First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Lady - That's awesome that our transfers are so close. FXed this is it for both of us :dust:
Try not to let your boss get you down. Just take it as a gift that you're getting extra reassurance you that you completely made the right decision to leave :) When do you start the new position?
I'd be happy to work from home my last two weeks! I put I notice at one of my jobs where I was a contractor. The boss said 'you can just leave the company now.' I told him that since I gave them two weeks notice, I'll stay on the payroll in case they want to send me somewhere and stick around for two weeks.' I think he was in shock because I ended up taking up my carpets, painting, riding my motorcycle for two weeks and they never gave me an assignment but I got paid. Hee hee. It was great! Hopefully you can get a chance to say goodbye to your friends and get their contact info and such.

I'm excited for your new job. And your schedule sounds cool too.

Kfs1-still in baby watch over here. My sister usually delivers the day after she gets a pedicure so pack your bag prior to doing that! Hee hee. Enjoy your pampering.
Lady - I say yah to working from home! Also the new schedule for work sounds great. I think you definitely made the right decision. I have a place I wish I told to shove it & just walked out but I gave notice in case I needed to go back.
Hi ladies,

Cant wait for our next round of BFP coming up from you girls! Happy to hear yalls schedules are close.

Lady- wow your boss is being a true butt. Sorry girl. However, i would like to have the 2 weeks at home as well, so i say enjoy it;) its great if you can get every other friday off. Hello beach♡

So my little sweetness would not cooperate at all for the 4d yesterday. I go back on the 4th of august. My tummy was actually sore all night from the lady poking it trying to get her to turn. She just kept that arm up in front of her face:) we got a glimpse of 2 blurry, brief face shots but that was it. So pics to come.
Hi ladies,

Cant wait for our next round of BFP coming up from you girls! Happy to hear yalls schedules are close.

Lady- wow your boss is being a true butt. Sorry girl. However, i would like to have the 2 weeks at home as well, so i say enjoy it;) its great if you can get every other friday off. Hello beach♡

So my little sweetness would not cooperate at all for the 4d yesterday. I go back on the 4th of august. My tummy was actually sore all night from the lady poking it trying to get her to turn. She just kept that arm up in front of her face:) we got a glimpse of 2 blurry, brief face shots but that was it. So pics to come.

Your repeat scan is the day after mine. Let's hope our little ones both cooperate!
Hi everyone...

This update is going to be quick. Either my internet is trippin or the website is having issues today. So I will check in later.

I had my last monitoring appointment today. Things are still looking good. I have two more nights of meds. I trigger on Sunday night and go in on Tuesday morning for retrieval :)
Hi everyone...

This update is going to be quick. Either my internet is trippin or the website is having issues today. So I will check in later.

I had my last monitoring appointment today. Things are still looking good. I have two more nights of meds. I trigger on Sunday night and go in on Tuesday morning for retrieval :)

Yay, im so excited for you to be in the tww. Enjoy the night of no meds , post trigger:flower:

Beagle- yes hope they cooperate this time:)
Lady - your boss sounds like an ass. Now you can feel confident that you made the right decision!!!!

Amy - woohoo. You're almost there!!!

Jkb/beagle - hope the babies cooperate at your next scan. :)
Hey everyone! It's been pretty quiet around here.

kfs1-I'm SOOOO on baby watch. Are you still working?

Amy-How is your latest follicle count? You don't have to take any more shots for now since you triggered yesterday. Yeah! How are you feeling?

What's everyone else doing?
Terri - hope your vacation was nice.

I had an exhausting weekend & nothing went as planned. My dog had to go to the vet late Fri & they were nice enough to stay late for us. That morning he walked slow to his food & ate slow. When my husband got home that evening he had no interest in food & was shaking. The vet said to take him off some antibiotics he was on for a skin condition & foot fungus & to put him back on pain meds from when this happened before. Sat morning we took him outside & he had horrible diarrhea so we took him to the ER vet...he was also not eating or drinking. I told them I thought he had felt bad for too long & now was just wanting to rest so I thought he needed fluids. They gave him fluids & another antibiotic because he had some blood in his stool. While waiting to check out I saw an immediate change in his behavior & in his face from the fluids. He went home & drank right away. So we felt better. He ate a small amount but we had to force down his meds. Next day he bacame uninterested in food & water again & still diarrhea. Also the shaking was happening after he walked outside. We took him back to the ER asking for more fluids. She gave him more than the day before & some other things. She also said to stop trying to feed him & the diarrhea needed to work itself out. She did give me some anti diarrhea meds to add in. Again an instant improvement after the fluids. He came home & drank & when it was time to eat he was all excited with the others. We gave him a small amount of chicken & rice since he had not eaten since Fri morning. He continued to drink regularly & we were able to give him his evening pills in a spoonful of baby food. He still had a small amount of diarrhea this morning. No interest in food but still drinking. We have not seen a full bowel movement yet. But he is also on strict bed rest because of his back.

Meanwhile another dog was not interested in eating Sat night & has been throwing up. We saw some on Thurs or Fri but didn't know it was him. Sat morning he ate fine but threw up. That evening he ate incredibly slow which is very unusual & had diarrhea. So Sunday morning we just gave him chicken & rice & he was very excited to eat again. But he threw up early this morning & continued to have diarrhea. So I skipped his breakfast even though I could tell he wanted to eat. He continues to drink. I am not as worried about him, but he does need the vet. I gave him some of the other dogs diarrhea meds. My husband is going to call to see when we can come in.

It is getting so hard to do anything else besides work. My husband is so busy & I have only 5 days available to take before my leave. I have no idea how my pregnancy will go, so I am hesitant to use them. Any appts I have, I work out with my lunches because I am hourly & staying late or coming in early is not much of an option since we are not that busy & I am a customer based associate. I really just want to be home right now & not have to worry about if I have enough PTO to take my dog to the vet. Ugh.

Needless to say, we missed our birth class & skipped the shopping trip on Sunday. I am hoping I can get in to one of the next ones. I may lose the money I paid & have to pay again, but it was only $30. It is more important I get in. The next one is Sat but then it is only offered monthly. And I am not sure my husband can do it any other time if Sat is booked.

Ugh...anyways...that was my stressful weekend. Also the anxiety made it hard for me to eat or drink. I tried the best I could to force food in me. But I could tell I wasn't getting enough water. So gonna work hard on that today.
Beagle-You do have a lot going on! I'm so sorry about your dog problems, missing birthing class and road trip. I wonder if they both got into something that is making them sick? Luckily, baby is still cooking, so you can focus on the dogs now instead of having baby and dog stuff to do. I hope whatever it is passes through their systems and they are both ok soon.

Vacation/family reunion was pretty awesome. I realized that I missed 10 years of reunions, but I've been to the last three or four, and I will continue going. It's cool watching my little cousins grow up and seeing my big cousins (my age) get older and better. My nieces and nephew were just the cutest, and I spent a lot of time with them and my sisters. Fun times all around. It was really hot (almost unbearable) at the beach, but the water was warm, so that made up for the hot temps. I'm sad to be home and back to work, but someone has to work in order to afford vacations, so it's a tradeoff.
Good morning, ladies. :coffee:

Terri - Sorry you're back at work! Transitioning out of vacation mode is so hard. The family reunion sounds great. I haven't been to one on either side of my family in ages. My Mom is always like "Do you remember relative so and so?" and I'm always like "Uhhhhhhh, nope". I think now that we are going to have a little one, it's going to be even more important for us to try and get back for them. I grew up with family all around me so it's weird to think about having a baby with absolutely no family around. Guess our friends will have to substitute for now.

Beagle - Sorry your weekend was so stressful. I hope both of your doggies are on the mend soon. :hugs:

kfs - I hope your pampering was just what you needed and that you're all ready for little one now.

Amy - Hooray for trigger! Take it easy today and let us know how retrieval goes tomorrow. :flower:

jkb - Sounds like your little girl was as uncooperative as Beagle's little one and Erin's too. Hopefully, she behaves at the reschedule!

Lady - I'm so happy to hear you are moving on. Sorry your boss is being a jerk but at least it's only for 2 more weeks! I think you'll love the new schedule. I often work that schedule in the winters so I can have every other Friday off and it's great!

Krissy - Welcome back - sometimes we all just need a break. I hope you are feeling a bit better.

MrsL4 - How are you feeling??

Hello to sars, ERose, JCM, babywhisperer, and moni!

I am tired this morning. We did end up going backpacking and of course, I never sleep all that well in a tent anyway but it's really no fun when you have to pee all the time. :haha: I'm so glad we went though. The weather was perfect, we had the whole place to ourselves, and the fishing was great. It was just the relaxing weekend DH and I needed.
Good morning ladies!

Beagle - ugh, sorry about the stressful weekend with your pups. It is no fun when your pups are sick/hurting but they cant tell you what's wrong. Since they both have it, maybe they both got into the same thing like Terri said, or maybe its some virus that they both have come down with. I hope they feel better soon!

Amy - woohoo I hope triggering went well! Retrieval tomorrow - wow! Time is sure flying! Good luck girl :)

Terri - agree its hard to get back to work after such a wonderful vacation. That's good that you attend the family reunions and stay in touch with your fam. How many siblings do you have?

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I am working from home today, taking my boss up on her 'suggestion.' We had a fantastic weekend at the beach. We were lazy on Saturday and lounged at the beach with Chuck. Then we did a little shopping in town and got some beach-themed decor from a local artist. Then Sunday we spent the entire day painting. Whew! So much work. Stupid Sherwin Williams - we had a gallon of paint from our bathroom renovation that we started on the condo- the color is Tradewinds at 50%. We ran out so we bought some more. Well they missed the 50% part and gave it to us at 100%. I didnt notice until I started touching up the paint from earlier. DH is like, "I think those paints are different colors." I was like, "no, just looks different when its wet." Well lo and behold, after it dried it looked TERRIBLE. Then we looked at the can and realized it was 100%, not 50%. ARgh! So we spent ALL DAY painting, and now we need to go back over the darker spots and touch it up. Oh well, besides that, the condo is really coming along. We've got all our furniture in place, almost all painted, and now we're getting to decorate. We have some friends coming to stay with us in a couple weeks, and were going to take them to the condo. So I think its ready for company!
Lady - if you have a Christmas Tree Shop near you, they have cute beach decor...unless they are in the process of transitioning out.

Thanks guys for the concern of the pups. The ER vets think the back injury stress caused 1 dog's diarrhea. I know it is a strange coincidence. I spoke to my vet today...she is going to let me know if she needs to see him or if she is okay continuing what the ER vet said. As far as the other one, she said the meds I got at the ER were fine to give to him, so we are doing that & also no food for 24 hours to try to clear his system. At least he acts happy & continues to drink. The back injury hates being crated & I hate doing it to him, but I have no choice in order to make him better. We actually set him up yesterday in our new pack n play! He liked sleeping in there & it stops him from jumping up & down on the couch or bed. We just put his bed in there & he snoozes. But we can't do that all day while we are gone because he may tear it up. If I had a cheapo one from like a thrift store, I would consider it...but not our brand new one. He is only 25-30 lbs, so he won't hurt it.

I feel like the week before & week after vacation are so hard. I am getting more & more ready to just be on leave. But I feel bad for the other assistants, because my boss doesn't seem to see how close things are & he has no plan in place. The next 3 months will fly by & who knows if I may go early.
Happy Monday ladies! I'm not feeling super motivated today. The weekend flew by and I want more time off!

Beagle: What a crummy weekend! I'm sorry about your pups. That is the worst. And going to the doggie ER stinks. You're so happy it is there when you need it and then you get the bill. That's actually a smart idea about the pack and play to keep him isolated so his back can heal. Hope both pups are on the mend! I also feel you on the PTO. I've got four days left if I go out on my due date or after. I'm hesitant to use them but a little glum about nothing but work until baby comes.

Terri: Glad you had an awesome time on vacation. My family typically goes to the beach about 40 minutes north of Myrtle in early August. The heat is always crazy but the water feels so good. It ruins me for the Jersey shore.

Booger: Yay for a relaxing weekend out in nature. I can't imagine trying to sleep in a tent pregnant though. Good for you! Remember: friends are the family you choose! Is DH's family in Ohio? Or did I make that up.

Amy: Wow! Your stimming flew by. Hope you're enjoying no shots. Good luck on the transfer tomorrow. I've got everything crossed for you.

Krissy: Hope you're feeling better lady. Yay for a schedule and being so close to LadySosa. We've got so many babies coming we're due for some BFPs.

LadySosa: You're current boss sucks! Congrats on the new job. It sounds like a great opportunity with plenty of benefits. Mental happiness outweighs everything. Do you get a lunch break? Perhaps you could coordinate your appointments then. Your clinic's hours stink.

JKB: Sorry little lady wouldn't cooperate. I've noticed a sugar rush makes baby move for me.

KFS: You still hanging in there girl?

Hi to anyone I missed!

Had a low key but really nice weekend. We went out to dinner with my former co-worker and neighbor, who is due six days before me. Our husbands enjoyed scotch and beers and having a DD, while we had lots of fun catching up. Saturday we had our last session with the dog trainer, who was shocked at how well behaved Fen was and the progress he made. She brought two of her Rotties and he didn't get worked up by them at all. They came into our house and not a bark. We had my friend's 30th bday party Saturday evening and spent Sunday at our neighborhood pool.

Next weekend we've got one of my college friend's wedding on Saturday. I'm so excited to see all my friends. But a bit nervous my feet will be so swollen I won't be able to get any shoes on.
I have two sisters (and a half sister) and a brother. So my immediate family isn't huge, but my dad has 10 brothers and sisters, and they all have kids and now THEY are having kids, so it's just a fun, family-filled week. We split dinners amongst the families so each night a family cooks (for the most part), but we're usually on our own for breakfast/lunch, and we have different activities every day. It's pretty cool. This is the 41st year. My dad's family seemed to be getting together every year for funerals, and then they decided to start getting together every year good or bad.

It's more later!
Beagle – Sheesh!! Your poor pups. It’s the worst feeling when your dog is sick like that and you have 2 of them. I hope they can figure out what it is!!

Terri – Yeeeeeeeep. Still working but from home going forward. I’m so glad that you had such a great time on your trip. It really is the worst having to go back to work after vacations. I hope you can adjust soon though and get back into the rhythm.

Booger – Glad you were able to go backpacking! I can’t imaging the peeing aspect of it – that has to be really annoying.

LadySosa – Sounds like a great weekend (other than the paint issues). I’m so jealous that you have a vacation spot! Must be so nice to be able to get away whenever you want.

Sars – Sounds like you had a great weekend, too. I hear you about the feet! I haven’t worn normal shoes in over a month. Just flip flops for me.

Still nothing to report ladies! My sister is a day past her due date and I’m getting close to mine and still nothing for the both of us. Doctor’s appt today so we’ll see what they say. We DID finally do the hospital tour yesterday and I'm glad that I did. Nothing out of the ordinary but it's nice to know where to go and just some of the rules about when people can visit and stuff like that. I am still working but from home so it’s not too bad. I’m in the AC on my couch with my feet up – can’t complain.
beagle - woah sorry to hear about all the puppy trouble. i would be worried if they stopped drinking too! must have been so dehydrated. glad they are on the mend, hopefully it won't be long before they are back to normal

ladysosa- sounds like the beach was good! i painted our whooooole house, and had to repaint a room because of a similar situation, so i feel your pain!! hopefully it wasn't too much touching-up so it won't be terrible going back.....although, i remember bathrooms being the hardest room to paint....they look small and deceiving, but there is so much trim and cutting in!

terri - thats great that you were able to go to such a big family reunion! my immediate family is small, but DH has a larger family - and it is fun to go see everyone - i never had that growing up!

today, i am 9 weeks! still nervous nelly though. still have sporadic cramps and it just makes me so nervous, i keep going to the bathroom checking! i graduated to the OB last week, and my first appt is next week. i am praying for the doppler or another ultrasound to just calm myself.......i swear the curse of infertility doesn't leave! you just keep on worrying! but i am thankful we have made it to this point with no just gotta focus on all the good things.
Terri - I took my trigger last night so no more shots yay!! I started an antibiotic today and will probably have to start the progesterone and estrogen tomorrow. They won't give me that paperwork until tomorrow after the retrieval. On Friday I had 20 or 21 follicles. That number is pretty good but a lot of them were still a lot smaller than the larger ones so I'm not sure how many will actually be mature.
I'm so glad you had a great time at your reunion. But getting back to work after a great vacation really does suck.

Beaglemom- I'm sorry you had a stressful weekend. I hope your pups get better soon.

LadySosa - Post pictures when you're all done with your condo if you can. I would love to see it.

Well tomorrow is the big day. I will check in tomorrow when I get a chance.
good luck tomorrow amy! sounds like a good report so far from stimming!

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