First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Sorry, i thought for sure i would have mentioned it. Im almost positive it was with the first beta. I think your plan is good. Have everything crossed for you! Did you take another hpt this am?

Beaggle- glad your bbq went well and awesome that your friend saved everything and gave back to you! Loving your lil guys pic! I think we may go Thursday for our 4 d, hoping we get good images!!
Beagle - Love the pics!! And love the tee! If I'm lucky enough to make it to maternity shirts I'll definitely check out that site. There's a "Made with love and science" onsie I've always loved (I got it for my DD even when much less science was involved) - just because I work in the sciences. I'd love to have the same message on a bump shirt :)

JKB - I did, and between my darkest tests on 10-12 dpt, I really don't see a HUGE difference... either in getting lighter or darker... so I'm hoping it's all ok. Yesterday the nurse said that anything under 100 or so is going to look about the same on an HPT so I'm clining desperately to that lol
Good morning ladies!

Krissy - thinking about you today! Good luck with your follow-up beta! Remember, you're not out until you're out - jkb has some great advice. Hang in there! :) What time is your appointment?

Beagle - I'm so glad the BBQ was a success! I love the shirts, you guys are so cute.

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Thanks everyone for the advice on the new job. It's funny, DH and I talked about it extensively on Friday, and he came around, then he started to get excited for me. He kept saying, "you'll learn ALL about this when you work for the city." And then I was getting all excited too. Then this morning I woke up and started having cold feet - like, how will I get away for doctors appointments? What if this next round works, then I'll be preggo in like a month! Maybe I could stick it out....

Ugh.... I think I'm still going to go for it. It is really scary, but I think I need to do this for my sanity. And no, my boss will never leave - she's been here for 10 years and she says will retire in 5 years. That is way too long to wait!

Beagle, thank you for those words of encouragement. It helps to hear that. I think this is the right move.

Anyway, this weekend was unbearably hot - like 95. My friend and I went to a wine festival and it was just too hot, we didn't last very long, lol. But it was still fun!

Anyone else do anything fun this weekend?
Lady - you could always do full disclosure to the new boss & let them know you have a medical thing going on (as much detail as you want to give) & ask how flexible they can be with you during that time. That is something to consider because in some states there is like a probation period & they can let you go with no explanation. I am glad you are feeling better about it. No matter what you decide, you will always have that small amount of doubt or cold feet. Doesn't mean it's not the right move. The job I have now was completely new territory...I only applied because of the money. But I just went for it...basically with the mind set if it didn't work out, I would put my required time in & transfer was an internal move. But things worked out & gave me the opportunity to do IVF both financially & the flexibility of my schedule.
glad the bbq went well beagle! tshirts are cute!

lady - I'm glad to hear you DH is being so supportive, that is super important when you are making a big change. hopefully this will improve your work situation, without a crazy boss. i can tell you - my boss was awful the past few weeks, and finally i had to tell him how awful he was being! thankfully he realized it and is trying to work on it....but my goodness, it made our work days miserable, so i can commiserate with you!

krissy - i am thinking about you today!

I am 8 weeks today! Had my last ultrasound this am with the REI - can't believe I am graduating! Actually a little sad to leave them, as they were so unbelievable sweet during all of my treatments. I loved all the docs, and the nurses. But I am unbelievable thankful for this gift we have!

Ultrasound was perfect. Measured just on time, saw the brain developing, and he could tell the kidneys were working but the fluid developing. Heart rate was 151.

Next appointment isn't for a few weeks with the OB - don't know what I will do without having ultrasounds every week!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
I'm afraid this cycle wasn't meant to be for us - Beta's went down (a lot). My first chemical pregnancy. I keep reminding myself that this is for the best because the genetics of that embie weren't meant to grow... but that just feels a bit like a shallow excuse.
Anyway, we still have one shot left. So all my hopes and prayers go to that little frosty now. We'll do another medicated transfer next cycle.
Oh Krissy. :hugs: I am so sorry. All the emotions are just too much as it is and then to find out that the pregnancy isn't viable is so disheartening. Luckily, you have another chance and us to support you the entire way. Do something nice for yourself and get back to it when you're ready. Love ya!
Krissy - I am sorry. It is true though, this one was just not meant to be. You have a good shot next time & also another thing to think about is you did get pregnant...that is a positive thing even if it ended in a chemical. So your body responded to the cycle exactly like it should have. Good luck on #2.
Ugh, Krissy, I'm so sorry Hun. I was really hoping for some good news. My 2nd transfer was a chemical, so I know the feeling. As if this journey wasn't emotional enough as it is, and then to be put on that roller coaster. Its so hard, it really is. One big positive though, is that you had implantation! Which means, that once you have an embie in there that is meant to come into this world healthy, you have such a great chance at being successful.:hugs:
krissy - i am so sorry to hear that, but agree with all the is a positive sign that you had implantation!

i hope and pray the frozen embie remaining is strong and healthy, and that you will have a healthy pregnancy.

i know you have been on this journey a while, so it is never easy.

take the time you need for you......we are all here to support you!
Oh, Krissy, I'm so sorry to hear that! I was hoping you'd get another news. I agree with Erin, what a roller coaster of emotion. But it is a good sign that you got implantation. Sending you hugs and prayers for the next round. Be kind to yourself this week and take some time for you to heal.
Krissy - I'm so so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. This whole process is so tough as it is and then to experience a loss of top of that is just so heartbreaking. I'm happy you still have another chance though. That will help you focus your energy on something positive. Hugs!!

Beaglemom - I'm happy that your BBQ turned out great. Even though you said you have to redo your 3D scan, the picture that you posted is so cute :)

Lady - I'm sorry you're having such a tough time with your decision... but I'm glad your hubby is finally being supportive. Even though it's hard not to be nervous or anxious, I'm sure everything will work out just fine :)

I had my check-up this morning... I'm feeling a little more optimistic than I was on Thursday but still a little disappointed. My RE admitted that he was a little worried on Thursday and that he was pleasantly surprised with my results this morning... however for me, when compared to my last cycle, I'm disappointed. Last time at this stage I had 10 (6 lead) on one side and 12 (10 lead) on the other. This time I had 5 on one side (all lead) and 7 (5 lead) on the other. So I have about half of what I had last time. My RE said that after I left last week, he really studied my chart and that my AMH level dropped in half since the first time he tested it so this response lines up with my AMH level. I just can't help second guessing myself though. What if I waited longer? What if this low response is because I didn't allow enough time between my pregnancy and trying again? So I'm trying to get back into a positive frame of mind and picture my follies growing and growing and growing. I go back on Wednesday.
Amy, Don't second guess yourself. It is still early. And you're already making progress from Friday. Let the meds do their thing. Stay positive! I've got good feelings about this.

Beagle: I'm glad your BBQ was awesome. Sorry little man didn't cooperate for your 3D scan but that's great you get to go back and get another shot at it.

Lady: Good luck with whatever you choose. Any new adventure is a little scary! I second finding out about the flexibility if you have doctor's appointments. I think that is a reasonable question and you don't have to disclose much. Just ask, if I had to go to a doctor's appointment during the work day how is that handled?

My shower was Sunday and it was awesome. One of my best friends, who is a makeup artist, did my makeup for me, and I found a cute dress that made me look pregnant. A lot of dresses I didn't really look pregnant in. While a lot of important folks were missing, they certainly sent their love in gifts and messages all day. It was really a perfect, lovely day (minus the 98 degree temps.)

I love to read and my mom asked guests to bring a book for the baby in lieu of a card. One of my friends found the most wonderful children's book called "Wish," written by Matthew Cordell, who struggled with infertility with his wife. It is book about parents wishing for a baby and it is illustrated with elephants. I sobbed like a baby reading it today. Here's a link to it:

One of my bridesmaids made baby a quilt, her first, and used fabric from the dress in the blanket. My mother-in-law crocheted us a blanket... I was just overwhelmed with the love, generosity and thought that went into everything.

Now, to get everything organized!

I got my mom and MIL mug's that say only the best mom's get promoted to Nanny/Grandma and that made them cry. I found them on Etsy and they can do any name you want.

I attached a photo of my mom, me and my brother's awesome girlfriend.


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Krissy- I'm so sorry. Sending hugs and thoughts your way. We are here to listen.

Sars- congrats on the great shower! I love how much thought people put into the gifts. So sweet.

Lady- hope you get peace and know which direction is best here soon. I chose to change jobs just prior to ivf to a much less stressful area, but it was with my same employer. But a good friend told me if you want to "get preggo just get behind on your bills or have your momma tell you not to get pregnant". While i think this is a cute saying i find there to be truth in it . I'm a planner... and i am not the type of person the take a job to go out on maturnity leave. After i started my job i waited over a year to start trying to conceive because i thought to be professional it would be nice to be eatablished with my job before going out on leave. Honestly, i fully regret it. Look out for yourself, your family. It doesnt make you a bad employee. You have the rest of your life to prove your loyal and hardworking. You do need to make sure you have flexibility to make your appts but you do not have to disclose your full plans to them. Your a female of childbearing age :) they should know that. Sometimes the less stress puts your body and mind in a better place but financially you dont need to be stressed either but if the cut doesnt effect your current needs in life then i try to remind myself money isnt everything. Good luck deciding hun! I know its hard when your the one involoved.
I'm late to the party but....

CONGRATS BabyW!!! Her hair! Just beautiful!!! Hope your recovery is going ok. Can't wait to hear about Jack meeting her!

Congrats on the job front, Lady!

Big hugs Krissy. I know you're feeling devastated. Hope you do so,etching really nice for yourself.

LOVE all of the baby shower pics!

I jumped on real quick while I pump my boobs. Baby isn't feeling so great. I think maybe a virus because her surgeon said her poop is looking watery. Makes sense because although she's still my happy baby, she has been a little more fussy than the norm. I'll take her in tomorrow morning to check her out. BUT, we only have to dilate her once a day now with only one size dilation stick. So that's positive. I have to add the cutest picture I took at the dr the other day. It's the sweetest thing.
That is a great picture Jen. Glad things are looking up for Charli, but hope she doesn't have a virus. Booo..

Babyw-Hope things are going ok.

Sars-Nice picture with your mom and future SIL :winkwink: Sounds like you got some really great presents.

beagle-Glad the BBQ went well, and there are always people that don't show up even though they say they will. It's been really hot the past few days, so maybe the temps kept people away. I love the picture of your shirts too.

Krissy-Sorry again about your test. That just sucks.

I called to get more meds before we left, and I said not to deliver them until next week. Well, they are speedy, speedy, so they shipped yesterday. Luckily, my neighbor is checking for our mail/packages, but I really don't need him knowing I'm getting a huge box from freedom fertility pharmacy. *sigh* Oh well...i'm just glad he can get that stuff out of the heat for us. My reunion is going well. It's really fun hanging with my cousins/aunts and uncles. We went to the beach yesterday. I found out that it is a dog friendly beach, so I think we'll be taking Fun there later today. He's at a dog camp down the street, and so far so good. We've visited him every day, but I'm sure he's ready to get away for a bit.
Good morning, ladies!

Terri - I'm glad that vacation is going well. Dog beaches are the best and I'm sure Fun will have nothing but fun. Although, my little dog is scared of the waves, it's always fun watching other dogs go nuts. Your box shouldn't say where it's from, should it? Mine never did but I used a different pharmacy. Seems like those places should use a little discretion. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!

JCM - OMG! You're right, that is the cutest picture. Look at that big smile. Love it. I hope she's on the mend quickly!!

jkb - I think the advice you gave to Lady is spot on!

sars - Awwww, I love that your shower was so sentimental. Your dress is great. I'm a big fan of polka dots. I think people here in MT are going to plan something but it will be hard to have a shower and not have my Mom or Sister there. Guess they'll just have to be there in spirit.

Amy - Oh, man. How I remember being in the thick of a cycle. I'm glad your doctor is feeling better than he was last week. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much! You can't change anything about what is happening and it sounds like you still have a good amount of follicles growing. I am sending all the positive vibes your way that I can. :hugs:

MrsL - Congrats on the graduating to the OB! I found it exciting to not be in the fertility clinic anymore, honestly. Glad you got to hear the nice strong heartbeat! :flower:

Beagle - Hooray for your BBQ going well!! Sorry you have to go back again for your scan since little DC wouldn't cooperate. Maybe he was just excited about the party.

Lady - I'm not sure what you ultimately decided on the job but I think you have to do what is going to make you happy. I am in a job I hate and I feel stuck. I keep reminding myself that it's not all about the job itself and that it's the great benefits that keep me in it but honestly, I really, really wish I could find something else. If you guys are in a position where you can afford for you to take the cut in pay, I say go for it. Life is too short to be miserable 8 hours a day. Just my 2 cents.

Krissy - :hugs:

ERose - How are you feeling, lady??

kfs - How are you feeling??????

Babywhisperer - I hope things are going well for your family with Baby Emma here now!

Hello to everyone else out there!

Hmmmm, let's see. What is going on with me. We finally got the dresser and changing table done. Hooray! They look so nice in the room. I ordered some prints to hang on the wall and rug for the baby's room, so once those things get here, I'll try to take some pictures. I'm trying to convince DH that we should just buy a crib off Craigslist and paint it to match. It will save so much time. I know we still have plenty of time (at least I hope so) but there is just so much coming up in the next couple of months that I don't want to have to worry about it. We'll see. I know he has his heart set on building the crib but I'm just getting antsy.

My Mom sent me the cutest package of things in the mail yesterday. She made some burp cloths and couple of small baby blankets, a nursing cover for me and then included a couple of baby Kentucky shirts. She said she just had to be the first one to get the baby UK gear. :haha: It was a complete surprise and of course, brought a couple of tears to my eyes.
Good morning ladies!!

Krissy - I'm so, so sorry. I know how that feels, it is so disappointing and sad. Just know that we are all here for you! As hard as it is, it is important to stay optimistic - just keep thinking about your next embie waiting on ice for ya. ;) Go enjoy a glass of wine and a hot bath (or maybe in this heat, a chilled glass of white wine and nix the hot bath, lol!) and we'll be here when you pick up on the next cycle.

Sars - so glad your shower went well. You look gorgeous in that pic - lovely! It is so wonderful when people make things for you - it makes the gift so sentimental. My grandma made me a baby blanket back in the day and I'm embarrassed to say I slept with it until college. I still have it (its in a keepsake box now), and it means a lot to me.

Jkb - thank you for the advice, I agree, I'm sure they wouldn't be surprised since I am child-bearing age! And yes, if I did get pregnant after a few months into a new job, I wouldn't be ashamed. I don't think I'll be letting them know about the IVF, at least just yet. Gotta test the waters first, see the team dynamics/culture, etc. I did verbally accept yesterday, so they'll be sending me the offer letter today and I'll be giving my two weeks' notice here! YIKES! I'm really nervous about that.

Jen - OMG! The cuteness! She is sooo adorable!! And tiny. What a trooper. I hope she doesn't have a virus.

Terri - sounds like an awesome vacation! Show us some pics!

Mrs. L - congrats! What a milestone!

Beagle - good to hear from you! What a sweet care package from your mom. :) I bet she is excited! I didn't know you were so unhappy in your job. You complain a lot less than me. Hehe. :) That was how I felt, just stuck. I kept looking at myself as pregnant (or almost pregnant) and telling myself, a pregnant lady can't change jobs. Then I thought, "why not??" Especially since the last BFN. I thought, this is my chance to get out. What is it about your job that you hate?

Amy - Easier said than done, but try to stay positive. It's easy to read a lot into everything, but just because its not the same as the last cycle doesn't mean its a bad thing. Keep on taking the meds and the rest is out of your control! :)
Ha ha! I think me & booger keep getting mixed up on here! :)

Jen - I think I said on FB or IG, but she looks so small with her dad. She is too cute.

Lady - glad your are taking the job...I think you will be happy you did.

Terri - glad MB is turning in to a nice trip for you. I am so annoyed you will be so close, but I can't meet up with you.

Booger - time starts to fly by, so good for you to try to stay on top of everything.

We didn't get a ton of gifts, but that's okay...we really were fine either way. The gifts we did get were so was mostly off our registry but most people went for clothes & toys. So we need to buy some essentials. Anyone have opinions on Diaper Genies? I plan to buy one but I get mixed opinions online. I need some bath supplies, a diaper caddy (something we can carry around the house), head rest for the car seat. So not really much at all. We plan to do a road trip on Sunday. We love visiting new places so we are going to New Bern, NC...the birthplace of Pepsi. The route takes us past 2 Targets & the Outlets. I started thinking how our weekend road trips will be coming to an end least for a while. I think I said already...but an 8 hr birthing class on Sat...should be interesting.

Some days are hard for me at work because my people just seem inconsiderate. They are looking at closing loans but not the other stuff involved. It's like they just want to dump it on me as long as possible. I really think I am going to have a hard time coming back after leave. But I plan to just work through it as long as possible & then maybe by baby #2 I can be home or find something part time.

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