First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Whoops! Sorry Beagle, I meant Booger. :)

That sounds like a fun roadtrip! What are you guys gonna do there, anything touristy or just shop? ANd your roadtrips dont HAVE to end once baby comes - he can come with you guys! Sorry people are being rude at work - that is never fun.
No worries, Lady. I think it has happened a couple of times. I think it funny.

I just became aware of a website called thredup. It is consignment. Pretty decent prices for anyone looking for maternity. It also has regular sizes.

I also meant to say I don't mind he didn't cooperate on the scan. We got to see a lot of him & the 15 minute scan became probably close to 30 min. And I get another.

Lady - there is like an old timey soda shop there where you can order Pepsi like in a glass bottle I guess...& plenty of souveniers. And plenty of baby stores on the route I have never been to. I know the trips don't have to stop, but we may have to wait a few months to take any. Which isn't too big a deal since the first few months will be cold out anyways. I think the best thing we have for my husband is the baby carrier. I am hoping all the driving we do now we make the baby used to it when he comes out. Probably a silly thought.
Baby was always calm whenever I drove in the car during pregnancy and she's calm now... Not a silly thought at all!!! I didn't get a diaper genie actually. The diapers don't smell at all though!
Sars - So happy that your shower turned out great!! And such of great photo. You look beautiful.

JCM - Such a cute photo. She is SOOOO adorable. I hope she doesn't have anything too serious and gets better soon.

Terri - I'm glad your vacation is going good. Sounds like you're having a great time with your family.

Booger - I can't wait to see a picture of your nursery when it's done. If your husband made the crib his top priority, could he get it done quickly? Or does he want to take his time with it? I understand the anxiety of just wanting it done and ready. I would be the same way.

Lady - Congratulations on accepting the new job. That's so exciting. I'm happy for you and I hope you are so much more happier there. And funny thing, my grandmother made me a quilt comforter for my bed that I used all through my teens and well into my early 20's. And also a throw type blanket that I used all the way up until my DH and I moved in together hee hee. Although they are packed away, I still have and love them both, especially now that she's gone.
Krissy - I'm so sorry about the chemical. No words, really. I just wish this process were easier for all of us. I hope you're treating yourself well.

Amy - Thinking of you today! Try not to second guess yourself. You still have a great number of follies growing so you still have a great chance! Remember - it's not the amount that counts.

Lady - Congrats on the new job!! I think it's a GREAT move. Wooohoooo. :)

Beagle - I'm happy to hear that the BBQ was a success. That's great that your friend gave you back all of that stuff! I'm sure your appreciate it. Love that pic of the 3D scan, too.

Mrs. L. - Congrats on graduating from the RE and for the great appointment. I felt the same way when I left my RE. I felt like it was too soon but hey - just be happy and try to relax. It's a great thing. :)

Sars - I'm so happy that you had a great time at your shower. I know you were a bit anxious about it. I felt the same way - I was overwhelmed at how much everyone did for us. And you look great by the way!!

JCM - Charli is just so adorable! I hope she's doing OK.

Terri - Awww. I'm sure Fun will love the beach. We took Eli (before he passed) and he was freaked out at first but then LOVED swimming and riding the waves in.

Booger - I felt the same way about getting the nursery done. I just wanted the bigger stuff out of the way!! Can't wait to see the pics.

Nothing much to report. Monday's check-up was great but uneventful. Baby's sounding good - weight and blood pressure are good. Tomorrow's my last day in the office and then I'll be WFH until the baby arrives which is kind of crazy to me!!! And now we continue to wait. :)
Good morning ladies!

I hope those of you that have been dealing with insufferable heat are getting the lovely reprieve we are today. It is just gorgeous.

Jen: Charli is ADORABLE. I didn't realize how dark her hair is. Love it. Hope she's feeling better and it wasn't serious.

Booger: I'm just amazed your husband can build all of this but I do understand your anxiety. I need some things from my parents and Ikea to get things in order. I'm headed home for a wedding Aug. 1 but considering making a separate trip. The nesting urge is real. I got my dress from the Asos maternity line. I've had a lot of luck with their clothes, although UK sizing can be tricky. I just order a bunch of sizes because they have free shipping and returns. I didn't realize you were so unhappy in your current job. Are there any options out there for you? Did you think about Skyping or FaceTiming your mom and sister in for the shower, so they can be there virtually?

Lady: Congrats on the new job! I hope telling your nutso current boss went well. I also hope this is the first step in lots of happiness for you in the months ahead. And I think it is so sweet you slept with your grandmother's blanket so long. I've been knitting baby a blanket since I found out and I hope it is just as loved.

Terri: Glad vacation is going nicely. Share some pics of Fun at the beach. We've never taken Fen. I don't know what he'd think of the waves.

Beagle: Your road trip sounds great. Hopefully, Derek loves the car and you've got many more in your future. I got the Diaper Dekor Plus Diaper Pail at the recommendation of my best friend. I know you mentioned needing bath stuff. Not sure if you got a tub, but my best friend also suggested the Fisher-Price 4-in-1 Sling 'n Seat Tub. I really like it because it grows with the baby.

Any: Aw, thanks you're too sweet. Hope you're feeling good about this cycle and not too uncomfortable!

KFS: Thanks! Luckily, everything worked out for the best Sunday despite some hiccups. I can't wrap my head around the fact that you're so almost there. Can't wait to meet your new arrival.

I don't have much to report. I go for my glucose test Friday as long as my work schedule allows. We've got an ultrasound on the 28th, so I'm excited to see baby again. I finished painting the crib and I'm so happy with how it turned out. I'm attaching a photo.


  • crib.jpg
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sars - the crib looks great. Good luck with the glucose. And thanks for the recomendations. I do need a tub also.

kfs - wow! 1 week until 40! Good luck! I hope your baby is healthy & brings some other girls their bfp!

So I had my glucose test today & I passed. I didn't feel too nervous but you never know. I am not much for sweets & I just ate a plain bagel before the test. The drink was not so bad...they had it cold which was good. Tasted like over sugared kool aid. I was dying for some water to dilute the sweetness in my body. Then I had my exam & by the time that was done, the hour was up & they tested my blood. I had an MD but she is also a mid wife (or used to be, not sure how that works). She talked to me about birth control & circumcision. She really didn't lean a certain way. But she did mention that now medicaid says it is unnecessary, so they won't pay for it. How crappy! Then she gave me info on what to do if I am in labor & info on birth control. I told her we probably wouldn't use any because this was an IVF baby & we wouldn't mind a free one. And she said as long as we were ok with getting pregnant unexpectantly, it was no issue. And we are perfectly fine with that. But I can't imagine a pregnancy where I have to wait 20 weeks to know the sex! I have been spoiled.

Speaking of insurance, I also had some crappy news on that front. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield NC...and apparently their contract with my dr changed, so what the cost DOUBLED! It went from around $2K to $4K. Luckily I already hit my deductible, so it's just the 20% for me. But it still came out to $800 vs $400. But what can you do, right? Glad I have my HSA. I contributed the max & will go beyond that in medical costs. But none of that includes the hospital. I will still be on 20% & the costs are capped at $4500.

So I am now on appts for every 2 weeks. They set me up all through Sept which is kind of crazy to think about. I also went ahead & put in my leave request even though I could have waited until 45 days out. Figured just go ahead & get it done.
Oh & that sugar drink made the baby dance all around. So I am def getting some sugar in me before my next 3d scan.
Lady - congrats on getting the job!!!

Jen- i could eat charli up! She is too adorable with her smile!!!

Beagle- yay for passing glucose test. Im getting my 4 us tomorrow! Cant wait to see her.

Kfs- your soooo close! Everytime i log on i look for a new baby pic.:)

Sars- the crib is gorgeous! Nice job. You look beautiful in your pic! So happy you enjoyed your shower!
Sars - the crib is adorable! Nice job!

Beagle - glad you passed your test! That sucks about the insurance, but its great that you are maxing out your HSA.

Afm, I finally got my calendar today. Transfer is set for Aug 25. I'm excited but a little nervous since I'll be so new in my job! I'm trying to plot how I'll get away for my monitoring appointments. I already told them I have an "outpatient" medical procedure in August, so the transfer shouldn't come as a surprise. Maybe I can work a half day or something. And I have my endometrial scratch next week.
Sars - the crib is adorable! Nice job!

Beagle - glad you passed your test! That sucks about the insurance, but its great that you are maxing out your HSA.

Afm, I finally got my calendar today. Transfer is set for Aug 25. I'm excited but a little nervous since I'll be so new in my job! I'm trying to plot how I'll get away for my monitoring appointments. I already told them I have an "outpatient" medical procedure in August, so the transfer shouldn't come as a surprise. Maybe I can work a half day or something. And I have my endometrial scratch next week.

What kind of hours do you work? My dr office opened at 7:30 so even with the over hour drive back, I was usually at work by 9.
LadySosa-congrats on taking the new job. I really hope the atmosphere is much better than your other place and I'm sure you'll move up quickly so the payyt won't end up being a big deal. It's courageous leaving a job you know. Good for you!! I'm also really happy that you have your schedule. My nurse still hasn't sent a schedule. She's not as efficient as my other nurse but I guess I still have two weeks of bcp so why am I so concerned? I'm thinking I'll be around the same time as you, so we can go through this together.

Beagle-glad you passed your glucose test. Your baby will love being in the car. My sisters baby falls asleep as soon as she's in her car seat so I'm sure DC will do the same.

SARS-I love the crib. So pretty. Can't wait to hear about your next scan too.

Kfs1-I'm totally on baby watch too. Hee hee. It's going to be the greatest surprise.

I'll try to post a pic of Fun at the beach when I get home. My phone isn't good at posting pics on here for some reason.
kfs1 - I can't believe you're getting so close!! So exciting :)

Sars - I love the crib! You did a great job painting it :)

Beaglemom - YAY for passing your glucose test :)

Lady - YAY for getting your calendar. Do you have many monitoring appointments? I would just tell them that you have pre-op appointments for your outpatient procedure "that you already told them about" like blood work etc. That should hopefully work without upsetting your new boss :)

AFM - I'm feeling better today. Today's appointment went better than the previous two. Apparently I had some more follicles pop up. They are a little smaller than the rest but he bumped up my Menopur dose a little bit and will try to get as many as he can caught up. Whether they catch up and mature is still to be seen, but just having more pop up like that is helping my frame of mind, so I'm happy about that lol. I also start my Ganirelix tonight and I go back again on Friday.
I finally heard from my nurse. She said that the genetic place doesn't do overnight testing, so maybe I was thinking about the other place. I'll have to call her when I get home to find out which place does what. I didn't get my deposit back because I thought I was going to be using the same place. Right now it looks like my retrieval is around the 15-20th. We'll see how accurate that is.
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Terri - Hooray for finally getting your calendar. Less than a month to go! Please post a picture of Fun at the beach - we all love dog pics!

Amy - I'm happy to hear that your monitoring report yesterday made you feel better. Phew. Keep on growing, follies! :thumbup:

Lady - Congratulations on taking the new job. How exciting! I really hope this is a much better situation for you. And hopefully your FETs don't require too much monitoring or like Beagle said, maybe your clinic opens early. Mine did their monitoring starting at 7:00 am on a first come, first serve basis so I always tried to get there as early as I could. You and Terri are going to be so close together!

Beagle - Haha - I thought it was funny too how everyone kept getting our names mixed up. I'm glad to hear you passed the glucose test. One less thing to worry about. You're almost in your third trimester, already. Crazy. Sorry about the insurance. That stinks. Have fun on your road trip!

Jkb - Can't wait to see pics from your 4D scan.

sars - Your crib looks great! Good job. I know how tedious and time-consuming the painting is but it's so worth it to feel that sense of accomplishment. Good luck at your glucose screening tomorrow!

kfs - Hooray for your last day at the office!! We're all on pins and needles waiting for the arrival of your little one. :happydance:

Hello to everyone else!

I went to see Trainwreck with some friends last night. Oh man - it was hilarious. I love Amy Schumer anyway but she was hysterical. I was laughing so hard I was crying during the last scene. My belly hurt from laughing. Hadn't seen a movie like that in awhile.

DH and I are thinking of another camping trip this weekend. Can't decide whether to backpack or car camp. Backpacking wouldn't be bad since he would carry most of the weight. I had originally thought about going to Glacier National Park again (my favorite place on the planet thus far in my travels) but there is a big fire there right now with a bunch of closures and evacuations in place. :cry: Guess we'll stay away from there for now!!

Oh and about my job. Yeah, I hate to complain because I have a really great job. I just don't like it very much. I've been doing the same thing for 7 years now and I'm just bored. The problem is that it is very stable, great benefits, and great moving potential (DH and both work for the Forest Service). We can pretty much move almost anywhere in the country we want when the right opportunities arise. I'm just in a spot where I have to keep muddling through until something better comes along. Just how it goes sometimes!
Hi all - I needed to kinda drop off for a few days to clear my mind, but I'm back.
OMG. It was like pulling teeth trying to tell get my IVF coordinator to understand that my DOCTOR did not want me to go through another full down regulation.... But I have my new schedule! It's going to be a little messy because I'm away next week (when my period should start) so my baseline may be a few days late, which may shift my transfer day slightly but I believe it should end up being sometime in the week between Aug 16th-23rd!
I am excited about everyone pretty much being on an Aug transfer schedule...we also have a few babies due as well!
krissy - totally understandable ab dropping off. glad you have a plan coming up! thats pretty painful to argue with the IVF coordinator. ill tell ya - i am so tired of CVS pharmacy and home delivery of meds, i could go insane! its already so much to go through, then to have painful conversations to get everything lined oh man. at least it is done and you have your plan!
Sars - loooove the crib.

Lady - woohoo for your transfer date. Good thinking on telling your new job that you have a procedure - that way you don't have to worry about it. Have you told your boss that you're leaving?

Amy - good luck at your appt today!

Booger - I wasn't sure about trainwreck but have been hearing great reviews. I think I'll have to check it out - love Amy Schumer, too.

Krissy - glad you're doing ok and congrats on the new transfer date.

Hi to all of my other lovelies. Dentist last week, at a hair appt right now, mani/pedi this weekend. Getting last minute pampering in while I can. So many transfers coming up! August is going to be an exciting month!!!
Good morning ladies! Whew, so much to catch up on!

Amy - I'm glad you are feeling more optimistic and some more follies are appearing! Good luck on your appointment today.

Kfs - oh my goodness, you are getting close! I am so excited for you!!! Way to go on getting your pampering in before baby arrives. :)

Booger - I heard about the fires in Montana. I saw that video of the family narrowly escaping the flames from Glacier national park and I thought of you. Yikes! A backpacking trip sounds like fun though (just not there, lol).

Krissy - makes perfect sense to get away for a bit. Now we just get right back on the horse and try again. It's hard to be a trooper but just focus on that end goal. Sorry about the frustrations with your coordinator. Your transfer will be right before mine, so we can go through the tww together!! :)

Terri - yay for finally getting your schedule! You have less than a month to go! Woot woot.

Afm, things have been crazy. I gave notice on Tuesday, and my boss was "shocked". So I've been trying to wrap everything up here. She "suggested" yesterday that I work from home from here on out. Which, I was like, okay, that's fine, I kind of felt like she's trying to alienate me, but whatever. She said "she wants to do what's best for the team." I've been nothing but professional and positive. When people ask me why I'm leaving, I say, "it just wasn't the right fit for me" with a big smile on my face. I really want to say "it's cause my boss is a micromanaging drama queen." But I don't. But whatever. If she wants to treat me like this, then fine. But don't expect anything above and beyond from me now (or after I leave). She's trying to make me feel bad for leaving.

Anyways, my transfer is set for Aug 28. My clinic only has appointments between 8:00am and 3:00pm. Not very easy for people who work regular hours! I just learned that most of the HR people in the city work 9/80 schedules (9 hour days, alternating Fridays off), so I just emailed the gal at the city to see if I could work that schedule too, since my appointment is on a Friday perhaps it could coincide with one of my days off. That would be an awesome schedule! We could go to the beach every other weekend for three days. So, we'll see what she says.

I'm trying to wrap my head around their benefits, they are SO complicated. They offer an HRA, an FSA, two different medical plans to choose from, two different dental plans to choose from, a wellness credit, an onsite clinic (a cool perk), a commuter credit, whew! All kinds of things. They sent me this HUGE packet in the mail so I'm just trying to read through it before my first day. But I'm getting really excited. :) :)

Happy Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend?

BabyW - hows Emma?? Check in when you can!

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