new job is with the City? That's a great opportunity as well.

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