First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

MrsL - the ob usually does an ultrasound on the first visit. The baby will look more like a baby...very cool.

Lady - good luck. That was fast! I can't believe you are ready.

One pup is outside now...still some diarrhea. The other who was more sick had some solids going on so I am feeling better. But he won't calm down. He is in better spirits so wants to run around. So I think crate during the day, play pen at night which is what we did today...and then add in leash when he goes out to stop him from running. Both on almost no food today.

I rescheduled my birthing class for Sat. I told her if no space Sat I may need a baby class instead because the baby will have been born already.
Beagle-don't you have until October to take the birthing class? Why now? You might forget everything by October!

LadySosa-sorry about the paint fiasco. At least you have time to fix it. Let's hope the baby room turns out better the first time :winkwink:

Booger-I love your spirit. Camping so far along. I know most people won't camp ever! Good for you for still having fun and doing what you like.

Amy-yeah!! I wish you the best tomorrow please check in when you're up to it. It sounds like they got you on the right meds so fxfx.

Mrsl-hope the appointment next week goes great and glad to hear you're ok even nervous. It'll feel real soon enough.

Afm-I talked to my nurse about the day 6 transfer and the overnight pgs results. She said the place did studies and found that most uterine linings were too far advanced to have a successful pregnancy so they stopped doing that. In a way, I'm disappointed because I have to wait another month or two and do butt shots, but I want the best chances. Soooooo, I won't be needing endometrium or Estrace but my transfer may not be until September or October now. This is killing me! Guess I better start getting on the fun wagon stat. Hee hee. No more going to bed early! And rage out when possible!
Terri - I think a lot of places switch to FETs. My office does not find the studies support it. But they do test to see where you are. If you remember I was turned to an FET because my progesterone level had gone up. Being delayed again is so rough. But you never want to second guess things. I would have loved the fresh...less meds...less money. But I would have been so upset if it had not worked...better to be in the hole a little more money wise than to waste your time.

I do have until Oct but they advise 28-32 weeks. I think in case you go early. And my husband may not have any Saturdays off starting mid Aug because of his new store. My last few months of pregnancy will be kind of hectic. Actually I really only have 2 1/2 weeks of a set schedule with my husband...& the last week of that he will be in Colorado!!! Plus they only offer the birthing class once a month.
Oh ok on the birthing class. That seems silly to only offer it once a month. Hopefully you can get in on the next go round. How are the dogs today?

I took Fun to get his nails clipped yesterday. He was ok the first time we did it ourselves, but after vacation, he just wasn't having any of it. He was crying as soon as I would grab his paw. HA!!HA!! So at the vet, he was finished in about 3 minutes, and he was SO happy. What.a.jerk. HA!!HA!! Then we went to obedience class, and he was the star. Except when my husband had to practice with him. He never practices with him, so Fun doesn't listen to him at all. It's his play buddy. But..whatever. He's good with me, and getting better. We worked on target mat training, waiting before rushing out of the door, and waiting patiently while I get his food prepared. The last two things we practice all the time and that is why he was a star.

kfs1-Still on baby watch over here. Starting to get impatient even though tomorrow is your due date. I guess I should expect another week and then I won't be so impatient.
The dog who was worse off seems much better. He continued to drink & we fasted him so today he was finally ready to really chow down. We gave him chicken & rice because his poop is still not solid. He keeps acting crazy so it is so hard immobilizing him. But I pulled out the heating pad & that also helps him a lot. The other dog still has diarrhea as well. We fasted him yesterday & today he also got chicken & rice. Really hoping these meds kick in otherwise he may need to go in. But he also continues to drink & act normal, so I am not as concerned with dehydration.

I watched a cute video yesterday of puppies sleeping with babies. One was tucking the baby in by moving his blanket with his nose. Too cute. I hope my pups are the same.

I had lunch with a previous co worker & it was a lot of fun. She was so excited to see me pregnant. I had already told her but she just loved seeing it. She has been moving & packing so she gave me $50 with no card & said sorry about no card but I have been so busy. I didn't mind. I used to say no babies & she said no marriage to her long time boyfriend (she is in her 60s). So she got married in March. She said she was shocked I was pregnant & I said well I guess we both did something this year we said we would never do! It was fun.

I hope my dogs are feeling better by the weekend so we can do some baby shopping. But I also have plans for my husband's birthday on the wekend of the 14th. So no big deal if the shopping waits. I want to drive to the beach to take pics of us & shop & also take him somewhere good to eat...maybe a brazilian restaurant...they have the all you can eat meat & good! It is expensive so we haven't been in a while.
Good morning, ladies!

Beagle - I'm glad your dogs are feeling better. That's cool about your friend getting married and you getting pregnant after you guys used to talk about not doing those things. You just never know where you are going to end up - even after being so certain about things! I've been looking at scheduling our birthing class too - but probably not until the end of August or sometime in September. Just depends on when DH wants to go.

Terri - Oh, I'm so sorry about your delay! Ugh. I swear it's always something. Yes - get out and have your fun now!! I love your story about how Fun is so good with you but not your DH. :haha: And trying to clip your dogs nails is the worst - I don't even bother anymore. Scout's are pretty much worn down naturally from running but it was next to impossible when she was younger. I would have to cover her head with a towel or something so she couldn't see what was going on - seemed to help a bit.

Amy - Good luck, today!!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for lots of good, mature eggs! :thumbup:

MrsL4 - I remember being a bit nervous during those early weeks too. It's completely normal. It does get better - at least it has for me. Now that I can feel and see her (belly seems to get bigger everyday), I don't stress about it. I would guess they'll at least do a doppler so you can hear that heartbeat thump thumping away!

kfs - I'm with Terri over here on baby watch. I keep hoping to check in and see that you've finally met your little one! :flower:

sars - Hooray on all the progress you made with Fen. That has to be exciting to see. I keep joking with DH that if we ever get another dog, it's going to be an older one because I love our little Scout now that she is 11 years old. She is so much calmer than she used to be. When we were hiking this weekend we didn't have to put her on the leash once. If we had tried that when she was a younger, she'd be in Idaho by now!

Lady - Oh, man. That stinks about the paint. Ugh. I'm sorry you have to go back and touch up some spots. Painting is the one home improvement chore I hate more than anything so I truly feel for you. :dohh: That's awesome that you almost have everything set up in the condo though. A weekend at the beach sounds awesome right about now..........

Hello to everyone else!

We still can't decide on a name for our baby. Ugh. If we were having a boy, we'd totally have it picked but for some reason, at least for us, we are struggling to find a girl name that we both really like. Oh well. I guess we'll get there eventually. My friends have scheduled my shower for Sept. 20. I can't wait. My dearest friend from New Mexico is going to be here visiting at that time and I'm so glad she'll be able to make it. :happydance:
Yoo hoo, Amy?? How did it go yesterday? I've been waiting for your report. Check in when you can, babe.

booger-That's awesome that your bestie can come to your shower. Yay!! It's right around the corner. And..I think you'll be ok for a while without a name. You'll think of something for this little girl. That's so cool that Scout loves you and wants to stick around you. Fun is more interested in other things than me, right now, but he still likes to follow me around when I'm inside, so that's special enough.

Have a great day everyone.
Hey ladies - well I WAS at the hospital yesterday but not for me but my sister! :) She's been there since Monday night because her fluids were low. She had to go through 2 rounds of cervix-softening meds and then they started pitocin last night. Still not much progress though but I'm hoping I'll have a new niece or nephew today!!

As for me, I showed SOME progress at my appt on Monday which is good. I go back tomorrow morning for an ultrasound, I guess to check measurements and fluid levels.

Terri - What a bummer about the schedule delay. I can't believe they didn't tell you that sooner. It sounds like you need to get out and enjoy this summer for sure!!!

Amy - Anxiously awaiting to hear...

Beagle - I hope your pups are feeling better soon, too. So stressful when our pets (babies) are sick like that.

Booger - we're the opposite. We found a few girl names but we really had a hard time with the boy name. :)

Hi everyone else!
kfs1-WOohoo!! Your sister doesn't know if she's having a boy or girl either?! hee hee. Your family loves secrets, and I love it! How is your sis doing otherwise? She's probably tired of being in the hospital after two days. Hopefully all will go smoothly and she can have the baby and get out of there! Glad you're working from home now too. You can kick your feet up for the next few days.

beagle-How are the pups doing today?

sars-I forgot to say that I'm so happy Fen is doing better around people and is learning stuff. It's cool when your dog understands what's appropriate and what isn't.
Amy - hope everything went well yesterday.

So the one dog who was worse off FINALLY had a almost normal poop. But the other had a nice surprise for me to clean up this morning. Ugh. I swear I think they are just preparing me for baby. Sleepless nights, poop patrol, ER visits, anxiety. But I really think they are both on the mend. I may take pup #2 to the vet tomorrow if I don't see any improvement by tonight. But he still drinks & eats & acts happy. So dog #1 was confined to the crate during the day & play pen at night. He felt so much better last night he wanted no play pen. So we let him explore & lay on the couch. Then he started scratching the play pen. Ends up, he LIKES it in there now! So silly.

As far as names go, I had perfect names picked out before getting pregnant & went in a whole new direction. All I can say is it is it will come & you will know. My wedding dress I just knew. Getting married felt like nothing to me because I had nothing to be nervous about. All my pets past & present, I knew when I laid eyes on them, they were meant to be mine. And when I went to do my transfer, the song Patience by Guns N Roses was on the radio...and I knew it would work. Sure I had a few moments of doubt on the way...I think we all do...but deep down, I knew. The perfect name will come. And you may even have to wait until you see your baby.

Oh...side note on all my pet top off my life, my pool appears to have a leak somewhere. Something I am really not wanting to deal with right now.
Good morning ladies,

KFS: Congrats on the new niece or nephew arriving soon! That's so exciting you and your sister are going to have new babies so close together. Glad you're still feeling pretty comfortable.

Beagle: Happy to hear the pups are on the mend. Fen is on steroids for his allergies and he climbed into our bed this morning and threw up. I thought the same thing, preparing me for baby. Glad you got into the birthing class. We were signed up for one Aug. 28 and they cancelled it and moved us to Aug. 8. Kind of stinks but whatever.

Terri: Yay for Fun being a rockstar in class! Fen was always the best one in class to our surprise. It was when he got outdoors it fell apart. Thanks for the good wishes on his behavior. It is awesome to see him acting him so great 100 percent. I'm sorry about the delay. That stinks! But just pack in lots of fun and lots of wine. I miss wine.

Amy: Hope the retrieval went well and you're feeling good. Check in when you're up to it.

MrsL: They did an ultrasound at my first OB appointment. It was a huge relief. I felt like the worry subsided for me for awhile but it is back a bit.

Booger: That's awesome about your best friend being able to make it to your shower. Does Scout love to hike? We took Fen on a vacation to Asheville and he thought it was the best thing ever. He was about 3-4, now 6-7, when we got him and totally housebroken. But he'd clearly never been on a leash. He's still got a ton of energy. Good luck on the name. Did Hazel fall out of the running? We've got 2-3 for each sex, I think it'll be a game time decision.

I had an ultrasound this AM. Baby was very much asleep but totally healthy. :thumbup: Weighing in at about 2.5 pounds and baby was breech again. They still said not to worry at this point but I have a nagging feeling he/she likes this position a bit too much.

Baby was not cooperating with the sonographer to get a photo, had both arms, legs and placenta in front of face. But she managed to get one good one with some prodding. I think it looks like a boy.


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Hi everyone...

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I didn't sleep well the night before the retrieval so I came home yesterday and just crashed.

Well I had 9 eggs retrieved. I was so bummed when I heard this. I guess a lot of my follicles were still too small and I had some that were completely empty. Of the 9, 8 were mature, and 7 fertilized normally. So as of right now I have 7. They will call me on Friday and give me a day 3 update. I really hope a lot don't drop off between now and then. I'm trying not to freak out. Easier said than done lol.
Hey Amy-7 is still really good!! Why are you disappointed? My problem is that I get a good number of eggs, but then only about 2/3 of them are mature, and then another few do not fertilize, which puts me at about 7 too. I'm always pleased if I get that many fertilized. I'm feeling confident for you, if you're not. Hope you got some good rest last night and now just be positive and wait for these bad boys to all come out perfect!

sars-Looks like a boy to me too...thanks for sharing the best picture you could get. You'll get another one closer to due date, right? Are you getting maternity pics done?
Amy, Glad you're feeling well. 7 is a great number to fertilize. Fingers crossed they all hang on. But it does only take one! Are you doing a 5dT?
Hi, Amy!

This is one of the hardest times during IVF but do try to remain positive. Seven fertilized is great! With 8 mature, that's an 87% fertilization rate which is pretty awesome.

We are all pulling for you and your little embryos.
Thanks guys. You always make me feel better.

Terri - I guess I was just disappointed because I keep comparing everything to my last cycle. I know I shouldn't. The nurse told me just like every pregnancy is different, so is every cycle, so we can't just assume we'll get the same response.

Booger - The nurse did say they were really happy with the fertilization rate. So I should be happy about that. I just hope they all hold on until day 5.

Sars - I'm doing a day 6 transfer. They are having PGS testing done on day 5.
Amy I had 14 & only 7 fertilize. 5 made it to day 5 & then 2 came back PGS normal. I think you are fine. Good luck!
Yayyyyy Amy!!! Your numbers are just like mine were!! Can't wait to hear an update!

Hi girls!

I am cuddling on the couch today...2 month shots are no fun. We both cried. Lol Charli stopped as soon as I latched her onto the boob but I kept crying. I'm a wimp. I felt so bad for her. Her face had a "why are you doing this to me???" Look and I hated every second. Two months and we do it all over a surgery. Sigh. I need to get tougher!
Jen - your Charli is too cute...& always looks so happy in her pics. Hope you both are feeling better today.

My sleeping is just horrible. I would go to the spare room if I thought I would sleep better but I sleep worse alone. A dog always gets up & then I can't go back to sleep...even if my husband is the one who takes them out. I had just gotten to a good place & my husband woke me up to ask about my dog's meds. It's not his fault. We have so many going on. So I got up to help. Then when I fell asleep again I forgot to hit snooze. So I woke up super late. And I just didn't want to get up. I got ready...thankfully I had washed my hair the day before...I can go one day without. So I just shower & run the blow dry though it for like 10 seconds. I wasn't that late for work...but I really wanting my lunch hour today because I have things to do. But I did enough to get 30 min which is enough.

The good news is no more poop gate at my house. One dog did throw up some liquid, but hoping that passes. Both have almost zero diarrhea. Also, we found out my backwash hose was leaking on the pool. Googled & found the problem. So today I just need to go to the pool store for a part that should fix it right up.
Good morning ladies!

Amy - hey! 7 is fantastic! Your nurse is right, don't compare this cycle to any previous cycle. I think 7 is great, I am sure you will still have plenty at day 6. Yay! I'm happy for ya.

Kfs - baby watch! That is really awesome how close you and your sis are in terms of due date. How cool to go through it together.

Terri - So sorry about the delay. No bueno. It seems like this journey is all about waiting, delays, more waiting, being patient, another delay, more waiting. Gah! I feel for you. But as you said, better to wait and have the best outcome.

Jen - Ugh, sorry about the 2-month shots. Poor Charli - it must be hard to see her in pain. And you can't exactly explain anything to her.

Sars - wow! You can really see the babe's face. Those scans are amazing. Congrats on him/her being healthy, but sorry baby didn't cooperate! And I bet that is a great feeling to see Fen progress in his training. Nice job on getting him all good-mannered before baby arrives. :)

Booger - yay for scheduling the shower! And good for you for staying so active and camping with DH. Sounds like fun.

Beagle- I'm so glad the pups are better. I know how stressful that is when your pups are sick. Not to mention messy - having to clean up puke, poop, etc. No fun. Our pup throws up a lot since he eats whatever he can find on the ground. It always seems to be in the middle of the night too - he jumps down from the bed, goes under the bed and you hear him yakking. And if we're really lucky, sometimes he just yakks it up right there in bed. So we have to jump up and throw the sheets in the washer and try to find some alternate bedding to get us through the rest of the night. Thanks a lot dude! Haha awe but then he's always shaking after puking and looks scared. Like we're going to punish him or something. Poor guy.

Oh man, the funniest thing happened over the weekend. On our drive to the beach on Friday, we decided to try an alternate route to avoid traffic. Well this alternate route sucked and it turned into like a 7-hour journey (ferry involved). Anyways, towards the mid-way point of the drive, I look into the backseat and Charlie is shaking. Like he's in pain. I freak out, and try to get into the backseat with him to see what was wrong. He jumps to the front seat to get away from me, and is cowering. We're panicking like, "Oh no! What is wrong with our baby! What could have happened?!" DH is like, 'maybe he has to go potty??' I didn't think so since he'd been outside just a couple hours earlier. Well we pull over to a park and he LEAPS out of the car and instantly starts peeing. He peed for like 5 minutes. Just kept going and going and going. And going. And going. And going! Finally he stopped peeing and ran over and then pooped. Then he was so happy! He hopped back in the car and we continued on the drive. I guess its not that funny of a story, but we were just so worried about him and it turned out he just had to pee really bad! I felt so bad that we were completely oblivious. I don't think he took advantage of his outdoor time a few hours before to relieve himself.

Anyways, I am still at my old job, I've got 2.5 days left then I'm onto the new job! I'm soo ready! I've transitioned a lot of stuff already, so I'm really just trying to stay busy for these next couple days in case they need me. The 9/80 schedule was approved, so I'll be working that in the new job! Also I start Lupron tonight, then the endometrial scratch is tomorrow afternoon. Oh boy, here we go again. Not thrilled to be starting the emotional roller-coaster medication right when I start a new job, but I'm hoping I can manage my emotions better since I'll know what to expect. We've had a really busy week so far - went to a movie in a park last night, went to happy hour the night before, hung out with a friend for the Bachelorette finale on Monday. Tonight - nothing planned! Thank goodness.

Sorry for such a long post, haha. I mentioned I have nothing to do at work so instead I'm posting here! Any fun plans for the weekend??

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